THE 13th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE SOCIETY FOR GLOBAL BUSINESS & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE PROGRAM 16th July 2014 – Day 1 From 8.00 AM Registration to leave open all day 8.00-10.00 AM Welcome coffee 10.00 AM Introduction & Welcome Prof. C. Jayachandran, President SGBED Prof. Sauro Longhi, Rector of UNIVPM Prof. Gian Luca Gregori, Vice-rector UNIVPM Prof. Francesco Maria Chelli, Dean of Economics Faculty “G. Fuà” – UNIVPM Prof. Stefano Marasca, Head of Management Department – UNIVPM 10.30 AM Key-note speakers Prof. S. Marasca, Prof. M.S. Chiucchi and Prof. M. Giuliani – UNIVPM Intangibles, value creation and value conversion: Quid novi? 11.00 AM Workshop led by Professor Vasant H. Raval from Creighton University, USA The Role of the Intangibles: Academics & Business Perspective Dr. Nunzio Tartaglia, General Manager – UBI Banca Popolare di Ancona, Italy Dr. Marco Lucietti, Global Marketing Director – SANKO/ISKO, Turkey Dr. Cristiana Buzzelli, VP, Global Contents (Publishing & Digital) – Rainbow, Italy Dr. Antonio Dondi, Chief Executive of Aimag SpA, Italy Prof. Ricardo Arechavala Vargas, Universidad de Guadalajara, México Prof. Vesa Routamaa, University of Vaasa, Finland 12.30 PM Lunch 2.00 – 3.30 PM 1st technical session (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5) 3.30 – 4.00 PM Coffee break 4.00 – 5.30 PM 2nd technical session (2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5) 6.30 PM Transfer to Fortino Napoleonico for Gala Dinner 8.00 PM Gala Dinner for all participants (€ 35 – it’s possible to pay on the spot) with Award Ceremony for the best paper in honor of Professor Emeritus Martin Rahe. The prize will be awarded by Martin Rahe’s wife Puri Cabezas Castro. 17th July 2014 – Day 2 9.00 AM – 12.30 PM Registration 9.00 – 10.30 AM 3rd technical session (3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4) 10.30 – 11.00 AM Coffee break 11.00 AM – 12.30 PM 4th technical session (4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4) 12.30 PM Lunch 2.30 – 4.00 PM 5th technical session (5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4) 4.00 PM Awards Ceremony 5.00 PM Free leisure tour in Portonovo and wine tasting: guided tour of the church of Santa Maria di Portonovo and wine tasting at the wineries Strologo (reservation at the Conference desk – max 50 participants) 18th July 2014 – Day 3 9.00 AM – 10.30 AM 6th technical session (6.1) 9.00 AM – 12.00 PM Doctoral Symposium for PhD students 12.00 – 12.30 PM Awards Ceremony for the Doctoral Symposium TECHNICAL SESSIONS 1st Technical Session – Date: July 16th, 2014 – Time: 2.00 – 3.30 PM 1.1. Entrepreneurial Capital in the Knowledge Economy Chair: P M Rao (USA) Room: T37 Rich-to-poor Diaspora Ventures: How Do They Survive?, Aki Harima, Jörg Freiling, Maria Elo Contextual Success Factors for Social Entrepreneurship: Comparing Africa and India, Edward D. Bewayo, Ram Subramanian The impact of intrapreneurship in a modern enterprise, Jože Kocjančič Innovative entrepreneurs: who are they?, Vesa Routamaa, Piia Edinger, Tiina Brandt Antecedents of entrepreneurial activity: theory & evidence from Asia, Justin Paul, Archana Srivatava 1.2. Intangibles and fiscal problems Chair: Leo Guzman-Anaya (Mexico) Room: T36 International Trade and Entrepreneurship – Why Germany is so overwhelming among EU-27countries?, Arto Lahti Similarities and differences in the capital structure of the transformation industry and commerce in Mexico, Juan Gaytan-Cortes, Juan Antonio Vargas-Barraza, Antonio de Jesus Vizcaino Some Considerations on Fiscal Problems of Eurozone Countries, Lubica Bajzikova, Alessio Lokar Knowledge Inequality, Entrepreneurship, and Agricultural Transformation – A Conceptual Framework and Lessons from Rural South India, Suresh C Babu , C. Jayachandran Empowerment through E-Governance in Developing Economies: The Case of India, Sivakumar