smart training

New User Training: How to use
the Casamba SMART Software
June 2013
Data in software is used for daily reports, projection, planning, & compliance
Username and Password is your own digital signature. Do not share.
Use Time Clock icon from desktop
o Clock in (begin of day), Clock out for lunch,
o Clock in after lunch, and Clock out (end of day)
Additional Casamba related webinars at
o Electronic Documentation (coming very soon)
o Outcome Entry
o G Code Entry
o New Program Manager (coming soon)
o Planner and Scheduler (coming soon)
Acknowledgement/Post Test
Upon completing this webinar, please complete the New User
Acknowledgement/Post Test by going to the link below and entering your
full first and last name and answering the short set of questions
Your test will be automatically scored after you select “Submit”
You do not have to print, fax, or email the Acknowledgement/Post Test
SMART Training Quick Cards
Select Smart Software Support: 1-847-386-3025 ext 1
1. Double click on Smart Icon on the desktop
2. Enter User name
3. Enter Password (passwords must be at least 8 characters in length, have a capital letter, lower case letter and a number or
4. Click on Login & Smart will load
5. Verify correct Facility & User has been loaded
If unable to Log In:
First verify that you have internet connection -can you get to another website?
*Next, call Select IT Support at 847-386-3025x1
*If it is a password issue, click Forgot Your
Password (must know answers to secret
questions). To change your password, choose
Change Password in this area.
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Add a New Resident Name to the Software:
Before adding a new resident into the system: Use the SEARCH ALL to type in few letters of last name to make sure the name is not already in the
system. If the name is already in the system, skip the step of adding a new resident
Click on TX Resident tab
Click under What Do You Want To Do: Add New Resident
Enter Resident Information: First Name, MI, Last Name, DOB, Gender, Medical Record #, TX Location (Room #),
Press the Save button
Add Facility Admission:
Create a Facility Admission when:
 Adding a new patient to the system
 If a patient returns after being discharged from the facility
Click on TX Resident Tab
Click on Resident Name
Click on #1 Facility Admission
Click on Add under Facility Admission
Enter Facility Admit Date (Not Therapy start of care date)
Enter Admitted From (location patient came from—hospital, etc)
Enter Admission Type (Inpatient or Outpatient)
Enter Admission ID Number if applicable & Enter Used Therapy Cap Amount if applicable
Press the Save button
*See below to learn how to upload an external document to accompany this facility admission, using the ‘View Files’ button
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View Files:
The ability to upload and view patient specific files. For example, a HEP, Physician Signed POC or a Completed Tinetti assessment
*The document must be located on the computer.
Click on TX Resident
Select the patient
Click on View Files
Select Upload
A window appears. Change to Desktop and select the file by double clicking
Enter a description for the document
Click OK
The item has now been upload - Click on View to view the document
Discharge Facility Admission:
Discharge a facility admission when the resident leaves the facility. For example—when the patient goes to the hospital
Click on TX Resident Tab
Click on Patient name
Click on #1 Facility Admission
Click on Edit under Facility Admission
Enter Discharge Date & Discharge To Information
Press the Save button
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Therapy Admission (this must be completed before charges can be entered):
Click on Documentation/POC Sub-Tab under TX Tab
1. Click on Initiate POC under discipline and edit screen will appear
2. The Evaluation and Certification start dates are entered automatically. Certification thru date will populate depending on the
client’s set up. Verify these dates are correct.
