VI CONGRESSO NAZIONALE SISMES Ricerca e Formazione Applicate alle Scienze Motorie e Sportive Napoli, 26-28 settembre 2014 Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope” con il patrocinio di con il supporto di PRESIDENTE DEL CONGRESSO Federico Schena ORGANIZZATORE LOCALE Pasqualina Buono COMITATO SCIENTIFICO Pasqualina Buono Laura Capranica Antonio Palma Alberto Rainoldi Claudio Robazza Federico Schena Arsenio Veicsteinas SEGRETERIA SCIENTIFICA Andreina Alfieri Antonia Cunti Giorgio Liguori Claudio Robazza Giuliana Salvatore Andrea Soricelli Giuseppe Sorrentino Domenico Tafuri Giuliana Valerio Giuseppe Vito SEGRETERIA ORGANIZZATIVA Scientific Communication Srl Via Quagliariello 29, 80131 Napoli Ph. +39 081 229.6460/6037 - Fax +39 081 0072045 VENERDÌ 26 SETTEMBRE 10.00‐ 14.00 REGISTRAZIONE DEI PARTECIPANTI 10.30 ‐ 13.00 AULA MAGNA INCONTRO REFERENTI CORSI DI STUDIO DI SCIENZE MOTORIE 13.30 ‐ 15.00 AULA MAGNA TAVOLA ROTONDA: L'INSEGNAMENTO DELL’ATTIVITÀ MOTORIA NELLA SCUOLA PRIMARIA Moderatore: Federico Schena, Presidente SISMES Intervengono: On Laura Coccia ed esponenti di CONI, Capdi, Provincia di Napoli e Università 15.00 – 17.00 SESSIONI PARALLELE SESSIONE 1/A – AULA MAGNA DIDATTICA E FORMAZIONE APPLICATE ALLE SCIENZE MOTORIE Keynote: 15.00 – 15.20 Education as promotion of resources: a comparison between sport and non‐sport adolescents Antonia Cunti, Napoli Oral Presentations: 15.20 – 15.35 Teaching method in physical education and sport Antonio Benevento, Napoli 15.35 – 15.50 Mother and child in water: effects of communication Maria Teresa Cattaneo, Napoli 15.50 – 16.05 Quality physical education: teachers attitude toward the education based on evidence and practice based on evidence Stefania Cazzoli, Torino 16.05 – 16.20 Fundamental motor skills assessment with TGMD‐2 and of the physical activity levels of children in relation to Body Mass Index Dario Colella, Foggia 16.20 – 16.35 Sport, training and performance: a critical review Vito Eugenio Leonardi, Napoli 16.35 – 16.50 Physical education in Italian school: a multicenter investigation about experiences and opinions of undergraduate students Francesca Gallé, Napoli 16.50 – 17.05 Victimization in primary school, bullying and the role of physical activity inside and outside school Alessandra Nart, Urbino SESSIONE 1/B – AULA GRANDE L’ATTIVITÀ MOTORIA E SPORTIVA NEL CONTESTO SOCIO‐ECONOMICO E GIURIDICO Keynote: 15.00 – 15.20 The process of major sport events communication: determinants of choice Alessandra Sorrentini, Napoli Oral Presentations: 15.20 – 15.35 The strategy of implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the Italian professional football companies Luigi Agliano, Napoli 15.35 – 15.50 Toward active cities: educational, social, health, and town‐planning implications Antonio Borgogni, Cassino 15.50 – 16.05 Is there an individual right to sport and motor activity? Maria Cimmino, Napoli 16.05 – 16.20 The policy of the "great events": a promotional tool or impoverishment of sports activity? Mariaconcetta D'Arienzo, Napoli 16.20 – 16.35 Sport as driver for the Italian economy Davide Di Palma, Napoli 16.35 – 16.50 Athlete’s performance within technical rules, ethics and law Matteo Nuzzo, Napoli 16.50 – 17.05 The role of multi‐purpose stadiums owned by football clubs, in reducing the economic and sportive gap between the Italian and European football sector Vincenzo Raiola, Napoli 17.00 ‐ 17.45 AULA MAGNA ‐ CERIMONIA INAUGURALE Saluti delle Autorità: Guido Trombetti, Assessore all'Università e Ricerca Scientifica, Regione Campania Giovanna Del Giudice, Assessore alle Pari Opportunità, Provincia Napoli Luigi De Magistris, Sindaco di Napoli Sergio Roncelli, Rappresentante CONI Provinciale, Napoli Claudio Quintano, Magnifico Rettore Università degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope Fabio Pigozzi, Magnifico Rettore Università "Foro Italico" di Roma Francesco Salvatore, Presidente CEINGE Biotecnologie Avanzate Scarl Giuseppe Vito, Direttore Dipartimento di Scienze Motorie e del Benessere, Università degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope Apertura del congresso: Pasqualina Buono, Università degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope Federico Schena, Presidente SISMES, Università di Verona 17.45‐ 18.45 AULA MAGNA MARCELLO FAINA LECTURE Fitness and health effects of recreational football for untrained individuals across the life span Peter Krustrup, University of Exeter, UK 19.00 COCKTAIL DI BENVENUTO SABATO 27 SETTEMBRE 8.30 – 10.35 SESSIONI PARALLELE SESSIONE 2/A – AULA MAGNA ALLENAMENTO E PERFORMANCE Keynote: 8.30 – 8.50 Determinants of marathon performance: the Run4Science project Antonio La Torre, Milano Oral Presentations: 8.50 – 9.05 Eccentric, high or low intensity training, the best choice in RunForScience endurance performance Cantor Tarperi, Verona 9.05 – 9.20 Running economy, maximal muscular performance and muscle damage after long distance running Carlo Capelli, Verona 9.20 – 9.35 Differences in mood and pacing during an official and a simulated half marathon competition Maria Francesca Piacentini, Roma 9.35 – 9.50 Postural effects of the core‐training program in football players Francesco Fischetti, Bari 9.50 – 10.05 Hit ball game profile: tactical, heart rate, session‐RPE, strength, and countermovement jump aspects of elite Italian players Corrado Lupo, Torino 10.05 – 10.20 Gradient repeated sprint ability in young soccer players Johnny Padulo, e‐Campus, Novedrate 10.20 – 10.35 Match running activity in very young soccer players Giuseppe Bellistri, Milano SESSIONE 2/B – AULA GRANDE ATTIVITÀ MOTORIA, BENESSERE E SALUTE Keynote: 8.30 – 8.50 Technological support to monitor some indexes of physical performance and glycemic trend during sporting activity in athletes with type 1 diabetes mellitus Gerardo Corigliano, Napoli Oral Presentations: 8.50 – 9.05 The use of micro loads and the elastic bands training in parkinson's disease: a longitudinal study Luca Beratto, Torino 9.05 – 9.20 Exercise program reduces pain and physical disability in patients with early knee osteoarthritis Katia Corona, Campobasso 9.20 – 9.35 An integrated program of counseling and adapted physical activity in the management of type II diabetes Valeria Di Onofrio, Napoli 9.35 – 9.50 Nordic Walking versus walking: energy expenditure and muscle activation Barbara Pellegrini, Verona 9.50 – 10.05 Daily variability in physical activity, physical frailty, and ADL in a sample of institutionalized older adults: a pilot study Mattia Roppolo, Torino 10.05 – 10.20 Feasibility of a physical activity program in patients with mild cognitive impairment Doriana Rudi, Verona 10.20 – 10.35 Perceived difficulty with physical tasks and physical performance in obese children Valeria Gallarato, Napoli 10.35 ‐ 11.00 COFFEE BREAK 11.00 ‐ 13.05 SESSIONI PARALLELE SESSIONE 3/A – AULA 5 APPRENDIMENTO MOTORIO, SVILUPPO PSICOFISICO E COACHING Keynote: 11.00 – 11.20 Battery of questionnaires to study youth’s motivations, barriers and preferences for physical activity Massimo Lanza, Verona Oral Presentations: 11.20 – 11.35 Physical activities and sport in mental health: Proposal for practice Antonio Benevento, Napoli 11.35 – 11.50 Importance of sport and physical activity on social behavior in people with intellectual disabilities Giuseppe Calcagno, Campobasso 11.50 – 12.05 Electrocortical responses in volunteers watching movies including the execution of complex motor gestures Marco Ivaldi, Torino 12.05 – 12.20 Learning by observation: how to improve the cognitive‐motor abilities Laura Mandolesi, Napoli 12.20 – 12.35 Victimization and sports participation among outpatient obese children and adolescents Paola Tortorelli, Napoli 12.35 – 12.50 Spatiotemporal and kinematic gait parameters of parkinsonian patients in off and on state with and without Mild Cognitive Impairment: a motion analysis study Pasquale Varriale, Napoli 12.50 – 13.05 Motivational processes and sport volunteering during Winter Universiade Trentino 2013 Francesca Vitali, Verona SESSIONE 3/B – AULA GRANDE ALLENAMENTO E PERFORMANCE NEUROMUSCOLARE Keynote: 11.00 – 11.20 Acute passive stretching reduces peak power output and exercise efficiency during a cycle incremental ramp test Fabio Esposito, Milano Oral Presentations: 11.20 – 11.35 Neuromuscular fatigue on locomotor and non‐locomotor muscles induced by half marathon run Gennaro Boccia, Torino 11.35 – 11.50 The effects of passive stretching on the electromechanical delay components in human skeletal muscle Emiliano Cè, Milano 11.50 – 12.05 Fatigue affects optimum angle in knee flexors but not in knee extensors Giuseppe Coratella, Verona 12.05 – 12.20 Effect of acute stretching on upper limb strength in elite women volleyball players Alessandra Di Cagno, Roma 12.20 – 12.35 Stretching‐induced changes in calf muscles architecture, stiffness and neuromuscular activation Stefano Longo, Milano 12.35 – 12.50 The effects of neuromuscular training on vertical jump in young female basketball players Roberto Benis, Milano 