2011JUNE & July.pub

JUNE / JULY 2011
Volume 42
Issue 6 & 7
The Feast of Pentecost and the Descent
of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles of Christ
Holy Trinity
Greek Orthodox Church
Wilmington, Delaware
The Official Publication of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
808 N. Broom Street, Wilmington, Delaware 19806
Telephone: (302) 654-4446 Fax: (302) 654-4204
His Eminence Metropolitan EVANGELOS of New Jersey, Hierarch
Rev. Fr. Dean Nastos, Protopresbyter
Susan Kelleher, Church Secretary 384-7805 (home)
Anargyros Liparos, Protopsaltis
Georgia Halakos, President - (302) 379-4335
Demetri Karakasidis, First Vice President - (302) 898-6049
Nick Karavasilis, Second Vice President -(302) 354-0768
James Maravelias, Parish Council Treasurer - (302) 388-0873
Maria Kotanidis, Parish Council Secretary - (302) 367-8132
Constantine Caras
Chris Papachrysanthou 373-6035
Tom Diamanty
George Rassias
Christos Kotanidis
Catherine Stathakis
Spiros Mantzavinos
George Tsavalas
Milt Misogianes
Peter Xarhoulakos
Executive Parish Council Meetings - 1st Tuesday of every month @ 7PM
Parish Council Meetings - 3rd Tuesday of every month @ 7PM
Mailing Coordinators
James Michael & Crew
(856) 678-4924
Maroula Haralambidis, President
Peter Stevens, President
Sunday School
Helene Krikelis, Director
Greek School
Eleni Papadopoulos Kessaris, Co-Director
Greek School
Vicky Dalianis, Co-Director
Eleni Karakasidis, Amalea Rassias,
Maria Kotanidis, & Julie Tsakumis
George Tsakataras, Coordinator
(610) 388-2093
Altar Boys
Michael Sanford, Director
St. Elpida
George Righos
Anthony Pantelopulos, Director
Altar Guild
Helen Doukakis, President
The Young @ Heart Club
Peter Xarhoulakos, President
Vacation Bible School
Sophia Fotakos, Director
Editorial Staff
Dr. Costas Fountzoulas
Web Site
Nikoletta Klezaras
Adult Bible Study (Wednesday PM) Fr. Stamatios Ganiaris
Adult Bible Study (Thursday PM) Basil Savopoulos
655-2252 / 764-2183
Emmanuel Dining Room East Nikkie Tsakataras & Tina Ganiaris King
Holy Trinity Food Pantry
Steve Nicholas
John Tarabicos, President
Daughters of Penelope
Robin Hayes, President
Hellenic University Club
Michael Logothetis, President
Church Office Email Address: greekorth@holytrinitywilmington.org
Fr. Dean Nastos’ Church Email Address: fr.dean@holytrinitywilmington.org
For pastoral emergencies - you may call Fr. Dean @ 654-4446
Holy Trinity Website Address: www.holytrinitywilmington.org
June & July 2011
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
“When the day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with
one accord in one place. Then there appeared to them divided
tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them.”
On the day of Pentecost, 50 days after the Resurrection of the
Lord, the Apostles and the believers in Christ where gathered
together in one accord in one place, that is, they were united in an
assembly. Their unity creates an environment in which the Holy
Spirit will come. Today, our assembly is called the “Church”.
Today, we are united as brothers and sisters in Christ and each
other. We are all being led by the Holy Spirit, the uncreated
energy of God. We know that God is outside the bonds of all that
is created, He and all that comes from His uncreated nature,
including His power or energy, are called uncreated.
Our unity as members of the Church allows us to worship the
Lord with all our body, mind, soul, and strength. Worship is
needed by every member of the Church because without it we
cannot continue on our path towards salvation. Salvation is the
only reason we live our lives upon this earth. Our Lord invites us
each and every day, each and every Sunday to worship Him and to
partake of His precious Body and Blood – Holy Communion.
Without His Body and Blood we cannot exist as humans and
cannot experience His Kingdom here on earth. At every Liturgy
we begin with the words, “Blessed is the Kingdom of the Father
and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and to the
ages of ages.” The Lord’s Kingdom is present now and here and
we are called to witness to it always. Our Lord calls each of us to
worship Him in His Church each Sunday and now that summer is
here, let us not stop attending Church on Sunday. Plan your
activities for Sunday but let them begin after the Liturgy.
Remember, if you don’t worship every week, one becomes weak.
On Saturday and Sunday, June 11the and 12th our Metropolitan,
His Eminence Evangelos of New Jersey will make a pastoral
visitation to our Parish. Let us be present in Church on June 12th,
the Feast of Pentecost, to celebrate the Liturgy with him and
welcome our Metropolitan to our Parish family. Following the
Liturgy there will be a luncheon in honor of His Eminence’s visit
and for all who attend. After the Liturgy His Eminence will be
tonsuring our Altar Boys as Readers.
On Monday, June 13th we will celebrate our Parish Feast Day
with the Orthros and Liturgy beginning at 9:00AM. Following the
liturgy a Luncheon will be offered to all who are in attendance.
Let us be present so we may petition our Lord to continue to bless
and guide our Parish always.
June is the month in which we host our Annual Festival. From
June 7th unitl 11th we offer our Wilmington community the
opportunity to experience our Faith, culture, food, music, dance
and spirit. Let us work together in the spirit of love, joy, harmony,
and cooperation in order to show our best to all who visit our
In Christ’s Service
Rev. Protopresbyter Dean Nastos
Ιούνιος & Ιούλιος 2011
Αγαπητοί Αδελφοί και Αδελφές εν Χριστώ,
«Και εν το συμπληρούσθαι την ημέραν της Πεντηκοστής ήσαν
άπαντες ομοθυμαδόν επί το αυτό. Και ώφθησαν αυτοίς
διαμεριζόμεναι γλώσσαι ωσεί πυρός, εκάθισε τε εφ’ ένα έκαστον
αυτών» (Πράξεις 2,1 & 2,3).
Την ημέραν της Πεντηκοστής, 50 ημέρες μετά την
Ανάσταση του Κυρίου, οι Απόστολοι και οι πιστεύοντες στον
Χριστόν συγκεντρώθηκαν κατόπιν συμφωνίας σε ένα μέρος,
δηλαδή, ενώθηκαν σε εκκλησίασμα. Η ένωσή τους δημιουργεί το
περιβάλλον στο οποίο θα έλθη το Άγιο Πνεύμα. Σήμερα, η
συγκεντρωσή μας ονομάζεται «Εκκλησία». Σήμερα είμαστε
ενωμένοι σαν αδελφοί και αδελφές στον Χριστό και ο ένας με τον
Όλοι μας οδηγούμεθα από το Άγιο Πνεύμα, την
αδημιούργητη ενέργεια του Θεού. Γνωρίζουμε ότι ο Θεός είναι
εκτός των δεσμών που εδημιουργήθηκαν, Αυτός και ότι έρχεται
από την αδημιούργητη φύση Του, συμπεριλαμβανομένων της
ισχύος και ενέργειας Του, καλούνται αδημιούργητα.
Η ενωσή μας σαν μέλη της Εκκλησίας μας επιτρέπει να
λατρεύουμε τον Κύριον με όλο το σώμα, μυαλό, ψυχή και δύναμή
μας. Η λατρεία είναι απαραίτητη σε κάθε μέλος της Εκκλησίας
επειδή χωρίς αυτήν δεν μπορούμε να συνεχίσουμε στην οδό της
σωτηρία μας. Η Σωτηρία είναι ο μόνος λόγος που ζούμε σ’ αυτή
την γή. Ο Κυριός μας προσκαλεί κάθε Κυριακή να Τον
λατρέψουμε και να λάβουμε μέρος του Σώματός και Αίματός ΤουΘεία Ευχαριστία. Χωρίς το Σώμα και Αίμα Του δεν μπορούμε να
υπάρχουμε σαν άνθρωποι και να έχουμε την εμπειρία του
Βασιλείου Του στην γή. Σε κάθε Λειτουργία ξεκινάμε με το
«Ευλογημένη η Βασιλεία του Πατρός και του Υιού και του
Αγίου Πνεύματος, νυν και αεί και εις τους αιώνας των
αιώνων». Το Βασίλειο του Κυρίου είναι παρόν τώρα και εδώ και
καλούμε να είμαστε μάρτυρές του. Ο Κύριος μας καλεί να Τον
λατρέψουμε στην Εκκλησία Του κάθε Κυριακή και να μην
σταματήσουμε να ερχώμαστε στην Εκκλησία ούτε το καλοκαίρι.
