INDIANA PRODUCTION E RAI CINEMA IN ASSOCIAZIONE CON SCOTT FREE P R E S E N TA N O P r o d o t t o d a M A R C O C O H E N B E N E D E T T O H A B I B FA B R I Z I O D O N V I T O L O R E N Z O G A N G A R O S S A p e r I N D I A N A P R O D U C T I O N E x e c u t i v e P r o d u c e r s R I D L E Y S C O T T L I Z A M A R S H A L L J A C K A R B U T H N O T T C A R L O D U S I p e r S C O T T F R E E r e a l i z z a t o c o n i l c o n t r i b u t o d e l M i n i s t e r o d e i B e n i e d e l l e A t t i v i t à C u l t u r a l i e d e l Tu r i s m o i n a s s o c i a z i o n e c o n B N L - G r u p p o B N P PA R I B A S i n c o l l a b o r a z i o n e c o n E D I E f f e t t i D i g i t a l i I t a l i a n i O r g a n i z z a t o r e G e n e r a l e d i P o s t P r o d u z i o n e A L G A PA S T O R E L L I S u p e r v i s i o n e E d i t o r i a l e I L A R I A C A S T I G L I O N I d a u n ’ i d e a d i a d a t t a m e n t o p e r l ’ I t a l i a d i L O R E N Z O G A N G A R O S S A i s p i r a t o a “ L I F E I N A D AY ” d i K E V I N M A C D O N A L D C a p o P r o g e t t o A u t o r a l e R A F FA E L L O F U S A R O M u s i c h e o r i g i n a l i d e i D E P R O D U C E R S Vi t t o r i o C o s m a R i c c a r d o S i n i g a l l i a G i a n n i M a r o c c o l o M a x C a s a c c i C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 4 b y A l a B i a n c a G r o u p S . r. l . / I n d i a n a Tu n e s S . r. l . M o n t a g g i o M A S S I M O F I O C C H I C H I A R A G R I Z I O T T I D i s t r i b u z i o n e I n t e r n a z i o n a l e u n a p r o d u z i o n e I N D I A N A P R O D U C T I O N c o n R A I C I N E M A r e g i a d i G A B R I E L E S A LVAT O R E S COPYRIGHT 2014 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED T and with the precious collaboration of the Italian authors of the 44,197 videos that were sent DIREZIONE GENERALE PER IL CINEMA Publishing and Record Company S TA R R I N G IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER Eva Abbate, Anna Abbinante, Claudia Accogli, Alessandro Achenza, Andrea Adinolfi, Antonina Alfano, Luca Alfano, Luigi Alfano, Stella Alfano, Michele Alì, Tommaso Aloisio, Pierre Alpe, Giorgio Amabile, Alessandro Amato, Fabio Ambrosi, Veniero Amprino, Tommaso Andreetto, Angela Salvatore, Sara Andrea Antonioli, Paola Apostoli, Giuliana Arcarese-Moore, Antonio Ardore, Roberta Ardore, Sabrina Ardore, Chiara Ariemma, Giacomo Asaro, Ernesto Assante, Cecile Aubert, Giuseppe Autiero, Alessandro Aveta, Jacopo Aveta, Leire Azlona Fernandes, Umberto Azzarello, Maria Chiara Baisi, Anna Bandettini, Eloise Barbanera, Domenico Barbieri, Sara Barelli, Marta Barovier, Monica Bartolini, Roberta Battaglia, Nicolo Battipede, Serena Battistelli, Elena Beccaro, Eugenio Belli, Gabriele Beltrami, Davide Benin Casa, Mario Benvenuti, Marta Benvenuti, Carolina Bergamaschi, Marina Berger, Filomena Bettucci, Cristina Bianco, Simone Bigh, Antonio Bisconti, Fabio Bogo, Ilaria Bonettini, Luigi Borriello, Marisa Botarelli, Gregorio Botta, Marco Brera, Alessandra