Venkataramany 1.3. Brand as Intangible: Brand Management & Brand Equity Chair: Tonino Pencarelli (Italy) Room: T33 Symbolically valuable for the customer? A longitudinal analysis of the interlinkages between brand and relationship development activities of a furniture manufacturer, Anu Norrgrann Branded Apps for high-involvement products: the results of an empirical study, Sara Bartoloni, Federica Pascucci The Relationship between Brand Equity and Country of Origin from the Retailer’s Perspective: A Literature Review, Gaetano Aiello, Raffaele Donvito, Laura Grazzini, Managing and evaluating the corporate brand: a model suggestion through the case analysis, Fabrizio Mosca, Cecilia Casalegno An evaluation of the effects of consumer cultural values on self-congruity: the case of “Apple” in the Chinese market, Longfei Li, Nitin Sanghavi, Claudio De Mattos 1.4. Marketing of Intangibles Chair: Sherriff Luk (Hong Kong) Room: T32 Applying the Geomarketing Concept to Develop a Car Dealership Network In Iasi, Romania, Ovidiu Dascălu Innovation, Internationalisation, and Business Performance: Case Studies from the Italian Furniture Industry, Giovanna Pegan, Patrizia De Luca Analyzing Brand Values with a Semiotic Approach, Marianna Boero How Companies Can Contribute to Territorial-identity Development: Empirical Evidence from Italian Businesses Cases, Angelo Bonfanti, Paola Castellani, Chiara Rossato Recovery and revitalization of disadvantaged areas by transfer of “ethical capital” – Some empirical evidence in the wine sector, Maria Vincenza Ciasullo, Giuseppe Festa 1.5. The Intellectual Capital Chair: Juan Mejía-Trejo (Mexico) Room: T30 Knowledge management for knowledge development: lessons learnt while implementing international projects by multicultural teams, Carmen-Laura Zarzu, Cezar Scarlat Managing Intellectual Property in High-tech Services: a case study of an engineering company, Qing Cao Intellectual capital information in sustainability reports: an analysis of Italian Banking sector, Maria Assunta Baldini, Romilda Mazzotta, Giovanni Bronzetti Intellectual Capital as a determinant of Competitiveness: SMEs Manufacturing Industry in Guadalajara, Mexico, Jose Sanchez-Gutierrez, Elsa Georgina Gonzalez-Uribe, Silvio Genaro Hernandez-Coton Family Ownership Structure and Firm Value (Case study on Big-Cap Public Companies), Juniarti 2nd Technical Session – Date: July 16th, 2014 – Time: 4.00 – 5.30 PM 2.1. Relational Capital Chair: Patrizia De Luca (Italy) Room: T37 An ugly store in a beautiful place? Exploring the effect of store interior and urban design on consumers’ inferences and store patronage intentions, Alessandro De Nisco, Michela C Mason When the Museum tells the Company, Floriana Iannone User’s attitude to publicity in social webs. A study developed in Mexico, Juan Antonio Vargas-Barraza, Yolanda Araceli Martinez-Padilla, Juan Gaytan-Cortes Marketing Communication and the Semantics of Information, André Stuth Joint effects of message framing and evidence type on early disease detection and prevention messages, Yam B. Limbu, C. Jayachandran, Christopher McKinley 2.2. Managing intangibles in services businesses Chair: Nitin Sanghavi (UK) Room: T36 Customer Participation Behavior for Value Co-creation Behavior in High- Versus Low- Contact Services: The Roles of Trust-in-Personnel and Trust-in-Brand, Esther L.Y. Li, Sherriff T. K. Luk, Ben S. Liu The importance of automotive services in the distribution business and their critical factors for success, Stadlmann Christian, Barbara Ehrenstorfer From product to service: exploring the main barriers of the servitization for the Italian footwear manufacturing companies, Ilenia Confente, Andrea Buratti Barriers for effective International Relationship Marketing in Emerging Markets, Paola Signori, Federica Bressan The Role of Service Provider in Place Management, Marcello Sansone 2.3. Alternative marketing views Chair: Ivan Russo (Italy) Room: T33 The effect of visual layout of assortment breadth and depth on individual perceptions of assortment size and evaluations, Gabriele Pizzi, Daniele Scarpi Creative cities: emerging Italian cases, Maria Della Lucia Global sourcing and back-shoring: towards a possible shift of sourcing strategies?, Fabrizio Baldassarre, Raffaele Campo Exploring the relationship between green innovations and internationalization, Maria Chiarvesio, Valentina De Marchi Who Needs Big Data Computing?, Thomas Lenhard 2.4. Leadership Chair: Srećko Goić (Croatia) Room: T32 A framework for frugal innovation in medical device industry, Arvinder P. S. Loomba Constructing leadership with Generation Y, Susanna Kultalahti Leadership expectations ranked by different personalities, Tiina Brandt, Piia Edinger Relationship between leadership and variable compensation with psychological empowerment factors and the effectiveness of mid-level employees of Mexico’s largest companies, Mónica Blanco-Jiménez, Adriana Segovia-Romo, Joel Mendoza-Gómez To study the concept of transformational and Transactional leadership on employees with special reference to Hindustan Computer Limited Noida, Rajeshwari Narendran, Shreshtha Dabral 2.5. Innovation capital, spin off, start up and business incubators Chair: Jose Sanchez-Gutierrez (Mexico) Room: T30 Segmenting, targeting and positioning the mobile payment services, Andreea Raluca Wurster, Cezar Scarlat Regional Context and Academic Spin off: Effective or Critical Cooperation?, Christian Corsi, Daniela Di Bernardino, Antonio Prencipe Internationalization of Technology Startup Firms from Emerging Economies: Leveraging Intangible Assets in Turbulent Environments, Ricardo Arechavala-Vargas, Francisco Leonel-de-Cervantes, Mónica García-Mora Next generation Manifacturing: the Mediterranean Fab Lab case study, Antonio Botti, Ezio Marinato Complementary and Synergistic Competencies in Technology Transfer: A New Model of a Spin-off Creation Program, Chiara Mazzi, Riccardo Passeri, Marco Bellandi 3rd Technical Session – Date: July 17th, 2014 – Time: 9.00 – 10.30 AM 3.1. Entrepreneurship and Intangibles Chair: Jörg Freiling (Germany) Room: T37 Accelerating entrepreneurship via intensive learning programs, Mirella Migliaccio, Francesca Rivetti Intangibles and Entrepreneurial Capital, Paola Demartini, Francesca Cesaroni, Mara Del Baldo, Paola Paoloni Entrepreneur as an Intangible Asset, P M Rao Development of a Model for Human Capital Management for the Success of Corporates, Arihant Sogani, Aqila Rafiuddin, Anomitra Banerjee 3.2. Knowledge management Chair: Cezar Scarlat (Romania) Room: T36 Customer Knowledge to improve the Innovation: The Relationship in México, Juan Mejía-Trejo, Jose Sanchez-Gutierrez, José Francisco Haro-Beas Examining the Role of Short Break on Proactive Behavior: A Self-Regulatory Resource Perspective, Kan Ouyang, Wing Lam, Ziguang Chen, Libin Shen Intangibles and creation of value in an integrated formal and informal eLearning environment, Sabrina Leone Explaining knowledge sharing behaviours through an organizational form- and motivation-based perspective, Vincenzo Cavaliere, Sara Lombardi 3.3. Online Education, Higher Education & Executive Training Chair: Sivakumar Venkataramany (USA) Room: T33 How Sensitive Is Schooling Achievement to Instructional Time?, Derek D. Wu, Ying Wu Eight years into career after business degree – Influences of gender and personality on career success, Piia Edinger, Tiina Brandt, Vesa Routamaa The use of ICT and its impact on the educational process of teaching, Araceli Duran-Hernandez, Juan Gaytan-Cortes, Judith Mireya Cornejo-Macias Perspective of American Students after the Deep Recession of 2008, Harbans Singh 3.4. Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability Chair: Richard Lord (USA) Room: T32 Dynamics of Corporate Social Responsibility in Albanian Joint Stock Companies, Amali Çipi, Shyqyri Llaci, Fernando A. F. Ferreira Assurance on sustainability reports: why and who?, Silvia Romero, Belen Fernandez-Feijoo, Silvia Ruiz How large companies communicate sustainability in an international environment: a crossroads between grounded information and green washing, Fabrizio Baldassarre, Raffaele Campo Private ordering and sustainability goals: concrete sustainability deliverables (CSDS) and virtual proximate communities (VPCS) as pathways toward effectiveness, Edward A. Morse, Vasant Raval Attitude and perception towards green products in Macao: an exploratory study, Alessandro Lampo, Sin U Leong 4th Technical Session – Date: July 17th, 2014 – Time: 11.00 – 12.30 AM 4.1. Human capital management and development Chair: Piia Edinger (Finland) Room: T37 Executive Compensation in Intangible Intensive Industries, Richard A. Lord Psychological Aspects of the Business Development: Personality Factors of the Successful Innovative Activity, Sergey Yagolkovskiy Impact of Mobbing on Health and Absenteeism among Nurses, Srećko Goić Investigating how inter-firm relational features influence absorptive capacity and content creativity of a joint production team : focusing on media content business, Joonseo Moon, Won Jun Lee Communities of Practice’s dark side. Some evidences from a retailer organization, Fabio Fraticelli, Francesca Negri, Enrico Cori 4.2. Digital Marketing; Customization; Social Media; E-Commerce Chair: Michela C Mason (Italy) Room: T36 The Social Media Manager as a Reputation’s Gatekeeper: an Analysis from the New Institutional Theory Perspective, Andrea Moretti, Annamaria Tuan Digital Marketing in Germany – functional principles, status, development and perspective, Ralf Lehmann Privacy, security and utility perceptions on social commerce by Mexican consumers, and its impact on adoption of Social Network Sites as marketing medium, Celestino Robles-Estrada, Laura M. AlvaradoBenítez, Alberto A. Suastegui-Ochoa Web marketing and the SMEs: needs, problems and opportunities. An empirical study in the Marche Region, Valerio Temperini, Gian Luca Gregori, Luca Marinelli Sustainability and SMEs: the case of CSR4UTOOL web application, Laura Corazza 4.3. Relationship marketing Chair: Christian Stadlmann (Austria) Room: T33 The implementation of relationship marketing in cluster management, Bogusław Bembenek The intangible resources in the relationship between real estate agents and customers. What is the role of trust? , Oronzo Trio Suppliers’ Segmentation Process: a business-relationship perspective, Maria Rosaria Marcone The trigger for positive word of mouth in the after sales service, Ilenia Confente, Ivan Russo The customer Relationship Management (CRM) and its impact on competitiveness in the Restaurant industry of Guadalajara, Mexico, Ileana Elizabeth Ruvalcaba Rivas, Jose Sanchez-Gutierrez, Juan MejiaTrejo 4.4. Intangibles and market analyses Chair: Lubica Bajzikova (Slovakia) Room: T32 Local Supporting Industry Linkages from Japanese FDI in Mexico’s Western Region, Leo Guzman-Anaya Credit quality, bank provisioning and systematic risk in banking business, Maurizio Polato, Flavio Pichler, Josanco Floreani, Andrea Paltrinieri Does the volatility of interest rates affect the value of investment projects? A real option investigation, Davide Radi, Luca Vincenzo Ballestra, Graziella Pacelli A Review of Theories on Foreign Direct Investment, Alma Zisi 5th Technical Session – Date: July 17th, 2014 – Time: 2.30 – 4.00 PM 5.1. Intangibles in the SMEs Chair: Vesa Routamaa(Finland) Room: T37 How do SMEs appropriate the value from innovation? An empirical analysis in medium high-tech industries, Lara Agostini, Anna Nosella, Benedetta Soranzo Analysis of operations in the context of manufacturing, and its impact on the competitiveness of SMEs in Guadalajara, Mexico, Guillermo Vazquez-Avila, Jose Sanchez-Gutierrez, Juan Francisco GomezCardenas, Dario Montoya-de la Torre