Conference: Programme
Dinaric Arc Parks International Conference: Programme
Dinaric Arc Parks
International Conference
7-9 October 2014
Brijuni, Croatia
Dinaric Arc Parks International Conference
7-9 October 2014
Brijuni, Croatia
Contact persons for basic logistics issues
Mrs. Martina Šubašić
+385 95 9130 872
Boat transfer from Fažana to Brijuni is available according
to the schedule bellow and the trip takes 20 minutes. Boat
tickets should be picked up at the ferry branch in Fažana
where you should state your name in order to obtain a free
boat ticket.
Mrs. Anja Trutina
+385 98 617 889
Location and conference facilities
Hotel Neptun- Istra
Nacionalni Park Brijuni
Brionska 10, 52212 Fažana
Phone: +385 52 525 888
Conference working languages
Croatian and English.
Translation from/to Albanian and English is provided.
Side meeting
Dinaric Arc Park tips for sustainable tourism – moving
the agenda forward, led by Mr Wilf Fenten and Richard
Tuesday, 7 October, 17 - 19
Exchange Rate
In Croatia you can pay with Kuna;
1 EUR = 7,6 HRK
Fažana ­– Brijuni
Brijuni – Fažana
Use the Protected Areas Bazaar on Wednesday, 8 October,
to meet your colleagues, exchange knowledge and taste
specialities from other countries. Goods that you bring
with you can be stored in hotel kitchen!
Dear friends,
it is my pleasure to welcome you again to the Dinaric Arc
Parks Conference, this time at the National Park Brijuni. This
place is so gorgeous that I almost feel a guilty pleasure in
being able to say that we are coming here for work.
But, you all deserve it, many times over.
Dinaric Arc Parks community is entering the third year. We
have much to be proud of, and even more to be looking
forward to.
A number of PAs are going through the process of European
Charter for Sustainable Tourism. The engagement of DAP in
supporting protected areas in acquiring Charter status is a
commitment to make sure that full stakeholder involvement
will take place. Initial success is generating interest among
other PAs and we hope more good work is yet to come.
Based on your interest, a large number of training
programmes, workshops and seminars have been carried
out. This has included four study tours to PA systems in
the region with over 100 participants, workshops and 18
stakeholder meetings on the economics of ecosystems, 57
workshops on quantification and marketing of PA benefits
with 1,222 persons participating, as well as 3 workshops
on PAs and climate change with 132 participants. Training
programmes on communication and interpretation have
been carried out in Albania.
Our brand is becoming more and more recognisable - DAP
webpage has been visited 190,000 times, audio-visual spots
viewed by 477,000 people, blog visited for 52,000 times and
the Facebook page has had 45,000 likes. Valbona National
Park in Albania Facebook page, had acquired 3,000 friends
within a month following its launch!
Finally, we are expecting that the formal establishment of
the DAP Association will take place in December 2014. This
will be a major step forward – again, it is all up to you to
make it strong and vibrant.
Take pride in being part of this growing community - learn,
listen, share and teach during the few wonderful days we
have in front of us at Brijuni.
Deni Porej, Ph.D.
