THE SOURCE January 2014 Issue # 1-14 HOLY TRINITY GREEK ORTHODOX CATHEDRAL CAMP HILL, PA “To proclaim the Lord's year of favor” The cover of the Gospel book at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral portrays the familiar icon of Christ enthroned in glory. The Icon is based on Revelation 4.1-7: “After this I looked, and there in heaven a door stood open! And the first voice, which I had heard speaking to me like a trumpet, said, ‘Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.’ At once I was in the spirit, and there in heaven stood a throne, with one seated on the throne!... Around the throne, and on each side of the throne, are four living creatures, full of eyes in front and behind: the first living creature like a lion, the second living creature like an ox, the third living creature with a face like a human face, and the fourth living creature like a flying eagle.” Since the time of St. Irenaeus, these four winged beings have symbolized the four evangelists. This theme became widespread in early Christian art both in East and West. Today, however, the winged animals symbolizing the evangelists seem bizarre. What did this configuration mean for early Christians, and what can it mean for us today? To answer this question, in this edition of Source, provide you with a write-up by an Orthodox nun named Sister Rebecca, originally entitled Fully Alive (published in Thoughts from New Skete). Though I am aware that the length of this write-up is much longer than usual, I encourage you to take the time to contemplate every word of it, trusting that you could be as edified as myself. I imagine that different readers will receive different insights. There is certainly to be found a wonderful application for our NEW YEAR for a personal bases, as well as a community implication. May we each have a blessed New Year of the Lord’s favor! +Fr. Kosta Petrogeorge ++++++++++++ Fully Alive In early Babylonian culture, these winged figures were the four signs of the zodiac. They symbolized the four seasons of the year and the four quarters of the skies: the bull or ox of spring and the eastern quarter; the lion of summer and the southern quarter; the eagle or scorpion of autumn and the western quarter; the water carrier of THE SOURCE JANUARY 2014 Page 2 winter and the northern quarter. The Babylonians perceived that life on earth was ruled by the cycle of day and night, the lunar cycle of the months, and the solar cycle of the year. Observing that the solar year governed the annual birth and death of terrestrial vegetation, they concluded that earthly changes paralleled and were caused by changes occurring in the heavens: as things are in the heavens, so are they on earth. They held that the fate of our entire life was determined by the position of the stars at the moment we were born. These signs not only shaped our character, destiny, and actions, but they ruled every human thought, yearning, and realization. In short, people were passive before fate. Events were entirely predictable. Hellenic literature and art also abound with references to this cyclic world view. For example, we can find representations of the sun-god engraved as a disc supported by wings, or a sun-dial engraved with the twelve signs of zodiac and their corresponding deities. This cyclic world view was so common that even the Palestinian Jews portrayed it in their synagogues. But the Hebrew prophets and Jesus, his apostles, and his followers used this ancient world view to express a new vision of life. The cycles of day and night, the seasons, and the year were vehicles, metaphors of something deeper: there is another dimension of time that gives a radically new meaning and direction to our lives. One Sabbath, Jesus stood up in the synagogue, found the passage from the prophet Isaiah, and read aloud: "The spirit of the Lord has been given to me. .. He has sent me to bring good news to the poor, to proclaim liberty to captives and to the blind new sight; to set the downtrodden free, to proclaim the Lord's year of favor." (Is. 61: 1-2) Sitting down, he said: "This text has come true today even as you listen." (Lk. 4:21) The Lord's year of grace or favor is the proclaiming of the good news, the message that God is the creator of all things, a loving Father, who makes the sunshine and rain fall on all—good and bad alike. God is a God of goodness. Jesus gives evidence of this by the way he lives and teaches. The Gospel is a surprising breaking-free from the way things have been, of the year-god's dominion, of the zodiac and natural fate. Jesus asks the man paralyzed for thirty-eight years, who waited for the waters to be stirred up by some heavenly power, if he wants to be healed. The man answers that there is no one to lower him into the waters. Jesus simply tells him: "Stand up! Pick up your mat and walk!" (Jn. 5:8) The man had the courage to respond. He got up and walked. Now the point of the story is not that Jesus has some extraordinary powers, making him a magician of sorts. Jesus was not freeing this person from bondage to one superstition only to make him subservient to another. The man is shown that he can, himself, get up and walk. The good news is that we have the choice to respond to what life presents us, that a new life is here now— not out there with the powers of heaven, nor simply after death. This new vision is that we are the heirs and stewards of creation, not its victims or slaves. We are not meant to be passive receptors