12.50 – 13.05 Effects of passive stretching on local vascular hemodynamic response Massimo Venturelli, Milano SESSIONE 3/C – AULA MAGNA METODOLOGIE DI ALLENAMENTO E VALUTAZIONE Keynote: 11.00 – 11.20 “Underwater Symphony"synchronized swimming team Teate Synchro training evaluation Maria Giulia Vinciguerra, L'Aquila Oral Presentations: 11.20 – 11.35 EEG theta coherence in cycling performance Selenia Di Fronso, Chieti 11.35 – 11.50 Auxotonic training method and free exercise in figure skating: a longitudinal study Elisa Fornaca, Torino 11.50 – 12.05 Anthropometric characteristics and ethnic background of the athletes and swimmers winners at the last four Olympic Games (2000‐2012) Irene Frascaro, Napoli 12.05 – 12.20 Effects of two different muscular resistance training protocols on health‐related fitness components in young healthy subjects Luca Russomando, Napoli 12.20 – 12.35 Different effect of High Intensity Resistance Training (HIRT) and low intensity resistance training on molecular signalling response in human skeletal muscle Tatiana Moro, Padova 12.35 – 12.50 Perceived control and hedonic tone in shooting performance: a case study Claudio Robazza, Chieti 12.50 – 13.05 Neuromuscular taping of the ankle: acute effects on joint stability of a classical method versus a T.E.CH. protocol Luca Russo, L'Aquila 13.05‐15.00 LUNCH BREAK AND POSTER SESSION [1] 15.00 ‐ 16.00 AULA GRANDE SISMES LECTURE The role of active or inactive life style in the childhood Mai Chin A Paw, VUmc, Amsterdam, NL 16.00 ‐ 16.30 COFFEE BREAK 16.30 – 18.35 SESSIONI PARALLELE SESSIONE 4/A – AULA MAGNA STRATEGIE DIAGNOSTICHE APPLICATE ALLE SCIENZE MOTORIE Keynote: 16.30 – 16.50 Unraveling the doping molecular effects of DHT and IGF‐1 combined hyperstimulation in human peripheral blood lymphocytes Stefania Orrù, Napoli Oral Presentations: 16.50 – 17.05 Acute tendinopathies in sport: therapy with Aloe gel topical use vs laser therapy Antonio Ammendolia, Catanzaro 17.05 – 17.20 Benefits of brisk walking as moderate on soluble and cell markers of inflammation in HIV‐infected persons receiving anti‐HIV drugs. A pilot study Matteo Bonato, Milano 17.20 – 17.35 Exertional rhabdomyolysis, RYR1 gene sequence variations and association with malignant hyperthermia susceptibility Antonella Carsana, Napoli 17.35 – 17.50 ACE I/D polymorphism and physical activity engagement: role of body composition and hormones Pascal Izzicupo, Chieti 17.50 – 18.05 Effect of long‐term aerobic and anaerobic training on human myoblast differentiation and oxidative metabolism Annamaria Mancini, Napoli 18.05 – 18.20 Evaluation of skeletal muscle oxidative metabolism in Alzheimer disease patients Matthew Ramaglia, Milano 18.20 – 18.35 Contractile impairment of human muscle fibre caused by aging and by disuse Carlo Reggiani, Padova SESSIONE 4/B – AULA GRANDE FITNESS E VALUTAZIONE FUNZIONALE Keynote: 16.30 – 16.50 First dorsal interosseus electromechanical activity during fine control of output tension Claudio Orizio, Brescia Oral Presentations: 16.50 – 17.05 The Role of Perceived Autonomy on Psychophysiological Responses to Exercise in Normal Weight and Obese Women Erwan Codrons, Pavia 17.05 – 17.20 Relationship among core muscles activity and perceived exertion: multiple regression analysis Giovanni Cugliari, Torino 17.20 – 17.35 Functional evaluation of lumbar spine in athletes performing gymnastics: an operational proposal for trainers Roberta Kirchmayer, Roma 17.35 – 17.50 The physiologic profile of climbers during specific and aspecific aerobic exercise Eloisa Limonta, Milano 17.50 – 18.05 The respiratory frequency has scalar properties during self‐paced exercise Andrea Nicolò, Roma 18.05 – 18.20 Comparison between continuous incremental ramp test and discontinuous square‐wave test for vVO2max assess ment in long distance runners and soccer players Andrea Riboli, Milano 18.20 – 18.35 Effects of 21 half‐marathons in 21 days on autonomic nervous system and psychological parameters: a case report Gianluca Rospo, Milano 18.30 ‐ 19.30 AULA GRANDE ASSEMBLEA SOCI SISMES ED ELEZIONE DEL NUOVO DIRETTIVO 20.30 CENA SOCIALE DOMENICA 28 SETTEMBRE 8.30 – 10.35 SESSIONI PARALLELE SESSIONE 5/A – AULA 5 RICERCA E TECNOLOGIA APPLICATA AI MATERIALI PER LO SPORT Keynote: 8.30 – 8.50 BIA segmental parameters changes in professional cyclists during the Giro d'Italia (2012) 3‐weeks stage race Maurizio Marra, Napoli Oral Presentations: 8.50 – 9.05 The effectiveness of Diabetic sock Mico Sport to prevent the main events in the cohort of