volume 50 | spring edition 2014 ««««««««««««««««««««««««««««« « «« 2014 FESTIVAL free entry every saturday « in november « FROM 9:30 pm ««««««««««««««««««««««««««««« ‘LIOLA’ the rural play HOLIDAY FUN FOR KIDS MELBOURNE CUP LUNCH page 26 page 11 page 22 s r a t S e h t r e d n U ls o r Ca Sunday 14 December Family Fun from 3pm Unlimited carnival rides $15 ª Petting zoo plus ª Food & market stalls ª International Foti Firework Finale Carols Under the Stars - Gates open 5pm Marconi Stadium Entry $3 (Children under 10 Free) Main Stage Live Entertainment Nick Bavarelli - Musical Director Head to the Club Marconi Facebook page for the full list of entertainers www.facebook.com/marconiclub MARCONI WIRE // 1 2 // marconi wire MARCONI WIRE // 3 Club Marconi Board of Directors President’s Report Vince Foti Cari soci e amici, Dear Members & Friends Vince Foti Mario Soligo Joe Romeo Robert Carniato Frank Oliveri Sam Vacarro President Vice President / Sports President Vice President Director Director Director The activities within our Club since my last report have been truly remarkable, not only did they demonstrate the animation that exists within the Club’s unique ambiance but also the visible joy and experience apparent with Members and patrons. The traditional Castagne and Wine Festival in April and the annual celebrations of our Italian Republic Day in June were well received even though the weather was less than favourable on our Republic Day. Once again, the 56th Club Birthday Dinner and Lunch was a great success and well attended. It was a pleasure to celebrate the occasion with our wonderful Members and friends with a great time had by all. Our Republic Day celebrations have captivated the general media as well as our local and neighbouring communities. Delfina Pipitone Sam noiosi andrea carnuccio angelo ruisi morris licata berti mariani Director Director Director Director Director Director Members Courtesy Bus Club Marconi Courtesy Bus is a FREE service to our members and their guests*, available 7 days a week. To book, please contact Club Reception in person or 9822 3333 Option 9. WESTERN RUN** EASTERN RUN** Abbotsbury, Bonnyrigg, Bonnyrigg Heights, Bossley Park, Cecil Hills, Edensor Park, Greenfield Park, Horsley Park, Prairiewood, St Johns Park, Wakeley, Wetherill Park, Green Valley. Cabramatta, Cabramatta Station, Canley Heights, Fairfield, Fairfield Heights, Fairfield Station, Fairfield West, Mount Pritchard, Smithfield. Monday to Thursday 4pm, 6pm, 8pm, 10pm Monday to Thursday 5pm, 7pm, 9pm, 11pm Friday 4pm, 6pm, 8pm, 10pm, 12am, 2am Friday 5pm, 7pm, 9pm, 11pm, 1am, 3am Saturday 12pm, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm, 8pm, 10pm, 12am Saturday 11am, 1pm, 3pm, 5pm, 7pm, 9pm, 11pm, 1am Sunday 12pm, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm, 8pm, 10pm Sunday 11am, 1pm, 3pm, 5pm, 7pm, 9pm, 11pm * Guest(s) travelling with a member to the same location. ** Bus operates within a radius and may not include all streets within your suburb. Contact club reception for map locations. The courtesy bus has limited seats, pre-booking recommended. Let us do the Driving Free shuttle bus to Stockland Wetherill park! Shuttle bus runs every 15 minutes. Pickup at Club Marconi. Drop off at Stockland Wetherill Park. Onsite security and under cover parking. Available for staff and customers. 7 days a week. 121-133 Prairie Vale Road, Bossley Park NSW 2176 Telephone: 02 9822 3333 | Fax: 02 9822 3399 www.clubmarconi.com.au | info@clubmarconi.com.au Like us at facebook.com/marconiclub HOURS OF OPERATION Monday - Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 7am – 7pm 7am – 10pm 7am – 7pm 7am – 7pm 10am – 4pm A publication of CLUB MARCONI of Bossley Park Social, Recreation and Sporting Centre Limited. The Marconi WIRE is created by Club Marconi. Designed and produced by Meshmedia. All information is correct at the time of printing. Extracts from this publication cannot be reproduced or copied without written permission from Club Marconi. The World Cup Football programme at our Club has been an enormous success, it provided our Members and their guests with the opportunity to enjoy and share the passion of the various national teams and the enthusiasm this major world event attracts. I want to publically thank our Management and Staff for the professional way they have organized and delivered these special events, the quality delivery of these events attests to the special dedication and qualities that our staff possesses. In my last report, I advised that the Board was seeking Expressions of Interest for a Joint Venture Partner to identify strategies and opportunities to maximise the future potential of the Club’s property. The Board of Directors received 6 submissions which were shortlisted to two, both consortiums presented professional proposals and after profound scrutiny and deliberation the Board of Directors selected the well- established and credentialed consortium of Bluestone and Capital Corporation, to guide you the Members in evaluating this visionary development. Their websites are www.bluestonegroup.com.au and www.capitalcorporation.com.au The Board of Directors are fully committed to keeping you, the Members, informed on this joint venture. The Club will be organising Member and key stakeholder forums whereby you can contribute, comment and express opinions that will assist you to fully understand the merits of this exciting venture. This information process is designed to allow you to make an informed decision when it is time to approve. On your next visit to our Club and while we are enjoying our Club’s warmth and hospitality, I look forward to discussing your views on this project. Don’t forget the “Alfa Romeo Car Give-Away” which commences 1 October, swipe your card and you can win the Alfa Romeo Guilietta. Vince Foti Club President Le attivita’ del Club dalla mia ultima relazione sono state veramente eccezionali e non solo hanno evidenziato l’entusiasmo che esiste nella positiva atmosfera del Club ma anche la contentezza, gioia e soddisfazione dei soci e dei frequentatori. Nonostante le condizioni climatiche non ci siano state favorevoli la Festa delle Castagne e del Vino del mese di Aprile e i festeggiamenti per la Festa della Repubblica hanno fatte registrare un enorme successo e cosi’ pure si puo’ dire della Festa per il 56esimo Compleanno del Club dove c’e’ stata una grossa affluenza di pubblico con tutti i soci che si sono spensieratamente divertiti. La Festa della Repubblica ha attirato l’interesse delle comunita’ limitrofe ed e’ stata largamente pubblicizzata dai vari giornali e stazioni radio di Sydney. Il programma preparato in occasione della Coppa del Mondo di Calcio ha fatto registrare un enorme successo consentendo ai soci e ai loro amici di dividere la passione per le varie squadre nazionali e seguire con entusiasmo un cosi’ importante evento sportivo di caratura mondiale. Desidero ringraziare pubblicamente il personale dirigenziale e operativo per avere seguito con dedizione e grande professionalita’ il programma, inizialmente preparato, per tutta la durata dei Campionati Mondiali. Durante la mia ultima relazione vi avevo accennato che il Consiglio d’Amministrazione del Club cercava “Expressions of Interest” per una “joint venture” congiunta per cercare di identificare le strategie e le opportunita’ per capitalizzare nel modo migliore le future potenzialita’ delle proprieta’ del Club. Il Consiglio d’Amministrazione ha ricevuto 6 proposte interessanti che poi sono diventate solo due per la nostra attenta disamina. I due consorzi hanno presentato la loro proposta in modo veramente professionale e cio’ ha reso piu’ difficile la decisione del Consiglio d’Amministrazione che alla fine ha scelto il progetto di Bluestone e Capital Corporation, che guideranno, voi soci, a comprendere meglio questo eccezionale progetto. I web sites sono: www.bluestonegroup.com.au e www.vapitalcorporation.com.au. E’ intenzione del Consiglio d’Amministrazione di tenere sempre ben informati i soci riguardo questa “joint venture” e al riguardo verranno organizzati al Club dei “forums” per i soci ed eventuali