of life but co-creators. With this vision comes the realization that we must take responsibility for life by drawing on all the potential within ourselves and without. It is up to us to make the most of life. This world of ours, the only one we have so far as we know, is in our hands. In our times, though, it seems there is a fatalistic mindset similar to, if not the same as, that of the ancients: ascribing our failures and limitations to forces beyond our control. In many ways we are more sophisticated today, but are we freer? Do we blame our problems, personal or social, on others—on our parents, our genetic make-up, our schooling or whatever? Do we lock ourselves up in a prison of our own making by thinking of ourselves always as victims? Isn't this just another form of enslavement? To succumb to this destroys life both for ourselves and for others. Jesus did not promise a life without difficulties, without sickness or death, but he did promise that if we acquire his mindset, if we share in his vision, we will be able to meet life's situations reasonably, responsibly, and free of unruly and destructive emotions—irrational fears, jealousy, hatred, despair—which are the only real darkness. THE SOURCE JANUARY 2014 Page 3 When Jesus healed the blind man—as related in St. John's Gospel—the point is that this man's eyes were opened to a new vision of life; and Jesus somehow brought him to see for himself. The story ends with a gesture: the man bows down and worships Jesus. Now, the word "worship" means "to serve." The man who came to see is stating by this gesture that he will now place himself in the service of this vision incarnate in Christ. Jesus is not interested in having people bow down and sing hymns to him as though he could somehow benefit personally from this homage. He wants the blind man to share in his vision because this new spirit of understanding is the foundation of life more abundant. Christian artists, by depicting Christ at the center of the icon, in place of the sun-god or the year-god, are saying that Christ has now become the central, most significant, meaning and power in our lives and in historical events. He attained this in his own life first, and he is indicating to us the way to follow. Obviously, this event, this taking our lives into our own hands (as opposed to passively letting life happen to us or having no direction in life) is a great responsibility. It requires continual looking, growing in understanding, and working on ourselves—with self-control, being alert, awake, and ready to put oneself at the service of others, to allow a renewal of life. But at the same time, Christ says that this burden is, indeed, light. Though we are immersed in this great universe, Christ doesn't say: "No, this doesn't really exist" or "It's of no real value." That would not be good news at all, but bad news. He is saying: "Who is in charge of it?" or "Is it in charge of you?" "Can we work with it, direct it towards greater things?" or "Are we going to abuse it by directing it towards worse things or be abused by it?" We are talking about creation and its energy. Are we simply the pawns of cosmic powers? Are we playthings for them? Or can we make use of them to attain something better? Christ is saying that we are truly free, that the choice is within each of us to live now, and that it is within our power to live fully. It is not just for the next life. Eternity begins now. The kingdom is present within ourselves and in the community of those who live together in the light of this good news. For us now, the four winged beings proclaim a new message and a challenge: Christ triumphed over the events of his own life, and the love that he preached is the way to deeper, unending life. All the power and energy of the universe are ready to serve this love. The creatures symbolize this as they back up the Christ-figure, and as four evangelists they invite us to live the fullness of this message. Here is the new reality now, they say—will you see and hear it? Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are carrying the kingdom, word, and peace of Christ to the farthest extremes of the earth. The Gospel book cover, then, proclaims the good news. It speaks to us as powerfully as the words within: "Get up and walk." We ignore and resist this at our own peril. It means being creative, being energetic. A mature individual finds out and does what has to be done. The immature one is always procrastinating, hesitating, dillydallying. Free people look at what is there and strive to make life balanced, fulfilled, less empty. It means realizing that I am awake for another day. I will make it better. There is something to life. Life is here, now— and I can live it. This is what gives meaning to all the rest: the prophets, the services, good works, change of heart. So when we see the cover of the Gospel book, it should convey the same good news as the written word. The kingdom of God is now in our midst. The stupendous, awesome message of the Christ enthroned is not that he is "out there in the heavens" to be adored, and that for his sake this world is to be denied, endured, covered up; or that we should dream of living above it all somehow, hoping for a better life later on. Our destiny personally and globally is in our hands now, by the grace of God, to be lived fully beginning now, for Christ is the light, the energy, that makes it possible. We can make this earth, starting where we are in our own lives, a better