athletes with type 1 diabetes (T1DM) and contributing to the improvement of sports performance Cristina De Fazio, Napoli 9.05 – 9.20 Correlation between knee stiffness and injury risk factors in different foot‐surface impact conditions in marathon runners Federico Gennaro, Torino 9.20 – 9.35 Training load analysis through GPS tracking: comparison between categories of young players (Primavera, Allievi and Giovanissimi) Marco Montini, Roma 9.35 – 9.50 Training with the balance disc: learning dynamic and influence of initial fitness status Daniele Sabatucci, Campobasso 9.50 – 10.05 Associations between accelerometer‐measured and self‐reported physical activity in a sample of Italian adolescents Matteo Vandoni, Pavia 10.05 – 10.20 The Kinect sensor as a new,cost effective tool to study human gait for field work Corinne Zullo, Campobasso 10.20 – 10.35 The type of ergometer affects functional evaluation in elite rowers Emanuela Faelli, Genova SESSIONE 5/B – AULA GRANDE FITNESS E PERFORMANCE Keynote: 8.30 – 8.50 Stress‐related hormonal changes to basketball game in older athletes Cristina Cortis, Cassino (FR) Oral Presentations: 8.50 – 9.05 Effects of a training program (physical activity and hypocaloric diet) on adiponectin expression in patients severely obese Ersilia Nigro, Napoli 9.05 – 9.20 School‐based physical activity interventions to improve overweight and obese children’s lifestyle Maria Chiara Gallotta, Roma 9.20 – 9.35 Distribution and localization of subcutaneus adiposity Mosè Mondonico, Perugia 9.35 – 9.50 Effect of a modified intermittent fasting on strength, body composition and metabolic variables after eight weeks of resistance training in amateur body builders Antonio Paoli, Padova 9.50 – 10.05 The influence of the stomatognatic apparatus in athletic performance: the effects of the palatal exteroceptors stimulation in football players Antonino Patti, Palermo 10.05 – 10.20 Weight problems and lifestyle in a sample of schoolchildren: methodological aspects Luisa Pizzigalli, Torino 10.20 – 10.35 Prevalence of bigorexia and its relationships with physical activity in a sample of university students: a pilot study Mattia Roppolo, Torino SESSIONE 5/C – AULA MAGNA ATTIVITÀ FISICA ADATTATA Keynote: 8.30 – 8.50 Physical exercise and bone: friends or foes? Giovanni Lombardi, Milano Oral Presentations: 8.50 – 9.05 Influence of a flexibility training program on psychophysical health of elderly women Giuseppe Battaglia, Palermo 9.05 – 9.20 Physical exercise: a new strategy to improve cognitive function in COPD patients Giovanna Aquino, Campobasso 9.20 – 9.35 Association among sarcopenia, muscle strength, physical activity and quality of life in healthy elderly Ferdinando Cereda, Milano 9.35 – 9.50 Introducing adapted physical activity for obese patients after bariatric surgery Assunta Cirella, Napoli 9.50 – 10.05 Elastic bands and strength performance in multiple sclerosis patients: a longitudinal study Massimiliano Gollin, Torino 10.05 – 10.20 Physiological effects of aerobic training in chronic stroke patients: mechanisms for changes in oxygen consumption. A pilot study Anna Pedrinolla, Verona 10.20 – 10.35 The effect of physical training in Special Olympics athletes with intellectual disabilities Paolo R. Brustio, Torino 10.35 ‐ 11.30 COFFEE BREAK AND POSTER SESSION [2] 11.30 ‐ 12.00 – AULA GRANDE PRESIDENT'S LECTURE Research perspectives on exercise and ageing Russ Richardson, University of Utah, USA 12.00 ‐ 13.00 – AULA GRANDE SIMPOSIO: IL RUOLO DEL LAUREATO IN SCIENZE MOTORIE NELLA PROMOZIONE DEI CORRETTI STILI DI VITA Interverranno esponenti del CUN, della Regione Campania, dell'Università, delle ASL, dei Centri di ricerca e delle Associazioni di settore. 13.00 ‐ 13.30 – AULA GRANDE PREMIAZIONE POSTER 13.30 CHIUSURA DEL CONGRESSO POSTER SESSION FOYER AULA GRANDE, PIANO ‐1 27 SETTEMBRE – ORE 13.05 ‐ 15.00 POSTER SESSION [1] 25_TP Gait cycle analysis in female football player: an acute study M. Gollin, F. Abate Daga, L. Beratto, S. Fornea, M. Alessandria, A. Plescia 26_TP Dietary behaviour of professional volleyball players A. Ammendolia, T. Iona, R. Scarfone 27_TP The effects of strengthening exercises on the hip abduction musculature in professional female basketball players R. Rossi, R. Benis, A. La Torre 28_TP Influences of basketball practice in maximal ankle dorsiflexion range of motion R. Benis, A. La Torre 29_TP Effects of two stretching techniques on vertical jump performance of young basketball players G.M. Bertolotti, M. Schmid 30_TP Analysis