491 - A.Karamitsos

34, Tsimiski Str. - 54623 Thessaloniki - GREECE
tel.: +30 2310 264 366 - fax: +30 2310 274 031
e-mail: karamitsos@karamitsos.gr
WORKING HOURS: 07.00 - 15.00
Saturday, 12 July 2014
No 491
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents,
Photographs & Tobacciana
Start Time: 15.00
Viewing Arrangements:
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Maps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Engravings & Prints. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Documents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Newspapers - Magazines. . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Archive Photographs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Cabinet - CDV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Stereoscopic Images. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Postcards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .117
Ephemera. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Tobacciana. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .120
Picture postcard / Εικονογραφημένη κάρτα
Real photograph, photocard / Φωτοκάρτα, πραγματική φωτογραφία
Map / Χάρτης
Rare, very rare, etc. / Σπάνιο, πολύ σπάνιο κλπ.
Good quality or condition / Καλή ποιότητα ή κατάσταση
Very good quality or condition / Πολύ καλή ποιότητα ή κατάσταση
Fine quality or condition / Ωραία ποιότητα ή κατάσταση
Very fine quality or condition / Πολύ ωραία ποιότητα ή κατάσταση
Library book / Βιβλίο
Document / Έγγραφο
Newspaper / Εφημερίδα
Engraving / Γραβούρα
Magazine / Περιοδικό
Ephemera / Εφήμερα
Bonds & Certificates / Μετοχές
Ceramic / Κεραμικό
Advertisement / Διαφήμιση
Lot. 4001
BORDONE B. “Lango” & “Mandria-Fornoli-Lipso-Cruscia” 1528-1560, two woodcut maps on one sheet from “Libro de tutte
l’Isole del Mundo”. Maps dim. 14x8.5cm. Handwritten period notes on margins, strong-dark impression. Very Fine condition.
Starting Price: 130 €
Lot. 4003
MUNSTER S. “New Griechenlandt...” 1544-1572 from “Cosmographia” German ed. The map presents Greece, Aegean, part
of Crete & Asia Minor. Cartouche with text “Griechenlandt...”. Margins soiled, else in Very Fine condition. Size: 37 x 22 cm.
Very Good Copy. Zach.2439.
Starting Price: 140 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4002
BORDONE B. “Nisaro - Chirana” & “Caloiero” 1528-1560,
two woodcut maps on one sheet from “Libro de tutte l’Isole
del Mundo”. Maps dim. 14x8.5cm. Handwriten period notes
on margins, strong-dark impression. Very Fine condition.
Starting Price: 130 €
Lot. 4005
“Rhodys die Insel und Hauptstatt darinn.” complete page
with a woodcut engraving of the town of Rhodes (15,5
x 12,3 cm) from the book “Cosmographia” by Sebastian
Munster, first published in 1544 by H. Petri, followed by
46 publications till 1628 in various languages. This sheet
has german text. Sheet size: 23x37cm. Excellent condition.
Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 4004
MUNSTER S. Two sheets with woodcut maps of Asia Minor and prob. Greek Archipelago “Von den Landern Asie”
dim. 18x14cm & “Von den Inseln” dim. 15x10cm from “Cosmographia” German ed. 1544-1572. Sheet dim.19x30cm.
Foxing throughout. Zach.2450.
Starting Price: 130 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4006
PORCACCHI T. “Il Sito de’ Curzolari” woodcut
map of Echinades islands and “Gulf of Lepanto”
from “L’Isole piu Famose del Mondo” 1572-1713.
On sheet whith descriptive text in italian. Large
cut on left margin professionally repaired. Map
dim. 14x10cm, Sheet dim. 19x28cm. Zach.2744.
Starting Price: 70 €
Lot. 4008
FERRETTI F. “Ragione Vol’Forma
et vera postura del’Isola di Rodi”,
1579-1580, 1604, 1608, rare
presentation of Rhodes in round
cartographic frame, island surrounded
by ship and sea-monsters, dim:
13x9cm. Rare & Fine. Zach.1499.
Starting Price: 80 €
Lot. 4015
ORTELIUS, Abraham: “Corcyra vel Corfu”, Antwerp, 1595, Italian text.
8 x 11 cm. A delightful copper engraved hand-coloured miniature map
of the island of Corfu, decorated with a sailing vessel and a sea monster.
From the “Epitome theatri Orteliani” by Philip Galle. Zach. 2515.
Starting Price: 100 €
Lot. 4009
FERRETTI F. “Ragione Vol’Forma
et vera postura del’Isola di LANGO”,
1579-1580, 1604, 1608, rare
presentation of Cos isl. in circular
cartographic frame, island surrounded
by sea-monsters, dim: 13x9cm. Rare
& Fine. Zach.1508.
Starting Price: 80 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4010
FERRETTI F. “Ragione Vol’Forma et
vera postura del’Isola di PAGTINO”,
1579-1580, 1604, 1608, rare
presentation of Patmos (?) isl. in
circular cartographic frame, island
surrounded by sea-monsters, dim:
13x9cm. Rare & Fine. Zach.1507.
Starting Price: 80 €
Lot. 4011
FERRETTI F. “Ragione Vol’Forma et
vera postura del’Isola di CALAMO”,
1579-1580, 1604, 1608, rare
presentation of Kalymnos (?) isl. in
circular cartographic frame, island
surrounded by sea-monsters, dim:
13x9cm. Rare & Fine. Zach.1504.
Starting Price: 80 €
Lot. 4012
FERRETTI F. “Ragione Vol’Forma
et vera postura del’Isola di LEZZO”,
1579-1580, 1604, 1608, rare presentation
of Leros (?) isl. in circular cartographic
frame, island surrounded by seamonsters, dim: 13x9cm. Rare & Fine.
Starting Price: 80 €
Lot. 4013
FERRETTI F. “Ragione Vol’Forma
et vera postura del’Isola di
CALOGERO”, 1579-1580, 1604, 1608,
rare presentation of Calogeros isl. in
circular cartographic frame, island
surrounded by sea-monsters, dim:
13x9cm. Rare & Fine. Zach.1505.
Starting Price: 80 €
Lot. 4007
BRAUN Georg & HOGENBERG Frans, Cologne 1572, 1598. “CALARIS, MALTA, RHODUS, FAMAGUSTA”. Four (4)
fine engraved views / detailed plans of the important Mediterranean islands capitals of Sardinia, Malta, Rhodes & Cyprus.
Impressive details depicting the formation of the medieval towns. Beautifully hand-coloured. With faults professionally
restored. Dim.48x33cm.
Starting Price: 290 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4014
“RHODUS” handcoloured copper engraving of the town of Rhodes (15,5 x 23,5 cm), complete page with wide margins, from
the book “Civitates Orbis Terranum” by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg published 1572 in Cologne. Sheet size: 20 x 27,5 cm.
Latin text on back. Very Rare.
Starting Price: 130 €
Lot. 4016
“Candia / La Cita de Corfu” by Braun & Hogenberg 1575-1612, hand-coloured woodcut, from “Civitates Orbis Terrarum”
Volume II. Depicting two (2) bird’s-eye high detailed plan-views of the towns of Kerkyra & Herakleion (Crete) with numerous
fishing & rowing boats. Latin text on verso. Chipped edges & small tears along margins (few slightly reaching the engraved
area). Lower margin shaved. Rare item.
Starting Price: 430 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4017
“Tavola Terza d’Asia Antica, in cui si contiene Colchide, Iberia,
Albania & Armenia maggiore”, Ruscelli G., G. Rosaccio, after
G.Gastaldi, “Tabula Asiae III.” Copper engraved map from
the 4th edition of Ruscelli’s “ Geografia di Claudio Tolomeo
Alessandrino Tradotta di Greco... da Girolamo Ruscelli” edited
and extended by Giuseppe Rosaccio, published in Venice by
the Heirs of M. Sessa in 1598 & 1599. Size: 25.0 x 18.5 cm.
Water stain but Rare.
Starting Price: 90 €
Lot. 4019
Baron de BEAUVAU H. “LANGO”, from “Relation
Journaliere du...Levant” 1615,1619. Beautiful, highly
detailed-decorative map of the island of COS. Towns,
settlements & relief shown pictorially. On full book
sheet. Map dim.16x11cm. Sheet dim.18x24cm. Overall
foxing, two brown spots on text. Zach.259. SCARCE.
Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 4018
MERCATOR G. “Macedonia Epirus et Achaia” hand coloured copper plate map from “Atlas sive cosmographicae
meditationes” French ed. 1607-1633. Map of central and north Greece, dim 43x36cm. Few faults on white margins, mapped
area in Very Fine condition. Zach.2207.
Starting Price: 130 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4020
“Rhodes (La Cite de RHODES en laquelle L’Ordre de S. Iean de Hierusalem a demevre” page No.53 with a copper engraving
of the town of Rhodes (15 x 21 cm) from the book “Histoire des Chevaliers de l’Ordre de S. Iean de Hierusalem,... par I.
BAUDOIN, oevre enrichie par F.A. de Naberat” first published 1629 in Paris, re-issued in 1643 & 1659. Sheet size: 24 x 34 cm.
Also, 12 more sheets (26 pages in total) with engraved portraits. Excellent condition.
Starting Price: 200 €
Lot. 4021
WELSER M. (Velserus), “Segmentum VI a Sarmatis Roxulanis usque as Parnacos”, 1638-1741. Map from the famous
“Peutinger Table”, presenting the Roman road network of the world. M. Welser first published a copy based on the original
manuscript at Aldus Manutius in Venice at 1591. Constantinople is depicted as capital, Aegean with Crete & Rhodes excessively
enlarged, Turkey, Egypt, Middle East & part of northern regions. Map dim.51x19cm. Strong & dark impression. Without the
title. Few brown spots, two holes on the white margins (not touching the map area). Zacharakis 3687.
Starting Price: 250 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4022
“GRAECIA. Joh. et Corn. Blaeu exc. / Illustri & incomparab. viro, CLAUDIO SALMASIO...” colour copper engr. map by
BLAEU J. & C. from “Theatrum Orbis...” 1640 French ed. The cartographic frame includes modern Greece (except Crete) &
part of Asia Minor. Map dim. 52x41cm. Self adhesive tape on upper & lower part of centerfold, not entering into map image.
Light soiling. Zach. 384.
Starting Price: 350 €
Lot. 4023
“REGNI HUNGARIAE, GRAECIAE, ET MOREAE ac Regionum quae ei quandam fuere Christiani ut.... delineatio per
Ioannum Danckerum/Amstelodami cum privilegio ordinum Holl: et Westfrisiae” J. Danckerts 1680-1690 from “Atlas”. Copper
engraved map, dim: 59x50.5cm, with Greece in centre, depicting all the Balkans, Hungary, Romania and parts of Austria, Italy
and Germany. Title cartouche with Christian saint and Hapsburg eagle. Very Fine condition. Zacharakis 1278.
Starting Price: 280 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4024
M Lot. 4025
“Is. de NISARO et de PISCOPIA”.
Copper plate engraved map by MALLET,
Full colour copper plate engraved map
Allain Manesson, publ. in Paris 1683, in
by MALLET, Allain Manesson, publ. in
“Description de l’Univers”. Attractive
Paris 1683 in “Description de l’Univers”.
prospect of the islands of Nisiros
Attractive prospect of the islands of
THASOS with the coastline of Macedonia (volcano depicted), Tilos, part of KOS
& Asia Minor coast. Map size 11x14cm.
featured prominently, including the
Very Fine. Ref. Zach. 2130/1394.
peninsula of MOUNT ATHOS. Map
dim.11x14cm. Very Fine. Zach.2142.
Starting Price: 40 €
Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 4027
Full colour copper plate engraved
map by MALLET, Allain Manesson,
publ. in Paris 1683 in “Description
de l’Univers”. Attractive prospect of
Skiros, Euboea & the mainland. Map
dim. 14x11cm. Very Fine. Zach.2144.
Starting Price: 45 €
Lot. 4028
“Is. de Lero, Calamo, et de Lango”
10x15cm. hand-coloured engraved
framed map, from “Description
de l’univers...par Allain Manesson
Mallet...Paris : Chez D. Thierry, 1683”.
Excellent condition. Zach. 2129.
Starting Price: 45 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4026
“Isle de STAMPALIA”. Full colour
copper plate engraved map by
MALLET, Allain Manesson, publ.
in Paris 1683 in “Description de
l’Univers”. Attractive prospect of the
island of Astypalea and surrounding
islands. Map dim. 14x11cm. Very
Fine. Zach.2133.
Starting Price: 45 €
Lot. 4029
“De la Turquie Meridionale en Europe”.
Full colour copper plate engraved
map by MALLET, Allain Manesson,
publ. in Paris 1683 in “Description de
l’Univers”. Showing Greece (incl. Crete)
and the Balkans. Map dim. 14x11cm.
Very Fine. Zach.2158.
Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 4030
“Les isles de l’ARCHIPEL qui sont vers l’Europe”.
Full colour copper plate engraved map by MALLET,
Allain Manesson, publ. in Paris 1683 in “Description
de l’Univers”. Map of the islands of Aegean Sea.
Very Fine. Map dim.11x14cm. Zach.2140.
Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 4031
Copper engr. map of the island of SKYROS (Aegean) &
fortifications of the monastery of St. George, in page with
text. Map. dim. 17x13cm. Sheet dim. 33x46.5cm. Very Fine
condition. Not in Zacharakis.
Starting Price: 70 €
Lot. 4032
1688-1696. Copper engr. map of Halki & Alimia
(Dodecanese) in page with text. Map. dim. 17x13cm.
Sheet dim. 33x46.5cm. Two tears on left white
margin, map in Very Fine condition. Zach.1129.
Starting Price: 65 €
Lot. 4033
CORONELLI V. M. “Isola di Piscopia nel mare di Rodi...” 1688-1707
copper engr. map of the island of Tilos. Map dim. 16.5x12.5cm, on
part of sheet dim. 35x23cm. Very Fine, dark impression. Zach.1131.
Starting Price: 50 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4034
“De Beschryving van de Reysen Pauli en Van de Andere
Apostelen...” Copperplate, uncolored, 395 x 500 mm. decorative
map of the eastern part of the Mediterranean adorned with
vignettes showing episodes from the travels of St. Paul, compass
rose and sailing ships. This map was engraved by Bastian
Stoopendaal, circa 1688. The map is uncolored and uniformly
age toned. Ref: Zacharakis 3638/2359.
Starting Price: 100 €
Lot. 4036
“RHODOS” handcoloured copper engraving on a
complete page from the book “Naukeurige, Beschryving
der Eilanden, in de Archipel der Middelantsche zee...”
by DAPPER Dr. Olfert, Amsterdam 1688. Size of
engraving: 12,5 x 16 cm. Excellent condition.
Starting Price: 55 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4035
CORONELLI V. M. “Le Sdile o’Delo” from
“Atlante Veneto-Isolario” 1690-1696 copper
engr. dim. 17x13cm on sheet dim. 34x47cm. Map
of Rineia & Delos islands. Tears along white
margins, waterstain & some foxing. Zach.1124.
Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 4038
CORONELLI Vichenzo Maria, Venice 1689. “Citta, e Fort di
CORON assediata, e Presa Dalla Serenis Repub MDCLXXXV”
copper engr. highly detailed plan of Koroni and its fortifications
depicting the positions of Venetian and Ottoman armies. Size:
44x28cm. Excellent condition. NOT in Zacharakis.
Starting Price: 80 €
Lot. 4037
CORONELLI V. M. “Parallelo geografico dell’antico col Moderno ARCIPELAGO per instruzione dell’istoria dell’isole
contenute in esso opera del P. Maestro Coronelli cosmografo...” large map 61x46cm of North Greece, Aegean, Turkey & Black
Sea with smaller “Isola di Tine” 17x13cm on verso, 1688,1690-1696, on two sheets 70x50cm. Tear left along centerfold, small
folds, light waterstains. Zach.1037,1127.
Starting Price: 180 €
Lot. 4039
“LANGO / I.Peeters excudit” Jacques Peeters 1690 from
“Description des principales Villes, Havres et isles...”.
Copper engraved map of Cos isl. depicting pictorially the
settlements and relief & 9 sailing ships. In EXCELLENT
condition. Zach.2569.
Starting Price: 130 €
Lot. 4040
“RHODUS” (view of port) original copper engraving
from “Philonem Chronographum...”, a book published
in 1693 in Augsburg. Size: 12,5 x 17,5 cm. This engraving
is based on the one that appeared in “Archipelagus
Turbatus” published in the same town in 1686.
Starting Price: 50 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4041
WELLS E. “A New Map of the Western Parts of Asia Minor Largely taken: Shewing their Antient Divisions, Countries or
People, Cheife Cities, Towns, Rivers, Mountains, &c.” 1701-1738 from “A new set of Maps...”. Uncoloured. Double page map
of Turkey. Blank on verso. Small split at centre of lower margin. Tears on upper margin. Lightly browned overall, else in good
condition. Map dim. 49.5x36.5cm. Zach.3679.
Starting Price: 100 €
Lot. 4042
“A NEW MAP OF ANTIENT THRACE: As also of the Northern Parts of OLD GREECE, viz. Macedonia, and Thessalia.
Dedicated to His Highness William Duke of Glocester/Sutton Nicholls sculp” colour copper engr. map by Wells E., in “A new
sett of maps of ancient and Present Geography, 1700-1738”. Decorative and Instructional map of ancient North Greece and
Balkans, Dim.51x38cm. Zacharakis 3676. Very Fine.
Starting Price: 200 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4043
Halma, Franciscus (Francois ): “Descriptio Paradisi et Terrae Canaan, regionumque a Patriarchis primum habitatarum” copper
engraved map of Canaan, Armenia, Syria, Mesopotamia and Arabia, published 1707. 33.1cm x 20.9cm plus margins. Water
Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 4044
Bonfrere, Jacques - Halma, Francois: “Tabula geographica Terrae Sanctae, auctore J. Bonfrerio, Societat. Jesu.” published
1709. Original copper engraved folding map, taken from the original by the Flemish theologian, Jacques Bonfrere, two sheets,
as issued, 25cm x 39cm each, (joined) image size: 21cm x 66cm. Oriented with north at top left. There appears to exist two
editions of this fine map, this is the small size edition.
Starting Price: 50 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4045
SENEX J., “Turky in Europe, corrected from
observations...by John Senex, I. Maxwell” 1714 from the
“English Atlas”. 2-sheet joined, outline-coloured copper
engr. large map dim. 66x97cm. Highly detailed map of the
Balkans, Greece, Turkey & west Black Sea. Low starting
price due to faults mainly along margins. Zach.3332.
Starting Price: 80 €
Lot. 4047
“Die Insel Lero, Calamo und Lango / Isles de Lero,
Calamo, et de Lanco” 10x15cm. hand-coloured engraved
framed map. Cartographer: Mallet, Allain Manesson.
Published: Frankfurt. Date: 1719. Excellent condition.
Zach. 2129/1393.
Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 4046
Fenelon, Francois de Salignac de LaMothe: “Carte des voyages de
Telemaque, selon Mons. Fenelon / par le Sr. Roussel” map copper
engraved by Berey, first appeared in “Les Aventures de Telemaque, Paris,
F. Delaulne, 1717, published by the marquis de Fenelon”. 27cm x 15cm
plus borders, with some stain spots and a couple of wormholes (one at
the top left corner), still a rare map (NOT in Zacharakis).
Starting Price: 50 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4048
“Die Stadt Rhodes. - Rhodes” Copperengraving. Small decorative bird’s eye view
of the city of Rhodes with its port, ornated
with ships in the foreground. Artist: Mallet,
Allain Manesson. Published: Frankfurt,
1719. Size: [ca. 15 x 10 cm]. Condition:
Excellent, in frame.
Starting Price: 60 €
Lot. 4049
“Partie de TURQUIE en Europe” hand-coloured
copper engraved map, part of the book “Continuation
de l’Histoire Universelle de Messire Jacques Benigne
Bossuet” published in 1722. Size: 130 x 165 mm, plus
margins. Rare. Zacharakis: 645/446.
Starting Price: 60 €
Lot. 4050
“Carte de la Grece pour l’Intelligence de la guerre
de Troye./Filloeul sculpsit” Filloeul, Paris 1729
from “Methode pour etudier l’Histoire” by l’Abbe
Lenglet du Fresnoy. Uncoloured copper engraved
map depicting Greece and Asia Minor highlighting
Troy area. Map Dim: 40x24.5cm. One browning
spot. Very Fine condition. Zacharakis 1524/2760.
Starting Price: 85 €
Lot. 4051
MYLLER Padre A. M. “Insul LANGO oder
from “Peregrinus in Jerusalem...” 1729,1732,1735.
Two beautiful, highly detailed-decorative maps of
the islands of COS & PATMOS. Towns, settlements
& relief shown pictorially. Map Dim.14x17cm. One
brown spot. Zach.2456.
Starting Price: 85 €
Lot. 4052
Weigel, C. & J. “Graecia” hand-coloured copper engraved map from
“Compendium Geograpiae Antiquae et Mediae” c. 1745, by J.D.Kohler,
ed. by C.Weigel. Size: 19 x 16 cm. VF.
Starting Price: 40 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4053
TIRION Isaak. “Niuwe Kaart van het TURKSCHE RYK...”, c.1750. Attractive copper engraved map of the Ottoman Empire
in Europe & Asia. Dim.36x30cm. Light foxing & tiny tears along white margins.
Starting Price: 80 €
Lot. 4054
ROBERT DE VAUGONDY, “ASIA MINOR in suas partes seu provincias...1756” 1749-1793, hand coloured copper engr. map
from “Atlas Universel”. Asia Minor, Turkey, Cyprus & South coasts of Black Sea. Map dim. 58x46cm. Self adhesive tape on
margin edges on verso, slight foxing otherwise Very Fine. Zach.2919.
Starting Price: 180 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4056
“Plan de la Rade de NAVARIN” J. Roux, 1764, from
“Receuil des principaux plans des Ports et Rades de
la Mer Mediterranee...” by J.J. Allezard, Pl.77. Copper
engraved map, Dim.: 20x14cm. Fine. Zach.3020.
Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 4057
“I. de Sapience” & “MOREE” J. Roux, 1764, from “Receuil des
principaux plans des Ports et Rades de la Mer Mediterranee...”
by J.J. Allezard, Pl.78. Copper engraved map of Sapientza island
& Methoni, Dim.: 20x14cm. Fine. Zach.2995.
Starting Price: 45 €
Lot. 4058
“NAPLES DE MALVASIE” J. Roux, 1764 from “Receuil
des principaux plans des Ports et Rades...” by J.J. Allezard,
Pl.126. Copper engraved map of MONEMVASIA castle
& bay. Fine. Zach.3050.
Starting Price: 45 €
Lot. 4059
“Port VITULO dans le Golfe de CALAMATA” J. Roux, 1764
from “Receuil des principaux plans des Ports et Rades...” by
J.J. Allezard, Pl.129. Copper engraved map prob. of OITYLO
bay at Messenian Gulf. Fine. Zach.3053.
Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 4060
“Isle de l’Especy” J. Roux 1764 from “Receuil
des principaux plans des Ports et Rades de la Mer
Mediterranee...” by J.J. Allezard, Pl.82. Copper engraved
map of Spetses, Dim.: 20x14cm. Light brown spots on
margins, slightly creased on upper right corner. Zach.3024.
Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 4061
“Isle de PORO” J. Roux, 1764, from “Receuil
des principaux plans des Ports et Rades de la Mer
Mediterranee...” by J.J. Allezard, Pl.83. Copper engraved
map of Poros, Dim.: 20x14cm. Light brown spots on
margins, slightly creased on upper right corner. Zach.3025.
Starting Price: 30 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4062
“Plan du Port des Trois Bouches sur l’Isle Saint George
d’Esquiro” J. Roux, 1764 from “Receuil des principaux plans
des Ports et Rades...” by J.J. Allezard, Pl.93. Copper engraved
map of SKYROS Island. Dim.: 20x14cm. Traces of waterstain
on margins, slightly creased upper right corner. Zach.3034.
Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 4063
“Plan du Port de Chatte” J. Roux, 1764 from “Receuil
des principaux plans des Ports et Rades...” by J.J. Allezard,
Pl.94. Copper engraved map of SKIATHOS Island. Dim.:
20x14cm. Traces of waterstain on margins. Zach.3036.
Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 4064
“Golphe du VOLLO” J. Roux, 1764 from “Receuil des
principaux plans des Ports et Rades...” by J.J. Allezard, Pl.95.
Copper engraved map of Volos & Pagasetic Gulf. Dim.:
20x14cm. Traces of waterstain on margins. Zach.3037.
Starting Price: 45 €
Lot. 4065
“Plan de L’Isle SPINE LONGUE sur l’Isle CANDIE” J.
Roux, 1764 from “Receuil des principaux plans des Ports
et Rades...” by J.J. Allezard, Pl.110. Copper engraved map
of Spinalonga & the Gulf of Eloounda - Crete. Traces
of waterstain on margins. Zach.3047.
Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 4066
“Rade de PAYOCASTRO au Rme. de CANDIE” J. Roux, 1764
from “Receuil des principaux plans des Ports et Rades...” by
J.J. Allezard, Pl.138. Copper engraved map of PALEKASTRO
area East CRETE. Traces of light crease. Zach.3058.
Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 4067
“MARMARA au N.E. de RHODE” J. Roux, 1764 from
“Receuil des principaux plans des Ports et Rades...” by J.J.
Allezard, Pl.139. Copper engraved map of MARMARIS
South Turkey. Fine. Zach. 3005.
Starting Price: 40 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4068
“Port de Piscopi, Pl.148” copper engraved portolano map
123x184mm. + margins, engraved by J. Roux, published in
“Recueil des principaux plans, des ports et rades de la Mer
Mediterranee..., Marseille, 1764”. Zach. 3049/2011.
Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 4069
“Golfe De Stanchio” J. Roux, 1779 from “Receuil des
principaux plans des Ports et Rades de la Mer Mediterranee...”,
ed. by J.J. Allezard, Pl.134. Copper engraved map “Golf of
Kos” depicting BODRUM Peninsula & Gulf of GOKOVA.
Two stain spots. Ref. Zach. 3052/2014.
Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 4070
“Divers Ports sur L’Isle” J. Roux, 1764 from “Receuil
des principaux plans des Ports et Rades...” by J.J.
Allezard, Pl.143. Copper engraved map prob. of
TILOS island Dodecanese. Fine. Zach.3062.
Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 4071
“ISLE NACRY” J. Roux, 1764 from “Receuil des
principaux plans des Ports et Rades...” by J.J. Allezard,
Pl.144. Copper engraved map. Fine. Zach.3063.
Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 4072
“Golfe de SAROS” J. Roux, 1764 from “Receuil des
principaux plans des Ports et Rades...” by J.J. Allezard, Pl.151.
Copper engraved map of Gulf of SAROS, Turkey. Fine.
Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 4073
“Port VATY sur L’Isle SAMOS” J. Roux, 1764 from
“Receuil des principaux plans des Ports et Rades...” by J.J.
Allezard, Pl.153. Copper engraved map of Vathy at SAMOS
island. Fine.. Zach.3069.
Starting Price: 35 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4055
MORNAS C. BUY “Suite de L’Histoire
D’Athenes Depuis l’an 3515 jusqu’ a
l’an 3525” from “Atlas Historique et
Geographique” 1783. Hand coloured
copper plate map of Greece, Balkans &
Turkey, dim.55x39cm. Decorative garland.
Very Fine condition. Zach. 2377.
Starting Price: 65 €
Lot. 4074
MORNAS C. BUY “Suite de l’Histoire
Sainte Depuis l An 3680 jusqu a l An 3802”
from “Atlas methodique et elementaire de
geographie et d’histoire”, Paris 1761. Hand
coloure copper plate mapof Cyprus, Holy
Land & Sinai with two strips of historical
text. Dim. 53x46cm. Chipped margin
edges. Map in Very Fine condition.
Starting Price: 75 €
Lot. 4075
“LA TURQUIE D’EUROPE et celle d’Asie hors la partie
situee dans l’Arabie. Par M.Bonne, Ingenieur-Hydrographe de
la Marine” 1787 copper engraved map by R.Bonne from “Atlas
encyclopedique contenant...”, Paris. Depicting Greece, Italy, the
Balkans, Turkey, Palestine, Israel, Ukrania, Armenia etc. Engr.
Dim.: 32x21cm. Very Fine condition. Zacharakis 477/2501.
Starting Price: 50 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4076
“TURQUIE D’EUROPE. Par M.Bonne, Ingenieur
Hydrographe de la Marine”, 1787 copper engraved map
by R.Bonne from “Atlas encyclopedique contenant la
geographie...”, Paris. Engr. Dim.: 35x24cm. Depicting
southeast Europe with Greece in centre of map and scale
at lower right corner. Light brown stains, otherwise in
Very Fine condition. Zacharakis 468/277.
Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 4077
“Turquie D’Asie A l’ Exception Des Enclaves Situees en
Arabie” BONNE R. 1787, uncoloured copper plate map
extending from Aegean to Iraq, including Turkey, Cyprus,
Syria, Palestine, Israel, Armenia, Jordan, Azerbaycan. Map
dim. 35x24cm. Chipped margin edges, folds on margin
corners, few light brown spots, map in Fine condition.
Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 4079
ENVIRONS Pour le voyage du Jeune Anacharsis
Par M.BARBIE DU BOCAGE. Mai 1784/Guill De
La Haye” copper plate map by Barbie du Bocage
from Barthelemy’s “Recuil de cartes et plans...”
1788-1791,1795. Map dim.: 16.5x21.5cm. Stains on
margins and two small worm holes within map.
Starting Price: 12 €
Lot. 4078
“PLAN D’ATHENES Pour le Voyage du Jeune Anacharsis Mai
1784 / Guill. De La Haye” copper plate topographical map by
Barbie Du Bocage from J.J.Barthelemy’s “Receuil de cartes et
plans pour le voyage...” 1788-1791, 1795. Plan of ancient Athens
with extensive key to 31 places described by Barthelemy. Map
dim.: 32.5x21cm. Paper foxing and a pinhole on lower margin.
Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 4081
“THRACIA ANTIQUA” hand-coloured copper engraved map
by C. Cellarius from “Christofori Cellarii geographia antiqua”
published in London, 1794. Size: 30 x 20 cm. VF. Zacharakis: 882.
Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 4080
BARLOW P. “TURKEY in EUROPE from the latest
Authorities by T. BOWEN” 1791, copper engr. map from
“The general History of Europe”, London. Presenting Balkans
Greece, Turkey, Black Sea, Crimea. Sea route from Koroni to
Lemnos. Few small tears on white margins, otherwise Very
Fine clean dark impression. Map dim. 42x32cm. Zach.238.
Starting Price: 65 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4082
1806, publ. by Longman Hurst Rees& Orme Paternoster
Row. Interesting uncoloured copper engraved map, presenting
Greece, Southern Balkans, Black Sea and Asia Minor as the
environs of Constantinople. Map Dim.: 40x25.5cm. Slight
foxing due to age. Excellent condition.
Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 4083
ARGOS) antequam Romanae ditionis fuit, cum INSULIS
adjacentibus; cura et studio D.Macpherson” copper
plate map by W.W. Macpherson, engraved by J.Russell,
publ. Longman, Hurst, Rees & Orme, 1807, London.
Depicting Peloponnese, Cyclades and inset of Crete at
bottom right. Map Dim.: 40.5x26cm. Fine condition.
Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 4084
“GRAECIAE Pars Borealis” publ. by C. Smith, 1809, Jos.
Bye sculp. Copper plate map of ancient Central Greece.
Outline handcoloured. Map dim. 56x35cm. Very Fine.
Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 4085
Copper engraved map of Greece, Asia minor, southern
Balkans and Crete in lower left inset, “Published
Nov.1st.1814 by S & G.Neele 352 Strand”, with “J
WHATMAN/1813” paper watermark, size: 28x43cm
in excellent condition.
Starting Price: 70 €
Lot. 4086
THOMSON J. “TURKEY in ASIA” 1817, engr. by
Dessauville W. Hand coloured copper engr. map
of the Ottoman Empire in Asia, the map frame
extending from Asia Minor to Iran & from Black
Sea to Egypt. Including Cyprus & Middle East.
Map dim. 51x39cm. In Excellent condition.
Starting Price: 90 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4087
for the Geography of Dionysios Pyrros from Thessaly) engraved map from “ΓΕΩΓΡΑΦΙΑ ΜΕΘΟΔΙΚΗ Απάσης της
Οικουμένης... παρά ΔΙΟΝΥΣΙΟΥ ΠΥΡΟΥ του Θετταλού...νυν ΠΡΩΤΟΝ ΤΥΠΟΙΣ ΕΚΔΙΔΕΤΑΙ...Ενετίησιν...1818” (First
edition, Venice, 1818). 32 x 24.5 cm. Extremely rare map from the rare Venice edition, in VF condition.
Starting Price: 150 €
Lot. 4088
“ΝΕΟΣ ΑΤΛΑΣ, ΕΙΤΕ ΓΕΝΙΚΗ ΧΑΡΤΑ ΤΟΥ ΠΑΝΤΟΣ Δ. Πύρρου” (New Atlas or General Map of the World by
D. Pyrros) engraved map from “ΓΕΩΓΡΑΦΙΑ ΜΕΘΟΔΙΚΗ Απάσης της Οικουμένης... παρά ΔΙΟΝΥΣΙΟΥ ΠΥΡΟΥ του
Θετταλού...νυν ΠΡΩΤΟΝ ΤΥΠΟΙΣ ΕΚΔΙΔΕΤΑΙ φιλοτίμω δαπάνη ...Κυρίου Νεκταρίου του Λεσβίου...Ενετίησιν...1818”
(First edition, Venice, 1818). 55 x 36 cm. Extremely rare map from the rare Venice edition, in VF condition.
Starting Price: 300 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4089
“Carte Reduite de la Partie
Septentrionale de l’Archipel redigee
d’apres les travaux executes, dan les
annees 1818 et 1819 par M. Gauttier
Capitaine de Vaisseau Seconde par M.
Benoist Ingenieur Hydrographe de
la Marine... 1827” attractive engraved
French nautical chart of the coast and
the islands of the Northern Aegean Sea.
Size: 92x61 cm. This is the edition with
the hachuring of coastal mountains. VF
except for scattered small wormholes.
Starting Price: 200 €
Lot. 4090
“Carte Reduite de la Partie Meridionale
de l’Archipel redigee d’apres les travaux
executes, dan les annees 1818 et 1819
par M. Gauttier Capitaine de Vaisseau
Seconde par M. Benoist Ingenieur
Hydrographe de la Marine... 1827”
attractive engraved French nautical
chart of the coast and the islands of the
Southern Aegean Sea. Size: 92x61 cm.
This is the edition with the hachuring
of coastal mountains. VF except for
scattered small wormholes.
Starting Price: 200 €
Lot. 4091
“Carte Reduite de la Partie Septentrionale
de l’Archipel redigee d’apres les travaux
executes, dan les annees 1818 et 1819
par M. Gauttier Capitaine de Vaisseau
Seconde par M. Benoist Ingenieur
Hydrographe de la Marine... 1827”
attractive engraved French nautical
chart of the coast and the islands of
the Northern Aegean Sea. Size: 92x61
cm. This is the rare edition without the
hachuring of coastal mountains. VF.
Starting Price: 300 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4092
“Carte Reduite de la Partie Meridionale de
l’Archipel redigee d’apres les travaux executes,
dan les annees 1818 et 1819 par M. Gauttier
Capitaine de Vaisseau Seconde par M. Benoist
Ingenieur Hydrographe de la Marine... 1827”
attractive engraved French nautical chart of the
coast and the islands of the Southern Aegean
Sea. Size: 92x61 cm. This is the rare edition
without the hachuring of coastal mountains.
VF except for a small wormhole in Piscopi.
Starting Price: 250 €
Lot. 4093
“Expedition du Jeune CYRUS et retraite des Dix Mille”
DELAMARCHE 1836, outline coloured copper plate map, presenting
the route of Cyrus the Younger and the Ten Thousand Greek
mercenaries through Persia. Map dim.41x28cm. Very Fine condition.
Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 4094
“Petit Bocas de SAMOS” copper engraved map,
complete page No. 48, probably from the book
“Recueil des Principaux Plans des Ports et Rades
de la Mer Mediterranee nouvellement publies
par les meilleur Auteurs, Genes 1848, Chez Yves
Gravier, Libraire derriere de la Loge de Banchi”
with works of the cartographer Joseph Roux.
Size: 17 x 22,5 cm. Sheet size: 21,5 x 29 cm.
Some stain spots - mainly on the margins.
Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 4095
Two maps “Call & Inglis’ MAP of Ancient ASIA MINOR 1850” & “Call & Inglis’ MAP of Modern ASIA MINOR 1850”.
Handcoloured large (54x45cm) lithographic maps presenting Ancient & modern placenames of Turkey, extending from Black
Sea to Cyprus & from Aegean to Armenia. Cut of one corner on one map, folded corner on other map.
Starting Price: 65 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4096
mid. 19th cent. steel engr. map of Balkans, Greece
& Asia Minor. Detailed & accurate topography
& hydrography. Outline hand coloured. Map
dim.34x43cm. Very Fine condition.
Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 4097
RAPKIN J. “ASIA MINOR” c.1856 (Tallis J. London) Original
outline colour. Double page steel engraved map concentrating on
what is now modern Turkey. Three vignette illustrations including
one of Rhodes. Decorative scrolling and title cartouche around
the edges of the image. Stamp of Barrow Public Library on
verso. Map dim. 24.5x32.5cm. Very good condition.
Starting Price: 60 €
Lot. 4098
“Carte des environs d’Alexandrie et de la Plaine de Marengo.”,
antique engraved map from “’Atlas de l’histoire du consulat
et de L’Empire’, Dresse et Dessine Sous la direction de M.
Thiers, Par MM. A. Dufour et Duvotenay; Published by
Paulin, Lheureux et Cie, Paris (1859). Image size: Approx
20.5cm x 29cm. Two large water stains.
Starting Price: OFFER
Lot. 4100
Sculp. Red Lion Squ.”. A steel engraved (by E. Weller)
map from “The Weekly Dispatch Atlas” published
London c.1860. Light hand colouring. 20 x 27 cm. map
area only, with margins beyond. Has faults.
Starting Price: OFFER
Lot. 4099
ATHENS. Two maps depicting
the topography of the ancient
times & early 20th century.
Map dim.: 25.5x19cm &
23.5x18.5cm. Both in Fine
Starting Price: 15 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4101
“Carte generale de l’Archipel. Atlas spheroidal & universel
de geographie dresse par F.A. Garnier, geographe. Vve. Jules
Renouard, Editeur, Rue de Tournon, no. 6, Paris. 1860. Imp.
Sarazin, r. Git-le-Coeur, 8, Paris.” full colour Atlas map, printed
1862. Relief shown by shading. Shows shipping routes, magnetic
declination, etc. Prime meridian: Paris. On globe in cartouche:
Sphericite de la terre. Size: 52 x 71 cm. with large borders. VF.
Starting Price: 150 €
Lot. 4102
Copies du plan leve en 1838 par le Cap_ne Thomas
Graves...1863” large-format nautical chart, an engraved
map printed in Paris in 1863. Size: 51 x 65 cm overall. VF.
Starting Price: 150 €
Lot. 4103
“GREECE. The Four Provinces of Independent Greece”
c.1860 map of the 1832 newly formed Kingdom of Greece,
presenting the topography and the main settlements. The map
also provides interesting information about the population
of the Aegean Islands. Outline coloured. Map dim. 34x29cm.
Few small light brown spots otherwise Very Fine.
Starting Price: 75 €
Lot. 4104
“Mer Mediterranee, Ports et Mouillages dans l’Archipel
/ Ile de Lero, PORT LAKI / Ile de Rhodes, PORTS
DE RHODES” two maps in one sheet of the “Service
Hydrographique de la Marine - 1863 / Edition du Mai
1929”. Sheet size: 50 x 70 cm. Some repaired faults,
mainly at margins.
Starting Price: 50 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4105
“Carte generale de l’Archipel. Atlas spheroidal & universel
de geographie dresse par F.A. Garnier, geographe. Vve. Jules
Renouard, Editeur, Rue de Tournon, no. 6, Paris. 1860. Imp.
Sarazin, r. Git-le-Coeur, 8, Paris.” full colour Atlas map, printed
1862. Relief shown by shading. Shows shipping routes, magnetic
declination, etc. Prime meridian: Paris. On globe in cartouche:
Sphericite de la terre. Size: 52 x 71 cm. with large borders. VF.
Starting Price: 60 €
Lot. 4106
“The coast of CARIA including the gulfs of
MENDELIYAH, KOS & DORIS” 29x23cm engraving,
frontispiece of the “Travels and discoveries in the Levant”
by C.T.Newton, Vol. II, published by Day & Son Ltd.,
London, 1865. VF.
Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 4107
KEIPERT, H[EINRICH] “Carte de l’Epire et de la Thessalie - Dessinee par H. Kiepert, Berlin, d. Reimer. 1871” clothbacked
map, steel engraving, hand coloured in outline when published, 99x68 cm. in (worn) soft cover green cloth book case
(18x11,5 cm.). With travelling routes of Pouqueville (1805-1807), Leake (1804-1809), Gell and dodwell (1805), Ussing (1846),
Nicolaidy and Barth (1862 & 1865). Explanatory text in French. Excellent condition.
Starting Price: 150 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4108
“Carte de la Cote de Karamanie depuis l’Ile
de Rhodes jusqu’au Cap Khelidonia, Dressee
par Mr. Keller, Ingenieur Hydrographe...
en 1855” large-format nautical chart, an
engraved map of part of Turkey’s southwest
coast, printed in Paris (after corrections)
in 1868. It measures 66 x 98 cm overall
and shows soundings and landmarks, with
6 elevations depicting points along the
shoreline as it would appear to approaching
sailors. VF.
Starting Price: 200 €
Lot. 4109
“CARTE de la GRECE pour servir au voyage de M.
HENRI BELLE” full page 24x16cm map engr. in
“Le Tour Du Monde” 1876-1878 magazine pp.13-14,
with part of corresponding article. Very Fine.
Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 4111
Nice colour map “Portion of Turkey in Europe amd North
Greece” by Letts Son & Co.Ltd, London. Details of the
region in 1880 (import & export of merchandise). Nice.
Starting Price: 75 €
Lot. 4110
DELAGRAVE Ch. “Carte Du Theatre De La Guerre”, c.1877,
large 62x94cm. map of the RUSSO-TURKISH WAR. Detailed
map centered on Black Sea & Crimea, including Greece, Turkey
& Cyprus. Hand coloured according to the colour key of the
map. Tears along foldings, one hole 1cm & few tiny holes.
Starting Price: 60 €
Lot. 4112
“European TURKEY. Roumania, Servia, Montenegro
& Bulgaria.” full colour lithographed map, published
c.1880. Centerfold as issued. Size: 28.5 x 23.5 cm. plus
borders. Excellent condition.
Starting Price: 15 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4113
“H. KIEPERT’S Generalkarte der SUDOST
Dietrich Reimer 1885”. General map of Greece
and the European Turkey with enlarged insets
of Constantinople and the Bosphorus and the
Dardanelles Straits. Lithographed and etched,
colored. In 40 segments mounted on linen.
Format: 92 x 85 cm. In cloth portfolio. VF.
Starting Price: 250 €
Lot. 4114
&. et des Golfes de Kos, Doris, Symi et
Marmariee. Dressee par Mr. Keller, Ingenieur
Hydrographe. d’apres les travaux du Capit_ne
Th. Graves. Publiee...1855, Corrige en 18591865. 1866. Sept.1886” large French maritime
map, folded vertically in the center. Thick
paper. Size 95 x 65 cm. VF.
Starting Price: 200 €
Lot. 4115
&. et des Golfes de Kos, Doris, Symi et
Marmariee. Dressee par Mr. Keller, Ingenieur
Hydrographe. d’apres les travaux du Capit_
ne Th. Graves. Publiee...1855. Edition de
Septembre 1886” large lithographed French
maritime map, folded vertically in the center.
Thick paper. Size 105 x 72 cm. VF.
Starting Price: 200 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4116
1890’s hand-drawn map of Cyclades islands. Size: 27x21 cm.
Starting Price: OFFER
Lot. 4119
“BALKAN PENINSULA / J. Bartholomew, Edin.
Handy Reference Atlas” full colour lithographed map,
published 1898 in Edinburgh. Size: 19.5 x 16 cm.
Original centerfold as issued. Very good condition.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4117
“Peninsule des Balkans” lithographic map presenting the
fragile boundaries of the Balkan countries at the end of
19th century. Map dim. 43x56cm. Contemporary outline
boundaries colour, tears along paper edges & centerfold.
Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 4120
“Austro-hungarian Empire” colour lithographed map,
published by Anestis Constantinides, ca. 1900. Image
size: 30.5cm x 23cm. Quality problems (wormhole,
water stains, tearing, etc.).
Starting Price: OFFER
Lot. 4118
“Spezialkarte von CRETA, nach britische Marine..” KIEPERT Heinrich, publ. Dietrich Reimer, Berlin c.1897. Highly detailed,
large map of Crete (38x94cm) with inset map of Rethymno-Mylopotamos. Scale 1:300000. Seven pages attached entitled “Zur
neuen Karte von Creta von H. Kiepert”. Few tears not affecting mapped area.
Starting Price: 200 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4123
“A. Philippson: Geologische Karte des westlichen Kleinasien
Batt 5”, publ. 1914 by Gotha: Justus Perthes. Geological map
of Dodecanese & part of Asia Minor (Bodrum - Marmaris
area) with indication of archaeological sites. Lithographic
map dim.67x60cm. Fine.
Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 4124
“A. Philippson: Geologische Karte des westlichen Kleinasien
Batt 6”, publ. 1914 by Gotha: Justus Perthes. Geological
map of Asia Minor (Bodrum - Marmaris & Antalya)
with indication of archaeological sites. Lithographic map
dim.67x60cm. FINE.
Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 4121
“The Railways of Asia Minor,
by Ar. Mouratoglou” folded
lithographed map printed in
the magazine “Archimedes,
issue No.8, February 1908”.
Size: 40 x 36 cm.
Starting Price: OFFER
Lot. 4122
“EDESSA (VODENA)” Greek military
lithographed map on folded cloth, c.
1910-1920, scale 1:200.000, 45x58cm,
printed by G. Kontogonis, Athens. VF.
Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 4125
“Le Champ d’Action des Allies Autour de SALONIQUE / Numero
28. Aout-Septembre 1916” with inset: “Relations NAVALES avec
SALONIQUE”, colour map of Thessaloniki & Southern Balkans of the 1st
World War, depicting in details the road, rail, naval networks & place names
of that period. Tears along horiz. & vertic. foldings. Map dim.54x42cm.
Starting Price: 25 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4126
“Nouvelle Carte des Balkans” A. Taride, Paris, c.
1920. Large folded colour lithographed map showing
Northern Epirus, Eastern Thrace and Smyrna area
under Greek Occupation. Size: 70 x 90 cm.
Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 4127
DE KOS, d’apres les leves anglais de 1837-47. Service
hydrographique de la marine, 1920” large French
maritime map on thick paper. Size 63.5 x 52.5 cm. VF.
Starting Price: 60 €
Lot. 4128
ANTALYA: 1920’s Greek
topographical map, scale 1:250.000,
size 57x47 cm, folded paper on
cloth, lithographic printing of
the Topographic Section of the
Hellenic Army. VF.
Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 4129
AYDIN - DENIZLI: 1920’s Greek
topographical map, scale 1:250.000, size
64.5x46.5 cm, folded paper on cloth,
lithographic printing of the Topographic
Section of the Hellenic Army. VF.
Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 4130
GALLIPOLI: 1920’s Greek
topographical map, scale 1:250.000,
size 62x40 cm, folded paper on
cloth, lithographic printing of
the Topographic Section of the
Hellenic Army. VF.
Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 4131
1920’s Greek topographical map,
scale 1:250.000, size 54x70 cm,
folded paper on cloth, lithographic
printing of the Topographic
Section of the Hellenic Army. VF.
Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 4132
SIMAV: 1920’s Greek topographical
map, scale 1:250.000, size 63x46 cm,
folded paper on cloth, lithographic
printing of the Topographic Section
of the Hellenic Army. VF.
Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 4133
SIVRIHISAR (Ioustinianoupolis):
1920’s Greek topographical map,
scale 1:250.000, size 55x70 cm, folded
paper on cloth, lithographic printing
of the Topographic Section of the
Hellenic Army. VF.
Starting Price: 25 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4134
“CARTA Topografica Dell’ ISOLA DI RODI”, Instituto
Geografico Militare, 1922 - 1923 - 1924. Containing 21 high
detailed topographical maps 1:25000 scale covering every
part of Rhodes island. Extensive depiction of island’s relief
& hydrography. Softcover, faults on covers, maps in Very
Fine condition. RARE.
Starting Price: 170 €
Lot. 4135
“SALONIQUE” Service Geographique de L’Armee,
1925. Map of central & Northern Greece from the series
“Balkans” of Armee d’Orient. Scale 1:1000000, detailed
road network & place names. Meridians from Paris. Map
dim. 55x39cm. Small tears along folds, crease on upper
margin, some places circled by pencil.
Starting Price: 70 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4137
“ΑΘΗΝΑΙ - Σχέδιον πόλεως Αθηνών” Γ. Η. ΜΠΙΡΗΣ,
εκδ. Ελευθερουδάκης, 1930. Λεπτομερές σχέδιο πόλης
της δεκαετίας του ‘30, σε μεγάλη κλίμακα 1:10.000, διαστ.
68x100cm! Αποτελείται από 16 επιμέρους τμήματα
με πάνινη ράχη. Αναδιπλούμενος με σκληρά εξώφυλα
(φθορές), χάρτης σε εξαιρετική κατάσταση.
Starting Price: 150 €
Lot. 4136
“RODI (Rhodos)” large colour geophysical map,
german edition of the 1930’s. Size: 50x40 cm. Folded
twice, on cloth. VF.
Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 4139
- ΧΑΛΚΙΔΙΚΗ” (North Sporades,
Thermaikos Gulf, Chalkidiki), Greek
hydrographical chart, ca. 1933,
21 x 16 cm. p.308. VF.
Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 4142
“Touring Club Italiano Milano / Carta delle zone
turistiche d’ Italia / IL
ROSA” folded colour
litho. map in folder. Scale
1:50.000. Size 80x54 cm.
Cartographer P. Corbellini,
1928. With 8 pages index
of names. VF.
Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 4138
“Ακταί Μ. Ασίας, ΟΡΜ. ΚΥΔΩΝΙΩΝ (Α’Ι’ΒΑΛΙ)” (Asia
Minor coast, Aivali), Greek hydrographical chart, ca. 1933,
21 x 16 cm. Water stains.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4140
“Touring Club Italiano - Milano /
Carta delle zone turistiche d’ Italia /
GENOVA A SESTRI” folded colour
litho. map in folder. Scale 1:50.000. Size
80x36 cm. Cartographer P. Corbellini,
1928. With 4 pages index of names. VF.
Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 4141
“Touring Club Italiano - Milano / Carta
delle zone turistiche d’ Italia / LA RIVIERA
BORDIGHERA” folded colour litho. map
in folder. Scale 1:50.000. Size 75x60 cm.
Cartographer P. Corbellini, 1929. VF.
Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 4143
“Touring Club Italiano
- Milano / Carta delle
zone turistiche d’
Italia / BOLZANO E
DINTORNI” folded colour
litho. map in folder. Scale
1:50.000. Size 54x40 cm.
Cartographer P. Corbellini,
1928. With 4 pages index of
names. VF.
Starting Price: 5 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
M Lot. 4146
Lot. 4144
M Lot. 4145
“Touring Club Italiano - Milano / Carta
“Touring Club Italiano - Milano /
delle zone turistiche d’ Italia / CORTINA delle zone turistiche d’ Italia / MERANO Carta delle zone turistiche d’ Italia / S.
E DINTORNI” folded colour litho. map MARTINO DI CASTROZZA E LE
in folder. Scale 1:50.000. Size 40x54 cm.
CADORINE” folded colour litho. map
ZONE ADIACENTI” folded colour
P. Corbellini, 1928. With 4 litho. map in folder. Scale 1:50.000. Size
in folder. Scale 1:50.000. Size 80x60 cm.
pages index of names. VF.
Cartographer P. Corbellini, 1928. With
80x56 cm. Cartographer P. Corbellini,
Starting Price: 5 €
12 pages index of names. VF.
1930. With 8 pages index of names. VF.
Starting Price: 5 €
Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 4147
“Touring Club Italiano - Milano
/ Carta delle zone turistiche
d’ Italia / VAL GARDENA,
MARMOLADA” folded colour litho.
map in folder. Scale 1:50.000. Size
80x54 cm. Cartographer P. Corbellini,
1929. With 8 pages index of names. VF.
Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 4148
“Touring Club Italiano - Milano / Carta
delle zone turistiche d’ Italia / ROMA
E DINTORNI” folded colour litho.
map in folder. Scale 1:200.000. Size
80x58 cm. Cartographer P. Corbellini,
1929. On the back side, City map of
Rome. Scale 1:50.000. With 12 pages
with index of names. VF.
Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 4150
“Touring Club Italiano - Milano
/ Carta delle zone turistiche d’
CAPRI)” folded colour litho.
map in folder. Scale 1:50.000.
Size 80x53 cm. Cartographer P.
Corbellini, 1930. With 8 pages
index of names. VF.
Starting Price: 5 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4149
“Touring Club Italiano - Milano / Carta
delle zone turistiche d’ Italia / GOLFO
ISCHIA)” folded colour litho. map in
folder. Scale 1:50.000. Size 80x55 cm.
Cartographer P. Corbellini, 1930. With
8 pages index of names. VF.
Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 4151
“Touring Club Italiano
- Milano / Carta delle
zone turistiche d’ Italia /
folded colour litho. map in
folder. Scale 1:50.000. Size
80x45 cm. Cartographer
P. Corbellini, 1928. With 8
pages index of names. VF.
Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 4152
“Ubersichtskarte Bulgarien - Griechenland
/ mit Eindruck der griechischen (Stand
Febr. 41) und turkischen Befestigungen
(Stand Febr. 41) - Geheim!” - Outline map
of Bulgaria - Greece / with the inclusion
(as of Feb. 41) of the Greek and Turkish
fortifications (as of Feb. 41) - Secret! Map
of the German Army Headquarters, used
for the attack on Greece, in April 1941.
Scale: 1:1000000, size 100cm x 150cm.
Very Fine and Rare.
Starting Price: 100 €
Lot. 4153
“RODI” by “Ufficio Cartografico della C.T.I. (Consociazione
Turistica Italiana)” from “Edizione provvisoria 1941 - XIX
per l’Istituto Geografico Militare” large colour map, scaled
1:500.000, showing the SW cost of Turkey and the islands of
Rhodes, Simi, Piscopi, Nisiro, Coo, etc. Size: 65 x 55 cm.
Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 4157
“CHIOS Prefecture” large colour map of the National
Statistical Service of Greece, revised & printed in 1963.
Scale: 1:200.000. Size: 70x50 cm. Folded three times. VF.
Starting Price: 15 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4154
Rhodes - Twenty one (21) British Military Maps 1943 (revised). Highly detailed maps 1:25000 scale covering the total area of
Rhodes island. Extensive record of road-paths network, relief & hydrology refering also to wells & springs. The maps were
reproduced on 1941 based on an Italian map dated 1935, and were Reprinted by 19th Field Survey Dec. 1943. RARE collection.
Starting Price: 500 €
Lot. 4155
“Small School Map of Greece” by D.
Diamantopoulos, printed 1948. Interesting
colour map with 39 prefectures plus one
of the newly annexed Dodecanese and
Cyprus. Size 56x60cm. VF & scarce.
Starting Price: 20 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4156
1957 (Σχεδιαγράμματα), υπό Νικ.
Λυγιδάκη, Αθήνα 1957”. Military
Geography book with 24 colourlithographed military maps of
areas incl. North Epirus, WesternCentral-Eastern Macedonia &
Thrace, Bulgaria & Serbia, Asia
Minor & Turkey, Cyprus, Middle
East, Albania, Italy, Europe, etc.
Size of the book: 25 x 33 cm.
Size of the maps varies. VF.
Starting Price: 80 €
Engravings & Prints
Lot. 4158
“RHODIS” complete page with a woodcut engraving
of the town of Rhodes (17,5 x 22,5 cm) from the book
“Liber chronicarum Secunda etas Mundi” by Hartmann
Schedel, popularly known as “The Nuremberg Chronicle”.
German edition, published in Nuremberg 1493 by
Anton Koberger for Sebald Schreyer and Sebastian
Kammermeister. Sheet size: 28 x 40 cm. Three tears on
margins repaired, few brown spots & two small holes.
Starting Price: 100 €
Lot. 4159
“Lacedemonia” complete page with a woodcut engraving
of the town of Sparta (14,5 x 22,5 cm) from the book
“Liber chronicarum Secunda...” by Hartmann Schedel,
popularly known as “The Nuremberg Chronicle”. German
edition, publ. in Nuremberg 1493 by Anton Koberger
for Sebald Schreyer and Sebastian Kammermeister. Sheet
size: 28 x 40 cm. One large & three small tears on margins
repaired, few brown spots & two small holes.
Starting Price: 100 €
Lot. 4160
“RHODI CITTA” complete page with a woodcut engraving
of the town of Rhodes (6,4 x 8,2 cm) from the book
“Pomponii Melae de situ Orbis Libri Tres..” first published
in 1534 by Sebastian Munster, followed by Sebastian Henric
Petri in 1576 (latin) & 1595 (italian). This sheet has latin
text. Sheet size: 19,5 x 29 cm. Excellent condition.
Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 4161
“Dame de Caramanie, Callinoe de Rhodis, Femme de la
basse Armenie” copper engraving from the book “Habitus
variarum orbis gentium. Habitz de nations estranges (par J. J.
Boissard). Trachten mancherley Volcker des Erdskreytz” by
Abraham Bruyn, published 1581. Size: 28x22.5 cm. Very rare.
Starting Price: 100 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4162
Two untitled engravings from the extensive collection of
Nicolas de Nicolay’s 1570s illustrations in “HISTOIRE DES
TURCS, TOME SECOND, par Blaise de Vigenere. Paris, 1663.
Les figures et descriptions des principaux officiers et autres
personnes de l’Empire Turc, par NICOLAS NICOLAI.”.
Engravings with faults, both stuck on thick buff paper.
Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 4164
“AZZAPPI. (10)”. Sought-after
hand-coloured copper engraved plate
from the book “HISTOIRE DES
TURCS, Tome Second par Blaise de
Vigenere. Paris, 1663. Les figures et
descriptions des principaux officiers
et autres personnes de l’Empire
Size: 27.5 x 17.1 cm. VF.
Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 4163
“Jannissaire ou Jannissarler Soudart a pied de la
garde ordinaire du grand Seigner” sought-after
hand-coloured copper engraved plate from the book
“HISTOIRE DES TURCS, Tome Second par Blaise
de Vigenere. Paris, 1663. Les figures et descriptions
des principaux officiers et autres personnes de
l’Empire Turc, par NICOLAS NICOLAI.”. Size:
27.5 x 17.4 cm. on a full page No.8 with French text
on verso. Excellent condition.
Starting Price: 65 €
Lot. 4165
“Delly de nation Parthique qui signifie fol
hardy ou enfant perdu” copper engraving
from the book “HISTOIRE DES TURCS,
Tome Second par Blaise de Vigenere.
Paris, 1663. Les figures et descriptions des
principaux officiers et autres personnes de
l’Empire Turc, par NICOLAS NICOLAI.”.
Full complete page No.17 (24x37cm), with
French text on verso. VF & Rare.
Starting Price: 50 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4166
“Esclaue more” copper engraving
from the book “HISTOIRE DES
TURCS, Tome Second par Blaise de
Vigenere. Paris, 1663. Les figures et
descriptions des principaux officiers
et autres personnes de l’Empire Turc,
complete page No.38 (22.5x35cm),
with French text on verso. Rare.
Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 4167
“(Femme Turque, Vestue A La Moresque)”
copper engraving from the book
par Blaise de Vigenere. Paris, 1663. Les
figures et descriptions des principaux
officiers et autres personnes de l’Empire
Turc, par NICOLAS NICOLAI.”. Full
complete page No.46 (24x38cm), with
French text on verso. VF & Rare.
Starting Price: 60 €
Lot. 4168
ENGR Lot. 4169
“Femme vestue a la Surienne” copper
“Femme moresque de Tripoly en
engraving from the book “HISTOIRE
Barbarie” copper engraving from the
DES TURCS, Tome Second par Blaise book “HISTOIRE DES TURCS, Tome
de Vigenere. Paris, 1663. Les figures et Second par Blaise de Vigenere. Paris, 1663.
descriptions des principaux officiers et Les figures et descriptions des principaux
autres personnes de l’Empire Turc, par officiers et autres personnes de l’Empire
NICOLAS NICOLAI.”. Full complete Turc, par NICOLAS NICOLAI.”. Full
page No.59 (22.5x35cm), with French complete page No.61 (22.5x35cm), with
text on verso. Rare.
French text on verso. Rare.
Starting Price: 50 €
Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 4170
ENGR Lot. 4171
ENGR Lot. 4173
“Femme more, d’Alger en Barbarie
“Fille Moresque esclaue en Alger
allant par la Ville” copper engraving
ville de Barbarie” copper engraving
copper engr. c.1696. View of Rethymno port
from the book “HISTOIRE DES
from the book “HISTOIRE DES
with ships - Crete, engr. dim. 17x13cm in a
TURCS, Tome Second par Blaise de
TURCS, Tome Second par Blaise de
full sheet (p.213-214) dim. 38x50cm. Slightly
Vigenere. Paris, 1663. Les figures et
Vigenere. Paris, 1663. Les figures et
creased sheet white margins, engr. in Very
descriptions des principaux officiers
descriptions des principaux officiers
Fine condition.
et autres personnes de l’Empire Turc, et autres personnes de l’Empire Turc,
Starting Price: 60 €
complete page No.62 (22.5x35cm),
complete page No.63 (22.5x35cm),
with French text on verso. VF & Rare. with French text on verso. VF & Rare.
Starting Price: 60 €
Starting Price: 60 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4175
Cornelius de Bruyn: “SCIO” (Pl.61) copper engraving from “Voyage au Levant...dans les Isles de Chio, de Rhodes, de Chypre...d’Egypte, de Syrie, et de la Terre Sainte...”, published by
Henri de Kroonevelt, Delft, 1700. First edition in French. Size: The overall size is ca. 136 x 35.5 cm. The image size is ca. 126 x 28.5 cm. Two sheets joined together. Signs of original
folds. A few restored tears. Very good considering its age. Very Rare.
Starting Price: 400 €
Lot. 4174
“RHODUS - Plate 66” Large view of Rhodes with ships on the foreground. Copperplate engraving on a verge type hand laid paper. Original folds & some repairs. The overall size
is ca. 70 x 31.5 cm. The image size is ca. 63 x 22 cm. This scarce plate originates from “Voyage au Levant c’est a dire dans les principaux endroits de l’Asie Mineure dans les Isles de
Chio, de Rhodes, de Chypre...” by Corneille le Brun (Cornelis de Bruyn), published 1700. VF.
Starting Price: 300 €
Lot. 4176
Emperor) 17th century copper
engraving in bad condition.
Starting Price: OFFER
Lot. 4172
“EPHESEN in Anatolie oft kleyn Asie / Gasp. Bouttats
fecit, I. Peeters ex.” 1685 copper engr. of Ephesus in Asia
Minor from “Description des principales villes...”. Engr.
dim. 23.5x12.5cm. Foxing along white margins & few
small brown spots.
Starting Price: 70 €
Lot. 4177
“Tiniotes / Tom.II.Pag.50” copper engraving c. 16x10cm. from
the book “Illustrations de Relation d’un voyage du Levant”
by Joseph Pitton de Tournefort, first published 1717, in Paris.
Framed and in excellent condition.
Starting Price: 45 €
Lot. 4178
“Pretres Armeniens en
habits Sacerdotaux / Tom.
II.pag.165” & “Diacre et
Soudiacre Armeniens”
two copper engravings,
c. 15x10cm. each, on
one page from the book
“Illustrations de Relation
d’un voyage du Levant”
by Joseph Pitton de
Tournefort, first published
1717, in Paris. VF.
Starting Price: 80 €
Lot. 4179
101” large full page copper
engraving c. 1718. Size: 18x29
cm. Excellent condition.
Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 4180
“Greek Women of Constantinople / Vol.I.Pag.355”
coloured copper engraving c. 16x10cm. from the book “A
Voyage into the Levant...” by Joseph Pitton de Tournefort.
First edition in English. London: D. Browne, A. Bell, J.
Darby et al., 1718. VF.
Starting Price: 45 €
Lot. 4181
Colossus in der Insel
Rhodis) copper plate
engraving by MALLET,
Allain Manesson, publ.
in Paris 1686 or 1719 in
“Description de l’Univers”
(German edition).
Attractive & impressive,
extracted from the book,
with text pages in French
attached. Size of the plate:
10x14 cm. VF.
Starting Price: 40 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4182
Copper engr. depicting man & a Dragon, prob. from
“Ouresiphoites Helveticus...”, Scheuchzer Johann
Jacob, 1723. Dim.16x17cm. Very Fine.
Starting Price: 70 €
Lot. 4184
MYLLER “Schebet Seman”, c.1730 copper engr. from the rare
book of Myller A. M. “Peregrinus in Jerusalem...”. Engraved
by Fischer I., designed by Dizler. Depicting the ruins of St.
Simeon’s basilica near Aleppo-Syria. Tears on upper part, few
small wormholes & folded on lower left corner.
Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 4183
“RHODUS” (view of port) original engraving from
“Peregrinus in Jerusalem (Fremdling zu Jerusalem)” by Myller,
A. M., Vienna & Nurnberg (1729, 1735). Engraver: J. Hiller, A.J.
Mansfelt, J.J. Ditzler, J.F. Fischer and others. Size: 14 x 17 cm.
Rare & Very good condition.
Starting Price: 60 €
Lot. 4185
“COOS - A. The Castle” Fine original antique engraved
print, printed on quality paper which retains its inherent
structural flexibility and soundness. Issued 1734, London
by Knapton. Sheet measures c. 19cm W x 12 cm H. VF.
Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 4186
“Bruyn, Abraham de”, copperplate engraving “Rhodius
ordo atratus / Germanicus ordo albatus / Melitensis
ordo atricolor cum alba cruce / Hungaricorum equitum
ordo tunica coloris sanguinei chlamyde vubea in quaerus
est viridis” c.1750, 22.4 cm x 32.8 cm. One of a set of
18 prints depicting costume for members of various
Christian religious groups & ecclesiastical orders from
“Costumes de differents ordres monastiques”.VF.
Starting Price: 70 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4188
“Nobile Greco di Rodi / Isola
del Arcipelago - Noble Grec du
Rodi / Isle de l’ Archipel - Apud
Theodorum Viero Ven.” profusely
handcoloured copper engraving by
Teodoro Viero (Venice, 1783). Size
17 x 23 cm. with good margins all
round. Excellent condition.
Starting Price: 55 €
Lot. 4190
“Tchingui ou Danseur Turc”,
Marichal Sylvain from ‘Costumes
Civils Actuels de Tous les Peuples
Connus’, Paris:Pavard (et al.) 1788.
Original hand coloured copper
engraving depicting dancing Turkish
woman. Dim. 12x18cm. Very Fine.
Starting Price: 45 €
Lot. 4187
Constantinople - Istanbul c.1780. “A General
Perspective View of CONSTANTINOPLE, the Capital
of the Turkish Empire / Thorton sculp”. Decorative
copper engraving(26x17cm). Few small brown spots on
lower right, slightly chipped lower edge.
Starting Price: 70 €
Lot. 4189
“Homme Grecque”, Marichal
Sylvain from ‘Costumes Civils
Actuels de Tous les Peuples
Connus’, Paris:Pavard (et al.)
1788. Original hand coloured
copper engraving depicting
Greek man with musical
instrument (TAMBURA).
Dim.12x18cm. Very Fine.
Starting Price: 45 €
Lot. 4191
“Dresses of the WOMEN of NIO, one of
the Grecian Islands in the Archipelago /
Engraved for BANKES’s New System of
GEOGRAPHY Published by Royal Authority”
original copperplate colour engraving, chainlaid paper, 17.5x12cm., from Bankes’s New
System of Geography (A New Royal Authentic
and Complete System of Universal Geography
Antient and Modern...), by the Reverend
Thomas Bankes, printed for J. Cooke, London,
1787-1790. Very attractive & VF.
Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 4192
“Θάνατος. Θανάτω αποθανή. γαρ.
Προοίμ. περί θανάτου” χαλκογραφία
(12x18cm) από το “Θύρα της
ματανοίας: ήτοι βίβλος κατανυκτική...”,
Ιωάννης Κομνηνός, Ενετίησι 1795.
Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 4195
“Porta del Mercato di Atene / Tav.29” early 19th cent. copper engr. Coloured. Dim. 17x11cm. Fine.
Starting Price: 10 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4194
“The Arsenal at Rhodes.” Early aquatint
by I. C. Stadler from an original drawing by
Cooper Willyams. The picture was published
by I. White in Fleet Street, London, in 1801.
The engraving is in good condition. Size of
engraved area 230mm x 160mm.
Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 4193
“Habitants de la Carie” coloured
Hand-tinted copper engraving
from the book “Costumes de
Differents Pays” by Jacques
Grasset de Saint-Sauveur
(France), Labrousse (France,
Bordeaux), c. 1797. Sheet:
26.67 x 18.73 cm.; Composition:
19.69 x 13.65 cm. VF & Rare.
Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 4197
“Hippocrate, Asiaticus, dessine et grave par
Bouillon” (1810-21) Engraving, Copperplate,
38 cm x 21 cm with wide margins, from the
“Musee des Antiques (Statues in the Louvre)
With Text by J. B. de Saint-Victor. Published
by P. Didot, Laine, Chevalioer de l’Ordre Royal
de Saint-Michel, Imprimeur de Roi, Paris.”.
Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 4199
“An officer of the Janissaries and
a Greek sailor at Constantinople”
coloured copper engraving
from “Peter Edmund Laurent.
Recollections of a classical tour
through various parts of Greece,
Turkey, and Italy, made in the
years 1818 & 1819.” Published in
Lot. 4200
ENGR London: printed for G. and W.B.
“View in the Island of RHODES. Acts. 21. 1”, Whittaker, 1821. Size: 12.5 x 15
cm. Framed & excellent.
London pub. by Bowyer & M. Parkes, 46 Pall
Starting Price: 25 €
Mall, 1830. Engr. dim 20x14cm. Fine.
Starting Price: 25 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4196
“Inhabitants of Naxia, an Island in
the Grecian Archipelago. Rouvier del.
Wooding sculp.”, colour copper engr.
from “Voyages and Travels” Cooke,
1806. Engr. size 18x13.5cm. Faults on
white paper frame.
Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 4198
“Grece, 28, 29, 30” a 10 x 16 cm.
page with 3 engravings from Rhodes.
Published February 20, 1819, by J.
Harris, corner of St. Paul’s (London).
Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 4201
“The Sunday Magazine, No.245,
April 30th, 1836” (8 pages) with
a 14x20.5cm engraving on the
front page: “The market place, and
celebrated plane tree, at Kos”. VF.