Bricchetti, Giulia Briguglia, Alessio Brusco, Anna Bruti, Anita Bucci, Stefania Bucci, Simone Bullita, Veronica Burlando, Vincenzo Cadenazzi, Francesca Calabrese, Giacomo Callegari, Neethi Callegari, Matteo Calvano, Ginevra Candusso, Vera Canevazzi, Giorgio Cantarelli, Mirella Capanelli, Sara Capanna, Giulio Capilli, Domenico Caporale, Flavia Cappadocia, Rosetta Caracciolo, Irene Caramel, Francesco Cardarelli, Davide Cardelli, Gelsomina Carfora, Gianmaria Carloni, Alessia Carnevale, Giuseppe Carnuccio, Loredana Carrieri, Lucia Casaretto, Luciana Cascia, Marzia Casciani, Rosa Caserta, Lorenzo Casini, Bianca Casoni, Carlotta Casoni, Brigida Cassenti, Gianluca Ca- stelli, Fabrizio Castello, Filippo Caturegli, Guido Cavicchi, Virginia Cedolini , Rachele Celentano, Rita Celi, Greta Cellai, Fabiana Cerasa, Matteo Cerioni, Stefano Chemello, Alessandro Cherchi, Mirko Cherchi, Simonetta Chiaretti, Gualtiero Chiatello, Vincenzo Chiera, Lorenzo Ciani, Francesca Ciardi, Lorenzo Cicconi Massi, Nicolo Cicconi Massi, Maria Cristina Ciprì, Martina Civardi, Denissa Coca, Iulia Coca, Gioele Coccia, Matteo Coccia, Valeria Cocco, Federico Coco, Giuseppe Coco, Tommaso Codolo, Annalisa Colasanto, Irene Colicchio, Sergio Colicchio, Fulvio Colucci, La comunità parrocchiali di Casal Di Principe San Nicola di Bari, Tatiana Coniglione, Daivde Consales, Alice Conte, Gaia Conte, Roberto Conte, Stefano Conte, Savina Conti, Marco Coraggio, Paolo Cordone, Gioia Corvaglia, Simonetta Costabile, Alessandro Costanzo, Francesco Costanzo, Iride Cottini, Dario Cresto-Dina, Chiara Sophie Culicchi, Silvia Curcio, David Cusanelli, Antonella D’Alessandro, Michele D’Alessandro, Luciano D’Amico, Martina D’Amico, Rocco D’Amico, Vittoria D’antò, Francesco Domenico D’Auria, Gianluca D’Elia, Oriana D’Emidio, Sandra D’Italia, Giuseppantonio Dacci, Angelo Dal Cero, Daniela Damian, Marco Damilano, Francesca Dantes, Virginia Dao Bulfoni, Chiara David, Giulia de Florio, Juan Alexi De Luna Simons, Ilario De Marchi, Simone De Maria, Paolo De Servi, Antonio De Vitis, Irene Del Maestro, Marisa Del Prete, Stephanie Delbecque, Giorgio Delledonne, Glenda Delli, Giovanna Delre, Adriatik Denollari, Giuseppe Deodato, Alexandra Derevianko, Maxim Derevianko, Rosa Desideri, Iolanda Di Bernardo, Bruno Di Chiara, Leonardo Di Franco, Tommaso Di Franco, Stefania Di Lellis, Rossella Di Lucca, Marco Di Marco, Francescopaolo Di Mille, Lara Di Mille, Sofia Di PIerro, Rossella Di Pietro, Giuseppe Di Pompeo, Margherita Di Saint Pierre, Pablo Diaz, Carlo Digilio, Diego Dimitri, Daniele Disingrini, Giuseppe Distefano, Monica Doni, Caterina Draghetti, Molulay Driss, Rita Equitani, Rosaria Esposito, Giovanni Failla, Carmelo Fanizza, Charley Fazio, Silvia Feliziani, Maria Luigia Ferioli, Eva Fernandez, Guido Ferrarese, Giorgia Ferrari, Mario Ferrari, Carlo Ferrarini, Nicoletta Francesca Fici, Elia Filoni, Marco Filoni, Arianna Finos, Sabina Fiorentini, Marco Fisichella, Federica Fiume, Francesca Fiume, Claudia Forlin, Alessandro Forno, Davide Forte, Alessandro Fortin, Laurent Fourcine, Giacomo