Director of
Conservation Programmes
WWF Mediterranean
Dinaric Arc Parks International Conference
7-9 October 2014
Brijuni, Croatia
Agenda items
20:00 – 23:00
Wednesday, 8th October 2014
Monday, 6th October 2014 Arrival day
17:00 – 20:00
Tuesday, 7 October 2014
07:30 – 09:00
Breakfast at Neptun Hotel
09:00 – 09:10
Overview of day one
09:10 – 10:00
Benefit assessment of Dinaric Arc Parks (Kasandra Zorica Ivanić)
10:00 – 10:30
Protected areas for water (Francesca Antonelli)
10:30 – 11:00
Golden triangle for green future – the Coca Cola case in Serbia (Milica Stefanović)
11:00 – 11:30
Coffee break
11:30 – 13:00
Future role of Dinaric Arc Parks benefits (round table)
13:00 – 15:00
15:00 – 15:45
Dinaric Arc Parks association – how far have we come and the next steps (Leon Kebe)
15:45 – 16:15
Formal signing of Letter of Intent
08:00 – 10:00
Breakfast at Neptun Hotel
16:15 – 16:30
Official closure of the conference
08:00 – 10:00
16:45 – 19:30
Study tour to Croatian protected areas: Brijuni National Park
Welcome speeches and overview of the agenda,
Signing of bilateral agreement Croatia – Montenegro
(Paolo Lombardi, Sandro Dujmović, Branimir Gvozdenović, Mihael Zmajlović)
20:00 – 00:00
Protected Areas Bazaar
10:00 – 11:00
11:00 – 11:30
Coffee break
11:30 – 12:15
Dinaric Arc Parks project timeline (Petra Boić Petrač, Andrea Štefan, Leon Kebe)
12:15 – 13:15
Tourism in protected areas (Ignace Schops)
13:15 – 15:00
15:00 – 17:00
Protected areas and tourism go “hand in hand” (round table - Chair: Ignace Schops)
16:30 – 17:00
Coffee break
07:30 – 09:00
Breakfast at Neptun Hotel
17:00 – 18:00
What is the future for marine resources in the Adriatic sea (Željka Rajković)
09:00 – 19:00
17:00 – 19:00
Side meeting: Dinaric Arc Park tips for sustainable tourism (R. Partington, W. Fenten)
20:00 – 22:00
Study tour to Croatian protected areas: Motovun forest (optional)
departure of participants that will not participate in the study tour /departure possible after study
tour as well
Thursday, 9th October 2014
Dinaric Arc Parks International Conference
7-9 October 2014
Brijuni, Croatia
Key note speakers
Paolo Lombardi graduated in Biology at the University of Rome and obtained post-graduate
degrees in History of Science and in International Institutions and Policies. In the early Eighties
he worked as a researcher for the National Fisheries Institute (ICRAP) in Italy. In 1985 he joined
WWF Italy as Director of conservation projects and in 2000 he became Director of WWF
International Mediterranean Programme where he currently leads a staff of 50 people working
on projects in twelve East and South Mediterranean countries focusing on ecosystem-based
fisheries, marine and terrestrial protected areas networks, sustainable forest management,
integrated water ecosystem management, climate change, building capacity of actors and
creating policy and economic enabling conditions. During his career in WWF, he has been
responsible for developing conservation strategies, designing and implementing projects,
carrying out analysis, elaborating and advocating policy positions on major environment
and development issues. He represents WWF in various international bodies, including the
Barcelona Convention and the Mediterranean Commission for Sustainable Development.
Ignace Schops is a Belgian environmentalist, a biodiversity & landscaping & herpetology
expert. He is the Director of the Belgian NGO Regionaal Landschap Kempen en Maasland
(RLKM), council member of the largest network on nat¬ural heritage in Europe, EUROPARC
federation, full member of the EU chapter of Club of Rome, and council member of the
largest nature conservation organization in Flanders, Natuupunt. Schops was awarded with
the Goldman Environmental Prize, better known as the Green Nobel Prize in 2008, for his
contributions to the establishment of the Hoge Kempen National Park, the first National Park
of Belgium. In 2010 he became one of the eight global ambassadors for the IUCN countdown
2010 initiative. Due to his international work on biodiversity and social entrepreneurship he
became an Honorary Doctor at the University of Hasselt in 2011. In 2013 he became part of
the Climate Leadership Corps of Al Gore and was decorated by the Belgian King Filip as the
"Commander of the Order of the Crown". Schops is author and co-author of several books
and articles on herpetology, nature conservation, landscaping, social entrepreneurship,
sustainable tourism, etc.
Sue Stolton, of Equilibrium Research, has focused on the management and wider
understanding of protected areas since the 1990s. She is actively involved in IUCN’s expert
World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) and has produced numerous books, reports
and developed methodologies on protected area issues which have been tested and applied
globally. In 2011, Equilibrium were the recipients of the IUCN WCPA Kenton Miller Award for
innovation in protected area sustainability.