Σχεδιάστε τις Κυριακάτικες δραστηριότητές σας μετά την
Λειτουργία. Να θυμάσθε ότι γινώμαστε αδύναμοι εαν δεν
λατρεύουμε κάθε Κυριακή.
Το Σαββατοκύριακο, Ιουνίου 11η και Ιουνίου 12η ο
Μητροπολίτης μας, Σεβασμιώτατος Ευάγγελος της Νέας Ιερσέης
θα κάνη μία ποιμενική επίσκεψη στην Κοινότητά μας.
παρευρεθούμε στην Εκκλησία στις 12 Ιουλίου, ημέρα της
Πεντηκοστής, να συνεορτάσουμε την Λειτουργία και να
καλωσορίσουμε τον Μητροπολίτη μας στην Ενορία μας. Μετά
την Λειτουργία θα παρατεθή γεύμα για όλους προς τιμήν του
Σεβασμιωτάτου. Μετά την Λειτουργία ο Σεβασμιώτατος θα κάνη
τα Παιδιά του Ιερού Αναγνώστες κόβοντάς από τα μαλλιά τους.
Την Δευτέρα, Ιουνίου 13η, θα εορτάσουμε την Ονομαστική
Εορτή της Κοινότητάς μας με Όρθρο και Λειτουργία στις 9:00
π.μ., και θα ακολουθήση γεύμα για τους παρευρεθέντες. Ας
προσπαθήσουμε να παρευρεθούμε για να παρακαλέσουμε τον
Κύριο μας να συνεχίση να Ευλογή και καθοδηγή την Ενορία μας.
Τον Ιούνιο έχουμε το Ετήσιο Πανηγύρι (Φεστιβάλ) μας. Από
την 7η μέχρι την 11η Ιουνίου δίνουμε την ευκαιρία στην ευρύτερη
κοινότητα του Γουίλμινγτον να γνωρίση την Πίστη, πολιτισμό,
φαγητό, χορό και πνεύμα μας. Ας εργασθούμε μαζί σε πνεύμα
αγάπης, χαράς, αρμονίας, και συνεργασίας για να δείξουμε σε
όλους τους επισκέπτές μας τον καλλίτερο εαυτό μας.
Στην Υπηρεσία του Χριστού
Αιδ. Πρωτοσπρεσβύτερος Κωνσταντίνος Νάστος
June 2011
9am Orthros
10am Divine Liturgy
Graduate Recognition
The 40 day memorial
for George Kalfas.
2 Holy Ascension
10amDivine Liturgy
Greek Festival
Greek Festival
Greek Festival
Greek Festival
Greek Festival
11am Wedding
4pm Wedding
9am Orthros
10am Divine Liturgy
The Feast Day of
Holy Trinity
10amDivine Liturgy
Vacation Bible School 13th - 17th - 8:30am-3pm
9am Orthros
10am Divine Liturgy
The 40 day memorial
for Odysseus Kotanides.
2pm Baptism
Happy Father’s Day
9am Orthros
10am Divine Liturgy
Ιούνιος 2011
2 Αναλήψεως του
‘Ορθρος 9 π.μ., Θεία
Λειτουργία 10 π.μ.
5 Κυριακή των Πατέρων
της Α’ Οικουμενικής
‘Ορθρος 9 π.μ., Θεία
Λειτουργία 10 π.μ.
Αναγώρισις Αποφοίτων
40-ήμερο μνημόσυνο του
Γεωργίου Κάλφα.
Της Πεντηκοστής
‘Ορθρος 9 π.μ., Θεία
Λειτουργία 10 π.μ.
Αγίου Πνεύματος
Εορτή Αγία Τριάδος
‘Ορθρος 9 π.μ., Θεία
Λειτουργία 10 π.μ.
Ελληνικό Φεστιβάλ
Δεύτερη Κυριακή του
‘Ορθρος 9 π.μ., Θεία
Λειτουργία 10 π.μ.
11π.μ Γάμος
4 π.μ. Γάμος
Σχολείο Δαικοπών Βίβλου 13η - 17η - 8:30πμ.-3μ.μ
19 Αγίων Πάντων
Ευτυχισμένη Ημερα του
Η Δεύτερη Κυριακή του
‘Ορθρος 9 π.μ., Θεία
Λειτουργία 10 π.μ.
40-ήμερο μνημόσυνο του
Οδυσσέα Κοτανίδη.
2μ.μ Βάπτισις
July 2011
3rd Sunday of St. Matthew
9am Orthros
10am Divine Liturgy
4th Sunday of St. Matthew
1:30 Baptism
11am Baptism
Church Office
9am Orthros
10am Divine Liturgy
Sunday of the Holy Fathers
9am Orthros
10am Divine Liturgy
6th Sunday of St. Matthew
9am Orthros
10am Divine Liturgy
7th Sunday of St. Matthew
9am Orthros
10am Divine Liturgy
Ιούλιος 2011
Τρίτη Κυριακή του
Όρθρος 9 π.μ.
Θέια Λειτουργία 10 π.μ.
Τέταρτη Κυριακή του
1:30 μ.μ.
11 π.μ.
Ημέρα Της
Γραφείο Κλειστό
Όρθρος 9 π.μ.
Θέια Λειτουργία 10 π.μ.
Κυριακή των Αγίων
Όρθρος 9 π.μ.
Θέια Λειτουργία 10 π.μ.
Έκτη Κυριακή του
Όρθρος 9 π.μ.
Θέια Λειτουργία 10 π.μ.
Εβδόμη Κυριακή του
Όρθρος 9 π.μ.
Θέια Λειτουργία 10 π.μ.
The Presidents Page
Dear Fellow Parishioners,
I would like to thank everyone who attended and helped make this a
wonderful Pascha here at Holy Trinity, Congratulations to all who
volunteered and participated in the Holy Friday Retreat. We had over
40 children attend. I would also like to thank the Karakasidis Family
who donated and prepared the Anastasi Meal.
By the time you get this bulletin, our annual festival will be very close
and I would like to take this opportunity to thank those who have
come out to help prepare the remaining items. Our volunteers finished
of the prep work by making 220 trays of Mousaka!! We also thank
the Daughters of Penelope and the Philoptochos Ladies who came out
to make the pastries! As you know our festival cannot be a success
without the volunteers who come out and help – so we ask that you
come out and help us to make this the best festival we have ever had!
Come when you can and leave when you must! Remember that our
festival this year is running for 5 days and we will need to have
volunteers to work on Saturday as well! The 5th day will replace the 2
day fall Glendi, but plans are in the works for a Taverna Night that we
will invite the public to attend in the fall.
I would like to congratulate our Greek School and Sunday School
Graduates. We had a great year. I would also like to say
congratulations to our High School and College Graduates as well.
We wish you many years of success and happiness in the future.
We extend our thanks to the Philoptochos and to our GOYAn’s for
stepping up and donating to the Icon Restoration Project. We hope to
start this project in the summer and will still take donations
throughout the coming months.
Our GOYAn’s attended a Basketball Tournament in Baltimore and
Fr. Dean attended with them (see pictures). We congratulate them on
their sportsmanship! We also thank those GOYAn’s who stayed
behind and served at Coffee Hour and gave flowers to our mothers on
Mother’s Day!
Please note that our Metropolitan will be visiting our parish on June
11th and on Sunday, June 12th will participate in the Divine Liturgy
and Altar Boy Ceremony. Please plan on attending Church on this
day. We also would ask for volunteers to help us with the luncheon
for him as well as the luncheon that will follow the service on our
church’s Feast day!
We look forward to September when we will hold our 4th Annual
Golf Tournament. We are still looking for sponsors and teams of
players. Please support our church with good attendance!
We again welcome Fr. Dean and Presbytera Carolyn and their family
who will join him here in the coming year. He has proved to be a
great asset to our Holy Trinity Community and we look forward to
serving with him for many years to come.
