Sustainable Development Report 2010

Development Report
From the President of the Management Board 04
Organisational Profile 06
Report Parameters 08
Sustainable Development Report 2010
Awards Received by PLIVA in 2010 13
Publisher PLIVA HRVATSKA d.o.o. Editor-in-Chief Tamara Sušanj Šulentić Executive Editors Sanja Fressl and Maja Lopotar Mihalinec Translation Sanja Galović
Language editing Lingoteka Contributions Sustainable Development Committee members Layout Fingere, Samobor Photography PLIVA Corporate Image Library, PLIVA Magazine
Human Resources 16
Science and Education 24
Employee Care 27
Sponsorships and Donations 34
Product Responsibility 36
Safety and Health 36
Environmental Protection 44
Water Management 45
Air Emissions 46
Waste Management 46
Sustainable Development Committee Damir Šmida e-mail: / Tamara Sušanj Šulentić e-mail:
Sustainable Development Report 2010
fRom tHe pReSiDent of tHe management boaRD
Dear readers,
Despite turbulences in both the Croatian
jobs, which is, I believe, one of its most
be taken into account since PLIVA, as
and international markets and a deep
important aspects for Croatia. In addition
a respectable partner to the Croatian
economic recession in Croatia in 2010,
to new employment at PLIVA, this and
healthcare system, operates in a
PLIVA’s operations were stable and its
other similar projects considerably
strategically important industry both for
revenues at their 2009 levels. At the
encourage further production growth
the country and its citizens. Therefore,
same time, PLIVA increased its gross
in Croatia, especially thanks to the
PLIVA’s Management Board pays special
income, EBIT and net income, which
possibility of a more significant
attention to compliance with ethical
shows the company’s significantly
engagement of domestic suppliers with
principles, protection of human rights,
increased operating efficiency and
whom we cooperate as the largest
product and work process safety,
competitiveness within the Teva Group,
pharmaceutical company.
occupational safety and health and
environmental protection, requiring each
primarily thanks to the increased
production of finished dosage forms and
PLIVA is aware of the fact that its
and every one of its employees to do the
active pharmaceutical ingredients, higher
business success and reputation also
efficiency, investment growth and a far
depend on its working environment.
better utilisation of production capacities.
Consequently, it has embedded
In 2010 we continued to carry out our
environmental protection principles
public health campaigns, make charitable
The company’s exports account for
into its operations, thereby contributing
contributions to hospitals, support major
around 80% of its sales, and its largest
to the protection of health and the
projects focusing on health protection
export markets are Russia and the United
improvement of the quality of life in the
and prevention, and sponsor valuable
States of America, where PLIVA’s exports
communities in which it operates.
conferences and symposia. We invested
amounted to around half a billion kuna
Through its economic decisions and
almost HRK 11 million in these projects,
in 2010. As the largest Croatian exporter
cooperation with the local community
and thus maintained their 2009 levels.
to the USA, PLIVA was presented with a
and the relevant state authorities,
prestigious Ron Brown Award.
the company is trying to find the
We are, however, aware of the fact that
most acceptable economical and
there is room for improvement, and we
In accordance with its announcements,
environmental solutions to protect the
shall work on these improvements and
PLIVA entered a new investment cycle
environment to the maximum extent.
report on our achievements in our next
in 2011, and plans to invest about USD
An exceptionally important segment of
Sustainable Development Report.
120 million over the next three to five
each investment is the analysis of its
years. The largest sum, i.e. almost USD
potential environmental impact and the
matko bolanča, mba
100 million, is earmarked for a new
company invests considerable efforts
President of the Management Board and
production facility in Savski Marof, while
to achieve an optimal harmonisation
General Manager of PLIVA in Croatia
USD 21 million will be invested in the
between economic and environmental
President of the Sustainable
expansion of production capacities for
Development Committee
oral solid forms and creams in Zagreb.
As a member of Global Compact since
The project for the construction of
2007, PLIVA started a number of
the new production facility in Savski
initiatives that yielded positive results,
Marof is being carried out as planned,
and in 2010 PLIVA drafted its first
and the works on the new factory are
Progress Report.
estimated to begin by the end of 2011.
The fact that PLIVA is a company
This investment will bring about multiple
with the highest market share and
benefits both to PLIVA and the wider
the biggest number of pharmaceutical
community because it will create new
products in the Croatian market has to
SuStainable Development RepoRt 2010
Organisational Profile
In December 2008, Teva, an
Israeli company, acquired Barr
Pharmaceuticals and thus
became PLIVA’s new owner.
Today, PLIVA is a member
of the Teva Group, the
largest global generic
about Pliva
With 90 years of successful
PLIVA’s strong product portfolio covers
pharmaceutical experience, PLIVA is
the following major therapeutic groups:
today a member of the Teva Group, the
cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, anti-
largest global generic pharmaceuticals
infectives, cytostatics, musculoskeletal,
company. We at PLIVA are dedicated
neurological and psychiatric diseases
to providing our customers with high
and infusion solutions. PLIVA’s leading
quality, affordable medicines for a better
products are Sumamed and other
quality of life.
azithromycin-based semi-finished and
finished products, Torasemide/Diuver,
PLIVA’s product portfolio includes oral
Trazodone, Contrykal, Finlepsin and
solid and injectable dosage forms,
creams/ointments, over-the-counter
products, cytostatics and active
PLIVA’s biggest market is Croatia. Its
pharmaceutical ingredients. Prescription
second ranking market is Russia, and its
medicines are bought by wholesalers
third ranking market is the USA. These
and hospitals, while over-the-counter
are followed by Poland, Ukraine, Bosnia
medicines are in free sale in pharmacies.
and Herzegovina, the Czech Republic,
United Kingdom, Kazakhstan and
Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Czech Republic
United Kingdom
Organisational Profile
Management Board of PLIVA CROATIA
The Management Board of PLIVA
PLIVA pays particular attention to the
CROATIA is led by its President
development of strong relationships with
Public health campaigns, which are
Matko Bolanča. The members of the
various stakeholders in its economic and
organised by PLIVA in Croatia and whose
Management Board are Mirjana Mesec,
social environment, and especially its
purpose is the prevention of diseases,
Miran Denac and Zoran Bunčić.
employees, citizens, the media, professional
education and health improvement, are
audiences (physicians and pharmacists),
a good example of this practice. The
President Allan Oberman and members
scientific and educational institutions,
public’s response to these campaigns
Tim Orešković and Theo Andriessen.
business partners and suppliers, non-
increases every year. They are organised in
governmental organisations, associations
cooperation with specialised associations
PLIVA’s organisation is a combination
for people with illnesses and diseases
and healthcare institutions (diabetes and
of matrix and functional organisation,
and people with special needs, and local
osteoporosis associations, the cardiovascular
and it is harmonised at the Teva Group
communities. As PLIVA is the largest
centre, public health institutes, etc.), and
level. The primary organisational units
drug manufacturer in Croatia, healthcare
are conducted under the auspices of the
in PLIVA CROATIA are Product Supply,
authorities and drug regulatory agencies
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare or,
TAPI, Research and Development, and
represent a separate stakeholder group.
in the case of PLIVA’s project for collection
Supervisory Board
and disposal of expired medicines, in
Commercial Operations. In addition to
these units, PLIVA CROATIA also has the
In line with its strategy and business
cooperation with the City of Zagreb’s Office
following support functions: Legal Affairs,
policy, and when possible in consultation
for Labour, Healthcare, Social Welfare and
Human Resources, Finance, IT, Security
with its stakeholders, PLIVA plans various
War Veterans.
and Communications.
activities to enhance its relationship
Share Capital
with individual stakeholders on a yearly
Additionally, PLIVA continuously
The company’s share capital totals
basis and depending on their specific
collaborates with all Croatian universities,
HRK 3,142,360,000.00
expectations. This primarily refers to a
sponsors scholarship programmes and
continuous exchange of information and
supports various scientific symposia, and
dialogue, but also to common projects
its experts participate in proposing and
of interest both for PLIVA and its wider
drafting legal regulations in various fields.
Scientific and Educational
• Ruđer Bošković Institute
• Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts
• Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers
• Croatian Academy of Medical Sciences
• Universities and schools (Faculty of
Science, Faculty of Biotechnology and
Food Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy
and Biochemistry, Faculty of Chemical
Engineering and Technology, Medical School,
Secondary School for Health Care Providers)
• Students
• Customers/Healthcare
• Wholesalers
• Hospitals
• Pharmacies
• All employees
• Citizens
• Trade unions
• Ministry of Health
• Croatian Health Insurance Institute
• Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical
• City of Zagreb
• Financial Agency
Media and General
• Journalists Market
• Citizens
• Agencies
• Business partners
• Suppliers
• Croatian Chamber
of Commerce
• Croatian
Sustainable Development Report 2010
Report Parameters
Report Parameters
PLIVA has published its annual Sustainable
The Sustainable Development Report
Although they include some data required
Development Report for nine consecutive
for 2010 covers economic, society and
for Level B, all reports to date can be
years to make its operations as transparent
environmental performance indicators. It
classified as Level C.
as possible and to present the results
has been drafted in line with the 2006
achieved under the implementation of the
Global Reporting Initiative guidelines.
sustainable development principles to the
The Sustainable Development Report is
drafted for PLIVA in Croatia.