azionisti durante i quali ogni socio potra’ esprimere le proprie idee ed opinioni. Questa iniziativa consentira’ a voi soci di avere le necessarie informazioni in vista dell’importante di approvare. In occasione della vostra prossima visita, finche’ goderete dell’accogliente ospitalita’ del Club, sara’ per me un enorme piacere poter discutere con voi i punti principali di questo esaltante progetto. Non dimenticatevi di partecipare alla promozione “Alfa Romeo Car Give-Away” che iniziera’ il 1 Ottobre e che consentira’ ad un fortunato socio di vincere una prestigiosa Alfa Romeo Giulietta. Per partecipare, ogni volta che farete visita alClub, bastera’ introdurre la vostra tessera di socio nelle apposite macchinette che registreranno il vostro nome per il sorteggio finale. Vince Foti Presidente 4 // marconi wire MARCONI WIRE // 5 Sports President’s Report Mario Soligo Cari soci, Dear Members As we are nearing the end of the winter sports season Club Marconi Sports has once again had a successful year. The Ladies & Men’s Bocce Association recently held their Bocciofila presentation with over 50 Members being awarded trophies for their sporting endeavours over the Bocciofila tournaments. The night was a great success with great food and dancing. Special thanks is extended to the Men’s Bocce Captain, Joe Rozzo, and Ladies Bocce Captain, Adriana Brunetta, and their respective Committees for a wonderful year of Bocce events and functions. Thanks to the Federazione Italiana Bocce and Marconi Bocce Members, Club Marconi had the privileged of Italian Bocce coach, Massimo Serafini, visit our Club and observe our facilities and coaching techniques. I am certain that this experience will place us in a strong position for the Marconi & President’s Cup to be held on the 23 & 24 August 2014. Carpet Bowls, under the guidance of Captain Giovanna Piva and her Committee, continue to grow in numbers with their Wednesday tournaments demonstrating their competitive spirit. Well done. The Marconi Cards Association recently held their annual Amiciza Day with Club Italia at Club Marconi. Thank you to Peter Brisot, Lina Marcon and their Committee for a successful tournament and year so far. We look forward to the return competition at Club Italia. The Borella Association continues to keep a busy schedule with various tournaments and sponsored events. It is also with enthusiasm that we see the Borella Association include ladies in competition, bringing a new dimension and competitive edge to the sport. Thank you to Captain, Luigi Volpato, his committee and volunteers for their tireless efforts and commitment to their sport. Our Snooker Association has also been extremely active with many internal and external competitions. The NSW Snooker Championships were recently held with our Roger Fairbrother taking out the title. Congratulations to Jim Ruisi and his Committee for a job well done. Marconi Golf recently held their annual Christmas in July Fundraiser with all monies raised being donated to Children’s Cancer. Thank you again to Captain, Philip Stabile and his Committee. Marconi Mustangs, under the guidance of President, Tony Trimboli and his Committee were selected to be part of the Footy Show. Thank you guys for your enthusiasm and for demonstrating the Marconi Spirit!!! Ci stiamo avvicinando alla conclusione della stagione sportiva invernale e possiamo dire che il Club Marconi Sport ha ancora una volta fatto registrare un anno ricco di successi. L’Associazione “Ladies and Men Bocce” ha recentemente tenuto la “Bocciofila Presentation Night” durante la quale oltre 50 soci sono stati premiati per i successi ottenuti nei vari tornei di bocce cui hanno partecipato. La serata e’ stata un grande successo con ottimo cibo e buona musica da ballo. Ringraziamenti speciali vanno a Joe Rozzo e ad Adriana Brunetta, rispettivamente capitano dei “Men’s Bocce” e capitana delle “Ladies Bocce” e ai loro rispettivi comitati per il pregevole lavoro svolto durante l’anno nell’organizzare tornei ed eventi speciali. Inoltre mi sembra doveroso ringraziare la Federazione Italiana Bocce e il Club Marconi Bocce per avere dato l’opportunita’ al nostro Club di ospitare l’allenatore Massimo Serafini che ha potuto vedere e giudicare le facilitazioni del nostro bocciodromo e le tecniche di allenamento dei nostri soci. La Carpet Bowl Association, sotto la guida di Giovanna Piva e del suo comitato continua ad aumentare il numero di affiliati che ogni mercoledi’ gareggiano con spirito davvero competitivo. L’ Associazione delle Carte recentemente ha tenuto l’annuale torneo “Amicizia Day” con il Club Italia. In attesa dell’incontro di ritorno in quel di Lansvale, desidero ringraziare Peter Brisot, Lina Marcon e i loro comitati per un anno che e’ stato ricco di successi. L’ Associazione della Borella non solo continua ad avere un folto programma di eventi e di tornei ma non smette di stupire con l’avere aperto le competizioni anche alle donne portando questo sport ad una nuova dimensione. Ringrazio il capitano Luigi Volpato e il suo comitato per gli instancabili sforzi ed energie profuse per il progresso di questo sport. Sempre molto attiva la nostra Snooker Association che partecipa a tornei casalinghi ma anche in trasferta. Recentemente il nostro socio Roger Fairbrother ha vinto il titolo nel torneo “NSW Snooker Championship” . Congratulazioni vanno a lui, a Jim Ruisi e al suo comitato per un lavoro ben fatto. Va enormemente encomiata l’iniziativa del Marconi Golf in favore dell’organizzazione Children’s Cancer. Grazie infinite di nuovo al capitano Philip Stabile e al suo comitato. E che dire poi dei Marconi Mustangs che sotto la guida del presidente Tony Trimboli e del suo comitato sono stati capaci di venire selezionati a far parte di un Footy Show. Grazie ragazzi per l’entusiasmo e per avere evidenziato ancora una volta lo spirito sportive che esiste al Club Marconi. Be reminded that the Annual Sports Presentation will be held on Saturday, 1st November, 2014. I encourage you all to attend this special event where we take the opportunity to recognize the various sports and their achievements at Local, State and National level. Desidero sollecitarvi a prendere parte in gran numero alla Annual Sports Presentation Night in programma sabato 1 Novembre perche’ durante questo importante evento verra’ reso il dovuto riconoscimento ai vari sports del club e a quei atleti che durante l’anno hanno ottenuto successi a livello locale, statale e nazionale. A special thanks to Vicki Fontana and her family who have been raising money, together with various Associations, for charities and also sponsoring various sports in the name of the Late President, Frank Fontana. Un ringraziamento speciale va a Vicky Fontana e alla sua famiglia per avere sponsorizzato vari eventi sportivi in memoria dello scomparso presidente Frank Fontana e per avere raccolto, assieme ad altre Associazioni, una discreta quantita di fondi da devolvere in beneficenza. In closing I would like to thank management, staff and volunteers for their continued dedication to Marconi Sports within our Club and to my Sports Committee for their continued support. Nel concludere questa mia relazione desidero ringraziare il personale dirigenziale e operativo, i numerosi volontari per la loro continua e costante dedizione al Marconi Sport, e il mio Comitato Sportivo per l’ apprezzatissima collaborazione ricevuta. Mario Soligo Vice President / Sports President Mario Soligo Vice Presidente e Presidente Sportivo Football Chairman’s Report Robert Carniato Since my last report, a lot has been happening in the world of football at Club Marconi, both off and on the field. Firstly, we are sad to announce the departure of our First Grade Head Coach, Darren Iocca who had resigned from in position in May. Darren has been involved in the club for over 20 years both as a former Marconi player and a coach. On behalf of the Football Committee, we would like to thank Darren for his hard work and commitment, and we wish him the very best for the future. The Football Committee is proud to appoint Paul Carter as the Marconi Stallions Senior Head Coach for the remainder