on the progression of men world marathon record M. Bonato, L. Papini, A. La Torre 31_TP Dropout rate of the finalists of the IAAF world Junior Championship: Analysis of the middle‐ long distance events M. Bonato, C. Pagani, M.F Piacentini, A. La Torre 32_TP Bioethics and Sport 2.0 In the beginning was (only) doping F. B. Castaldo 33_TP Relationship between heart rate variability and repeated sprint exercise in young soccer players A. Cataldo, D. Cerasola, V. Vallone, D. Zangla, R. Lo Presti, G. Russo, M. Traina 34_TP Cardiovascular stress in tennis players during a 2 min groundstroke rally F. Cereda, F. Casolo, P. Vago 35_TP Development of Strength and its Expression through the Method of Periodization on Football G. Cirillo, A. Acanfora, D. Tafuri, G. Raiola 37_TP Attention and blood lactate levels in equestrians performing show jumping D. Di Corrado, Va. Perciavalle, V. Perciavalle, M. Coco 38_TP Lipid oxidation during exercise in paralympic winter athletes with locomotor impairments A. Duca, R. Lanzano, F. Parisi, C. Marini, M.R. Squeo, D. Dante, M. Righi, C. Gallozzi, M. Bernardi 39_TP VO2max and VO2AT: athletic performance and field role of elite soccer players D. Manari, M . Manara, A. Zurini, G. Tortorella, M. Vaccarezza, N. Prandelli, D. Ancelotti, M. Vitale, P. Mirandola, D. Galli 40_TP Expertise, gifted and talented in badminton performance: a project to the improvement motivational arousal G. Innocenti, M. Piazza, R. Caponigro 41_TP Analysis of proprioceptive exercises effects on inline speed skating top‐level athletes S. Lotto, F. Masedu, M.Angelozzi, M.G. Vinciguerra, M. De Angelis 42_TP Gymnastics talent identification O. Georgeta Varzaru, C. Galbusera, M. Quarantelli 43_TP Indoor Cycling training G. Marcolin, C. Galbusera, M. Quarantelli 44_TP Body composition and resting energy expenditure variations in professional cyclists during the giro d Italia (2011) 3‐weeks stage race R. Sammarco, M. Marra, B. Da Prat, A. Caldara, C. Montagnese, F. Vitale, M.Naccarato, F. Contaldo, R. Corsetti 45_TP Determinants of peak oxygen uptake in male Paralympic athletes with a locomotor impairment M. R. Squeo, C. Galvani, P.E. Adami, R. Lanzano, A. Duca, C. Marini, C. Gallozzi, M. Bernardi 46_TP Estimating the best performance in RunForScience half marathon by laboratory and field valuations C. Tarperi, K. Skroce, L. Festa, F. Schena 47_TP The after‐London in the rhythmic gymnastics A. Tinto 48_TP Effects of a task‐specific warm‐up on a single‐sprint cycling performance A. Trecroci, A. Rossi, D. Formenti, F. Esposito, G. Alberti 57_PA Sport events as communication driver for no‐profit organizations. The case of “Susan G.Komen for the Cure” M. Tabouras 58_PA A life goal G. Alagia, D. Tafuri, G. Raiola 59_PA Effects of focal vibration in subjects with shoulder impingement A. Brunetti, G. Rinonapoli, O. Brunetti, A. Caraffa, A. Biscarini, F.M. Botti, S. Cerquetani 60_PA Fit4waste collectors project ‐ wellness at workplace: phase 1 M. Gervasi, A.R. Calavalle, D. Sisti, V. Bottos, M.B.L. Rocchi 61_PA Use of technological devices to improve physical activity: what we can do for elderly people? M. Ciccarelli, G. Capelli, A. Borgogni 62_PA Exergames and healthy nutrition joined against obesity for one year. Preliminary results at 3 month follow‐up C.Ferraris, N.L.Pepe, C.Trentani, S.Tinelli, P.Borrelli, M.Vandoni, L. Correale, E.Ricagno, E.Codrons, M.Arpesella, C.Montomoli, A.Tagliabue 63_PA A structured and supervised program of fitwalking: the short‐term therapeutic efficacy on some parameters in people with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) sedentary but able to prolonged walk C. De Fazio, M.Corigliano, V. Russo, G. Corigliano 64_PA The effects of four different training programs on breast cancer patients V. De Luca, P. Borrione, F. Quaranta, E. Tranchita, E. Guerra, A. Parisi 65_PA Active sitting: use of dynamic sitting among corporate employees (a survey) M. Gervasi, A. R. Calavalle, D. Sisti, S. Senni, M. B. L. Rocchi, S. Zanuso 66_PA Protocol of telematic monitoring to evaluate the applicability of specific program of physical activity in a scholar population to reduce obesity and overweight L. Grasso, Z. Lazarevic, F. Pigozzi, P. Borrione 67_PA Influence of a pregnancy bodysuit for the treatment of lower back pain on metabolic and ventilatory parameters A.Q. Lucciola, C. Cortis, A. Rodio 68_PA Physical activity and health in postmenopausal middle‐age women. A preliminary study L. Mattina, P.R. Brustio, C. Zignin, M.E. Liubicich 69_PA