Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza Delegato Erasmus: Prof.ssa Lucia Monaco n° Codice Erasmus Nome Università Paese Area Livelli 1 Universidad Castilla La Mancha (Spagna) Ciudad Universidad Castilla La Mancha (Spagna) – Toledo Universidad Castilla La Mancha (Spagna) Quenca Universidad Castilla La Mancha (Spagna) – Albacete spagna Law 1st,2nd,3rd Numero Mesi di studenti 8 10 spagna spagna spagna Law Law Law 1st,2nd,3rd 1st,2nd,3rd 1st,2nd,3rd 2 8 2 E CIUDA-R01* 2 D MUNSTER 01 Università di Munster (Germania) germania Law 3 E ALMERIA 01 Universidad de Almeria (Spagna) spagna Law 1st 4 D BOCHUM 01 Universitat Bochum (Germania) germania Law 5 CZ PRAHA 07 Charles University in Prague (Praga – Rep. Ceca) Rep. Ceca 6 RO TARGOVI 01 Universitatea “Valaia Targoviste” (Romania) 7 SI LJUBLJA 01 University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) Lingua di istruzione Livello di Contatti conoscenza linguistica richiesto Scadenza application form Catalogo Corsi Alloggio 10 10 10 6 Most courses are taught in German, only Phone +49 (0) 251 83 - 0 Fax +49 (0) For winter semester: 1 June For very few lectures and seminars are 251 832 48 31 website www.unisummer semester: 1 December taught muenster.de/ in English or other languages. There are no additional courses for exchange students. Please make sure to acquire some German skills before you arrive to Münster or concentrate on language courses at our university. www.unimuenster.de/studium/orga/vor lesungsverzeichnis.shtml 5 10 Spanish Some courses English B1 Spanish and/or English 1st 3 10 B1 German B1 English Phone: +49 234 32 27248- Fax: +49 234 32 14684- Email: international@rub.de Autumn term June 15th Spring term December 15th Law 1st,2nd,3rd 2 9 German English (only applies if selected courses are taught in English) English -Czech cms.ual.es/UAL/universidad/or www.alojamientoual.com ganosgobierno/vinternacional/ index.htm cms.ual.es/UAL/universidad/or ganosgobierno/vinternacional/ index.htm http://www.ruhr-unihttp://international.rub.de/gaststudi bochum.de/studium/studieren s/accommodation/index.html.en /vorlesungsverzeichnisse B2 English www.cuni.cz/UKEN-199.html Autumn term June 15th Spring term October 31th romania Law 1st 1 5 Romanian slovenia Law 1st,2nd 2 10 English Slovene B2 Autumn term June 15th Spring term December 15th www.prf.cuni.cz/en/studyprogram-in-law-for-incominginternational-students1404044637.html www.cuni.cz/UKEN-203.html Autumn term Administrative contact: Doina Bucur, June 30th Erasmus administrative responsible Spring term Bd. Regefe Carol I, nr.2, L3O024, November 30th Targoviste, Romania TeUfax: +40 245 211 809 e-mail: relint@valahia.ro doinabucur@yahoo.com www.valahia.ro www.valahia.ro/en/internationalwww.valahia.ro/en/internation relations al-relations Ms. Katja Cerjak University of Ljubljana, Kongresni trg 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana Tel: +386 1 241 85 90; e-mail: mailto:katja.cerjak@uni-lj.si Web: http://www.unilj.si/international_cooperation_and_ exchange/ http://www.unihttp://www.unilj.si/international_cooperation lj.si/international_relations/incomin _and_exchange/ g_students/ Faculty coordinators: Dr. Luka Tičar, Ms. Darja Rabzelj Faculty of Law, Poljanski nasip2, SI1000 Ljubljana tel: +386 1 420 32 23; e-mail: mailto:erasmus@pf.uni-lj.si; Autumn term May 15th Spring term November 15 th 8 E ZARAGOZ 01 Universidad de Zaragoza (Spagna) spagna Law 1st,2nd,3rd 2 10 Spanish B1 Sección de Relaciones Internacionales Pedro Cerbuna, 12 - Edificio Interfacultades, 2ª planta 50009 Zaragoza Spain Phone: +34 976762052 Fax: +34 976762320 Email: relint@unizar.es July 01 st - For whole year and first http://titulaciones.unizar.es semester students November 28 th - For second semester students 9 E SALAMAN 02 Universidad de Salamanca (Spagna) spagna Law 1st 4 5 Spanish Minimum recommended level: B1 No certificate required Departamental coordinator: Vicedean of Students and International relations Prof. Drª. D. Nuria Matellanes Rodríguez Facultad de Derecho; Campus Miguel de Unamuno s/n, 37007 Salamanca, Spain Tel.: +34 923 294441, Ext. 1609; Fax: +34 923 294641 e-mail: nuriam@usal.es; vic.estudiantes.der@usal.es International Office- Faculty of Law Dª Concha Muriel Sánchez Facultad de Derecho; Campus Miguel de Unamuno S/N, 37007 Salamanca, Spain Tel.: +34 923 294442; Fax: +34 923 294641; e-mail: mailto:erasdcho@usal.es Complejo Admvo. Triunfo, Cuesta del Hospicio, s/n E-18071 Granada Tel.: +34 958 241 990; Fax.: +34 958 243 009; vrinternacional@ugr.es D. Masao Javier López Sako mjlsako@ugr.es Tel: 0034 645884708 Fax: 0034 958 248940 D. Francisco José Pino Raso oriderecho@ugr.es, fpino@ugr.es; Tel: 0034 958 242906 Fax: 0034 958 248940 Autumn term Incoming and outgoing students (nominations, registration), staff exchange, bilateral agreements: ERASMUS Institutional coordinator, Mrs. Ulla Zumente-Steele. E-mail ulla@rgsl.edu.lv Tel. +371-6703-9212 (direct) or +371-6703-9202 (reception). Fax +371-6703-9240. Autumn term May 15th Spring term November 15 th www.rgsl.edu.lv Nomination: from 15th March to 15th May Application: 15th June Nomination: from 1st March to 14th October Application: 15th November http://www.urv.cat/internatio http://www.urv.cat/international/vi nal/movilidad/en_tramites.ht vir-urv/en_alojamiento.html ml#subjects Faculty page: http://www.fcj.urv.cat/ 10 E GRANADA 01 11 LV RIGA34 Universidad de Granada (Spagna) University of Riga (Lettonia) spagna lettonia Law Law 1st 1st,2nd,3rd 5 4 10 6 spanish B1 Sending university should confirm student`s proficiency in English. Required minimum level is B1, recommended level – B2 and higher. All courses are taught in English. 15th July Spring term 15th July http://wzar.unizar.es/servicio s/inter/internationalstudents.html http://campus.usal.es/~derech http://www.usal.es/residen/ o/?q=becas-yhttp://sou.usal.es/Alojamiento movilidad/movilidad-erasmusentre-universidades-europeas Full year or 1st semester: Erasmus – http://secretariageneral.ugr.es http://estudiantes.ugr.es/alojamient from 1st May to 15 June 2014; 2nd /pages/calendario os3/ semester: Erasmus– from 1st to the 31st October 2014 Address: Exam period: from June 12nd to July C/ Doctor Severo Ochoa, s/n | Tel.: 12nd 20XX 00 34 958 244072 | Fax: 00 34 958 For application: 243134 | E-mail: https://oficinavirtual.ugr.es/apli/int alojamiento@ugr.es ercambio/alumnos_in/index.html http://internacional.ugr.es/pages/p erfiles/estudiantes/onlineapplicatio n http://www.rgsl.edu.lv/en/study-atrgsl/admissions/practicalities/ http://www.rgsl.edu.lv/en/stu dy-at-rgsl/erasmus/overview/ Academic coordinator: Prorector, Dr. Mārtiņš Mits. E-mail martins.mits@rgsl.edu.lv Tel. +3716703-9214 (direct) 12 E TARRAGO 01 Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spagna) spagna Working 1st life 2 10 Law Law 1 2 10 10 2nd 1st Catalan/ Spanish English Recommended: B1: Catalan or Spanish or English Erasmus Institutional Coordinator: International Center Marina Casals – Head of International Center Av. Països Catalans 17-19, 43007 Tarragona (Spain) Phone: +34 977 558 461 Fax: +34 977 201 864 E-mail: mailto:marina.casals@urv.cat; mailto:mou@urv.cat Departmental Coordinator: Diana Marin Consarnau Av. Catalunya, 35 43002 - Tarragona Phone: +34 977 297 913 Fax: +34 977 558 386 E-mail: diana.marin@urv.cat 13 E ELCHE 01 Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche (Spagna) spagna Law 1st,2nd,3rd 4 9 spanish A2 Erasmus Institutional Coordinator: Prof. Manuel Jordán Vidal Vicerrectorado de Relaciones Internacionales Avenida de la Universidad, s/n – 03202 Elche (Spain) Phone: +34 966 658 522 / Fax : + 34 966 658 705 E-mail: vdo.relinter@umh.es Faculty Coordinator: Prof. José C. Espigares. E-mail: jespigares@umh.es International Office: http://internacional.umh.es/ Incoming students: http://internacional.umh.es/inco ming/ Autumn term May 15th Spring term November 1th http://internacional.umh.es/co http://ve.umh.es/nido/ ur ses-catalogue/ 14 E MADRID 03 Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spagna) spagna Law 1st,2nd,3rd 2 9 spanish A B1 level advised For Students taking Hispanic Studies a C1 Spanish Language Level is requested (DELE) Mrs. Rosana Martín Incoming Students Erasmus1@ucm.es /erasmus2@ucm.es