Laura Titolo Dept. of Languages and Computational Science, University of Malaga Personal Information name date of birth nationality address e-mail home page Laura Titolo 26 September 1986 Italian Calle Arquitecto Francisco Peñalosa 18, 29010 Malaga (Spain),, laura.titolo Short Bio I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Udine (Cycle XXVI) on May, 12 2014. My thesis title is "An Abstract Interpretation Framework for Diagnosis and Verification of Timed Concurrent Constraint Languages" and it was written under the supervision of Marco Comini and Alicia Villanueva. I am a member of the F.Li.T (Formal Light-Weight Tools) group at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Udine (Italy) and I also collaborate with the ELP (Extensions of Logic Programming) group at the Department of Information Systems and Computation of the Technical University of Valencia (Spain). Furthermore, from 2011, I am a member of the Association for Logic Programming (ALP). I received my Bachelor’s degree (Laurea Triennale) and Master degree (Laurea Specialistica) in Computer Science from the University of Udine, in July 2008 and October 2010, respectively, both with full marks and honors (110/110 cum laude). I was also a student at the scientific class of the Scuola Superiore dell’University of Udine (Excellence University Institute), and I received my degree in June 2011 with full marks and honors (110/110 cum laude). My research interests include: { automatic debugging, verification and analysis of concurrent, reactive and temporal systems { semantics of declarative languages { the concurrent constraint paradigm { abstract interpretation { temporal logics Calle Arquitecto Francisco Peñalosa 18, 29010 Malaga (Spain) B,, Í laura.titolo 1/7 Academic Positions September PostDoctoral Researcher, University of Malaga, Spain. 2014-today Research Topics: Semantics of declarative languages, Abstract Interpretation, Automatic Debugging, Verification and Analysis, Hybrid Systems, Reactive and concurrent Systems January Research fellow, Technical University of Valencia, Spain. 2010-March "TechnoLogics" project (TIN 2007-68093-C02), financed by the Spanish ministry of science 2010 and innovation Education May 2014 Ph. D. in Computer Science, University of Udine, Italy. Research Topics: Semantics of declarative languages, Abstract Interpretation, Automatic Debugging, Verification and Analysis of concurrent programs. June 2011 Diploma Scuola Superiore dell’Univesità degli Studi di Udine (School of sciences), Scuola Superiore, University of Udine, Italy, 110/110 cum laude. October 2010 Master Degree in Computer Science, University of Udine, Italy, 110/110 cum laude. Thesis Title: “Una semantica bottom-up goal-independent per Timed Concurrent Constraint Programming” (“A bottom-up goal-independent semantics for Timed Concurrent Constraint Programming”). Supervisors: Prof. Marco Comini and Prof. Alicia Villanueva. July 2008 Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, University of Udine, Italy, 110/110 cum laude. Thesis Title: “Semantica Algebrica di CLP(FD)” (“Algebraic Semantics for CLP(FD)”) Supervisor: Prof. Marco Comini. June 2005 High School Diploma "Ragioniere Perito Commerciale e Programmatore", Istituto Tecnico Commerciale Statale "Odorico Mattiussi", Pordenone, Italy, 100/100. International Experience May 2012- Visiting Ph.D. student, Technical University of Valencia (Spain) December 2012 February Visiting Ph.D. student, Technical University of Valencia (Spain) 2011-May 2011 September Exchange Student (Erasmus) in Computer Science, Technical University of Valencia 2009-March (Spain) 2010 Skills and competences Programming Languages { Prolog, Haskell, Curry, Scheme { C, C++, Java, Visual Basic, Pascal { SQL Calle Arquitecto Francisco Peñalosa 18, 29010 Malaga (Spain) B,, Í laura.titolo 2/7 Platforms { MacOS { Linux { Windows Languages Italian English Spanish French Mother Tongue C2 (Proficient User) C2 (Proficient User) A1 (Basic User) Research Activity Publications { Damián Adalid, María del Mar Gallardo, Laura Titolo: Modeling Hybrid Systems in the Concurrent Constraint Paradigm, Electronic Notes on Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS) 173, pages 1-15 { Damian Adalid, Maria del Mar Gallardo, Laura Titolo: Modelling Hybrid Systems in Hy-tccp, Third International Workshop on Formal Techniques for Safety-Critical Systems (FTSCS 2014) { Marco Comini, Laura Titolo, Alicia Villanueva: Abstract Diagnosis for tccp using a Linear Temporal Logic, Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP) 14(4-5), pages 787-801 { Laura Titolo: An Abstract Interpretation Framework for Verification of Timed Concurrent Constraint Languages, on-line supplement of the