During the summer, we will be holding small coffee hours in the
AHEPA Room. If your family would like to sponsor one, please call
the church office to arrange it.
As we enter the summer months please remember that no matter
where your travels take you through the summer – please attend
church on Sunday’s, here with us, or wherever you may be.
In Christ,
Georgia Halakos
Αγαπητοί Φίλοι Ενορίτες,
Θα ήθελα να ευχαριστήσω όλους όσοι πήραν μέρος και έκαναν το
εφετινό Πάσχα μία ακόμη επιτυχία. Συγχαρητήρια σε όλους που
συμμετείχαν εθελοντικώς στην Απομόνωση της Μεγάλης
Παρασκευής. Περισσότερα από 40 παιδιά παρακολούθησαν (όρα
φωτογραφίες). Θα ήθελα επίσης να ευχαριστήσω την οικογένεια
Καρακασίδη που προετοίμασε και προσέφερε το Αναστάσιμο
Όταν θα λάβετε το παρόν Δελτίο, το Ετήσιο Πανηγύρι (Φεστιβάλ)
θα πλησιάζη. Με αυτή την ευκαιρία θα ήθελα να ευχαριστήσω
όλους όσοι εβοήθησαν στην προετοιμασία των υπολοίπων
εδεσμάτων. Οι εθελοντές μας έκαναν 220 λαμαρίνες Μουσακά!
Επίσης ευχαριστούμε τις Θυγατέρες της Πηνελόπης και τις Κυρίες
της Φιλοπτώχου που έκαναν τα γλυκίσματα! Όπως όλοι
γνωρίζουμε το φεστιβάλ δεν μπορεί να επιτύχη χωρίς τους
εθελοντές μας. Σας παρακαλώ λοιπόν να βοηθήσετε με την
θέλησή σας να γίνη το φετινό φεστιβάλ ακόμη μεγαλλίτερη
επιτυχία! Ελάτε όποτε μπορείτε και φύγετε όποτε πρέπει! Το
φεστιβάλ μας εφέτος θα διαρκέση για 5 ημέρες και χρειάζονται
εθελοντές για όλες τις ημέρες και ειδικά το Σάββατο. Η 5η ημέρα
αντικαθιστά τις 2 ημέρες του φθινοπωρινού φεστιβάλ (Γλέντι).
Όμως σχεδιάζουμε μία Βραδυά Ταβέρνας το φθινόπωρο για το
κοινό. Θα ήθελα να συγχαρώ τους αποφοίτους του Ελληνικού και
Κατηχητικού Σχολείου. Είχαμε μία επιτυχημένη χρονιά. Θα ήθελα
επίσης να συγχαρώ τους αποφοίτους μας του Γυμνασίου και
Πανεπιστημίου. Σας ευχώμεθα καλή επιτυχία και ευτυχία στο
Εκτείνουμε τις ευχαριστίες μας στην νεολάια της ΓΚΟΓΙΑ και
Φιλόπτωχο για την αυθόρμητη προσφορά τους στην
Αποκατάσταση των Εικόνων. Ελπίζουμε να αρχίσουμε τις
εργασίες το καλοκαίρι και δεχόμεθα προσφορές.
Η νεολαία της ΓΚΟΓΙΑ επήρε μέρος στο Τούρναμεντ
Καλαθοσφαίρας στην Βαλτιμόρη, όπου παρέστη και ο Πατήρ
Κωνσταντίνος (όρα φωτογραφίες). Τους συγχαίρουμε για το ευαγωνίζεσθαι που επεδειξαν! Επίσης ευχαριστούμε την ΓΚΟΓΙΑ
για το σερβίρισμα του καφέ και διανομή λουλουδιών στην Ημέρα
της Μητέρας.
Σημειώστε ότι ο Επίσκοπός μας θα μας επισκευθή την 11ην και
12ην Ιουνίου και θα πρωτοστατήση στην Θεία Λειτουργία της
Κυριακής (12 Ιουνίου) και την Εορτή των Αγοριών του Ιερού.
Παρακαλώ προσπαθήστε να έλθετε στην Εκκλησία αυτη την
Κυριακή. Χρειαζόμαστε εθελοντές για το γεύμα που θα
ακολουθήση την ακολουθία της Ονομαστικής Εορτής της
Εκκλησίας μας!
Χρειάζομαστε χορηγούς για το 4ο Ετήσιο Τούρναμεντ Γκόλφ στον
Σεπτέμβριο. Παρακαλώ υποστηρίχτε το!
Επίσης καλωσορίζουμε τον Πατέρα Κωνσταντίνο και την
Πρεσβυτέρα Κυριακή και την οικογένειά τους που θα ενωθούν
μαζί τον επόμενο χρόνο. Ο Πατέρας Κωνσταντίνος έχει δείξει ότι
είναι ένα μεγάλο πλεονέκτημα για την Κοινότητά μας και
προσβλέπουμε στην συνεργασία μας για τα πολλά επόμενα χρόνια.
Το καλοκαίρι θα έχουμε μικρότερης διάρκειας «Ώρα του Καφέ»
στην αίθουσα ΑΧΕΠΑ. Ενα θέλετε να γίνετε χορηγοί της
παρακαλώ ενεημερώστε το γραφείο της εκκλησίας.
Καθώς εισερχόμεθα στο καλοκαίρι παρακαλώ να θυμάστε ότι
ανεξάρτητα από τις καλοκαιρινές σας διακοπές να πηγαίνετε στην
Εκκλησία μας την Κυριακή ή οπουδήοτε αλλού ευρίσκεσθε.
Εν Χριστώ,
Γεωργία Χαλάκου
GOYA attends
May 8 & 9, 2011
Religious Education Update
Dear Parishioners,
Pascha was rapidly approaching and the Sunday school students found themselves caught up in the many
ecclesiastical activities leading up to the Great Feast. On Lazarus Saturday, many of the students helped with
palm folding. They struggled at first with the technique, but before long they had mastered it and were proudly
displaying their crosses, which the parishioners received the following day at the Palm Sunday service.
The Holy Friday retreat was a great success. The event started in the church where several children helped decorate the
Kouvouklion. Another group was busily dusting the icons, vacuuming the carpet and collecting and disposing of fallen
leaves and petals from around the Kouvouklion, all in preparation for the Great Friday evening service. Father Costas
gathered all the children and explained to them the difference between the Kouvouklion and the Epitaphios. After a
Lenten luncheon in the community hall, the children returned to the church where they met with choir director Anthony
Pantelopoulos. He explained what the Lamentations are, sang the first verse and then asked the children to sing. Those
of us present were stunned by what we heard. The children’s voices were beautiful; they were angelic. The remainder of
the time was spent participating in arts and crafts activities, story telling and for the older students watching the Franco
Zeffirelli Passion movie. The Sunday school teachers received many favorable comments about the event and a request
to repeat the retreat next year.
As in years past, girls from grades 4, 5 and 6 representing the Myrophorais kept vigil at the Epitaphios during the
Great Friday evening service. They reverently joined in the procession through the church and quietly and
respectfully participated in the service until its end.
The Sunday School Closing and Awards Ceremony took place on May 15. Congratulations to all the Sunday
School students. To the high school seniors who are off to college in the fall we wish Godspeed.
Yours in Christ,
The Sunday School
A certain Christian lady once said to a friend, “Our Church costs too much. They
are always asking for money.” “Sometime ago a little boy was born in our home,”
replied her friend. “he cost me a lot of money from the very beginning: he had a big
appetite, he needed clothes, medicine, toys, and even a puppy. Then he went to school,
and that cost a lot more; later he went to college, then he began dating, and that cost a
small fortune! But in his senior year at college he died, and since the funeral he has not
cost me a penny. Now which situation do you think I would rather have?”
After a significant pause she continued, “As long as this Parish lives it will cost.
When it dies for lack of support, it will not cost us anything. A living Parish has the
most vital message for all the world today; the message that Christ is our Savior,
therefore I am going to give of the most of my Time, Talents and Treasures to my
Parish and pray with everything I have to keep our Parish alive.
Can you say that you give the most of your Time, Talents and Treasures to our
Parish? Do you pray with everything you have in order to keep this Parish alive? If
you are not, read the first paragraph again and then ask yourself the question.