of the 2014 season. Paul is no stranger to Club Marconi, having being a former Marconi-Fairfield defender that was a part of the 1988 and 1989 NSL Championship winning team. Paul brings an extensive coaching skill set to the Stallions Football Program. On behalf of the Football Committee and Football Office, we would like to welcome Paul back home. Alongside Paul, we would also like to welcome Alex McPherson to the Marconi Stallions who has been appointed as the First Grade Assistant Coach. Alex’s background comes from coaching within the Illawarra League and also being a former NSL Goalkeeper, most notably with Parramatta Melita Eagles. We welcome Alex to the Marconi Stallions Team. Within our Boys and Girls Youth League, this second round of fixtures has been a great improvement over the first. Whilst we are sitting mid table on the club championship, our quality and development of football in which our players are producing are still competitive and of a very decent standard. As I may have mentioned in previous reports, whilst results are important to a certain extent, what is most important is providing an excellent service that provides progressive learning and development for all of our footballers within the program. I would personally like to thank all the sponsors and supporters for your generous contribution and ongoing support to our players within the senior squads and the players within the Marconi Stallions Program. I also would like to thank Jesse Mariani and Klaus Okon in our Football Office, who have been working tirelessly to ensure that all of our football operations are running smoothly. I would like to extend my appreciation and thanks to all of our coaches, managers and football staff for their efforts and hard work. Yours in Football, Rob Carniato Football Chairman The Marconi Stallions Football Committee (Robert Carniato, Joe Romeo, Berti Mariani, Morris Licata) 6 // marconi wire MARCONI WIRE // 7 N I W TA O R A F L A AN ET G O E M I L IU 0 0 0 , 0 3 $ R E V O T A D E U L VA IPE W S IGHT m to 7.45pm N AW y from 6p IN R D to W e a S c d n U a un BON nesday & S rs have a chs inne tex Card Wed w y r y l e k Ev Ca l wee & h S Ca s PLU see club reception for a copy of the terms and conditions. Authorised under NSW permit No. LTPS/14/05835. images used for illustration purposes only. MAJOR DRAW WEDNESDAY 17 DECEMBER Draws every Wednesday & Sunday from 8pm WAYS TO ENTER: from 1 October u Spend $30 or more at any food & beverage outlet u Buy in $10 or more at any Poker Palace event u Late night swipe from 10pm to 4am 8 // marconi wire MARCONI WIRE // 9 2014 Italian Rebulic Day Festa 2014 Club Marconi celebrated the biggest day on the Club’s calendar. over 15,000 people from our diverse community cAme together AND celebrated this iconic Italian Republic Day on Sunday 1st June, 2014. The day commenced with a commemorative mass delivered by Father Anthony. The celebration of Italian independence continued thereafter with a variety of entertainment which included the Bossley Park High School Choir singing the Australian National Anthem followed by other entertainers throughout the day including Frank Debellis, Claudio Sandrelli and Tony Sergi with additional roaming entertainers Fratelli Del Sud and Circus Solarus. An Italian Republic Day can only be celebrated with a variety of traditional Italian food stalls which included Italian biscotti, gelato, gingerbread, cannoli, nougat, gnocchi, pizza and pasta. These Italian stalls were complimented by other cultural foods of South American dishes, Turkish gozleme and Vietnamese cuisine. June 1st 2014 The young were well catered for with the engagement of a number of festival rides, jumping castles, pony rides and a petting zoo. For the soccer fanatics, Western Sydney Wanderers also conducted coaching clinics. Once again the Italian vintage Fiat Car Club attended the day with over 100 vehicles. The Italian Republic Day sponsors, Peter Warren Fiat Alfa, also provided the Abarth racing car for the racing enthusiasts as well as an array of Ducati motorcycles from the Ducati Club. The day was well run by our MC Tony Di Marti with Frank Calabria winning a mini Ducati and Karina Basso winning a wedding dress donated by Collezione Santina in Alexandria valued at $4,500. Paulo Rajo from Rete Italia broadcasted live during the day and the celebration culminated with a spectacular fireworks display by Foti International Fireworks. The day was a great success much due to the wonderful support of Peter Warren Fiat Alfa, Club Marconi and the members and guests who attended and enjoyed the celebrations. Thank you to all and we hope to see you next year. 10 // marconi wire MARCONI WIRE // 11 What’s On CASH HOUSIE 7PM MONDAY Proudly supporting Learning Links Cristina Lounge $10 | Book of 6, bonus & jackpot sheet 20 Bingo games & 7 Cash Housie games Pinki & Kozi’s fun with FREE BAMBINI BINGO Tuesday 23 september Session 1: 11am - 11:45am Session 2: 12pm - 12:45pm Session 3: 1pm - 1:45pm Contact Club Reception for details on 9822 3333 Limited spaces available | Bookings essential Recommended for children 6+ ITALIAN BINGO 10AM TUESDAY Elettra Refer to Circolo Anziani schedule MAHJONG 1PM TUESDAY & THURSDAY Sports Lounge $1000 Prize money each week! Thursday 25 September Doors 10.30am | Starts 11am Colosseo Adults $2 per book | Sketchies $1 | Clown & Pup dabbers $2 Diamond Dabbers $3 | Recommended for children 6+ BINGO Elettra Additional games and prizes to be won! 10.30AM WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY Woolworths gift cards & Club Marconi vouchers to be won! MEMBER JACKPOT DRAW 7PM THURSDAY - Swipe from 7PM | Draws from 8PM Main Lounge Prize pool starts from $6,000 & increased by $500 if not won Guaranteed $500 CASH to giveaway! rating Cupcake Decowith Elisa Session 1: 10:15am - 11:15am Session 2: 11:30am - 12:30pm Session 3: 12:45pm - 1:45pm Bambini Princess & FR EE Superhero Disco Contact Club Reception for details on 9822 3333 MEAT LOVERS RAFFLE TICKETS ON SALE 6.30PM | RAFFLE 7.30PM FRIDAY Main Lounge Members receive FREE tickets when spending $10 or more! Meat, chicken & gourmet deli hampers SUPER SUNDAY RAFFLE TICKETS ON SALE 4.30PM | RAFFLE 5.30PM SUNDAY Main Lounge Members receive FREE tickets when spending $10 or more! Electrical, homewares, hampers & vouchers to be won! *Conditions apply. Visit Club Marconi for more details. Authorised under NSW Permit No. LTPS/14/04200 $10pps Include & Chef Hat Apron Limited spaces available | Booking essential Recommended for children 6+ Please arrive 15 minutes prior to session time for registration Tuesday 30 september | colosseo Thursday 2 October Doors 10.30am | Starts 11am (2 hour duration) Best dressed boy & girl WIN a PRIZE Colosseo | Additional games and prizes to be won! Dress up as your favourite princess or super hero | Recommended for all ages e fl f a R s a m Christ 12 // marconi wire Frosty Friday Raffles! rudolph’s RAZZLING RAFFLES! Friday 5, 12, 19 December Sunday 7, 14, 21 December Bigger than ever Gourmet Deli Hampers, Seafood trays, 5KG Hams & Fuel gift cards to be won! Christmas hampers, toys, grocery packs and holiday gifts to be won! MARCONI WIRE // 13 Tickets on sale 6.30pm | Raffle starts 7.30pm Tickets on sale 4.30pm | Raffle starts 5.30pm SUPER SUNDAY RAFFLE: 7 September: Sunday 30th November Tickets on sale 6.30pm | Raffle starts 7.30pm Double tickets for members who spend $10 or more! Father’s Day Raffle 28 September: School Holidays Raffle Get sorted early this Christmas 5 October:Get in the NRL spirit with some Rugby League gifts and hampers 19 October: House & Garden raffle 2 November: Melbourne Cup raffle 16 November: Summer Holidays raffle Raffles every Sunday, specialised themes above Carols Under the Stars Sunday 14 th REGISTRATION FORM December All members may enrol their children to receive a free show bag ( 10yrs and younger) Member Name: 3 - 4.30pm Children Christmas show bags avalible from Club Badge number: 3pm - 7pm Carnival rides Contact number: 5pm Marconi Stadium opens 5.15pm Carols Under The Stars commence 8.45pm Spectacular fireworks display! Limited tickets available. Fill in