October 2013
Volume 44
Issue 10
Saint Luke the Evangelist
(Feast Day: October 18)
Holy Trinity
Greek Orthodox Church
Wilmington, Delaware
The Official Publication of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
808 N. Broom Street, Wilmington, Delaware 19806 / Telephone: (302) 654-4446 Fax: (302) 654-4204
Church Office Email Address: greekorth@holytrinitywilmington.org
Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 4:30pm
His Eminence Metropolitan EVANGELOS of New Jersey, Hierarch
Rev. Fr. Nick Rafael II, Pastor, fr.nick@holytrinitywilmington.org
For pastoral emergencies - you may call Fr. Nick @ (609)805-5674
Susan Kelleher, Church Secretary 384-7805 (home)
Anargyros Liparos, Protopsaltis
Georgia Halakos, President - (302) 379-4335
Tom Diamanty, First Vice President - (302) 562-3850
George Tsavalas, Second Vice President - (302) 345-5832
James Maravelias, Parish Council Treasurer - (302) 388-0873
Tom Karas, Assistant Treasurer - (302) 234-9090
George Rassias, Parish Council Secretary - (610) 322-3200
Constantine Caras
Louis Novakis (610)358-3544
Michael Kirifides
John Pennias
John Koninis II
Catherine Stathakis 750-9381
Spiros Mantzavinos
Yvonne Tsavalas
Parish Council Meetings - 3rd Wednesday of every month @ 7PM
(609) 805-5674/731-5253/367-8132
(609) 805-5674/998-2949
(609) 805-5674/475-1955
(609) 805-5674
(609) 456-3206
(609) 805-5674
655-2252 / 764-2183
Sunday School
Sunday School
The Young @ Heart Club
Altar Boys
Greek School
St. Elpida
Terpsichorean Dance Troupes
Vacation Bible School
Altar Guild
Editorial Staff
Emmanuel Dining Room East
Holy Trinity Food Pantry
Georgia Halakos, President
Maroula Haralambidis, Co-Director
Amalea Rassias, Co-Director
Fr. Nick, Foula Karavasilis, Maria Kotanidis
Fr. Nick, Melissa Kontomaris
Fr. Nick, Julie Tsakumis
Anthony Pantelopulos, Director
Peter Xarhoulakos, President
Fr Nick
John Pennias
George Righos
Harry Malapetsas
Fr. Nick
Helen Doukakis, President
Dr. Costas Fountzoulas
Nikkie Tsakataras & Tina Ganiaris King
Steve Nicholas
Evie Fournaris
George Hantzandreou, President
Daughters of Penelope
Anthoula Anagnostou, President
Hellenic University Club
Stephen Karakasidis, President
Holy Trinity Website Address: www.holytrinitywilmington.org
Father Nick’s Letter
Dear Parishioners,
We are now well into the Ecclesiastical New Year with
Sunday School, Greek School, Dance and all of Holy
Trinity’s Youth and Adult ministries running full
speed ahead! Please keep handy the calendar (in this
bulletin) so you won’t miss out on the very exciting
and worthwhile ministries our parish has to offer
everyone! This is YOUR CHURCH. Come and enjoy!
Stay involved! Be grateful for the time that we can
share with each other!
Have you ever wondered why some churches have so
many problems? The answer is very simple:
TOTALITY! The totality of its members must come
together to achieve the common good of HIS holy
house. A body can only function properly with all of
its members working together. If the brain does not
work with the other senses, how hard would it be to
smell, taste, hear, see and touch? Can one walk
without the legs getting the message to do so from the
brain? Can a severed body function in the same
manner as a body that is whole? The answer is a
resounding NO! Unless the TOTALITY of the body of
the Church members are willing to work together, the
Church (parish) will always be SEVERED! Yes, we can
pretend everything is ok; continuing to go through the
motions and let others fix the problem. But, is this the
correct way? Is this the way we are to function as
Christians? Is this the Church that we call “one, holy,
catholic and Apostolic”?
My dear brothers and sisters, this past year has truly
tested our hearts and souls as a Parish. We have
painfully endured gossip, lies, anger, frustration, inhouse fighting, lack of communication and have even
lost a few of our families. Whatever wrong has been
done, whatever hurt has been felt, whatever trust has
been lost, must come to an end. This can only happen
through peace and forgiveness. Everyone must stop
trying to point out what others are doing wrong and
replace it with open communication and solutions. I
say this with regards to all aspects of our Church life:
spiritually, economically and liturgically. If we allow
peace and forgiveness into our hearts and souls; in
such a way that you have never experienced before in
your lifetime, I promise you a healthier, loving
community that can accomplish greatness according
to the Will of our Father in Heaven.
May our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ continue to
bless our Beloved Parish and all of you!
With Pastoral Love, I remain,
Fr. Nicholas
Αγαπητοί Ενορίτες,
Το Νέο Εκκλησιαστικό Έτος είναι πρόσω ολοταχώς με το
Κατηχητικό και Ελληνικό Σχολείο, την χορευτική ομάδα χορού
και όλες τις υπηρεσίες της Νεολαίας και των Ενηλίκων της Αγίας
Τριάδος σε πλήρη δράση! Παρακαλώ κρατήστε πρόχειρο το
ημερολόγιο (σε αυτό το ενημερωτικό δελτίο ), για να μην χάσετε
τις πολύ ενδιαφέρουσες και υπηρεσίες που μας προσφέρει η
ενορία μας! Αυτή είναι Η ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑ ΣΑΣ. Ελάτε και
απολαύσετε ! Συμμετέχετε συνεχώς! Να είστε ευγνώμονες για το
χρόνο που μπορούμε να μοιρασθούμε μεταξύ μας!
Έχετε αναρωτηθεί ποτέ γιατί μερικές εκκλησίες έχουν τόσα
πολλά προβλήματα; Η απάντηση είναι πολύ απλή:
ΣΥΛΛΟΓΙΚΟΤΗΤΑ! Το σύνολο των μελών της πρέπει να
ενεργεί μαζί για να πετύχει το κοινό καλό του ιερού σπιτιού
ΤΟΥ. Ένα σώμα μπορεί να λειτουργήσει σωστά αν όλα τα
μέλη του συνεργάζονται. Εάν ο εγκέφαλος δεν ενεργοποιή τις
άλλες αισθήσεις , πόσο δύσκολο θα ήταν να μυρίση, γευθή,
ακούση, δει και αγγίξη; Μπορεί κανείς να περπατήση αν τα
πόδια δεν πάρουν την εντολή από τον εγκέφαλο να το
πράξουν; Μπορεί ένα ελλειπές σώμα να λειτουργήση με τον
ίδιο τρόπο όπως ένα αρτιμελές σώμα; Η απάντηση είναι ένα
ηχηρό ΟΧΙ ! Εκτός αν το ΣΥΝΟΛΟ του σώματος των μελών
της Εκκλησίας είναι πρόθυμο να συνεργασθή , η Εκκλησία
(κοινότητα) θα είναι πάντοτε ΑΠΟΚΟΜΜΕΝΗ! Ναι,
μπορούμε να προσποιηθούμε ότι όλα είναι εντάξει∙
συνεχίζοντας αμέτοχοι και αφήνονταςε τους άλλους να
διορθώσουν το πρόβλημα. Αλλά, είναι αυτός ο σωστός τρόπος;
Είναι αυτός ο τρόπος με τον οποίον πρέπει να λειτουργούμε ως
Χριστιανοί; Είναι αυτή η Εκκλησία που ονομάζουμε «Μία,
Αγία, Καθολική και Αποστολική»;
Αγαπητοί αδελφοί και αδελφές μου, το τελευταίος χρόνος έχει
δοκιμάσει πραγματικά τις καρδιές και τις ψυχές μας ως Ενορία.
Έχουμε υποφέρει οδυνηρά κουτσομπολιά, ψέματα, θυμό,
απογοήτευση, εσωτερικές διαμάχες, έλλειψη επικοινωνίας και
ακόμη έχουμε χάσει μερικές από τις οικογένειές μας . Ό, τι
λάθη έχουν γίνει, ό, τι κακό έχει γίνει αισθητή, όποιαδήποτε
εμπιστοσύνη έχει χαθεί , πρέπει να πάρουν τέλος . Αυτό μπορεί
να συμβεί μόνο μέσα από την ειρήνη και τη συγχώρεση. Ο
καθένας πρέπει να σταματήσει να προσπαθή να επισημάνη τι
λάθος κάνουν οι άλλοι και να το αντικαταστήση με ανοικτή
επικοινωνία και λύσεις. Το λέω αυτό σε σχέση με όλες τις
πτυχές της ζωής της Εκκλησίας μας: πνευματικώς,
οικονομικώς και λειτουργικώς. Αν επιτρέψουμε την ειρήνη και
την συγχώρεση στις καρδιές και τψυχές μας∙ με τέτοιο τρόπο
που δεν έχετε δοκιμάσει ποτέ πριν στη ζωή σας, σας
υπόσχομαι μια υγιέστερη, στοργική κοινότητα που μπορεί να
επιτύχει το μεγαλείο σύμφωνα με το Θέλημα του Πατέρα μας
στους Ουρανούς.