Contact persons for the Sustainable Development Committee:
Tamara Sušanj Šulentić
Damir Šmida
Communications Director,
Director of Facility Management,
SuStainable Development RepoRt 2010
Sustainable Development Report 2010
Business Results of PLIVA CROATIA in 2010
Despite turbulences in both
the Croatian and international
markets and a deep economic
recession in Croatia in 2010,
PLIVA’s operations were stable
and its revenues at their 2009
At the same time, PLIVA increased its
manufacturing sites for all of Teva and that
gross income, EBIT and net income, which
they manufacture the products intended
shows the company’s significantly increased
for exports to the USA, the largest global
operating efficiency and competitiveness
pharmaceutical market where PLIVA’s last
within the Teva Group, primarily thanks to
year’s exports amounted to almost half a
the increased production of finished dosage
billion kuna.
forms and active pharmaceutical ingredients,
higher efficiency, investment growth and a far
better utilisation of production capacities.
the Croatian market. Its second ranking
PLIVA generated the highest sales from
market is Russia, and its third ranking market
PLIVA holds the leading position in the
is the USA. They are followed by Poland,
Croatian market, both in the categories of
Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ireland,
prescription medicines and of over-the-
the Netherlands, Kazakhstan and the Czech
counter medicines. It is ahead of its first
competitor by around 20% in each of these
segments, in both financial and value terms.
The most recent business results confirm that
investment cycle in 2011, and plans to invest
positive trends have continued in the first half
about USD 120 million over the next three
of this year.
to five years. The largest sum, i.e. almost
As announced, PLIVA entered a new
USD 100 million, is earmarked for a new
In 2011 PLIVA had almost 200 molecules
production facility in Savski Marof, while USD
in more than 290 pharmaceutical dosage
21 million will be invested in the expansion
forms included on the reimbursement list
of production capacities for oral solid forms
of the Croatian National Institute for Health
and creams in Zagreb. The equipment for
Insurance, and it plans to register a large
the production facility in Zagreb has been
number of new products. Since PLIVA is
already ordered and the design activities are
the only company in Croatia with vertically
underway. The machines are expected to be
integrated production, it can at any time offer
installed in the second half of 2011.
value added products, both in terms of new
delivery systems and innovative routes of
administration and in terms of new medicinal
production facility in Savski Marof is also carried
out as planned. The necessary documents are
The project for the construction of the new
drafted and the requisite approvals and permits
The prescription medicines hold the highest
procured. According to our estimates, the
share in the sales structure, and Sumamed
works on the construction of the new factory
has continued to be the leading product. It is
will bring about multiple benefits to both
followed by other finished and semi-finished
PLIVA and the wider community.
azithromycin based products, trazodone,
ambrobene, torasemide, cerucal, diuver and
considerably encourage further production
This and other similar projects may
growth in Croatia, especially thanks to new
The share of PLIVA’s exports grew to
employment at PLIVA and the possibility of
almost 80%, primarily due to the fact
a more significant engagement of domestic
that its manufacturing sites in Zagreb
suppliers with whom we cooperate as the
and Savski Marof became the strategic
largest pharmaceutical company.
Business Results
Number of Employees
Organisations compete against one
ISO 13485
another and are evaluated against five
On 31 December 2010 PLIVA had 1861
PLIVA received the ISO 13485 certificate
employees or 11.5% less than in the end
(1) Service Leadership;
for its antiseptic and disinfectant
of 2009.
(2) Service Culture;
product range, which will enable the
(3) Service Positioning;
harmonisation with European standards
(4) Service Relationship Marketing and
and appropriate labelling of its products.
(5) Service Recovery
The certificate covers development,
Best in Customer Service Award
All companies with headquarters or a
production, warehousing and sale and
subsidiary based in Croatia are eligible to
disinfectants and biocides.
participate in this competition.
Awards Received by PLIVA in 2010
In today’s increasingly global competitive
On the basis of this certificate and in
environment, quality customer service
accordance with Directive 93/42/EEC,
is more critically important than ever
some of PLIVA’s products will bear the
before. The Best in Customer Service
appropriate labelling, which will facilitate
Award is a national competition,
their future launch in European markets.
developed to reward and recognise
organisations that demonstrate
The First Choice Employer
excellence in customer service. The
purpose of the award is to promote
According to the results of the “First
excellence, best practices, leadership,
Choice Employers 2010” survey
creativity and innovation.
comprising more than 2000 respondents
and conducted by the employment
website MojPosao in February, PLIVA
was among the top ten, which shows
a continuously good perception of the
company among respondents.
SuStainable Development RepoRt 2010
Sustainable Development Report 2010
Figure 1 Employee structure by gender and age on 31 December 2010
Up to 30 years old
102 employees
Up to 30 years old
127 employees
From 30 to 34 years old
82 employees
From 30 to 34 years old
171 employees
From 35 to 39 years old
127 employees
From 35 to 39 years old
171 employees
From 40 to 44 years old
152 employees
From 40 to 44 years old
205 employees
From 45 to 49 years old
182 employees
From 45 to 49 years old
225 employees
From 50 to 54 years old
107 employees
From 50 to 54 years old
107 employees
From 55 to 59 years old
55 employees
From 55 to 59 years old
14 employees
Older than 60
8 employees
Older than 60
0 employees
Human Resources
PLIVA’s strength lies in the diversity,
are relatively specific and for many
employees, i.e. 764 or 41.6%, were in
expertise and commitment of its
positions, especially those in production,
the age range of 40-49.
employees. The credit for its success
quality assurance and research and
has gone to them for many generations.
development, on-the-job learning
A detailed gender and age structure is
PLIVA has almost half a century long
assures the best performance.
given in Figure 1.
tradition of a careful selection of new
employees, and pays special attention to
On 31 December 2010 PLIVA CROATIA
recruitment processes.
Ltd. had 1835 employees.
Our goal is to attract candidates with
The company employs 1020 women,
superior capabilities, motivated for
or 55.6%. As the majority of PLIVA’s
continuous learning and professional
activities are located in Zagreb and its
development and able to successfully
surroundings, 98.5% of our employees
cooperate with their co-workers and
work in Zagreb and its surroundings, and
others. Most often we employ recent
1.5% in Slavonia and Baranja, Dalmatia,
graduates and invest in their development
Istria and Primorje, Gorski Kotar and
and further professional advancement.
Lika. The average age of employees in
One of the reasons is that our operations
2010 was 41 years old. The majority of
Human Resources
In 2010, the number of employees with open-ended contracts was 1802 or 98.2% and those with fixed-term contracts was 33 or
1.8%. PLIVA employees with fixed-term contracts have the same labour rights and benefits as those with open-ended contracts.
As far as PLIVA’s educational structure is concerned, the employees with graduate and postgraduate degrees (M. Sc., M.A., Ph.D.)
account for more than a third, i.e. 41.7%.
Figure 2 Educational structure on 31 December 2010
M.Sc., M.A., Ph.D.
B.Sc., B.A. or two-year
High school
Skilled, semi-skilled and
unskilled workers
Figure 3 Age structure of employees whose employment was terminated in 2010
up to 29 years old
from 30 to 39 years old
from 40 to 49 years old
from 50 to 59 years old
older than 60 years
As in the years before, the trend of an
In 2010, 321 employees left PLIVA.
Women accounted for 53% of employees
increasing share of highly educated
The fluctuation rate was 16.1%. The
whose employment contracts were
employees and a decreasing share of
most common cause for termination
terminated, but their share in the total
skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled workers
of employment was the termination of
number of employees is also somewhat
in the total number of employees
employment contracts by the employer
continued in 2010. In 2010 PLIVA
due to the restructuring of business
CROATIA recruited 35 employees, mainly
operations following the company’s
in marketing and sales, production and
takeover by Teva.
quality control.
Sustainable Development Report 2010
Education and Training
Figure 4 Structure of training costs at PLIVA CROATIA Ltd.
Seminars and conferences
Accompanying costs
IT training
Foreign languages
Professional advancement,
vocational exams
High-quality and educated employees
multidisciplinary task forces, seminars,
PLIVA is dedicated and pays special
are one of the strongest sources of
conferences, postgraduate and specialty
attention to continuous training
PLIVA’s success and labour market
studies and foreign languages and
and education. The training system
computing courses. We make sure
covers activities focused on planning,
that the employees occupying expert
organisation and realisation of training
PLIVA is committed to providing
positions attend conferences and
programmes, and has a substantial annual
each employee with the opportunity
symposia and have access to the relevant
budget. In 2010, the budget for training
to acquire the knowledge required
literature covering their fields of work.
programmes for employees of PLIVA
CROATIA Ltd. amounted to almost HRK
for their employment role and it
therefore supports and encourages
For the past few years PLIVA has paid
5.35 million or approximately an average
lifelong learning. As pharmaceutical
special attention to development of
of HRK 2,910.00 per employee. These
operations are specific, PLIVA provides
managers and employees who are
costs do not include literature costs,
additional on-the-job training to its new
high performers with key talents. The
which amounted to an additional HRK
employees, for example, in production
specific goals of these programmes
or quality assurance, and invests in their
are: identification, development and
further professional advancement.
maintenance of key talents; development
and definition of a succession plan for
PLIVA supports both on-the-job learning
high and middle management, and
and other forms of training conducted
development and implementation of
through coaching and mentorship,
managerial and leadership skills.