journal Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP) 13(4-5), Cambridge University Press { Marco Comini, Laura Titolo, Alicia Villanueva: Towards an Effective Decision Procedure for LTL formulas with Constraints, Proceedings of the 23rd Workshop on Logic-based methods in Programming Environments (WLPE 2013) Istanbul, Turkey { Marco Comini, Laura Titolo, Alicia Villanueva: Abstract Diagnosis for Timed Concurrent Constraint programs, Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP) 11(4-5), pages 487-502 { Marco Comini, Laura Titolo, Alicia Villanueva: Abstract Diagnosis for Timed Concurrent Constraint programs (Abstract), Proceedings of PROLE 2012 (XII Jornadas sobre Programación y Lenguajes), A Coruña, Spain { Marco Comini, Laura Titolo, Alicia Villanueva: A Compact Goal-Independent Bottom-Up Fixpoint Modeling the Behavior of tccp, (under review) Project Participation September "Nuevas extensiones para el uso de técnicas formales en el modelado, verificación, 2014 sintesis y optimización" (P11-TIC-7659), University of Malaga (Spain) Calle Arquitecto Francisco Peñalosa 18, 29010 Malaga (Spain) B,, Í laura.titolo 3/7 May "SweetLogics" project (TIN 2010-21062-C02), financed by the Spanish ministry of 2011-May science and innovation, Technical University of Valencia (Spain) 2013 January "TechnoLogics" project (TIN 2007-68093-C02), financed by the Spanish ministry of 2010-March science and innovation, Technical University of Valencia (Spain) 2010 Attended Conferences and Workshops 19th-22nd Vienna Summer of Logic 2014, Vienna, Austria. July 2014 19th-22nd 30th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2014), Vienna, July 2014 Austria. 24th-28th 29th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2013), Istanbul, August 2013 Turkey. 6th-10th July 27th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2011), Lexing2011 ton, Kentuky, USA. 6th-8th XI Jornadas sobre Programación y Lenguajes (PROLE 2010), Valencia, Spain. September 2010 Attended Ph.D. Courses March Category Theory, DIMI, University of Udine, Held by Marino Miculan. 2013-June 2013 10th-14th 2nd Joint Summer School on Biology, Computation and Information , Udine, July 2012 Italy. { Biological interaction networks: Mathematics (Guido Sanguinetti, University of Edinburgh, UK.) { Biological interaction networks: Computer Science (Vincent Danos, University of Edinburgh, UK) { Biological interaction networks: Biology (Bijoern Usadel, RWTH Aachen University, Germany) 2nd-5th July 2nd Joint Summer School on Nanotechnology , Udine, Italy. 2012 November Hybrid Systems, DIMI, University of Udine, Held by Carla Piazza and Alberto 2011- Policriti. February 2012 October 2011- Logic Programming, Knowledge Representation and Nonmonotonic ReasonNovember ing, DIMI, University of Udine, Held by Agostino Dovier. 2011 Calle Arquitecto Francisco Peñalosa 18, 29010 Malaga (Spain) B,, Í laura.titolo 4/7 10th-15th 3rd International ALP/GULP Spring School in Computational Logic (ISCL), April 2011 Italy. { Constraint Languages for Parametrized Verification: Bags, Words, Trees, and Graphs (Giorgio Delzanno, University of Genova, Italy) { Description Logics (Enrico Franconi, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy) { Computational Logic and Human Thinking: How to be Artificially Intelligent (Robert Kowalski, Imperial College London, UK) { Unity in Computational Logic (Dale Miller, INRIA Saclay, France) { Constraint Programming and Optimization Systems (Pascal Van Hentenryck, Brown University, US ) February Automatic extraction of knowledge in databases and software engineering, 2011–May DSIC, Technical University of Valencia, Spain, Held by: César Ferri Ramírez, José 2011 Hernández Orallo, María José Ramírez Quintana. Invited Talks 11th June Abstract Diagnosis for tccp using a Linear Temporal Logic, Universidad del 2014 País Vasco, San Sebastian, Spain. 16th January An Abstract Interpretation Framework for Verification of Timed Concurrent 2014 Constraint Languages, IMDEA Software Institute, Madrid, Spain. 28th June Abstract Diagnosis for Timed Concurrent Constraint programs, Dipartimento 2011 di Scienze Matematiche e Informatiche, Univesità degli Studi di Siena, Italy. Conference Talks 19th July Abstract Diagnosis for tccp using a Linear Temporal Logic, 30th International 2014 Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2014), Vienna, Austria. 25th August Towards an Effective Decision Procedure for LTL formulas with Constraints, 2013 23rd Workshop on Logic-based methods in Programming Environments (WLPE 2012), Istanbul, Turkey. 24th August An Abstract Interpretation Framework for Verification of Timed Concurrent 2013 Constraint Languages, 9th ICLP Doctoral Consortium, Istanbul, Turkey. 