and truly blessed place. This is the glory of God: All of us fully alive! THE SOURCE JANUARY 2014 Page 4 (A Parish under the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, and the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Pittsburgh) The Source is a monthly publication issued 11 times annually (June/July is a combined issue) SUNDAY MORNING LITURGIES ORTHROS 8:45 a.m. DIVINE LITURGY 10:00 a.m. WEEKDAY MORNING SERVICES WHEN SCHEDULED ORTHROS 8:30 a.m. DIVINE LITURGY 9:30 a.m. Church Office Main Office: 717-763-7441 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday – Friday Dana Fleisher-Silen, Church Secretary email: Fax: (717) 763-7458 Priests Fr. Kosta Petrogeorge, Cathedral Dean Cell: 717-919-0840 email: Fr.Kosta@HolyTrinityHBG.Org Fr. Mark Lichtenstein, Assistant Priest Cell: 717-919-3382 email: Fr.Mark@HolyTrinityHBG.Org A priest is generally present at the church for unscheduled appointments Monday-Friday from 9:00am-12:00pm. For scheduled appointments you may contact the priests at the Church office or by calling them directly on their cell phones. The priests offer frequent studies and community-gatherings. This includes a weekly PanOrthodox bible study that meets in Harrisburg, each Wednesday morning 12:00 Noon - 1:00 p.m. Current place of meeting is: 33 N 2nd St, Harrisburg, PA 17101 (Harbilas & Association, Accounting Office). Please see monthly Source for additional community opportunities. THE SOURCE JANUARY 2014 Page 5 OTHER STAFF Mary Wallenmeyer Tom Paparoidamis Tim Leland Meade “Buff” Buffington, Jr. Financial Assistant to the Treasurer Protopsalti (Cantor) Maintenance Custodian (717) 763-7441 (717) 737-5647 (717) 763-7441 (717) 763-7441 PARISH MINISTRIES & OTHER ORGANIZATIONS Parish Council John Harbilas, President Philoptochos Sunday School Constance Dina Keriazes Thana Ward Despina Aftosmes Michael Ward George Peslis Sunday School PTO YAL GOYA President Vice President HOPE & JOY Greek School PTO Olympic Flame Dancers Olympic Flame Dancers Greek School Choir Director Choir Assistant Sts. Joachim & Anna Ahepa Blood Bank Yianni Mallios Saki Papoutsis Thana Ward Mantha Hershey Anne Parke, Co-Director Mantha Demopoulos, Co-Director Dimitra Curley, Director Kathy Doulgeris Robert Moeller Christ Zervanos Dimitri Zozos Christ Megoulas Dean Kokos Neohoriton Society William Kotsalos Hellenic Heritage Assoc. Alexander Vgontzas Evrytanian Assoc. Velouchi, Jim Lloyd Chapter 18- Agios Taxiarhis Basketball Director George Spanos Home (717) 763-1295 Cell (717) 512-3310 (717) 632-5179 (717) 249-8892 (717) 838-7293 (717) 243-6204 (717) 774-7246 (717) xxx-xxxx (717) 249-8892 (717) 566-7603 (717) 541-0401 (717) 832-1367 (717) 975-5172 (717) 243-3750 (717) 657-0897 (717) 652-5665 (717) 648-6720 (717) 838-3132 (717) 486-0045 (717) 566-6148 (717) 533-1768 (717) 737-0952 THE SOURCE JANUARY 2014 Page 6 PARISH COUNCIL Dear Parishioners, I hope that everyone had a joyous Christmas season and that you are looking forward to a productive and spiritually rewarding 2014. Just as we make arrangements and set goals for the New Year, it is important to set goals for our spiritual improvement. It is sad to think that we might let God come into our lives only when we feel that we have lost control, when we or our loved ones are facing some issues. Please remember to send in your stewardship card. I feel that it is more important to send in your card and declare your membership than the amount of money that you are pledging or enclosing. In any other organization, whether it is soccer or football or band you have to register and commit yourself to participate. I am asking for your stewardship registration. If you have not received a card you may pick one up at church. I want to thank ALL the parishioners for ALL their participation. Only with your help can we make sure the church doors are open and all the various programs are operating. Take ownership of the church and treat it as your home. If there is something that you see out of place please take the initiative and take corrective action. It is your responsibility as much as anyone else's. For the past three years you have allowed me to serve as president of the parish council. I appreciate and I am very thankful for the confidence you have had in me. I would like also to ask for your understanding for the areas where I may have failed you. On behalf of the parish council I wish you a happy new year. John Harbilas PLEASE REMEMBER TO FILL OUT AND RETURN YOUR 2014 STEWARDSHIP CARD!!! CATCH-UP TODAY for 2013 Please keep your Weekly Offering Envelopes current. Send a check today and bring your 2013 Stewardship up to date if it is in arrears! Make out your tax-deductible contribution to Holy Trinity Cathedral and mail it to: 1000 Yverdon Drive, Camp Hill, PA 17011. Here is the balance of my stewardship contribution to Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral for 2013 in the amount of $__________. _________________________________________ (Name) THE SOURCE JANUARY 2014 JANUARY COFFEE HOUR MEMORIALS/TRISAGIA ALTAR FLOWERS COFFEE HOUR Peggy Orosz, Georgia Lucas, Mary Touloumes JANUARY EARLY USHERS 5 12 19 26 Page 7 • Georgia Lucas & George Keriazes Paul Kokos & Kostas Pappas George Mallios & Nick C. Mallios Bill Kotsalos & Gus Giannaris • • JANUARY EPISTLE READERS 5 Sunday before Theophany II Timothy 4:5-8 Reader: Chrisoula Jennings • 12 Sunday after Theophany Ephesians 4:7-13 Reader: Dorothy Braun • • • th 19 12 Sunday of Luke Colossians 3:4-11 