Είθε ο Κύριος, Θεός και Σωτήρας μας Ιησούς Χριστός να
συνεχίση να ευλογή την αγαπημένη Ενορία μας και όλους σας!
Με την Ποιμαντική αγάπη , παραμένω ,
Πατήρ Νικόλαος
The Presidents Page
My Fellow Parishioners,
On September 30th the church marked another successful
Golf Tournament, our 6th annual. Pictures and an updated
sponsor list will be printed in the November monthly
bulletin, as this letter goes out before the final list is
generated. I would like to thank those sponsors who
generously continue to support our church and for being
there for our community. As you know these
sponsorships help us to continue to be able to support and
off-set costs for all of our ministries.
October is a busy month, and all of Holy Trinity’s
ministries are beginning to meet and programs have
started. On October 8th the Philoptochos invites you to
join them for a seminar concerning a philanthropic
project that they will support in Greece. See the invitation
in this bulletin for further information.
On Saturday, October 12th our AHEPAns are sponsoring
their 2nd annual Comedy Night and we hope that you will
join us for a fun-filled evening that will surely leave you
laughing! Some of the proceeds from that night will
benefit our parish, so please come out and join us. See
their flyer in this bulletin for ticket information.
On October 20th we will be honoring four fellow
parishioners and four of our GOYAns at the annual
Metropolitan Evangelos Ambassador Awards Banquet.
Ticket information was sent out in the mail a few weeks
ago and is also here in this bulletin. This year our beloved
past priest, the late Very Reverend Archimandrite Jerry
Rassias will be honored posthumously. We hope that you
will join us as we honor Fr. Jerry and our own
parishioners for the work they have done and continue to
do for our church.
As many of you know, Fr. Dean was transferred to the Atlanta
Metropolis and his last day was Sunday, September 22nd. We
wish him and Presbytera Carolyn well and best wishes in their
new parish. Going forward Fr. Nick will continue to serve our
community and its many ministries, and he will need all of our
help to make this a smooth transition. If you have any concerns,
please know that we, the Parish Council, and he are available to
discuss any need you may have.
Our Fall General Assembly is set for Sunday, November
3rd. Please plan to attend, as this is your church, and the
General Assembly is a place where we should come
together and discuss the needs of our parish as a whole,
and also the needs of individual ministries. It is a place
for us, as Orthodox Christians, to come together and
make decisions that will benefit our community and help
us to continue to do the Lord’s work in the ministries we,
as individuals, are involved in. Working together will
strengthen our parish, enabling us to do great things for
years to come.
Georgia Halakos
Αγαπητοί μου ενορίτες μου,
Στις 30 Σεπτεμβρίου η εκκλησία έγινε ακόμη ένα επιτυχημένο
Τουρνουά Γκολφ, το 6ο ετήσιο μας. Εικόνες και ενημερωμένος
κατάλογος των χορηγών θα αναρτηθούν στο μηνιαίο δελτίο του
Νοεμβρίου, καθώς η παρούσα στήλη αναρτάται πριν από την τελική
καταχώρηση τους . Θα ήθελα να ευχαριστήσω τους χορηγούς οι
οποίοι γενναιόδωρα συνεχίζουν να υποστηρίζουν στην εκκλησία μας
και συμπαρίστανται στην κοινότητά μας . Όπως γνωρίζετε αυτές οι
χορηγίες μας βοηθούν να συνεχίσουμε να αντιπαρερχώμεθα το
κόστος του συνόλου των υπηρεσιών μας.
Ο Οκτώβριος είναι ένας πολυάσχολος μήνας, όλες οι υπηρεσίες
της Αγίας Τριάδος έχουν αρχίσει να λειτουργούν και τα
προγράμματα έχουν ξεκινήσει. Στις 8 Οκτωβρίου η Φιλόπτωχος σας
προσκαλεί να συμμετάσχετε μαζί τους σε ένα σεμινάριο σχετικά με
το φιλανθρωπικό έργο που θα υποστηρίξουν για την Ελλάδα . Δείτε
την πρόσκληση σε αυτό το ενημερωτικό δελτίο για περισσότερες
Το Σάββατο, 12 Οκτωβρίου, η ΑΧΕΠΑ μας είναι ο χορηγός της 2ας
ετήσιας Βραδιάς Κωμωδίας και ελπίζουμε ότι θα συμμετάσχετε για
μια διασκεδαστική βραδιά που σίγουρα θα σας περάσετε ευχάριστα!
Μερικά από τα έσοδα από εκείνο το βράδυ θα είναι προς όφελος της
ενορίας μας, γι 'αυτό παρακαλώ να πάρετε μέρος . Δείτε την
ανακοινωσή τους σε αυτό το ενημερωτικό δελτίο για σχετικές
Στις 20 Οκτωβρίου, θα τιμήσουμε τέσσερεις ενορίτες και τέσσερα
μέλη της GOY μας στο ετήσιο συμπόσιο απονομής βραβείων των
Πρέσβεων του Μητροπολίτης Ευάγγελου. Πληροφορίες των
εισιτηρίων απεστάλησαν ταχυδρομικά πριν από μερικές εβδομάδες
και θα τις βρείτε επίσης στο παρόν δελτίο. Εφέτος ο αγαπημένος,
αείμνηστος ιερέας μας Πατέρας Γεράσιμος Ρασσιάς θα τιμηθεί μετά
θάνατον. Ελπίζουμε ότι θα συμμετάσχετε,για να τιμήσετε τον
Πατέρα Γεράσιμο και τους ενορίτες μας, για το έργο που έχουν κάνει
και συνεχίζουν να κάνουν για την εκκλησία μας.
Όπως πολλοί από εσάς γνωρίζετε, ο Πατέρας Κωνσταντίνος
μεταφέρθηκε στη Μητρόπολη της Ατλάντας και η τελευταία ημέρα
του ήταν η Κυριακή, 22α Σεπτεμβρίου. Ευχόμαστε σ’ αυτόν και
την Πρεσβυτέρα Κυριακή καθώς τα καλλίτερα στην νέα ενορία
τους. Ο Πατέρας Νικόλαος θα συνεχίση να υπηρετή την κοινότητα
μας και τις πολλές υπηρεσίες της, και θα χρειαστή όλη τη βοήθεια
μας για μια ομαλή μετάβαση. Αν έχετε οποιεσδήποτε σκέψεις,
πρέπει να γνωρίζετε ότι εμείς, το Κοινοτικό Συμβούλιο, και αυτός
είμαστε διαθέσιμοι για να συζητήσουμε κάθε ανάγκη που μπορεί να
Η Γενική Συνέλευση έχει οριστεί για την Κυριακή, 3η Νοεμβρίου.
Παρακαλούμε να προγραμματήσετε να την παρακολουθήσετε ,
καθώς αυτή είναι για την εκκλησία σας, και η Γενική Συνέλευση
είναι ένα μέρος που πρέπει να παρευρεθήτε και να συζητήσετε τις
ανάγκες της ενορίας μας, στο σύνολό της , καθώς επίσης και τις
ανάγκες των επιμέρους υπηρεσιών. Είναι ένα μέρος για μας, ως
Ορθόδοξοι Χριστιανοί, να συνευρεθούμε και να πάρουμε αποφάσεις
που θα είναι προς όφελος της κοινότητας μας και να μας βοηθήσετε
να συνεχίσουμε να κάνουμε το έργο του Κυρίου στις αρμόδιες
υπηρεσίες εμείς, ως άτομα , που συμμετέχουν. Η συνεργασία θα
ενισχύσει την ενορία μας , δίνοντάς μας τη δυνατότητα να κάνει
Με εκτίμηση,
Γεωργία Halakos
St. Agape Chapter
Dear Philoptochos Members,
September 10:
We held our first General Meeting at the home of President Georgia
Halakos. A big THANK YOU to Georgia and Demitri for their hospitality and a
wonderful evening. We welcomed three new members: Sharon Alexandridis, Eirini
Staikos and Amalea Rassias.
September 15:
A tray was passed in Church to benefit the Holy Cross School of
Theology. The traditional Artoclasia was offered for the health of our Philoptochos
members on the occasion of the name day of our St. Agape Chapter.
September 22:
We celebrated National Philoptochos Fellowship Sunday and asked
our parishioners to make a donation for Greece and Cyprus as requested by our National
Philoptochos, and we are happy to say we raised $1000.00 for this worthy cause. We
thank our parishioners for their continued support. Also Philoptochos began taking orders
for Spanakopites and Tyropites for the holidays.
October 6:
There will be a board meeting after church.
October 8: Philoptochos
extends an invitation to all the organizations of our
community to come for refreshments and to hear an important presentation at the Hellenic
October 20:
The Metropolis Ambassador Awards at Cinnaminson, NJ. Vickie
Karakasidis will be honored for Philoptochos. You should have received the invitation
and the RSVP information a few weeks ago. Please call the church office if you did not
receive one.
Save the Date ~ DECEMBER 14
for a Holiday Luncheon and a Bid &
Buy. More information to come in the November Bulletin.