Richard Partington is an international expert on national parks and protected areas with
experience in governance and management of national parks, European protected landscape
policy development and its implementation as well as expertise in sustainable tourism, visitor
services, community engagement and in using conservation and recreation to support rural
economies and local values. His work with New Zealand’s national park service provided fresh
approaches to England’s Broads Authority and Exmoor National Park where he was Director of
Visitor and Communication Services. His practical background in countryside management,
information and interpretation, management planning, publications, communications,
community engagement and advocacy provides an inherent understanding for how
sustainable tourism needs to work with all interests. Richard has been involved in the European
Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas for almost 20 years. From training Charter
verifiers to being a member of EUROPARC’s Sustainable Tourism Working Group he is one of
the most experienced verifiers providing clear advice and encouragement on the sustainable
tourism Charter.
Dinaric Arc Parks International Conference
7-9 October 2014
Brijuni, Croatia
Amarildo Mulić, M.Sc., is a director of the public enterprise Una National Park Ltd. Bihać, Bosnia
and Herzegovina. He has been working in the field of tourism, marketing and environmental
protection for 20 years. For eight years he worked in Italy. He is the first director of the Una
National Park and is, together with his colleagues, successfully working on the establishment
and development of areas and management. Under his leadership, Una National Park and its
most attractive site, the Štrbački buk waterfall, have won the international prize “White Flag”
for clean rivers, lakes and sea. In his personal work Amarildo has won numerous awards, most
important being “Best Manager” in the field of tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina for 2003 and
the special award which is awarded by the Government of FBiH “Friend of the Environment”
in 2013.
Francesca Antonelli, graduated biology and started her career as a researcher of animal
ecology in Italy and US. She then turned her attention to the world of civil society and joined
WWF, first in the forest unit and later took the position of head of freshwater unit where she is
currently engaged. In the past ten years she led the work of WWF Mediterranean in relation to
water resource management in North Africa and the Western Balkans focusing in particular on
integrated water resource management, wetlands management and sustainable hydropower
among other issues.
Wilf Fenten has been closely involved with European protected landscapes since 1996.
He was until recently a senior member of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority in
England, chairman of the Park Authority’s Access Committee, and a Trustee of the Dales and
Harrogate Tourism Partnership. As managing director of EUROPARC Consulting GmbH he
is responsible for implementing the application process for the European Charter and is in
constant touch with most of the over 100 protected areas in Europe who are Charter parks
or Charter candidates. In recent months, Wilf has been travelling extensively through many
parts of Europe, working closely with national parks and other designated areas on topics
like “Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Tourism”, “Protected Areas as Testbeds for Sustainable
Development” and a “Learning from Europe” project about strengthening the identity and
public commitment towards designated landscapes.
Dragan Kovačević, the National Coordinator for the Republic of Srpska. In 2000, he has
graduated from the Faculty of Forestry of the University of Banja Luka. He has been involved
in nature protection line of work since 2007, when we has been employed with the Institute
for the Protection of Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage of the Republic of Srpska.
Elvis Zahtila has a Ph.D. in biology –oceanology. He does marine research at the Ruđer
Bošković Institute, and is engaged in ecology and nature protection as an employee of the
Brijuni National Park and as the director of the Natura Histrica Public Institute, caring about
protected natural values in the Istrian County.
Bojan Zečević is an associate professor at the Faculty of Economy, University of Belgrade. He
teaches undergraduate courses Economics of tourism and Marketing in tourism. He is the
head of the course Management in Tourism at the master study programme of the Faculty of
Economy in Belgrade, he developed and lectures courses Strategic management of touristic
companies and Strategic management of tourist destinations. He is one of the founders, as
well as the Programme Director of the Centre for Tourism Research and Studies from Novi
Sad. He is engaged on scientific and professional projects for public and private sector and
international organisations. From 2009 to 2014 he was the Chair of the Management Board of
the Serbian Tourist Association.