Fraioli, Alessandro Frigiola, Anna Rosalba Friscia, Giulia Furneri, Alessio Fusco, Alessandra Gabrielli, Davide Gabrielli, Francesco Galatro, Claudia Galdini, Mario Gallo, Teodosio Galotta, Caterina Gambi, Libero Gambo, Elisa Garrido Padilla, Eliseba Garzena, Francesco Garzilli, Grazia Gaspari, Giorgio Gasperini, Alessia Gatta, Alessia Gatti, Simone Genovese, Federico Ghinassi, Hari Ghosh, Maria Giambarvieri, Barbare Giannantoni, Matteo Giordano, Giordano Giorgianni, Maya Giorgianni, Alice Giorgio, Nikolas Grasso, Daniele Graziano, Luca Grella, Graziano Greppi, Beniamino Groppali, Felice Guardavaccaro, Rudy Guastadisegni, Elena Guerrini, Marco Guicciardi, Enzo Gussetti, Emanuele Guzzo, Antonino Iamundo, Gianluca Iarlori, Sara Indini, Daniele Indino, Vincenzo Infantino, Alessandro Iozzo, Maria Marcella Izzo, Elgar Keller, Vanessa Korn, Giovanni La Porta, Giuseppe Lacava, Paquale Lacroce, Mario Lamari, Domenico Lampignano, Elena Landi, Antonietta Lastaria, Aldo Lastella, Elisabetta Leivo, Giampiero Leo, Sara Lequaglie, Floriana Liuzzi, Sabrina Liuzzi, Alessia Lolli, Riccardo Lombardo, Valeria Lombardo, Giada Lonati, Maria Longo, Vincenzo Longo, Camilla Longobucco, Francesco Loreggian, Pier Lorenzo Pisano, Elena Lorini, Massimiliano Losito, Giovanni Lucioni, Samuele Maddalena, Marie Madec, Elide Maiorani, Salvatore Maiorano, Sabino Malcangi, Carla Maltinti, Paola Maltinti, Davide Manara, Bruno Manfellotto, Serena Manfreda, Claudia Mangiameli, Caterina Manlio, Marisol Indira Manna, Carlotta Maquignaz, Rio Marabotti Garrido, Marta Maracchini, Agnese Marchionneschi, Rita Marchiori , Michele Marfeo, Elga Maria Scaccia, Martina Mariani, Giacomo Marinangeli, Giovanni Marinangeli, Pasquale Marino, Michelangelo Marolda, Sebastiano Marolda, Claudio Proy Marquez, Camille Marteaux, Francisco Martines, Andrea Martorana, Stefania Marzano, Federica Massa, Diana Mastrella, Renato Mastrogiovanni, Anna Masucci, Claudio Mauri, Enzo Maurizi, Ezio Mauro, Pietro Mazza, Elena Mazzeo, Edoardo Mazzilli, Simone Mearelli, Angelo Mecone, Alessandro Medda, Claudio Mele, Valerio Mendolicchio, Raffaele Menniti, Nicolò Merendino, Marco Messineo, Sara Micalone, Camilla Miceli, Emiliano Micheletti, Susan Milazzo, Tea Giustina Miletto, Viola Miletto, Elena Militello, Alice Minacci, Sophie Minchilli, Michela Mingozzi, Maria Stella Minneo, Gabriele Modica, Amine Mohamed, Giancarlo Mola, Maurizio Monaci, Ilaria Monaco, Vallese Monica, Anna Montanaro, Carmine Monteforte, Luca Montemaggi, Pablo Morala Miguelez, Giulia Morandin, Pietro Morano, Maria Morelli, Claudia Morgoglione, Nicola Morieri, Enrico Mosca, Salvatore Moschella, Federico Moschetti, Gheorghe Munteanu, Emanuele Musso, Reeta Flora Fernardo Muthunamagonnage, Elio Napoleoni, Davide Nardi, Marco Nardon, Jendoubi Nazi Laroussi, Andrea Negri, Silvia Negusanti, Simone Niccolai, Carla Nicolè, Cristiana Nicoletta, Giuseppe Nicolò, Simone Norbiato, Francesco Nordi, Jeanclaude Nordi, Pietro Novello, Adane Nwarteng, Dario Olivero, Alberto Olivieri, Tommaso Salvatore Ossino, Annarita Pace, Marina Paino, Maurizio