We would like to wish the best of luck to Nia and Dino Charalambides who are moving to
Boston and congratulate Nia on her new job with the Archdiocese.
As an on-going fund raiser - the Philoptochos will be selling
Spanakopita & Tyropita during Coffee Hour. Full trays are available for
$40.00 per tray. Thank you for continuing to support our ministry.
Sunday School Newsletter
The Sunday School has started the 2013 – 2014 school year. The staff is
very excited to see all the children after the summer break. We would like to
thank all the parents for bringing their children. If you have not registered
your children, you can register any Sunday; we have registration forms in the
hall outside of the classrooms.
Here is a list of our teachers for this year. We are still in need of a first grade
teacher. If anyone is interested or has any questions, please contact Amalea
Rassias or Maroula Haralambidis.
Pre K
Eleni Katapodi
Marina Lurz
Christina Mavrantonis
Second Grade
Melissa Kontomaris
Third Grade
Jackie Pastis
Fourth Grade
Eirini Staikos
Fifth Grade
George Fournaris
Sixth Grade
Nikkie Tsakataras
Junior High
Spiros Mantzavinos
High School
Maria Kotanidis
We thank them for their commitment towards the religious education of our
Maroula Haralambidis & Amalea Rassias
Co Directors
Holy Trinity Food Pantry
Hunger All Around Wilmington
and Throughout Our Great Nation
On any given night, 5 million American children go to
bed hungry! Some live in Wilmington, some might be
your neighbor, some you might even know. In the
area served by the Food Bank of Delaware, “34,570
children are food insecure or at risk for hunger.”
More and more large companies and corporations are
getting involved in the “Fight against Hunger”. Here
in Delaware, as reported in the September 16th issue
of The News Journal, the Perdue Chicken Farm
Company delivered 100,000 meals in and around
Delmarva as part of their community commitment and
partnership with area food banks.
Perhaps you may not know that here in Wilmington
many people are filling the seats at Emmanuel Dining
Room to get their family a daily meal.
We can continue to help these people in need by
bringing a can or two to church whenever you come
in. There are two bins located by the church office
and in the Narthex.
Recently, Steve Nicholas delivered 49 bags of food
from mid-August to mid-September. Please continue
to fill these bins by bringing in non-perishable food
items whenever you come to church. Always needed
Canned meats and vegetables, fish, soup,
juices, pasta, rice, sugar, flour, cereal, tea bags,
coffee, baby foods, peanut butter, pasta sauces.
When you bring in your food
donations you become an
important part of this food chain.
Thank you,
The Food Committee,
John Lazare,
Tina Ganiaris King,
Steve Nicholas,
& Nikkie Tsakataras
September 12th at the
Emmanuel Dining Room
140 women, men and children
enjoyed a warm luncheon meal on
Thursday, September 12th through
the very generous sponsorship and
donation by Mary Manolakis and
Stephanie Frangia Baker. We
sincerely thank Mary and Stephanie
for this charitable giving and for their
20 year commitment to this worthy
cause! Evie and Manny Fournaris and
Tina Ganiaris worked in the kitchen
that day. A new sponsor will donate
and host the meal on Saturday,
October 12th. All are welcome to join
in to help serve from noon to 1pm on
the 12th of every month.
Various groups and individuals
generously donate the food and host
the luncheon meal on the 12th of
every month throughout the year.
New sponsors are needed to fill a
few months, so if you would like to
become a part of this worthy
service project with your family,
friends or church organization, please
contact Nikkie Tsakataras at 6552252 or Tina Ganiaris at 764-2183
for more information.
Julie Reinikker & Peter Rassias, were united in marriage on September 28th. The sponsors were
George & Amalea Rassias. We congratulate the newly united in Christ and pray our Lord will bless
them always.
Alexander Chris, fell asleep in the Lord on September 1st and the funeral was held in our Church on
September 10th. He is survived by his wife, Edith. May his memory be eternal!
Stella Markatos ~ 1 year ~ September 15
September 15 ~ An Artoclasia was offered by The Philoptochos for the health of our
Philoptochos members on the occasion of the name day of our St. Agape Chapter.
Hello All,
Our GOYA is off to a great start so far! Our Executive Board met a few weeks ago to
discuss several things such as tournaments we will be attending, meeting dates,
fundraisers, and different fun activities. Both of our basketball teams had our first
practice on Tuesday night, and we plan on attending the basketball tournament at St.
Sophia in Washington, DC on October 26th-27th. We also have a bonfire planned
for Friday, October 18th that all GOYAns are encouraged to attend (location TBA)!
On September 14th, Father Nick, Foula Karavasilis, and I attended a DVYC
Leadership retreat at St. Thomas in Cherry Hill, NJ. A few of our GOYAns (Anna
Fournaris, Dia Halakos, Pauline Raisis) and a few parents (Mrs. Evie Fournaris, Dr.
Leo Raisis and Dr. Irene Raisis) attended the AHEPA Odessey 5k. Our first meeting
was held on Thursday, October 19th in the AHEPA room at 7:00 pm. Our executive
board and advisors are well on our way of planning a fundraiser that will begin in
I am looking forward to having an outstanding year in GOYA! If you have any
questions, feel free to contact me at stefanikaravasilis@aol.com.
Stefani Karavasilis, GOYA President
The Altar Guild would like to acknowledge and thank the following parishioners for
their donations for flowers for the month of September:
Frangia Family – Flowers at the Altar on September 8: After seven years,
remembering Diane Frangia, a loving wife, mother, and grandmother.
Irene Marini – Wreath in honor of the Nativity of the Theotokos on September 8:
In memory of my husband, Nevio.
George and Chris Caras – Wreath in honor of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross
(September 14) : In memory of our parents Magdalene and Haralambos Caras and
brothers Gus, Nick and Tom.
Members on Duty in September: Helen Doukakis, Catherine Faller, Evie
Fournaris, Stacy Koninis, Mary Mantzavinos, Steve Nicholas and Sofia Regas
Our efforts are supported totally by donations from the parishioners. If you wish to
share your memorable events with our Church Community by donating for the
purchase of flowers on your special day, please advise the president (Helen Doukakis,
475-7672), any member of the Altar Guild or use the form below.
Telephone__________________ Please reserve date___________________________
This special occasion is __________________________________________________
Enclosed is check in the amount of $_________made out to Holy Trinity Altar Guild
Mail to: Katherine Coustenis, 62 Springer Court, Hockessin, DE 19707
May we publish this in our monthly bulletin? Yes__________ No__________
For the convenience of the parishioners, the Icon Booth will be open on October 13).
Many gift ideas: Icons, cookbooks, children’s books, flash cards for Greek School,
mugs. Still available: beautiful ornaments of our church.
We hope that you will join us to
honor four of our fellow
parishioners and four GOYAns:
Nikkie Tsakataras
Philoptochos Member:
Vickie Karakasidis
Sunday School Teacher:
Jackie Pastis
Greek School Teacher:
Popi Tsaganos
Our GOYAn Ambassadors:
FAITH: Dia Halakos
PEACE: Stefania Karavasilis
LOVE: Sophia Kotanidis
HOPE: Panos Tzinoudis
It will surely be a memorable
Not only will we honor our own
parishioners and others
parishioners from churches
within our Holy Metropolis, but
we will also be honoring our
beloved past priest, the late Very
Reverend Archimandrite Jerry
Rassias and will be celebrating
Metropolitan Evangelos on his
10th year of Enthronement.
The invitation and RSVP cards
went out a few weeks ago to all
parishioners. If you did not
receive one or need any other
information about the banquet,
please call the church office.
Please join with the Philoptochos Society…
for an informative evening about
The Ormylia Foundation
When: Tuesday, October 8th @ 6pm
Where: Holy Trinity Community Center
Parishioner Bill Nicholas has asked Kathleen Brown, from the
University of Pennsylvania Medical School, who has been
working in conjunction with the Convent of the Annunciation in
Ormylia, Greece, to have a audio-video presentation about this
charity that the Philoptochos has been asked to support. The
convent operates a medical facility for indigent women, and
indigent and trafficked children. The Convent of Annunciation is
a dependency of the monastery Simonos Petra on Mt Athos.
We encourage ALL members of Holy Trinity to attend!
We hope you can join us for this worthy cause.
Refreshments will be served.
For more information about this foundation visit their website at
Fr. Dean was transferred to the
Atlanta Metropolis and his last
day was Sunday, September
22nd. We wish him and
Presbytera Carolyn well and best
wishes in their new parish.
Serving in October...
If you would like to be
added to the list of
Prosforon Offerers, please
call Loula at the number
listed below, or, if at any
time you wish to offer the
Prosforon without being
added to the list, please
feel free to bring it in on
any Sunday that you wish.
Epistle Readers:
October 6 ~ See Weekly Bulletin
October 13 ~ Yanni Kaliakin
October 20 ~ See Weekly Bulletin
October 27 ~ Jamie Kostas
Narthex Duty:
October 6 ~ Group 2
October 13 ~ Group 1
Prosforon Offerers for October
October 20 ~ Group 2
October 27 ~ Group 1
October 6
Coffee Hours:
October 6 ~ AHEPA
October 13
October 13 ~ Young @ Heart
October 20
October 20 ~ Leadership 100
October 27 ~ Sunday School/Greek School
October 27
Oxi Day Program
If you or your family would like to sponsor a
coffee hour, please contact the church office.
