ROCIO ISABEL PAEZ - Dipartimento di Matematica

Personal data
Nationality: Argentinian
Birthday: November 26th , 1985
Birthplace: Lan´
us, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Residence: Via Caltagirone 15 Scala C Interno 12,
Roma (00182), Italy
T.E.: +39 366/ 2522362
Academic data
• Post graduated studies: Ph.D. candidate, Department of Mathematics, Universit`a di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Roma, Italia. Supervisor:
Dr. Ugo Locatelli.
• Graduated studies (combined bachelor’s and master’s degree):
Facultad de Ciencias Astron´omicas y Geof´ısicas (FCAG), Universidad
Nacional de La Plata (UNLP), La Plata, Argentina (2004-2012). Degree thesis: Diffusion studies in symplectic multidimensional
• Specialized high school studies: on Science and Tecnology, Colegio
Nacional de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2004).
• High school studies: Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires, Buenos
Aires, Argentina (1999-2003).
Refereed papers in scientific journals
• “Trojan resonant dynamics, stability, and chaotic diffusion for paramenters relevan to exoplanetary systems”, R. I. P´aez & Christos Efthymiopoulos (accepted for publication).
• “Exploring the marginal stability region in the planar circular restricted
three-body problem”, R. I. P´aez & Ugo Locatelli (work in progress).
Refereed papers in conferences proceedings
• “Design of maneuvers based on new normal form approximations: the
case study of the CPRTBP”, P´aez, R. I., Locatelli, U., ICNPAA 2014
Proceedings (2014) Submitted.
• “Modeling Trojan dynamics: diffusin mechanisms through resonances”,
P´aez, R.I., Efthymiopoulos, C., Complex Planetary Systems, Proceedings IAU Symp. 310 (2014) Accepted.
• “Modeling resonant trojan motions in planetary systems”, Efthymiopoulos, C., P´aez, R.I., Complex Planetary Systems, Proceedings IAU Symp.
310, (2014) Accepted.
• “Orbital parameter refinement and transit timing variation analysis of
the hot-Neptune Gliese 436b”, von Essen, C., Miculan, R., P´aez, R. I.,
BAAA, 56, p. 423 (2013)
• “B´
usqueda de exoplanetas: Cu´an confiables son las observaciones obtenidas
mediante telescopios terrestres?”, von Essen, C., P´aez, R. I., Schimitt,
J.H.M.M., BAAA, 55, p. 441 (2012)
Working experience
• Teacher assistant, Experimental Physics II course, Department of Physics,
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, UNLP, Argentina (2012).
• Teacher assistant, Elementary Mathematics course, FCAG, UNLP, Argentina. Dean resolution N o 132. File code 1100. N o 1404 (2011).
• Teacher assistant, Summer course 2011, FCAG, UNLP, Argentina. Dean
resolution N o 158. File code 1100. N o 1080. Year 2010
• Teacher assistant, Summer course 2009, FCAG, UNLP, Argentina. resolution N o 317. File code 1100. N o 2339. Year 2008
Participation in Conferences
• “INDAM-GNFM XXXIX Scuola estiva di Fisica Matematica”, Bonadies
Hotel, Ravello, Italy. 15-20 September, 2014.
• “Second Stardust Training School”, Universit`a degli Studi di Roma “Tor
Vergata”, Roma, Italy. 8-12 September, 2014.
• “ICNPAA 2014 World Congress: 10th International Conference on
Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Sciences”, Narvik
University College, Narvik, Norway. 15-18 July, 2014. Presentation:
30 min oral “Exploring the marginal stability region in the
planar circular restricted three-body problem”.
• “Complex Planetary Systems IAU Symposium 310”, Facult´e des Sciences, Universit´e de Namur, Namur, Belgium. 7-11 July, 2014. Presentation: poster “Modeling Trojan dynamics: resonant motions, chaotic diffusion and long term stability”.
• “Third Astronet-II Training School and Workshop”, Faculty of Physics
and Astronomy, University of Zielona G´ora, Zielona G´ora, Poland.
23-27 June, 2014. Presentation: 25 min oral “Moving in the
marginal stability region of the tadpole orbits: an approach
based on normal forms”.
• CELMEC VI “The Sixth International Meeting on Celestial Mechanics”, Balletti Park Hotel, San Martino al Cimino, Viterbo, Italia. 2-6
September, 2013. Presentation: e-poster titled “Exploring the
border of the stability region in the PCR3BP”.
• “Planetary Motions, Satellite Dynamics and Spaceship Orbits”, Centre de Recherches Math´ematiques, Universit´e di Montr´eal, Montr´eal,
Canada. 22-26 July, 2013.
• Second Astronet-II School “Advanced Aspects of Spacecraft Control
and Mission Design”, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland,
United Kingdom. 3-7 June, 2013. Presentation: 40 min oral “Perturbation Theory at Work on Astrodynamics: Dealing with
the Planar Restricted 3-Body Problem”.