Reader: Lona Mavros • th 26 15 Sunday of Luke I Timothy 4:9-15 Reader: James Lloyd FEBRUARY EPISTLE READERS • 2 Presentation Of Our Lord Hebrews 7:7-17 Reader: Peter A. Aftosmes Aglaia Zenelis – January 5 – 2-yr Memorial and Coffee Hour George Karagiannis – January 12 – 3-yr Memorial and Altar Flowers Lazarus Smirlis – January 12 - 40-day Memorial John Tambasis – January 12 – 2-yr Trisagion and Altar Flowers William Genematas – January 12 – 40day Memorial, Altar Flowers, Coffee Hour Vasiliki Katsifis – January 19 – 1-yr Memorial and Coffee Hour Dimitra Nikolaides –January 26 – 40-day Memorial, Altar Flowers, and Coffee Hour BIRTHS A baby boy was born to George and Pela Peslis on November 28, 2013. The proud grandparents are John & Maria Peslis, and Elias & Eleni Harbilas BAPTISMS On Sunday, December 8, the son of Nick and Faith Sgagias was baptized and given the name Spyridon by his godparents George & Amy Giannaris. 9 16th Sunday of Luke (Publican and Pharisee) Tridion Begins II Timothy 3:10-15 Reader: Ed Ward “All who have been baptized into Christ, have put on Christ” Gal. 5:27 16 17th Sunday of Luke (Prodigal) I Corinthians 6:12-20 Reader: Dean Kokos • We extend our deepest sympathies to the Lou Apostolopolis family for the passing of his aunt, Anastasia Tarabicos, on November 29, 2013. • We extend our deepest sympathies to the family of William Genematas who passed away on November 27, 2013. • We extend our deepest sympathies to the family of Lazarus Smirlis who passed away on December 3, 2013. 23 Judgement Sunday (Meatfare) I Corinthians 8:8-13; 9:1-2 Reader: Ann Ariano MEMORY ETERNAL THE SOURCE JANUARY YOUTH MINISTRIES HOPE & JOY UPCOMING SCHEDULE January: Winter Gathering Friday, January 17 5:45 p.m. in Social Hall with meal, lesson, crafts, and games SIGN UP BY January 13 February: Valentine Party Friday, February 14 5:45 p.m. in Social Hall SIGN UP BY February 7 March: Bowling - check March Sunday bulletins for date and details. April: Good Friday Retreat Friday, April 18 11:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Good Friday Activities and Lenten lunch SIGN UP BY April 14 To ensure preparations for enough project materials and food for the meals, PLEASE notify (sign-up) each month by contacting Thana Ward: (717) 249-8892 or emailing at: Thank you! SUNDAY SCHOOL I hope the New Year finds all of you blessed. We collected the Health kits for the IOCC Relief program. Look for full details in the February Source. We are proud of the children’s participation in the Christmas program, and are looking forward to Godparent’s Sunday on February 2. See flyer in this month’s Source. Happy New Year! Thana Ward 2014 Page 8 PARISH MINISTRIES PHILOPTOCHOS Hoping everyone had a wonderful Christmas and wishing all a Healthy Happy New Year, 2014. Attention: January 12, 2014 will be VASILOPITA SUNDAY. Please remember to support St. Basil’s Academy. As in the past years, the Vasilopita will be distributed immediately after liturgy to everyone present. Hopefully, you might be the lucky one to get the Lucky Coin. Our next Philoptochos meeting will be Tuesday, January 21, 2014 at 12:00 noon. We look forward to seeing you there. Also, please, mark your calendars: GODPARENT’S SUNDAY is Sunday, February 2, 2014. The Ticket prices remain the same: Adults $10; Children ages 5-12 years $5.00; and children under the age of 3 are free. Please remember that your payment is your reservation. NO tickets will be sold the day of the event. See the flyer in this month’s Source and in the Sunday Bulletins. With sisterly love, Constance Dina Keriazes NATIONAL PHILOPTOCHOS The National Philoptochos Board Meeting will be held on February 28th and the official opening of the Philoptochos Philanthropy House will be held on March 1, 2014. With sisterly love, Thana Ward STS. JOACHIM AND ANNA SOCIETY The next regular meeting of the Saints Joachim and Anna Society will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, February 4, 2014, in the Philoptochos Room. The guest speakers will be parishioners James and Kiki Lloyd, who will give a talk on the newly renovated bookstore. Their presentation will include a tour of the bookstore by Society members. Membership in the Saints Joachim and Anna Society is open to all parishioners age 55 and over. For more information about membership, contact Mary Touloumes at 763-7896 or Christ Zervanos at 652-5665. THE SOURCE JANUARY ST. ELIZABETH’S WOMAN’S STUDY GROUP The St. Elizabeth Women’s Study Group meets on the 2nd and 4th Wed. of every month at 5:30pm in the Church Library. Our book is “Everyday Saints” by Archimandrite Tikhon Shevkunov and Lowenfield. “More than a million copies and several million electronic versions of this book have sold in less than a year. Everyday Saints is the English translation of the work that has soared at the top of the bestseller lists in Russia since its publication in late 2011. Winner of several national awards including "Book of the Year", its readership spans philosophical boundaries, from the devoutly religious to the vehemently atheist. Surpassing all competition many times over, it was voted the most popular book in Russia for 2012. Open this book and you will discover a wondrous, enigmatic, remarkably beautiful, yet absolutely real world. Peer into the mysterious Russian soul, where happiness reigns no matter what life may bring. Page upon page of thanks, praise, and testimonies to the life-changing effect of these bright, good-hearted, and poignant tales