Infrastructural aspects of making an active city and improving physical activity: a case‐study M. Pagliarella, A. Borgogni 70_PA Habitual Physical Activity In Adolescents: The Role Of Aerobic Fitness, Pleasure, And Exertion To Exercise M. Vandoni1, E. Codrons, P. Sacchi, L. Correale, S. Ottobrini, Y. Leynaud, L. Martinelli, E. Porzio, C.F. Buzzachera 79_ML The effects of non‐verbal communication of the coach A. Veloce, M.T. Cattaneo, F. Scamardella, D. Carfora 80_ML Physical education +plus: physical activity lesson breaking for improve life skills in inclusive school S. Cazzoli, S. Gatto 81_ML The Body Worlds Exhibition: an example of health education through a critical‐reflective approach A. Cunti, S. Bellantonio, A. Priore 82_ML Comparison of motivational and psychological aspects between professional martial artists and amateurs athletes M. D'Angelo, M. Benzi, M. Valenti, R. Di Giminiani, M.G. Vinciguerra, F. Masedu, S. Tamorri 83_ML New comprehensive technical methods in youth volleyball M. Vernet, C. Mina, F.A. Faure Rolland 84_ML Behavioral differences of sled towing in track and field's athletes L. Chirio, M. Fantoni , F.A. Faure Rolland 85_ML The role of the teacher of physical education in integrative‐inclusive processes in sports F. Giardiello, D. Tafuri, G. Raiola 86_ML Coaching interactions: active learning in a professional waterpolo team L. Varriale, P. Briganti , D. Tafuri, F. Mazzeo, G. Guillot 87_ML Highly digitalized environment and low motor skills: analysis and hypothesis of compensatory educational intervention M.L. Iavarone 88_ML The Courves method: epidemiological survey in order to screen fitness self efficacy G. Innocenti, M. Piazza, R. Monti 89_ML Learning by observation: can a cognitive process be transformed into a powerful rehabilitation tool in the presence of intellectual disabilities? F. Foti, D. Menghini, E. Orlandi, C. Rufini, G. Valerio, S. Spera, A. Crinò, S. Vicari, L. Petrosini, L. Mandolesi 90_ML Motor learning strategy: Using mistakes to eliminate mistakes C. Milanese, S. Corte, V. Cavedon, T. Agostini 91_ML Interlimb coordination and corticospinal excitability in karate athlete F. Moscatelli, A. Valenzno, A.I. Triggiani, A. Petito, A. Bellomo, L. Capranica, M.A.P. Cilibert, C. Babiloni, G. Cibelli 92_ML Pedagogy of the sport interface between the practice of sport and training of the person F. Perrotta 93_ML Motor skills with the ball A. Tinto, G. Camolese 94_ML Physical activity in preschool children: the opinions of the parents L. Bello, E. Sponza, G. Fumagalli, P. Tortella 95_ML The development of gross motor competence in 5 y old children is related to the scaffold of the physical educator P. Tortella, G. Fumagalli 96_ML The Human Movement Syntax R. Scaramuci, A Onofri, A Marconcini, M.G. Vinciguerra 190_AP A nine‐month program of adapted tango: the effects in adults with visual impairment R. Gallo, P.R. Brustio, C. Zignin, A. Perissinotto, M.E. Liubicich 28 SETTEMBRE – ORE 10.35 ‐ 11.30 POSTER SESSION [2] 36_TP Modulation of training load in young triathletes A. Di Castro, M. Fusacchia, A. Bottoni, M.F. Piacentini 129_FF Ophthalmologic findings in contact sport disciplines V. De Luca, P. Borrione, F. Quaranta, F. Sperandii, E.Cantera, F. Fagnani, F.Pigozzi 130_FF Can fitness test predict female players’ performance during a futsal match? M. Beato, F. Rocchetti, D. Cabas, R. Vendrame, G. Corratella, F. Schena 131_FF Anthropometry, body composition and performance in young wheelchair basketball players. V. Cavedon, C. Milanese, M. Lorenzato, C. Zancanaro 132_FF Measuring functional fitness of athletes, physically active and sedentary older individuals G. Condello, R. Forte, S. Falbo, C. Pesce, L. Capranica 133_FF A new method for quantitative tremor assessment in sports V. D'Addona, F. Panzera, M. Evangelista, D. Viggiano 134_FF EEG correlates during pedaling V. Delli Paoli, A. Iacobucci, D. Viggiano 135_FF Alpha B‐crystallin modulation after acute exercise in skeletal muscle: the role of oxidative stress and fiber composition E. Grazioli, I. Dimauro, N. Mercatelli, R. Barone, F. Macaluso, S. Fittipaldi, V. Di Felice, D. Caporossi 136_FF Cortical control during cyclic hand movements: a pilot EEG study A. Iacobucci, V. Delli Paoli, M. Iacobucci, D. Viggiano 137_FF Variation of scrotal temperature in a group of recreational road cyclists during 35 minutes on a drum simulator at a constant power G. Marcolin, J. Zausa, N.Petrone, A. Paoli 138_FF Assessment of body composition and resting energy expenditure in elite