Human Resources
PLIVA’s strategy is to continuously invest
A large number of e-learning courses (i.e.
in the development of each and every
over 50), which enable the employees
one of its employees, thus offering them
to take a more flexible approach to the
a number of opportunities to identify and
acquisition of new knowledge, is the reason
develop their own potential.
why the total number of training hours
decreased despite the increased number of
The company organises the preparation
training topics.
and exams for those employees whose job
positions require them to pass vocational or
PLIVA CROATIA has its own learning
state exams.
centre, which offers tailored programmes
and encourages the exchange of
Given the specificities of the
knowledge and communication in
pharmaceutical industry and the
the company. In 2010, it organised
continuously and rapidly changing
27 seminars covering various topics –
regulatory requirements, special attention
from expert seminars to those for the
is also paid to regular GMP (Good
development of general and business
Manufacturing Practice) training of
competencies – which were attended by
employees. The GMP training covered
over 230 employees. Seminars are held
PLIVA’s management is committed to
around 1200 employees, who on average
by both external and PLIVA’s experts.
continual professional development,
attended 20 hours of GMP training in
The advantage of these programmes is
for which they were given an excellent
better adjustment to our needs and the
opportunity in February 2010. Guest
promotion of knowledge and information
speaker Leandro Herrero presented the rate
exchange within the company.
of changes in the business environment
As this is the obligatory in-house training,
Leandro Herrero at PLIVA
the corresponding data are not included in
in an original and interesting manner, and
any further analysis. Due to a demand for
encouraged them to embrace outside the
more flexible forms of training, e-learning
square thinking and search for new trends
courses were also offered to employees.
and innovative and creative solutions.
Sustainable Development Report 2010
Figure 5 The share of various training programmes with regard to employees of different qualifications
Skilled, semi-skilled and
unskilled workers
B.Sc., B.A. or two-year
M.Sc., M.A., Ph.D.
Mandatory training
IT courses
Vocational training
Postgraduate studies
Up to 30 years old
51 and older
Figure 6 The share of various training programmes with regard to employees of different age
In 2010 PLIVA’s employees attended 31
certain jobs, e.g. forklift operators,
As far as the share of various training
hours of training on an average.
operators of reactors with compressed
programmes with regard to employees
The employees of different qualifications
gases, etc. The employees with university
of different age is concerned, younger
attended different training programmes.
qualifications more often attended various
employees mostly focus on vocational
Skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled workers
professional programmes such as seminars,
training programmes, i.e. postgraduate
mostly attended training required for
conferences and postgraduate studies.
studies, seminars and conferences.
Human Resources
Compensation and Benefits
The compensation and benefits
system is a part of PLIVA’s
performance management
system which is applied
to all employees, regardless
of their job or position
in the company.
The compensation and benefits system covers
of the entire compensation and benefits
the system of base pays, which are based
system and training of managers in its
on job complexity and responsibilities, the
implementation fall under the responsibility
performance management system, which
of Human Resources, which also ensures its
yields a variable part of the pay and the
objective and correct implementation.
system of other benefits.
PLIVA’s employees are also entitled to
From year to year each and every one of
many other rights, which are defined by the
PLIVA’s employees may have significant
Collective Agreement, such as: systematic
influence over their salary by their work,
preventive check-ups, years-of-service awards
engagement and achievements. There is
for more than 10 continuous years of service
also a system related to the long-term
with the employer, annual leave allowance, a
achievement of company results. This system
Christmas bonus, Christmas gifts for children
includes share options and it is intended for
up to 15 years of age if they have health
PLIVA’s highly positioned managers who are
insurance via their parent working at PLIVA,
responsible for defining and realising PLIVA’s
support in the purchase of medicinal products
business strategy.
and medical aids, aid in the event of disability,
death of a family member, or support for the
Creation, development and implementation
family of a deceased PLIVA employee.
Scholarships and Practice
Although most training activities
are focused on training of
PLIVA’s own employees,
education for PLIVA has always
represented much more.
PLIVA pays a lot of attention to the attraction
equipment. Students may also count on
of its future employees as early as during
professional support in writing bachelor’s
their schooling. The interested pupils and
theses and by working on various projects get
students may do work experience at
prepared for their future jobs.
PLIVA, and for them this is one of the first
opportunities to put acquired theoretical
Furthermore, PLIVA also has a long
knowledge into practice by using the
scholarship tradition to attract students with
state-of-the-art technologies under the
superior achievements and capabilities, and
supervision of their PLIVA mentors. In
earmarks considerable funds for scholarships
2010, 32 students did work experience at
for students who have the competencies we
PLIVA. As most of them are just beginning
need. In 2010, PLIVA granted scholarships
to grasp all the types of assignments to be
to 10 students, mostly from the University
performed by the employees having the
of Zagreb’s Faculty of Chemical Engineering
same or similar qualifications, practical work is
and Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy and
also an opportunity for them to define their
Biochemistry, Faculty of Food Technology
professional interests and ambitions.
and Biotechnology and Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering and Naval Architecture.
PLIVA also provides support to a considerable
number of students in writing seminar papers
There is also a special scholarship programme
and bachelor’s theses, enabling them access
for children who have lost one or both
to literature and various databases and learn
parents formerly employed by PLIVA
something new by using new methods and
Sustainable Development Report 2010
The Collective Agreement defines
the following employee rights,
which are not stipulated by
the law or whose duration or
amount stipulated by the law is
shorter or lower:
1. period of notice – depending on years
of service with the employer – up to 6
2. s everance payment – regular severance
payment amounting to a half of the
the month prior to the beginning of the
sick leave;
12. p
reventive medical examinations at
least once in two years;
13. p
ecuniary compensations to employees
average monthly gross salary paid
and their family members in the case
to the employee three months prior
to termination of their employment
- employee’s death,
contract for each year of service with
- death of an immediate family
the employer;
3. severance payment –incentive severance
payment depending on years of service
with the employer and amounting to
8 to 27 average monthly gross salaries
- employee’s disability,
- purchase of medical appliances or for
prescription charges, if on a sick leave
exceeding 90 days;
of the employees in the Company, paid
14. one-off allowance for annual leave;
three months prior to termination of
15. years-of-service award;
the employment contract by mutual
16. pension package;
17. cash grant for a Christmas gift for
4. annual leave lasting 30 days, or over
30 days in the case of some special
18. Christmas bonus;
family obligations or for some special
19. p
aid public transportation costs;
categories of employees;
20. car allowance for using private cars for
5. Saturday shall not be included in the
duration of the annual leave;
6. incentive part of the salary;
7. permanent monthly bonus depending
on type of performed assignments
business purposes;
21. exemption of employee regress liability
for a damage caused to a third party
out of ordinary negligence;
22. e
mployer’s liability for damage caused
(higher for jobs where pay is determined
to the employee, i.e. for occupational
on the basis of job complexity
injury, occupational disease or disease
in connection with the principle of
8. especially increased pay base for very
difficult working conditions;
9. increased salary for work on Saturdays
and work in shifts;
10. allowance amounting to salary for the
previous month for:
actual liability (causation);
23. the obligation to draft a layoff
management programme in the
case of termination of at least five
employment contracts in a 6-month
- annual leave,
- paid leave of absence,
Additionally, the Bylaw on Labour
- statutory national holiday,
Relations defines the employee right to
- training, prequalification and
the paid leave of absence for training. The
professional training on the basis of
Bylaw on Employee Earnings defines the
the employer’s decision,
performance appraisal system and the
- standstill not caused by an employee;
11. sick leave allowance paid by the
employer – 80% of the salary paid in
system for bonus payment, and the right
to compensation for extraordinary work
Human Resources
Diversity and Equal Opportunity
The Management Board is made up of four members, of whom one is female (25%) and three are male (75%).
Human Rights
In 2010 no incidents of discrimination or complaints related to harassment were reported.
Sustainable Development Report 2010
Science and Education
Among a number of symposia that PLIVA
ADIVA - Advice for Health is a new
sponsored or supported financially in
professional training programme for
2010, we would like to mention the
pharmacists organised by the Croatian
Fifth Croatian Congress of Psychiatry
Chamber of Pharmacists and PHOENIX
held in Šibenik from 29 September to
Farmacija. The goal of the ADIVA programme
3 October 2010. This is the largest and
is to help pharmacists in providing advice
already a traditional meeting of Croatian
to patients and thus improve the general
psychiatrists, dedicated to the preservation
perception of pharmacists and promote
and improvement of mental health. Its
pharmacy in Croatia. Additional pharmacist
Positive Concert Powered by PLIVA in
15 topics covered all important fields of
services and ADIVA – Advice for Health bring
Fight against AIDS
psychiatry, and included the presentation
about a number of benefits to all citizens,
of the Medicus issue dedicated to
providing them with professional and easy to
PLIVA considerably contributed to AIDS
Addiction Diseases, Childhood and
understand advice on the appropriate use of
prevention in the week dedicated to the
Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy.
medicinal products, prevention of diseases
fight against this disease, which culminated
and improvement of healthcare.
with the “Positive Concert” organised
The Fourth Croatian Congress of
The values and the quality of this
by the Croatian Association for Fight
Pharmacy with International Participation
programme were recognised by more than
Against HIV and Viral Hepatitis (HUHIV,
was held in the organisation of the
700 pharmacists from 530 pharmacies
Hrvatska udruga za borbu protiv HIVa
Croatian Pharmaceutical Society in
from all over Croatia. The partner in the first
i virusnog hepatitisa) and supported by
Opatija. It attracted pharmacists from
cycle of this programme was PLIVA CROATIA
the Ministry of Health and PLIVA as its
pharmacies and hospitals, universities
Ltd., and the topic of the programme was
principal sponsor. Through a number of
and educational institutions, state and
acute respiratory diseases, with a special
workshops and lectures and by providing
regulatory authorities and those from the
focus on the prevention and suppression
professional support at Cvjetni trg from 24
pharmaceutical industry, i.e. nearly 900
of seasonal and pandemic H1N1 flu virus.