3. Enter Order Date
4. Click on the build button (blue box with the three dots) to add a Medical Diagnosis
5. Type in the ICD9 code or search by using key words for the diagnosis (fewer keywords is better). Click Search
6. Choose the correct ICD9 code for the Medical Diagnosis by highlighting it & click on Select or by double clicking
7. Enter the Onset Date by typing in the date or using the calendar drop down button
8. Repeat steps above with Medical Diagnosis 2-4 as indicated
9. Choose Hospitalization dates (From and Thru) or click on box in front of N/A if no hospitalization
10. Choose Physician from drop down box and choose appropriate button if physician signature is required for POC
Therapy Admission—Initiate POC:
Complete Plan of Care for discipline including diagnosis, treatment modalities, underlying impairments and treatment goals
Workflow: Log In > Facility Admit (search ALL) > Documentation/POC-Initiate POC
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Actual minutes less than the planned minutes will appear in RED at bottom of screen
Click on TX Input Tab & Click on Resident Name
Enter the Minutes under the appropriate CPT code
Tab over or click on Qty. The system will automatically calculate the correct Units
Once you have entered your charges for the patient- Press the Save button
If Applicable-Aggregate billing prompt will appear prompting user to distribute units to TIME codes appropriately. Concurrent
Minutes field is available to permit tracking of # of total minutes for the treatment which were treated concurrently
6- Follow the prompts to certify your treatment
7- IF Daily notes are required, see notes for this below
Withheld, Refused, Non-bill Treatment:
1- Click on TX Input Tab & Click on Resident Name
2- Click in the Qty box for any CPT code
3- Enter a W for withheld , an R for refused or an X for acknowledging treatment for the code but it is Nonbillable (ex-hot
packs).Entry required only for 1 CPT code
4- Click on Note- add a note if W or R
5- Press the Save button
6- Follow the prompts to certify your treatment
Modifiers (optional):
(Specific CPT codes in the same day that require the use of a modifier. The system will alert when necessary)
1- Read the prompt & click on the “Mod” box next to the treatment
2- Click on 59 in the pop up box & Select
3- Press the Save button, and follow the prompts to certify your treatment
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Shared or Split Treatment:
1- Click on TX Input Tab & Click on Resident Name
2- If the box is grayed out because someone else has already entered treatment for the resident, then you will click in the box
under the Mod that appears as “people” or 2 heads
3- A shared treatment box will appear
4- Enter the minutes treated the resident. Click SET
5- Press the Save button, and follow the prompts to certify your treatment
6- When the prompt asks why you are changing clinical information---choose split treatment for the reason
BID Treatment:
Click on TX Input Tab
Click on Resident Name
Enter your minutes for the 1st session
If a 2nd CPT code session is not already in your list—click on Add Line at the bottom of the screen
Enter your minutes for the 2nd session
Press the Save button, and follow the prompts to certify the treatment
DC CPT Code:
1- Click on DC box under the CPT code on the right side of screen
2- Select the DC date and save. You must have minutes or W,R,X in Qty box in order to dc the CPT code for the date
A CPT Code can only be discharged on the last day it was billed!
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Entering Daily Notes: These can be printed for Sunday through Saturday week from TX Resident>Resident Reports>Progress Note Batch
1- Click on TX Input Tab & Click on Resident Name
2- Click on the word “Note” next to Qty for the CPT code
3- Use the categories & dropdowns to select text. Click on Select button next to dropdown. The text will pull to the ‘working’
area. After choosing a drop down, or with a Refused/Withheld, one can free text as needed.
4- Edit the note as needed. Click the Set button in the note box. Save the treatment in the bottom right corner
5- Items in red in parenthesis can be clicked on to allow for overwrite feature. All red items must be filled out in order to save
6- FYI: On the right side of the Note area, one can click on the “Goals” tab to see the goals set forth in the POC
Countersigning Daily Charges and/or Notes:
TX >Resident>Counter Sign
Enter the date desired to countersign (all billed charges for your discipline will appear)
Verify charges
Verify note. If the CPT Code is blue, mouse over the CPT Code to review the note
Click the “Sign” column
Repeat for all patients needing countersign
*Charges on TX>Input screen will be locked once they are countersigned. To unlock, remove the countersign*
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*Before entering your time worked for the day, make sure all charges have been entered for the day
1- Click on Month View tab
2- Validate charges by viewing residents the summary box on the left side, middle of the screen.
We are in process of moving to time clocks at each facility. IF this building already uses the timeclock, these are the steps:
1. Go to the computer main desktop and click on the timeclock icon
2. Enter your username and password
3. Click on “Login”.
4. Click on “Clock In” or “Clock Out” as appropriate
***FYI: If one forgets to clock in/out, they need to email or communicate with their Regional Manager for the time to be entered
IF this building is not using the timeclock, these are the steps:
1- Click on the “Time” hyperlink in the upper right corner of the date you wish to enter your time. This opens the Time Screen.
2- Click on the blue button with three white dots (Build button) to open the Time entry screen.
3- Enter your Time In/Out in ‘regular time with am/pm OR in military time. Click “OK” in the bottom right of this screen. This
returns one to the Time Screen.
4- On this Time Screen, distribute time on the left in the available categories so the Total Work Time is equal or exceeds the Paid
Work Time (middle column).