the attached registration form and submit to Club Marconi reception no later than 3rd November 2014. No further registrations will be accepted after this date. TERMS & CONDITIONS: The children’s Christmas show bag is open to member’s children only (under 10 years). Parent or guardian must show Medicare card for ID upon booking at Club reception. Child must be present to collect their show bag on the day. Times above must be adhered to on the day of the event, no show bags will be issued outside of these times. Email: Child’s Name 1: Child’s name 2: Child’s name 3: Childs name 4: 14 // marconi wire MARCONI WIRE // 15 Special Christmas Offer Authentic Grana Padano $17.90 per kilo* *Available in minimum 5kg block Order from The Piazza Available from 1 November until Christmas Day 1 x catered VIP treatment for you and 5 friends to watch the NRL Grand Final in style! Winner drawn September 30, at 12pm. Visit facebook.com/marconiclub to enter. Promotional Period September 1 – September 30, 2014. Winner contacted via Facebook. Conditions apply. Visit Club Marconi for more details. Authorised under NSW permit No. LTPS/13/00688 Panettone Members Special Loison Pasticceri Dal 1938 Don’t miss all the live NRL action on the big screens CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OUR WINNERS! Winners FIFA World Cup WINNERS Pandoro $30 each of Juventus v A-League All Star tickets Juventus v A-League All Star tickets: Jenny Self VIP winners: George Marando, Renee Ciapponi and Celine Sunmola. Thank you to everyone who updated their details in our promotion classico - cioccolato $10,000 give away Burburan, $10,000 winners: Danny Mona, Caroline Collins, Natale Massari, Husein Sadikovic, Mario Ball Kieran and Margaret Bonnici, Thi Nguyen x 2, Marlene Ciampa 16 // marconi wire MARCONI WIRE // 17 SPRING Piazza specials MONDAY Family feast $39 2 pizzas, 2 kids meals, garlic bread & a jug of soft drink Add 4 serves of gelato for an extra $8 (Excludes gourmet pizza, single scoop gelato only) TUESDAY ILITY, T A S R E V H IT W S E ION! EVENT SPAC S A C C O Y N A R O ARM F H C & R E T C A R A CH The iconic Club Marconi offers all inclusive event solutions for birthdays, christenings, holy communions, cocktail parties, high teas, engagements, weddings, school formals, wakes, conferences, corporate events and more. Club Marconi features five stylish event rooms, each with their own characteristics, charm and the capacity to cater for intimate gatherings of 10, through to grand events of 1000. Ribs, chips & beer $14.50 CHRISTMAS FUNCTIONS Half rack pork ribs & chips with a schooner of Tooheys New Choose from a selection of our Christmas packages and celebrate the festive season in style. WEDNESDAY 2 for $22 pizzas Book your next event by October 31st 2014 to receive complimentary Christmas theming for your event.* Available after 6pm (Excludes gourmet range) THURSDAY Kids eat free! with any main meal purchased Receive 1 FREE kids meal from the kids menu (Main meals consist of items under pizza, gourmet pizza, pasta, main meals) [Available 5pm – 9pm] *Terms and conditions apply, children under 12 years FRIDAY 1kg Mussels $25 in Napolitana sauce with choice of a local beer or house wine. Served with crusty bread (Available all day) SATURDAY Courtyard BBQ BBQ Roll $4.50 | BBQ Roll & VB meal deal $7.50 (Available midday until 3pm) SUNDAY Burger fest $15 Choose from barra burger, beef burger or schnitzel burger served with chips (Available from midday to 5pm) Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Offers not available on Public holidays or special event days (Festivals, Father’s Day, Christmas etc). Club Marconi has the right to remove these offers at any given time without notice. Dine in only. Members price, members discount already applied. Specials may change at any time without notice. Club Marconi practices the responsible service of alcohol. * Photos of food are for illustration purposes only. * Minimum spends apply. Only valid for customers selecting from Christmas packages who book their event with deposit prior to 31.10.2014 PRIVATE FUNCTIONS As a leading industry professional we are very experienced in providing innovative, affordable catering and beverage solutions with exceptional customer service all designed to leave you and your guests satisfied no matter what the celebration may be. Call our dedicated team of event specialists now to discuss your next function. SCHOOL FORMALS At Club Marconi, school formals & graduation celebrations are our expertise and we take pride in making these special evenings a memory to cherish for years to come. Packages starting from $45pp* *Minimum numbers apply. Club Marconi Functions | (02) 9822 3309 | www.clubmarconi.com.au PUNTO POP 1.9% COMPARISON RATE 18 // marconi wire 1.9% COMPARISON RATE WITH WITH 0% 0% DEPOSIT DEPOSIT AND AND 0% 0% RESIDUAL* RESIDUAL* ALFA ROMEO MITO 3.9% COMPARISON RATE** FINANCE WITH 10% DEPOSIT^ AND 0% RESIDUAL ALFA ROMEO GUILIETTA PROGRESSION DIESEL 3.9% COMPARISON RATE** FINANCE WITH 10% DEPOSIT^ AND 0% RESIDUAL Corner Todman Ave & Hume Highway Warwick Farm 2170 www.peterwarrenfiatalfa.com.au Peter Warren Fiat Alfa www.peterwarrenfiatalfa.com.au Peter Warren Automotive DL 5411 1800 927 736 Peter Peter Warren Warren Automotive Automotive DL 5411 DL 5411 1800 1800 927 927 736 736 ^ Subject to credit assessment criteria. Finance provided by Macquarie Leasing Pty Limited ABN 38 002 674 982 (Australian Credit Licence No. 394925) trading as Chrysler Group FINANCIAL, to approved applicants (not available ^ Subject to credit assessment criteria. Finance provided by Macquarie Leasing Pty Limited ABN 38 002 674 982 (Australian Credit Licence No. 394925) trading as Chrysler Group FINANCIAL, to approved applicants (not available are payable. Full conditions available on application. are payable. Full conditions available on application. Corner Corner Todman Todman Ave Ave & & Hume Hume Highway Highway Warwick Warwick Farm Farm 2170 2170 www.peterwarrenfiatalfa.com.au www.peterwarrenfiatalfa.com.au www.peterwarrenfiatalfa.com.au www.peterwarrenfiatalfa.com.au Peter Warren Fiat Alfa Peter Warren Fiat Alfa 19 20 // marconi wire Xxxxxxxxxxxx MARCONI WIRE // 21 Sunday 5th October NYE @ Club Marconi COLOSSEO // From 9pm - 1am Celebrate On sale 8 September TICKETS $15 AT Club Reception | $20 AT door headlining DJ A-LO FEATURING al su ca l. ar t ho lco sm fa s eo vi c es er es Dr ibl ns l| po er es th nt ia es se ti s rac ip on Es D arc |I M ub Club Marconi practises the responsible service of alcohol. Cl Tickets on sale Monday 3 November, call Club reception on 9822 3333 to book! 18 s Colosseo | Doors 8pm | Tickets $35 er WEDNESDAY 3 1 DECEMBER Ov Sparkling on arrival & NYE countdown 80 s With live performances by Debellis Band, Francesca & Claudio Sandrelli followed by DJ Sam Gullo B ac k to the Oc to be r 80 lo n s Fu g w nk e , R eke et n ro d & Rn B DJ Sam G | DJ Jaz Cee DJ Paul 22 // marconi wire MARCONI WIRE // 23 ««««««««««««««««««««««««««« Melbourne « «« 2014 FESTIVAL TUESDAY 4TH NOVEMBER Main Lounge Races live on the big screen Tabitha & The Clique ( Live from 12-4pm) followed by DJ Sam TAB facilities for all the races OPEN from 9am SEAFOOD $45 $7 COCKTAILS PLATTER FOR TWO free entry every saturday « in november « FROM 9:30 pm Flamenco « Salsa « Rumba « Bachata « Lambada Fiesta Dancers « Tango Fire « DJ JVR ««««««««««««««««««««««««««« 01 Wilson & La Verdad Orquesta 08 Caliente la Banda 15 Latin Kaos 22 Sensacion Latina 29 Latin Addiction PRIZE FOR best dressed MALE & FEMALE Club Marconi practises the responsible service of alcohol. « «« plus Empanadas & chicken wings with chimichurris or habanero sauce // Red & White Sangria Please note, timing will vary slightly due to Main Lounge sporting schedule. Club Marconi practises the responsible service of alcohol. 