Dinaric Arc Parks International Conference
7-9 October 2014
Brijuni, Croatia
Željka Rajković has M.Sc. in Environmental Management at the Imperial College London and
B.Sc. in Biology, Program of Ecology from the University of Zagreb. She has over 10 years of
experience in project management (design and planning, coordination and implementation,
supervision and monitoring). Željka Rajković focuses on PA management: management
effectiveness, management planning, CBD PoWPA implementation, development of
monitoring protocols for marine habitats. She has been working with WWF, World Bank,
UNDP, RAC/SPA, as well as central and local government. Željka is a member of the World
Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) and several NGOs. She currently works with WWF on
sustainable tourism issues through implementation of the SEA-Med Field Project Croatia,
coordinated by Sunce Association. She is based in Zagreb, Croatia.
Irina Zupan is a biologist, working in State Institute for Nature Protection of Croatia (SINP)
for a decade. As the head of the SINP Protected Areas Department she is working on
standardisation and development of protected area system on the national level. The focus of
her professional interest is adaptive management, participatory planning and effectiveness
of protected areas management, as well as development of associated capacity building
Marijana Jurić works as a senior advisor at the Ministry ofEnvironmental and Nature
Protection at the Service for protectedareas, geodiversity and ecological network, which
among other things coordinates the work of public institutions of national parks and nature
parks, proclaims protected areas, issues concessions for protected areas, determines nature
protection requirements in the process of approving projects and research in protected
areas. Besides her everyday activities within the Ministry, Marijana is also NFP of the Ramsar
Convention, Member of the Board of the Mljet National Park, as well as a member of
numerous committees and working groups. She graduated from the Faculty of Science in
Split in biology and chemistry, while her main focus of interest is botany.
Milica Stefanović, Senior Public Affairs and Communication Manager in the Coca-Cola
Company, leading public affairs, corporate communications, reputation management and
sustainability programs for Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Albania. Strong believer
in strategic long term partnerships and meaningful structural changes. Has been working
on industry alignment, implementation of corporate and industry policies and standards,
creating strategies and coalitions for improvement of the legislative and industry playing field
since 2007 within the Coca-Cola Company. President of Food and Agriculture Committee
of Foreign Investors Council Serbia. Member of International Advertisers Association (IAA),
Public Relations Society of Serbia Advisory council. Member of working group for drafting
first National Codex of Advertising. Formed and chairs Advertising Association of Serbia.
Aleksandra Došlić is a biologist. Since 2003 she’s been actively engaged with the Ministry
of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia as a head of Protected
Areas Management department and other important natural areas of national interest.
Much of Aleksandra’s engagement has centered around regional cooperation where she’s
been active over the years. Her work also includes international cooperation within the
initiative for the establishment of the UNESCO Transboundary Reserve Mura-Drava-Danube
as a member of the Coordination Board as well as the other regional initiatives. Aleksandra is
also national focal point within the Framework Convention on the Protection and Sustainable
Development of the Carpathians (Carpathian Convention) and a deputy of national focal
point for Priority Area 6 of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region.
Goran Sekulić, an expert associate of the Serbian Nature Protection Institute, where he has
worked since 2004. Albeit a biologist-ornithologist by his primary interest and field of training,
more recently he has focussed his work on protected areas and their management. Presently,
he is involved in the establishment of several protected areas in Serbia. He has taken part in
several international projects related to protected area management and the development
of ecological networks.
Dinaric Arc Parks International Conference
7-9 October 2014
Brijuni, Croatia
WWF Dinaric Arc Parks project team
Dr. Deni Porej is the Director of Conservation Programmes for WWF Mediterranean Programme Office. He is responsible for supervision and coordination of planning, development,
implementation and monitoring of WWF Mediterranean conservation program at regional
and national levels. WWF Mediterranean currently implements marine, terrestrial and freshwater projects in 12 countries through an extensive network of partnerships with local and
national public authorities, conservation organizations, research institutions, businesses and
NGOs. Deni led the “Dinaric Arc Parks” project development, preparation, partnership-building and alignment with donors, and currently serves as project director. He holds a degree
from Belgrade University and a Ph.D. in ecology from The Ohio State University.