volley ball players R. Sammarco, M. Marra, P. Chiappetti, G. Esposito, I. Frascaro, I. Cioffi, F. Pasanisi, F. Contaldo 139_FF Anthropometric and physiological characteristics in young soccer players in three different levels R. Modena, A.Pasini, N.Varesco, F.Schena 140_FF Tremor assessment in soccer players F. Panzera, V. D'Addona, D. Viggiano 141_FF Tendon vibration combined with rTMS can reinforce a pattern of unbalanced M1 excitability between agonist and antagonist muscles L. Perasso, L. Avanzino, G. Lagravinese, A. Giannini, E. Faelli, A. Bisio, A. Quartarone, V. Rizzo, P. Ruggeri, M. Bove 142_FF RSA, CMJ, Leger, 10m sprint responses to Pre‐season training in semi‐Professional Soccer Players F. Perroni, L. Cignitti, G. Ascenzi, L. Guidetti, C. Baldari 143_FF Hand grip in schoolchildren: a cross‐sectional study M. Micheletti Cremasco, S. D'Andria, L. Pizzigalli 144_FF An experimental, marker‐free benchmark to study the interception of moving objects in karate G. Romano, C. Zullo, D. Viggiano 145_FF Differences in foot plantar pressures and gait strategies in top level soccer and basketball players: pilot study L. Russo, R. Benis, G. Grazzini, L. Barni, F. Bruni, R. Contigliani, M.L. Marasco 146_FF Body composition and resting energy expenditure of an elite water polo team R. Sammarco, M. Marra, P. Turiello, P. Chiappetti, I. Cioffi, F. Pasanisi, F. Contaldo 147_FF A native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis method for studying the interaction between p53 and its protein ligands R. Sgammato, A. Lamberti, D. Desiderio, C. Punzo, A. Carotenuto, M. Masullo 148_FF Ultrasound‐based Index of Sarcopenia and correlation with skeletal muscle mass estimation by Bioelectrical Impedence Analysis P. Vago, F. Cereda, S. Longo, F.Casolo, M. Narici 149_FF Wii Balance Board as a device for investigating kayak’s biomechanics: a pilot study S. Vando, L. P. Ardigò, D. Masala, L. Falese, J. Padulo 150_FF Evaluation of flight time in the working volume of the athletic jump R.Scaramucci, M.G. Vinciguerra 151_FF Influence of chronotype on the circadian rhythm of activity levels J. Vitale, E. Roveda, A. Montaruli, L. Galasso, A. Caumo, F. Carandente 168_FP Adaptations of foot support in point fight athletes M. Bellafiore, G. Battaglia, A. Bianco, A. Lucchese, G. Caramazza, A. Palma 169_FP Functional Movement ScreenTM scores in young basketball players L. Cavaggioni, M. Bardelli, E . Pittaluga, G. Alberti 170_FP Differences of evaluation of the maximum consumption of oxygen determined by the typology of surface utilized S. Martina, F.A. Faure‐Rolland 171_FP Validation of a bioenergetic mathematical model to estimate oxgen consumption and lactate concentration in cycling A. Zignoli, S. Skafidas, F. Biral, B. Pellegrini, F. Schena 172_FP Empowerment of physical efficiency in Italian Policemen. Conditions to reach a better working performances A. Sirressi, A. Giunto, V. Zito, C. Volpe, C. Montrone, G. Sassi, S. Tafuri, F. Fischetti 173_FP Mental and motor simulations for different locomotor actions A. Fusco, M.C. Gallotta, M. Iosa, M.E. Villani, C. Baldari, L. Guidetti 174_FP Subjective evaluations in virtual and real Zumba fitness activity G.F. Giancotti, S.P. Sanhueza Alfaro, L. Capranica, C. Cortis 175_FP Motor coordinator, body mass index, and sport participation in 6‐11 years old children L. Pugliese, M. Giuriato, A. Caumo, A. La Torre 176_FP The effects of neuromuscular training on upper body strength in young students R. Benis, M. Roncelli, L.Russo, A. La Torre 177_FP The slow strip set resistance training A. Rossi, M. Chirico, D. Formenti, A. Trecroci, G. Alberti 178_FP The role of ankle‐foot orthoses on walking parameters L. Strassera, E. Faelli, F. Lofrano, E. Pelosin, L. Perasso, M. Bove, P. Ruggeri 187_AP Lifestyle and Health Related Quality of Life in adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. E. Mozzillo, E. Zito, E. De Nitto, V. Gallarato, P. Tortorelli, A. Franzese, G. Valerio 188_AP Water versus land‐based exercise in older women P.R. Brustio, D. Magistro, G. Del Bono, M.E. Liubicich 189_AP Adapted swimming physical activity for a child with cerebral palsy: maintaining the achieved outcomes. A case report. A. Fusco, M.C. Gallotta, C. Giuliobello, C. Baldari, L. Guidetti 191_AP Repeatability analysis of sledge hockey tests M. Gollin, S. Saporito, A. Chiarotti 192_AP A comparison between able‐bodied athletes and athletes with disabilities: time series analysis searching for a performance coefficient M. Ivaldi, G. Cugliari, C. Colombatto, A. Rainoldi 