5- Once complete, Press the Save button
6- If one works in more than one building and a Facility tab is not visible that is needed, click on “Add Facility” at the bottom left of
the Time Screen to add the facility for that day. Enter time as noted above
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How to REQUEST TIME OFF: (If requesting more than 1 day off the process must be completed for each day)
Click on Month View tab
On the Left side of the screen under What Do You Want To Do --- click on “Open Request”
In the bottom right corner, click on “Open New Request”
Click on the calendar drop down below “For Date” & enter the date you are requesting off
Choose a category for the “Time Off” by using the dropdown
Enter the number of hours requested – enter a comment explaining to the Regional Manager who might be covering while off
Press the Save button
Repeat this process for each day
*Please communicate with your manager in addition to entering data here (entering time off in the software gets one paid,
communicating enhances one’s career)
**FYI: For each date, do not ask for more hours than a ‘regualr’ workday (ex: Do not ask for 40 hours off for the date of June 15)
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Set Payor Information:
This is the payor source for therapy reimbursement
Click on TX Resident tab
Click on Resident Name
Click on Set Payor/RUG/ARD
The word Payor in RED displays
Click on the 1st date the RED Payor (which will be the Facility Admission date)
a. FYI If the first date is a prior month, please contact your Regional Manager as they have the ability to enter for these
6- Click on Set Payor in the middle of the screen under Set Payor/RUG/ARD/LVL Functions
7- The Payor screen appears. Choose the correct payor
8- Press the Save button
Change Payor Information:
Use this when a payor source changes. For example, the resident changes from Medicare A to Medicare B
Before changing the payer, IF the patient is staying on therapy caseload, FIRST do a therapy EOC (for each discipline) and a new
SOC. This means the documentation ‘rules’ for each payer will be properly applied to the correct therapy admission
Click on TX Resident Tab
Click on Resident Name
Click on Set Payor/RUG/ARD under What Do You Want To Do
Click on the date the payor source changes
Click on Set Payor in the middle of the screen under Set Payor/RUG/ARD Functions
The Payor screen appears. Click on the new payor source
Press the Save button
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Set ARD Information:
For planning purposes, on the first day we see the patient, set the 5 and 14 day potential ARD dates & RUGs; this may also be set on Planner3
Click on TX Resident Tab
Click on Resident Name
Click on Set Payor/RUG/ARD/LVL under ‘What Do You Want To Do?’
Click on the date you wish to use as the ARD date
Click on Set ARD in the middle of the screen under Set Payor/RUG/ARD/LVL Functions
The Assessment Information window appears
OBRA CODE- Usually left blank. Can enter the DC Rtn not anticip or DC Rtn anticip on day of DC to get ARD report
PPS CODE select the correct assessment period (5 day, 14 day, 30 day, 60 day, 90 day, or OMRA)
OMRA CODE- used for Start of Therapy, End of Therapy, EOT or EOT-R, and for COT assessments
Short Stay- Used with SOT only (and only when all 8 requirements are met)…then check the box for short stay
Under RUG- select the RUG category for the assessment
RUG Score—Enter the ADL score for this patient. May need to return here to enter after MDS completes their assessment
ARD Lock flag, if applicable, should only be selected once the ARD period is complete and ARD report is run for MDS
minutes. This allows the ARD report to be printed. *This should not be checked for future ARDs
14- Press the Save button
Set Skip Day for MDS:
Click on TX Resident Tab
Click on Resident Name
Click on Set Payor/RUG/ARD under ‘What Do You Want To Do?’