Our Parish does not always ask for money. We ask for every members
STEWARDSHIP each year. Stewardship is the Program of this Parish which allows
our Parish to live. Without Stewardship, our Parish cannot survive. We need the
support of every family in order to meet the needs of the ministries that our Parish
offers. Without every members 100% support we cannot accomplish what needs to be
accomplished within our Parish for the benefit of all members.
If you have not sent your financial Pledge Card in to the Church Office by now,
please do so as soon as possible. If you need a new financial Pledge Card, please call
the Church Office so one can be sent to you. We ask that you give from your heart.
We ask that you give the best you can to your Parish. We ask that you offer what is
right and proper to your Parish. We ask that you give now before it becomes too late.
Remember, this Parish will always cost money because Christ is alive within it.
We thank all the members you have offered their financial Pledge to our Parish. We
pray the Lord will continue to bless you will all good things and may our Parish grow
in the spirit of faith, love and hope always.
Your Holy Trinity Stewardship Committee
For May 2011
Arieta, the daughter of Apostolos & Georgia Matulas, received her 40 day Church blessing
on May 22nd. We congratulate the family and pray the Lord will bless them as they
prepare for baptism.
Despina, the daughter of Athanasios & Antonia Belitsas, received her 40 day Church
blessing on May 29th. We congratulate the family and pray the Lord will bless them as
they prepare for baptism.
Maximos, the son of Jason & Kara Efelis, was baptized on May 22nd in our Church. His
sponsor was Michael Efelis. We congratulate the parents, sponsor and welcome Maximos
into the Orthodox Faith.
Andrew McVaugh entered into the Orthodox Faith through Chrismation in our Church on
May 14th. His sponsor was Stamatia Cubeta. We congratulate and welcome Andrew into
our Parish and pray the Lord will bless him always.
Ryan McManus & Theodora Galanis were united in Marriage on May 18th in our Church.
The sponsors were Konstantinos & Demetra Tzinoudis. Theodora is the daughter of Nick &
Agne Galanis. We congratulate the newly united in Christ and pray our Lord will bless them
George Kalfas fell asleep in the Lord on April 25th and the funeral was held in our
Church on April 28th. He is survived by his wife Caroline and children Anastasios and
Nikolaos. May his memory be eternal!
Diana Markessinis fell asleep in the Lord on May 1st and the funeral was held in our
Church on May 4th. She is survived by her daughter Joan. May her memory be
Odysseus Kotanides fell asleep in the Lord on May 13th and the funeral was held in our
Church on May 17th. He is survived by his wife Anastasia and son Alex. May his
memory be eternal!
George Kalfas ~ 40 Day ~ June 5
Odysseus Kotanides ~ 40 Day ~ June 19
Holy Trinity 2011 Financial Stewards
Ms. Angeliki Adamopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Adamopoulos
Mr. Sotiere Adamopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Angelos Alexandratos
Mr. & Mrs. T. Alexandridis
Mr. & Mrs. John Alexopoulos
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Amygdalos
Mrs. Georgia Anastasakos
Mr. & Mrs. Andreas Anastassiades
Mr. & Mrs. Evan Andreadis
Mrs. Faith Andrianopoulos
Ms. Elaine Annos
Mr. Anthony Anton
Dr. Michael Antony
Mr. & Mrs. Spyros Apessos
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Apostolakis
Miss Arkontoula M. Apostolatos
Mr. Evaggelos M. Apostolatos
Mr. & Mrs. Kostas Atsidis
Mrs. Meropi Bambacus
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Beris
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Blazakis
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Boines
Ms. Georgia Boines
Mr. & Mrs. Themis Bourogiannis
Mr. & Mrs. James Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Brown
Ms. Jessica Burns
Mr. & Mrs. Byron Burpulis
Mr. & Mrs. Costas Burpulis
Mr. & Mrs. John Burpulis
Mr. Stamatis Burpulis
Mrs. Christine Caras
Mr. Constantine & Dr. Maria Caras
Mr. George & Chris Caras
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Caras
Mr. & Mrs. George Chambers
Mrs. Jane Chappel
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Chilimidos
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Chilimidos
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Chris
Ms. Demetra Christou
Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Christou
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Colborn
Mrs. Amanda Colyvas
Dr. John Congalidis
Mr. George Constantinou
Mr. & Mrs. John Constantinou
Mr. Charles Cooke III
Mrs. Alexandra Costalas
Mr. & Mrs. Gus Costis
Dr. & Mrs. Costas Coulaloglou
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Courtis
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Coustenis
Mrs. Olympia Cozamanis
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Cozamanis
Mr. Patrick Cusanelli
Mr. & Mrs. John Dalianis
Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Dandolos
Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Daskalopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. George Degermentzidis
Mr. & Mrs. Spyros Demetriou
Mrs. Virginia Demitral
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Diamanty
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony T. Diamond
Mr. John A. Diamond
Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Dianastasis
Irene S. Dickey
Mrs. Maria Donald
Mrs. Helen Doukakis
Ms. Clara Drimones
Mr. Nicholas Drimones
Mr. & Mrs. John Dumel
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Efelis
Mr. Michael Efelis
Mrs. Sophie Eliades
Mr. & Mrs. Speros Evangelatos
Mr. & Mrs. James Faller
Mr. & Mrs. George Fanandakis
Mr. & Mrs. Spero Ferentinos
Mr. & Mrs. Zaharias Fessaras
Mr. & Mrs. Leonidas Fotakos
Dr. & Mrs. Costas Fountzoulas
Mrs. Kathleen Fournakis
Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Fournaris
Mr. & Mrs. George Fournaris
Mr. & Mrs. John Frangakis
Mrs. Ekaterini Galanakis
Mr. & Mrs. James Galaris
Rev. & Mrs. Stamatios Ganiaris
Mr. & Mrs. James King
Mr. Dean Ganoudis
Mr. Thomas Gargalas
Dr. George C. Gatos
Ms. Georgiean Geanopulos
Mrs. Katy Geanopulos
Mrs. Mary George
Mr. Gus Georgiou
Mrs. Loula Geralis
Mr. & Mrs. James Gianelos
Mr. & Mrs. Basil Giannaras
Rev. & Pres. George Giannaris
Mr. & Mrs. Gerry Giannatos
Miss Virginia Gotides
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Govatos, Jr
Mr. & Mrs. Alton Graham
Ms. Christine Graham
Mrs. Helen Gregory
Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Grivas
Mr. & Mrs. Lou Guardascione
Dr. & Mrs. George Hadjipanayis
Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Halakos
Mr. & Mrs. Evangelos Halakos
Mr. & Mrs. Joannis Halakos
Mr. Harry Haldas
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Haldas
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Haldas
Mr. & Mrs. William N. Haldas
Mrs. Eugenia Hann
Mr. George Hantzandreou
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Hatzis
Mr. & Mrs. Dimitris Iliadis
Miss Katherine Issaris
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Joannides
Mrs. Julia Johnson
Mrs. Margo M. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Joseck
Mr. & Mrs. Laki Kalaitzoglou
Mrs. Caroline Kalfas
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Kaliakin
Mrs. Mary Kalmer
Mr. & Mrs. George Kamenakis
Mr. Peter Kamenakis
Mr. Manny Kanas
Mrs. Loula Kapordelis
Mrs. Helen Karablacas
Ms. Virginia Karablacas
Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Karakasidis
Mr. & Mrs. John Karakasidis
Mr. & Mrs. Stephanos Karakasidis
Mr. Dean Karamihalis
Mr. & Mrs. Eleftherios Karaoglanis
Mr. George M. Karas
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Karas
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Karavasilis
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Katsimbris
Mrs. Ann Keffala
Mr. & Mrs. Basil Kehagias
Dr. & Mrs. John Kehagias
Miss Georgia Keros
Drs. Alexander & Kathy Kirifides
Dr. & Mrs. Lazarus Kirifides
Drs. Michael & Kerry Kirifides
Mr. & Mrs. Petros Kirtses
Ms. Nikoletta Klezaras
Mr. James Kogamihalis
Ms. Christina Koninis
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Koninis
Mr. John Koninis, II
Mr. & Mrs. Gus Kontis
Mr.& Mrs. Kostas Kontomaris
Mr. & Mrs. John Kostas
Mrs. Soula Kotanides
Mr. & Mrs. Christos Kotanidis
Mr. & Mrs. Konstantine Kountourzis
Mr. & Mrs. Yiannis Koutsoukos
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Kramedas
Mrs. Maria Kramedas
Mr. & Mrs. William Kramedas
Mr. & Mrs. Costas Krikelis
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Krikelis