Eugenia Zerefos
Vickie Karakasidis
Niki Karaoglanis
Katina Zographos
Maria Kramedas
Katina Galanakis
Vasiliki Kromedas
Dimitra Lempesis
If you cannot meet your scheduled date
please contact Loula Kapordelis @ 354-5383
Holy Trinity Altar Boys 2013-2014
Rev. Fr. Nick Rafael II, Pastor
October 6 & 20
Steven Constantinou, Captain
(302) 925-0209
Theodore Fessaras
Constantinos Fournaris
Nicholas Gianelos
Larry Kirifides
Niko Marinis
Markos Zerefos
October 13 & 27
Panagiotis Tzinoudis, Captain
(610) 459-9019
Chris Coulaloglou
Alex Hristopoulos
Lazarus Kirifides
Constantine Krikelis
Yianni Zerefos
When you are scheduled to serve you should be in the Altar Area ready to serve by 9:45AM.
The latest you can come into the Altar Area is 10:15AM.
Please wear appropriate attire– long pants, shirt, tie, black or brown shoes (NO SHORTS OR GYM SHOES ALLOWED).
Your hair must be combed, teeth brushed, and hands washed.
When you enter the Altar Area, please have your robe blessed by the priest and then put it on.
During the service, please remember that people are watching you. Please do not talk unnecessarily or make unnecessary
movements. Listen directly to your Captain, or the priest. Please follow the service with the book provided in the Altar area.
When you leave, please hang up your robe in the Altar Boy Closet.
If you have any questions, first speak with the Captain. If you need further information, please speak with the Priest.
Join us
October 12th
for the
2nd Annual
Hellenic American Comedy Cabaret
sponsored by AHEPA
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church Hall
808 North Broom St., Wilmington, DE 19806
Doors Open at 6:30PM - Show Starts at 8:00PM
Mezethakia (appetizers) & Cash Bar
Price: $45
For More Info and Ticket Purchases call:
Michael Kirifides @ (302) 897-9429
The Young @ Heart
Holy Trinity, Wilmington, Delaware
The Young @ Heart is sponsoring a 55-seat bus trip to New York City on
Thursday, December 5th, to the
Radio City Music Hall
1260 Avenue of the Americas (between 50th & 51st Streets) New York, NY 10020
to attend the “2013 Christmas Show Spectacular” performed by the world-famous Rockettes.
Open to the non-Young @ Heart, Holy Trinity Community at $85 per person, covering bus and show ticket,
(NON-REFUNDABLE, if you cancel or cancelled due to inclement weather).
Tentatively, cost for show ticket may rise for late reservations. Lunch cost is not included.
7:15 a.m.
Board bus at Holy Trinity
7:30 a.m.
Depart Holy Trinity, time is firm
10:30 a.m.
Arrive Radio City Music Hall
11:00 – 12:30 p.m.
1:15 p.m.
Bus departs for Pythari Restaurant
2:00-4:00 p.m.
Late lunch @ Pythari Restaurant
4:00 p.m.
Depart Pythari Restaurant, time is firm
6:30 p.m. est.
Arrive @ Holy Trinity
Space is limited; there are only 14 seats available. For immediate reservations, please contact:
Peter Xarhoulakos, President
Elaine Papantinas, Treasurer
Toula Lomis, Trip Coordinator
The Young @ Heart
will begin to meet again this month.
We meet the 2nd Thursday of every month in the AHEPA Room
We hope you will come and join us for
Food, Fun & Fellowship!
Thursday, October 10th @ 1pm
Holy Trinity 2013 Financial Stewards
Adamopoulos, Chris & Nancy
Al-Annouf, Nabil & Rabia Batah
Alexandratos, Angelos
Alexandridis, Thanos & Sharon
Alexopoulos, Demetrios
Alexopoulos, John & Elena
Amygdalos, Michael & Christine
Anagnostou, Mary
Anastasakos, Georgia
Anastassiades, Andreas & Litsa
Andreadis, Evan & Theone
Andrianopoulos, Faith
Annos, Elaine
Annos William
Anton, Anthony & Lucille
Antoniou, Tom & Vicky
Antony, Michael
Apessos, Spyros & Maria
Apostolakis, Nicholas & Irene
Apostolatos, Arkontoula
Apostolatos, Evaggelos
Atsidis, Kostas & Eutichia
Bambacus, Meropi
Battis, Stephanie
Boines, Daniel & Dale
Boines, Georgia
Bouloukos, Harry & Anastasia
Bourogiannis, Themistoklis & Angela
Brostoff, Seth
Brown, James & Karen
Brown, Sean & Maria
Burpulis, Byron & Kecia
Burpulis, Costa & Maria
Burpulis, John & Mary
Burpulis, Stamatis
Caras, Constantine & Maria
Caras, George & Chris
Caras, Harry & Susan
Caras, Valerie
Chahalis, Maria
Chambers, George & Katherine
Chappel, Jane
Chappel, Lynne
Drimones, Nicholas
Dumel, John & Evangeline
Dunkelberger, Penelope & Keith
Eliades, Sophie
Evangelatos, Speros & Emily
Fakner, John & Alexis Smith
Faller, James & Catherine
Fanos, George
Ferentinos, Spero & Joan
Fotakos, Leonidas A. & Sophia
Fountzoulas, Costas & Audrey
Fournakis, Kathleen
Fournaris, Constantine
Fournaris, Emmanuel & Evanthea
Fournaris, George & Aspasia
Frangia, Stephen
Galanakis, Ekaterini
Galaris, James
Ganiaris, Fr. Stamatios & Pres. Joan
Ganoudis, Joanna
Ganoudis, Olympia
Gargalas, Thomas
Gatos, Paula
Geanopulos, Georgiean
Geanopulos, Katy
George, Mary
Georgiou, Gus
Gerakios, Sakelaris & Spiridoula
Geralis, Loula
Gerassimakis, Nick & Connie
Gianelos, James & Stacie
Giannakis, John
Giannatos, Gerry & Anna
Giannoukos, George & Effie
Gotides, Virginia
Graham, Alton & Catherine
Gregory, Helen
Grigorakakis, Maria
Grivas, Demetrios & Helen
Guajardo, Evangelina
Guardascione, Lou & Shelly
Halakos, Billy
Halakos, Demetrios & Georgia
Charalambides, Konstantin & Stephania Halakos, Evangelos & Donna
Chilimidos, Dennis & Effie
Halakos, Joannis & Eftihia
Chilimidos, Jerry & Amy
Haldas, Harry
Chris, Alexander & Edith
Haldas, Nicholas & Rodie
Christopher, Michael & Soula
Haldas, Thomas & Prudy
Christou, Christos
Haldas, William & Shirley
Christou, Vasilios & Alexandra
Hall, Elena & Phillip
Ciabattoni, Olga
Hann, Eugenia & Gary
Coates, Eftihia (Evie) & George
Hantzandreou, George
Colborn, Brian & Nicole
Hantzandreou, Theodore & Labrini
Colyvas, Amanda
Haralambidis, Maroula & Niko
Constantinou, George
Hatzis, Nicholas & Katherine
Constantinou, John & Carol
Hatzis Clark, Georgia
Cooke, Charles
Hernjak, Nicholas
Costalas, Alexandra
Hondry, Bill
Costis, Gus T. & Patsy
Hondry, Joan
Coulaloglou, Michele & Costas
Ioannou, Ida
Courtis, Harry & Sophia
Issaris, Katherine
Coustenis, Robert & Katherine
Joannides, Joseph & Alice
Cozamanis, Olympia
Johnson, Margo
Cozamanis, Steve & Annette
Joseck, Fred & Xanthy
Cusanelli, Patrick
Kalfas, Caroline
Dalianis, John & Vicky
Kaliakin, Victor & Elizabeth
Daskalakis, Evangelos
Kalmer, Mary
Demetriou, Spyros & Anna
Kanas, Larry
Diamanty, Thomas & Sue
Kanas, Manny
Diamond, Anthony & Lauren
Kanas, William & Cassandra
Dickey, Irene
Kapordelis, Loula
Dignam, Agnes
Karablacas, Helen
Doukakis, Helen
Karablacas, Stelios
Dozier, Doug
Karablacas, Virginia
Drimones, Clara
Karakasidis, Demetrios & Eleni
Karakasidis, John & Vicki
Karakasidis, Stephanos & Evagelia
Karamihalis, Dean
Karaoglanis, Eleftherios & Niki
Karas, Tom
Karas, Yianny
Karavasilis, Nick & Foula
Katsanos, Stella & Jack
Katsimbris, Dennis & Angela
Kehagias, John & Katherine
Keros, Georgia
Kertiles, Paul & Marietta
Kimbiris, George & Beatriz
Kirifides, Alexander & Kathy
Kirifides, Lazarus & Helen
Kirifides, Michael & Kerry
Kirifides, Vasil & Elefteria
Kirtses, Eugenia
Kirtses, Petros & Athy
Kledaras, Olympia
Klezaras-Lurz, Marina
Kollias, Basil & Dimitra
Koninis, Christina
Koninis, John & Anastasia
Koninis II, John
Kontis, Gus & Cindy
Kontomaris, Kostas & Melissa
Kostas, John & Gale
Kostas, Nicholas
Kotanidis, Christos & Maria
Kountourzis, Maria
Kramedas, Gregory & Matoula
Kramedas, Maria
Krikelis, Helene
Krikelis, Peter & Susan
Kritikos, Thrasivoulos & Evangelia
Kromedas, Constantinos & Vasiliki
Kusumi, Jeff & Robin
Laletas/Brockett, Ernest & Barbara
Laskaris, Johanna
Laws, Brian & Vasiliki
Lazare, John & Sandra
Lazopoulos, John & Christina
Lemper, Anthony & Diana