Click on the date you wish to use as the SKIP date
Click on Set Skip in the middle of the screen under Set Payor/RUG/ARD Functions
“Are you sure you want to use XXX date as a skip date?” Click OK to recalculate the Medicare A day count
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Completing the Plan of Care (POC):
1. Evaluation Only: Check this box if this patient is not being treated; evaluation ruled out the need for treatment
2. Assessment: Complete each area using drop down libraries and free text abilities. All red text bracketed areas if not
validated will result in a Draft Watermark on the printed report. Information under Precaution area will print on therapist
schedule (e.g. weight bearing status, cardiac precautions, etc)
3. Documented Medical Necessity Exists: Check this item if patient has medical necessity for therapy services
4. Functional Deficits: Enter prior level and current level by clicking in checkbox next to impaired areas and choose appropriate
level using drop down libraries. Functional deficits selected without rating levels will result in an a Draft Watermark on the
printed report
5. Underlying Impairments: Select items that are abnormal or deficient by clicking in checkbox next to impairment. Choose
drop down library item that best describes underlying impairment level
6. Treatment Plan: A preview window will summarize the deficits and impairments (cannot be edited from this area)
7. Suggest button: In process of development
8. Edit Current Level of Function of Long Term or Short Term goals by clicking on icon next to the right of the Goal Box. Use
dropdowns to indicate functional levels. Free text in left boxes is available for customization. Repeat for Short Term or Long
Term Goal area to set goals. Select date for Short Term Goal time period
9. Frequency and Duration: Complete as appropriate. If applicable, insert date the ABN was signed and enter Clinical Measures
10. Press Save on bottom of screen and use Print button when completed – A preview of the document will appear. A Draft
watermark will appear if any items were left blank
*As an FYI, on the last tab, the top line shows the data entered on the functional deficits and impairments screen. This can make
identifying the LTG and STGs even easier.*
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Progress Reports:
1. Click on Documentation/POC under Tx Tab and select patient name
2. Click on the appropriate Progress Report and select the Edit Button. (Add Extra is used for adding unscheduled documents)
3. Verify the date at the top and then complete the Current Level of Function items by clicking on the edit button and selecting
from the dropdowns. Customize by adding information in the left hand side
4. If a goal needs to be discontinued (Goal Met or Goal Unsuitable), click on red X next to the goal. Choose appropriate reason
for discontinuation. “Remove “option will delete the goal and should only be used in the case of a mistakenly chosen goal.
5. If the goal needs to be upgraded or downgraded, click in the goals area and modify as necessary. After clicking ‘Save’
choose Upgrade or Downgrade as the reason for changing goals. New goals are added by clicking the Add Goal button
6. Once saved, the document can be countersigned if appropriate (Ex an Assistant Progress Report can be countersigned by a
therapist). After the document is saved, the therapist edits as appropriate and clicks the countersign box at the bottom.
Update Plan of Care (UPOC):
1. Click on Documentation/POC under Tx Tab and select patient name
2. The scheduled documentation will display: Red=Over Due, Green=Future Schedule, Black=Done, Blue=Draft and Pencil
icon=Missing Countersign
3. Select Updated POC under your discipline
4. Update Current level items on Long Term goals and Short Term goals (same process as Progress Reports)
5. Complete note areas using drop down selections and starter phrases. All red bracketed areas must be completed in order to
Save and all areas need text or N/A to prevent Draft mark on printed reports
6. Long Term and Short Term goals may be added by clicking on green plus sign or discontinued by clicking on red X next to
goal box (same process as Progress Reports)
7. Treatment Diagnosis and CPT codes may be added as appropriate
8. Set Frequency and Duration as appropriate
9. Save and Print
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Discharge Summary (Therapy End of Care - EOC):
Click on Documentation/POC under Tx Tab, select patient name, then click on Add Extra for your discipline
Choose Discharge Summary and edit date as appropriate. Click on Add. *EOC = last day of treatment
Complete End of Care (EOC) Reason field by choosing appropriate reason for end of care
Complete the Current Level of Function items by clicking on the edit button and selecting from the dropdowns. Customize by
adding information in the left hand side
5. Complete note areas using drop down libraries. All areas/text boxes need information to prevent Draft mark on printed reports
6. Save and Print
Documentation Color Code Key:
Black- Completed/No DRAFT
Green- Scheduled/Not Due
Red- Overdue
Purple/Blue- Initiated/DRAFT present
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Short Term Goal Changes:
Progress Report > Discharge Goal. Click RED ‘X” and select ‘GOAL DC – Met’ or ‘GOAL DC – Unsuitable’. *Goal no longer
appears on subsequent progress reports*
Progress Report > Upgrade Goal. Edit the Target Goal & change the value (example, minimal assistance to modified independent),
then declare the reason for modification (upgrade or downgrade). *This modified goal will flow forward on subsequent progress reports
POC > Remove Goal. Click RED ‘X’ and select ‘REMOVE’
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Documentation Tracking Tools:
Daily Therapist Schedule:
Displays active caseload only (excludes EOC patients); RED documents, Purple documents; Green documents if activity date =
schedule date (not displayed if scheduled in the future). Only display Plan of Care if Schedule date is AFTER the certification thru date
Documentation Schedule:
Displays active caseload only (excludes EOC patients); RED, Purple and Green documents if activity dates are on or between report
from/thru run dates
Incomplete Documentation Excel: Displays all patients (does NOT exclude EOC patients) where Red and Purple documents have
activity dates on or between the reports from/thru dates. Displays reason for incomplete document, days lapsed since due and, if
activated, documents missing countersignatures and missing measures.