Leon Kebe, the “Dinaric Arc Parks” project manager and the National Coordinator for Slovenia.
Since 2012, he has worked on networking parks in eight countries across the Western Balkans
region. Before joining WWF, this forestry specialist worked in CIPRA and DOPPS BirdLife
Slovenia NGOs, and as an senior expert of the Slovenian Notranjska Regional Park. He is a
nature lover, with a special affection for birds.
Andrea Štefan, the head of the regional WWF office has been responsible for carrying
out the capacity building component under the “Dinaric Arc Parks” project. An ecologist
by profession, she has generated experience working for the ministries in charge of nature
protection. She spent her last of the 10 years working for the Croatian Government and
European Commission. She has taken on the job in the WWF Mediterranean Office in 2009 as
a policy officer. Andrea was one of establisher of the first bat conservation NGO in Croatia. She
loves bats, sea, boats and has a brain swarming with ideas...
Petra Boić Petrač, responsible for communications under the “Dinaric Arc Parks” project. After
pursuing a years-long career in journalism, and being a professor of Spanish and Russian by
profession, she decided to trade the subject of culture for nature by working on a PHARE project for the implementation of Natura 2000 in Croatia. She joined WWF in 2010 and has been
in charge of communications in the Dinaric Arc Region. She cannot imagine living without
music, forests, rivers, sun, wind and her children.
Ivana Korn Varga, the "Dinaric Arc Parks" project Assistant has started working for WWF back
in 2009 as the project assistant under the Protected Areas for a Living Planed – Dinaric Arc
Ecoregion Project. A postgraduate from an interdisciplinary studies in Ecoengineering, she is
a big lover of photography, trekking and fresh air.
Martina Šubašić, Communications Officer for the Dinaric Arc Parks Albania project, is our
social media expert trying to spread the word about the beauty of protected areas to as many
people as possible. This young PR specialist holds a Master’s degree and has worked for WWF
since 2012. Before joining WWF she worked in a cultural and artistic association, but decided
to trade working with artists and celebrities for cooperating with the most creative of them
all – nature.
Kasandra-Zorica Ivanić is a junior conservation officer at the regional WWF office responsible for developing the Protected area benefit assessment tool PA-BAT, a capacity building
component under the Dinaric Arc Parks project. She has a degree in ecology from Zagreb
University with a Master’s thesis on ‘Innovation management in Bionics.’ Fascinated by nature’s
variety and phenomena, she has decided to dedicate her work to protecting it, so that it as an
inspiration for future generations.
Anja Trutina joined WWF Mediterranean Programme in December 2012. She graduated
from the Faculty of Economics and Business in Zagreb, majoring in Finance. Her previous
working experience varied from working in the profit and non-profit sectors until she realized
that her heart is with non-profit organisations. Anja is Project Administrator for the Dinaric Arc
Parks project..and she absolutely loves the team-spirit and the positive atmosphere!
9/15/14 11:29 AM
WWF International
WWF Mediterranean Programme, Adria office
Avenue du Mont Blanc
CH-1196 Gland
Kranjčevićeva 5
10000 Zagreb
Phone: +41 22 364 9111
Fax: +41 22 364 0640
Phone: +385 1 5509 623
Fax: +385 1 4577 229
WWF is one of the world’s largest and most experienced independent
conservation organizations, with almost 5 million supporters and a global
network active in more than 100 countries.
WWF’s mission is to stop the degradation of the planet's natural
environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with
nature, by:
• conserving the world's biological diversity
• ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable
• promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption.
Published under "Dinaric Arc Parks" project led by WWF Mediterranean Programme Office with
financial support from The Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and MAVA Foundation.