Lempesis, Dimitra
Leounes, Helen & Thomas
Liarakos, Evelyn
Liarakos, George & Ann
Little, Mary
Livaditis, John
Logothetis, Michael
Lomis, Dean & Toula
Long, Irene
MacKewiz, W. Lee & Irene
Maidanos, Emily
Makis, Gus & Anthi
Manis, Voula & John
Manolakis, Katina
Manolakis, Mary
Manoloudis, Michael & Kandi
Manos, Philip & Voula
Mantzavinos, Chris & Mary
Mantzavinos, Spiros & Megan
Maravelias, Angekique
Maravelias, James & Diana
Marini, Irene &
Marinis, Kalliope
Markatos, Harry & Susan
Matulas, Anagnostis & Angela
Mayew, Michael & Charlotte
Mazarakis, John
McFarland, Antoinette & Steve
Mentis, Constantia
Mesogianes, Barbara
Michell, Constantine & Elaine
Michell, Theodore & Catherine
Michell, Valerie
Milionis, Chris & Bryna
Milionis, Constantine
Minella, Tia & Charles
Misogianes, Milt & Carol
Mistras, Antonios & Soula
Moutsatsos, George & Alexia
Nannas, Theodore & Alexandra
Ney, Bruce & Marina
Nicholas, Steve
Nicholas, William
Nicholson, Matina
Nina, Indrit & Alketa
Novakis, Louis
Ohlemacher, Leo & Evangline
Oikonomou, Georgios
O'Neal, Brian & Christine
Pagonis, Carrie
Pagonis, Marcus & Cheryl
Panagiotidis, Athanasios & Elizabeth
Pandelakis, Denis & Anna
Pantelopulos, Anthony & Daphne
Pantsos, Christina
Papachrysanthou, Christos & Penelope
Papachrysanthou, George & Laura
Papanicoolas, Demetrios & Maria
Papantinas, Stephen & Elaine
Pappanicholas, Evan
Pappas, Dean & Zoe
Pappas, Elizabeth
Pappas, Helen
Pappas, Sandra
Pappoulis, Demetra
Pastis, Jackie
Pennias, John & Stavroula
Phalangas, Charalambos & Mary
Philippakos, George & Voula
Phillips, Ernest & Iris
Phillips, Pauline
Pierson, Vetta & Charles
Pispitsos, Pantelis
Pittaoulis, Steve
Pittas, John
Pittas, Michael
Poulos, Marika
Poulos, Vasilios & Eulampia
Psaltis, John
Psaltis, Nickolas & Sophia
Psaltis, Thomas & Cindy
Raisis, Leonidas & Irene
Raisis, Spiros
Raptis, Hilary & Dimitrios
Rassias, Dion & Gina
Rassias, George & Amalea
Rassias, Peter
Rayias, Katherine
Regas, Constantinos
Regas, Sofia
Rigas, Elias & Potoula
Riggins, Margaret
Righos, George & Elaine
Roussos, Michael & Anna
Roustopoulos, Theodoros & Alexia
Sacksen, Samuel & Ali
Saffos, John & Karla
Saitis, Mary
Sapunas, Areti
Sartin, Nimrah & Deborah
Savopoulos, Basil & Despina
Savopoulos, Virginia
Schillinger, Karen & Robert
Shaer, Issa & Nuha
Sikoutris, Michael & Michele
Skiadas, Peter & Stavroula
Financial Stewards continued...
Snell, Bryan & Pauline
Souleles, Nicholas & Alexis
Spanos, John & Carol
Sparks, Everett & Alexandra
Spence, Jason & Sunday
Staikos, Nicholas & Eirini
Stathakis, Catherine
Stathopoulos, Georgios
Stavrakis, Ted
Stavru, Nicholas & Maria
Stevens, Richard & Penny
Stewart, Stacey & Bill
Stout, Bob & Voula
Tangalidis, Dimitrios & Maria
Tarabicos, Anastasia
Tarabicos, James & Sophia
Tarabicos, John & Joanne
Tawfik, Emad & Soultana
Tektonopoulos, Diamantis
Terris, Costas & Clara
Terss, Eugenia
Theodorakis, Stamatis & Lisa
Thomas, Angelina & Richard
Thomas, Donald & Effy
Tsaganos, George & Alexandra
Tsaganos, Nicholas & Joanne
Tsaganos, Robert & Popi
Tsakataras, George
Tsakataras, Nikki
Tsakiris, Konstantine & Denise
Tsakumis, George & Julia
Tsionas, Efthimios & Anna
Tsionas, Foula
Tsoukalas, George & Frideriki
Tsoukalas, Stavroula
Tsugranes, George & Penny
Turley, Steve & Akiko
Tzinoudis, Konstantinos & Demetra
Valko, Regina
Vassilatos, George & Yvonne
Vassiliou, Kleoniki
Vassos, Barbara
Velitskakis, Steve & Karen
Vice, Billy & Elaine
Vlamis, Nicholas & Peggy
Vore, Mary & Roy
Voultsis, Petros & Catherine
Vouras, Nicholas
Wilkinson, Clifford & Suzanne
Wissman, Charles
Wissman, Charles & Vaya
Wolcott, Josiah & Paraskevi
Xarhoulakos, Peter
Yiannos, Stella
Zaloga, Paul & Joann
Zambetis, Paul & Zoe
Zerefos, Demetri & Tina
Zerefos, Markos & Eugenia
Ziccarelli, Louis & Catherine
Zinna, Anthony & Nina
Zographos, Nicholas & Katherine
AS OF September 23
Please use the form below to send in your pledge today!
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
Wilmington, Delaware
2013 stewardship pledge card
I/We glorify God for all the blessings He has given
me/us and as an offering of thanks make the
following financial commitment to the Stewardship
Program of Holy Trinity Church:
($62.50/month or $15/week)
($125month or $29/week)
($250/month or $58/week)
($500/month or $116/week)
($___/month or $___/week)
NAME ___________________________________
ADDRESS _______________________________
CITY ___________ STATE ______ZIP _______
TELEPHONE ____________________________
A Stewardship pledge is not a contract. It is a pledge of
intentions. Your confidential pledge aides the church in
setting the annual budget. It is understood that pledges do,
on occasion, change due to necessity. Should that need
occur for you after you have made your pledge, please
contact Father Dean Nastos in order for your confidential
pledge to be amended accordingly.
Now Go and Bear Fruit
2013 Stewardship Drive
The following stewards have pledged and paid $1000.00 or more for the 2013 year:
We do understand that there are individuals/families who have pledged $1000 or more for the
year who are not listed. The list will be updated monthly as pledges are fulfilled.
Adamopoulos, Chris & Nancy
Alexopoulos, John & Elena
Brostoff, Seth
Caras, Valerie
Caras, George & Chris
Caras, Constantine & Maria
Christou, Vasilios & Alexandra
Constantinou, John & Carol
Coulaloglou, Michele & Costas
Diamanty, Thomas & Sue
Doukakis, Helen
Faller, James & Catherine
Fournaris, George & Aspasia
Fournaris, Emmanuel & Evanthea
Geanopulos, Georgiean
Georgiou, Gus
Gianelos, James & Stacie
Giannoukos, George & Effie
Gotides, Virginia
Graham, Alton & Catherine
Guajardo, Evangelina
Halakos, Billy
Halakos, Demetrios & Georgia
Halakos, Evangelos & Donna
Halakos, Joannis & Eftihia
Haldas, Nicholas & Rodie
Haldas, Harry
Hatzis, Nicholas & Katherine
Kapordelis, Loula
Karakasidis, John & Vicki
Karamihalis, Dean
Kehagias, John & Katherine
Kimbiris, George & Beatriz
Kirifides, Alexander & Kathy
Kirifides, Michael & Kerry
Kirifides, Vasil & Elefteria
Kirifides, Lazarus & Helen
Kirtses, Petros & Athy
Kollias, Basil & Dimitra
Kotanidis, Christos & Maria
Kusumi, Jeff & Robin
Lazare, John & Sandra
Leounes, Helen & Thomas
Liarakos, George & Ann
Lomis, Dean & Toula
Michell, Valerie
Michell, Constantine & Elaine
Michell, Theodore & Catherine
Milionis, Constantine
Mistras, Antonios & Soula
Moutsatsos, George & Alexia
Nannas, Theodore & Alexandra
Nicholas, William
Oikonomou, Georgios
Pappas, Dean & Zoe
Pappas, Sandra
Psaltis, Nicholas & Sophia
Psaltis, Thomas & Cindy
Raisis, Leonidas & Irene
Rassias, George & Amalea
Rassias, Dion & Gina
Rassias, Peter
Savopoulos, Basil & Despina
Skiadas, Peter & Stavroula
Snell, Bryan & Pauline
Souleles, Nicholas & Alexis
Terris, Costa & Clara
Terss, Eugenia
Tsaganos, Nicholas & Joanne
Turley, Steve & Akiko
Vassilatos, George & Yvonne
Yiannos, Stella
Ziccarelli, Louis & Catherine
AS OF September 23
Student Bio’s for Ambassador Awards 2013
Stefania Karavasilis, 17, a senior at St. Mark's High School, where she is part
of several sports teams. Hobbies include hanging with friends, sports, and
shopping. Stefania has been involved in GOYA since 7th grade and is active
in church. She is the President of the GOYA and has also served as
Corresponding Secretary and Vice President. Stefania is a member of the
Terpsichorean Dance Troupe and the GOYA basketball team. The fact that
she is friendly to all and treats everyone equally; regardless of race, creed or
social status or what others think, makes her a perfect recipient of the
Ambassador of Peace.