Incomplete Documentation:
Displays all patients (does NOT exclude EOC patients) where Red, Purple (and Green if run into the future) documents have activity
dates on or between the reports from/thru dates
Alerts: Documentation, Missing Certification (Documentation/POC model only), Visit Count (Documentation/POC model only), and
Missing Measures. See Alerts card for details/definitions
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Functional Limitations: Medicare Part B Requirement
This screen is accessed from the following areas – Documentation/POC, Tx Input, Therapy Admission screens The button will display
on the screen regardless of Payor but will only alert if Payor is Medicare Part B or Med B HMO
Entry of Initial Functional Limitations on Start of Care
1- Click on Functional Limitation tab
2- Validate or modify the date
3- Select the Functional Limitation, Start Level and Goal Level. Only 1 Functional Limitation can be reported upon during a time
4- If notes are required click on the note icon and write a note for the Current Status —see daily notes quick cards if needed.
Click on Set (Optional Item)
5- Click Save within Functional Limitation window
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Entry of Functional Limitations on 10th Visits or Discharge Summary
1- Click on Functional Limitation tab
2- Click on Functional Limitation tab and enter Today’s Level, and Note. Modify the Functional Limitation goal value, if necessary
Activity Date must match activity date of POC, UPOC, and Therapist Progress Report to print
3- If desire to change the goal value or discharge the Functional Limitation, select appropriate Yes/No radio buttons
4- Functional Limitation historical assessment scores and line graph progress will display by selecting View History.
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Functional Limitation Alerts & Warning Messages
A warning will display on save in the Treatment Input area and Documentation Area when any of the following are found:
This could be a date where evaluation codes (92506, 92597, 92607, 92608, 92610, 92611, 92612, 92614, 92616, 96105,
97001, 97002, 97003 or 97004) was billed and a Functional Limitation Assessment was not saved
The 10th day of treatment/visit where the above code(s) were billed (counts Evaluation date as Day 1)and a Functional
Limitation assessment was not completed
Message on POC, UPOC, Therapist Progress and Discharge Summary screens:
Message on Input screens:
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The purpose of the Scheduler function is to assist in scheduling staff and offer a printed schedule. The schedule will clone (Treating Therapist &
Comments) from the previous saved schedule.
Click on the Scheduler Tab
The calendar will display the current date – modify if needed
Select ALL or a Discipline tab to begin scheduling process
Verify the planned minutes (fetched from Planner3). If changes are needed, we recommend updating the Planner3, but
minutes can be altered on the Scheduled minutes column. Planned I/C/G = individual, concurrent and group minutes
Enter start/ end times, if desired (optional)
Scheduled minutes display the Planned minutes, but can be modified
Actual Minutes display minutes that have been billed for date in focus
Insert Treating Therapist by utilizing from the drop down list (this is the therapist that is scheduled/treating the patient)
Additional Therapist is optional
Comment column- use dropdown or free text short comments
To add in Screens or new Evals- click on ADD Resident. All residents with an open facility admission will appear. Select the
resident. Resident will now appear on scheduler screen. Assign at least 1 minute under Min column and assign a therapist
Press the Save button
Print Therapist Schedule (one therapist) or All by clicking coordinating buttons under Therapist Schedule
Print Facility Schedule offers additional views of the All view
Click on any column to sort information. For example, click on Treating Therapist to sort by treating therapist
Scheduled Minutes and Treating Therapist are required in order to clone the patient line item!
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(TX > Resident)
Alerts should be cleared daily. The alert process runs 2-3 times per day. Note the date & time of the last alerts to assist with timing
Primary Alerts: These first five must be cleared before end of month billing. The rest on this page must be reviewed before end of month billing:
1. Missing ARD - missing an ARD assessment. It displays the assessment period needed
2. Missing Payor - check to see where a red payor is on the screen. Go back to facility admission date
3. Missing RUG - missing a RUG category for a date range. The date on the screen is for the facility admission. Look for ** as this displays
wherever RUG levels are missing
4. Set Level - missing a set level (used with certain contracts)
5. Patient Functional Limitation – Displays when G Codes should be entered and are not
COT Review - Displays residents where the 7th day RUG minutes do not qualify for the reimbursed RUG. Includes dates in the past and two weeks
into the future. Patient drops off when a COT OMRA is completed or after 30 days. If COT completed early, original COT will alert if not completed
Export Alerts - Displays the missing information needed to create an export file. Examples are: MRN, Admission ID, Social Security Number, etc.