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Kusumi
Mr. & Mrs Ernie Laletas
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Laws
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lawson
Mr. & Mrs. John Lazare
Mr. & Mrs. Anastasis Lazaridis
Mr. & Mrs. Lakis Lazaridis
Mr. & Mrs. John Lazopoulos Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Lemper
Mr. & Mrs. Anastasios Lempesis
Mr. & Mrs. James Lennon
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Leounes
Miss Evelyn M. Liarakos
Mrs. Mary Littel
Mr. & Mrs. John Livaditis
Mr. & Mrs. Dean C. Lomis
Dr. & Mrs. W. Lee MacKewiz
Voula and John Manis
Mrs. Katina Manolakis
Mr. & Mrs. Nick T. Manolakos
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Manoloudis
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Manos
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Mantzavinos
Mr. & Mrs. Spiros Mantzavinos
Mr. & Mrs. James Maravelias
Mrs. Irene Marini
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Markatos
Mrs. Stella Markatos
Ms. Amy Mavrantonis
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mayew
Mrs. Antoinette McFarland
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan McManus
Mr. & Mrs. Anastasis Melisaris
Mr. & Mrs. Xenophon Melissourgos
Mrs. Connie Mentis
Mrs. Barbara Mesogianes
Dr. & Mrs. Constantine Michell
Dr. & Mrs. Theodore Michell
Mr. Vasili Michell
Mr. Constantine Milionis
Dr. & Mrs. Milt Misogianes
Drs. George & Alexia Moutsatsos
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Nannas
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Narvell
Rev. Dean & Pres. Carolyn Nastos
Mrs. Bruce Ney
Mr. Stephen Nicholas
Mr. & Mrs. William Nicholas
Ms. Matina Nicholson
Mrs. Costas Pagonis
Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Pagonis
Mr. Denis Pandelakis
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Pantelopulos
Mrs. Christina Pantsos
Mr. & Mrs. C. Papachrysanthou
Mr. & Mrs. G. Papachrysanthou
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Papantinas
Mr. Evan Pappanicholas
Mr. & Mrs. Dean C. Pappas
Miss Elizabeth Pappas
Mr. & Mrs. Evangelos Pappas
Mr. & Mrs. John Pappas
Miss Sandra Pappas
Sotera & Helen Pappas
Ms. Christina Pappoulis
Mr. & Mrs. K. Pechlivanidis
Mr. & Mrs. George Pettaris
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Pettit
Mr. & Mrs. C. Phalangas
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Phillips
Mrs. Pauline Phillips
Mr. Steve Pittaoulis
Mr. John Pittas
Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Poulos
Dr. John Psaltis
Mr. & Mrs. Nickolas Psaltis
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Psaltis
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Psihalinos
Drs. Leo & Irene Raisis
Mr. Spiros Raisis
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Ranalli
Mr. & Mrs. Dion Rassias
Mr. & Mrs. George Rassias
Mr. Constantinos Regas
Mrs. Sofia Regas
Mr. & Mrs. Elias Rigas
Mrs. Margaret Riggins
Mr. & Mrs. George Righos
Ms. Athena Rochonchou
Mr. & Mrs. T. Roustopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. John Saffos
Mrs. Mary P. Saitis
Mr. & Mrs. Byron Sakiadis
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sanford
Mrs. Areti Sapunas
Mr. & Mrs. Basil Savopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schillinger
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Shuler
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sikoutris
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Skiadas
Mr.& Mrs. Bryan Snell
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Soccio
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Spanos
Mr. & Mrs. Everett Sparks
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Spence
Mr & Mrs. Nicholas Staikos
Mr. & Mrs. Ilias Stamatiadis
Ms. Catherine Stathakis
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Stavru
Ms. Sophia Stavru
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Stout, Jr
Mrs. Anastasia Tarabicos
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Tarabicos
Mr. & Mrs. John Tarabicos
Mr. Diamantis Tektonopoulos
Dr. & Mrs. Costas Terris
Mrs. Eugenia Terss
Mr. Stamatis Theodorakis
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Athanasios Trintafyllou
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Tsaganos
Mr. & Mrs. George Tsaganos
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Tsaganos
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tsaganos
Mr. George Tsakataras
Mrs. Nikkie Tsakataras
Mr. & Mrs. Konstantine Tsakiris
Dr. & Mrs. George Tsakumis
Dr. Theodore Tsakumis
Mr. & Mrs. George J. Tsavalas
Mr. & Mrs. Efthimios Tsionas
Mr. & Mrs. Vasilis Tsiouplis
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Tsoukalas
Mr. & Mrs. George Tsugranes
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Turley
Mr. & Mrs. Kostas Tzinoudis
Miss Regina Valko
Mr. & Mrs. George Vassilatos
Mrs. Kleoniki Vassiliou
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Velitskakis
Mr. & Mrs. Billy Vice
Mr. & Mrs. Socrates Visvardis
Mrs. Katherine Vlahos
Mrs. Helen Vlamis
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Vlamis
Mr. & Mrs. Petros Voultsis
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Wilkinson
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wissman
Mr. & Mrs. Josiah Wolcott
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Xarhoulakos
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Yiannos
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Zaloga
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Zambetis
Dr. & Mrs. Demetri Zerefos
Mr. & Mrs. Markos Zerefos
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Zographos
As of May 23, 2011
Please note:
We now are set up to take Visa/Master Card. Please call or stop
by the church office to find out how.
Check your check:
Fellow Parishioners, when writing a check to the church, please make sure that the MEMO
line is filled out as to how you would like the money to be applied: i.e. Stewardship, candles, tray, memorial, general donation, flowers, etc. Please also include your account
number. It cannot be stressed enough. It not only ensures that the money from you is applied correctly, but also helps in determining expected income for the next year’s budget.
Thank you for your help in this matter.
Amount Pledged:
Amount Paid:
Total Number of Pledging Families:
Total Number of Eligible Stewards:
Average Pledge:
Amount of Pledge needed for budget:
As of May 23, 2011
The Altar Guild would like to acknowledge and thank the following parishioner for her
donation for flowers:
May 8 – Evelyn Liarakos: Altar flowers in loving memory of my mother, Bessie Liarakos.
May 15 – Katherine Issaris: Altar flowers in loving memory of my mother, Konstantina
Issaris, on her seventeenth year memorial.
May 22 – Virginia Karablacas: Altar flowers to honor Sts. Constantine and Helen; and
prayers for the good health of my mother, Eleni, and in memory of my Theo Kosta. May his
memory be eternal.
Members on Duty in May: Catherine Faller and Steve Nicholas
Due to the heat of the summer months, we will not be having arrangements of fresh flowers until
September when we resume our regular schedule. However, for the period of August 1 through
August 15, the Dormition of the Virgin Mary, we will accept donations for the wreaths that have
to be made up for the icon. Please use the form below for your donation.
Telephone_________________ Please reserve date ___________________________
Special Occasion_______________________________________________________
Amount enclosed: $__________________ Check payable to: Holy Trinity Altar Guild
Mail to: Katherine Coustenis, 62 Springer Court, Hockessin, DE 19707
May we publish in Monthly Bulletin __________Yes
On Friday May 6th, GOYA hosted a meet and great with Fr. Dean. It gave an opportunity for
all the GOYAns and their parents to meet Father. This event was followed by our May GOYA
meeting. On Saturday and Sunday, May 7th and 8th, several GOYAns attended a basketball
tournament at Annunciation, MD. On Mother’s Day, we sponsored the coffee hour and
gave out flowers to all the mothers at church. We are currently planning our end of the
year activities and are looking forward to the Festival in June.
Peter Stevens
GOYA President
JUNE Altar Boy News & Schedule
It’s not too late to become an Altar Boy. We have a good solid group, but our numbers are lean this year and we
could use more help. Any boys in 4th grade and up who are interested should come with their parents to see Mr.
Sanford. The best time to find me is right before Liturgy, or you can call me at home (number is listed below).