6th July 2011 Abstract Diagnosis for Timed Concurrent Constraint programs, 27th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2011), Lexington, Kentuky, USA. Seminars Octuber 2013 Bialgebras for Structural Operational Semantics, DIMI, University of Udine, Italy. May January July March 2012 2012 2009 2009 Abstractions for Hybrid Systems, DIMI, University of Udine, Italy. Coinductive Logic Programming, DIMI, University of Udine, Italy. Semantics and Verification of tccp programs), DIMI, University of Udine, Italy. Type System with abstract interpretation, DIMI, University of Udine, Italy. October 2008 Applications of CLP(FD) at scheduling problems, DIMI, University of Udine, Italy. March 2008 An algebraic semantics for constraint logic programs, DIMI, University of Udine, Italy. Calle Arquitecto Francisco Peñalosa 18, 29010 Malaga (Spain) B,, Í laura.titolo 5/7 Referee Activity { 24th International Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR 2014) { 30th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2014) { 7th International Conference on Tests and Proofs (TAP 2013) { 16th International Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (FMICS 2011) { 15th International Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (FMICS 2010) Exam Scores–Bachelor’s Degree { Lingua Inglese (English), 6 CFU, Approved { Cultura d’impresa (Business knowledge), 1 CFU, Approved { Matematica discreta (Discrete mathematics), 9 CFU, score: 30/30 cum laude { Architettura degli elaboratori e lab. (Computer architecture and lab.), 14 CFU, score: 30/30 { Analisi matematica (Calculus), 12 CFU, score:30/30 { Programmazione e lab. (Computer Programming and lab.), 14 CFU, score: 30/30 cum laude { Fisica (Physics), 6 CFU, score: 28/30 { Elementi di logica matematica (Elements of mathematical logic), 3 CFU, score: 30/30 { Calcolo delle probabilitá e statistica (Probability and Statistics), 6 CFU, score: 30/30 cum laude { Calcolo scientifico (Scientific Computing), 6 CFU, score: 29/30 { Sistemi operativi e laboratorio (Operating Systems and laboratory), 15 CFU, score: 30/30 cum laude { Aspetti sociali ed etica professionale (Social aspects and professional ethics), 3 CFU, score: 30/30 { Programmazione orientata agli oggetti (Object Oriented Programming), 6 CFU, score: 27/30 { Fondamenti dell’informatica I (Foundations of Computer Science I), 6 CFU, score: 30/30 cum laude { Algoritmi e strutture dati e laboratorio (Algorithms and Data Structures and lab.), 14 CFU, score: 30/30 cum laude { Basi di dati (Database and Information Systems), 6 CFU, score: 30/30 { Linguaggi di programmazione I (Computer Languages I), 6 CFU, score: 30/30 cum laude { Logica matematica (Mathematical logic), 6 CFU, score: 30/30 { Ingegneria del software I (Software engineering I), 6 CFU, score: 30/30 cum laude Calle Arquitecto Francisco Peñalosa 18, 29010 Malaga (Spain) B,, Í laura.titolo 6/7 { Fondamenti dell’informatica II (Foundations of Coumputer Science I), 6 CFU, score: 30/30 cum laude { Linguaggi di programmazione II (Computer Languages II), 6 CFU, score: 30/30 { Metodi formali dell’informatica I (Formal methods of computer science), 6 CFU, score: 30/30 { Comunicazione efficace (Communication Skills), 1 CFU, Approved { Lab. av.: Linguaggi di programmazione I (Adv. lab.: Computer Languages I), 4 CFU, score: 30/30 cum laude { Reti di calcolatori (Computer Networks), 6 CFU, score: 27/30 Exam Scores–Master Degree { Semantica dei linguaggi di programmazione (Semantics of Programming Languages), 6 CFU, score: 30/30 { Linguaggi di nuova concezione (Modern languages), 6 CFU, score: 30/30 cum laude { Interpretazione astratta e analisi automatica del software (Abstact Interpretation and Automatic Software Analysis), 6 CFU, score: 30/30 cum laude { Ricerca operativa (Operations Research), 6 CFU, score: 30/30 { Compilatori (Compilers), 6 CFU, score: 30/30 { Progettazione e analisi orientate agli oggetti (Object Oriented Design and Analysis), 6 CFU, score: 28/30 { Teoria dell’informazione (Information theory), 6 CFU, score: 30/30 cum laude { Intelligenza artificiale (Artificial Intelligence), 6 CFU, score: 30/30 cum laude { Complementi di basi di dati (Advances in Database Systems), 6 CFU, score: 28/30 Attended courses at Technical University of Valencia { Automatic software engineering (Master ISMFSI) { Advanced debugging techniques (Master ISMFSI) { Description, simulation and verification of concurrent systems (Master ISMFSI) { Logic foundations for software engineering (Master ISMFSI) { Automatic Optimization of programs (V year ETSINF) { Declarative Programming (V year ETSINF) { Formal Methods in software engineering (V year ETSINF) Calle Arquitecto Francisco Peñalosa 18, 29010 Malaga (Spain) B,, Í laura.titolo 7/7
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