di Palma, Gloria Palmeggiani, Alessandro Palmigiano, Fiorenza Panarotto, Eleonora Paoletti, Fabio Paolino, Cristina Papaleo, Ambra Paparatty, Martina Pappagallo , Lighea Pappalardo, Luca Parmitano, Domenica Partipilo, Giorgio Pascali, Giulia Pascolini, Paola Pasquini, Sandra Patat, Beatrice Paternoster, Aurora Pedranghelu, Maria Rosa Pellico, Liborio Perego, Lucia Perego, Maria Gabriella Perosillo, Sipea Ionica Petizu, Vincenzo Petrafesa, Claudio Petrantoni, Valentina Petrini, Nicola Pezzucchi Taraborelli, Raffaella Piccirillo, Valeria Pini, Simone Pisani, Luca Pischedda, Petromilla PIzzini, Fabio Pizzuti, Anastasia Polak-Garibaldi, Samuele Polak-Garibaldi, Alessandro Polichetti, Valentina Porcarelli, Luca Possenti, Anna Rita Pozzi, Mario Premori, Vincenzo Procopio, Alessandro Protopapa, Salvatore Provenzano, Cosimo Pulizzi, Giuseppe Puzone, Chiara Quagliani, Livio Rabito, Enrico Raccuglia, Carmelina Ranallo, Giovanni Ranallo, Francesco Ravanello, Massimo Razzi, Matteo Francesco Recchia, Giada Resta, Nicola Resta, Raffaele Riccardo, Cristina Ricci, Veruska Rigamonti, Maria Vittoria Righi, Angelo Rinaldi, Valentina Rinonapoli, Cristian Riolo, Lavinia Rivara, Fabio Rizzato, Chiara Rocca, Matteo Rocchi, Antonio Rocco, Michele Rocco, Maria Gabriella Rodolfi, Paolo Rodolfi, Virginia Rolle, Benedetto Romano, Federica Romano, Corinna Rombi, Paola Romeo, Francesca Rosa, Marco Rossi, Kenji Rotini, Chiara Ruffato, Serena Rundo, Davide Russillo, Antonio Sabella, Gaetano Saffioti, Matteo Blu Salvadei, Gian Marco Salvatori, Fausto Sammartano, Daniele Sanapo, Sandro Sansoni, Dario Santarnecchi, Giulia Sante- rini, Aldo Santini, Giulia Santoni, Stefano Santoriello, Marzio Santoro, Jacopo Sardi, Marco Sarno, Mariano Satriani, Dante Saudelli, Andrea Sbarretti, Maurizio Sbicego, Gabriele Scarcelli, Francesco Schito, Salvatore Schito, Irene Scialanca, Dino Senigagliesi, Mirella Serafinelli, Marta Serafini, Germana Sfameli, Giovanna Sgrazzuti, Marco Siciliani, Livia Sigismondi, Francesca Signorelli, Enrico Simionato, Raffaele Siniscalco, Lavinia Skerlavaj, Giuseppe Smorto, Giulia Soccolini, Margherita Soglia, Margherita Solimena, Quinto Soverchia, Giuseppe Spadaro, Niccolò Spagnuolo, Lisa Sponticcia, Domenico Stanganelli, Silvia Stani, Maurizio Stanzione, Leonida Stellino, Bruno Strangio, Francesco Stranieri, Jelle Stroo, Beatrice Sulis, Emilio Sulis, Giorgia Sulis, Jacopo Sulis, Giangiuseppe Colombo Taccani, Rachid Tadir, Tobia Tagliabue, Claudia Taloni, Amina Taouada, Ilaria Tauro, Matteo Tedeschini, Andrea Tempestini, Stefano Tiberi, Debora Tolomeo, Elisa Tolomeo, Luca Tondelli, Davide Torres, Azzurra Tosti, Michela Treggia, Gerardo Troiano, Lorenzo Troiano, Roberta Ugenti, Titti Ugliano, Sara Vagnoni, Walter Valantini, Chloe Vandroth, Matteo Vannoni, Mattia Varesano, Alessia Vasluvianu, Claudia Veccia, Mario Veccia, Daniele Vella, Alfonsina Venditti, Luigi Ventura, Marco Venturini, Simone Vergari, Giuseppe Antonio Vertone, Fausto Vicari, Manuela Vinai, Filippo Volpi, Paul Fernando Weerahannadige, Ranga Fernando Weerahannadige, Ruvini Nirosha Fernando Weerahannadige, Gianni Zaffino, Giulio Zagaglia, Davide Zaggia, Fabrizio Zagni, Luca Zamoc, Chiara Zana , Giovanni Zanelli, Marco Zani, Alessandro Zecchino, Olga Zharkova, Riccardo Zinna, Emanuela Zuin, Paolo Zunino. 