The 2010-11 Altar Boy Teams and schedule are listed below. In addition, we have a few Altar Boys who cannot
make the normal rotation, but will serve whenever they are available. Please make every effort to serve on your
appointed week. If you can not do so, please contact your captain or Mr. Sanford (610 388-2093) in advance
and try to get a substitute.
As a reminder, please be at Church early enough to have your robe blessed
and be ready to go by the start of Liturgy at 10:00.
Antonio Fessaras (C)
(302) 836-9173
Theodore Fessaras
Yianni Zerefos
Markos Zerefos
Peter Stevens (C)
(302) 633-0175
Nicholas Gianelos
Larry Kirifides
Lazarus Kirifides
Panagiotis Tzinoudis
Serving this month...
If you would like to be added
to the list of Prosforon
Offerers, please call Dimitra
at the number listed below,
or, if at any time you wish to
offer the Prosforon without
being added to the list,
please feel free to bring it in
on any Sunday that you wish.
Epistle Readers:
June 5 ~ Larry Kirifides
June 12 ~ Dimitri Kaliakin
June 19 ~ Yanni Kaliakin
June 26 ~ Jamie Kostas
Narthex Duty:
June 5 ~ Group 1
June 12 ~ Group 2
June 19 ~ Group 3
June 26 ~ Group 1
Coffee Hours:
June 5 ~ No Coffee Hour
(Preparations for Festival)
June 12 ~ Luncheon after Liturgy
June 19 ~ The Karakasidis Family
June 26 ~ Coffee Hour/AHEPA Room
If you or your family would like to sponsor
a Coffee Hour during the summer months
please call the church office to arrange it.
6/5 & 6/26
Dimitri Kaliakin (C)
(610) 274-2247
Steven Constantinou
Christopher Grivas
Billy Halakos
Prosforon Offerers for June
June 5
June 12
June 19
June 26
Sophia Regas
Dimitra Lempesis
Vickie Karakasidis
Litsa Anestos
Vasiliki Kromedas
Katina Zographos
Niki Karaoglanis
Maria Kramedas
If you cannot meet your scheduled date
please contact
Dimitra Lempesis @ 475-6826
JULY Altar Boy News & Schedule
It’s not too late to become an Altar Boy. We have a good solid group, but our numbers are lean this year and we
could use more help. Any boys in 4th grade and up who are interested should come with their parents to see Mr.
Sanford. The best time to find me is right before Liturgy, or you can call me at home (number is listed below).
The 2010-11 Altar Boy Teams and schedule are listed below. In addition, we have a few Altar Boys who cannot
make the normal rotation, but will serve whenever they are available. Please make every effort to serve on your
appointed week. If you can not do so, please contact your captain or Mr. Sanford (610 388-2093) in advance
and try to get a substitute.
As a reminder, please be at Church early enough to have your robe blessed
and be ready to go by the start of Liturgy at 10:00.
7/3 & 7/24
Antonio Fessaras (C)
(302) 836-9173
Theodore Fessaras
Yianni Zerefos
Markos Zerefos
7/10 & 7/31
Peter Stevens (C)
(302) 633-0175
Nicholas Gianelos
Larry Kirifides
Lazarus Kirifides
Panagiotis Tzinoudis
Serving this month...
If you would like to be added
to the list of Prosforon
Offerers, please call Demetra
at the number listed below,
or, if at any time you wish to
offer the Prosforon without
being added to the list,
please feel free to bring it in
on any Sunday that you wish.
Epistle Readers:
July 3 ~ Larry Kirifides
July 10 ~ Yanni Kaliakin
July 17 ~ Dimitri Kaliakin
July 24 ~ Jamie Kostas
July 31 ~ Jamie Kostas
Narthex Duty:
July 3 ~ Group 2
July 10 ~ Group3
July 17 ~ Group 1
July 24 ~ Group 2
July 31 ~ Group 3
Coffee Hours:
We will continue to have small coffee
hours in the AHEPA Room throughout
the summer...
If you or your family would like to
sponsor a Coffee Hour during the
summer months please call the
church office to arrange it.
Dimitri Kaliakin (C)
(610) 274-2247
Steven Constantinou
Christopher Grivas
Billy Halakos
Prosforon Offerers for July
July 3
July 10
July 17
July 24
July 31
Maria Grigorakakis
Klairy Karas
Joanna A. Tsaganos
Maria Papanicholas
Sophia Psaltis
Eugenia Zerefos
Dimitra Lempesis
Pres Ioanna Ganiaris
Maria Kramedas
Katina Galanakis
If you cannot meet your scheduled date
please contact
Demetra Lempesis @ 475-6826
Holy Trinity Food Pantry
Even our Letter Carriers Get Involved in the
Feeding of the Less Fortunate
Saturday, May 14, 2011, the National Association of
Letter Carriers ask Delawareans to donate nonperishable food to its “Stamp Out Hunger” Drive. This
is an annual drive held by the letter carriers who ask
that food donations be placed on the door steps or by
mailboxes on that Saturday. In a statement from their
President, (I quote)
“Hunger continues to be a vital concern in the United
States – We see it in our every day lives on many of the
routes that we walk every day. We are just responding
to a plea for food.”
The plea for food is far-reaching and almost daily our
newspapers are urging citizens to help food banks and
food pantries around our city. With many people in
foreclosures, and many losing their jobs, and with the
rising cost of gasoline, not only the working poor, but
the average citizen are looking for ways to make ends
We at Holy Trinity are helping to ease this city-wide
problem with the food we bring in to fill our bins.
These food bins are located in the Narthex and by the
church office. Please continue to fill these bins with any
non-perishable food items such as:
Fruit, fish, pastas, cereals, baby food & formula,
peanut butter, jelly, sugar, flour, rice, gravy, jello, any food that will not spoil.
Last month Steve Nicholas delivered 14 bags of food to
St. Stephen’s including food collected by the Sudnay
School Students. Tina Ganiaris King delivered 10 bags
of food to the Food Bank of Delaware.
We thank you for your continued interest and support.
John, Nikkie, Steve & Tina
May 12th Our 29th Anniversary
at the
Emmanuel Dining Room East
Marking our 29th year of continuous
service to the Emmanuel Dining Room
East on the 12th of every month, a
hearty meal was served to 170 men,
women and children on Thursday, May
12th, thanks to the kind generosity of
Evie and Emmanuel Fournaris and
family. Evie hosted the day and was
joined in the kitchen by Tina Ganiaris.
A heartfelt thank you to the Fournaris
family for giving of their time and for
their continued support and
commitment to this charity. And, our
heartfelt thanks to the women who
initiated this worthy cause so many
years ago and who continue to inspire
us with their continued support and
encouragement every month!
We welcome and thank Evangelos
Kirtses and family as our hosts and
sponsors for the meal on Sunday, June
12th. We encourage you all to join us
that day or on the 12th of every month
throughout the year. New sponsors are
needed to fill a few months, so if you
would like to become a part of this
service project with your family,
friends or church organization, please
contact Nikkie Tsakataras at 655-2252
or Tina Ganiaris at 764-2183.
Thank you!
The Emmanuel Dining Room is located
in the Old Asbury Church at 3rd and
Walnut Streets. We sponsor and serve
the luncheon meal on the 12th of every
month from noon until 1 p.m.
YOU MUST BE BAPTIZED as commanded by the Lord. This was the last command He left with His Apostles:
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit,” (Matt. 28:19). In Mark 16:16 we read: “He who believes and is baptized will be saved.”
Salvation includes faith and baptism.
SPEND TIME EACH DAY, PRAYING AND PRAISING THE LORD. “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let you requests be made known to God.” (Phil.4:6) How do
we handle the daily pressures of life? By faith in the Lord, refusing to worry, be anxious for nothing, prayer and
thanksgiving to God. Watch and pray is a key to Christian spirituality and our struggle against temptations. Since
body and soul are united, the spirit is paralyzed by a lethargic body. In Matthew 26:41 we read: “Watch and pray,
lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” A willing spirit, recognizing the
weakness of the flesh, knows it needs God’s presence and power. True faith is nourished by ardent, vigilant prayer.
“Pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1Thess.