24 // marconi wire MARCONI WIRE // 25 Entertainment SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY 3 Bachata 7:30pm, Main Lounge 1 Bachata 7:30pm, Main Lounge 5 Bachata 7:30pm, Main Lounge 10 Bachata 7:30pm, Main Lounge 8 Bachata 7:30pm, Main Lounge 12 Bachata 7:30pm, Main Lounge 17 Bachata 7:30pm, Main Lounge 15 Bachata 7:30pm, Main Lounge 19 Bachata 7:30pm, Main Lounge 24 Bachata 7:30pm, Main Lounge 22 Bachata 7:30pm, Main Lounge 26 Bachata 7:30pm, Main Lounge 29 Bachata 7:30pm, Main Lounge FRIDAY 5 The Spark 9pm - 12am, Main Lounge 5 Rock n Roll - Tezza & The Twistops 8pm - 12am, Auditorium / DJ Kool Trev FRIDAY FRIDAY 3 DJ Sam 9pm - 12am, Main Lounge 8pm - 12am, Auditorium 12 DJ Sam 9pm - 12am, Main Lounge 3 Rock n Roll - The Bandits / DJ Kool Trev 19 The Spark 9pm - 12am, Main Lounge 10 Mesa Groove 9pm - 12am, Main Lounge 19 Rock n Roll - Pink Chevy’s / DJ Kool Trev 8pm - 12am, Auditorium 17 The Spark 9pm - 12am, Main Lounge 26 Tabitha & The Clique 9pm - 12am, Main Lounge 17 Rock n Roll - Rocatac / DJ Kool Trev 8pm - 12am, Auditorium 24 Tabitha & The Clique 9pm - 12am, Main Lounge 31 Debellis Band 9pm - 12am, Main Lounge 31 Rock n Roll - Matchbox / DJ Kool Trev 8pm - 12am, Auditorium SATURDAY 6 Father’s Night / Motivo / Club Night 8pm - 12am, Colosseo 6 Frecuencia Quatro 9pm - 12am, Main Lounge 13 Vadala / Club Night 8pm - 12am, Colosseo 13 Banda Show 9pm - 12am, Main Lounge 4 Sensacion Latina 20 Latin Addiction BB 9pm - 12am, Main Lounge 20 Dolce Vita Band / Club Night 8pm - 12am, Colosseo 27 Caliente La Banda 27 Motivo / Club Night 9pm - 12am, Main Lounge 14 Debellis Band 9pm - 12am, Main Lounge 14 Rock n Roll - Wes Pudsey & The Sonic Aces / DJ Kool Trev 8pm - 12am, Auditorium 21 The Spark 9pm - 12am, Main Lounge 28 DJ Sam 9pm - 12am, Main Lounge 28 Rock n Roll - The Pink Chevy’s / DJ Kool Trev 8pm - 12am, Auditorium SATURDAY 1 Latin Festival / Wilson & La Verdad Orquesta 9:30pm - till late, Main Lounge 1 Liola - Italian Theatre Show 7:30pm, Auditorium 9pm - 12am, Main Lounge 8 Latin Festival / Caliente la Banda 9:30pm - till late, Main Lounge 11 Tony Di Marti & I Giovanotti / Club Night 9pm - 12am, Main Lounge 8 Motivo / Club Night 8pm - 12am, Colosseo 18 Frecuencia Quatro 9pm - 12am, Main Lounge 15Latin Festival / Latin Kaos 9:30pm - till late, Auditorium 9pm - 12am, Main Lounge 18 Vadala / Club Night 8pm - 12am, Colosseo 15 Vadala / Club Night 8pm - 12am, Colosseo 8pm - 12am, Colosseo 25 Vadala / Club Night 9pm - 12am, Main Lounge 22Latin Festival / Sensacion Latina 9:30pm - till late, Main Lounge 22 Motivo / Club Night 8pm - 12am, Colosseo 29Latin Festival / Latin Addiction BB 9:30pm - till late, Auditorium 29 Vadala / Club Night 8pm - 12am, Colosseo SATURDAY SUNDAY 7 Dolce Vita Band 7pm - 10:30pm, Main Lounge 14 Debelis Band 7pm - 10:30pm, Main Lounge 5 Dolce Vita Band 7pm - 10:30pm, Main Lounge 21 John Vadala Duo 7pm - 10:30pm, Main Lounge 12 Dolce Vita Band 7pm - 10:30pm, Main Lounge 28 Gino & Jeff 7pm - 10:30pm, Main Lounge 19 John Vadala Duo 7pm - 10:30pm, Main Lounge 26 Motivo 7pm - 10:30pm, Main Lounge HT CLUB NIG ers $3 Memb embers m n o n $5 UNGE O L N I A M FREE 7 The Spark SUNDAY SUNDAY 2 John Vadala Duo 7pm - 10:30pm, Main Lounge 9 Dolce Vita Band 7pm - 10:30pm, Main Lounge 16 Tony Di Marti Duo 7pm - 10:30pm, Main Lounge 23 Gino & Jeff 7pm - 10:30pm, Main Lounge 30 John Vadala Duo 7pm - 10:30pm, Main Lounge Bachata ~ Every Wednesday Enquires contact Gabriel – 0416 948 486 Must present membership card *Please note content is correct at time of printing and is subject to change without notice. Starting times will vary slightly due to Main Lounge sporting schedule. 26 // marconi wire MARCONI WIRE // 27 Mark Vincent Up close & personal at Club Marconi Sunday 19 October Club Marconi PRESENTS the rural play in 3 acts By Luigi Pirandello Doors 3.30pm | Show 4pm Tickets $40 | Colosseo Tickets on sale NOW Purchase tickets at Club Reception D I RE C T E D B Y S a n t o C r i s a f u lli Mark Vincent has grown into his skin, and it shows. ‘The Quartet Sessions’ (released Special guests Tony Di Marti & Angela Arduca October 2013) is a stunning collection of classic and contemporary songs with a unique Mark Vincent interpretation. His first album ‘Mio Visione – My Dream’ reached #2 on the ARIA album charts, followed by ‘Compass’, ‘The Great Tenor Songbook’ and then ‘Songs from the Heart’, which went Gold and charted #5, #18 and #10 respectively on the ARIA album charts. Presented by Siena Events Saturday 1st November Doors 7.30pm | Show 8pm Club Marconi Auditorium Tickets $12 presale | $15 on the day see Club Reception or call 9822 3333 28 // marconi wire MARCONI WIRE // 29 STAR BUFFET Happy Father’s Day Pre-booking now available! SUNDAY, 7 SEPTEMBER 2014 Adult $30.80 Child (Under 12) $2.30 x Age Taste The Difference www.starbuffet.com.au Crystal Jade Chinese Seafood Restaurant Crystal Jade offers a 5 star Chinese dining experience using only the freshest ingredients including a live seafood selection from eight displays tanks. We offer modern and traditional Chinese cuisine, beautifully prepared with passion by our executive chefs from China and Hong Kong. Father’s Day Special Melbourne Cup Tuesday 4 November Treat your dad to an exquisite 8 course set menu for lunch or dinner per person $38.80 Watch the race on the big screen per person Set menu $35.80 Sweeps *Terms and conditions apply. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Cash payment only. Booking essential 9822 3326 | Level 1 Tuesday to Sunday Lunch 11.30am – 3.00pm | Dinner 5pm – 10pm (Friday & Saturday open to 11pm) Celebrate your special day Weddings, Birthday parties, Anniversary, Christmas parties, Crystal Jade offers an exceptional venue to host your functions. 8 Course Set Menu from $36.80 – $52.80 Caters for 20 - 200 people 30 // marconi wire MARCONI WIRE // 31 LADIES Auxiliary UPCOMING EVENTS Melbourne Cup Luncheon Indulge in a 4 course set menu of authentic Italian cuisine FATHER’S LUNCH FATHER’S NIGHT Entertainment Tony Sergi Entertainment Motivo band Main show Paul Cincotta TUESDAY 2 SEPTEMBER Elettra | Doors 10am Tickets $47 includes 3 course meal with limited drinks Contact Joan Pellegrino 0417 653 701 or Emma 9823 6578 12pm - 4pm $80pp Includes a 4 course set menu & sparkling wine Sweeps Calcutta Prizes for best hat & best dressed EVENING WITH FRIENDS Bookings essential - 9822 3863 Entertainment featuring Vadala trio with special guest Mercedes SATURDAY 20 SEPTEMBER Elettra | Doors 6.30pm Lunch 12pm – 3pm Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Sunday “Il sapore di una volta” Dinner 6pm – 10pm The flavour of once upon a time. Wednesday – Sunday Tickets $85 includes 4 course meal and drinks Dress Semi Formal Contact Joan Pellegrino 0417 653 701 or Alberto Santucci 0418 239 185 SATURDAY 6 SEPTEMBER Colosseo | Doors 7pm Tickets $12pp from Club reception 32 // marconi wire MARCONI WIRE // 33 LADIES Auxiliary UPCOMING EVENTS BORELLA Xxxxxxxxx XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX Xth Xth Xth Xth Xpm Xpm Xpm Xpm Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xth Xth Xth Xth Xpm Xpm Xpm Xpm Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx XXXXX poker XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX MELBOURNE CUP XXXXX FASHION LUNCHEON XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX Xth Xpm Xxxxxxxxx XXXXX Xth Xpm Xxxxxxxxx Entertainment Brazilian Dancers XXXXX Xth Xpm Xxxxxxxxx with Target XXXXX Xth Fashion Xpm show Xxxxxxxxx Auditorium | Doors 1030am Tickets $55 includes 3 course meal and a glass of sparkling wine on arrival CARDS Contact Pellegrino 0417 653 701 or XXXXX Xth 6578 Xpm Xxxxxxxxx Emma 9823 XXXXX Joan XXXXX Xth Xpm XXXXX Xth Xpm Fashion show proudly sponsored by: XXXXX Xth Xpm Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX given away Xth Xth Xth Xth Xpm Xpm Xpm Xpm Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xth Xth Xth Xth Xpm Xpm Xpm Xpm Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xth Xpm Xxxxxxxxx Xth Xth Xpm Xpm Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX poker palace championships NONNI DAY XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX Xxxxxx Xth 19 OCTOBER Xpm Xxxxxxxxx SUNDAY $100,000 gtd Entertainment Vadala Band SUNDAY 8th 1:30pm Gents Scopa Prizes and Mathew Dal Cin Ladies Ramino Prizes SUNDAY 8th 1:30pm FRIDAY 13th 7pm Boccio Fila Presentation Auditorium SUNDAY 29th | Doors 1:30pm 11am Gents Tresette Prizes XXXXXXX enquiries: w