6 27 I t a l i a n s f r o m 0 t o 10 4 y e a r s o l d PROD UCE D BY INDIANA PRODUCTION WITH RAI CINEMA IN ASSOCIATI ON W I TH SCOTT FRE E Produced by MAR CO COHEN, BENEDET T O HAB IB , FAB RIZ IO D ON V IT O, LOR EN Z O G AN G ARO SSA Executive Producers R ID LEY SCO T T E L IZ A M ARSHAL L , J ACK AR BUT HN OT T, C ARL O D U SI A special thanks t o Rai for believing in the project CAST D I R E C TO R G a b r i e l e S a l v a t o r e s EDITING Massimo Fiocchi, Chiara Griziotti O R I G I N A L S O U N DT R AC K DeProducers Vittorio Cosma, Riccardo Sinigallia, Gianni Maroccolo, Max Casacci B A S E D O N A N I D E A A DA P T E D F O R I TA LY BY Lorenzo Gangarossa AU T H O R I A L P R O J E C T L E A D E R Raffaello Fusaro E D I TO R I A L S U P E RV I S I O N Ilaria Castiglioni CREW G E N E R A L O R GA N I Z AT I O N O F P O S T - P R O D U C T I O N Alga Pastorelli ARC HIVE PRODUCER To b i a P a s s i g a t o C O LO R I S T Nazzareno Neri CONFORMING Gabriele Ioannucci E D I TO R ’ S A S S I S TA N T Mirko Platania H A R DWA R E I N F R A S T R U C T U R E A N D C O N T E N T M A N AG E M E N T S O F T WA R E L I C E N C E S Tr i z e r o DIRECT SOUND EDITING/ SOUND EFFECTS Fabio Fortunati DUBBING MIXER Marco Coppolecchia F O N I C O I N C I S I O N I E M I X AG E M U S I C H E O R I G I N A L I Fabrizio Romagnoli V F X S U P E RV I S O R Gaia Bussolati V I S UA L E F F E C T S Gabriele Motta, Francesco Bianco, Francesco Piccoli VFX PRODUCER Rosario Barbera VFX EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Francesco Grisi DISTRIBUTION 01 DISTRIBUTION I N T E R N AT I O N A L D I S T R I B U T I O N RAI COM SYNOPSIS I TA LY IN A DAY i s t h e I t a l i a n e d i t i o n , b y G a b r i e l e S a l v a t o r e s , o f a R i d l e y S c o t t project : we asked Italians to send us videos shot wit h any instr ument (video camera, smar t phones, cameras...) t hat were taken in t he course of t he 24hours of O c t o b e r 2 6 t h , 2 013 . Desires, dreams, f ears, t houghts, anyt hing t hey considered impor tant t hat was h a p p e n i n g t h a t d a y o r e v e n , q u i t e s i m p l y, w h a t t h e y s a w f r o m t h e i r h o u s e ’ s w i n d o w. I TA LY IN A DAY i s m a d e o f 4 4 ,197 r e c e i v e d v i d e o , o v e r 2 , 2 0 0 h o u r s o f i m a g e s , 6 3 2 edited videos, a team of 40 selectors coordinated by editors Massimo Fiocc hi and Chiara Griziotti. I TA LY IN A DAY i s a n e m o t i o n a l d i a r y, a c e n s u s o f e m o t i o n s a n d t h o u g h t s o f I t a l i a n s , a secular conf ession, t he desire to share one’s f eelings via images, a collective I t a l i a n p s y c h o d r a m a , a t t i m e s g e n t l e , a n g r y, f u n n y o r d e s p e r a t e . B u t a l s o a c a p tivating ref lection, sincere and wit hout intellectual f ilters, on