• “Mathematical Models and Methods for Planet Earth”, Instituto Nazionale
di Alta Matematica (INDAM), Universit`a di Roma“La Sapienza”, Roma,
Italia. 27-29 May, 2013.
• First Astronet-II School “Astrodynamics of Natural and Artificial Satellites: from Regular to Chaotic Motions”, Universit`a di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Roma, Italia. 14-17 January, 2013. Presentation: 10 min
oral “Introduction to the Network”.
• 55a Reuni´on Anual de la Asociaci´on Argentina de Astronom´ıa, Mar del
Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 15-19 September, 2007.
• “3rd. La Plata International School on Astronomy and Geophisycs”
(LAPIS2011). “Chaos, diffusion and non-integrability in Hamiltonian
Systems - Applications to Astronomy”, FCAG, UNLP, Argentina, 11-15
July, 2011.
• V Workshop on Planetary Science, FCAG, UNLP, Pcia. de Buenos
Aires. 23-26 February, 2010.
• 52a Reuni´on Anual de la Asociaci´on Argentina de Astronom´ıa, FCAG,
UNLP, Argentina. 21-25 September, 2009
• 50a Reuni´on Anual de la Asociaci´on Argentina de Astronom´ıa, Malarg¨
Mendoza, Argentina. 15-19 September, 2007.
• “Resonant dynamics of Trokan exoplanets”, SIMBa (Seminari Informal
de Matem`atiques de Barcelona), Faculty of Mathematics, Univ. of
Barcelona, 26th May 2014.
• “Resonant dynamics of Trojan exoplanets”, Dip. di Matematica, Univ.
di Roma “Tor Vergata”, 17th March 2014.
• “Diffusion along resonances in a symplectic mapping”, Dip. di Matematica, Univ. di Roma “Tor Vergata”, 21st February 2013.
Organization of Conferences
• LOC member of the First Astronet-II School “Astrodynamics of Natural and Artificial Satellites: from Regular to Chaotic Motions”, Universit`a di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Roma, Italia. 14-17 January, 2013.
• LOC member of the 3rd. La Plata International School on Astronomy
and Geophisycs (LAPIS2011). “Chaos, diffusion and non-integrability
in Hamiltonian Systems - Applications to Astronomy”, La Plata, Argentina. 11-15 July, 2011.
Fellowships and Internships
• Training internship in the framework of the Training Network AstronetII program at the IEEC Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya,
under de supervision of Profs. G. G´omez and J.J. Masdemont, from
April 26th 2014 to June 8th 2014. Subject: Representation of the main
families of periodic orbits and their invariant manifolds around the
collinear Lagrangian points in terms of osculating elements.
• Training fellowship for advanced university students (BENTR11 ), given
by the Comisi´on de Investigaciones Cient´ıficas (CIC) de la Provincia
de Buenos Aires, from October 1st 2011 to September 30th 2012. Act
1352. Subject: Diffusion studies in symplectic multidimensional mappings
Participation in administration and management committees
• Elected substitute Student member of the Honorable Academic Council
of the Facultad de Ciencias Astron´omicas y Geof´ısicas (UNLP), from
April 2009 to March 2010.
• Elected substitute Student member of the Interpretations, Regulations
and Finances Commission of the Facultad de Ciencias Astron´omicas y
Geof´ısicas (UNLP), from April 2009 to March 2010.
• Elected titular Student member of the Directive Council of the Facultad
de Ciencias Astron´omicas y Geof´ısicas (UNLP), from April 2010 to
March 2011.
• Elected titular Student member of the Interpretations, Regulations and
Finances Commission of the Facultad de Ciencias Astron´omicas y Geof´ısicas (UNLP), from April 2010 to March 2011.
• Elected titular Student member of the Directive Council of the Facultad
de Ciencias Astron´omicas y Geof´ısicas (UNLP), from April 2011 to
March 2012.
• Elected titular Student member of the Interpretations, Regulations and
Finances Commission of the Facultad de Ciencias Astron´omicas y Geof´ısicas (UNLP), from April 2011 to March 2012.
• Elected titular Student member of the Superior Council of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata, from April 2012 to March 2013.
• Languages
– Spanish: native
– English: fluent
– Italian: intermediate
• Software and Programming skills
– FORTRAN language: expert level
– LATEXlanguage: expert level
– C language: advanced level
– Mathematica simbolic manipulator: advanced level
Outreach activities
• Open public talk “Dynamical Chaos at service of space missions design”,
presented at Colegio San Pio X, La Plata, Argentina. 24th September,
• Open public talk “Dynamical Chaos at service of space missions design”,
presented at FCAG, UNLP, Argentina. 13th September, 2013.
• Participation in the 1er. Encuentro de Estudiantes de Astronom´ıa.
Facultad de Ciencias Astron´omicas y Geof´ısicas. 21-23 September 2011.
• Participation in the Scholar Olimpic Games on Mathematics Nand´
years 1996, 1997 and 1998.
• Participation in the Youth Tournament, Mathematic Field, year 1998.