w w.thepokerpalace.com.au Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx XXXXX Xxxxxx $10,000 coming in december Xpm Xpm Xpm Xpm TUESDAY 4 NOVEMBER 6 NIGHTS A WEEK per week Xth Xth Xth Xth Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx 0000 0000 Xxxxxxxxxx 0000 0000 Tickets $75 Contact Frank Pellegrino 0417 653 701 or Maria Grazia 0422 399 262 34 // marconi wire 35 CYCLING After a successful winter night series Marconi Cycling Club is taking a well-earned break and scheduled to return to night racing in October. However this hasn’t stopped our riders dominating races around the state. One of our up and coming juniors Anthony Tononcelli is having a great year so far. He recently received the Western Sydney Academy of Sport’s Athlete of the Year award for cycling. Anthony, 15, rides with the Cycling Association along with his father and older brother. The Cecil Hills boy is now riding high and is regarded as one of the future top road-racing cyclists. Anthony received the award for his improvement, participation and good attitude in training and competition. At club level he has leapfrogged from D grade to B grade in less than a year. Anthony started riding at 11 and only joined the Western Sydney Academy of Sport in 2013, where his progress to date has been exceptional. He is being coached by Nash Kent and Mark Craig, with a watchful eye from Brad McGee. Part of Anthony’s development includes track training at the Dunc Gray Velodrome. If his road riding prowess is any indication, we should see some fantastic results in this arena as well. Other club riders have been competing in weekly events held by Waratah Masters and recently Matt Cartwright has come into some form and is showing the other clubs how it is done by placing first at a Waratah event held at Lansdowne. On social media he states he is now thinking it’s time to move from C grade and give B grade a crack. Phone: 02 9822 3322 | thekindergarden.cm@outlook.com Helping keep the club colours amongst the bunch and helping Matt has been Glenn Gorman and Vic Tucciarone to name a couple. There are always too many people to name so to all the members racing at the moment keep up the good work. Written by Diorne Lia and Brad Hooker Diorne Lia Brad Hooker Anthony receiving his Western Sydney Academy of Sport’s Athlete of the Year award for cycling. Club Commissar | PR & Marketing Club Commissar & Secretary Have you tried the new and exciting music classes offered at Club Marconi by Busy Bees Music? SNOOKER Welcome to all our SBB members. We are in the final stages of player of the year competition, which is sponsored by the Sanna family. The final 8 players are in the playoff position. The players are: 1. A. CAUCHI 5. B. TRAN 2. V. SACCO 6. M. JEFFRIES 3. G. OSHANA 7. T. BAKIS 4. N. VASIC 8. F. VELLA The club championships are almost completed, so in the next report we will notify who the winners are. The NSW Snooker Championship was held at Blacktown Workers Club and our very own Roger Farebrother beat Shaun Budd in the finals by four frames to three and we are so proud of our Roger. Finally, we would like to acknowledge the Sanna family for their continuous support to this wonderful sport of ours and hope that the support continues for years to come. Yours in Snooker Jim Ruisi Vic Sacco Captain Vice Captain FIR MEM SPE ST BE CIA CL RS L AS OFF S ER FR EE ! Trusted, Proven, Educational and of course fun! Busy Bees Music studio – located inside Club Marconi – is proud to offer the Kindermusik program, the world’s leading provider of music and movement programs for young children. Catering for babies, walkers, toddlers, pre-schoolers and big kids from ages 0 – 5 years, these ‘musical playdates’ provide activities that stimulate your child’s growing mind and body. Classes are run by Maestro Educator Tania Rashidi. Busy Bees Music’s studio is currently in the top 5% of Kindermusik studio’s worldwide! Each term’s classes include a weekly 45 minute class as well as all the resources you need to take your class experience home. This includes a CD, instrument, storybook and access to Kindermusik’s online learning portal packed with music, games, activities and more! Contact Tania Rashidi on 0419 449 733 or email info@busybeesmusic.com.au or visit www.busybeesmusic.com.au 36 // marconi wire MARCONI WIRE // 37 CIRCOLO ANZIANI E AMICI ART ASSOCIATION Cari amici vorrei informarvi che il 22 Maggio dopo il ritiro della signora Fontana, abbiamo formato un nuovo comitato per il Circolo Anziani (Italian Seniors). Il nuovo commitato è composto dal Presidente signora Joan Pellegrino, Vice Presidente Emma DalCol, Maria Sartoretto, Francesca Scaglione, Gianna Buca, Caterina Paloscia, Tina Damore e Cecilia Lisciotto Art classes are held in the Cristina Lounge on Monday nights. Il Circolo Anziani è un gruppo che si riunisce al martedi per giocare la tombola (bingo) e poi si rimane per un piccolo pranzetto e una chiaccherata fra amici, se vi sentite soli e volete un po’ di amicizia vi prego di venire a passare un oretta con noi. Artists’ Corner Exhibitions The Artists Corner is an exhibition space located next to the Elettra Function Room in the Mezzanine area. This space is available to display members’ artworks for a period of six to twelve weeks subject to the following conditions: Il prossimo 24 Settembre 2014, abbiamo organizzato una gita al “Doyles at the Fish Market”. Il costo di partecipazione e’di $55.00 a persona. La partenza del gruppo e’ fissata per le 9.00am dal Club Marconi con ritorno al club. SETTEMBRE The classes are held on Monday nights during school terms, in the Bocce Lounge and are conducted by Ms Nika Norman. Classes commence at 7.00pm and finish at 8.30pm. For further information contact Nika Norman direct on 0401171704. • The facility is available free of charge on a first come first served basis subject to availability; • Works must be original works of the artist; • Works must be for sale – a commission of 20% of sale price is charged by the Marconi Art Association; • The Artists Corner Management decision regarding selection of works to display is final and no correspondence will be entered into. Martedi 2 Father’s Day (Ladies Auxiliary function) Martedi 9 Tombola - Elettra Room pranzo Biglietti $15 soci $16 non-soci Martedi 16 Tombola - Elettra Room pranzo Biglietti $15 soci $16 non-soci Martedi 23 Tombola - Star Buffet pranzo Biglietti $15 soci $16 non-soci Mercoledi 24 Doyles Fish Market $55 Martedi 30 Tombola - Elettra Room pranzo Biglietti $15 soci $16 non-soci She tutors and exhibits regularly with Scone Art Society, Bowral District Art Society, Central Coast Society, Wollondilly Art Society and Fairfield City Art Society, as well as in Posara, Tuscany in 2008. Martedi 7 Tombola – Elettra Room pranzo Biglietti $15 soci $16 non-soci Martedi 14 Tombola - Elettra Room pranzo Biglietti $15 soci $16 non-soci Fairfield Art Prize 2014 – 12-26 October This is the second of two yearly exhibitions sponsored by the Fairfield City Art Society held in the Club’s mezzanine area. The exhibition is open to all artists. Youth entries are free of charge. Martedi 21 Tombola - Star Buffet pranzo Biglietti $15 soci $16 non-soci Martedi 28 Tombola - Elettra Room pranzo Biglietti $15 soci $16 non-soci Martedi 4 Melbourne Cup (Ladies Auxiliary) $55pp Martedi 11 Tombola - Elettra Room pranzo Biglietti $15 soci $16 non-soci Martedi 18 Tombola - Star Buffet pranzo Biglietti $15 soci $16 non-soci Martedi 25 Tombola - Elettra Room pranzo Biglietti $15 soci $16 non-soci OTTOBRE NOVEMBRE The latest exhibition, which ran from 1 July to 15 August, featured a selection of works by Patricia Johnston F.R.A.S., B.A. Dip. RAS, Dip. Fine Arts. Patricia is a multi-award winning professional artist based in Camden. This exhibition represents her artistic development over forty years with studio studies and en pleine air work done while travelling in Europe and Asia. Works must be submitted on Sunday 12th October, mezzanine area between 2.00pm and 5.00pm. Total prize money $5,000. Exhibition judged by professional academic staff from COFA, SCA and the National Art School. Entry form will be available