15:17-18). Unceasing prayer is a proper goal, for spiritual growth. Christian people have used the “Jesus Prayer” as
a way to pray unceasingly from the heart: “O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”
YOU MUST READ ANS STUDY THE BIBLE DAILY. In 1Peter 2:2 we read: “As newborn babies desire the
pure milk of the word that you may grow thereby.” The pure milk of the word is apostolic doctrine, the basic teaching of the Church – both written and spoken. This leads us to the meat of the word, the sacraments of the Church,
and continual growth in the Christian life. The Bible is the inspired work of God and must be read prayerfully. In
1Peter 2:1 we read: “therefore, laying aside all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking.” The duty
– the necessity – for Christians to be holy in their conduct is the issue pursued in this passage. St Paul had written
that all Christians are to put off the old manner of life, corrupted by evil and deception. All are called to turn away
from evil. In 2Timothy we read: “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to
be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” A Christian is warned of the ultimate shame caused as a result of
his/her lacking spiritual knowledge. In Hosea 4:6 we read: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge.” The defense against deception is to stay connected to the doctrines, which encourage our growth in the knowledge of our Lord. In 2Peter 3:18 we read: “but grow in the grace and knowledge of
our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”
IF YOU CONSCIOUSLY FAIL THE LORD, CONFESS IT! To have a right relationship with God includes
living a holy and righteous life. Faith must seek forgiveness and cleansing for sin. Sin does exist, and the practice of
the Sacrament of Confession is the established basis for growth toward righteousness. In John 1:9 we read: “If we
confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
Though we sin, we should strive not to sin. Salvation in Christ is a process of growth into sinlessness. If you seek the
Lord’s forgiveness for sin, He is always faithful and just to forgive your sins and He will never leave you. In Hebrews 13:5 we read: “For He Himself said, I will never leave you nor forsake you.” The Lord wants to bring you
unto His perfection and help you to overcome the temptations of the world. In 2Corinthians 13:9 we read: “and He
said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” We are called to turn to
Christ in times of temptation. In Romans 8:31 we read: “If God is for us, who can be against us.” With God’s love
for us in our union with Christ, Christ’s victory over sin and death and our future life in His kingdom, we can withstand all the assaults of the world and the devil and come out of the attacks more than conquerors.
WHAT’S IT ALL ABOUT- HOLY COMMUNION. In John 6:53 we read: “Then Jesus said to them, “Most
assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat of the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in
you.” To partake of the Body and Blood of Christ at the Divine Liturgy is the one and only reason to attend Church.
The Christian life begins and ends with the reception of Holy Communion in order to reach salvation in the Lord’s
Kingdom. Holy Communion is the food and drink of Christians so that they may have eternal life. Only by partaking
of Holy Communion, in the proper way, is Christ personally within us and our faith experiences the true mystical
presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
ATTEND CHURCH REGULARLY. We read in Hebrews 10:25: “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves
together, as in the man
ner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.” Christ instructs the faithful not to forsake assembling as the Church. Corporate worship on a daily basis, such as morning
prayers or matins, increases our expectation of the Day, the coming of the Kingdom. In Acts 2:42 we read: “and
they continued steadfastly in the apostle’s doctrine and fellowship, in breaking of bread and in prayers.” Central elements of Orthodox worship – apostolic teaching, liturgical prayer and the Eucharist – are present from the
very beginning of the Church. The breaking of bread is, of course, the Eucharist. In Matthew 18:20 we read:
“For where two or more are gathered in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” God is with us. He has a
special presence in heaven and in every Church as well, through His grace and the Sacraments.
we read: “so let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a
cheerful giver.” Stewardship is the offering of our Time, Talents, and Treasures to God and His Church freely
and not from our leftovers but from our entirety. Our focus must never be only on money but the sowing of
seeds for a harvest. And where does the seed come from? God Himself! We must be moved to do the work of
the Lord at all times and whenever called upon by the Church. In 1Corinthians 16:2 we read: “On the first day
of the week let each one of you lay something aside, storing up as he may prosper, that there be no collection
when I come.” As Christians our giving to the Church must be automatic and there should be no need to be
SERVE THE LORD. In Mark 16:15 we read: “And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the
gospel to every creature.” Christ wants us to get involved with our Parish. We are called upon to undertake
some service or work that will effectively outreach to others within and outside the Parish. As Christians we are
expected to become disciples of Christ because the Resurrection leads us towards that world mission. If we serve
the Lord sincerely and in love then every creature, the entire cosmos, will be affected by it.
CULTIVATE CHRISTIAN FRIENDS. In 2Corinthians 6:14 we read: “Do not be unequally yoked together
with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light
with darkness?” The Church calls us to have relationships with those of like faith. Strong relationships and
friendships with other members of the Parish allow you to build up a greater relationship with Christ through the
constant interaction with the other members. In James 4:4 we read: “Do you not know that friendship with the
world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of
TELL OTHERS ABOUT CHRIST. In Acts 1:8 we read: “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit
has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the
end of the earth.” At our Baptism we become temples of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit leads us to do the
work of Christ. We are called to spread the Good News to all of God’s people wherever we go. We will be energized by the Holy Spirit to go out in to the world and offer the knowledge of the Lord to all. In Romans 10:9 we
read: “that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him
form the dead, you will be saved.” A Christian will always confess that Christ is the Savior and that He was
raised from the dead in order to bring salvation to those who believe in Him truly.
ALLOW GOD TO GUIDE AND DIRECT YOU IN ALL THINGS. In Romans 8:14 we read: “For as many
as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the Sons of God.” Christians are sons of God, children and heirs by
adoption. Thus we become like God – not by nature but according to God’s grace or uncreated energy. Adoption
moves from fact to experience as the Holy Spirit, stirring in our hearts, prompts us to pray to the Father. Because
the Church is given the promise of being guided into all truth, she trusts the work of the Spirit on behalf of those
who have gone before: Holy Traditions. We read in John 16:13: “However, when He, the Spirit of Truth, has
come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He
will speak; and He will tell you things to come.”
Palm Folding
Lazarus Saturday
April 16, 2011
FOR...Children entering Kindergarten & up!
Will be held this summer
on :
Monday, June 13th
Friday, June 17th
Full Day
8:30am - 3pm
What is a V.B.S.?
V.B.S. stand for Vacation Bible School, and many churches conduct a
weeklong program consisting of religious education, skits, puppet shows, arts
and crafts, and religious songs which cater toward elementary aged children.
All Orthodox Families Welcome
Please enroll your child now! For more information or to
enroll your child fill out the form below and send it to the
church office, or call Lynn Kostas @ (302)593-4159 or
Sophia Fotakos (302) 478-2322.
Child’s Name: ________________________________________ T-shirt Size: _________
Parent’s Name(s): _________________________________________________________
Address & Phone:_________________________________________________________
Food Allergies or Medical Conditions: ________________________________________
EMERGENCY CONTACT: ___________________________________________________
A schedule of events will be available soon
The Mousaka
Prep Crew
220 trays!!
Thank you!!
Congratulations to our
2011 Graduates
Christopher Grivas, son of Chris & Michelle Grivas,
graduated from Archmere Academy. He will attend
Georgetown University in the Fall.
Jamie Kostas, son of John & Gail Kostas, graduated
from the University of Delaware with a Bachelors
Degree in Biology. He will be working in the research
department of Jefferson University in Philadelphia.
Kristin Nannas, daughter of Theodore and Sandy
Nannas, graduated from West Chester University with a
Masters Degree in Early Education, majoring in School
Counseling and is now seeking employment as a
counselor at either an elementary or secondary school.
Aretie Snell, daughter of Bryan & Pauline Snell ,
graduated from Sanford School and will be attending
Denison University in Grandville, Ohio in the fall,
studying liberal Arts.
David Snell, son of Bryan & Pauline Snell, graduated
from the university of Chicago, majoring in
Biochemistry. He will be attending Medical Scholl at
Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago,
Peter Stevens, son of Richard & Penny Stevens,
graduated from St. Elizabeth High School and will
attend the University of Delaware in the fall majoring in
Sports Management.
We are very proud of you!!
Dear Parishioners
The Festival is approaching and we need your support and commitment to host
thousands of visitors to our Church. Much help is needed, especially in the dining
room, so please contact the church office and provide your name and availability as a
Festival Volunteer. The Festival’s success depends on your contributions of time and
talent. Please call Catherine Stathakis @ 750-9381.