Sophia Kotanidis, 15, a student at Unionville High School, is on high honors
and participates in the girl’s soccer and basketball team. She loves to travel
and play music.
She is involved in GOYA Basketball and the Terpsichorean Dance Troupe.
She has been Corresponding Secretary for two years. Sophia shows her faith
and kindness towards everyone. She loves to participate in service projects
with her GOYA in helping her local community. Some of her efforts have
been involvement with local food pantries, clothing drives, and coordinating
a Soccer Tournament benefitting a family who lost their husband/father. She
truly is an icon of an Ambassador of Love.
Constantina “Dia” Halakos, 15, attends Ursiline Academy. She is on the
swim team and the tennis team. Her hobbies include photography, hanging
with her friends and shopping!
Constantina is involved in various church activities such as GOYA Basketball
and the Terpsichorean Dance Troupe. She is faithful in attending the Divine
Liturgy, Sunday School and is an active member of GOYA. She is loving and
always with a smile, committed to her Orthodox faith. I know that she will
share and pass her Orthodox faith on to others as she matures. For this
reason she was chosen as an Ambassador of Faith.
Panagiotis Tzinoudis, 16, attends Garnet Valley High School. His favorite
subjects are math and science, and is on the school’s basketball team. He
attends Sunday School and serves as an altar boy. He is part of the
Terpsichorean Dance Troupe. He is the Recording Secretary for GOYA and
plays on the Basketball Team. Panos has been involved with the Delaware
Valley Mission Walk and various retreats. Panos is the type of person who
never says “no” when it comes to helping out. He knows right from wrong
and knows that he must set an example to others regarding Christian life
choices. His teachers feel he is a leader and will be successful with all his life
choices, leaving us hopeful for the future, and why he was chosen as an
Ambassador of Hope.
Philoptochos & Parish Member Bios for 2013 Ambassador Awards
Holy Trinity, Wilmington, DE Philoptochos Nominee:
Vickie Karakasidis and her husband John came to our Holy Trinity Parish in
1975. Vickie joined Philoptochos in 1984 and served as president of the St.
Agape Chapter for two terms (1989–1991 and 2003–2005). She has
continuously served on the Board of Directors and chaired many committees
and fund raising projects for our Philoptochos and our Community. She is the
lead person of the team that prepares Christmas and Easter breads and she
actively participates in the preparations of our Greek Festival. She served on the
Parish Council and is a member of the Daughters of Penelope. Vickie is a
respected leader in our Philoptochos as well as in our Community who works
tirelessly with humility and love for our Church.
John and Vickie have two sons, Demetri (Eleni) and Stephen (Evangelia) and
they are the proud grandparents of four grandchildren, Stavroula, Maria,
Yianni and Demetri.
Holy Trinity, Wilmington, DE Parishioner Nominee:
Nikkie Tsakataras, born 1928, went to school in Chester and college in Philadelphia,
and is still a student in the Life Long Learning Program. She and her late husband
Renos have one son, George.
In 1982, she thought Holy Trinity should be involved in feeding the poor and has
enlisted volunteers for the Emmanuel Dining Room for the past 31 years and to date,
have fed over 55,800 people! She helped to establish and serves on the Altar Guild.
She and her late husband, Renos, re-established the Food Pantry and she continues to
write articles for the bulletin for fellow parishioners to help to feed the poor.
Her heart for the needy is equal to none, but her greatest love is serving Holy Trinity’s
children by teaching Sunday School. Quoting her “Of all my volunteer involvements,
my 28 years of teaching 6th grade Sunday School has brought me the most joy and
satisfaction. To know that I have planted a small seed in the minds of so many 12year olds and that I have tried to bring them closer to Jesus and to love their church –
I consider this my mission in life.”
Holy Trinity, Wilmington, DE Sunday School Teacher Nominee
Jackie Pastis, as a member of Holy Trinity Wilmington, DE for over 35 years,
continues to live and teach the Orthodox Christian way of life to children in
the Third Grade Sunday School class for the last 25 years. Her background in
education – both as a teacher and administrator – provides her with tools she
needs to fulfill her passion of educating children. She believes in making
Sunday School a loving, interesting place to “hook” children early”!
Holy Trinity, Wilmington, DE Greek School Teacher Nominee
Popi (Kalliopi) Tsaganos, is a blessed mother of two girls Jianna and Nicole. She
and her husband Bobby and their girls live in Wilmington, Delaware. She was
born in Athens, Greece and grew up in Lakewood, Ohio. This is where she
graduated Cleveland State University.
As an immigrant she believes that the Greek language should be passed down to
our children. Quoting her saying, “It is my honor to teach at Holy Trinity Greek
School. I love teaching our youngest students language, arts and culture. It is
vital to establishing the next generation of Greek Americans.”
Dear Parents and Teachers of our Greek School,
I hope that you all had a great and fun filled summer with your loved ones. I want to
provide you with an update on our plans for the new school year.
Please review the information below and feel free to contact me via email at
yannistacey@aol.com or by phone (302-358-0045) with any additional questions or concerns.
1) Our registration began on Sunday, September 8th at our Church Picnic. If you did
not attend please feel free to email or call me, or call or stop by the church office for a
registration form.
2) Agiasmos-First day of class was Friday, September 13th (5:00pm).
Class will take place once a week on Fridays from 5:00pm to 8:00pm.
Pre-K and Kindergarten will be 5:00pm-7:00pm
As always our school will provide classes from pre-K through 6th grade.
There will be no combined classes.
This past year we attempted for the first time to have an optional day that included history,
geography, mythology, religion, and Greek dance. This program was successful and
rewarding for the children that participated. I want ALL of our Greek school children to
benefit, so we will be including them in this years curriculum.
We all have experienced the challenges presented in managing our children’s daily
schedule during the school year. From getting back home late on a school night following
Greek school, to keeping up with the increasing demands of American school homework
not to mention the after school activities.
We will be actually gaining class time versus last year. In addition our children would not
have to rush home to complete homework for the next day.
Thus my decision to make the change to a one day per week, and picking Friday was
We will also plan to have social activities with the children and their parents every 4-6
weeks following Greek school (movies, games, etc) to foster a sense of fellowship.
In the end, our mission as a ministry is to provide an environment for our children where
they can happily learn our language, our culture and our history while developing life long
friendships with their fellow classmates.
I hope that you will all continue to support our Greek school and look forward to seeing
you all.
Best Regards,
We would like to thank the following
people who sponsored our
~ Bronze Sponsors ~
Chandler Funeral Homes
Kirifides & Rassias, Attorney’s & Counselors at Law
The Mantzavinos Group
Pat’s Pizza
Seasons Pizza
~ Super Ticket Sponsor ~
Hollywood Grill
~ Lunch Sponsor ~
Walter’s Steak House
~ Beverage Cart Sponsor ~
Marks, O'Neill, O'Brien, Dougherty & Kelly, P.C.
~ Hole Sponsors ~
AHEPA Chapter #95 Constantine & Maria Caras Cosmos Restaurant
James Julian
The Karakasidis Family
The Kirifides Family
Milt Misogianes
Reality Mark Concord
Leo Raisis, MD
CAG / Chris Grivas
David Vande Poele
Hope, Joy and Jr Goya
Hayride & Bonfire @ Bellevue State Park
(You do not pay a park entrance fee. Just let the guard know you are with Holy Trinity)
Sunday, October 13th
Join us for a fun evening!
In addition to the hayride,
we will also be roasting marshmallows
and enjoying other treats by a bonfire!