have flooded the Russian media. This book has been the cause of many sleepless but happy nights: "I couldn't put it down-was sorry when it ended" is the common reaction. The book is being translated into ten different languages. This English translation, Everyday Saints, is every bit as charming as the original.” Everyday Saints is available for purchase from our church bookstore or from New members are always welcome, please contact Ann Ariano at 564-6955 or for more information. CHURCH LENDING LIBRARY The church library contains information about Orthodoxy and Greece for you and your children. If you would like to borrow a book, sign the blue notebook, fill in name, date and name of book and when you return it, be sure to list the date you are returning it by your original sign in. Also, some of the books haven't been returned to our library; please check your books and return Holy Trinity's books for the use of your fellow parishioners. Thank you. 2014 Page 9 HOLY TRINITY BOOKSTORE We would like to thank all of the parishioners who took advantage of our new Christmas items and the children’s book sale in December. The New Year will bring a few changes at the Bookstore. The December General Assembly approved the finishing touch for the bookstore. Permanent display units and a check-out station were included and approved in the 2014 budget. We are expecting to have the finalized layout completed in the first few months of the year so that we will be ready for Pascha and the Festival. The hours of operation for the Bookstore will also be expanded during the week in addition to operating on Sundays following the Divine Liturgy. The schedule of expanded hours will be published during January. If you would like to find out more about the bookstore, Angeliki and Jim Lloyd will be speaking at the February Sts. Joachim and Anna Senior Citizens luncheon. In addition to the short presentation, there will be an opportunity to tour the Bookstore. If you cannot attend the luncheon, but would like more information and/or a tour, contact Angeliki and Jim at 717-737-0952 to set up a meeting. PARISH NEWS WALKWAY OF THE FAITHFUL If you want to include your family and loved ones in our unique WALKWAY of the FAITHFUL, you may purchase a brick in memory or in honor of a loved one. Simply obtain and complete a form in the office. Please contact Dimitri Zozos with any questions. (717) 648-6720. NEED A RIDE TO CHURCH Anyone who lives in the Enola area – near Orrs Bridge Road – we have a parishioner who needs a ride to get to church. This individual is willing to help out with the cost of gasoline. If you are able to assist, please contact Dana in the office. THE SOURCE JANUARY 2014 Page 10 CHRISTMAS ANGELS THANK YOU To all the families who participated in this year’s Angel program, THANK YOU. We had another wonderful year supplying gifts to over 75 needy children. The hundreds of packages were wrapped with love and tenderness, showing the unlimited generosity of our parish. Many of you were unable to adopt an angel because they were taken so quickly. To those of you who participated by donating gift cards, THANK YOU as well. All of these gifts were received with immeasurable gratitude and blessings. God Bless all of the families who received our gifts, and may God Bless your family with a New Year full of health and happiness. ****************************************************************************************** The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly,” Luke 10.10 Abundant Life January Bible Study Tuesday 14th, 21st, 28th 10:00-11:00AM With Fr. Kosta Petrogeorge, Dean of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral 1000 Yverdon Drive; Camp Hill, PA 17011 With Holy Scripture as our anchor, we will often employ a variety of supplementary resources to discuss serious real-life themes such as anxiety, depression, suffering, death, grief, addictions, guilt, & denial. Thus, this forum is suitable only for adults who understand this. If weather conditions are in question: Participants can receive a verification regarding the gathering by calling Fr. Kosta’s cell anytime after 6:00AM on the morning of the study. THE SOURCE JANUARY 2014 Page 11 2013 CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS We wish to thank the following parishioners who made donations to the Cathedral for the beautification of the sanctuary with poinsettias during the Christmas Holidays: • In loving memory of Costas & Katherine Costopoulos, by William & Jill Costopoulos • In loving memory of Stella L. Jatras and Jeffrey G. Jatras, by George Jatras • In loving memory of Constantine, Dimitra and Smyra Gekas, donated by Valerie & Jim Caggiano • In loving memory of Nicholas Lias and for the health of family, by Anne P. Lias • In loving memory of our beloved Yiayia, Evangelia Mazias, by Michael-Gabriel and Thomas Mazias • In Memory of Mr. James Kaldes, and for the health of my children, grandchildren, and greatgrandchildren, by Mrs. James Kaldes • In loving memory of Sherri Lynn Nicholas, by Steve, Pat, and Christina Nicholas • In loving memory of Harry Touloumes, by Mary Touloumes and family • In loving memory of Evangelia Mazias, Theoni Kotsopoulos and Penny Kocoronis, by John, Lia, Thomas and Theo Mazias • In loving memory of our dad and Papou, George Loukopoulos, by Perry, LeeAnn, Theodora and Sophia Loukopoulos • Donation by Nick Karagiannis ****************************************************************************************** A