Festival Committee
On Hiatus for the summer…
Greek School
Sunday School
Terpsichorean Dance Troupes
Thursday Night Adult Bible Study
Wednesday Afternoon Adult Bible Study
Young @ Heart
See you in September!
Have a safe and happy summer!
Prayers for Health...
Bread Baking
Holy Week
It is with great joy that we announce to our entire Parish family that our spiritual leader, His Eminence
Evangelos of New Jersey will make a pastoral visit to our Parish on Sunday, June 12th—the Great Feast
of Pentecost. We have been blessed that His Eminence visits our Parish annually around the date of our
Feast Day, this year being no exception. His Eminence considers our Parish a gem within the
Metropolis. His Eminence will also be present at our Festival on Saturday, June 11th in the evening. On
Sunday thee will be a luncheon following the Divine Liturgy in our hall. Everyone is invited to attend
the Orthros, Divine Liturgy and the Luncheon in order to welcome, listen to and greet His Eminence. Let
us make every effort to be present and show our love, offer our prayers and meet His Eminence.
On Sunday, May 22nd, 6 members if our Parish received the Metropolitan Evangelos Ambassador
Award at the Grand Banquet held in Berlin, NJ. Over 60 members of our Parish attended the
Banquet. It was an honor and joy for our Parish to be represented by the following 6 members :
Loula Kapordelis received the Parish Council Choice Award, Alexandra Tsaganos received the
Philoptochos Choice Award, Billy Halakos received the Ambassador of Love Award, Dimitri
Kaliakin received the Ambassador of Peace Award, Ria Karavasilis received the Ambassador of
Hope Award, and Maria Kontis received the Ambassador of Faith Award. All recipients were
given the Award by His Eminence at the Banquet. We congratulate all our recipients and know that
they were truly worthy of the Award. May our Lord continue to bless them and may they share
their example with the rest of our Parish for many years to come.
Δρ. Κώστας Γ. Φούντζουλας
Ο επισκέπτης
Ένας αδύναμος ήχος απο την βεράντα διέκοψε την
συνηθισμένη οικογενειακή συζήτησή μας την ώρα που
τρώγαμε το δείπνο μας. Ένα μικρό αδύνατο γατάκι είχε
κολλήσει το όμορφο προσωπάκι του στην γυάλινη πόρτα
και νιαούριζε ζητώντας φαγητό. Ένα πεινασμένο πλάσμα
ζητούσε να το βοηθήσουμε. Η πείνα ενίκησε τον φόβο του
για το άγνωστο σπίτι και έφαγε το φαγητό που του
δώσαμε λαίμαργα. Δεν γνωρίζαμε αν ήταν αδέσποτο ή
ήταν παρατημένο από τους ιδιοκτήτες του. Ήταν ένα
πλάσμα του Θεού που ζητούσε βοήθεια. Η πείνα το είχε
κάνει τολμηρό, πολυμήχανο και ξεδιάντροπο!
Οι δικές μου σκέψεις πήγαν πίσω σε μια
μεταπολεμική Ελλάδα, τότε που όλοι ήμασταν λιγότερο ή
περισσότερο πεινασμένοι. Τότε που αναζητήσαμε τον
«άρτο τον επιούσιο» σε άλλα μέρη του πλανήτη μας.
Τότε που ένας φτωχός γείτονας με βρήκε πεινασμένο
εφτάχρονο παιδί στην άκρη του δρόμου, γιατί ο πατέρας
μου ήταν άρρωστος στο νοσκομείο, και μου έδωσε ένα
πιάτο από το φαγητό τηε οικογένειάς του. Η αυθόρμητη
ανθρωπιά του γείτονα μου έγινε μάθημα για όλη μου την
ζωή και με εδίδαξε τι θα πή πολιτισμός.
Η ανάγκη και η φτώχεια μας έμαθε σαν λαό να
γίνουμε πολυμήχανοι, σαν τον παππού μας τον Οδυσσέα,
να παραμείνουμε φιλόξενοι τιμώντας τον «Ξένιο Δία» και
να είμαστε έτοιμοι όσο είναι ανθρωπίνως δυνατό για το
άγνωστο αύριο. Μας δίδαξε ότι «Μηδενί συμφορά
Κοινή γαρ η τύχη και το μέλλον
αόρατον» (Να μην κοροϊδέψεις κανένα για τη συμφορά του,
γιατί η τύχη των ανθρώπων είναι κοινή και το μέλλον
άγνωστο.) [Ισοκράτους προς Δημόνικον].
Σε αντίθεση, το γατάκι μας, σαν τα παιδιά μας,
είναι καλοταΐσμένο, κακομαθημένο και βέβαιο ότι θα έχη
πάντοτε φαγητό. Η βεβαιότητα κάνει τον άνθρωπο
πλαδαρό και απροετοίμαστο για το μέλλον. Εύχομαι τα
παιδιά μας να συνεχίσουν να έχουν μια ζωή στρωμμένη με
τριαντάφυλλα, αλλά φοβάμαι για το μέλλον τους αν δεν
είναι είναι σε εγρήγορση και προετοιμασμένα να
αγωνισθούν με πίστη στο εαυτό τους όπως κι εμείς.
Ο άγνωστος επισκέπτης μας συνέχισε να έρχεται
τώρα για φαγητό πρωΐ και βράδυ. Ώσπου η έκπλήξή μας
ολοκληρώθηκε όταν έφερε και την «οικογένεια του», τρία
όμορφα νεογέννητα γατάκια! Η δύναμη της μητέρας για
την επιβίωση των μικρών της και το ένστικτό της ότι
μπορεί να εμπιστευθή το σπίτι μας για ότι πιό πολύτιμο
έχει τα παιδιά της, με έκαναν να καταλάβω ότι η
ευγνωμοσύνη δεν περιορίζεται μόνο στους ανθρώπους και
να αναφωνήσω «Τα πάντα εν σοφία εποίησας» (όλα τα
έδημιούργησες με σοφία) [Ψαλμός ΡΓ’ (103:24)].
Dr. Costas G. Fountzoulas
The visitor
A weak noise from the deck of my house interrupted our
usual family discussion during our dinner. A small skinny
cat has stuck its beautiful face on the glass door and it was
meowing looking for food. A hungry creature of God was
asking for our help. The hunger won its fear of the unknown
house and ate the food we gave it with gluttony. We had no
idea whether it was a stray cat or it was abandoned by its
owners. We know though that it was a creature of God
looking for help in our door. The hunger has made it bold,
resourceful and shameless!
Instantaneously my thoughts took me back to the Hellas
after the devastated WWII, a time in our contemporary
history when we all were more or less hungry. Archive
photos show Greeks looking for the “necessary daily bread”
in different places of our planet. They took me back to my
neighborhood, when a poor neighbor of mine found me
sitting at the roadside, a hungry seven year old kid, because
my father was sick at the hospital, and he shared his meager
food of his family with me. The spontaneous humanity of
my neighbor became my beacon for the rest of my life and
taught me the meaning of civilization.
The need and poverty have taught us as a people to
become resourceful like our grandfather Odysseus, to remain
hospitable, thus honoring the ancient Xenios Zeus (Zeus of
Hospitality) and to be prepared, as humanly as possible, for
the unknown tomorrow. It taught us that “Do not laugh at
anyone for its calamity, because the fate of the humans is
common and the future is unknown” [Isocrates to
In opposite, our cat, like our kids, is well fed, spoiled and
certain that there will be always food available for it. The
certainty makes the human complacent and to a great extent
unprepared for the future. I wish and pray our children to
continue having the road of their life paved with roses.
However, I am afraid for their future, if they are not alert,
aware for the world around them and ready to fight for
themselves like the older generations.
Our unknown visitor continued coming now every
morning and evening for food. Until one day we get an even
bigger surprise. It brought “its family”, three beautiful newly
born kittens! The determination of the mother for the welfare
and survival of her children and her instinct that she can
entrust our house with the most valuable asset of her life, her
offspring, they made me understood that the gratitude is not
limited to humans only and to exclaim “In wisdom have you
made them all” [Psalm 103:24].
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Thanks for your support!!!!!
Holy Trinity
Greek Orthodox Church
808 N. Broom Street
Wilmington, DE 19806
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Permit No. 283
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Current Resident
Mail Date: May 26