November to 1 December 2010, HUHIV
of them from 15 countries. The Congress
Gastrointestinal diseases were the topic of
and PLIVA enabled citizens to become
was held under the slogan “Challenges in
the second programme cycle.
informed about HIV, AIDS and hepatitis,
the pharmaceutical science and practice”.
The programme covered the latest
HIV and hepatitis testing, prevention,
Competition in Consulting Skills
achievements in pharmaceutical and
protection and treatment, as well as about
all important aspects of communication
related sciences and pharmacy practice
The final day of the competition in consulting
and relationships with people who are HIV
news. Special attention was paid to the
skills, a professional training programme for
and hepatitis positive. Under the slogan
harmonisation of pharmaceutical training,
pharmacy students and pharmacists, was
“Do not discriminate – learn more” and
regulatory requirements and pharmacy
held at the University of Zagreb’s Faculty of
through other educational and sports
practice with those in Europe, which is
Pharmacy in November, with PLIVA as the
activities, in particular a hockey match
especially important given the preparations
principal sponsor. The competition lasted
between Medveščak and Linz, all citizens
for Croatia’s accession to the European
four days and consisted of a presentation of
were invited to support this commendable
PLIVA’s history and products, and lectures
action. A concert was held in the end of
about communication skills.
the week and its purpose was to raise
On the last competition day, the 15
awareness among young people and
finalists were required to provide
encourage them to be sexually responsible.
appropriate therapy to real patients in a
By respecting and protecting both
real pharmacy setting. In this way PLIVA
themselves and others they may stop the
invests in the professional development of
spread of the HIV virus, and by getting
future pharmacists, i.e. its potential new
informed they may help in the fight against
prejudices associated with this disease.
Science and Education Application for Mobile Phones
PLIVA’s portal
is the first and the leading
portal in Croatia intended for
the public. The portal provides
up-to-date, reliable and
trustworthy information and its
cooperation with the leading
Croatian medical and other
renowned experts guarantees
the quality of its contents.
Applications for Mobile Phones
PLIVAzdravlje on iPhone
The PLIVAzdravlje portal recognised
the portal, provides information about
the demand of an increasing number of
appropriate nutrition and food and their
iPhone/iPod touch users and it is the
effects on individual diseases.
first health portal giving its readers an
opportunity to use these new applications.
Furthermore, as we were increasingly
contacted by users of Android-based devices,
Since May 2010 PLIVAzdravlje has been
we decided to develop the application
available free of charge on mobile phones.
for Android operating systems, which
The Virtual Atlas for iPhone was one of the
continuously increase their share in the
first Croatian iPhone applications and the first
Smartphone market and which are expected
iPhone application covering health issues.
on the market at the beginning of 2011.
As the interest of our users exceeded
PLIVAzdravlje has therefore become the
all our expectations, we developed
health portal that enables the use of
applications for various other contents
iPhone/iPod touch applications. The App
of our portal. By the end of 2010 we
Store was enriched by PLIVA’s Virtual
developed RRS PLIVAzdravlje for iPhone/
Atlas, PLIVAzdravlje news and Nutrition by
iPod Touch, an application which enables
Disease applications.
readers to view articles and news in either
abridged or full format. The Nutrition by
All these applications are free and easy to
Disease application, just like the one on
SuStainable Development RepoRt 2010
On-line Courses on the Portal
The potentials of internet
use gave a completely new
dimension to the continuous
training of physicians, primarily
through a multimedia approach
and interaction. Interactive
and dynamic web content
encourages self-learning, which
is the basis for the lifelong
learning of physicians and
a considerable time saver,
irrespective of the place of work
or residence.
Quality online tests on the PLIVAmed.
on the portal. The analysis
net portal enable physicians in Croatia to
of data is facilitated because all answers are
check on their own medical knowledge in
centrally stored and statistically processed,
a simple way and earn points for license
and each test is entered in the database. So
far 5900 physicians have taken our courses,
The purpose of the on-line learning on the
which covered various medical fields. The portal is to simplify license
success rate has been 81%. Continuous
renewal by using internet technology.
learning is an obligation of all physicians in
Continuous learning and the collection of
Croatia, and PLIVA’s free on-line courses
points for license renewal for independent
on show that the target
work is an obligation of all physicians in
population is highly interested in this type of
Croatia. Each successful course on the
education. The main reasons are practicality portal gives five points,
and the possibility of interactions between
and the number of courses posted on
authors and course attendants. This is
the portal by the end of 2010 was 26.
reason enough to organise such courses
Hypothetically, physicians can renew their
in the future and thereby continuously
licences exclusively by taking courses on the
enhance the quality of education. portal, and thus considerably
save time and other resources. On the basis
of the texts posted on the portal, mentors
draft multiple-choice tests with 50 test
In 2010 we published two issues of
questions (one correct answer out of five
the MEDICUS journal. Adolescent
possible choices), of which at least 30
health has always been a hot topic,
(60%) should be correct for a pass. With
so therefore in 2010 we published its
each successful test five points are gained in
sequel. The other issue was dedicated to
accordance with the Chamber’s Bylaw. The
the pharmacotherapy of cardiovascular
courses are primarily intended for general
diseases, given their high morbidity and
practitioners and family medicine physicians.
mortality rates. Medicus has continuously
After the course is completed, physicians
offered new knowledge from the fields
can also find guidelines for further
of medicine, pharmacy and public
discussions. The test results are immediately
health. It has served as a link between
displayed on the screen, and instructions
various medical specialties, and as such
on how to proceed are sent by email. The
used in everyday work by both general
course participants may communicate in
practitioners/family physicians and
writing with their mentors throughout the
specialists. Medicus has been also included
course. Each on-line test is published in
in the bibliographical database EMBASE/
Liječničke novine (Calendar of Events) and
Excerpta Medica.
Employee Care
Employee Care
PLIVA’s efforts are continuously
focused on occupational
safety and health (OSH), and
it is committed to constant
improvements in safety at work
by ensuring safe work conditions,
reducing occupational injuries
and preventing occupational
diseases, which all contributes to
the creation of a pleasant and
satisfying work environment.
Health and Safety
Safety at Work
OSH Management System
In 2010 safety-at-work processes focused
The OSH system has been implemented
on the activities whose goal was to
in the business operations system and
eliminate and reduce occupational risk,
harmonised with legislative requirements:
reduce occupational injuries, and protect
the health of employees and their working
and living environments. This goal was
The Management Board of PLIVA, as
the employer.
Its OSH representatives (managers at
achieved by implementing measures
different management levels), who are
that upgrade safety levels and improve
given the relevant authorisations to
employee health.
implement the OSH rules and measures.
The organisational unit Occupational
The basic activities included further
Safety and Health and Environmental
regulation of the OSH management
Protection provides professional support
system through the drafting and adoption
to the employer, its representatives,
of a number of documents, internal
employees and their OSH compliance
audits of OSH implementation, planning
officers, and conducts internal audits of
safety-at-work processes as integral work
processes within the work plan, training
the implementation of OSH measures.
The Occupational Safety and Health
of all those involved in safety at work
Committee is an advisory body of PLIVA’s
(OSH representatives, compliance officers
Management Board which:
and experts), incorporation of safety at
- promotes continuous improvements
work rules during the introduction of new
in OSH;
products or transfer of old products, OSH-
- recommends the implementation of
relevant preventive measures, monitoring
certain OSH rules to the employer;
of the occupational health status,
- promotes the policy of prevention of
supervision of the OSH implementation
occupational injuries and diseases;
and measures for further improvements.
- supervises the implementation of OSH
Work risks are integral parts of production
- supervises health protection of
processes. Sometimes they cannot be
eliminated, but they can be minimised.
employees; etc.
Occupational Safety and Health
Consequently, safety measures are integral
Compliance Officers have to act in
parts of work processes. Therefore, a
the interest of employees and monitor
proactive approach and a set of safety-
the implementation of OSH rules and
at-work measures should be integrated
measures in the units in which they are
into everyday routine activities to minimise
these risks.
Employees also have certain OSH
obligations and rights that are stipulated
by the law and the Collective Agreement.