Parishioner’s New Year’s Resolution What do you think about when you are all lone at home in your car at work or at school? Do you ever think of the less fortunate who are sick, suffering, hungry or poor? Well in my youth I absolutely did not and I confess in the open as was done in the past, "open confession", I laughed at people who were less fortunate than me. In 2009, I developed MRSA and had to be rushed to the hospital or I was going to lose my ability to ever walk again. I was operated on and I was then admitted to a local hospital where the only loved ones I saw were my beloved brother and now deceased father. After being bedridden and immobile for two months, with my tears and prayers the Lord raised me again to walk but I am not at all like I used to be. This has forced me to spend much time thinking in new ways. Do we think of those people that are institutionalized such as in prisons, nursing homes and hospitals? Those places are surely "not" enjoyable places to reside in, as I have experienced first-hand. How about the suffering or the poor or the hungry just to name a few; what are their thoughts, do they include, "why me Lord?" How many times I have meandered through our streets in Harrisburg and there are people seeking through the garbage for their next meal and people pass them by as if they were not even there...only that they are there and ever before us. I have seen a lot of apathy and not too much empathy. If we cannot help, maybe we can at least pray for the less fortunate. We do this in church on Sunday through the petitions but we need to do it throughout the week... pray unceasingly, like I was when I was flat on my back and there was a crucifix hanging from my wall. My prayers back then were abundant and the Lord gave me hope to live. My tears flowed and then all those people that I just mentioned came to mind and Jesus changed me from a lion to a lamb and made me see and I was not blind anymore. In As a matter of fact He changed me more than I wanted to be changed. Many things I could not see became crystal clear for me. The other day I witnessed a young boy (Zachery) who was seven years old with terminal cancer and I started to weep, and I asked my brother, “why does this happen?” He responded: "this is so that all of us can see it and give thanks and praise to the Lord for everything we have and everything we do not have granted to us from above". What is my new year's resolution? My prayer life to become more stringent and to have more empathy towards my fellow man or woman...what is yours? In conclusion, wishing all of you a most blessed, peaceful and healthy New Year with all my love! Konstantinos Kritikos P.S. A hearty thank you goes to our priest Fr. Kosta who allowed me to share with you this reflection into my life. THANK YOU FR. KOSTA! THE SOURCE JANUARY 2014 Page 12 JANUARY LITURGICAL LIFE & REFLECTIONS SUNDAY MORNINGS Orthros 8:45am; Divine Liturgy 10:00am *Wednesday 1st Circumcision of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; Basil the Great: 8:30am Orthros, 9:30am Divine Liturgy *Friday 3rd 8:30am Royal Hours (This service lasts approximately one hour and includes many scriptural readings pertaining to the upcoming Feast of Epiphany or Theophany) *Sunday 5th Divine Liturgy (Forefeast of Epiphany: First Blessing of Waters) 8:45am Orthros, 10:00am Divine Liturgy *Monday 6th Divine Liturgy of St. Basil: Great Feast of The Theophany of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ 8:30am Orthros, 9:30am Divine Liturgy & second Blessing of Waters. Note: His Eminence Metropolitan Savas will join us for this service!! *Tuesday 7th Synaxis of John the Baptist 8:30am Orthros, 9:30am Divine Liturgy, *Saturday 11th Chambersburg: 9:00 Divine Liturgy *Sunday 12th Divine Liturgy (Sunday after Epiphany) 8:45am Orthros, 10:00am Divine Liturgy, & Community Vasilopita Cutting Philoptochos Presents Community Vasilopita Cutting (To Benefit St. Basil’s Academy) Sunday January 12th at the end of Liturgy The history of the tradition of Vasilopita stems back to the fourth century when St. Basil, Bishop of Cappadocia, desired to distribute money to the poor. Not wanting to seem partial to THE SOURCE JANUARY 2014 Page 13 any one family, St. Basil sought out some women to bake sweet bread into which the money was baked. The bread was then cut, and the money was found and kept by the needy. Today, finding the coin has come to signify a blessing. This custom is especially inviting to the children who love to find the money in the "Vasilopita." We can all participate in this age old custom; keeping in mind that customs such as this help the people of God keep their faith alive and real; and their sense of "Church" vibrant and important! *Tuesday 14th Abundant Life Bible Study with Fr. Kosta 10:00AM-11:00. *Friday 17th St. Anthony the Great 8:30am Orthros, 9:30am Divine Liturgy *Saturday 18th St. Athanasios 8:30am Orthros, 9:30am Divine Liturgy *Sunday 19th Divine Liturgy (12th Sunday of Luke) 8:45am Orthros, 10:00am Divine Liturgy, AND: January 19th: Pan-Orthodox Blessing of the Susquehanna River! 