Starting Price: 15 €
ENGR Lot. 4204
Lot. 4203
ENGR Lot. 4202
Coloured steel engraving of a drawing by W. L. Leitch “L’Omnibus Pittoresco, Napoli 22
“Mort de Bisson (5 Novemb.
entitled “Joannina, the Capital of Albania - Turkey
Marzo 1843”, front page of the
1827), Peint par Mme Rang, Grave
in Europe”, engraved by J. Cousen for “Fisher’s
revue, with a 16x14cm engraving
par Leclerc, Dessine par Girardet,
Illustrations Of Constantinople And Its Environs”,
showing Giorgio Mavromati
Diagraphe et Pantographe first and second series consisting of 98 plates over
(related to the island of Rhodes).
Gavara” copper engraving 23cm
2 volumes, published by Fisher, Son & Co., London
Starting Price: OFFER
x 31cm plus wide margins,
& Paris. British School, 1838. Size: Height: 27.8 cm.,
from “Galeries historiques de
Width: 20.9 cm. Printed part: 193x126 mm. VF.
Versailles” (1830-1848).
Starting Price: 30 €
Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 4207
“Die Platane auf bem grossen Platze der
Stadt Kos” copper engraving 15x14cm.
on a page of the German magazine
“Die Illustrirte Welt” (1864). VF.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4208
“L’INVASION” engraving illustrated
by Gustave Dore, part of sheet from
L’Ilustration 1868. Dim.19x12cm.
Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 4205
“Prise de Rhodes par les chevaliers de St.
Jean (15 Aout 1310)” copper engr. drawn
by Feron, engraved by P. Brunelliere, in
book “Galeries historiques du palais de
Versailles”, Musee national de Versailles,
mid. 19th cent. Engr. dim. 19x18.5cm.
Faults on white margins, engraved area in
Fine condition.
Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 4206
“Monastere d’Iveron - Dessin de Karl Girardet d’apres une
photographie” hand-coloured full-page engraving from “Le
Tour du Monde, nouveau journal des voyages”, published
in Paris, 1860. Size: 24 x 16 cm. Excellent condition.
Starting Price: 20 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4210
“Visit of the Princess of Wales
to Greece: In the Palace gardens,
Athens” half-page (16x22cm)
engraving on a page from the
British magazine “The Illustrated
London News”, May 5, 1877.
Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 4209
“The Princess of Wales at Athens: The Palace
and gardens, the Acropolis in the distance”
whole-page (24x32cm) engraving on a page
from the British magazine “The Illustrated
London News”, April 28, 1877.
Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 4211
“The insurrection in Crete: Skirmishing in the
mountains” whole-page (31x22cm) engraving
on a page from the British magazine “The
Illustrated London News”, July 27, 1878.
Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 4214
“The trouble in Crete: 1) Mr. Alfred
Bilotte, British Consul at Canea, Crete &
2) Canea, the capital of Crete: Showing
the harbour and neighbouring buildings,
including the British Embassy”, two prints
on a page from the British magazine “The
Illustrated London News”, Aug. 1, 1896.
Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 4213
“The trouble in Crete: Retimo, one of the
chief towns of the island, and the scene
of many murders by Turkish soldiers”
front-page (24x30cm) engraving from
the British magazine “The Illustrated
London News”, Aug. 1, 1896.
Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 4215
“The Insurrection in CRETE:
A turkish war-ship off
Platanias shelling Christian
villages” full front page
24x29cm b&w lithogr. in “The
Illustrated London News” 20
June 1896, No.2983. Very Fine.
Starting Price: 25 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4212
“A woman of Constantinople”
whole-page (22x32cm) engraving
on a page from the British
magazine “The Illustrated
London News”, Oct. 26, 1878.
Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 4216
“Flooded Athens: 1) Wreck of the
Vatrochonesion bridge, the Ilissus rising 20 feet
above its level, 2) The day after the storm - The
Ilissus nearly dry again and spectators walking
in the river bed & 3) The Piraeus and suburbs
seen from the obelisk of Phalerum”, three
prints on a page from the British magazine
“The Illustrated London News”, Dec. 10, 1896.
Starting Price: 18 €
Lot. 4217
“The Graeco-Turkish War: Views of
lithographic images on full page in
“The Illustrated London News” 15
May 1897. dim. 23x32cm. Very Fine.
Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 4218
“1) Le Prince Georges de Grece, 2) BerovitchPacha, gouverneur de Crete & 3) Batterie
d’artillerie turque dans la citadelle de la Canee”,
three front-page engravings on the French
magazine “L’ Illustration”, Feb. 20, 1897.
Starting Price: 17 €
Lot. 4219
“The Eastern Crisis: The Turkish Bastion in Canea, with the flags of the six
powers flying” whole-page (21x32cm) lithographed print on a page from
the British magazine “The Illustrated London News”, March 20, 1897.
Also, “Mutiny of the Mussulman gendarmes in Canea: Italian and Russian
marines attacking the mutineers” whole-page print (24x33cm) on back page.
Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 4221
“The Eastern Crisis: A protestation meeting outside the Royal Palace,
Athens” whole-page (22x32cm) lithographed print on a page from the British
magazine “The Illustrated London News”, March 20, 1897. Also, “Mutiny of
the Mussulman gendarmes in Canea: Colonel Bor endeavouring to control
the mutineers, and their colonel, Suleiman Bey, shot dead” whole-page print
(24x33cm) on back page.
Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 4229
(1894) Four (4) whole-page size (33x27cm)
photographs, on four (4) sheets (front/back)
from a British magazine (pp.333-336), as
follows: “Steamers in Smyrna / Thessalonica”
& “Harbor of Thessalonica / Ancient
market-place, Athens”. Excellent condition.
Starting Price: 25 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4222
“The Crisis in Crete: Turkish soldiers
entraining at a depot on their way to
the Macedonian frontier”, whole frontpage (23x30cm) lithographed print on
the front page of the British magazine
“The Graphic”, March 27, 1897.
Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 4223
“The combined force in Crete: 4 small
prints “The British company”, “Patrolling
the roads”, “French sailors in camp” &
“British sailors halt for dinner” on a page
from the British magazine “Black and
White”, April 3, 1897. On back, 3 more
prints: “Troops ordered to the Cape
/ Third Hussars / Third King’s Royal
Rifles / Fourth King’s Royal Rifles”.
Starting Price: 12 €
Lot. 4224
“The Graeco-Turkish War: The
Turkish garrison of Malaxa
prisoners in general Vassos’ camp at
Alykianon, Crete” print (14x18cm)
in the middle of a page from the
British magazine “The Illustrated
London News”, May 1, 1897”.
Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 4225
“Prince George of Greece, officers and
sailors” print (12x15cm) in the middle
of a page from the British magazine
“Black and White”, May 8, 1897.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4226
“The Graeco-Turkish War / 1) Interior
of a Greek blockhouse: The garrison
awake all night expecting to be attacked
by three thousand Turks, 2) Men from
STEPHANIE’ pulling down unsafe
ruins in Canea”, two half-page prints on
a page from the British magazine “The
Illustrated London News”, May 8, 1897.
Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 4227
“The sports held by the Royal Welsh
fusiliers at Candia, Crete” small print
(9x12cm) among others related to
the “Celebrations abroad in honour
of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee”
on a page from the British magazine
“The Graphic”, July 31, 1897.
Starting Price: 5 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4228
“Zur Geschichte der Kostume. Nro.
1144. Achtundneunzigster Bogen.
Erste Halste des VI. Jahrhunderts.
Byzantiner.” Published by Munchener
Bilderbogen. circ., 1890. Coloured
costume plate, showing 4 groups.
340 x 430mm. Center fold. VF.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4230
“The Royal Family of Greece - The Recent
Wedding” complete article with 6 photos
(The King of Greece, The Queen of
Greece, The most recent group of the
Greek Royal Family, The Crown Prince of
Greece, Prince George of Greece and The
Crown Princess) on a page from the British
magazine “The Sphere”, June 2, 1900.
Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 4232
Engraving from real photo presenting Italian
General Giovanni Ameglio, with his signature in
pen at bottom frame. In May 1912, general Giovanni
Ameglio occupies Rhodes in Battle of Rhodes.
Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 4231
“The new Commander-in-Chief
of the Greek Army” half-page
photopraphic print in the middle of
a page from the British magazine
“The Sphere”, Dec. 27, 1900.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4233
Greeks) King Constantine I, eagle with Greek flag, battleship Averof
& Saint Sophia in Constantinople”. Coloured lithographic print,
publisher Angelos Apergis & Co., Athens. Size: 24 x 34 cm. VF.
Starting Price: 35 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4236
“La Domenica del Corriere Anno 43
n° 10 / 9 Marzo 1941” italian magazine
with a full colour front page print “La
riconquista di Castelrosso. L’isoletta
del Castelrosso, nel Dodecanneso, sulla
quale gli inglesi avevano compiuto
uno sbarco, viene riconquistata da
Marinai e Camicie Nere italiani:
sbarcati a loro volta, essi travolgono il
presidio nemico, facendo prigionieri e
conquistando una bandiera britannica.”
(the re-occupation of Castellorizo).
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4237
(1962), 12 drawings in pencil:
Acropolis - Old Athens - St.
Theodore (Athens) - Hydra Tyrins - Mycenae - Olympia
- Myconos - Patmos - Pelion
- Corfu - Cephalonia. Thick
paper, 24,5 x 34 cm. each page.
Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 4234
ΧΡΗΣΤΙΔΗΣ Σ. “(Asia Minor expedition)
And when the army is asleep, the Marshal
remains vivid”. Chromolithographed print,
publisher Κ. Αlikiotis & Co., Athens. Size:
20 x 29 cm. VF.
Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 4235
Ο προστάτης του Χριστιανισμού
- Πρωθυπουργός της Αγγλίας”
(LLOYD GEORGE, Protector of
Christianism - Prime Minister of
England). Chromolithographed print,
publisher Κ. Αlikiotis & Co., Athens.
Size: 20 x 29 cm. VF.
Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 4238
Modern Art: George Derpapas, signed lithographic numbered (20/69) print of a surrealistic
paint of 1963. Size: 60 x 45 cm.
Starting Price: 120 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4239
“The life of the renowned
Peter d’Aubusson, great master
of Rhodes: Containing those
two remarkable sieges of
Rhodes by Mahomet the Great,
and Solyman the Magnificent
...” hard leather-bound book,
translated from the French of
Dominique Bouhours, “Printed
for G. Wells, and S. Carr, 1679,
London”. Nicely decorated
gilded spine. 509 pages, 10 x 16
cm., first page missing - a xerox
copy of it is given instead.
Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 4240
“LA GRECE ou description topographique DE LA LIVADIE, de la
MOREE ET DE L’ARCHIPEL [contenant des details curieux sur les
moeurs et usages des habitans de ces contrees] par G.B. DEPPING
(Tomes Troisieme et Quatrieme) - A Paris, 1823”. Small leather-bound
book (8,5 x 13 cm.) with 216+180 pages, two folded engravings
(Thermopylae & Mount Olympos - 15 x 13 cm. each) and a folded
map (30 x 30 cm.) at the end. Wear problems on covers and spine.
Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 4242
from official documents of the
and other authentic sources.
M.D., New York, William W.
Reed & Co. 1828”. Small book
with hard cover, 504 pages & 2
engravings (Fall of Missolonghi
& Battle of Navarino 15 x 18
cm.). Broken binding.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4243
“Ταμείον Ανθολογίας Περιέχον άπασαν
την Εκκλησιαστικήν, ενιαύσιον ακολουθίαν
Εσπερινού, Όρθρου, Λειτουργίας,
Μεγάλης Τεσσαροκοστής... νυν δεύτερον
εκδοθείσαν εις τύπον, μετά προσθήκης
πολλών ετέρων...Τόμος Πρώτος, ΕΝ
Τυπογραφίας ΚΑΣΤΡΟΥ Εις Γαλατάν
1834”. 4ο, 393 σελ. Λεκέδες από νερό και
φθορές από έντομο.
Starting Price: 80 €
Lot. 4241
“BEAUTES naturelles et historiques DES ILES, DES
Figures), seconde edition. Chez Ledentu, Libraire, A Paris (1827)”.
Small book (10,5 x 17,5 cm.) with hard cover and 418 pages, with
6 engravings. 50 pages text refers to Greek areas. Nice condition.
Starting Price: 25 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4244
“VOYAGE du JEUNE ANACHARSIS en GRECE. Par L’Abbe Barthelemy. Paris, A. Hiard, 1835”. 25 x 16.5 cm. 566 pages
with text in two columns & 38 pages with tables. Richly illustrated with 35 off-text plates with engraved maps (some of which
fold-out and with border colouring), plans, views, etc. Half-leather binding with spine & edges showing wear, foxing and stain
spots on some maps and pages.
Starting Price: 100 €
Lot. 4245
Moeurs, Coutumes, etc. / Paris, FIRMIN
DIDOT Freres, 1835”. Hardcover volume,
solid & decorative leather binding, in
good condition. 447 pages (14 x 22 cm.),
interesting iconography composed of
112 steel engravings and 2 folding maps
(Southern & Northern Greece). Many
views of landscapes, monuments, etc.
Some stain spots & light foxing on some.
Starting Price: 120 €
Lot. 4246
1843 FIRST EDITION, folio (37x26cm), 1 vol. Illustrations in text, 40 plates & pictorial title. Somewhat spotted, library relief
stamp. FINE condition. EX LIB: Public Library City of Leeds. RARE.
Starting Price: 270 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4247
BROFFERIO Angelo: “SCENE ELLENICHE. Antica e nuova Grecia. Adorne di 500 intagli intercalati nel testo e 40 finissime
incisioni in acciaio, con cenni ed illustrazioni sull’antica Grecia del Cav.Professore Amedeo Peyron. Torino, Stabilimento
Tipografico Fontana, 1844-1846.” First Edition. 2 volumes. 29,8x22,2 cm. Pages 12+140+428+488. Leather bindings. Approx.
500 woodcuts & off-text engravings (most with stain spots). Usually est. 800-1000 Euro.
Starting Price: 250 €
Lot. 4249
HISTORICAL, with a large number of images,
printed in Constantinople, by Anthony Koromilas,
1877” (in Greek). With 34 full-page original
lithographs of churches. Binding worn, loosened
back, broken caps, 12+416 pages, 18,5 x 27 cm.
Starting Price: 120 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4248
WATERS by the right honourable
edition] - London, 1854”. 12 x 20 cm.
book with hard cloth cover, 354 pages.
Worn at edges.
Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 4250
“Les Turcs chez les Turcs, by E.C.
Grenville Murray... Traduit de l’anglais
par J. Butler. Paris, M. Dreyfous,
1878.” Small book (12 x 18,7 cm.)
with hard cover and 314 pages (with
stain spots). Good condition.
Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 4251
Συνταχθείσα υπό ΜΑΡΓΑΡΙΤΟΥ Γ.
ΔΗΜΙΤΣΑ, Αθήνα (1878)”. Hard cover,
leather-bound, 506 pages, fair condition.
Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 4252
ΜΠΙΛΙΟΤΟΥ & ΑΒΒΑ ΚΟΤΡΕ. Μεταφρασθείσα υπό Μ.
RHODES) Leather-bound book with 420+416 pages, one
(repaired) folded map of Rhodes (30 x 40 cm.) and 6 full page
prints. Some pages have some stain spots and the covers show
some wear and traces of humidity.
Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 4253
Ouvrage traduit en Grec
Moderne, avec le concours
des Auteurs, par L’Av.
RHODES, 1881”. Hard
cover book with 722 pages
but broken binding.
Starting Price: OFFER
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4254
“Smyrne et l’ Asie Mineure :
Au point de vue economique
et commercial / par Demetrius
Georgiades (de Smyrne), avec
preface de m. Arthur Mangin,
ouvrage accompagne d’ une
carte de l’ Asie Mineure et d’
un plan de la ville de Smyrne.
Paris: Imprimerie et Librairie
Centrales des Chemins de Fer,
1885.” Hard cover, 268 pages
(16 x 24 cm.) plus two coloured
maps (Asia Minor & City Plan
of Smyrna). Good condition.
Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 4255
Elie CABROL, “Voyage en Grece. Notes et Impressions”, Paris, Librairie des Bibliophiles, 1890, publ. in 500 pieces. 29
photographs (heliogravures) mainly of athenian antiquities & 5 lithographic plans. 4to (25x34cm), pp.156. Author dedication on
first page. Cracked hinge & some loose pages, brown spots.
Starting Price: 140 €
Lot. 4256
“Constantinople, Le Mont Athos, La Grece.
Episodes d’un voyage en Orient. Paris, J.
Briguet (1890)”. Book (17 x 25 cm.) with
298 pages, numerous sketches & drawings
and 37 b/w photographs. Nice condition.
Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 4257
with maps, by the Rev. Henry
Fanshaee Tozer, Oxford (1890)”. Small
book (14,5 x 19,5 cm.) with hard cover
and 364 pages, plus a folded colour
lithographed map of the Aegean Sea
(20 x 27 cm.). Good condition.
Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 4259
ιδρυθείσης τω 1733 υπό του αειμνήστου
Παντολέοντος Σεβαστοπούλου
(1898)” [Rules & Regulations of the
Evangelical School of Smyrna (1898)]
16 pages booklet. Very Fine.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4258
4 travel books bound together in one hardbound volume (broken spine): 1) ΣΚΑΡΙΦΗΜΑΤΑ
εκ του ΑΝΑ ΤΟΝ ΑΙΜΟΝ ΤΑΞΕΙΔΙΟΥ ΜΟΥ, Αλέξανδρος Φιλαδελφεύς, Αθήνα 1891, σελ. 80,
2) ΤΑΞΕΙΔΙΑ ΑΝΑ ΤΗΝ ΕΛΛΑΔΑ, Γ.Π. Παρασκευόπουλου, Αθήνα 1896, σελ. 442, 32 εικόνες,
3) ΤΑ ΣΥΛΑΤΑ, Μελέτη του Νομού Ικονίου, υπό Γεωγραφικήν, Φιλολογικήν και Εθνολογικήν
Έποψιν, Σ. Φαρασόπουλου, Αθήνα 1895, σελ. 136, 4) ΑΚΤΙΝΕΣ εκ της ΘΕΣΣΑΛΙΑΣ, Αλ.
Φιλαδελφέως, Αθήνα 1897, σελ. 136.
Starting Price: 15 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4260
“RAMBLES AND STUDIES IN GREECE, by J.P. Mahaffy, illustrated. Philadelphia,
Henry T. Coates, 1900”. English text, 13 x 20 cm., 18+535 pages, 30 full-page
photogravures in off-text leaves & a fold-out map in rear of book. Hardcover with
very little wear. Gilt lettering. Top edge gilt. Inside front cover has former owner’s
EX LIBRIS. Book’s over-all condition is very good.
Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 4261
χρήδιν των Ελληνικών Σχολείων και
Παρθεναγωγείων...” Γεωργίου Σ.
Μεταξά, έκδοση τρίτη, σελ.192, τυπ.
“Ανέστη Κωνσταντινιδου” Αθήνα,
1903. Με 69 έγχρωμους χάρτες και
πλήθος ασπρόμαυρων φωτογραφιών.
Αποκολλημένη ράχη.
Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 4262
REISS Rodolphe Archibald, “La Photographie Judiciaire”, Publ. Paris: Charles Mendel, n.d. [1903]. 232 pages. With six original
silver photographs (11x15cm), plus numerous halftone photographic illustrations. Book size 18x25cm. FIRST & ONLY
EDITION - few copies exist in national libraries. The current book influenced significantly forensic science. It is devoted to the
science and technique of forensic photography. The images show photographic methods for identifying forgeries, fingerprints
and footprints, crime scene photography, criminal photo identification, examination of written documents ( making the invisible
visible), photography of cadavers, and various apparatus for measurements. Rodolphe Archibald Reiss (1876-1929) taught
forensic photography at the University of Lausanne, where the first university program in forensic science was established in
1909. Half leather - marbled boards, gilt title, rubbed board edges. Interior in Excellent condition.
Starting Price: 600 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4263
“GREECE painted by John Fulleylove, R.I., described by the Rev. J. A. M’Clymonte, London, A. and C. Black, 1906”. 15 x 21
cm., hardcover, 12+234 pages, 75 colour plates & folding map at the end of the book. Green cloth with decorations on spine.
Gilt lettering. Top edge gilt. The corners are lightly bumped. Minor wear on spine. Colour illustrations have tissue guards. The
text & illustrations, including the rear folding map, are flawless. VF.
Starting Price: 140 €
Lot. 4264
BAUD-BOVY Daniel & BOISSONNAS Fred, “En Grece Par Monts et par Vaux, avec des Notices Archeologiques par
Georges Nicole, Numero Specimen”, Geneva 1907, pre-publication Specimen, with 6 full-page photogravure plates & 9 images
in text. Soft plastic covers, with some faults. Interior in Very Fine condition. Rare.
Starting Price: 200 €
Lot. 4265
“ΜΟΥΣΙΚΗ ΣΥΛΛΟΓΗ Αποτελούμενη εκ Τριών Τόμων.
ΤΟΜΟΣ Α’ Περιέχων Άπαντα τα Μαθήματα του Εσπερινού...
ΤΟΜΟΣ Β’ Περιέχων άπαντα τα μαθήματα του Όρθρου
Εκδίδοται νυν το πρώτον υπό ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΥ ΠΡΩΓΑΚΗ
Μουσικοδιδασκάλου της εν ΧΑΛΚΗΣ Ι. ΘΕΟΛ. ΣΧΟΛΗΣ,
ΤΥΠΟΓΡΑΦΕΙΟΥ 1909” δύο τόμοι σε ένα, σελ.394,
σκληρόδετο, μέτρια κατάσταση.
Starting Price: 50 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4266
και ΜΕΛΙΤΗΣ, μετά Εκατόν ολοσελίδων Λιμενογραφικών
χαρτών..., υπό Νικολάου Γ. Κοτσοβίλλη, Ερμούπολις Σύρου,
and MALTA, with 100 full-page portolans..., Syros 1911).
Paperback (but with hard cover), 240 pages, 96 maps, a wealth
of information. Tired covers but interior good.
Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 4267
diary of impressions recorded by pen & picture / by
Mrs. Russell Barrington. London : A. and C. Black,
1912”. English text, 15 x 21 cm., 20+262 pages, 58
illustrations in off-text leaves & 11 printed in the text.
Hardcover, embossed illustrated cloth. Gilt lettering.
Top edge gilt. With dust cover. Very light wear. VF.
Starting Price: 65 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4268
ΗΜΕΡΟΛΟΓΙΟΝ του έτους 1913, τόμος 7ος . Μετ’
εικόνων” Εν ΣΑΜΩ 1913 (εκ του τυπογραφίου του
Μικρασιατικού Ελένης Σ. Σβορώνου). 12ο, 400 σελ. +
4σελ διαφημίσεις. Βιβλιοδεσία εκδοσης. Καλή κατάσταση.
Starting Price: 90 €
Lot. 4269
“THE NEAR EAST / Dalmatia, Greece and Constantinople,
by Robert Hichens / Illustrated by Jules Guerin and with
Photographs / New York, The Century Co. (1St Edition)
1913”. Hardcover, in English. Thick quarto. Original
aquamarine cloth with with brilliant gold-blocked stamped
design on cover and spine. 50 exquisite captioned and tissueguarded plates, 18 full-page, some b/w, 32 photographic
renderings. 268 pages, top edges gilt. Very fine.
Starting Price: 110 €
Lot. 4270
[Από της κοιλάδος του Αξιού
μέχρι του Ευξείνου και από του
Αιγαίου μέχρι του Δουνάβεως] υπό
Β. ΔΟΥΣΜΑΝΗ, Τεύχος 1ον και
2ον, 1917”. A compilation of maps
prepared by the Geographical
Department of the Army, as printed
for use by the Officers. 31 large size
folded maps in total (2 missing from
the 2nd part), including areas in
Bulgaria, Western and Eastern Thrace
& Constantinople. Very interesting.
Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 4271
“DELPHI, by Frederik Poulsen,... translated by G. C. Richards,... with a preface
by Percy Gardner,... Gyldendal, London, 1920”. 18 x 23 cm., hardcover, 338 pages
With numerous photographs and illustrations, with old name embossed green cloth,
very good with very light wear.
Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 4272
RECORD, Robert College
Constantinople, Volume
III, April 1921, Number 3”
magazine published by the
students of Robert College, six
times a year. 32 pages incl. article
& photo of the Football Team
and numerous advertisements
mostly of Greek & Armenian
merchants of Constantinople.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4275
“Αθλητικός - Ποδοσφαιρικός
ΑΘΗΝΩΝ’” Constitution
booklet, 16 pages, printed in
Athens, 1930.
Starting Price: OFFER
Lot. 4273
“GRIECHENLAND / Baukunst - Landschaft - Volksleben
(GREECE / Architecture - Landscape - People’s Life) / by
Hanns Holdt & Hugo von Hofmannsthal”. Published in 1923
in Berlin, edition Wasmuth A.G., printed by Rotophot A.G.,
Berlin - 1st edition. Hardcover with some edges & spine wear.
192 pages (176 sepia photos in rotogravure printing, 14 pages
introduction & index). Size: 22.5 x 30.5 cm. Photographs
titled in English, German & French. Very fine.
Starting Price: 80 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4274
“F. Perilla, MISTRA MCMXXX: Histoires franques,
byzantines, catalanes en Grece, notes d’art et de voyages.
Dessins, aquarelles, photographies de l’auteur. Editions
Perilla (1929), Athenes”. First edition, 192 pages, 22.5
x 24 cm. 28 boards including 20 full-page photographs
and 8 watercolors, 1 plan, 1 map, 83 drawings in the text.
Paperback, covers illustrated with art deco patterns, in
green & orange. Stain spots on some pages but fine overall.
Starting Price: 200 €
Lot. 4276
MONT-ATHOS” Booklet with
inner title page and 21 thick
paper pages with printed images
of the monasteries of Mount
Athos. Size: 13 x 18 cm. VF.
Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 4277
“Victor Berard, DANS LE SILLAGE D’ULYSSE - ALBUM ODYSSEEN, photographies de Fred. Boissonnas, Paris, Librairie
Armand Colin, 1933”. Softcover, 22.5 cm x 27 cm, 264 pages, 165 pictures in photogravure (by Fred Boissonas), 1 inset map French text by Victor Berard. Spine with some problems, needs restoration.
Starting Price: 80 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4278
“ORDER OF AHEPA, 14th National
Convention Book, Syracuse, New York 1937”.
Official Program book of American Hellenic
Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA).
pp.216 with numerous b&w photos of AHEPA
members & companies Greek & American.
Leather boards, highly decorative. Cracked hinge.
Starting Price: 70 €
Lot. 4282
“TROYA” (TPOIA) colour small size (17x12cm)
tourist guide, in Turkish. 32 pages with text & photos
plus two maps in the inside covers. 1950-1960’s. VF.
Starting Price: OFFER
Lot. 4279
published by Paul Hartmann, Paris, 1937 & 1938. Bound in hard
cover. 20 x 25.5 cm. & 18 x 25 cm. 130pp. + 140pp. With 122 + 136
b/w photographs. Wear on covers’ edges and spines. Fresh interior.
Starting Price: 60 €
Lot. 4280
“GREECE, Geographical Handbook
Series, Naval Intelligence Division”.
1944-45 in 3 volumes. Vol.I, xv+524pp.
+ 120pp. of maps & diagrams & 107
plates. Vol.II, xiv+430pp. + 81pp. of
maps & diagrams & 124 plates. Vol.
III, xvi+587pp. + 145pp. of maps &
diagrams & 167 plates. Original blue
cloth hard cover bindings, all 3 volumes
are tight & in good condition. Texts are
clean, tight & in very good condition.
Originally published for official use only.
Starting Price: 60 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4281
“LA GRECE by Dore Ogrizek [Preface de Jean Cocteau], Edition ODE - Le Monde en couleurs, Paris 1953”. Travel guide
12 x 17 cm., 448 pages, with numerous colour chromolithographic images & illustrations. Hardbound, paper cover partly torn
at spine but binding solid, text in very good condition.
Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 4283
“ΛΕΣΒΙΑΚΟΝ ΗΜΕΡΟΛΟΓΙΟΝ (A Diary of Lesvos) 1956, by P.I.
Samaras, I. Paspatis - E. Paraschos Printing House, Mytilene 1956”. 256
pages, with numerous off-text images & front cover by S. Antonakis.
Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 4284
“ΔΡΟΜΟΛΟΓΙΑ ΝΗΣΟΥ ΚΥΠΡΟΥ” (Routes of the island of Cyprus) Military book of 1967 with tables showing the
distances in miles of all the villages & other important locations from Nicosia. Also, tables with details on routes & road
conditions, plus double-sided printed maps of Nicosia within & outside the walls. 68 polygraphed pages + 2 maps.
Starting Price: 15 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4285
και η Εύβοια μέσα από τους παλιούς
χαρτογράφους και περιηγητές
(Chalkis & Euboea through the
eyes of cartographers & travellers).
Υπουργείο Εθνικής Παιδείας και
Θρησκευμάτων. [1] Δημόσια
Κεντρική Βιβλιοθήκη Χαλκίδας,
Χαλκίδα 1989”. 84 pages, like new.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4286
(JOURNEY TO GREECE) (16681671) [Peloponnese, Ionian Islands,
Crete, Aegean Islands] by Ewlija
Celebi, translated in Greek from
Turkish by Demetrios Loupis, Ekati,
Athens 1994”. Paperback, 366 pages,
with numerous off-text maps and
prints. Very good condition.
Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 4287
“Charles de Scherzer, SMYRNE”
translated into Greek by X. Baloti:
“ΣΜΥΡΝΗ. Γεωγραφική, Οικονομική
και Πολιτιστική Θεώρηση.
Παράρτημα: Η νήσος Λέσβοσ. Μέρος
Β’. Νεοελληνική Ιστορική Βιβλιοθήκη.
Εκδόσεις: ΙΣΤΟΡΗΤΗΣ (1995)”.
Paperback, 256 pages with more than
50 images, as new.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4288
Nicos Gregorakis: “ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ EX-LIBRIS - LES AMATEURS DES ESTAMPES [Έλληνες Καλλιτέχνες σχεδίασαν χάραξαν Ex-Libris χρονολογημένα 1925-1995] Εκδόσεις Τέχνης * Editions d’art, Nikos Grigorakis - Livres de luxe, 1997”.
92 pages (25 x 32 cm.). Printed in 99 numbered copies, on paper 140gr. Excellent condition, in special book case. Includes
6 numbered & signed EX-LIBRIS of Greek artists in folder. Like new. Numbered edition No.74/99.
Starting Price: 40 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4289
1859, έγγραφο για τη σύληψη
καταζητούμενου δολοφόνου, με
περιγραφή των χαρακτηριστικών
του. Το έγγραφο απευθείνεται
“Προς Υγειονομολιμενικάς
Αρχάς”. Σφραγίδα
Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 4290
Κωνσταντινούπολη 1879,
τη μεταφορά “χυλού” στην Πάτρα
από καράβι χωρητικότητας 4500
“κοιλών Κωνσταντινουπόλεως”.
Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 4291
ΠΑΤΡΑ 1883.
Πυρασφάλειας οικίας
από την “ΝΑΥΤΙΚΗ
Πολύ καλή κατάσταση.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4292
ΠΑΤΡΑ 1883.
Πυρασφάλειας οικίας
από την “ΝΑΥΤΙΚΗ
Πολύ καλή κατάσταση.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4294
RHODES 1882. Ottoman Certificate. Certifies the
ownership of two sponge-fishing boats. The captain of
one of the boats has escaped from the harbour without
the permission of the ship owner. The document has
been translated by the official translator of the Greek
Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Athens 1966.
Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 4295
ΠΑΤΡΑ 1884. Ασφαλιστήριο για Πυρασφάλεια από την Ελληνική
Ασφαλιστική Εταιρία “Η ΑΓΚΥΡΑ”.
Starting Price: 10 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4293
ZILLER Ernst - Ξενοδοχείο “ΜΠΑΓΚΕΙΟΝ” 1889. Σχέδιο του αρχιτέκτονα Ερνστ Τσίλλερ “1889 Ε. ΤΣΙΛΛΕΡ”,
υπογεγραμμένο από τον Ιωάννη ΜΠΑΓΚΑ, με τίτλο “ΣΧΕΔΙΟΝ ΟΙΚΙΑΣ ΤΟΥ ΚΥΡ. Ι. Μ. ΜΠΑΓΚΑ ΕΠΙ ΤΗΣ
ΠΛΑΤΕΙΑΣ ΟΜΟΝΙΑΣ”. Αποτυπώνεται η “ΟΨΙΣ ΠΡΟΣ ΤΗΝ ΠΛΑΤΕΙΑΝ” καθώς και η κάτοψη “Β!Α! ΠΑΤΩΜΑ”.
Σχέδιο διαστάσεων 38x58 cm με μελάνι & ακουαρέλα. “ΚΛΙΜΑΞ 0,01=1,00”. Σε κάδρο 72x52 cm. Στο παρόν σχέδιο το κτίριο
εμφανίζεται με 3 ορόφους. Ο 4ος όροφος προστέθηκε στις αρχές του 20ού αιώνα. Το ξενοδοχείο “Μπάγκειον”, που δεσπόζει στην
ανατολική γωνία της διασταύρωσης της οδού Αθηνάς με την πλατεία Ομονοίας, οικοδομήθηκε μεταξύ των ετών 1890-1894, βάσει
σχεδίων του αρχιτέκτονα Ernst Ziller, κατόπιν δωρεάς του Ιωάννη Μπάγκα (ή Πάγκα). Στο σημείο εκείνο προϋπήρχε οικία, στην
οποία διέμενε η οικογένεια του Χαρίλαου Τρικούπη, μέχρι το 1883. Η ανέγερσή του “Μπαγκείου” (μαζί με το δίδυμό του “Μέγας
Αλέξανδρος”, λίγο νωρίτερα) εγκαινίασε, κατά κάποιο τρόπο μια νέα εποχή για τα αθηναϊκά ξενοδοχεία, από πλευράς μεγέθους,
εσωτερικής διάταξης και εξωτερικής μορφής. Σε αντίθεση με τα περισσότερα ξενοδοχεία της ευρύτερης περιοχής της Ομόνοιας,
που παρήκμασαν μεταπολεμικά, το “Μπάγκειον” παρουσίασε μια αξιοσημείωτη ανθεκτικότητα.
Starting Price: 1900 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4296
ΛΕΣΒΟΣ 1896. Απόδειξη πληρωμής
φόρων σε Γρόσια κατοίκου του
οικισμού Αγία Μαρίνη - Μυτιλήνης.
Χαρτόσημο και αρνητικές σφραγίδες
Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 4297
A document dated 27.1.1897 addressed to
the Mayor of Neon Karlovasi, Samos and a
Minute of the meeting of the members of the
Municipal Council, dated 20.2.1897, signed by
the Mayor Stefanos Mousouros and sealed with
official handstamps in blue: “ΤΗΣ ΣΑΜΟΥ
Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 4298
The Official paper No.875 of
20-2-1897 (addressed to the Mayor
of Karlovasi) of the Leader of
the Sovereign of Samos Stefanos
Moussouros with the Coat of
Arms & his personal signature.
Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 4299
Πληρεξούσιο Αθήνα 1905 σχετικό με
την πώληση γης στο χωριό ΔΑΦΝΕΣ,
επαρχίας ΤΕΜΕΝΟΥΣ - ΚΡΗΤΗ.
Το έγγραφο αναγνωρίζεται και από τις
Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 4300
“Societe Generale d’Assurances Ottomane”
insurance contract issued on 25th January 1905
in Mytilene. Preservation faults (wormholes).
Starting Price: OFFER
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4301
ΘΩΡΗΚΤΟ “ΣΠΕΤΣΑΙ” 1914. Δύο έγγραφα: αίτηση
για αποστολή “συσκευής χαρτών Ελληνικών παραλίων”
υπογεγραμμένο από τον Κυβερνήτη και το απαντητικό
έγγραφο με καταχωρημένους τους χάρτες.
Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 4302
Φύλλο Απολύσεως 1915.
Starting Price: OFFER
Lot. 4303
Rhodes 8.10.1920. Trilingual proclamation (Italian, Greek, Ottoman) by
Knight Felice MAISSA Governor of Rhodes & Castellorizo, addressed to
all the different religious communities, declaring democratic governance
& respect of the traditions. Dim.37x52cm.
Starting Price: 60 €
Lot. 4304
Ναυτικόν Απομαχικόν
Ταμείον - Δίπλωμα
Συντάξεως, 36 δρχ. 1926.
Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 4305
Greek Passport 1931-1936 of a woman
(Maggie Karatzas). 32 pages with various
cachets, visas & revenues from Greece,
Italy, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, France, Austria,
Switzerland. Cachet “S/S FRINTON” on
first page. Missing cover, o/w very Fine.
Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 4307
Greek Passport for a man (Nobelis Angelos) issued 1952 by the Greek Consulate at Addis Abeba, Ethiopia. 40 pages with
various cachets, visas & revenues from Greece, Ethiopia, France, Great Britain, Belgian Congo, Kenya and Congo. Very Fine.
Starting Price: 60 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4306
Greek Diplomatic Passport for John Metaxas, President of the Government, issued on 27th January 1940, by the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs. 74 pages but only the first 4 used, with diplomatic visa of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Very rare & VF.
Starting Price: 800 €
Lot. 4308
Ethiopian Passport for a man (Nobelis Angelos) issued in 1952 by the Ministry
of Interior of Ethiopia. Scarce & in good condition.
Starting Price: 40 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4309
Δελτίο Ταυτότητας / Identity Card issued
by the Police in Athens, on 30th May 1945.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4310
Βιβλιάριο Ταχυδρομικού
Ταμιευτηρίου / Postal Savings
Bank Deposit Book issued in
1940 by the Central Office in
Athens. Very fine.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4313
Σ. ΛΥΚΟΥΔΗΣ Ναύαρχος.
Έγγραφο της Υδρογραφικής
Υπηρεσίας 29.12.1939, για την
αποστολή του ναυτικού βιβλίου
“Πλοηγός Τομ. ΙΙΙ β’ μέρος”
στο Υποναύαρχο Σ. Λυκούδη.
Starting Price: OFFER
Lot. 4311
“Ο ΦΟΙΝΙΞ - Γαλλική Ανώνυμος
Πυρασφαλιστική Εταιρία” (PHOENIX French Fire Insurance Company) contract
issued on 1st November, 1932, in Athens.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4314
Πίνακας αναλυτικής καταγραφής 31 ετών
υπηρεσίας στο Εμπορικό Ναυτικό, ναυτικού
(Μηχανικός) από την Τροιζήνα για το
διάστημα 1899-1937.
Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 4312
Ναυτικόν Απομαχικόν Ταμείον - Δίπλωμα
Συντάξεως, 87 δρχ. 1936. Το “ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ
ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ” έχει χειρόγραφα
διαγραφεί και συμπληρωθεί το “Βασίλειον
της Ελλάδος”.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4315
Πίνακας αναλυτικής καταγραφής 10ετούς
υπηρεσίας στο Εμπορικό Ναυτικό, ναυτικού
(δίπλωμα Κυβερνήτη) από την Ζάκυνθο για
το διάστημα 1904-1922.
Starting Price: 15 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4316
Πίνακας αναλυτικής καταγραφής
υπηρεσίας στο Εμπορικό
Ναυτικό, ναυτικού από τον
Πειραιά για το διάστημα 19231934. Σε μία σελίδα.
Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 4317
Πίνακας αναλυτικής
καταγραφής 3ετούς υπηρεσίας
στο Εμπορικό Ναυτικό,
ναυτικού από την Θεσσαλονίκη
για το διάστημα 1924-1939.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4318
1936 οικοπέδου στον
προσφυγικό συνοικισμό
Ν. Κυδωνίες - Αιγάλεω, σε
Κων/πολίτη πρόσφυγα.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4320
Απόφαση 1948.
Αναγνώριση θανάτου ναύτη
“εφονεύθη ή επνίγη κατα
συνέπεια πολεμικής αιτίας
ναυαγίου... 14/7/1941”.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4321
“Άδεια Ταξειδίου” 1950 από Ελληνική
Βασιλική Χωροφυλακή, για την μετάβαση
γυναίκας από Αθήνα προς Ρόδο.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4319
ΚΑΠΡΑΛΟΣ Τάκης. Αποχαιρετιστήρια δακτυλογραφημένη επιστολή κατά την διάρκεια της αναχώρησής
του με την ΕΣΑΣ (Εθνικός Σύνδεσμος Ανωτάτων Σχολών) για την Ήπειρο προκειμένου να συμμετάσχει
στις επιχειρήσεις κατά των κατακτητών στο πλευρό του Ναπολέοντα Ζέρβα. Ο Τάκης Καπράλος ήταν
από τα βασικότερα στελέχη της φοιτητικής οργάνωσης ΕΣΑΣ το 1942 και βασικότερος εμπνευστής της
συγκρότησης του Ιερού Λόχου, την μάχιμη μονάδα του ΕΣΑΣ. Τον Ιούνιο του 1944 (στις 3 Ιουνίου όπως
αναφέρεται στην επιστολή) ο Καπράλος μαζί με περίπου 30 μέλη του ΕΣΑΣ καταφθάνουν στην Ήπειρο
και εντάσσονται στον 6ο λόχο. Μετά από πολλές συμμετοχές σε μάχες και μεγάλες απώλειες ο Τάκης
Καπράλος σκοτώνεται τον Ιούλιο του 1944 στη μάχη του Αρχαγγέλου στην Πρέβεζα. Η επιστολή παρότι
έχει ένδειξη «Άθήναι τη 1/6/1944» έχει γραφτεί μάλλον κατά τη διάρκεια της μετάβασης στην Ήπειρο.
Starting Price: 70 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Newspapers - Magazines
Lot. 4322
ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΥ ΤΟΥ Α’, 20.1.1865”
Official Gazette with the Minutes of the
Meetings No. 345 & 346 of the National
Assembly (8 pages).
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4323
NEWS Lot. 4324
“ΣΑΜΟΣ” (SAMOS) weekly newspaper “ΣΑΜΟΣ” (SAMOS) weekly newspaper
printed in Samos, at the State’s printing printed in Samos, at the State’s printing
house, issue Nr. 557 of 14th August,
house, issue Nr. 1375 of 2nd May, 1890.
1874. 4 pages.
4 pages.
Starting Price: 20 €
Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 4325
NEWS Lot. 4326
“Η Εφημερίς των κυριών” (The ladies’ “ΣΑΜΟΣ” (SAMOS) weekly newspaper
newspaper) weekly newspaper published printed in Samos, at the State’s printing
in Athens, issue Nr. 177 of 2nd
house, issue Nr. 1526 of 24th March,
September, 1890, with (among others) a
1893. 4 pages.
report from Napoli, Italy, and one from
Starting Price: 15 €
Thessaloniki and the great fire of August
1890. Horizontally folded and half-torn
along the folding. 8 pages.
Starting Price: OFFER
Lot. 4327
“EYNOMIA” weekly newspaper
printed in Samos, issue Nr. 97 of 30th
January, 1897. 4 pages with a wealth
of local & international news, articles,
announcements, advertisements from
Smyrna, etc.
Starting Price: 15 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4328
“EYNOMIA” weekly newspaper
printed in Samos, issue Nr. 132 of 30th
October, 1897. 4 pages with a wealth
of local & international news, articles,
announcements, advertisements from
Smyrna, etc.
Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 4331
“ΝΕΑ ΖΩΗ - Κοινόν Όργανον Σάμου
- Χίου και των περιοίκων” (NEW LIFE)
newspaper printed three times per
week in Samos, issue Nr. 397 of 21st
September, 1902. 4 pages with a wealth
of local & international news, articles,
announcements, advertisements, etc.
Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 4329
“ΑΓΩΝ - Δημοσιογραφικόν όργανον
Ηπειρωτών και Μακεδόνων κατά
Παρασκευήν εκδιδόμενον” (“The Fight”)
weekly newspaper published in Athens,
issue of 14th April, 1900, with articles
and reports on the relations of Greece
with Bulgaria & Turkey, including Crete,
Trabzon and its School and more. Very
interesting. 4 pages.
Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 4332
Εφημερίδα “ΠΡΟΟΔΟΣ Πρωινή Εθνική
Εφημερίς Εν Κωνσταντινουπολει”.
Κωνσταντινούπολη, Έτος Z’, Αριθ. 2094.
17.10.1910. Αρθρα σχετικά με δάνειο από
Γαλλία και Ελευθέριο Βενιζέλο. Κακή
Starting Price: 25 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4330
“ΝΕΑ ΖΩΗ - Κοινόν Όργανον Σάμου
- Χίου και των περιοίκων” (NEW LIFE)
newspaper printed three times per
week in Samos, issue Nr. 139 of 27th
January, 1902. 4 pages with a wealth
of local & international news, articles,
announcements, advertisements, etc.
Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 4333
Εφημερίδα “ΠΡΟΟΔΟΣ Πρωινή Εθνική
Εφημερίς Εν Κωνσταντινουπολει”.
Κωνσταντινούπολη, Έτος Η’, Αριθ.
2689. 5.2.1912. Αρθρα σχετικά με τη
Μακεδονία & “Η Συνεννόησις ΕλλάδοςΒουλγαρίας και η Τουρκία. Μέτρια
Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 4334
“ΑΘΗΝΑΙ” (ATHENS) Daily newspaper
published in Athens, issue Nr. 3624 of
18th October, 1912, with detailed reports
from the (Balkan) War Front and abroad,
the capture of Veria, a detailed map of
the area of Thessaloniki on the front page
and more. Very interesting.
Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 4335
NEWS Lot. 4336
“Ο ΡΩΜΗΟΣ - Εφημερίς που την γράφει Εφημερίδα “ΠΡΟΟΔΟΣ Πρωινή Εθνική
ο Σουρής” (The Greek - newspaper
Εφημερίς Εν Κωνσταντινουπολει”.
written by Souris) satirical newspaper
Κωνσταντινούπολη, Έτος ‘Θ, Αριθ. 3147.
written by the poet Georgios Souris, issue
15.2.1913. Αρθρα σχετικά με τον Β’
Nr. 1232 of 10th November, 1912, with
Βαλκανικό πόλεμο. Καλή κατάσταση.
poems dedicated to the liberation by the
Starting Price: 50 €
Greek Army of the town of Thessaloniki
and Mount Athos from the Turks. Very
interesting. 4 pages.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4337
Καραμανλήδικη εφημερίδα “ΝΕΑ
ΑΝΑΤΟΛΗ”. Κωνσταντινούπολη, Φύλο
73. 25.7.1913 - 7.8.1913. Τέσσερις σελ.
με άρθρα σχετικά με τον Β’ Βαλκανικό
πόλεμο. Καλή κατάσταση.
Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 4338
NEWS Lot. 4339
“ΑΙΓΑΙΟΝ - Όργανον των συμφερόντων “ΑΙΓΑΙΟΝ - Όργανον των συμφερόντων
του Σαμιακού Λαού” bi-weekly
του Σαμιακού Λαού” bi-weekly
newspaper printed in Limin Vatheos,
newspaper printed in Samos, issue Nr.
Samos, issue Nr. 1408 of 2nd February, 1458 of 27th July, 1926, with a front page
1926, with a pro-dictatorship front page main article related to the Commercial
main article, advertisements (incl. one
School of Karlovasi, financial news,
for selling stamps of the Samian State),
advertisements etc.
etc. VF.