Each billing export has its own requirements. Click on resident name and insert missing information
Missing Med Nec Exists - Displays all Med B patients that do not have Med Nec checked off on Therapy admission—Important for KX Modifier
Uncombined Assessments – Displays all assessments that aren’t combined (but required to be combined). Patients disappear once combined
Med A not on caseload- displays residents who do not have an open Therapy Admission & are active on Part A. May need OMRA or payor change
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Secondary Alerts are not required for the month end billing:
Part A Not on Therapy with RUG: Displays residents who have been discharged from therapy and are active on Medicare Part A with Therapy RUG.
Missing Measures: Displays patients with missing start, end and all measures. Missing start score highlights patients where measures have been
added without a start score identified; Missing End highlights patient where the end scores are missing; Missing All highlights patients where no
measure(s) have been selected
Eval Not Billed: Displays any patient where an evaluation was not billed on the SOC date.
Held G Code Conflict: Displays the residents who have had a G Code Functional Limitation discharged; a new G Code Functional Limitation
established; and a G Code Functional Limitation was manually added on the first treatment day, preventing Smart from moving the ‘Held’ G Code
Functional Limitation to that first treatment day.
Deleted Locked Assessment: Displays locked ARD’s that were deleted.
Locked Assessment Deleted: Displays locked ARD’s that were deleted.
Documentation: Displays all documentation that is incomplete or overdue. It also displays documentation due from current date forward 7 days.
This is designed to assist in identifying staffing needs. Patients won’t disappear until any incomplete or overdue documentation is completed
Missing Certification: Displays any resident who is missing or has an expired Certification Thru date on POC or UPOC (current plan of care)
Missing Physician: Displays all Therapy Admissions that do not have a Physician chosen. Important when using documentation
Missing Treatments: Displays when no therapy has been provided in the last 3 days (all payors). Patient may need to be discharged from therapy
Visit Count: Displays all patients who are 8 visits or closer to their 10th visit. Patient disappears from the alert once a Therapist Progress or UPOC
is completed. The purpose of this alert is to manage the 10th visit requirement. We are able to include specific payor types
Alert can be run either from the Reports Menu or the View Alerts symbol
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on TX Resident
Manuals and References:
SMART Training Manuals, Quick Cards and other resources are located: Reports>File Documents.
Double-click on a folder to display the files.
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Rehabilitation Utilization Groups (RUG) Table:
*A minimum of 15 individual minutes must be provided for the therapy day to count as a treatment day for the discipline. If
less than 15 individual min were provided, the minutes will count in the lookback but the DAY will not be counted.
Minutes of Therapy
# of Disciplines
720 minutes per week
1 discipline at least 5x per week
2nd discipline at least 3x week
500 minutes per week
1 discipline at least 5x week
325 minutes per week
1 discipline at least 5x week
150 minutes per week
Any combination of the 3 disciplines for 5 days per week
45 minutes per week
Any combination of the 3 disciplines for 3 days per week. Must also
have 2 services of Restorative 6 days per week
Med A discharge occurs on Day 8 or before
Therapy started within last 4 days of stay
Source: RAI Manual
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FAQ > Error in Getting Server Information:
When you login to Smart, you may occasionally encounter “Error in Getting Server Information”. This can be caused by several
factors. Please review the steps below to see if you can resolve the error. If you are unable to resolve the error, the following steps will
assist you in deciding who to call in order to rectify the error.
Internet: Can you connect to the internet?
YES: If you are able to connect to a website then call Casamba Help Desk for further assistance
NO: If you are not able to connect to a website, this implies an internet connectivity issue-- call Select IT at 847-386-3025 x1
Internet problems…steps to review for computer & Cable Modem:
Shut down computer.
Unplug cable modem/ dsl modem from power strip.
Wait 60 seconds & then reinsert power cords to power strip.
Check all cable wires & computer cords to make sure they each have a tight connection.
Restart computer.
Try to connect to Smart system.
Still receiving error:
Can you now connect to the internet?
YES: If you are able to connect to a website then call Casamba Help Desk (818-991-9111) for further assistance.
NO: If you are not able to connect to a website, this implies an internet connectivity issue-- call Select IT at 847-386-3025 x1.
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