Innovation as a competitiveness factor in Guadalajara´s SME´s manufacturing Industry, Cinthya Karina Camacho-Sotelo, Jose Sanchez-Gutierrez, Paola Irene Mayorga-Salamanca Knowledge transfer & development across entrepreneurial generations: evidence from historical family-owned SMEs, Mariacristina Bonti, Enrico Cori Knowledge Management & Generational Change: the impact on local SMEs, Concetta Lucia Cristofaro, Anna Maria Melina, Rocco Reina, Marzia Ventura 5.2. Tourism Chair: Celestino Robles-Estrada (Mexico) Room: T36 Intangibles as feedstocks to capability differentials: a DMO perspective, Silvia Gravili, Antonio Iazzi, Pierfelice Rosato An interpretative model for the Web image analysis: the case of a wine tourism destination, Federica Cavallo, Monica Fait, Amedeo Maizza, Lea Iaia, Paola Scorrano Linking CRM and competitiveness in the hotel industry, Elsa Georgina Gonzalez-Uribe, Jose SanchezGutierrez, Juan Mejia-Trejo Seeking an adrenalin rush or the chance to relax? Analysis of motivation of adventure tourists. An Italian case study, Michela Mason, Luca Gos Brand management in the hotel industry: from company to network brand. Opportunities and limits of networking for small-sized hotels, Selena Aureli, Fabio Forlani, Tonino Pencarelli 5.3. Business strategy Chair: Daniele Scarpi (Italy) Room: T33 A Structural Model to Explain Customer Repurchase Intentions in Co-operative Banks, Rubens Pauluzzo, Enrico Geretto Development and exploitation of relational resources in IT outsourcing, Paolo Popoli TQM firms, risks identification and the use of non-financial performance measures: an empirical investigation, Antonio Costantini, Filippo Zanin Hybrid Strategy, Ambidexterity And Environment: Toward An Integrated Typology, Alexandre Lapersonne, Nitin Sanghavi, Claudio De Mattos Founding Family CEO Pay Incentives and Investment Policy: Evidence from a Structural Model, Mieszko Mazur, Betty H.T. Wu 5.4. Valuation & Reporting of Intangibles Chair: Vasant Raval (USA) Room: T32 An Empirical Analysis to Assess Intangible Assets in Tunisia and Its Relevance in the Knowledge - Based Economy, Soumendra K. Dash, Dhekra Azouzi Is it Time for Internally Generated Intangible Assets to be Recognized in Financial Statements of U.S. Companies?, Ramesh Narasimhan, Shifei Chung The role of intangibles in improving the predictive ability of internal rating systems, Vincenzo Formisano,Michele Modina , Andrea Quintiliani Relevance of Intangibles in European Companies’ Balance Sheets – an Empirical Perspective, Sebastian Serfas Measuring intangibles through the balanced scorecard: the case of an italian company, Marco Gatti Doctoral Symposium for PhD students– Date: July 18th, 2014 – Time: 9.00 AM – 12.00 PM Chair: Marco Cucculelli Discussants: Giuseppe Canullo, Enrico Cori, Marco Giuliani, Ivan Russo Room: Board Room Does communication support intangibles? Empirical evidences on Monza and Brianza’ SMEs, Roberto Chierici, Maria Cristina Morra Is environmental sustainability a strategic driver? An explorative investigation in the Italian mining sector, Francesca Ceruti, Angelo Di Gregorio Social media use by government to reduce damages following a natural disaster—Inhabitants’ communication, e-government, and intangible social capital of collaboration, Naoya Yasugi, Liu Cahngyu, Yasuyuki Nishigaki, Hideki Nishimoto Understanding Sequences of Business Interactions and their Influence on Cross-Cultural Inter-Team and Intra-Team Negotiations, Cheryl Dowie, Claudio De Mattos, Oscar De Bruijn Towards A Stakeholder Model of Risk Governance, Habibun Nisa Mohamed Ajmal Managing intangible assets in international contexts: an empirical analysis on Monza and Brianza SMEs, Laura Gavinelli, Alice Mazzucchelli B2B vs B2C, which different approaches to social media marketing. Empirical evidence from the Marche Region, Luca Marinelli, Laura Moscatelli
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