RSVP to Julie Tsakumis
jtsakumis@yahoo.com or 302.475.1955
I Thessalonians 4:13
Wednesday, October 2, 2013 @ 11am
Wednesday, October 9, 2013 @ 11am
Wednesday, October 16, 2013 @ 11am
Wednesday, October 23, 2013 @ 11am
In the library
All those who have experienced the loss of a
loved one and are having difficulties coping
with that loss are invited to come
Weekly Program SCHEDULING
September through June 2013-2014
Sunday School In Church by 10am
Sunday School Teachers Meeting: 1st Sunday of the Month @ 12:15pm
GOYA (Ages 12-18): 2nd Sunday of the month @ 12:15pm
1 Fun Night per month (Day and Time determined at Business Meeting)
Jr. Goya (Ages 10-11): 3rd Sunday of the month @ 12:15pm
1 Fun Night per month (Day and Time determined at Business Meeting)
HOPE (4-6) & JOY (7-9): 4th Sunday of the month @ 12:15pm
Bereavement Group: Every Wednesday @ 11am
ORTHODOXY 101: Fridays @ 11 am w/Fr. Nick
P.A.R.E.A. (21+): 4th Thursday of the month @ 7pm
Greek School: Every Friday Night (5-8pm)
Dance: Thursday Evenings
Atlantis (Ages 10-12) @6pm & Icarus (Ages 13-18) @7pm
Pegasus Troupe Ages 11 and under:
see John Pennias or Nikoletta Klezaras for instruction times
BASKETBALL: Tuesday Evenings
Girls: (6-7:15pm) Boys: (7:15-8pm)
28η Οκτωβρίου 1940
Δρ. Κώστας Γ. Φούντζουλας
15 Αυγούστου τού 1940. Ενώ οί Έλληνες εόρτaζaν τήν ημέρα τής Κοιμήσεως τής Θεοτόκου ένα Ιταλικό
υποβρύχιο εβύθισε τό αντιτορπιλλικό Έλλη στό λιμάνι τής νήσου Τήνου χωρίς καμμιά προειδοποίηση. Αυτό
ήταν τό προεόρτιο τής επιθέσεως τής φασιστικής τότε Ιταλίας, συμμάχου τής ναζιστικής Γερμανίας, εναντίον
τής Ελλάδος. Η υπόλοιπη Δυτική Ευρώπη, πλήν τής Σουηδίας καί Φιλανδίας, ουσιαστικών συμμάχων τής
Γερμανίας, τής Μ. Βρεττανίας, τής Ισπανίας καί τής Ελβετίας, ευρίσκεται ήδη κάτω από τόν Γερμανικό
ζυγό. Η Τουρκία εκράτησε ουδέτερη στάση μέχρι 10 ημέρες πρίν τό τέλος τού Δευτέρου Παγκοσμίου
Πολέμου οπότε επήγε μέ τούς συμμάχους.
Στίς 3 τό πρωί τής 28ης Οκτώβριου τού 1940. ο πρεσβευτής τής Ιταλίας στήν Αθήνα έδωσε τελεσίγραφο τής
κυβερνήσεώς του στόν πρωθυπουργό τής Ελλάδος Ιωάννη Μεταξά νά αφήση τά Ιταλικά στρατεύματα νά
περάσουν από τήν Ελλάδα, μέ προορισμό τήν Μέση Ανατολή. Τά πετρέλαια τής Μέσης Ανατολής ήταν
απαραίτητα γιά τήν Γερμανία καί τήν Ιταλία πού δέν διέθεταν πηγές ενεργείας. Ο πρωθυπουργός τής Ελλάδος
απάντησε στό τελεσίγραφο μέ ένα “ΟΧΙ”. Ο δικτάτορας τής Ιταλίας Μουσολίνι είχε απειλήσει ότι θά καταλάβη
τήν Ελλάδα στέλνοντας 8 εκατομύρια ξιφολόγχες, όσος καί ο πληθυσμός τής Ελλάδος. Στίς 5 τό πρωί τής 28ης
Οκτώβριου, δύο μόλις ώρες μετά τό τελεσίγραφο, τά Ιταλικά στρατεύματα άρχισαν τήν επιθεσή τους κατά τής
Ελλάδος στά Ελληνοαλβανικά σύνορα. Τά πρώτα ανακοινωθέντα τού ραδιοφωνικού σταθμού Αθηνών από τό
μέτωπο έλεγαν απλά κάι λιτά ότι τά Ελληνικά στρατεύματα υπερασπίζονται τό πάτριο έδαφος. Ο Ελληνικός λαός
σύσσωμος, μέ ενθουσιασμό αντάξιο τών προγόνων του ανταποκρίθηκε στό κάλεσμα στά όπλα. Μέ κάθε μέσον
προωθήθηκαν οι στρατιώτες στά σύνορα. Οί Ελληνίδες γυναίκες, σάν άλλες Σπαρτιάτισες, κατευώδωναν τούς
συζύγους, υίους καί αδελφούς τους, μέ τήν ευχή νά επιστρέψουν νικητές.
Η Ιταλία διέθετε στρατιωτική υπεροπλία σέ όλους τούς τομείς. Η Ελλάδα σέ αντίθεση είχε μέν πολύ
λιγότερο στρατό καί πολεμικά υλικά αλλά ένα λαό αποφασισμένο νά πεθάνη γιά τήν ελευθερία καί
ανεξαρτησία του. Όταν ένας λαός έχει αποφασίσει νά πεθάνη γιά τήν ελευθερία του τότε κερδίζει. Οί
Έλληνες κατώρθωσαν μέσα σέ λίγες μόνο ημέρες νά περάσουν στήν αντεπίθεση. Ονόματα πόλεων όπως
Σαραντάπορο, Τεπελένι, Αργυρόκαστρο καί Άγιοι Σαράντα είναι συνυφασμένα μέ τό έπος τών Ελλήνων στόν
Ελληνοιταλικό πόλεμο τού 1940. Τά βουνά τής Ηπείρου καί τής Βορείου Ηπείρου έγιναν ο τάφος τών
Ιταλών. Ο ηρωϊσμός τών Ελλήνων ξεπέρασε κάθε όριο. Μέσα σέ έξη μήνες, παρ’ όλες τίς προσπάθειες τών
Ιταλών καί τού ίδιου τού Μουσολίνι προσωπικά, οί Έλληνες είχαν απωθήσει τού Ιταλούς μέσα στήν
Αλβανία. Παρ’ ολίγο νά τούς πετάξουν στήν Αδριατική θάλασσα.
Η νίκη τών Ελλήνων ήταν η πρώτη συμμαχική νίκη τού Δευτέρου Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου. Ο Winston Churchill, ο μετέπειτα ωνομασθής Πατέρας τής Νίκης, είχε ειπεί θαυμάζοντας τούς Ελλήνες γιά τίς νίκες τους ότι “από
τώρα καί εμπρός δέν θά λέμε ότι οί Έλληνες πολεμούν σάν ήρωες αλλά ότι οί ήρωες πολεμούν σάν Έλληνες”.
Στόν ηρωϊκό αυτόν αγώνα η συνεισφορά τών γυναικών ήταν μεγαλειώδης. Έστελναν δέματα μέ τρόφιμα
καί ρούχα πού έπλεκαν οί ίδιες στούς Έλληνες στρατιώτες. Καί όχι μόνο αυτό. Οί ηρωϊκές Ηπειρώτισες,
άξιες απόγονοι τών Σουλιωτισών, κουβαλούσανε στήν πλάτη τους, πάνω στά χιονισμένα βουνά τής Ηπείρου,
μέσα στήν λασπη καί στό κρύο, πολεμοφόδια καί τρόφιμα στούς στρατιώτες πού πολεμούσαν στό μέτωπο.
Η νίκη τών Ελλήνων κατά τών Ιταλών το 1940 καθυστέρησε τήν επίθεση τού Χίτλερ κατά τής Ρωσίας κατά
έξη μήνες. Αποτέλεσμα αυτής τής καθυστερήσεως ήταν ότι οι Γερμανοί αντιμετώπησαν τούς Ρώσους μέσα
στόν βαρύ Ρωσικό χειμώνα μέ καταστροφικά αποτελέσματα γιά αυτούς. Το κόστος όμως τού
Ελληνοιταλικού πολέμου, τής Γερμανικής κατοχής καί τού εμφυλίου πολέμου πού ακολούθησαν ήταν
δυσανάλογα βαρύ γιά τήν Ελλάδα. Μέσα σέ δέκα χρόνια υπήρξαν, σέ σύνολικό πληθυσμό οκτώ
εκατομμυρίων, ένα εκατομμύριο νεκροί Έλληνες, πολύ ανάπηροι καί μιά χώρα τελείως κατεστραμμένη. Τό
τίμημά πού επλήρωσε η Ελλάδα γιά τήν ελευθερία της ήταν πολύ βαρύ. ‘Ας είναι αιωνία η μνήμη τών
νεκρών αδελφών μας.
28th October, 1940
Dr. Costas G. Fountzoulas
15th August, 1940. While the Hellenes were observing the Dormition of Virgin Mary, an Italian
submarine, without any warning sank the Greek torpedo destroyer Elli, which was docked in the harbor of
the island of Tenos. This was the prelude of the attack against Greece of the fascistic Italy, ally of the nazi
Germany. The rest of the Western Europe, except for Sweden and Finland, who were allies of Germans,
and Great Britain, Spain and Switzerland, was under the German yoke. Turkey was and remained neutral
until 10 days before the end of the Second World War at which time it joined the allied forces.