193_AP Spatial learning in Down and Williams syndromes analyzed through an ecological task L. Mandolesi, F. Foti, P. De Bartolo, L. Petrosini 194_AP A psychological intervention with special athletes L. Rio, F. Gomez Paloma, D. Tafuri 195_AP Effects of a dual‐task training programme on balance in the elderly R.A. Rosa, I. Sannicandro 196_AP Dance sport and inclusion R. Scarpa, D. Tafuri, G. Raiola 197_AP An integrated Apa home‐care program for an elder with spinal cord injury E. Tasso, P. Marchisio, R.Luzzago, F. Vitali 198_AP Foster health and life‐style with an Adapted Physical Activity program for elders with frailty and disability in Genoa E. Tasso, F. Vitali 199_AP Football in mental health, study of practice P. Tritone, D. Tafuri, G. Raiola 200_AP Home‐based and extreme exercise in pancreatic cancer: a case study A. Pedrinolla, P. Cormie, A. Mambrini, F. Schena, L. 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SEEGR RE TEERI A C CO ONG GR RESSSU UA ALE La segreeteria opereerà ne ei seegu uen nti ggiorrni ed orari:: erdìì 26 6 seettem mbree dallee ore 10..00 alle o ore 19.00 0 Veene Sabatto 2 27 setttem mb bre dallle ore e 8..00 alle o ore 18.30 0 Do ome eniica 28 setttemb bre dalle oree 8.00 0 alle o ore 13 3.30 0 CENTRO SLIDE Sarà a disposizione dei Relatori la videoproiezione da computer con slides in formato PowerPoint (2000‐2010). Si prega di consegnare la presentazione al centro slide almeno un’ora prima dell’inizio della sessione. Qualora le presentazioni contengano filmati o audio, si prega di darne comunicazione via email alla Segreteria Organizzativa così da verificare la disponibilità tecnica. POSTER L’area poster è collocata nel foyer dell’Aula Grande, al piano ‐1). I poster della prima sessione (27 settembre, ore 13.05 ‐ 15.00) potranno essere affissi dalle ore dalle ore 8.00 alle ore 12.00 del 27 settembre e dovranno essere rimossi entro le ore 17.00 dello stesso giorno. I poster della seconda sessione (28 settembre, ore 10.35 ‐ 11.30) potranno essere affissi dalle ore 18.00 del giorno 27 settembre e dovranno essere rimossi entro le ore 13.00 del 28 settembre. É responsabilità di ogni autore rimuovere il suo poster entro l'orario prestabilito. In caso contrario la Segreteria Organizzativa non si assume responsabilità dei poster lasciati incustoditi. CENA SOCIALE La cena sociale si svolgerà la sera di sabato 27 settembre alle ore 20.30 presso il ristorante “Il Posto Accanto” ‐ Via Nazario Sauro 2/4. Il Ristorante "Il Posto Accanto" è raggiungibile a piedi in circa 20 minuti, attraversando la famosa Piazza del Plebiscito in direzione del lungomare (vedi percorso sotto). I partecipanti dovranno confermare la loro partecipazione e ritirare il relativo voucher entro le ore 17.00 del giorno 26 settembre. La mancata conferma sono da intendersi come rinuncia alla partecipazione alla cena sociale. In caso di smarrimento del voucher non sarà rilasciato nessun duplicato. Aula Magna – Piano Terra Aula Grande – Piano ‐1 Foyer Aula Grande – Piano ‐1 Aula 5 – Piano Terra 26 SETTEMBRE 2014 SESSIONE 1/B 10.30 – 13.00 Incontro Referenti Corsi di Studio di Scienze Motorie 13.30 – 15.00 TAVOLA ROTONDA L'Insegnamento dell’attività motoria nella scuola primaria SESSIONE 1/A 15.00 – 17.00 Didattica e formazione applicate alle scienze motorie 17.00 ‐ 17.45 17.45 ‐ 18.45 19.00 08.30 – 10.30 10.30 – 11.00 11.00 – 13.05 Cerimonia Inaugurale Marcello Faina Lecture Cocktail di benvenuto 27 SETTEMBRE 2014 SESSIONE 2/A SESSIONE 2/B Allenamento e performance Attività motoria, benessere e salute Coffee Break SESSIONE 3/B SESSIONE 3/C Metodologie di allenamento e valutazione 13.05 – 15.00 15.00 – 16.00 16.00 – 16.30 16.30 – 18.30 L’attività motoria e sportiva nel contesto socio‐ economico e giuridico Allenamento e performance neuromuscolare SISMES Lecture Coffee Break SESSIONE 4/B SESSIONE 4/A Apprendimento motorio, sviluppo psicofisico e coaching Poster Session [1] Fitness e valutazione funzionale 18.30 – 19.30 10.30 – 11.30 11.30 ‐ 12.00 Lunch Break Strategie diagnostiche applicate alle scienze motorie 08.30 – 10.30 SESSIONE 3/A Assemblea SISMES 28 SETTEMBRE 2014 SESSIONE 5/C SESSIONE 5/B SESSIONE 5/A Attività fisica adattata Fitness e performance Ricerca e tecnologia applicata ai materiali per lo sport Poster Session [2] Coffee Break President's Lecture SIMPOSIO 12.00 – 13.00 Il ruolo del laureato in scienze motorie nella promozione dei corretti stili di vita 13.00 – 13.30 Premiazione Poster
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