Starting Price: 15 €
Starting Price: 15 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4340
“Ο ΠΑΡΑΤΗΡΗΤΗΣ της Ηπείρου”,
τεύχη 1 - 61. Δεμένα όλα τα φύλλα
των ετών 1973-1974. Περιλαμβάνει το
ΠΡΩΤΟ ΤΕΥΧΟΣ που εκδόθηκε κατά
τη διάρκεια της χούντας την 5.11.1973 με
ιδιαίτερα τολμηρά (αντι-χουντικά άρθρα).
Πλήθος άρθρων που αφορούν την
Ήπειρο, αλλά και πολιτικά άρθρα σχετικά
με τις ραγδαίες πολιτικές εξελίξεις της
εποχής όπως η Τούρκικη εισβολή στην
Κύπρο, η έλευση του Καραμανλή το
1974 κτλ. Περιέχει ευρετήριο κυριότερων
άρθρων. Καλή κατάσταση.
Starting Price: 170 €
Archive Photographs
Lot. 4341
“Album Universel No14: Athenes Antique”,
L. Boulanger ed. Paris. Album presenting
16 views (lithographs) of Athenian antiquities.
Dim.32x23cm. Foxing throughout.
Starting Price: 35 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4342
Photographic album c.1915 entitled “Album no7 Waldeck - Corfou & Salamine”. French armoured cruiser Waldeck-Rousseau.
103 photographs (9x6cm) presenting scenes of sailors everyday life and views of Corfou, Piraeus, Athens, Phalere & Salamine.
Waldeck-Rousseau cruiser took part in the evacuation of population after the 1922 Catastrophe of Smyrna.
Starting Price: 120 €
Lot. 4343
c.1860. prob. D. Constantinou. Rare photo, with handwritten
title on mount “The Theseum from between Areopagus &
the Acropolis”. Dim.37x28cm, attached on carton. Almost
EXCELLENT condition.
Starting Price: 200 €
Lot. 4344
Δ. ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΥ - D. Constantin. c.1865. Large albumen
photo (dim. 27x37.5cm) entitled “ACROPOLIS”, panorama
of Acropolis. The Frankish tower can be observed on the hill.
Title & signature “D. Costantin a Athenes” in negative. Caption
“The Acropolis from the S.W.” in pen on mount. Overall dim.
58x47cm. Excellent condition.
Starting Price: 200 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4345
Erechtheion c.1870. RARE photo. ~35 men & women
in formal urban costumes (probably delegation??)
photographed at Erechtheion. Unknown photographer
& unknown view. Dim.26x20cm. Creased, with two
small tears on upper edge. RARE.
Starting Price: 120 €
Lot. 4346
BONFILS Felix. c.1870. Athens & Acropolis from
Thiseio. Albumen photo (28x22cm). Number & title “549.
L’Acropole de la place Thesee.” in negative, also signed and
numbered by pen. Slightly creased & some light brown spots.
Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 4348
RP Lot. 4347
“Palais Royal” impressive early albumen photo (1870’s) by
BONFILS Felix. c.1875. “GRECE Acropole et Arc d’Adrien.
the photographer K. Demetriou of Athens, 15cm x 10cm,
Athenes.”. Large photo (dim.39x29cm) depicting Arch of
on passe-partout with photographer’s name printed on
Hadrian with Acropolis in the background. Signed “Bonfils” in
verso. Very Fine & Rare.
negative. On carton passe-partout with printed caption. Few tears
& light cracks on carton, photo in EXCELLENT condition.
Starting Price: 90 €
Starting Price: 180 €
Lot. 4349
DΕMΕTRIOU K. c.1875. Three (3) albumen photographs (26x20cm) of Acropolis, Erechtheion & Temple of Athena Nike.
Attached on thick cartons. One with photographer sign & title in negative. Very Fine.
Starting Price: 100 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4350
Athens c.1870. Albumen photo (27x21cm), presenting
a panoramic view of the city of Athens. Unknown
photographer. Faded edges.
Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 4352
MORAITIS P. (ΜΩΡΑΙΤΗΣ Πέτρος). c.1870. Four (4)
photos, dim.25x19.5cm, depicting monuments of Acropolis
& the city of Athens. Numbered: “18”,”19”,”24”. Attached
on carton. Slightly faded.
Starting Price: 90 €
Lot. 4351
Seven (7) albumen photos c.1875. Presenting scarce views of Kerameikos, Theatre
of Herodes Atticus, Eleusis (2), Mycenae, Argos & Acrocorinth. dim.27x20cm,
attached on thick cartons. Unknown photographer. Photos in Very Fine condition.
Starting Price: 350 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4353
Eight (8) large albumen (33x25cm) photos c.1875, with impressive views of Acropolis and its monuments. One signed “P.
MORAITIS” and few numbered. Overall Very Fine condition.
Starting Price: 350 €
Lot. 4354
ATHANASIOU K. Erechtheion - Acropolis c.1880,
albumen photo (25x20cm). Excellent condition.
Starting Price: 35 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4360
MERLIN Carl. c.1890, albumen photo (29x22cm) depicting
Areopagus-Athens. Numbered by pen “25.” & relief cachet
“Collection Merlin Athenes”. Creased & brown spots.
Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 4355
ATHANASIOU K. c.1880. Six (6) albumen photos (26x21cm) depicting Acropolis’ monuments. Numbers in negative. Four
photos attached on two thick cartons. Very Fine.
Starting Price: 160 €
Lot. 4356
Athens - Acropolis c.1880. Photographer prob. Athanasiou. Six impressive sized (38x28cm) photographs (photo-mechanic?)
attached on three thick cartons (two photos on each carton). Numbered in negative. Very Fine.
Starting Price: 400 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4357
Acropolis - Athens, c.1880. Seventeen (17) large size (39x28cm) photographs with scarce views of Acropolis and its monuments
as well parts of town, from large photographic album. In one photo Parthenon photographed with wideangle lens.
One with photographer sign. “D. Constantin” in negative. All numbered in negative, some with K. Athanasiou numbering.
Rare collection.
Starting Price: 950 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4358
Athens c.1880. Unknown photographer. Five (5)
albumen photos (18x24cm) depicting Acropolis
monuments & Schliemann house in Athens.
Slightly creased.
Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 4359
Acropolis - Athens. c.1890. Ten (10) albumen photographs (29x22cm) on 5 carton sheets (from photo album), panoramic views
of Acropolis and its monuments, depiction of Hellenic Parliament (Royal Palace) building. Numbered in negative. Very Fine.
Starting Price: 230 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4361
View of Acropole, late 19th cent. b&w
albumen photo, 20x13cm. Very Fine.
Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 4362
RHOMAIDES (Ρωμαϊδης). PIRAEUS (ΠΕΙΡΑΙΑΣ) c.1890. Large panorama of
Piraeus consisted of two (2) attached (linen fabric) photos, dim.59x21cm. Very
clear/strong print. The photos are numbered in negative “2a” & “2b”. Few small
spots otherwise VERY FINE & RARE.
Starting Price: 160 €
Lot. 4363
RHOMAIDES Aristotle c.1896. Twenty three (23) photographs (photo-mechanic) depicting monuments from Acropolis,
Egina, Mycenae and public buildings from Athens. Most with numbers in negative and printed caption on reverse. In original
Starting Price: 280 €
Lot. 4364
Rhodes - Knights Street
c.1880. Four (4) albumen
photos (~7x11cm), rare
views of the Knights
Street. Attached on
cartons. Very Fine.
Starting Price: 80 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4365
Three small (one 5x8cm. & two 5.5x9cm.) albumen photographs
of Rhodes, thin sepia photographic paper pasted on cartons sized
6.5x11cm. VF group.
Starting Price: 60 €
Lot. 4366
CHIOS EARTHQUAKE 1881. Albumen photo
(25x21cm) by the photographer RUBELLIN based in
Smyrna. Depicting the catastrophic results of the 1881
earthquake. Handwriten caption in pencil & cachet of
the photographer on reverse. Foxing. RARE.
Starting Price: 80 €
Lot. 4367
c.1890. Two (2) albumen photos
(27x20cm). Panorama of Achilleion
palace & workers in the building.
One with cachet “A. FARROUGIA”
on reverse. The photos are probaly
of Beer Alois, who collaborated
with A. Farrougia. Slightly creased
corners & one small tear.
Starting Price: 80 €
Lot. 4368
Corfou, c.1890. Two (2) photos
one albumen of Corfou port
and Pontikonisi. Unkown
photographer. Dim. ~27x21cm
both attached on single thick
carton. Creased.
Starting Price: 55 €
Lot. 4370
Smyrna - Izmir c.1880. Two (2)
albumen photos (24.5x20cm) depicting
the town with Mont Pagus & Aqueduct.
Unknown photographer. One with
creased upper edge, slightly chipped
along edges.
Starting Price: 45 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4369
AMFISSA c.1890, b&w photo (29x22cm) with title
“2. Vue d’Amfissa” in negative. Creased lower right
Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 4371
SEBAH & JOAILLIER, Constantinople - Istanbul, c.1880.
“199. Ambassade d’Allemagne a TAKSIM. (PERA)”,
real albumen photo (27x21cm) of the German embassy.
Photographers signature & title in negative. EXCELLENT.
Starting Price: 60 €
Lot. 4372
SEBAH & JOAILLIER, Constantinople - Istanbul,
c.1880. “793. Palais Beylerbey. Bosphore”. Albumen
photo (27x21cm) of BEYLERBEYI PALACE.
Photographers signature & title in negative. FINE.
Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 4373
Constantinople - Istanbul, c.1890. GALATA
BRIDGE. Real photograph (23x16cm) coloured with
PHOTOCHROM method prob. by P.Z. (Photoglob
Zurich). Slightly thinned paper on photo reverse not
affecting photo face. Very Fine. RARE.
Starting Price: 60 €
Lot. 4374
Constantinople - Istanbul, c.1890. Everyday life. Real
photograph (23x16cm) coloured with PHOTOCHROM
method prob. by P.Z. (Photoglob Zurich). Light thin of
paper on photo reverse slightly affecting photo face. RARE.
Starting Price: 55 €
Lot. 4375
Constantinople - Istanbul, c.1890. Street Everyday
life. Real photograph (23x16cm) coloured with
PHOTOCHROM method prob. by P.Z. (Photoglob
Zurich). Very Fine. RARE.
Starting Price: 60 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4376
Constantinople - Istanbul, c.1890. GALATA BRIDGE. Real
photograph (23x16cm) coloured with PHOTOCHROM
method prob. by P.Z. (Photoglob Zurich). Slightly thinned
paper on photo reverse not affecting photo face. Fine. RARE.
Starting Price: 60 €
Lot. 4378
Fenerbahce Lighthouse - Constasntinople, c.1890. Real
b&w photo by Constantinos Nittis (Constantinople).
Photo No.2 of 1000. Dim. 6.5x12cm. Small part of one
corner missing, 2 small tears along margins.
Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 4377
Constantinople - Istanbul, c.1890. “6191. P.Z.
BRULEE”. Real photograph (17x22cm) coloured
with PHOTOCHROM method prob. by P.Z.
(Photoglob Zurich). on mount. Fine. RARE.
Starting Price: 60 €
Lot. 4379
Haydarpasa Imperial Medical School - Constantinople,
c.1890. Real b&w photo of the current CAMPUS of
the MARMARA UNIVERSITY, by Constantinos Nittis
(Constantinople). Photo No.7 of 500, photographer cachet
on reverse. Dim.16x12cm. Small tears along margins. Rare.
Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 4380
BERGGREN C. - Constantinople, c.1890.
Beautiful view of everyday life at PERA,
and along the city walls. One photo of
“C. BERGGREN”. Dim.~15x10cm each.
With faults. RARE.
Starting Price: 40 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4381
MARMARIS - Turkey, 1889. Early albumen photograph
(21x15cm) attached on thick carton (prob. from photog.
album). Unknown photographer. Excellent condition.
Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 4382
BOHRINGER Athen. Photogravure of Theatre of
Herodes Atticus (22x16cm). Relief cachet of photographer.
Very Fine.
Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 4383
Athens 1902. TATOI &
Schliemann’s house. Two
albumen photos (25x18cm)
on single carton with
caption in negative. Fine.
Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 4384
Μονή Μεγάλου Σπηλαίου - Καλάβρυτα c.1900.
Ασπρόμαυρη φωτογραφία διαστ. 28x22cm του
ιστορικού μοναστηριού επικολλημένη σε χαρτόνι.
Αρίθμηση και τίτλος στο αρνητικό. Εξαιρετική
κατάσταση. RARE.
Starting Price: 70 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4385
PERGAMOS, KOS, RHODES c.1900. Sixteen (16) photographs
(~8x6cm) on single carton sheet. Very Fine.
Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 4386
5 old photographs of
Athens (Zappeion,
Polytechnic School, Academy,
Kerameikos & Kolokotronis
Statue), all taken in 1906, all
sized 9x11cm. Nice group.
Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 4387
OLYMPIC GAMES Athens Summer 1906.
Sprint Hurdle Race (Δρόμος Ταχύτητας
μετ’ Εμποδίων). Real b&w photo.
Dim.18x13cm. Faults. RARE.
Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 4388
OLYMPIC GAMES Athens Summer 1906. Pole
Vault (Άλμα επι κοντώ). Real b&w photo during
the Games. Dim.18x13cm. Faults. RARE.
Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 4389
“Panorama d’Apolonia” (Sozopolis, Eastern Rumelia), three real photos
(14x21cm each) composing an excellent view of town. Photographer: O.
Garabedian, 1912. Also, a fourth photo (13x22cm) of the same period &
probably by the same photographer, showing a view of the ‘island’, also in
Sozopolis. Very Rare & excellent condition.
Starting Price: 285 €
Lot. 4390
“Atelier de Moleurs Salonique 1918”
b&w, PPC size. Dated 1.4.1918. VF.
Starting Price: 12 €
Lot. 4391
“Salonica” in 4 differ.real-photos (small
size) in bistre adhered on cardboard
Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 4392
Smyrna - Izmir - Kazimir (?) c.1915.
Photograph showing personalities
of Smyrna political life of the WWI
period having lunch in the estate of
Georgios Fotiades (Greek). Among
them: Meyor of Smyrna RAHMI BEY,
KARA BIBER BEY, Consul of Russia
in Smyrna Mr. Cal (?). Handwritten
description in pen on back. Creased.
Starting Price: 20 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4393
“Cocaryali - May / Μάιος 1919 Κοκάργιαλι” (suburb of Smyrna, by
the sea) commemorative photograph
of an excursion of Greek families.
B/w 16x10cm. on thick carton.
Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 4396
(A Greek school in the area of
Moudania, Eastern Thrace, built in 1876)
b/w photograph 17x12.5cm. framed,
pasted on thick carton, sealed with violet
handstamp of the Authority for the
Education and Schools of Moudania.
Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 4394
Photograph of the footbal team
“Esperia” of Port Said. It was founded in
1919 by people of Port Said, originating
from the island of Kasos of Dodecanese,
who had founded the club “Apollon” one
year earlier. Bad condition but rare.
Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 4395
1920’s b/w photo on thicker
photographic paper, No. 207 of the
“Fasani & Grivas” photographers of
Egypt, showing a group of visitors
& local people in front of the Sphinx
& the Pyramids. Size: 24 x 18 cm.
Small crease at lower right corner.
Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 4397
RP Lot. 4398
“The building of the Greek Elementary (Athens, Erechtheion with the Karyatides)
School of Neochorion, in the Moudania b/w photograph, 12x9cm., c.1920. VF.
area (Eastern Thrace), school year:
Starting Price: 10 €
1921-1922”. B/w photograph 17x12cm.
framed on thick carton.
Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 4399
ATHENS c.1920. Boy & watermelon. b&w
real photo (11x8cm).
Starting Price: OFFER
Lot. 4400
RP Lot. 4401
SALAMINA c.1920. View of the port with (Rhodes - View of a street with
sailing cargo ship. b&w real photo (11x8cm). tobacco shops) b/w photograph,
Very Fine.
9x11cm., c.1920. Very beautiful.
Starting Price: 10 €
Starting Price: 15 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4402
“Rodi - Una strada” small sepia
photograph, 11x8cm., c.1920. Some
faults (stain spots & thin at left side).
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4403
RP Lot. 4404
(A Turkish steamship in Black Sea) b/w ASTYPALAIA c.1930. View from the sea,
photograph, 12x9cm., c.1920. Very
b&w photo (11x8cm). Very Fine.
animated & VF.
Starting Price: 10 €
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4406
“Salonique” yellowish - black, real photo, size 13.5 x 8.5 cm. VF.
Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 4405
“HERAKLION HAMBURG” c.1930. Two (2)
b&w photos (11x8cm) of the ship.
Starting Price: OFFER
Lot. 4407
“Salonique - Place Saint-Sophie”, late 1920’s b/w photo printed on
a 21x31 cm. thick paper page of an album of the era. VF.
Starting Price: 12 €
Lot. 4408
“Saloniki, Street Scene” & “Leukos, Hagios-Nicolas
Lot. 4409
Source”: 2 sepia photos printed on 2 pages (double-sided
“Salonique - Le quai et la nouvelle ville”, late 1920’s b/w photo
sheet) of a 1920’s book/album. Page size: 23x31cm. VF. printed on a 21x31 cm. thick paper page of an album of the era. VF.
Starting Price: 10 €
Starting Price: 10 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4410
“Paysanne de Gida (Plaine de Salonique)” & “Berger de la
region de Salonique”, two late 1920’s b/w photos printed on
two 21x31 cm. thick paper pages of an album of the era. VF.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4411
“Summet of Mount Athos, seen from Karia”, “Saloniki, Arch
of Galerius”, “Saloniki, Interior of St. Demetrios”, “Saloniki,
S.Sophia”, “Saloniki, Baptistery”, “Saloniki, Tschaurch
Monastery”, “Saloniki, Turkish Graves” & “Saloniki, Street in
the old town before the great fire”: 8 sepia photos printed on
8 pages (4 sheets, front-back) of a 1920’s book/album. Page
Size: 23x31cm. VF.
Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 4412
“Saloniki, Dye-work”, “Saloniki, The town wall
(Heptapyrgion)”, “Saloniki, Heptapyrgion” &
“Kastoria”: 4 sepia photos printed on 4 pages
(two double-sided sheets) of a 1920’s book/
album. Page Size: 23x31cm. VF.
Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 4413
“Baba, Temple Valley”, “Saloniki, Interior of St. Demetrios”, “Saloniki, St. Demetrios, Renaissance Tomb of Lucas Spandonis”
& “Saloniki, Turkish Mosque”: 4 sepia photos printed on 4 pages (two double-sided sheets) of a 1920’s book/album. Page size:
23x31cm. VF.
Starting Price: 15 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4414
“Saloniki, So-called ‘Rotunda’ (St. George’s church) with Minaret and Turkish Tombs”, “Saloniki, Hagia Sofia 5th Cent.”,
“Saloniki, Babtisterium” & “Saloniki, Tschaurch Monastir”: 4 sepia photos printed on 4 pages (two double-sided sheets)
of a 1920’s book/album. Page size: 23x31cm. VF.
Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 4415
Collection of twelve
(12) b&w photos 1930s
depicting views of the city,
monuments & people of
Athens. Attached on three
carton sheets 31x21cm
(from photo album). In
Very Fine condition.
Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 4416
Acropolis c.1930. Twenty
three (23) b&w photos,
interesting views of Acropolis
(19) and museum antiquities
(4). Most with cachet
“Association Guillaume
Bude...Cliche Bude No..” on
reverse. Three signed on face.
Dim.13x17cm. Very Fine.
Starting Price: 130 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4417
OLYMPIA Ancient c.1930. Eighteen (18) b&w silver print photographs
(dim.17x12cm) of ancient Olympia & surrounding landscape. Very Fine.
Starting Price: 100 €
Lot. 4419
Τwo (2) b&w silver print photographs
(dim.17x12cm). Very Fine.
Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 4418
AGIA LAVRA (Μονή ΑΓΙΑΣ ΛΑΥΡΑΣ) c.1930. Six (6) b&w silver print photographs (dim.17x12cm) of Agia Lavra monastery
& surrounding landscape. Very Fine.
Starting Price: 45 €
Lot. 4421
Kammena Vourla (ΚΑΜΜΕΝΑ ΒΟΥΡΛΑ) c.1930. Five (5) b&w silver print photographs (dim.17x12cm) of Kammena Vourla.
Very Fine.
Starting Price: 35 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4420
KALAVRYTA (ΚΑΛΑΒΡΥΤΑ) c.1930. Five (5) b&w silver print photographs (dim.17x12cm).
Portraits of locals & everyday life. Rare. Very Fine.
Starting Price: 65 €
Lot. 4422
LESVOS - MYTILENE c.1930. Six b&w
photographs (dim.17x12cm) depicting
views of Mytilene, portrait of a woman
from Agiassos & portrait of a fisherman.
Very Fine.
Starting Price: 45 €
Lot. 4423
CORFU - Palaiokastritsa (Παλαιοκαστρίτσα) c.1930. Ten (10) b&w silver print photographs (dim.17x12cm). Portraits of people,
scenes of everyday life & landscape. Very Fine.
Starting Price: 100 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4424
Rhodes: B/w real photo - scene of the port, 195x145mm,
from the personal album of the famous archaeologist Sir
Arthur Evans. VF.
Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 4425
Rhodes: B/w real photo - scene of the port, 195x145mm,
from the personal album of the famous archaeologist Sir
Arthur Evans. VF.
Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 4426
KASOS - ΚΑΣΟΣ 1935. Three b&w photos (29x17cm). Titles
in pen: “ΚΑΣΟΣ - Μπούκα Εν Φρυ 1935”, “Άποψις ΚΑΣΟΥ”,
“Άποψις της Κωμοπόλεως ΦΡΥ. ΚΑΣΟΣ”. One with major
faults, one missing bottom corner & one Very Fine.
Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 4427
“Ferry Rio-Antirio” b&w real photo, 14 x 9 cm. VF.
Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 4428
“Views of Athens” collection of 46 photos (from 7x10cm. to 9x14cm.) and 13 b/w postcards, all mounted on 10 double carton
pages detached from a photo album of the 1950’s. Handwritten inscriptions in German.
Starting Price: 30 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4429
“Views of Delphi” collection of 11
photos (from 7x10cm. to 9x14cm.)
and 6 b/w postcards, all mounted
on 3 double carton pages detached
from a photo album of the 1950’s.
Handwritten inscriptions in German.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4431
“Views of Epidauros” collection of
12 photos (from 7x10cm. to 9x14cm.)
and 1 b/w postcard, all mounted
on 2 double carton pages detached
from a photo album of the 1950’s.
Handwritten inscriptions in German.
One photo with King Paul & Frederika
of Greece.
Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 4430
“Views of Mycenae, Tiryns, Nauplion & Argos” collection of 10 photos
(from 7x10cm. to 9x14cm.) and 12 b/w postcards, all mounted on 4 double
carton pages detached from a photo album of the 1950’s. Handwritten
inscriptions in German.
Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 4432
“Views of Corinth” collection of
14 photos (from 7x10cm. to 9x14cm.)
and 7 b/w postcards, all mounted on
4 double carton pages detached from a
photo album of the 1950’s. Handwritten
inscriptions in German.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4433
B/w real photo, 13cm x 18cm, showing
the politicians Eleftherios Venizelos
and Alexandros Papanastasiou. VF.
Starting Price: 30 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4434
B/w real photo, 13cm x 18cm, showing the politicians
George Papandreou, Alexandros Papanastasiou &
others, at Acropole Palace Theater in Athens, on 12
February, 1935. VF.
Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 4436
“Prime Minister Ioannis Metaxas with company
attending army tactics” b/w real photo, 18 x 13 cm.
Press photographer: LEONAR. VF.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4438
“Having landed on SYMI, these two men are covering
an enemy occupied billet while their comrades
creep forward to take it” British official photograph
No. BM. 3362. (XS) 20.5cm x 15 cm. War Office
photograph for ‘Mondays Evenings - 14/8/1944’. VF.