TEL: +34 91 394 6923 http://www.ucm.es Autumn term June 15th Spring term November 30th http://www.ucm.es/english/st alojamientoenlaucm@ucm.es udy-programmes Tel:+34 91 394 1897 / 2061 https://www.ucm.es/oficina-dealojamiento-en-la-ucm 15 F NICE 01 Universitè Nice Sophia Antipolis (Francia) francia Law 1st 4 5 french B1 http://unice.fr/ http://unice.fr/ 16 BG SOFIA03 University of National and World Economy (Bulgaria) bulgaria Law 1st,2nd,3rd 3 5 English Bulgarian B1 International Relations Office Detelina Angelova Studentski Grad ”Hristo Botev” UNWE – office 1003, Sofia 1700 Tel.: +359 2 81 95 389; Fax: +359 2 862 86 72 e-mail: mailto:erasmus@unwe.bg http://www.unwe.bg/mobility/en Autumn term June Spring term November Autumn term June 30th Spring term November 30th 17 P LISBOA 02 Universidade de Lisboa (Portogallo) portogallo Law 18 TR ISTANBU31 Ozygein University turchia 1st,2nd 2 5 english B2 International Relations Özyeğin University Nişantepe Mevkii Orman Sok. No: 13 34794 Alemdağ, Çekmeköy ISTANBUL / TURKEY Telephone: +90 216 564 93 60 / 94 68 Fax: +90 216 564 90 63 E-mail: international.relations@ozyegin.edu. tr Law Autumn term July 15th Spring term November 30th isabelle.rasse@unice.fr www.crous-nice.fr www.unwe.bg/mobility/en/pa www.unwe.bg/mobility/en/pages/4 ges/4075/international075/international-students.html students.html http://www.ozyegin.edu.tr/Og renci-Hizmetleri/OgrenciHizmetleri/AkademikTakvim? lang=en-US Özyegin University has on-campus residence halls few minutes’ walk away from the academic buildings. The residence halls offer a comfortable living environment and feature facilities and services to ensure an efficient study atmosphere. Shuttle service is provided between Cekmekoy and several city center locations on weekdays and weekends. For details on facilities, room plans, and regulations, you can visit the following link: http://www.ozyegin.edu.tr/OzUDEYASAM/Modern-Ogrenci-Yurtlari? lang=en-US Further information regarding room reservations will be provided with the acceptance letters. All registered students may live in the dormitories by signing the binding housing agreement. The University does not take responsibility for the private rental arrangements of the students. 19 E MADRID 03 IEB Universidad Complutense Madrid spagna Law 1st,2nd 3 5 spanish B2 Dr. Nieves Sánchez Bilateral Agreements Oficina Erasmus Pabellón de Gobierno Isaac Peral s/n 28040 Madrid España rrinter@ucm.es Contact details http://ieb.es/secc.aspx? https://www.ucm.es/plazosIdsec=31 deadlines-erasmus Partner institutions should send nominations using the Moveon eNomination system (www.moveonnet.eu/myinstitution/ enomination) https://www.ucm.es/oficina-dealojamiento-en-la-ucm (email, phone) Administrative contact: Elisabet López Torrents (info@ieb.es) C/Alfonso XI, 6-28014 Madrid. Tf: 0034.91.524.06.15 Fax: 0034.91.521.04.52 20 E SANTIAG 01 21 E MURCIA01 Universidad de Santiago de Compostela UNIVERSIDAD DE MURCIA spagna spagna Law Law 1st 2 9 1st 1 10 2nd 3st 2 1 6 6 Spanish Galician spanish B1 Spanish DELE A2 International Relations Office Casas Reais nº 8 – E-15782 Santiago de Compostela - Spain Tel. 0034 881 812 854 – Fax 0034 881 812 843 – e-mail: erasmus@usc.es International Relations Office Outgoing students and bilateral agreements: Tel:+34868884325 Fax:+34868884130 Email: erasmus@um.es Incoming students: Tel: +34868884074 Fax:+34868884130 Email: incoming@um.es Academic contact: Blanca Soro Mateo Fac. Derecho Campus de La Merced Email: blancasm@um.es * Sede universitaria disponibile per i vincitori della borsa soltanto a condizione che l’Ateneo straniero sottoscriva l’Accordo Erasmus proposto dalla SUN per l’a.a. 2014/2021. Autumn term July 15th Spring term November 30th http://www.usc.es/ http://www.usc.es/en/servizos/sur/i http://www.usc.es/ ndex.html es/centros/dereito/t itulacions.html? plan=14065&estudi o=14066&codEstudo=13623&v alor=9 Autumn term June 30th Spring term November 30th www.um.es www.um.es/internacionales http://erasmus.um.es www.um.es www.um.es/internacionales http://erasmus.um.es
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