on the Society’s website www.fairfieldcityart.org. Contact Joe Briffa on joebriffa@hotmail.com or 0430 478 570. Per Informazione Telefonate Joan Pellegrino 0417 653 701 ~ Emma Dal Col 9823 6578 AVVISO IMPORTANTE PER I PENSIONATI Il patronato Ital-Uil considerata la numerosa comunità italiana residente nella zona di Fairfield, Smithfield, Liverpool e Bossley Park, ha deciso di effettuare un servizio settimanale di assistenza presso il Club Marconi. Gli interessanti possono mettersi in contatto con Ital-Uil chiedendo di Pino Musso al numero telefonico 9261 1585/77. Il Circolo Anziani augura a Vicki Fontana un Buon Ritiro con tanta salute e la ringraziamo per tutto quello che ha fatto per questa associazione. Artists Corner exhibit held earlier this year featuring works by John Rice. 38 // marconi wire MARCONI WIRE // 39 GENTS BOCCE Hello everybody SEPTEMBER Friday 5th 7pm Prize Night Sunday 14th 1pm Ladies & Gents Sunday 21st 1pm Doubles club C’ship October From Wednesday 1st, New Season 2014-2015 Membership Friday 3rd 7pm Prize Night Sunday 12th 1pm Ladies & Gents Friday 7th 7pm Prize Night Sunday 16th 1pm Ladies & Gents NOVEMber This year on 13th June 2014 we had the Association Presentation for the Bocce. It was very pleasing to see a good number of people turning up and we congratulate the trophy winners. We thank the club and our Sport President for the excellent dinner. By the time you receive this magazine we will have played the Club Championship and The Marconi Cup. To help your chances of doing well in these tournaments, increase you appearances on the playing courts. On 19th & 20th July, we had Massino Serafini Italian coach, sent by the Federazione Italiana Bocce, at the Marconi for a course on how to play Bocce. Thank you for all the people who participated at the course. See you on the courts, Joe Rozzo LADIES BOCCE Welcome to the Spring Edition. As you can see Ladies Bocce has been very busy over the last few months. Firstly the Bocciofila Presentation Dinner was a great night. The company and the dinner were enjoyed by all. Thank you to the Club for an enjoyable evening. We held a Pasta and Pizza lunch one Wednesday. A big thank you to the chef for preparing a delicious meal and for the staff who helped out. Once again we enjoyed the meal then we had an enjoyable afternoon playing Bocce. A special thank you to the helpers too. Our Singles Club Championships were held and luckily for me, Ann, I came first. We were very pleased for Maria Floro who was the runner-up. This is Maria’s first trophy so it was an achievement for her. Well done Maria! Every Wednesday at 11am we have the pleasure of showing a group of disabled guests how to play Bocce. It is such an enjoyable morning with them and we look forward to this meeting every week. Thank you to our helpers, Angelo and Lorenza. Ladies Bocce is organized every Wednesday and Saturday afternoons at 1pm so come along and have a game. Yours in sports, Adriana & Ann Club Marconi 121 – 133 Prairie Vale Road, Bossley Park NSW 2176 Times: Mondays 10:00am – 10:50am Thursdays 10:00am – 10:50am Cost: $8 per session, passes are available for less Contact: Rossane 0423 141 523 Ladies Bocce Club championship singles Ladies Bocce pizza & pasta 40 // marconi wire MARCONI WIRE // 41 FENCING PHYSICAL CULTURE TOUCHE – Half way through the year & our BLADES have been on a continuous winning streak of competitions. Our fencers, with their fighting display of skill, strategy and determination have taken out first, second & third medal placings with ranking at high levels in individual or team events resulting in the following with Jonas – U15 Epee State Championships Bronze 3rd, 8th U15 Mens Epee Max – U15 Sabre State Championships 12th Mathew – U15 Sabre State Championships 13th Robert – U17 Foil State Championships 10th (at 12yrs old Robert did exceptional) Jacob - U17 Foil State Championships 6th, NSW A team cadet mens foil Bronze Federico – U17 Foil State Championships 9th. Congratulations to Leah Mangion who has been selected to represent Australia. Leah also came 3rd, in the U23 womens Foil Australian Championships. Nicholas, Bronze and Dean, Silver Schools Championships Marconi Physical Culture is in preparation for our annual competitions held throughout September and October. Our girls, ladies and teams have been training extremely hard to compete against other clubs around Sydney. We would like to wish all our girls the very best of luck! We know you will do us very proud. If you are interested in Marconi Physical Culture in 2015, please contact Anne on 0423 316 563 or visit www.marconiphysi.com. Courtney Buchannan was selected for the Australian Squad team & received a silver for the NSW B team U15 womens foil. State School Minis winners Dean, Silver U9, Nicholas, Bronze U11, Robert, Gold U13. Aleksandra bringing home Bronze, State Junior Championships Women’s Epee, also Silver in state schools senior girls Epee, Gold NSW A team & Bronze open Epee Southern Highland Championships. Congratulations to Jacob,Federico,Robert & Courtney who competed at the Nationals at Marrickville. Great effort as it was a tough for all. Come and join the elite sport of fencing & see some of the best in NSW. Located in the Colosseo room on Monday & Thursday nights for training, starting at 6.oopm. Robert Ciccarelli U13 Schools Championships Gold For more information please call Josette Giampietro (president) on 0449 848 090. Aleksandra Gold State Womens Epee Josette Giampietro President Marconi Fencing Academy – A BRIEF DESCRIPTION – FENCING – is the martial art of fighting with blades.The most common version of fencing today, also called Olympic fencing or competitive fencing is divided into 3 weapon categories, foil,sabre and epee. Classical fencing uses the same three weapons but approaches fencing as a material art. KEEP ON CHARGING THE ENEMY SO LONG AS THERE IS LIFE CARPET BOWLS - Carpet Bowls every Wednesday 10AM The Bocciafila Association Championship presentation was a great night, with excellent food and service. Singles Results Singles Winner Runner Up Mieng Eng Rocco Tiani 3rd 9:45am Club Championship pairs WEDNESDAY 10th 12:30pm Father’s day lunch WEDNESDAY 17th 9:45am Club Championships triple 13th 12pm Christmas Lunch DECEMBER Vicki Vella & Hector Baez Rocco Tiani & Bac Ha Triples Results Triple Winner Runner Up WEDNESDAY SATURDAY Pairs Results Pairs Winner Runner Up SEPTEMBER Rocco Tiani, Elena Posa & Mei Lee Tuyet Yen, Roger Vazkues & Maria Premutico Captain: Giovanna Piva Vice Captain: Mary C Auchi Assistant: Lilian Piotto 121 Prairie Vale Rd, Bossley Park | 9725 6455 42 // marconi wire MARCONI WIRE // 43 RUGBY LEAGUE Season 2014 has been a busy year. We started the season with Registrations and were fortunate enough to have two of Parramatta’s finest players, Will Hopoate and Manu Mai, meet and greet some of our Mustang boys at Club Marconi. Marconi Mustangs play in the Parramatta District competition so it’s great to see support from first grade players towards junior league. The start of the footy season also means the return of one of the best sporting shows about rugby league on television being “The Footy Show” on Channel 9. It’s not an easy task getting your junior rugby league club on the show but luckily for our Under 11’s, they were able to experience and be part of the show this year. One sunny Monday afternoon, with the grounds looking very green and lush, “The Big Marn” Darryl Brohman and the Footy Show film crew came out to Marconi Park. They spent some time filming our boys for The Small Talk segment. This is a popular part of the show where The Big Marn asks the boys questions about everything and anything. Obviously, the view points of 10-11 year old boys can be quite amusing as they have a very different idea about life, love and literally everything else in between. It’s a shame we will never get to see the full version of their insights as they spent over an hour with the boys. The session finished off with a Brainstrain Challenge between our boys Lorenzo & Fatih. Lorenzo came out the winner. It was aired that Thursday night and we have to admit we loved having