Starting Price: 30 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4435
“Prime Minister Ioannis Metaxas with military officers
at a public event” b/w real photo, 17.5 x 12 cm. Press
photographer: Sp. G. Chalkides, Athens. VF.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4437
“Prime Minister Ioannis Metaxas with military and political
officers at a town in Macedonia” b/w real photo, 24 x 19
cm. Press photographer: Photo Kourbetis, Athens. VF.
Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 4439
(Sofianos, Police Director of Athens) b&w real photo,
thin paper (photographer unknown), 15 x 10 cm.
Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 4440
Royalty, “King George II
of Greece” real photo,
13 cm x 18 cm. VF.
Starting Price: 12 €
Lot. 4441
Royalty, “King Paul, Queen Frederika of Greece and
daughter Sofia (later, Queen of Spain) watching the military
parade at Tatoi” press photo taken by “FLOROS Photojournalism of Athens Press”. Photo size: 24 cm x 18 cm.
Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 4442
Royalty, “Crown Prince (later King)
Constantine of Greece, cleaning
his rifle during his special military
training at the raiding forces center at
Vouliagmeni” press photo taken on
12.2.1956, copyright UNITED PRESS
PHOTO. Photo size: 18 x 23 cm.
Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 4443
1950’s b/w real photo, 18cm x 24cm,
showing Queen Frederica, dressed in
white fur, embracing a man. Photo
Studio Kourbeti, Athens.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4444
B/w real photo, 18cm x 24cm, showing
Queen Frederica getting off an
ambulant Unit for Dental Treatment
(which, in the 1950’s, was visiting
places all over Greek mainland in
order to serve people of the country in
need). Photo Studio Kourbeti, Athens.
Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 4446
1950’s b/w real photo,
18cm x 24cm, showing
Queen Frederica at a
public event. Photo
Studio Kourbeti, Athens.
Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 4445
1950’s b/w real photo, 18cm x 24cm, showing Queen
Frederica among boy-scouts. Photo Studio Kourbeti, Athens.
Starting Price: 20 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4447
Royalty, “King Paul, Queen
Frederika of Greece and
daughter Sofia (later, Queen of
Spain) saluting people during
a fest in Greece” press photo
taken on 17.6.1961, copyright
Greek Photo News, Athens’.
Photo size: 18 cm x 24 cm.
Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 4448
Royalty, “King Paul clinking Easter egg with a man
of the Palace Guard” press photo taken on 9.4.1961,
copyright “MEGALOKONOMOS Bros. Greek
Photo News, Athens’. Photo size: 24 cm x 18 cm.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4450
RP Lot. 4449
RP Lot. 4451
Royalty, “King Constantine II of
Royalty, “King Paul & Queen Frederika of Greece, “Sofia Vembo” (ΣΟΦΙΑ ΒΕΜΠΟ)
Greece riding a horse in front of the in their car when they left Westminster Abbey in
framed photo of the 1940’s. Photo
hotel Grande Bretagne in Athens”
London, after placing their wreath” press photo
size: 19.5cm x 24.5cm. VF.
real photo, 10 x 14.5 cm. VF.
taken on 9.7.1963, copyright KEYSTONE PRESS
Starting Price: 20 €
Agency. Photo size: 20.5 x 25.5 cm.
Starting Price: 15 €
Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 4452
(Barba-Yannis & Lafkas in good spirits) blackish-brown
(in front of an orchestra), real photo. 14.5 x 10.5 cm.
Starting Price: 25 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4453
(Folk-dance by a group of 5 women in national costumes
on the s.s.”Queen Frederica”) grey-black,animated
(Photo Nicholas Gounarakis),unused.Size 18 x 12 cm.
Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 4454
(Folk-dance by a pair in national costumes on the
s.s.”Queen Frederica”) grey-black,animated (Photo
Nicholas Gounarakis),unused.Size 18 x 12 cm.
Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 4456
Ceremony of the lighting of the Olympic Torch at ancient
Olympia, b/w photo. Creased.
Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 4455
Η Αλίκη Βουγιουκλάκη με τον Τούρκο ηθοποιό Ορχάν
Γκουνσιράι, το 1963, στην Τουρκική εκδοχή “Siralardaki
Heyecanclar” της ταινίας “Χτυποκάρδια στο θρανίο” του Αλέκου
Σακελλάριου με μουσική Μάνου Χατζιδάκι. Φωτογραφία
25x20cm. / Aliki Vouyouklaki with the Turkish actor
Orhan Gunsiray, in 1963, during the shooting of the movie
“Siralardaki Heyecanclar”. Size of the photograph: 25x20cm.
Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 4457
ΚΑΡΑΜΑΝΛΗΣ Κωνσταντίνος.
62 σπάνια αρνητικά ασπρόμαυρων
φωτογραφιών που αποτυπώνουν
τον Κ. ΚΑΡΑΜΑΝΛΗ κατά
τις επίσημες επισκέψεις του στη
ΡΟΔΟ και την ΚΩ το 1956, 1958,
10.10.1961, 15.10.1963 & 1965.
Starting Price: 250 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4458
Βασιλιάς ΠΑΥΛΟΣ & Βασίλισα ΦΡΕΙΔΕΡΙΚΗ, δεκαετία 1960. 27 σπάνια
αρνητικά ασπρόμαυρων φωτογραφιών που απεικονίζουν το βασιλικό ζευγάρι κατά
επίσημες επισκέψεις στη ΡΟΔΟ. Τρείς θεματικές ενότητες: Επέτειος ενσωμάτωσης,
Προικοδοτήσεις, Παρέλαση. ΣΠΑΝΙΟ.
Starting Price: 150 €
Lot. 4459
ΡΟΔΟΣ δεκαετία 1950. Αποκαλυπτήρια Ναυάρχου Ιωαννίδη & Εορτασμοί στο Στάδιο - Τοπικές Φορεσιές. 24 σπάνια αρνητικά
ασπρόμαυρων φωτογραφιών. ΣΠΑΝΙΟ.
Starting Price: 50 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Cabinet - CDV
Lot. 4460
Lot. 4461
Lot. 4462
Lot. 4463
Lot. 4464
Lot. 4465
Lot. 4466
Lot. 4467
Lot. 4468
Lot. 4469
Lot. 4470
Lot. 4471
Lot. 4472
Lot. 4473
Lot. 4474
Lot. 4475
Lot. 4476
Lot. 4477
"CH. BUKMEDJI, P. ZEPDJI". Two early CDV albumen photos c.1865, depicting man &
woman in traditional costumes. Paul ZEPDJI was a famous Armenian photographer based
in Thessaloniki & Monastir. These unusual photographs are probably coming from the
first period of Zepdji probably in Constantinople and show his cooperation with another
photographer, Bukmedji (?). Very Fine condition. RARE.
Greece c.1860, traditional costumes. Four (4) CDV albumen photographs on passepartouts. One by MORAITES P. & one by KOLOMBOS G., the other two by unknown
photographers. RARE.
Portrait of DELIGIORGIS Epam. - ΔΕΛΗΓΙΩΡΓΗΣ Επαμεινώνδας c.1870, politician,
six times Prime Minister of Greece. CDV with faults.
King Constantine I of Greece c.1870. Early CDV, albumen photo depicting King
Constantine I in young age. Unknown photographer, prob. P. Moraites. RARE.
MORAITES P. c.1870. Portrait of Marcos Antonios RODOSTAMOS, Grand Marshal of
the Greek Palace. Albumen CDV photo. Cut on lower edge.
"Admiral CONSTANTINE CANARIS", early (ca.1870) CDV albumen photo, portrait of
the hero & Prime Minister of Greece, taken by the photographer P. Moraites. Photo size:
5cm x 8cm. Rare & VF.
CHATZIPETROS Christodoulos - ΧΑΤΖΗΠΕΤΡΟΣ Χριστόδουλος c.1875. CDV
albumen photo by P. MORAITES. Portrait of the important personality of the Greek War
of Independence and member of the "ΦΙΛΙΚΗ ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ". Very Fine.
"P. MORAITES, (Photographe, Athenes)" early (c.1870's) albumen CDV photo portrait of
a man, 6cm x 9.5cm, on passe-partout with photographer's name printed in relief. VF &
"G. MORAITES, (Photographe) ATHENES" early (1870'S) albumen CDV photo portrait
of a woman, 5.5cm x 9cm, on passe-partout with photographer's pictorial sign on back.
"P. MORAITES, PHOTOGRAPHE (de la Famille Royale, Athenes)" early (1872) albumen
CDV photo portrait of a young man, 5.5cm x 9cm, on passe-partout with photographer's
pictorial sign on back.
"G. KOLOMBOS (Photographe, Athenes)" albumen CDV photo portrait of two women
with three kids, 6cm x 9.5cm, on passe-partout with nice photographer's pictorial sign on
ARGYROPOULOS Iakovos - ΑΡΓΥΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ Ιάκωβος c.1870, member of the well
known phanariot family. CDV by "MARGARITIS et CONSTANTIN" creased.
"MARGARITIS et CONSTANTIN, Peintres et Photographes, Athenes" early (1870's)
CDV photo portrait of a woman, 6cm x 9cm, on passe-partout with photographers'
printed sign on back. Rare & VF.
"K. Demetriou (photographe, Athenes)" early (1870's) albumen photo of boy dressed like
Evzon, 7.5cm x 11.5cm, on passe-partout with nice pictorial photographer's sign on verso.
Partly lightly broken at side.
"Γ. ΔΑΜΙΑΝΟΣ, ΦΩΤΟΓΡΑΦΟΣ εν ΕΡΜΟΥΠΟΛΕΙ" early (ca.1870) CDV albumen
photo, a portrait of Queen Olga of Greece, on nicely ornated carton, with photographer's
sign on back. Rare.
"ΦΩΤΟΓΡΑΦΕΙΟΝ ΒΑΘΗ και ΔΑΜΙΑΝΟΥ, Εν Αθήναις (Οδός Ερμού)" early
(ca.1870) CDV albumen photo, portrait of an aged man, with photographer's sign on back
of carton. Photo size: 6cm x 9.5cm. VF.
"ΑΔΕΛΦΑΙ ΚΑΝΤΑ, ΑΘΗΝΑΙ / Kanta Sisters, Athens" early CDV, portrait of a man,
ca. 1870. Attached on thick carton with photographers' sign on reverse. Photo size: 5.5cm
x 9cm. Very Fine condition.
"ΡΩΜΑΙΔΑΙ - ΑΘΗΝΑΙ" albumen CDV photo, showing at young age the Prime Minister
of Greece Alexandros Papanastasiou (born 1876). 6,5 x 10,5 cm.
90 €
100 €
30 €
50 €
20 €
30 €
45 €
25 €
25 €
25 €
25 €
10 €
30 €
20 €
30 €
20 €
20 €
30 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4478
Lot. 4479
Lot. 4480
Lot. 4481
Lot. 4482
Lot. 4483
Lot. 4484
Lot. 4485
Lot. 4486
Lot. 4487
Lot. 4488
Lot. 4489
Lot. 4490
Lot. 4491
Lot. 4492
Lot. 4493
Lot. 4494
"ΡΩΜΑΙΔΑΙ, ΑΘΗΝΑΙ" CDV albumen photo, portrait of a man (1891), with
photographer's sign on back of carton. Photo size: 6cm x 9cm. VF.
"TH. FYNDANIDES" CDV photo portrait of a young woman, 6cm x 9cm, on passepartout with photographer's name printed in relief. VF.
"K.F. LIAPIN, ISMAIL (near Odessa)" albumen CDV photo portrait of a man, 5.5cm x
9cm, on passe-partout with photographer's name printed on back. VF.
M. ΑNDRIOMENO Phot: 19th century CDV photo, portrait of a young girl, attached
on thick carton passe-partout with photographer's sign & address (Sultan Bayazid,
Constantinople) on reverse. Dim.6x9cm. Very Fine.
"Photographie Phebus (Constantinople)" albumen CDV photo, portrait of a young Turk,
6.5cm x 9.5 cm, on thick carton paper with nice photographer's sign on back. Pinhole.
ANATOLIA COLLEGE (Merzifon - Turkey) - Dildilian Bros (photographer). Two CDV
portraits of a student of Anatolia College in Merzifon by the Armenian photographers
DILDILIAN Bros. Photos on passe-partout with inscr. "Dildilian Bros - Merzifoun
Anatolia - College Turkey in Asia". Very Fine.
"P. MORAITES, Photographe de la famille Royale, Athenes" early exceptionally
handcoloured albumen cabinet photo, portrait of a young woman in traditional costume,
ca. 1860. Attached on thick carton with photographer's sign on reverse. Photo size: 10cm x
14cm. Excellent condition & rare.
(Probably) "P. MORAITES, Photographer" early exceptionally handcoloured albumen
cabinet photo, portrait of a woman in traditional costume, ca. 1860. Attached on thick
carton. Photo size: 10cm x 14.5cm. Very fine condition & rare.
Greece c.1870, portrait of two men in traditional costumes & arms. Albumen photograph
(10x15cm) attached on thick carton. Unknown photographer. RARE.
Πορτραίτο του ΚΑΡΑΘΕΙΔΩΡΗ Στέφανου c.1875, νομικού και διπλωμάτη της
Οθωμανικής Αυτοκρατορίας και πατέρα του γνωστού Έλληνα μαθηματικού Κων/νου
Καραθεοδωρή. Αλμπουμίνα διαστ. Cabinet από τον φωτογράφο "Hanns Hanfstaengl Berlin".
"Γ. ΔΑΜΙΑΝΟΣ, φωτογράφος - ΕΡΜΟΥΠΟΛH / G. DAMIANO Photographe de
S.M. le Roi. Vis a Vis de l'Horloge, SIRA" albumen cabinet photo, portrait of a middleaged couple, ca. 1870. Photo size: 10cm x 13.5 cm. Attached on thick carton with
photographer's sign on reverse. VF.
"C. MERLIN, Athens / Photographer by appointment to the Royal Family of Greece"
albumen cabinet photo, portrait of two women (probably mother & daughter), ca. 1870.
Attached on thick carton with photographer's sign on reverse. Photo size: 10cm x 14cm.
Superb quality & rare.
ZAFEIROPOULOS P. (Π. ΖΑΦΕΙΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ), c.1870. Cabinet photo, man in
traditional military costume. Albumen on passe-partout. Part of glue on reverse otherwise
Very Fine. Panagis Zafeiropoulos - though an active photographer of the 1870's in Athens
- is a scarce name in the collecting field.
ZAFEIROPOULOS P. (Π. ΖΑΦΕΙΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ), c.1870. Cabinet photo, woman in
traditional costume. Albumen on passe-partout. Part of glue on reverse otherwise Very
Fine. Panagis Zafeiropoulos - though an active photographer of the 1870's in Athens - is a
scarce name in the collecting field.
ZAFEIROPOULOS P. (Π. ΖΑΦΕΙΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ), c.1870. Cabinet photo, woman in
traditional costume. Albumen on passe-partout. Part of glue on reverse otherwise Very
Fine. Panagis Zafeiropoulos - though an active photographer of the 1870's in Athens - is a
scarce name in the collecting field.
ZAFEIROPOULOS P. (Π. ΖΑΦΕΙΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ), c.1870. Cabinet photo, woman in
traditional costume. Albumen on passe-partout. Part of glue on reverse otherwise Very
Fine. Panagis Zafeiropoulos - though an active photographer of the 1870's in Athens - is a
scarce name in the collecting field.
"Photographie ARARAT, ATHENES" impressive cabinet photo, portrait of a family,
10.5cm x 14.5cm, on passe-partout with nice sign of the Armenian photographic studio on
verso. VF & Rare.
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
15 €
15 €
15 €
10 €
15 €
30 €
80 €
80 €
50 €
35 €
40 €
50 €
50 €
50 €
45 €
40 €
40 €
Lot. 4495
Lot. 4496
Lot. 4497
Lot. 4498
Lot. 4499
Lot. 4500
Lot. 4501
Lot. 4502
Lot. 4503
Lot. 4504
Lot. 4505
Lot. 4506
Lot. 4507
Lot. 4508
Lot. 4509
Lot. 4510
Lot. 4511
Lot. 4512
Lot. 4513
Lot. 4514
Lot. 4515
Lot. 4516
Lot. 4517
"Kantas Soeurs - 12 Rue Hermes, Athenes" cabinet photo depicting the portrait of an
aged man, 10cm x 15cm, on thick gold-gilded pass-partout. XF.
"Kantas Soeurs - 12 Rue Hermes, Athenes" cabinet photo depicting the portrait of two
women, 10.5cm x 13.5cm, on thick gold-gilded pass-partout with nice photographers' sign
printed on back. VF.
CONSTANTINIDIS S. Constantinople c.1870. Cabinet photo (albumen) depicting prob.
ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΥΠΟΛΙΣ 11 ΓΑΛΑΤΑ". Two pinholes & creased lower edge.
"Nadir - Pera, CONSTANTINOPLE" albumen cabinet photo depicting one man and five
women in a boat, 10cm x 14.5cm, on passe-partout with nice photographer's sign of studio
on verso. VF.
"PARNASSE - CONSTANTINOPLE" cabinet photo, portrait of a young woman, 10cm
x 14cm, on passe-partout with nice photographic studio sign on verso. VF.
"Constantinople.Portrait" b&w real photo on cardboard (Vafiadis), u. minor imperfections
"Constantinople. Portrait d'une femme." real photo card (Abdullah Freres). u. some faults.
"Constantinople. Portrait d'une famille." b&w card (Photographie Phebus). minor faults.
"K.E. Cacoulis - Phot. Mer - Noire" cabinet photo portrait of a man and his two daughters
(probably in Crimea), 9.5cm x 13.5cm, on thick carton passe-partout with photographer's
sign printed on verso.
"Portrait of two men" cabinet photo on thick carton with photographers' name "PHOTOCRAYON". Photo size: 10.5cm x 14.5cm. VF.
"Solon Vathis, Paris" cabinet photo, portrait of a man, ca. 1890. Attached on thick carton
with photographer's name. Photo size: 10cm x 14.5cm.
SPYROS LOUIS. Albumen photo by A. Gaziadis, portrait of the famous Greek athlete
winner of the first modern-day Olympic marathon. Slightly creased & soiled. RARE.
"A. GAZIADES, Photographe des S.S. M.M. la Famille Royale, PIREE" large cabinet
(Imperial) albumen photo, portrait of a man in uniform, ca. 1880. Attached on thick
carton with photographer's sign on reverse. Photo size: 13cm x 20cm. Very fine condition.
ΚΑΙΣΑΡΗΣ Σπυρίδων. c.1910. Φωτογραφία cabinet (14x21cm) του διάσημου έλληνα
μουσικοσυνθέτη, επικολλημένη σε passe-partout. Φωτογράφος "Α. Gaziades Athenes
"A. GAZIADES, Athenes - Piree" imperial cabinet photo, portrait of a little girl, on thick
carton with printed photographer's name. Photo size: 9cm x 16cm.
"A. GAZIADIS, Piree / Photographe artiste de L.L.M.M. la Famille Royale" cabinet
photo, portrait of a man, on thick carton with photographer's sign on back. Photo size:
10.5cm x 14cm. VF.
"A. GAZIADES, Athenes - Piree" imperial cabinet photo, portrait of a little girl, on thick
carton with printed photographer's name. Photo size: 9cm x 16cm.
"A soldier in Janina" cabinet photo of a soldier in Ioannina, with handwritten text on back
of carton, dated 23/2/1913, souvenir from the liberation of the town during the Balkan
Wars. Photo size: 9cm x 13cm. VF.
Impressive large cabinet photograph of an elegant aristocratic woman, portrait by "Nadar
(photographie) - 51, Rue d' Anjou St. Honore (Paris)" 13cm x 20cm on thick carton passepartout.
Impressive large cabinet photograph of a decorated Ottoman Army Officer, signed and
hand-dated 1896 portrait by "Iv. A. Karastoyanov (photographer in) Sofia", 12cm x 18cm
on thick carton passe-partout. VF & Rare.
"Portrait of a man" photo on large carton, signed "Gio. Goulas". Photo size: 9.2cm x
13.7cm. VF.
"ΓΡΗΓΟΡΙΟΣ ΣΤΥΛΙΑΝΙΔΗΣ Φωτογράφος / ΑΘΗΝΑΙ", large 27x21cm real
b&w photo, on passe-partout, depicting large family photographed outdoors. With
photographer's relief sign. Faults on carton frame not affecting photo.
Young man in traditional costume, real photo attached on thick carton.
15 €
25 €
35 €
40 €
20 €
12 €
12 €
25 €
15 €
85 €
35 €
40 €
10 €
20 €
10 €
15 €
30 €
50 €
30 €
65 €
15 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4518
Lot. 4519
Lot. 4520
Lot. 4521
Lot. 4522
Lot. 4523
Lot. 4524
Lot. 4525
Lot. 4526
Lot. 4527
Real photo 16cm x 12cm of a group of guard soldiers with their officer, ready for action,
mounted on thick carton paper, cut from a larger passe-partout. Rare.
"MΙΧΑΗΛ Γ. ΛΙΟΝΤΑΣ ΦΩΤΟΓΡ. ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ" blue handstamp on decorated
passe-partout with a photo of a senior man, believed to be Petros Sefertzis of the
Sefertzis' family of merchants from Naoussa, c. 1880-90. Photo size: 11.7 x 16.5 cm. Some
faults (scratches on the surface).
decorated passe-partout with a photo of a senior woman, believed to be Vasiliki Sefertzis
of the Sefertzis' family of merchants from Naoussa, c. 1880-90. Photo size: 12 x 17 cm.
Has faults (horizontal crack).
"M. LIONDAS, SALONIQUE" large photo of students and professors in the yard of
a school, probably the American Farm School, on nicely decorated passe-partout. Photo
size: 25 x 19.5 cm. Rare & VF.
"Τελειόφοιτοι του Πραγματικού Τμήματος (1909-10) του Ελληνογερμανικού Λυκείου
Σμύρνης" (Graduates of the Greek-German School of Smyrna) large framed photo by
"G. GHERALIS, Rue Franque, SMYRNE". Image size: 27 x 21 cm. The names of the
students & professors are handwritten on back of the carton. Carton partially broken
Royal Hellenic Navy c.1910. Three photographs (17x12cm) on thick cartons depicting
Captain & crew of a greek battle ship.
"Athen Sept.1907" b&w photo, size of a PPC. VF.
PLASTIRAS N. - ΠΛΑΣΤΗΡΑΣ Νικόλαος. Portrait of the Greek general & politician.
SIGNED (in pen) and dedicated to a woman. Dated August 1924. Photographer:
ZOGRAPHOS N., photographer relief cachet on lower right corner. Slightly creased.
NELLY'S, pre-1940 photo of an old man, mounted on signed studio's paper with
embossed logo. 15 x 21 cm. VF.
"LIONDAS & MAVRIDES", 1940's photo of a group of women, probably graduates of
the same girls' school, mounted on thick studio's carton paper. 17 x 12 cm. VF.
