OM0013-Advance Production and Operation Management

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Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 3
OM0013–Advance Production and Operation Management
(Book ID:-B1935)
Assignment (60 Marks)
Note: Answer all questions (with 300 to 400 words each) must be written within 6-8 pages. Each
Question carries 10 marks 6 X 10=60
Q1. What is work measurement? Discuss the various techniques of work measurement.
Answer. Explanation of work measurement:- Work Measurement Study is a general term used to
describe the systematic application of industrial engineering techniques to establish the work content
and time it should take to complete a task or series of tasks. Work measurement is a productivity
improvement tool. Before improvements can be made, the current productivity level of an
organization must be measured. This measurement is then used as a baseline to determine if
improvement projects have resulted in genuine improvement.
Q2. Explain the meaning and characteristics of a product.
Answer. Meaning of a product: - A product is the item offered for sale. A product can be a service or
an item. It can be physical or in virtual or cyber form. Every product is made at a cost and each is sold
at a price. The price that can be charged depends on the market, the quality, the marketing and the
segment that is targeted. Each product has a useful life after which it needs replacement, and a life
cycle after which it has to be re-invented. In FMCG parlance, a brand can be revamped, re-launched
or extended to make it more relevant to the segment and times, often keeping the product almost
Q3. Define the Process of Production Planning and Control.
Answer. Production planning is the planning of production and manufacturing modules in a company
or industry. It utilizes the resource allocation of activities of employees, materials and production
capacity, in order to serve different customers.
Different types of production methods, such as single item manufacturing, batch production, mass
production, continuous production etc. have their own type of production planning. Production
planning can be combined with production control into production planning and control, or it can be
Q4. What do you understand by the term ‘inventory’? Explain various types of inventories.
Answer. Inventory or stock refers to the goods and materials that a business holds for the ultimate
purpose of resale (or repair).
Inventory management is a science primarily about specifying the shape and placement of stocked
goods. It is required at different locations within a facility or within many locations of a supply
network to precede the regular and planned course of production and stock of materials.
The scope of inventory management concerns the fine lines between replenishment lead time,
carrying costs of inventory, asset management, inventory forecasting, inventory valuation, inventory
visibility, future inventory price forecasting, physical inventory, available physical space for inventory,
Q5. Explain the Process of Quality Control.
Answer. Quality control, or QC for short, is a process by which entities review the quality of all factors
involved in production. ISO 9000 defines quality control as "A part of quality management focused on
fulfilling quality requirements".
This approach places an emphasis on three aspects:
Elements such as controls, job management, defined and well managed processes, performance and
integrity criteria, and identification of records
Competence, such as knowledge, skills, experience, and qualifications
Q6. Write short notes on the following:
A. Alfred Weber’s theory of industrial location
B. Influence of government on industry location
C. Objectives of an effective plant layout
D. Factors affecting a plant layout
Answer. A. Alfred Weber’s theory of industrial location
Alfred Weber, a German economist, enunciated a systematic theory of industrial location in 1909.
Weber’s theory of location is purely deductive in its approach. He analyzed the factors that determine
the location of industry and classified these factors into two divisions. These are:
(i) Primary causes of regional distribution of industry (regional factors)
(ii) Secondary causes (agglomerative and deglomerative factors) that are responsible for
redistribution of industry.
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