t he meaning of t his shared jour ney on planet Ear t h, in t hese years. In t he time of digital communication, of instant shar ing, of t he excessive power of i m a g e s , I TA LY I N A DAY i s t h e f i r s t I t a l i a n e x p e r i m e n t o f a c o l l e c t i v e m o v i e , w h e r e t he nar rative mater ial (images and t houghts) are supplied by anyone who wants to par ticipate and t he organization of t he stor y is handled by t hose (editors, musicians, director) who do t his as a job. Not a Social N etwor k , but a “Social Movie” m a d e w i t h p a s s i o n , r e s p e c t a n d s e n s e o f r e s p o n s i b i l i t y, w i t h o u t g i v i n g - u p o n t h e n e c e s s a r y l o o k a n d t h e p e r s o n a l p o i n t o f v i e w o n r e a l i t y. I TA LY 2 . 0 D I R E C TO R ’ S N OT E S I d o n ’ t b e l i e v e i n d i r e c t d e m o c r a c y. N o r d o I t h i n k t h e p u b l i c i s a l w a y s r i g h t . A n d I don’t t hink you only need a guitar to be a musician. This is why I f ound t his e x p e r i m e n t , o n l y p o s s i b l e w i t h t h e m e d i a a v a i l a b l e t o d a y, s o e m o t i o n a l , educational and interesting. I was t he person who t housands of people gave t heir “message in a bottle” to. I t r e q u i r e d r e s p e c t , a t t e n t i o n . B u t a l s o a w a r e n e s s o f m y r o l e . Te l l i n g y o u r o w n s t o r y, b u t w i t h o t h e r p e o p l e ’ s w o r d s . To d a y, s u b m e r g e d b y a l l k i n d s o f i m a g e s , isn’t editing t he nar rative, t he tr ue soul of a f ilm? Gabriele Salvatores GA B R I E L E S A LVATO R E S GABRIELE SALVATORES was bor n in N aples in 1950 and moved t o Milan where he com ple t ed a diploma at t he Accademia d’Ar t e Drammatica of t he Piccolo Teatro. In 1972 he was among t he f ounders of t he Teatro Elf o t heatre, whic h wit hin a f ew years became t he point of ref eren ce f or an entire generation of viewers. Be twe en t he 1970s and t he 1980s Sal vat ores t ook care of t he t heatre direction of 21 shows, some of whic h went on t o become huge successes. In 1981 he creat ed a roc k-musical based on Shakespeare ’s “A Midsummer Night ’s Dream” t hat was viewed by a record 200,000 spect a- came t o cinemas in Marc h 2010. In 2010 Ga br iele Sal vat ores was a member of t he jur y of t he Venice F ilm Festival presided by Quentin Tarantino. Again in Venice he present ed his do cument ar y “1960”, creat ed t hanks t o Tec he Rai arc hive mat er ials and broadcast on Rai Tre in Oct ober 2010. His most recent f ilm, “Educazio ne Siber iana”, came out in 2013, based on a book by Nicolai Lilin and st ar r ing John Malko vic h. That same year he pic ked and edit ed vi deos f or t he project “ITALY IN A DAY - U n giorno da it aliani”, signing t he f irst collective f ilm sho t by all It alians t hat t ell about a fragment of t ors. In 1982 t his became Sal vat ores’ f irst f ilm, mar king his shif t from t heatre direct or t o o t her projects, including video-clips and T V adverts. In 