40 €
30 €
25 €
80 €
50 €
50 €
10 €
80 €
30 €
15 €
Lot. 4460 90 €
Lot. 4461 100 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4462 30 €
Lot. 4463 50 €
Lot. 4467 25 €
Lot. 4470 25 €
Lot. 4472 30 €
Lot. 4464 20 €
Lot. 4465 30 €
Lot. 4468 25 €
Lot. 4466 45 €
Lot. 4469 25 €
Lot. 4471 10 €
Lot. 4473 20 €
Lot. 4474 30 €
Lot. 4475 20 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4476 20 €
Lot. 4479 15 €
Lot. 4481 10 €
Lot. 4485 80 €
Lot. 4477 30 €
Lot. 4480 15 €
Lot. 4483 30 €
Lot. 4486 50 €
Lot. 4487 35 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4478 15 €
Lot. 4482 15 €
Lot. 4484 80 €
Lot. 4488 40 €
Lot. 4489 50 €
Lot. 4493 40 €
Lot. 4490 50 €
Lot. 4494 40 €
Lot. 4496 25 €
Lot. 4500 12 €
Lot. 4498 40 €
Lot. 4501 6 €
Lot. 4502 12 €
Lot. 4491 50 €
Lot. 4495 15 €
Lot. 4492 45 €
Lot. 4497 35 €
Lot. 4499 20 €
Lot. 4503 25 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4504 OFFER
Lot. 4508 40 €
Lot. 4513 30 €
Lot. 4517 15 €
Lot. 4505 15 €
Lot. 4509 10 €
Lot. 4514 50 €
Lot. 4506 85 €
Lot. 4510 20 €
Lot. 4515 30 €
Lot. 4518 40 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4507 35 €
Lot. 4511
10 €
Lot. 4512 15 €
Lot. 4516 65 €
Lot. 4519 30 €
Lot. 4520 25 €
Lot. 4521 80 €
Lot. 4522 50 €
Lot. 4525 80 €
Lot. 4524 10 €
Lot. 4523 50 €
Lot. 4526 30 €
Lot. 4527 15 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Stereoscopic Images
Lot. 4528
Lot. 4529
Lot. 4530
Lot. 4531
Lot. 4532
Lot. 4533
Lot. 4534
Lot. 4535
Lot. 4536
Lot. 4537
Lot. 4538
Lot. 4539
Lot. 4540
Lot. 4541
Lot. 4542
Lot. 4543
Lot. 4544
Lot. 4545
Acropolis. 1860. Two (2) early stereoscopic albumen photographs of Acropolis. "B. K.
Editions". Very Fine.
FRITH Francis. 1860. Three (3) stereoscopic albumen photographs of Acropolis. Very
"The International Exhibition of 1862 / No. 16.- Grecian Court. (2)" b&w stereoscopic
photos by "London Stereoscopic and Photographic Company". Plain back. Rare and Very
"The International Exhibition of 1862 / No. 15.- Grecian Court. (1)" b&w stereoscopic
photos by "London Stereoscopic and Photographic Company". Plain back. Rare and Very
CONSTANTIN D. Acropolis c.1870. Stereoscopic albumen photo on passe-partout
with cachet "D. CONSTANTIN Photographe, 20 Rue d'Eole, Athenes". Depicting
Erechtheion. Caption in pen. Very FIne. Rare.
CONSTANTIN D. Acropolis c.1870. Stereoscopic albumen photo on passe-partout with
cachet "D. CONSTANTIN Photographe, 20 Rue d'Eole, Athenes". Early view of the
Temple of the Winds. Handwritten caption in pen. Rare.
CONSTANTIN D. Acropolis c.1870. Stereoscopic albumen photo on passe-partout
with cachet "D. CONSTANTIN Photographe, 20 Rue d'Eole, Athenes". Early view of
Erechtheion & Temple of Athena Nike. Rare.
CONSTANTIN D. SYROS - SYRA c.1870. Stereoscopic albumen photo on passe-partout
with cachet "D. CONSTANTIN Photographe, 20 Rue d'Eole, Athenes". Early panoramic
view. Rare.
"(10) The Areopagus-Mars' Hill-where Paul preached (Acts xvii), Athens, Greece" brown
stereoscopic albumen photos. 1897 Underwood & Underwood, published by J. F. Jarvis,
Washington, D. C. VF and rare.
"Stereographic Library, GREECE VOL.I & II, Keystone View Co." 100 stereoscopic b&w
photographs, complete set in one pack like two joined books, from "Greece through the
Stereoscope" by Rufus B. Richardson, Ph. D., copyright by Underwood & Underwood.
Made in USA, 1903.
"4138 The Temple of Theseus and the Acropolis, Athens, Greece" b&w stereoscopic
photos by “The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH,... copyright 1903 by H. C. WHITE CO”.
Text in English on reverse. Very Fine.
Athens Everyday life, c.1900. Stereoscopic photo entitled "47. Athenes. Rue Capnikarea"
by "NPG" in excellent condition.
Athens Propylae c.1900. Stereoscopic photo by "NPG" in excellent condition.
"4201 The Temple of the Olympian Jupiter and the Acropolis. Athens, Greece" b&w
stereoscopic photos by "The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH,... copyright 1903 by H. C.
WHITE CO". Text in English on reverse. Very Fine.
"36. Athenes. Panorame" b&w stereoscopic photo by "Neue Photographische Gesellschaft
A. G., Steglitz-Berlin 1905". Very Fine.
"Athens. Looking N.E. up through the Propulaea - entrance to Acropolis. Nike Temple at
right" stereoscopic (double) bistre-brown, animated (Underwood & Underwood No. 5 9281,1907). Plain back. Very Fine.
"Athens, Lysikrates monument, oldest structure of Corinthian order, Acropolis at W.N.W."
sepia stereoscopic (double) card [Underwood & Underwood (16) 2385], published in
Canada. Text in English on reverse. Very Fine.
"27. Tower of the Winds, Athens, Greece" brownish-grey Stereoscopic photos by "StereoTravel", published in New York. Very Fine.
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
60 €
80 €
30 €
30 €
35 €
35 €
35 €
60 €
30 €
1000 €
30 €
25 €
15 €
12 €
30 €
30 €
25 €
Lot. 4528 60 €
Lot. 4529 80 €
Lot. 4530 30 €
Lot. 4531 30 €
Lot. 4532 35 €
Lot. 4533 35 €
Lot. 4534 35 €
Lot. 4535 60 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4537
“Stereographic Library, GREECE VOL.I & II, Keystone View Co.” 100 stereoscopic b&w photographs, complete set in one
pack like two joined books, from “Greece through the Stereoscope” by Rufus B. Richardson, Ph. D., copyright by Underwood
& Underwood. Made in USA, 1903.
Starting Price: 1000 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4536 30 €
Lot. 4538 30 €
Lot. 4539 25 €
Lot. 4540 OFFER
Lot. 4541 15 €
Lot. 4542 12 €
Lot. 4543 30 €
Lot. 4544 30 €
Lot. 4545 25 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4546
- VIEWS” Official album of Aspiotis
Bros in Corfu (with their logo printed
on the back cover) including 16
colour lithographic essays of picture
postcards printed and available to the
public. The essays have blank back
side and are slightly larger than the
postcards printed (their size is 14.515.5 x 9.6-10.5 cm). VF.
Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 4547
album of Aspiotis Bros in Corfu (with
their logo printed on the back cover)
including 16 colour lithographic
essays of picture postcards printed
and available to the public. The essays
have blank back side and are slightly
larger than the postcards printed (their
size is 14.5-15.5 x 9.6-10.5 cm). VF.
Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 4548
Official album of Aspiotis Bros in Corfu (with their logo printed on the back
cover) including 16 colour lithographic essays of picture postcards printed
and available to the public. The essays have blank back side and are slightly
larger than the postcards printed (their size is 14.5-15.5 x 9.6-10.5 cm). First
item (in first page) partly torn, the rest very fine.
Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 4551
“King George II of Greece”
b/w real photo PPC, ed. Delta,
Photo G. Bouka, unused.
Starting Price: 8 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4550
“King Constantine I of Greece”
b/w real photo PPC, ed. Amag
520/2, unused. Creased corners.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4552
“King Constantine II
of Greece” colour real
photo PPC, ed. ‘DELTA’
- Diakakis & Son, unused.
Starting Price: 6 €
Lot. 4549
“ISOLA DI PATMO (EGEO)” Booklet with 8 joined postcards with views of Patmos, altogether comprising a folded
panorama. Size: (8x14=)112 x 8.5 cm. Excellent condition. Impressive & Rare.
Starting Price: 80 €
Lot. 4553
Four different printed letter-sheets from different merchants
from Karditsa. All used in 1929 & very fine.
Starting Price: OFFER
Lot. 4554
“ΠΑΝΩΛΕΘΡΙΑ”. Απόκομμα από το γνωστό τραγούδι του
Γ. ΘΙΣΒΙΟΥ τραγουδισμένο από τη Σοφία Βέμπο, με σφραγίδα
λογοκρισίας Αθηνών.
Starting Price: OFFER
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4555
SCHOOL (of Athens)” small accumulation of ephemera,
incl. “Regulations 1919” (8pp. booklet), two copies of an
enrollment to school for the year 1921-22, two monthly
analysis of special expenses of a student and an album
with various photos (ca. 90 pieces), sized 5-9cm x 7-14cm,
including one with the coffin of King Alexander in
Dhekelia. Interesting lot.
Starting Price: 80 €
Lot. 4556
4 different colour lithographed packing labels for silkworm and craft businesses producing silk fabrics in the area of Edessa
(Vodena) in Macedonia. VF.
Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 4557
Silver Inkwell, 4th of August - METAXAS
Regime (4η Αυγούστου - ΜΕΤΑΞΑΣ),
1937-1939 prob. from Ioannina (Ιωάννινα).
Two inkwells with silver lids & inscription
“4 ΑΥΓΟΥΣΤΟΥ”, silver base & pen
holder (κοντυλοφόρο). Dim.: Length: 20 cm,
Width: 15 cm, Height: 9 cm. Small crack on
one inkwell. Rare.
Starting Price: 300 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
For extra and more detailed photos please visit our online catalogue
Lot. 4558
Meerschaum pipe. Eskisehir - Turkey. Beutifully
carved from sepiolite, smoking pipe. “Sultan”
head figure. Missing stem. Length:9cm, max
width: 5cm. Very Fine condition. Used.
Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 4559
Large Meerschaum (from block) pipe, probably sailor’s from
Denmark. Contains a windcap (prob. silver) missing lid and long
half wood-horn stem & mouthpiece. Overall size 45cm. Faults
on upper part of stem. Scratches, small chipped spots on base.
Starting Price: 100 €
Lot. 4560
Large Meerschaum (from block) pipe, early 20th century
prob. marine. Contains windcap (prob. in silver) which is
lidded. Without stem & mouthpiece. Overall size 14cm.
Scratches & surface cracks.
Starting Price: 75 €
Lot. 4562
Meerschaum (from block) pipe, prob. marine. Contains a windcap
(prob. silver) lidded. Wooden/Horn stem & mouthpiece. Overall
size 47cm. Scratches, surface cracks & surface chipped spots.
Starting Price: 75 €
Lot. 4561
Meerschaum (from block) pipe, early 20th century
prob. marine. Contains windcap (prob. in silver) which
is lidded. Wooden stem & horn mouthpiece. Overall
size 24cm. Light scratches, 1cm surface chipped spot.
Starting Price: 75 €
Lot. 4564
Porcelain pipe. Early 20th century prob. Germany.
“C M PR” mark. With windcap, lidded. Handpainted figure of “deers”. Wooden stem. Overall
Size 27cm. Very Fine.
Starting Price: 30 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4565
Porcelain pipe. Early 20th century prob. Germany.
Hand-painted figure of a lady. Wooden/horn stem.
Overall Size 30cm. Very Fine.
Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 4566
Porcelain pipe. Early 20th century, prob. Austria. With
windcap, lidded. Hunting theme. Wooden/horn/metalic
decorative stem, missing mouthpiece. Overall Size 39cm.
Faults on metalic/decorative part of stem & windcap’s lid.
Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 4568
Porcelain pipe. Early 20th
century prob. Austria.
Windcap without lid.
Hand-painted “Deers in
forest” figure. Wooden/
horn stem & mouthpiece.
Overall Size 44cm. Fine.
Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 4567
Porcelain pipe, handpainted. Interesting depiction of
Young couple & elder woman, with young woman
holding musical instrument. Early 20th century, Austria
or Switzerland. Wooden stem, horn mouthpiece. Crack
on mouthpiece. Overall Size 25cm.
Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 4569
Porcelain pipe. Early 20th
cent. Beutifully hand-painted,
depicting woman figure in
nature. Windcap lidded with few
faults. Wooden stem, missing
mouthpiece. Overall Size 34cm.
Starting Price: 20 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4570
Wooden pipe. Early 20th century. Contains a
windcap (prob. silver) lidded. Horn/wooden
stem & mouthpiece. Mark “10” on windcap.
Overall Size 37cm. Very Fine condition.
Starting Price: 45 €
Lot. 4571
China, probably c.1920. Opium pipe in bone engraved
with dragons and floral decorations. Bone bowl.
Length 68cm. Fine.
Starting Price: 65 €
Lot. 4573
A very elaborate antique Chinese carved bone opium pipe,
dating to the early 20th century. The pipe is filled with a variety
of characters amongst a dense landscape of trees, flowers &
buildings. The carving is packed with magnificent detail in high
relief. Chinese characters/inscr. under the bowl. Length 73cm.
Cracked in middle otherwise excellent.
Starting Price: 150 €
Lot. 4575
Art Deco Cigarette case in Silver (.900) from Czechoslovakia,
c. 1930. Hallmark “3, hills & cross”, maker’s mark “A.K” &
“900”. Dim.: 11.5x7.7cm. Weight: 154gr. Amateur carved
monogram inside, otherwise Very Fine.
Starting Price: 70 €
Lot. 4572
China, probably c.1920. Opium pipe in bone engraved
with dragons and floral decorations. Bone bowl.
Length 64cm. Fine.
Starting Price: 60 €
Lot. 4574
Antique Chinese carved bone opium pipe, filled with
variety of beautifully carved characters. Early 20th cent.
Length 46cm. In two piecies.
Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 4576
Art Deco Cigarette case in Silver (.800) from AustroHungary, late 19th cent. Hallmark “3, Hungarian dog
& P”, maker’s mark “KTA” & “16”. Dim.: 11.5x8cm.
Weight: 138gr. Few scratches otherwise Fine.
Starting Price: 60 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4577
Cigarette case in Silver (.800) from Poland, c. 1920.
Hallmarks “ 3 & woman’s head” & maker’s mark “K.M”.
Monogrammed. Dim.: 10.6x8.7cm. Weight: 130gr. Signs
of oxidization on monograms.
Starting Price: 56 €
Lot. 4578
Silver (.925) Cigarette case prob. from France,
c.1930. Mark “Butterfly” & “925”. Dim.: 11x8.3cm.
Weight: 164gr. Slightly bumped on reverse.
Starting Price: 70 €
Lot. 4579
Sterling Silver Cigarette case from Britain. Birmingham,
1931 Hallmarks. Maker’s mark “M.H.M.”. Monogrammed.
Dim.: 8x8cm. Weight: 88gr. Very Fine condition.
Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 4580
Sterling Silver Cigarette case from Britain. Birmingham,
1900 Hallmarks. Maker’s mark “D & F” (Deakin &
Francis). Dim.: 5.5x4.5x2cm. Weight: 52gr. Small “pin
strikes” on base, otherwise Fine.
Starting Price: 22 €
Lot. 4581
Leather pipe/tobacco sleeve, hand-painted/decorated,
from Morocco early 20th cent. Length 10cm folded.
Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 4582
Leather pipe/tobacco sleeve, hand-painted/decorated,
from Morocco early 20th cent. Length 17cm folded.
Starting Price: 30 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4583
Leather pipe/tobacco sleeve, hand-painted/decorated,
from Morocco early 20th cent. Length 15cm folded.
Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 4585
“AIDA” Egyptian
Cigarettes, manufactured
Malta. An original
empty cigarette carton
Packet & plain Slide,
for 10 cigarettes. Size:
7x5x1.5cm. Very good
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4589
CAIRO”. Greek
firm. Egyptian
blend pack of 10
cigarettes. Dim.:
7x4.5x1.5cm. Fine.
Starting Price: 7 €
Lot. 4584
Leather pipe/tobacco sleeve, from Morocco early
20th cent. Length 15cm folded.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4586
Echt Turkische Tabake, DELTA,
Dresden”. An original empty
cigarette carton packet & plain
slide, for 24 cigarettes. Size:
8x7x3cm. Very fine condition.
Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 4590
“Dimitrino & Co”, Egyptian
Cigarettes - Greek company. Pack
of Cigarettes. Dim.:10x8x2cm.
Condition Very Fine.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4587
VF Lot. 4588
“D.C.C. BRAND - D.
CHASTAS & Co. SAMOS, Turkish Mild 10’s, from Malta.
High Class Cigarette
An original empty cigarette
Manufactory”. An original carton packet & plain slide, for
empty cigarette carton
10 cigarettes. Size: 7x4.5x1.5cm.
packet & plain slide, for 10
Very fine condition.
cigarettes. Size: 7x5.5x2cm.
Starting Price: 10 €
Very fine condition.
Starting Price: 12 €
Lot. 4591
VF Lot. 4592
“No.6 DUBEC - m/M.
- High Class Egyptian Cigarettes
Cigarette n GEORG A.
manufacturer, Cairo (Egypt)
JASMATZI - Dresden”. An
D.G. Georgacopulos”. An
original empty cigarette carton
original empty cigarette carton
packet for 20 cigarettes. Size:
packet for 20 cigarettes. Size:
8.5x9x2cm. Very fine condition.
9.5x7x2cm. Very fine condition.
Starting Price: 12 €
Starting Price: 15 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4593
“PTEO - Zigaretten, Georg A. Jasmatzi
Aktiengesellschaft, Dresden”. An original
empty cigarette carton Packet for 50 cigarettes.
Size: 14.5X7.5x2.5cm. Very fine condition.
Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 4594
Cairo (Egypt), in Hamburg.
An original empty cigarette
carton packet for 12
cigarettes. Size: 7x6x1.5cm.
Very fine condition.
Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 4595
“KYRIAZI No6”. Pack of cigarettes.
Cigarettes Included. Faults on face.
Dim.: 10.5x6.5x2cm.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4596
VF Lot. 4597
VF Lot. 4598
VF Lot. 4599
“M. MELACHRINO & CO. Egyptian “MURAD - Turkish Cigarettes, “PARADHES” Egyptian “PYRGOS / A Johnson
Cigarettes, Factory No.30, District of
S. ANARGYROS, Montreal,
Cigarettes of Malta. An
& Co”. Egyptian
North Carolina”. An original empty
Canada”. An original empty
original empty cigarette
blend pack. Dim.:
cigarette carton packet for 20 cigarettes. cigarette carton packet for 10
carton Packet & plain
7.3x5.5x2cm. Fine.
Size: 9x7x2cm. Very fine condition.
cigarettes. Size: 7.5x6x2cm.
Slide, for 10 cigarettes.
Starting Price: 18 €
Very good condition.
Size:7.5x4.5x1.5cm. A really
Starting Price: 20 €
good clean, sharp packet.
Starting Price: 15 €
Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 4600
“RAHAT” Egyptian
blend pack of
cigarettes. Sealed,
with the cigarettes.
UNUSED . Slightly
Dim.: 6x7x2cm.
Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 4601
VF Lot. 4602
“DUBEC No.2 J.v.K.
“MIKASA - Specially
Manufactured for THE
AMSTERDAM Cigarettes
Egyptiennes”. An original MONOPOLY by A.G.COUSIS
empty cigarette carton
& Co. CAIRO & MALTA”. An
packet for 10 cigarettes.
original empty cigarette carton
Size: 7.5x9.5x1.5cm. Very
Packet & plain Slide, for 10
fine condition.
cigarettes. Size: 9X7.5x1cm.
Very fine condition.
Starting Price: 10 €
Starting Price: 8 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4603
“Balkan Sobranie Turkish Cigarettes,
England”. An original empty
cigarette carton packet for 25
cigarettes. Size: 11.5x7.5x2cm. Very
fine condition.
Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 4606
Lot. 4605
Lot. 4604
“ABDULLA” (173, New Bond Street),
“S.A.p.A., Fabriques de Tabac Reunies, Plovdiv.”. An
1900’s Egyptian blend cigarette tin.
original Bulgarian empty cigarette carton packet for
Cigarettes”. An original cigarette
Some ware & brown spots. Dim.:
100 cigarettes. Size: 17x8x4cm. The cover has some
carton packet for 20 cigarettes,
faults, o/w very good condition.
with the interior protective
Starting Price: 10 €
Starting Price: 20 €
paper and one cigarette. Size:
8x7x1.5cm. Very fine condition.
Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 4607
“ABDULLA” (173, New Bond Street),
1900’s Egyptian blend cigarette tin. Some
ware mainly on corners & brown spots.
Dim.: 14.5x7.5x3cm.
Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 4608
empty tin box - 50 cigarettes gold
tipped”. In original condition, has
some scratches, paint loss and rusty
parts. Size: 11x7x3.2cm.
Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 4609
“CONSTANTIN No30”. Cigarette Tin.
Slight wear. Dim.: 16x8x5cm.
Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 4612
Egyptian Cigarettes. Cigarette
tin. Dim.:14x11x3cm. Condition
Very Good.
Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 4610
“ED. LAURENS “LE KHEDIVE” Extension Suisse, Geneve - Egyptian
cigarettes empty tin box for 100
cigarettes”. In original condition, has
some small paint loss. Size: 15x11x3.5cm.
Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 4611
Manufacture de Cigarettes Egyptiennes
(Fine No. 17)”. An original empty
cigarette tin can for 50 cigarettes. Size:
16x9.5x2cm. Excellent condition.
Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 4613
English cigarettes vertical
tin, circa 1910, for “20 Gold
Tipped Cigarettes MURATTI
- ARISTON - London”. Parts
of painting missing and signs
of rust. Size: 8.5x7.5x2cm.
Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 4614
(Greek firm), large Egyptian
blend cigarette tin. With faults.
Dim.: 14x7.5x6cm.
Starting Price: 35 €
A. Karamitsos # 491
Lot. 4615
“SALONICA”. Egyptian blend, Cigarette
Tin. Faults & faded. Dim.: 14x11x3cm.
Lot. 4616
Starting Price: 15 €
Egyptian Cigarettes.
Cigarette tin.
Condition Very Good.
Starting Price: 18 €
Lot. 4619
“TEOFANI & Co. Ltd. (London) FINE High
Class Cigarettes”. An original empty cigarette tin
can for 50 cigarettes. Size: 13.5x7x3cm. The tin
can is covered (stuck) all around with colour label
which at places is a bit torn. Very good & scarce.
Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 4617
Egyptian Cigarettes.
Cigarette tin.
Condition Very Good.
Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 4620
“LUCKY STRIKE means fine
tobacco” 1947, original advertising
poster, 25 x 33 cm., framed. VF.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4622
“KENSITAS that’s good Virginia
Tobacco” 1952, original
advertising poster, 25 x
33 cm., framed. VF.
Starting Price: 10 €
Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents, Photographs & Tobacciana
Lot. 4618
“PERA”. Cigarette Tin. Wear
mainly on edges & faded.
Dim.: 11.5x7x2cm.
Starting Price: 12 €
Lot. 4621
“CHESTERFIELD - First Quality
Cigarette” 1952, original advertising
poster, 25 x 33 cm., framed. VF.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4623
“Whatever the pleasure
PLAYER’S complete it”
1952, original advertising
poster, 24 x 33 cm.,
framed. VF.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4624
“If you smoke a lot...
original advertising poster, 25
x 33 cm., framed. VF.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4625
“Why did you change
GRANGER?” 1958,
original advertising poster,
25 x 33 cm., framed.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4626
“OLD GOLD’S new spin
filter - the best taste yet” 1958,
original advertising poster,
25 x 33 cm., framed. VF.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4627
“S.T.DUPONT lighters
- Orfevres a Paris” 1966,
original advertising poster,
25 x 33 cm., framed. VF.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4628
“PETER STUYVESANT The international passport
to smoking pleasure” 1970,
original advertising poster,
26 x 33 cm., framed. VF.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4629
“Come to where the flavor
is. Come to MARLBORO
Country” 1970, original
advertising poster, 26 x 33 cm.,
framed. VF.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4630
“Come to where the flavor
is. Come to MARLBORO
Country” 1970, original
advertising poster, 26 x 33
cm., framed. VF.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4631
Country” 1972, original
advertising poster, 25 x 33 cm.,
framed. VF.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4632
HEDGES 100’s America’s Favorite
Cigarette Break” 1972,
original advertising
poster, 26 x 33 cm.,
framed. VF.
Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 4633
100’s lowe in ‘tar’...” 1972,
original advertising poster,
25 x 33 cm., framed. VF.
Starting Price: 10 €
A. Karamitsos # 491