Sustainable Development Report 2010
The OSH Implementation
Occupational Safety and Health at PLIVA is
testing of work equipment;
continuously ensured through:
taking care of employee health;
reporting to the Management Board,
Hazard assessments and their revisions
drafting of hazard assessments and
OSH representatives (managers on all
are drafted continuously. They analyse,
their revisions, i.e. the assessment of
management levels), employees and their
primarily from safety and health aspects,
OSH compliance officers;
various jobs and residual workplace risks.
motivating employees to apply safety-at-
On the basis of their results, the measures
work rules in their work;
to remove or reduce residual risk, timelines,
participating in projects related to the
and responsibilities are defined.
the residual workplace risk regarding
occupational injuries and diseases;
internal OSH audits;
OSH training of employees, and of OSH
representatives and compliance officers;
construction and reconstruction of
providing work tools with implemented
facilities and work equipment or those
safety-at-work rules (measures);
related to product introduction or transfer
applying safer technological processes;
by embedding safety-at-work rules in
embedding safety-at-work rules in
order to ensure technical solutions for
their implementation;
design, construction and reconstruction
Hazard Assessments
of facilities and other work equipment;
OSH documentation and records;
testing of work environment;
external audits by labour inspectors.
Employee Care
Internal Audits
External Audits
The OSH status is determined on the basis
The OSH status is also determined by
Pliva takes care of its employees’ health
of both the rate of occupational injuries
audits carried out by state inspection
and the internal audits carried out by the
- continuous health supervision of
OSH experts. Internal audits are one of the
In 2010 PLIVA was audited by a number of
employees working under special
important indicators of the OSH status.
OSH services, including a Coordinated Audit
work conditions (with the increased
They are carried out to determine whether
by several services at the Savski Marof site,
engagement of occupational medicine
the OSH system meets legal requirements
which did not find any incompliances with
specialists who supervise working and
and employer’s bylaws. They also reveal
OSH legal requirements.
ancillary rooms and review hazard
assessments and minutes of work
deficiencies and define the timeline and
responsibilities for their rectification.
environment testing prior to periodic
In 2010 either full or targeted internal
audits were carried out in different
Raising the awareness of the necessity for
organisational units.
OSH implementation is based on various
and continuous OSH training programmes
- preventive medical examinations of all
PLIVA employees,
- cooperation with occupational medicine
that are intended for:
specialists (medical examinations,
- employees,
workplace examinations, assistance
- OSH compliance officers,
in drafting risk assessments, expert
- OSH representatives (managers),
rofessional training of employees in the
performance of certain assignments.
In 2010 various training programmes were
assistance, etc.),
- organisation and implementation of
active medical vacation in medical
recreation centres and health centres,
- organisation and implementation of
vaccination against infectious diseases,
- employee training in the provision of first
PLIVA ensured reporting on the established
- organisation of various free time
OSH status through standardised reports
activities via PLIVA’s Sports Club, etc.
SH status,
Employee Motivation
ccupational injuries and diseases,
ccidents and disturbances in
technological processes,
azards and deficiencies determined
In order to raise the level of employee
motivation in implementing safety-atwork rules, i.e. for working in a safer
by internal audits, inspections of
way and respecting working discipline,
occupational injuries or accidents, and
PLIVA established the annual “Award
testing of work environment and work
for Occupational Safety and Health
Achievements“. In 2010 both individuals
ew OSH regulations, rules and
and teams were presented this award.
Sustainable Development Report 2010
The OSH Status
The status of safety at work in 2010 may be established on the basis of the following results:
One of the important indicators of the safety-at-work status is a number of injuries per 1,000 employees.
Table 1 Workplace injuries per 1,000 employees
Average number of
Number of
workplace injuries*
Number of
injuries per 1,000
Total number of
Number of total
injuries per 1,000
Total injuries
Workplace injuries
* - Both lost time and other injuries
Workplace injuries - injuries that occurred at the workplace
Out of workplace injuries - injuries that occurred on the way to and from work, business trips
Total injuries = workplace injuries + out of workplace injuries
The data given in Table 1 shows that the
year before. The number of total injuries
injuries, i.e. injuries beyond the employer’s
number of workplace injuries per 1,000
per 1,000 employees grew by 2.6 due to
employees fell by 0.1 with regard to the
the increased number of out-of-workplace
Employee Care
The number of workplace injuries per one million hours worked (LTA – lost time accident) is also an important indicator of the OSH status.
Table 2 The number of injuries per million hours worked (LTA).
Hours worked
Number of workplace injuries*
* Number of workplace injuries that resulted in one or more days of absence from work
Number of injuries/million of realised hours
In 2010 the LTA was down 0.16
Protection, managers of injured
measures to be taken to prevent their
compared to the year before.
employees and OSH compliance officers
The OSH experts, the Occupational
inspect all cases of workplace injury to
Safety and Health and Environmental
accurately determine their cause and
Sustainable Development Report 2010
Health and Disability Care
accordance with special regulations, PLIVA
general health of employees, along with
also organised and conducted 446 sanitary
workplace morale. Active medical leave is
As in the years before, in 2010 health
safety examinations, which are obligatory on
provided under the terms of the Collective
protection of employees was ensured
an annual basis for employees who come
Agreement on Occupational Safety and
through contracts on the provision of
or may come in contact with medicinal
Health. In 2010, 51 employees took
healthcare services with occupational
products and bulk pharmaceuticals. We also
advantage of the active medical leave
medicine specialists and in line with risk
organised 256 examinations for employees
assessments and the Procedure on Jobs with
who use computers while working.
Special Working Conditions. PLIVA organised
Preventive medical examinations were
722 periodic medical examinations for
organised for 1201 employees.
employees working under special working
Active medical leave programmes are an
As in the years before, PLIVA organised flu
conditions, and it takes the necessary action
important part of healthcare, and their
vaccination before winter. The number of
based on the results of examinations. In
purpose is to improve the fitness and
employees who used this option was 176.
PLIVA’s Blood Donation Volunteers
As in the years before, in 2010 PLIVA
cholesterol tested at these events. In order
organised four blood drives in cooperation
to additionally motivate the employees
with the Croatian Red Cross and the
for this charitable cause, we organised an
Croatian Institute of Transfusion Medicine.
educational trip to Crikvenica. The Blood
In 2010, the number of blood donators
Donation Volunteers continue to work on
slightly decreased. However, the trend
the promotion of blood drives and regularly
of an increased response among young
invite all PLIVA employees and retired
employees and women continued. Those
employees to join them.
volunteering to donate blood can have
their blood glucose, triglycerides and
Number of blood donors
Employee Care
Christmas Lunch and Party for Employees
As in previous years, PLIVA organised
Best Club, where it also presented the
achievements in occupational safety and
a lunch for all employees on the eve
annual PLIVA Awards.
of the Christmas holidays. This was an
In line with its Bylaw on PLIVA Award,
In the middle of December PLIVA
opportunity for them to spend some
the nominations were received in three
traditionally organises a free movie
time with their directors and managers
categories: for exceptional results in
screening for the children of its
in an informal and relaxed atmosphere.
2010, for a long time contribution
employees. This time it was MaximUm,
PLIVA also threw an evening party at
to the Company, and for outstanding
dubbed into Croatian.
After-Work Party on Fridays
December is a month of gift giving and
spending every Friday, whenever we
atmosphere of the first after-work party,
spending more time with colleagues,
could, enjoying snacks and refreshments
decorating a Christmas tree with their
friends and all dear people.
with our co-workers at PLIVA Café in
good wishes for the year to come.
This is why we decided to bring some of
the Central Office Building. Many of
this Advent spirit and warmth to work,
our colleagues enjoyed the cheerful
Sustainable Development Report 2010
Sponsorships and Donations
PLIVA is known for the help
it gives to a large number of
institutions and organisations
taking care of those who
need it most. In accordance
with its sponsorships and
donations policy, in 2010 it
earmarked HRK 11 million for
a number of healthcare and
prevention related projects. It
did not forget projects in the
fields of education, science,
environmental protection, culture
and sports.
However, the majority of our projects are
health and advice on the prevention and
focused on healthcare and prevention.
treatment of cardiovascular diseases and
In 2010 PLIVA continued to organise its
diabetes from physicians and members
already traditional public health campaigns
of the Croatian Federation of Diabetes
under the slogan “Dedicated to health”.
Societies. In cooperation with the Multiple
The purpose of these campaigns is to show
Sclerosis Society and Europa Donna Croatia,
that prevention, education and leading a
an organisation fighting breast cancer, we
healthy life are the first and the right steps
organised the sale of flowers to raise funds
to health. The actions were held in the four
to help their members.
biggest cities of Croatia, i.e. Zagreb, Split,
Rijeka and Osijek, in the middle of April
For the fourth consecutive year, PLIVA and
under the auspices of the Croatian Ministry
the Public Health Institute of the Međimurje
of Health and Social Welfare.
County held a similar action on the occasion
of World Health Day in Čakovec in late
It is a well known fact that smoking, stress,
September. With the help of physicians and
being overweight and hypertension are
nurses from the County Hospital Čakovec
main risk factors for the development
and Health Centre Čakovec, citizens could
of cardiovascular diseases, which can be
also have their blood pressure, sugar and
prevented or at least alleviated by adopting
triglycerides tested, and receive free medical
a healthy diet and leading a healthy
lifestyle. Since cardiovascular diseases
are one of the most common causes of
PLIVA’s Mobile Doctor’s Office - a bus
death in Croatia, and as the number of
transporting healthcare providers - went to
cardiovascular patients is continuously
Priština, where about 500 citizens could
increasing, these campaigns are focused
have their blood pressure and glucose tested
on education and prevention. PLIVA’s
and, if necessary, get doctor’s advice. This
public health campaigns were attended by
event also has an added value, as the first
several thousand people, who could have
public health campaign organised outside of
a free “check-up”, including have their
Croatia, in Kosovo. Positive experiences and
blood pressure and blood sugar tested,
positive responses proved that this action
receive free medical counselling on their
was right on target.