1986 Gabr iele Sal vat ores, Maur izio To ti and Diego A bat antuono f ounded Colorado F ilm Production, a Milan-based production co m pany t hat ac hieved immediat e success wit h Gabr iele Sal vat ores’ second f ilm “Kamikazen – Ultima no tt e a Milano”. In 1989 his f ilms “Mar rake c h Express” and “ Tur né” came out, f ollowed in 1991 by “Medit er raneo”, winner of t he Oscar f or Best Foreign F ilm (1992). In 1992 Sal vat o res direct ed “Puer t o Escondido”, t he biggest cinema success of t he 1992/1993 season. The f ollowing year he came out wit h “Sud”. This was f ollowed by two exper iment al and bra ve movies, “Nir vana”, t op box of f ice per f or mer of 1996, and “Denti”, whic h was present ed at t he Venice F ilm Festival in 2000. In 2001he direct ed “Amnésia” and t he f ol lowing year “Io non ho paura”, present ed at t he Ber lin F ilm Festival and lat er c hosen t o re present It al y at t he 2004 Oscars. “Io non ho paura” was a huge success wit h cr itics and t he public and was sold in 32 countr ies. In 2004 he direct ed “Quo Vadis Baby?” based on t he f irst novel published by t he Colorado N oir. It was f ollowed by “Come Dio Comanda”, based on t he novel by Niccolò Ammaniti, winner of t he 2007 S trega Pr ize. In 2009 he f ilmed t he comedy “Happy Famil y” in Milan, based on a t heatre piece by Alessandro Genovesi, whic h t heir da y. The project f ollows t he exper ience of “Lif e in a da y”, devised and creat ed by direct or Ridley Sco tt in 2010. The f ilm will come out in It alian cinemas, just one da y, in 2014. He is cur rentl y wor king on t he post-production of his new f ilm “Il ragazzo invisibile”, a f ant asy t hat st ars a 13 year old kid who discovers he has a super power, invisibility. The f ilm will be released in It alian cinemas in December 2014.. FILMOGRAPHY 2014 Il ragazzo invisibile 2014 Italy in a day 2013 Educazione siberiana 2010 1960 (Doc Rai3) 2009 Happy family 2008 Come dio comanda 2004 Quo vadis, baby? 2002 Io non ho paura 2001 Amnesia 2000 Denti 1996 Nirvana 1993 Sud 1992 Puerto escondido 1991 Mediterraneo 1989 Turne 1989 Marrakech express 1987 Kamikazen - ultima notte a Milano 1983 Sogno di una notte di mezza estate PA R T N E R IN PARTNERSHIP WITH n par tnership with NASA. n par tnership with Faculty Media and Design. OFFICIAL PARTNERS Esercito Italiano, Aeronautica Militare, Marina Militare, Arma dei Carabin i e r i , Po l i z i a d i S t a t o - E m e r g e n c y, F a m i g l i e A r c o b a l e n o , C i t y A n g e l s , G r u p p o A b e l e , R e t e G 2 – S e c o n d e g e n e r a z i o n i - Corriere d e l l a s e r a , L a R e p u b b l i c a , I n t e r c u l t u r a , Tr i e n n a l e d i M i l a n o , A s s o c i a z i o n e M a r c o F o r m i g o n i , C C K - C e n t r o C u l t u r a l e Ko l b e M e s t r e , C T S - C e n t r o Tu r i s t i c o S t u d e n t e s c o e G i ov a n i l e , U s e r f a r m . Te a t r o E l f o P u c c i n i , Te a t r o F r a n c o Pa r e n t i , Te a t r o K i s m e t e l a C o m p a g n i a d e l l a F o r t e z z a - Scuola Hold e n , F o n d a z i o n e M i l a n o S c u o l a d i C i n e m a e Te l e v i s i o n e , C e n t r o S p e r i m e n t a l e d i C i n e m a t o g r a f i a : Ro m a , A q u i l a e Pa l e r m o - Libera Contro le mafie, Fondazione Falcone Borsellino, Comitato Addiopizzo, Progetto Legalità - Pa r c o N a z i o n a l e d e l l ’A r c i p e l a g o d i l a M a d d a l e n a , Pa r c o N a z i o n a l e G r a n Pa r a d i s o , M i n i s t e r o p e r l e Po l i t i c h e A g r i c o l e A l i m e n t a r i e F o r e s t a l i – B u o n Pe s c a t o I t a l i a n o . L A U N C H M E D I A PA R T N E R S T h e p r o d u c t i o n t e a m w o u l d l i ke t o t h a n k The press and exter nal relations of f ice of t he penitentiar y administration. Clinica Mangiagalli fondazione IRCCS ca’ Granda – Ospedale Maggiore Po l i c l i n i c o : t h e D i r e c t i o n a n d t h e d e l i v e r y r o o m , p o s t p a r t u m a n d n e w b o r n s . S a n D o n a t o H o s p i t a l G r o u p – Po l i c l i n i c o S a n D o n a t o : t h e “ b a m b i n i c a r d i o patici nel mondo” Association. Buccheri la Ferla Fatebenefratelli Hospital i n Pa l e r m o : t h e D i r e c t i o n a n d M a t e r n a l - i n f a n c y d e p a r t m e n t . Pe d i a t r i c o n c o - e m a t o l o g y o p e r a t i v e u n i t , O s p e d a l e C i v i c o Pa l e r m o : D r. O t t a v i o Z i n o , D r. D e l i a R u s s o a n d D r. Pa o l o d ’A n g e l o . V i d a s A s s o c i a t i o n . A g e l o D ’A j e t t i D i d a c t i c a l C i r c l e i n Pa n t e l l e r i a . M a e s t r i d i S t r a d a O n l u s A s s o c i a t i o n . B a m b i n i s e n z a s b a r r e O n l u s : D r. L i a S a c e r d o t e . B e a t L e u k e m i a : M i c h e l e C e v e n i n i . Sea Shepherd. Opus Dei Press Of fice: Bruno Mastroianni. Professor Angelo D ’A m b r a f o r t h e I s t i t u t o Te c n i c o C a t e r i n a d a S i e n a . L i c e o A r t i s t i c o S t a t a l e Caravaggio. Scout Group FSE Acicastello I di Catania. Prospekt : Samuele Pe l l e c c h i a a n d C l a u d i o J a m p a g l i a . “ W h e n w e c r e a t e d L i f e i n a D a y, w e g o t t h e w o r l d t o p i c k u p a camera and tur n a mir ror upon itself. That process has now become a phenomenon. Italy in a Day is an exciting step f or ward f or Scott Free as it ’s t he f irst time anot her company has taken on t he mantle to make it t heir own. Gabr iele Salvatores and his team at Indiana Production have made a beautiful f ilm, tr uly ref lecting t he r e a l i t y o f l i f e i n I t a l y t o d a y. We a r e a l l v e r y e x c i t e d t o s e e t h e f i l m d e b u t i n Ve n i c e , a n d w i s h i t e v e r y s u c c e s s . ” RIDLEY SCOTT PRESS OFFICE Film Studio Sottocorno Patrizia Wachter Valentina Tua Indiana Production Jelena Veselinovic +39 334 3068968 01 D i s t r i b u t i o n C o m u n i c a z i o n e Annalisa Paolicchi Rebecca Roviglioni Cristiana Trotta Press materials available at
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