2:00pm at City Island Park Join Fr. Kosta, Fr. Mark, and all the area Orthodox Clergy; and this year we will be joined by His Grace Bishop Mark. Following the River Blessing, Join us at AGIA SOFIA COFFEE HOUSE FOR SOUP & CHILI (proceeds to support Agia Sofia)! *Tuesday 21nd Abundant Life Bible Study with Fr. Kosta 10:00AM-11:00. *Sunday 26th Divine Liturgy (15th Sunday of Luke) 8:45am Orthros, 10:00am Divine Liturgy *Tuesday 28th Abundant Life Bible Study with Fr. Kosta 10:00AM-11:00. *Thursday 30th Synaxis of The Three Hierarchs: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, & John Chrysostom 8:30am Orthros, 9:30am Divine Liturgy THE SOURCE JANUARY 2014 Page 14 H ΠΗΓΗ ΙΑΝΟΥΑΡΙΟΣ 2014 ΚΑΦΕΣ Παναγιωτα Οροζ, Γεωργια Λουκα, Μαιρη Τουλουμη ΕΠΙΤΡΟΠΟΙ ΔΕΚΕΜΒΡΙΟΥ 5η 12η 19η 26η Γεωργια Λουκα & Γιωργος Κυριαζης Αποστολος Κοκος & Κωστας Παππας Γιωργος Μαλλιος & Νικος Μαλλιος Βασιλειος Κοτσαλος & Κωστας Γιανναρης ΑΝΑΓΝΩΣΤΕΣ ΕΠΙΣΤΟΛΩΝ ΙΑΝΟΥΑΡΙΟΥ 5 5η Κυριακη του Λουκα Τζειμς Λλοιντ 12 8η Κυριακη του Λουκα Πητερ Α. Αφτοσμης 19 9η Κυριακη του Λουκα Εντ Γουορντ 26 13η Κυριακη του Λουκα Ντην Κοκος ΑΝΑΓΝΩΣΤΕΣ ΕΠΙΣΤΟΛΩΝ ΦΕΒΡΟΥΑΡΙΟΥ 2 Η Υπαπαντη του Ιησου Χριστου Πητερ Α. Αφτοσμης 9 16η Κυριακη του Λουκα Εντ Γουορντ 16 17η Κυριακη του Λουκα Ντην Κοκος 23 Κυριακη της Κρισεως Αννα Αριανο ΛΟΥΛΟΥΔΙΑ ΙΕΡΟΥ/ΚΑΦΕΣ ΜΝΗΜΟΣΥΝΑ/ ΤΡΙΣΑΓΙΑ 5 Ιανουαριου – Μνημοσυνο 2 ετων και 18 μηνων και καφε εις μνημην Αγλαιας Ζηνελη και Γεωργιου Ζηνελη. 12 Ιανουαριου – Μνημοσυνο 3 ετων και λουλουδια Ιερου εις μνημην Γεωργιου Καραγιαννη. 19 Ιανουαριου – Μνημοσυνο ενος ετους και καφε εις μνημην Βασιλικης Κατσιφη. ΓΕΝΝΗΣΕΙΣ Ο Γιωργος και η Πελαγια Πεσλη απεκτησαν αγορακι στις 28 Νοεμβριου.Παππους και γιαγια ειναι ο Ιωαννης και Μαρια Πεσλη και ο Ηλιας και Ελενη Χαρμπιλα. ΒΑΠΤΙΣΕΙΣ Την Κυριακη 8 Δεκεμβριου βαπτιστηκε στην εκκλησια μας ο υιος του Νικολαου και Φαιηθς Σγαγια και ονομαστηκε Σπυριδωνας απο τον νουνο και νουνα του Γιωργο και Αμαλια Γιανναρη ΣΥΛΛΥΠΗΤΗΡΙΑ Εκφραζουμε τα θερμα μας συλλυπητηρια στην οικογενεια του Λου Αποστολοπολη για τον θανατο της θειας του Αναστασιας Ταραμπικου. Εκφραζουμε τα θερμα μας συλλυπητηρια στην οικογενεια του Βασιλειου Γενηματα που απεβιωσε στις 27 Νοεμβριου. Επισης εκφραζουμε τα θερμα μας συλλυπητηρια στην οικογενεια του Λαζαρου Σμιρλη που απεβιωσε στις 3 Δεκεμβριου. ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΑ ΝΕΟΛΑΙΑΣ ΧΟΠ & ΤΖΟΙ Ιανουαριος : Χειμερινη συγκεντρωση Παρασκευη 17 Ιανουαριου 5:45 μ.μ. στην αιθουσα της εκκλησιας με δειπνο χειροτεχνιες και παιχνιδια. Εγγραφη μεχρι τις 13 Ιανουαριου Φεβρουαριος : Παρτυ του Βαλεντινου Παρασκευη 14 Φεβρουαριου 5:45 μ.μ. στην αιθουσα της εκκλησιας . Εγγραφη μεχρι τις 10 Φεβρουαριου Μαρτιος : μπωλινγκ Πληροφοριες στο φυλλαδιο της Κυριακης του Μαρτιου. Απριλιος : Ρητρητ Μεγαλης Παρασκευης Παρασκευη 18 Απριλιου 11:300 π.μ. – 3:00 μ.μ. Εγγραφη μεχρι τις 14 Απριλιου Για την προετοιμασια αρκετων υλικων και φαγητων επικοινωνειστε με την Θενα Γουορντ 249 -8892 η ηλεκτρονικη επιστολη. ΚΑΤΗΧΗΤΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ Καλη Χρονια ! Ειμαστε πολυ υπερηφανοι για την συμμετοχη των παιδιων στο Χριστουγεννιατικο προγραμμα. THE SOURCE JANUARY Αρχισε η συλλογη πακετων υγειινης για το IOCC ,περσσοτερες πληροφοριες στο φυλλαδιο του Φεβρουαριου. ΚΟΙΝΟΤΙΚΗ ΖΩΗ ΦΙΛΟΠΤΩΧΟΣ Την Κυριακη 12 Ιανουαριου θα ειναι η γιορτη της Βασιλοπιτας μετα την Θεια Λειτουργια. Σας παρακαλουμε να υποστηριξετε την Ακαδημια του Αγιου Βασιλειου. Η επομενη συγκεντρωση του συλλογου θα γινει την Τριτη 21 Ιανουαριου στις 12:00 μ.μ. Η Κυριακη των νονων και αναδεχτων εχει προγραμματιστει για την Κυριακη 2 Φεβρουαριου.Τα εισιτηρια ειναι 10.00 δολλαρια για τους μεγαλους και για τα παιδια ηλικιας 5 -12 ετων 5 δολλαρια για τα παιδια 3 ετων και κατω ειναι δωρεαν. Να αγορασετε τα εισιτηρια εκ των προτερων γιατι δεν πωλουνται εισιτηρια αυτη την ημερα. Κωνσταντινα Κυριαζη Η συγκεντρωση του συλλογου της εθνικης Φιλοπτωχου θα γινει στις 28 Φεβρουαριου και η λειτουργια του Φιλανθρωπικου Οικου της Φιλοπτωχου θα αρχισει την 1 Μαρτιου 2014. Θενα Γουορντ. ΣΥΛΛΟΓΟΣ ΙΩΑΚΕΙΜ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΝΑ Η επομενη συγκεντρωση του συλλογου θα γινει την Τριτη 4 Φεβρουαριου με ομιλητες τον Δημητρη και Αγγελικη Λλοιντ με θεμα την λειτουργια του νεου βιβλιοπωλειου. Ολοι οι ενοριτες ηλικιας 55 ετων και ανω μπορουν να γινουν μελη του συλλογου επικοινωνειστε με την Μαιρη Τουλουμη763 -7896 η τον Χρηστο Ζερβανο 652 – 5665. ΣΥΛΛΟΓΟΣ ΝΕΑΡΩΝ ΓΥΝΑΙΚΩΝ ΑΓΙΑ ΕΛΙΣΑΒΕΤ Ο Συλλογος εχει συναντησεις την 2η και 4η Τεταρτη του μηνα στις 5:30 μ.μ. Η πρωτη συγκενρωση εγινε την Τεταρτη 25 Σεπτεμβριου. Το επομενο βιβλιο για μελετη ειναι «Καθημερινοι Αγιοι» του Αρχιμανδριτη Τικον Σεβκονοβ και Λοουεφιλντ. Εχουν ηδη πωληθει πανω απο ενα εκατομμυριο αντιτυπα σε λιγοτερο απο ενα χρονο.εχει τιμηθει με διαφορα βραβεια.Εχει μεταφραστει σε διαφορες γλωσσες. Μπορειτε να αγορασετε το βιβλιο στο βιβλιοπωλειο της εκκλησιας μας η στο Αμαζον. Για περισσοτερες 2014 Page 15 πληροφοριες γαι το συλλογο και να γινετε μελη τηλεφωνειστε στην Αννα Αριανο 564 -6955. ΒΙΒΒΛΙΟΘΗΚΗ ΤΗΣ ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑΣ Η βιβλιοθηκη της εκκλησιας μας περιεχει πολλα βιβλια σχετικα με την Ορθοδοξια και την Ελλαδα.Εαν θελετε να δανειστειτε βιβλια απο την βιβλιοθηκη μπορειτε να υπογραψετε το ονομα σας στο μπλε βιβλιο. ΒΙΒΛΙΟΠΩΛΕΙΟ Ευχαριστουμε ολους τους ενοριτες για την συμπαρασταση τους κατα την διαρκεια των εορτων με την αγορα αντικειμενων απο το βιβλιοπωλειο. Στην Γενικη Συνελευση του Δεκεμβριου εγκριθηκε το ποσο για την τελειοποιηση του βιβλιοπωλειου. Οι εργασιες θα αρχισουν τους πρωτους μηνες του χρονου και θα ειναι ετοιμο για το Πασχα και το Φεστιβαλ. Ειναι ανοιχτο καθε Κυριακη μετα την Θεια Λειτουργια .Για περισσοτερες πληροφοριες για το βιβλιοπωλειο θα μιλησουν ο Δημητρης και η Αγγελικη Λλοιντ στην συγκεντρωση του συλλογου Ιωακειμ και Αννα τον Φεβρουαριο. Μπορειτε να επικοινωνησετε με την Αγγελικη και τον Δημητρη 737- 0952. ΚΟΙΝΟΤΙΚΑ ΝΕΑ Ο ΔΙΑΔΡΟΜΟΣ ΤΩΝ ΠΙΣΤΩΝ Μπορειτε να αγορασετε τουβλα ειτε εις μνημην η προς τιμην αγαπημενου σας προσωπου ζητωντας αιτηση απο το γραφειο της εκκλησιας.