Sponsorships and Donations
Pliva Helps
1850 Parcels for 1850 Smiles
PLIVA provides charitable contributions
Almost two thousand children from all
to a number of organisations throughout
over Croatia rejoiced in gifts they received
the year. One of them is “Osmjeh”, an
from PLIVA for the Christmas holidays.
organisation functioning as part of the
PLIVA gave sweets, hats and scarves with
Croatian Society for Optimisation of
its logo to: Special Hospital for Medical
Neurorisk Child Development, which very
Rehabilitation Krapinske Toplice (there
much appreciated PLIVA’s support in
is also a primary school active at the
purchasing a digital speech therapy set.
hospital); Paloma from Vukovar; Down
Syndrome Organisation; SANUS (for
“Until recently we could not even think
children with malignant diseases) from
about purchasing such an expensive piece
Split; “Nad Lipom” Primary School for
of equipment, but you fulfilled both our
Children with Disabilities in Zagreb; Zagreb
and our little users’ wishes. A digital speech
Association of the Blind; the Polyclinic
therapy set helps in the rehabilitation
for Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation
of various speech disorders and in the
SUVAG; Croatian Red Cross and the Zagreb
rehabilitation of speech and hearing in
Red Cross; Anđeli Association from Split;
children with impaired hearing and cochlear
Dystrophy Society; Autism Centre; Zagreb
Association of Dialysis Patients; Association
Although innovative and state-of-the-art,
Bedem ljubavi – for “Vinko Bek”, Children’s
this equipment is easy to use: it digitally
Home in Laduč and many others.
processes sound signals with the almost
Charity Action in Bosnia and Herzegovina
same quality and at the almost same rate
as the human brain.
It is used in diagnostic procedures related
We are especially glad that there is an
In 2010 PLIVA’s charitable projects crossed
to voice and speech, and in the differential
increasing awareness about the necessity
the Croatian borders. Instead of organising
diagnosis of psychogenic dysphonia and
of charity work among PLIVA employees.
a cocktail party, our colleagues from
stuttering. It is also used for treatment
The initiative coming from a group of
PLIVA’s Representative Office in Bosnia
of various disorders affecting voice,
employees to raise funds for the Special
and Herzegovina decided to celebrate the
pronunciation, fluency (stuttering and
Hospital Bistra is a good example of their
New Year’s holidays and mark the end of
hastiness), hearing impairment (cochlear
selfless engagement. All PLIVA employees
yet another business year by organising
implants), hearing processing impairment,
gathered at the PLIVA People Day at the
a charity event. They provided 4,700
developmental speech disorders, reading
Jarun Lake could join this initiative, and
hot meals and beverages to the public
disorders, and ADHD. This set certainly
PLIVA doubled the amount they raised.
kitchens of the charities Merhamet, La
helps speech therapists in raising the
Benevolencija and Caritas, and for the
quality of diagnosis and treatment. As
Red Cross public kitchens. The meals
our mission is to run a non-profit and
and drinks were distributed in 31 public
charitable organisation providing expert
kitchens in three cities - Sarajevo, Banja
support, it will help all those who need its
Luka and Mostar, on 22 December. PLIVA’s
assistance. Than you once again for your
employees and business partners took part
support”, said paediatrician Gordana Sušac.
in this event.
Sustainable Development Report 2010
Product Responsibility
Product Responsibility
As drugs are products of special
health importance, every
country regulates this field in
detail, and ensures strict quality
control. This is carried out by
domestic and international
regulatory authorities that grant
marketing authorisations and
monitor drugs throughout their
life cycles.
Customer Health and Safety
For PLIVA, the concept of quality is not
limited to strict compliance with regulatory
In order to ensure efficient, high quality
requirements. It also implies company
and safe drugs, the Medicinal Products Act
awareness that only continuous care,
has stipulated the procedure for testing
ethical behaviour and continuous quality
and marketing medicinal products as well
improvements can prevent adverse events
as methods for their manufacture, quality
during all business processes and the
control and compliance assessment. The
entire drug lifecycle. This is the only way
Croatian Ministry of Health is responsible
to provide efficient, safe and high quality
for supervising the supply of medicinal
drugs to our customers.
products to the Croatian market, while the
Croatian Agency for Medicinal Products
Information collected during drug
and Medical Devices is responsible for
development and verification of all
issuing marketing authorisations and for
indicators of efficiency and safety of
pharmacovigilance processes.
drugs within the regulatory approval
process represent the first steps in the
Drug quality is assured by implementation
quality assurance of drugs. The materials
of quality standards throughout a
PLIVA uses (i.e. raw materials, active
product’s life cycle. Quality standards,
pharmaceutical ingredients, excipients,
with which all manufacturers must
intermediates, semi-finished products,
comply, are known as Good Manufacturing
packaging materials and finished products)
Practices (GMPs), which are practices
are carefully planned and controlled
to be followed during the development,
from purchasing, quality assessment,
manufacture, quality control, warehousing
production, and storage to distribution.
and distribution of drugs. Manufacturers
It is also important to ensure that key
bear the greatest responsibility for drug
outsourced services, which may impact
quality, but all other participants in this
on drug quality, comply with quality and
chain are also responsible for the quality
pharmaceutical industry requirements.
of drugs, namely wholesalers, pharmacies,
This process starts with the understanding
and patients.
of quality assurance processes of
our suppliers and includes the formal
Manufacturers must ensure the compliance
assessment of their quality systems. In
with all materials incorporated into
addition to initial assessment, suppliers and
the drug with quality requirements,
service providers are monitored periodically,
as well as production and in-process
i.e. every two to three years. The purpose
control in specially designed premises
of this is to purchase materials and services
and under stipulated conditions and
of consistent quality and exclusively from
written procedures, use of qualified and
approved suppliers.
appropriately designed equipment, training
of production and quality control staff,
However, our product care does not cease
medical and sanitary safety examinations,
upon regulatory approval and launch.
written records evidencing all activities that
Systematic monitoring of all events during
are available during inspections, assurance
the use of drugs, as well as keeping abreast
of defined storage and distribution
of literature data, all individual information
conditions leading up to the delivery of
related to the use of drugs and possible
drugs to wholesalers, timely and efficient
unexpected adverse reactions reported by
market complaint handling procedures and,
patients, is both our ethical and regulatory
if necessary, the timely and efficient recall
obligation. We pay careful attention to
of drugs of inappropriate quality.
market information about a possible
Sustainable Development Report 2010
and unexpected side effect (false ones
care for patients and for their health and
Braille alphabet represents an added value
included) as well as product complaints
safety. The implementation of the quality
for patients because instructions written in
filed by regulatory institutions, inspection
management system, state-of-the-art
Braille on the majority of PLIVA’s leading
authorities, patients or customers.
technologies and talented and responsible
drugs enable blind and visually impaired
Therefore, incident management and
employees guarantee product compliance
people to use drugs properly.
prevention is one of the most important
with global quality standards and minimise
Each packaging also contains a detailed
chapters in our company’s quality system
adverse events.
leaflet with indications, contra-indications,
interactions with other drugs, dosage
Product Labelling
recommendations and methods of
administering, precautions for use, adverse
In line with written procedures, oral and
written complaints on the quality of
Every country defines its own drug
reactions and procedures to follow in the
marketed drugs are assessed, possible
labelling requirements. In Croatia, drug
event of overdose.
causes are investigated, and measures
labelling is governed by the Medicinal
As one of the first companies in Croatia,
for patient protection, including product
Products Act. PLIVA strictly complies
PLIVA introduced the Braille alphabet as
recall if necessary, are evaluated. In this
with the requirements given therein, i.e.
early as in 1999 to some of its OTC drugs,
way, we acquire new knowledge that we
requirements stipulating that packaging
and has since then extended this practice
use to improve our processes and carry
should indicate the product trade name,
to all of its drugs.
out preventive actions to avoid future
chemical name, strength and form,
complaints. Our company is characterised
manufacturer, number of marketing
by the correct management of these
authorisation issued by the Agency for
processes and rapid response to incident
Medicinal Products and Medical Devices,
PLIVA works hard to ensure timely and
situations, which ensures continuous
batch number, and expiration date. The
quality market supply of its products.
Complaint Handling Procedure
Product Responsibility
In the event of delayed deliveries or
and removal of all possible deviations and
audited and are subject to continuous
temporary product shortages due to the
the procedure also includes feedback on
assessment. PLIVA has an established
reasons that cannot be anticipated, PLIVA
measures taken.
practice in supplier audits, additionally
would take the necessary and appropriate
There is also a toll-free telephone number
intensified since October 2006 following
measures to ensure the availability of
that can be called; in addition, citizens can
the adoption of the European directive
necessary drugs for patients, including
make inquiries by email.
that stipulates the obligatory audits of
API (active pharmaceutical ingredient)
emergency imports.