At 3 o’clock in the morning of 28th October, 1940, the ambassador of Italy in Athens gave an ultimatum
to the prime minister of Greece, Ioannis Metaxas, demanding permission for the Italian army to go through
Greece on its way to Middle East. The Middle East oil was necessary for both Italy and Germany because
they did not have sufficient energy resources. Greece’s prime minister answer was “NO” (“OXI”). Italy’s
dictator Mussolini threatened to send 8 million bayonets, one for each Hellene, to occupy Hellas. Only two
hours after the ultimatum to the prime minister, the Italian troops attacked Hellas: from its borders with
Albania at 5 o’clock in the morning of 28th October, 1940. The state radio of Athens announced in a
laconic way that the Hellenic troops are defending the motherland. The Greek people, worthy of their
glorious ancestors, responded enthusiastically to the mobilization to defend their country. They went to the
front with all possible means. The Greek women, like the ancient Spartans mothers, were saying good-bye
to their beloved husbands, sons and brothers and urging them to return home victorious.
Italy was militarily superior to Greece. It had a much bigger army, superior air force and advanced
weapons. In contrast, Greece’s main weapon was the decisiveness of its people to die for their freedom and
independence. The prerequisite for winning a war is people not to hesitate to die for their freedom. The
Hellenes, in a few days after the sudden attack, counterattacked successfully. Names of towns like
Sarantaporo, Tepeleni, Argyrokastro and Hagioi Saranta always remind us of the heroism and triumph of the
Hellenes in the Greco-Italian war of 1940. The mountains of Epiros and of Northern Epiros became the
grave for the attacking Italians. Within six months, despite the efforts of the Italians and Mussolini’s
personal efforts, the Hellenes had pushed the Italians well within Albania. They almost threw them in the
Adriatic sea.
The victory of Hellenes was the first victory of the allies of the Second World War. Winston Churchill,
who afterwards was called the Father of The Victory, said in admiring the Hellenes for their victories, that
“from now on we will not say that the Hellenes fight like heroes but the heroes fight like the Hellenes”.
The contribution of the Greek women in the war was tremendous. They were sending packages with food
and clothes which they had themselves knitted for the fighting soldiers. In addition, the heroic women of
Epiros, worthy descendants of the women of Souli, walking in the mud of the snowed mountains of Epiros,
were carrying ammunition and food for the soldiers on their shoulders.
The victory of the Hellenes against the Italians delayed the Hitler’s attack to Russia for six months. This
delay forced the Germans to fight the Russians during the heavy Russian winter of 1942 with disastrous for
them results. However, the cost of the Greco-Italian war, the German occupation that followed and the civil
war were disproportionally heavy for Greece. From 1940-1950, out of 8 million Greeks there were one
million dead, many wounded handicapped people, a completely destroyed country, and created seven
hundred thousand refuges. The price Hellas paid for its independence was very heavy. Let their example
inspire us to always raise our voice and our sword in defense of liberty and justice. Let the memory of the
fallen brothers of ours stay with us eternally.
For The
Hellenic University Club’s
Annual Scholarship
Christmas Dinner Dance
4825 Kennett Pike / Wilmington, Delaware
$100.00 per person
$30.00 per person - Dance Only
Contributions to Scholarship Fund ~ unlimited!!!
Save the date December 14th
Philoptochos Bid & Buy
Christmas Luncheon
Mark your calendars now and plan to come for
Fun! Food and Fellowship!
Look for more information in the November bulletin.
AHEPA Chapter #95
Cordially invites you
to attend our annual
Christmas Dinner Dance
Saturday, December 7, 2013
5:00 - 10:00 pm
Annual Welcome Back Picnic September 8, 2013
2013-2014 Ladies Philoptochos Society ~ September 10, 2013
Welcome Back Meeting at the home of Philoptochos President Georgia Halakos
The Guys… Having their own meeting!!
October 2013
3rd Sunday of Luke
9am Orthros
10am Divine Liturgy
10am Sunday School
Canned Food Drive
12:15pm Sunday
School Teachers
12pm Philoptochos
Board Meeting
HUC Welcome Back
@ George Karas
4th Sunday of Luke
9am Orthros
10am Divine Liturgy
10am Sunday School
12:15pm GOYA
1pm Baptism
Board Meeting
6pm Choir
6pm Hall Event
Speaker (all
1pm Young @
11am Orthodoxy 101
5pm Greek School
6:30pm AHEPA
2nd Annual
Comedy Night
in Hall
6:30pm AHEPA
6pm Choir
6-7pm Dance
6-7pm Dance
St Luke the Evangelist
9am Orthros
10am Divine Liturgy
11am Orthodoxy 101
5pm Greek School
7pm GOYA Bonfire
St. Demetrios
9am Orthros
10am Divine
6pm Girls
BBall Practice
7:15pm Boys
BBall Practice
6pm Girls
BBall Practice
7:15pm Boys
BBall Practice
Goya Hayride
6th Sunday of Luke
9am Orthros
10am Divine Liturgy
10am Sunday School
12:15pm JR GOYA
11am Orthodoxy 101
5pm Greek School
“All the
Hall Rental
6-7pm Dance
6pm Choir
4pm Metropolitan
Ambassadors Award
Cinnaminson, NJ
7th Sunday of Luke
9am Orthros
10am Divine Liturgy
10am Sunday School
OXI DAY Program in
the Church Hall
3:30pm Baptism
Daughters of
6pm Girls
BBall Practice
7:15pm Boys
BBall Practice
6pm Choir
6pm Girls
BBall Practice
7:15pm Boys
BBall Practice
Clergy Retreat
11am Orthodoxy 101
5pm Greek School
6-7pm Dance
Tournament @
St Sophia
6pm PC Exec
7pm PC
6-7pm Dance
6pm Choir
Clergy Retreat
National Clergy
Οκτώβριος 2013
6 μμ Μπ.Μπ.
7:15 μμ Μπ.
Μπ. Αρρένων
6 3η Κυριακή του
9 πμ Όρθρος
10 πμ Θεία
10 πμ Κατηχητικό
Έρανος κονσερβών
12:15 μμ Συνάντηση
6 μμ Συνάντησ.
6:30pm AHEPA
11μμ Ομάδα
6μμ Πρακτική
6-7μμ Πρακτική
“Όλη η
11 πμ Ορθοδοξία 101 Διαφορά”
5μμ Ελληνικό Σχολείο Ενηκοίαση Χώλ
3:30 μμ Γάμος
11μμ Ομάδα
11 μμ Αειθαλείς
11 πμ Ορθοδοξία 101
5μμ Ελληνικό Σχολείο
6:30μμ 2α
Κωμωδίας από
στο Χώλ
Άγιος Λουκάς ο
9 πμ Όρθρος
10 πμ Θεία
11 πμ Ορθοδοξία 101
5μμ Ελληνικό Σχολείο
7μμ Πυρά GOYA
9 πμ Όρθρος
10 πμ Θεία
6μμ Πρακτική
6-7μμ Πρακτική
HUC Καλωσόρισμα
@ Οικία Γεωργίου
13 4η Κυριακή του
9 πμ Όρθρος
10 πμ Θεία
10 πμ Κατηχητικό
12:15 πμ GOYA
1μμ Βάπτισις
6μμ Ελπίδα/Χαρά
6η Κυριακή του
9 πμ Όρθρος
10 πμ Θεία
10 πμ Κατηχητικό
12:15μμ Ελ. GOYA
4μμ Βραβεία
Cinnaminson, NJ
27 7η Κυριακή του
9 πμ Όρθρος
10πμ Θεία Λειτουρ
10 πμ Κατηχητικό
Πρόγραμα 25ης
Μαρτίου, στο Χώλ
Ελληνικό Σχολέιο
3:30μμ Βάπτισις
6 μμ Μπ.Μπ.
7:15 μμ Μπ.
Μπ. Αρρένων
11μμ Ομάδα
6-7μμ Πρακτική
6μμ Πρακτική
Daughters of
11μμ Ομάδα
6μμ Πρακτική
6μμ Συνάν.
6 μμ Μπ.Μπ.
7:15 μμ Μπ.
Μπ. Αρρένων
11μμ Ομάδα
6μμ Πρακτική
6 μμ Μπ.Μπ.
7:15 μμ Μπ.
Μπ. Αρρένων
11 πμ Ορθοδοξία 101
5μμ Ελληνικό Σχολείο
6-7μμ Πρακτική
Μπ. Μπ. @
6-7μμ Πρακτική
Εθνικού Κλήρου
& So Much More!
Talleyville Towne Shoppes
4001 Concord Pike
Wilmington, DE 19803
P - 302.478.7202
Monday - Saturday 10am-6pm
Gift Certificates Available
Over 50 Locations
We Cater Any Size Party
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Wilmington & Hockessin
(302) 478-7100
Spiros Mantzavinos
Public Relations
Holy Trinity
Greek Orthodox Church
808 N. Broom Street
Wilmington, DE 19806
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Permit No. 283
Wilmington, DE
Current Resident
Mail Date: September 25