Μπορειτε να απευθυνθειτε στον Δημητρη Ζοζο αν εχετε ερωτησεις 648- 6720. Αν καποιος κατοικει στην Ενολα κοντα στο Ορρς Μπριτζ Ροουντ εχουμε ενα μελος της κοινοτητας που χρειαζεται καποιο να τον φερνει στην εκκλησια και ειναι προθυμος να πληρωσει για τα εξοδα της βενζινης. Αν καποιος μπορει να βοηθησει να τηλεφωνησει στο γραφειο της εκκλησιας. ΘΕΙΕΣ ΛΕΙΤΟΥΡΓΙΕΣ ΙΑΝΟΥΑΡΙΟΥ Τεταρτη 1 Ιανουαριου - Η Περιτομη του Ιησου Χριστου - 8:30 π.μ. Ορθρος 9:30 π.μ. Θεια Λειτουργια Παρασκευη 3 Ιανουαριου – 8:30 π.μ. Βασιλικες Ωρες THE SOURCE JANUARY Κυριακη 5 Ιανουαριου - Προεορτια των Φωτων (Μικρος Αγιασμος των Υδατων) Ορθρος : 8 :45 π.μ. Θεια Λειτουργια : 10:00 π.μ. Δευτερα 6 Ιανουαριου Τα Αγια Θεοφανεια Του Ιησου Χριστου - 8:30 π.μ. Ορθρος 9:30 π.μ. Θεια Λειτουργια Ο Σεβασιωτατος Μητροπολιτης Σαβας θα ειναι μαζι μας την ημερα αυτη. Τριτη 7 Ιανουαριου – Η Συναξις του Ιωαννη του Βαπτιστη - 8:30 π.μ. Ορθρος 9:30 π.μ. Θεια Λειτουργια Σαββατο 11 Ιανουριου – 9:00 π.μ. Θεια Λειτουργια στο Τσεμεσμπουργκ. Κυριακη 12 Ιανουαριου - Κυριακη μετα τα Θεοφανεια – Εορτη της Βασιλοπιτας Ορθρος : 8 :45 π.μ. Θεια Λειτουργια : 10:00 π.μ. Τριτη 14 Ιανουαριου – 10:00 π.μ. – 11:00 π.μ. Αφθονη Ζωη της Βιβλου με τον Πατερα Κωστα. Παρασκευη 17 Ιανουαριου – Του Αγιου Αντωνιου 8:30 π.μ. Ορθρος 9:30 π.μ. Θεια Λειτουργια Σαββατο 18 Ιανουαριου - Του Αγιου Αθανασιου 8:30 π.μ. Ορθρος 9:30 π.μ. Θεια Λειτουργια Κυριακη 19 Ιανουαριου - 12η Κυριακη του Λουκα - Ορθρος : 8 :45 π.μ. Θεια Λειτουργια : 10:00 π.μ. 2: 00 μ.μ. Πανορθοδοξος Αγιασμος των Υδατων στον ποταμο Σασκουαχανα Τριτη 21 Ιανουαριου – 10:00 π.μ. – 11:00 π.μ. Αφθονη Ζωη της Βιβλου με τον Πατερα Κωστα. Κυριακη 26 Ιανουαριου - 15η Κυριακη του Λουκα - Ορθρος : 8 :45 π.μ. Θεια Λειτουργια : 10:00 π.μ. Τριτη 28 Ιανουαριου – 10:00 π.μ. – 11:00 π.μ. Αφθονη Ζωη της Βιβλου με τον Πατερα Κωστα Πεμπτη 30 Ιανουαριου Των Τριων Ιεραρχων 8:30 π.μ. Ορθρος 9:30 π.μ. Θεια Λειτουργια ΔΩΡΕΕΣ ΓΙΑ ΤΟΝ ΣΤΟΛΙΣΜΟ ΤΟΥ ΝΑΟΥ ΤΑ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥΓΕΝΝΑ Εις μνημην Κ ωνσταντινου και Αικατερινης Κωστοπουλου απο τον Βασιλη και Τζιλ Κωστοπουλου. Εις μνημην Στελλας Γιατρα και Λεωνιδα Γιατρα 2014 Page 16 απο τον Γιωργο Γιατρα. Εις μνημην Κωνσταντινου , Δημητρας και Σμυρνας Γκικα απο Βαλερυ και Τζιμ Καγγιανο. Εις μνημην Νικολαου Λια και υπερ υγειας της οικογενειας της απο Αννα Λια. Εις μνημην της αγαπημενης μας γιαγιας απο τον Μιχαλη –Γαβριηλ και Θωμα Μαζια. Εις μνημην Τζειμς Καλδη και υπερ υγειας της των παιδιων ,εγγονων και δισεγγονων απο την Κυρια Τζειμς Καλδη. Εις μνημην Σερυ –Λυννς Νικολα απο τον Στηβ Πατ και Χριστινα Νικολα. Εις μνημην Χαραλαμπου Τουλουμη απο την Μαιρη Τουλουμη και την οικογενεια της. Εις μνημην Ευαγγελιας Μαζια, Θεωνης Κοτσοπουλου και Παναγιωτας Κοκορωνη απο Γιαννη , Λια ,Θωμα και Θεωνα Μαζια. Εις μνημην του πατερα και παππου μας Γεωργιου Λουκοπουλου απο Περυ, Λη- Ανν και Σοφια Λουκοπουλου. Δωρεα απο τον Νικο Καραγιαννη. THE SOURCE JANUARY 2014 Page 17 Space available for your ad ROBERT H. HARNER SUPERVISOR MYERS-HARNER FUNERAL HOME, INC. 1903 Market Street Camp Hill, Pennsylvania 17011 717-737-9961 Camp Hill’s only Locally Owned and Operated Funeral Home Space available for your ad Space available for your ad Space available for your ad Space available for your ad Space available for your ad Space available for your ad Space available for your ad Space available for your ad THE SOURCE JANUARY HOLY TRINITY GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 1000 Yverdon Drive Camp Hill, PA 17011 2014 Page 18 NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Harrisburg, PA Permit No. 112 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVERTISING IN THE SOURCE In an effort to contain printing costs for monthly newsletters, many churches have turned to paid advertisements in their publications. Parish Council has agreed to adopt this funding source for our monthly publication. Doing this would help lessen and possibly erase the expense of publishing the Source. We now have availability for two pages of paid ads in our monthly Source. The ad price will represent a year of advertising or 11 issues as we combine the June and July Source into one issue. Ads are sold by the block. There will be room for 24 ads or blocks per page. You may purchase more than one block for increased space and presentation. The cost of one ad block is $125 per year, and subsequent blocks would be an additional $100 per block. For example, a business card ad would equal two blocks and would cost $225. Camera ready ads are appreciated but not required. Please help us promote this program. If you own or work for a business that may be interested in advertising in our Source which is sent out to over 600 families, please contact Mary in the church office. If you know of a business that may be a potential advertiser, please pass on a contact and phone number. Examples of businesses that may be interested in advertising could be Greek bands, importers, baptismal supplies/clothing stores, and jewelers specializing in crosses. Other possibilities could be lawyers, accountants, real estate agents, etc. The only ads we cannot accept are ones pertaining to credit cards, travel, or insurance. Please contact the church office as soon as possible if interested in this program.
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