In the event of deviations in product
Cooperation with Suppliers
suppliers by drug manufacturers. The
suppliers must enable these audits to be
quality, pharmacies, wholesalers, patients
and physicians may contact PLIVA,
In its business operations PLIVA cooperates
performed, which was not possible before
which acts in accordance with defined
with more than 1000 suppliers. It
in a number of cases, especially in the
procedures. Responsible persons should
purchases raw and packaging materials
case of large licences partners. Each audit
record any complaint, adverse reaction or
required for complex pharmaceutical
includes a detailed inspection of the entire
customer complaint, stating the name of
production processes from more than 200
production process, including storage,
the product, strength, and batch number
suppliers. Domestic suppliers account for
analytical labs and distribution, as well as
printed on the packaging, and then
a third of this number, and the rest are
the corresponding documentation, in order
forward this to PLIVA’s Sales Department
foreign suppliers.
to make a final decision on compliance
with Good Manufacturing Practice
to obtain relevant answers and to enable
PLIVA to evaluate the complaint by
All suppliers must comply with high quality
(GMP). Through every audit and potential
the subsequent research and analysis
standards required for the pharmaceutical
corrective actions, we upgrade the
in Quality. This systematic complaint-
industry. The entire operations of both
quality of the materials we purchase and
handling procedure enables identification
new and long time suppliers are regularly
incorporate into our finished products.
Sustainable Development Report 2010
As far as the cooperation with suppliers
PLIVA advertises and promotes its
free advice offered by healthcare providers,
is concerned, new opportunities can
corporate brand to the public, and focuses
and free blood pressure and blood sugar
be anticipated in the formation of the
an increasing number of activities on
anticipated pharmaceutical cluster. The
patients and end users. Pursuing our vision
Croatian Employers’ Association and
and being aware of our responsibility to
PLIVA continuously nurtures its corporate
PLIVA initiated the formation of the
the communities in which we operate,
image, i.e. its brand, both through
pharmaceutical cluster in Croatia in order to
we work in cooperation with healthcare
marketing activities and initiatives
improve competitiveness and operations of
institutions in Croatia on the prevention of
and corporate communications in
the pharmaceutical companies in Croatia.
diseases and education of patients and the
global and local environments. A good
public to contribute to the improvement
example of PLIVA’s intensive efforts is a
The common and coordinated actions of
of the quality of life and health of Croatian
communication strategy that consists of
companies and their business partners,
citizens. Health and prevention have
systematic communications with both
the promotion of common interests, the
been the topics of “Dedicated to Health,”
external and internal audiences, general
cooperation with other relevant clusters
our several-month-long public health
and target public groups, as well as its
in the country and abroad, the common
sponsorship, donation and advertising
actions taken with regard to EU funds and
The goal of this campaign, carried out in
policies. “Dedicated to health” is one of
state and local administration authorities,
cooperation with various associations and
our key public messages. It emphasises
and the organisation and coordination
organisations, has been to familiarise the
PLIVA’s almost 90-year history and its
of common promotion and market
public with risk factors and provide advice
efforts to improve quality of life and
appearance are just some of a number of
on diabetes and cardiovascular disease
health by offering superior and affordable
possible activities of this cluster.
prevention through promotional materials,
Marketing Communications
Marketing communications related to
prescription medicinal products in media
and commercial channels in Europe, as
well as in Croatia, are subject to stringent
legal regulations. In Croatia, advertising
and marketing communications related
to drugs are regulated by the Ordinance
on Advertising and Notifications about
Medicinal Products, Homeopathic Products
and Medical Devices. In communications
with the general public, as well as with
physicians and pharmacists, PLIVA abides by
the provisions of the above ordinance both
in the case of prescription and OTC (over
the counter) drugs.
To ensure compliance, PLIVA’s Legal
Affairs department evaluates whether
materials about medicinal products
intended for physicians and pharmacists
are in accordance with the Ordinance
on Advertising and Notifications about
Medicinal Products, Homeopathic
Products and Medical Devices prior to their
the Croatian Business Council for Sustainable Development
Sustainable Development Committee and the Croatian
Business Council for Sustainable Development
PLIVA has confirmed the importance
As one of its co-founders, PLIVA has carried
Council member representatives exchange
it attributes to employee care, process
out sustainable-development activities
knowledge and experience, promote
safety, social responsibility and
through the Croatian Business Council for
efficient models and procedures, advocate
environmental protection by founding
Sustainable Development. Together with
social responsibility, openness to the public
the Sustainable Development Committee
other Council members, PLIVA promotes
and ecoefficiency (double effect – benefits
in 2002. The Committee plans, directs
economic growth based on corporate social
for the economy and the environment),
and coordinates activities relating to
responsibility and environmental protection,
and cooperate with members of other
sustainable development, and drafts its
supports sustainable development in
social groups on sustainable-development
annual Sustainable Development Reports
economic, political, legal and social sectors,
to acquaint employees, business partners
encourages changes that will facilitate
and the community with its achievements
the transition to sustainable development
in this field.
in Croatia, and represents the business
sector in questions related to sustainable
development both in Croatia and on the
international level.
PLIVA CROATIA Ltd. – a member of the Croatian Business
Council for Sustainable Development
SuStainable Development RepoRt 2010
Sustainable Development Report 2010
Environmental Protection
PLIVA is aware of the fact that its business
results in an optimal harmonisation of
addition to changes in our product portfolio,
success and reputation also depend on its
economic and environmental requirements.
our production sites are also subject to
environment. Therefore it has opted for
We control our production processes and
continuous changes. Consequently, for some
business operations that respect and protect
materials in accordance with the latest
products, we choose sites that are more
the environment and thus contributes to the
knowledge and standards from the field of
suitable for environmentally demanding
preservation of health and the improvement
environmental protection and thus ensure
production processes. This means that the
of the quality of life in the communities in
compliance with the Croatian legislation and
equipment we use in our production facilities
which it operates.
other stakeholders’ requirements.
meets higher environmental standards,
We control our production processes and
along with an improved utilisation of raw
Through our economic decisions and in
materials in accordance with the latest
materials and reuse of some substances.
cooperation with the local community
knowledge and standards from the field of
Furthermore, we also have efficient facilities
and the relevant state institutions we try
environmental protection and thus ensure
for the treatment of emissions and for
to find the most suitable economic and
compliance with the Croatian legislation and
the prevention, treatment and control of
environmental solutions that minimise our
other stakeholders’ requirements.
discharged wastewater quantities.
Our environmental protection measures
Over the last two years our production
Through its actions PLIVA shows that it
include monitoring, supervision and
portfolio has undergone extensive changes.
is a responsible company that wants to
optimisation of our current business
Some old technologies were replaced
be a partner to the local community, a
activities. They are also carried out
with the new ones or with transferred
company which takes care of the health of
during the introduction of new products
products with a different environmental
its employees and the wider community and
and technologies and the design and
impact. We analyse all environmental
a company that counts on the long-term
reconstruction of our plants and facilities.
aspects during each product transfer in
development of its Savski Marof site, which
Each investment is analysed with regard to
order to ensure regulatory compliance and
would definitely bring about many benefits
its potential environmental impact, which
maximum environmental protection. In
to the local community as well.
environmental impact.
Environmental Protection
Water Consumption
Therefore, the water consumption in
Prilaz baruna Filipovića site uses both tap
PLIVA CROATIA increased in 2010 due
water and well water, the Savski Marof
An increased water demand results from
to increased production requirements.
site uses the water from its own wells,
the increased production at some sites,
At its sites, PLIVA CROATIA uses either
except for the preparation of food when
and especially at the Savski Marof site.
tap water and/or well water. While the
they use tap water.
Table 3 Water consumption in 2010
Water supply (m3)
PLIVA’s own water wells
Prilaz baruna Filipovića
Savski Marof
In order to optimise wastewater quality,
only a slight increase in the volumes of
PLIVA continuously improves the pre-
discharged waste waters in comparison
The methods for wastewater discharge
treatment procedures for all production
with 2009.
and test indicators are defined by the
plants. The goal of these improvements
We continue to optimise our production
water permit, separately for each PLIVA
is to comply with any potentially more
and wastewater pre-treatment processes
site. Flow measurement and wastewater
stringent regulatory requirements in the
in order to reduce the total chemical
analysis are carried out by both external
oxygen demand (COD) of PLIVA’s
wastewater. However, COD levels in
and in-house appointed laboratories in
accordance with the schedule defined in
Although production volumes
2010 were higher due to increased
the water permit.
significantly increased in 2010, there was
Quantity of discharged process water
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
Air Emissions
Sustainable Development Report 2010
Teva, which improved operations and
doubled, entailing an increase in the
increased production. Therefore the
quantities of generated and disposed
Almost all air emission values measured in
company was divided into two production
hazardous and non-hazardous waste in
the reported period from stationary sources
segments, i.e. Teva Pharma, which is
were within the stipulated threshold limit
exclusively focused on the production
The diagrams below show the quantities
of finished dosage forms and R&D,
of generated and disposed non-hazardous
and Teva Tapi Croatia, whose role is to
and hazardous waste and the comparison
produce active pharmaceutical ingredients
over the last three years.