our club’s exposure on prime time television. Will Hopoate, Nicholas Spinnato, Matthew Spinnato, Jacob Muller & Manu Mai The Footy Show presented our club with a $1,000 cheque which we will happily use to help fund new equipment. The boys were also the first team to receive great sponsor jackets from the show. The experience was definitely a highlight for our boys and our club. Big thanks to everyone involved. We wish all the teams the best of luck for the remainder of the season. Lets go Mustangs! Tanya Muller Treasurer Under 11’s team filming the “The Big Marn” – The Footy Show Darryl Brohman & Tony Trimboli Will Hopoate, Jai Woodbury & Manu Mai 44 // marconi wire MARCONI WIRE // 45 BORELLA LADIES Auxiliary The monthly Friday Prize Nights, Sunday Prize Days and Competition Days with Sponsors continue in strength and with enthusiasm, keeping the family together. BORELLA PROGRAMME 2014 Our May Sponsors were the Brombal & Laviano Families. SEPTEMBER On Sunday 29 June Ladies Borella were our Sponsors. Competition winners were 1st Rita Perencin; 2nd Maria Direse and 3rd Luciana Volpato. Vicki Fontana presented the winners with her “special prizes”. Thanks to Vicki and all the players for their valued participation. Director Delfina Pipitone joined us at the dinner. Thanks to Ladies Borella for their enthusiasm and support. The Club Marconi Singles Championship was held on 13 July. Winner was Giovanni Perencin and runner up Sergio Volpato. On Sunday 27 July the Fossalunga, Serafin & Volpato families were our sponsors. Thanks to all the players for supporting our competition days and prize nights. Congratulations to all the winners of the Bocciofila competitions and Club Championships. We look forward to seeing you all at Borella. Hello, to all members and welcome to the Autumn magazine. Allow me to bring you up to date on the Ladies Auxiliary past and upcoming events. Our Easter lunch has gone and we saw new members participate at our function, we had a wonderful day with great entertainment and lots of Easter eggs. FRIDAY 5th 7:30pm Prize Night SUNDAY 21st 2:00pm Club Marconi Doubles Championship SUNDAY 28th 2:00pm Prize Day Our Chestnut and Wine Festival went very well and I wish to thank all the volunteers that helped on the day, just as well the rain stayed away and we were able to enjoy another successful Chestnut Day. FRIDAY 3rd 7:30pm Prize Night SUNDAY 19th 2:00pm Trevisani Cup (Ladies & Gents) Our Mother’s Day lunch was enjoyed by all and the oldest Mother of the Day was Mrs Zadro, who also happens to be Club Marconoi’s first president’s wife, and the youngest mother was Mrs Maria Purner. SUNDAY 26th 2:00pm Prize Day 1st 7:00pm Presentation Night – Club Marconi Championships OCTOBER Sponsors: Perencin, Direse, Marzili & Fiorini Families NOVEMBER saturday (Please confirm your attendance with Luigi or Renato) friday 7th 7:30pm Prize Night SUNDAY 9th 2:00pm Sponsored by Istrana Families SUNDAY 23rd 2:00pm Prize Day FRIday 5th 7:30pm Prize Night SUNday 7th 2:00pm Sponsors Galiano & Daniella Callegari FRIDAY 19th 7:30pm Prize Night SUNDAY 21st 12 noon Christmas Party Mother of the year (Please confirm your attendance with Luigi or Renato) Sponsored by Quomi, Piva, Bergamin, Sartaretto & Meli families Christmas in July Bombora Resort Ladies Borella – June Sponsors Borella ladies preparing chestnuts for Festa della Repubbica – 1 June Joan Pellegrino Our Gold Coast tour was a huge success, with a maximum 50 members who joined me. We had great food, great weather and good company. Hope to see you all on our next trip. Brombal & Laviano Families – May Sponsors Fossalunga, Serafin & Volpato families – July Sponsors Our Christmas Luncheon is our last event of the year and it will be held on Tuesday 9 December in the Elettra Lounge. Three course meal with limited drinks $50 per person. Mother’s Night held on Saturday 10th May was a successful evening, our Mother of the Year was the lovely Mrs Tina Scafidi (photo), the youngest mother in the room was Mrs Lisa Torreno and the oldest was Mrs Maria Guidi. DECEMBER BORELLA enquiries: Captain Luigi Volpato 9826 2206 Vice Captain Renato Moro 9604 0908 Our Christmas in July was a great day and enjoyed by all. Entertainment by Fallen was enjoyed by all, fun, laughter and Santa who had a merry old time with giving away lollies to all. Mother of the year - Youngest mother & oldest mother 46 // marconi wire MARCONI WIRE // 47 CARDS MENS CARDS – SCOPA & TRESETTE LADIES CARDS – RAMINO SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER SUNDAY 7th 1:30pm Scopa (Prizes) & Lucky Door SUNDAY 7th 1:30pm Ramino (4 Prizes) & Lucky Door SUNDAY 21st 1:30pm Gents Tresette Prizes SUNDAY 28th 1:30pm Gara Di Amicizia at Club Italia SUNDAY 28th 1:30pm Gara Di Scopa at Club Italia (Incl. Dinner) OCTOBER SUNDAY 5th 1:30pm Ramino (4 Prizes) & Lucky Door SUNDAY 19th 1:30pm Club Championships (4 Prizes) (Free) OCTOBER SUNDAY 5th 1:30pm Scopa (Prizes) & Lucky Door SUNDAY 12th 1:30pm Scopa Club Championships (Free) NOVEMBER SUNDAY 19th 1:30pm Tresette Club Championships (Free) SUNDAY 2nd 1:30pm Ramino (4 Prizes) & Lucky Door SUNDAY 28th 1:30pm Ramino (4 Prizes) SUNDAY 26th 1:30pm Tresette (Prizes) & Lucky Door SUNDAY 2nd 1:30pm Scopa (Prizes) & Lucky Door SUNDAY 9th 1:30pm Tresette (Prizes) & Lucky Door NOVEMBER Cup Winners: Mens Tresette – V. Lotorto and A. Solinas Ladies Ramino – T. Sartoretto and F. Violi Regards to all, Captain Vice-Captain Peter Brisot Lina Marcon Vicki Fontana’s Fun Day – Ladies Ramino and Mens Scopa Amicizia Day – Marconi vs Club Italia. Both teams took away prizes. Well done! CHOIR Coro Marconi heading to the Opera House Every year is a busy year for the Coro Marconi as its reputation for excellence spreads even beyond Sydney, to Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth and even in Italy. No one, however, would have thought that we would be invited to sing at the Sydney Opera House as part of Opera Australia’s Community Choir project. The project funded by the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts, aims to bring choirs from Western Sydney together for a Spectacular performance at the Sydney Opera House on Saturday 1st November 2014. The performance will also include soloists from Opera Australia and the Opera and Ballet Orchestra. The choir is now working hard to lean the new repertoire for this event, while keeping up an already busy performance schedule. The dedication of the choir members attending rehearsals every week, especially through the cold, dark winter months, is the reason the choir goes from strength to strength and is much in demand for many events, both religious and non-religious, within the Italian community. Such as the 60th Anniversary Celebrations for L’Emigrazione Giuliana nel Mondo, held in Wollongong on Sunday 10th August . A grand event held in the Fraternity Club with people attending from all over Australia. The choir’s performance was so well received it created a demand for copies of our CD. The CD of is of folk songs and Opera choruses professionally recorded by the Choir in 2012, with the support of Club Marconi. At $15 it makes an ideal gift to send overseas, or for that member of the family that is difficult to buy for. It can be purchased every Thursday at Club Marconi, Elettra Lounge where the choir rehearses from 7 – 9 pm. New members are always welcome. Please contact the choir secretary Maddelena Ietri for details Ph: 9610 5503. Ci vediamo! Camille Maria Mercep Conductor JW SMITHFIELD NUCLEAR MEDICINE Suite 8, 27 Justin Street Ph: 9609-6400 www.jwnuclearmedicine.com.au www.bonehealth.com.au JW Nuclear Medicine is a one stop Nuclear Imaging Centre. Located in 27 Justin Street, Smithfield ( behind CANDELORI Italian Restaurant ). FREE ON SITE parking. We offer: Bone Scan Heart Scan (Sestamibi) Lung Scan (V/Q) and other Scans BULK BILLING Dr Johan Wijaya MBBS (Syd) FRACP FAANMS Dr Quyen Nguyen BSc (Med) MBBS FRACP FAANMS A/Prof Nicholas Pocock MBBS MD FRACP FAANMS Senior Staff Specialist St. Vincent Bone Densitometry (Osteoporosis) Thyroid Scan OPEN MON - FRI 8.30am - 5.00pm
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