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions
(APIs). Consequently, the production
Carbon dioxide, which plays the major role
of pharmaceuticals in 2010 more than
in the anthropogenic greenhouse effect
causing global warming, is mainly produced
by fuel combustion.
Although energy requirements (production
and heating) increased in 2010, we
recorded a mild drop in carbon dioxide
emissions, along with an increased
efficiency in utility production, thanks to
a different fuel and increased combustion
Diagram 1 Quantities of disposed hazardous waste (2008 – 2010)
NOx, SOx and Other Emissions
Wherever our infrastructure allows, we
almost exclusively use ground gas for
energy production as it releases only
CO2 and minimum quantities of other
gases. Since we use this fuel, our annual
emissions of NOx, CO and SO2 are very
Waste Management
The period from 2008 to 2010 was
marked by further changes in Croatian
legislation. In accordance with these
changes, PLIVA reorganised its operations
in the field of waste management and
Diagram 2 Quantities of disposed non-hazardous waste (2008 – 2010)
continuously improved its hazardous and
non-hazardous waste management. The
employees in all production facilities
were continuously trained accordingly,
and the authorised waste management
contractors were audited. PLIVA also
sought solutions in production processes
in order to build a stronger, more
effective and more cost-efficient waste
management system in the company.
This period was also marked by PLIVA’s
takeover by the Israeli-based company
Environmental Protection
Diagram 1 does not reflect a continuous
disposed non-hazardous waste increased
cabinets. The campaigns were successfully
trend of reduction in the quantities of
by only approximately 12% in 2010
completed, and the citizens of Zagreb,
generated and disposed hazardous waste
compared to 2009. It also shows better
Split and Primorje-Gorski Kotar County
in 2009 and 2010. The reason lies in
supervision, selection and on-site waste
collected about 3600 kg of expired
Teva’s takeover of the company at the
preparation for disposal.
medicines. The campaigns continued in
beginning of 2009, and the consequent
It should be mentioned that in line with
Zagreb in 2011, and in 2012 we plan to
introduction of a number of new products
the Basel Convention, PLIVA exports all
organise them in Osijek and in the Osijek-
and phasing out of some old products. This
its hazardous waste to Austria, Germany
Baranja County.
significantly increased production volumes
and Hungary because Croatia still does
and consequently the quantities of various
not have facilities that would enable the
Encouraged by the success of this
types of process waste, and other types
appropriate treatment of hazardous waste.
campaign, in 2010 we placed containers
of waste resulting from the write-off of
In line with trends and legal requirements,
for the continuous collection of expired
finished product and raw material stocks.
PLIVA audits authorised waste contractors
medicines from our employees. We have
(Figure 1).
so far collected more than 100 kg of
expired medicines, which clearly shows
As production significantly increased, in
some segments over 100%, we believe
In 2009 and 2010 PLIVA started with the
a high level of environmental awareness
that a 55% increase in the quantity of
replacement of asbestos-containing roofs,
among our employees and citizens. At the
generated hazardous waste in 2010 with
which it passes over to authorised waste
same time, we have upgraded our system
regard to 2008 definitely does not reflect
contractors. We plan to continue these
for the collection of old batteries and
the simultaneous increase in production.
activities in 2011 and 2012, i.e. until we
toners, which we send to be refilled. This
This shows that the trend of on-site waste
replace all asbestos-containing roofs.
new system proved to be very practical
and efficient because neither toners nor
management, reduction of waste quantity
per product unit, and reduction of total
Over the past three years PLIVA, in
batteries are disposed of as non-hazardous
waste management costs has successfully
cooperation with the competent city and
continued. This is best illustrated by the
county authorities, initiated a number of
fact that despite increased production
campaigns for the collection and disposal
volume, the quantity of generated and
of expired medicines from home medicine
Figure 1 A representative of CIAK d.o.o.,
Figure 2 Poster – the collection of expired
Figure 3 Cleaning of the precipitation
authorised contractor, collects batteries
medicines from medicine cabinets and
container by the authorised contractor at
the new system for the collection of
the Prilaz baruna Filipovića site
batteries and toners
Sustainable Development Report 2010
GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) Indicators
facilities, outsourced operations, and other entities that can
1. Strategy and Analysis
significantly affect comparability from period to period and/or
1.1. Statement from the most senior decision maker of the
between organizations
organization about the relevance of sustainability to the
3.10. Explanation of the effect of any re-statements of
organization and its strategy
information provided in earlier reports, and the reasons for such
2. Organizational Profile
3.11. Significant changes from previous reporting periods in the
2.1. Name of the organization
scope, boundary, or measurement methods applied in the report
2.2. Primary brands, products, and/or services
2.3. Operational structure of the organization, including main
4. Governance, Commitments, and Engagement
divisions, operating companies, subsidiaries, and joint ventures
4.1. Governance structure of the organization, including
2.4. Location of organization’s headquarters
committees under the highest governance body responsible for
2.5. Number of countries where the organization operates, and
specific tasks, such as setting strategy or organizational oversight
names of countries with either major operations or that are
4.2. Indicate whether the Chair of the highest governance body is
specifically relevant to the sustainability issues covered in the
also an executive officer
4.3. For organizations that have a unitary board structure, state
2.6. Nature of ownership and legal form
the number of members of the highest governance body that are
2.7. Markets served
independent and/or non-executive members
2.8. Scale of the reporting organization
4.5. Mechanisms for shareholders and employees to provide
2.9. Significant changes during the reporting period regarding size,
recommendations or direction to the highest governance body.
structure, or ownership
4.14 List of stakeholder groups engaged by the organization
4.15. Basis for identification and selection of stakeholders with
3. Report Parameters
whom to engage
Report Profile
3.1. Reporting period
3.2. Date of most recent previous report
EC1 – Direct economic value generated and distributed, including
3.3. Reporting cycle
revenues, operating costs, employee compensation, donations
3.4. Contact point for questions regarding the report or its
and other community investments, retained earnings, and
payments to capital providers and governments
Report Scope and Boundary
3.5. Process for defining report content
3.6. Boundary of the report
EN3 - Direct energy consumption by primary energy source
3.7. State any specific limitations on the scope or boundary of the
EN4 - Indirect energy consumption by primary source
3.8. Basis for reporting on joint ventures, subsidiaries, leased
EN8 - Total water withdrawal by source
GRI indicators
EN9 - Water sources significantly affected by withdrawal of
Training and Education
LA10 - Average hours of training per year per employee by
Emissions, Effluents and Waste
employee category
EN16 - Total direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions by
LA11 - Programs for skills management and lifelong learning
Diversity and Equal Opportunity
EN17 - Other relevant indirect greenhouse gas emissions by
LA13 - Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of
employees per category
EN 20 - NO, SO, and other significant air emissions by type and
EN21 - Total water discharge by quality and destination
EN22 - Total weight of waste by type and disposal method
HR4 - Total number of incidents of discrimination and actions
EN24 - Weight of transported, imported, exported, or treated waste
deemed hazardous under the terms of the Basel Convention
Products and Services
EN26 - Initiatives to mitigate environmental impacts of products
Customer Health and Safety
and services, and extent of impact mitigation
PR1 - Life cycle stages in which health and safety impacts of
products and services are assessed
EN30 - Total environmental protection expenditures and
Product and Service Labelling
investments by type
PR3 - Type of product and service information required by
procedures, and percentage of significant products and services
subject to such information requirements
Marketing Communications
PR6 - Programs for adherence to laws, standards, and voluntary
LA1 - Total workforce by employment type, employment
codes related to marketing communications, including advertising,
contract, and region
promotion, and sponsorship
LA2 - Total number and rate of employee turnover by age group,
gender, and region
LA3 - Benefits provided to employees
Occupational Health and Safety
LA6 - Percentage of total workforce represented in formal joint
management–worker health and safety committees
LA7 - Rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and
absenteeism, and number of work related fatalities by region
LA8 - Education, training, counselling, prevention, and riskcontrol programs in place to assist workforce members, their
families, or community members regarding serious diseases
Sustainable Development Report 2010
GRI indicators
From the President of the Management Board 1.1.
Management Board of PLIVA CROATIA
Business Results for 2010
Awards Received by PLIVA in 2010
Human Resources
Compensation and Benefits
Scholarships and Practice
Diversity and Equal Opportunity
Human Rights – Non-Discrimination
Science and Education
Applications for Mobile Phones
On-line Courses LA11
Employee Care
Health and Safety
Safety at Work
Occupational Safety and Health Management System
Occupational Safety and Health Implementation
Risk Assessment
GRI indicators
Internal Audits
External Audits
Health Protection
Employee Motivation
Occupational Safety and Health Status
Health and Disability Care
Flue Vaccination
PLIVA’s Blood Donation Volunteers
Christmas Lunch and Party for Employees
After-work Party on Fridays
Sponsorships and Donations
1850 Parcels for 1850 Smiles
Charity Action in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Product Responsibility
Customer Health and Safety
Product Labelling PR3
Complaint Handling Procedure
Cooperation with Suppliers
Marketing Communications
Sustainable Development Committee and the Croatian Business Council
for Sustainable Development PR6
Environmental Protection
Water Consumption
Air Emissions
Waste Management
EN22, EN24
PLIVA CROATIA Ltd. – a member of the Croatian Business Council for Sustainable Development