Curriculum Vitae Personal information First name / Surname Marco Fellin, PhD Address Telephone E-mail Nationality Italian Date and place of birth Gender Male Work experience Dates Occupation or position held February 2010 – September 2014 Research fellowship Main activities and responsibilities Wood quality laboratory activities: designing of experimental tests, execution of scientific procedures, evaluation of results, statistical analysis, writing reports. Characterization of wood and wood based products through standard and non standard tests, X-ray densitometry, Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis (ED-XRF), Fourier Transformed InfraRed (FT-IR) spectroscopy, wood adhesives, biomass and wooden urban wastes, scientific photography, Indoor Air Quality (Volatile Organic Compounds, formaldehyde). Name and address of employer CNR IVALSA - Istituto per la Valorizzazione del Legno e delle specie Arboree, via Biasi 75, 38100, S. Michele all’Adige -TN (Italy). Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Wood Research Centre September-December 2011 Research Stages during PhD course Main activities and responsibilities Wood gluing with renewable eco-friendly materials (Nano Cristalline Cellulose), Nanoindentation (NI) analyses, Thermo Gravimetric Analyses (TGA), Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), X-ray diffraction (XRD). Name and address of employer Centre de Recherche sur le bois, 2425 rue de la Terrasse, Universitè Laval, G1V0A6, Québec (Canada), and Center for Renewable Carbon, University of Tennessee, 2506 Jacob Drive, Knoxville, TN, USA. Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Wood research centre September 2009 – May 2010 Teacher Naturalistic photography course for students of Agriculture Institute Centro Istruzione e Formazione – Fondazione Edmund Mach – S. Michele all’Adige (TN) - Italy Scientific photography June 2009 – January 2010 Occupation or position held Research fellowship on Agriculture Ministry (M.I.P.A.A.F) project on “Mountain forest wooden and non-wooden high quality products” Main activities and responsibilities Planning, executing and statistical analysis of forest owner interviews, leading a group of colleagues, writing draft final report. Taking part in the meeting EFI RO CEEC e COST Action E51 in Suceava (Romania). Name and address of employer A.Q.A. Certificazioni – Fondazione Edmund Mach – S. Michele all’Adige -TN (Italy). Type of business or sector Non Wood Forest Products Page 1/8 - Curriculum vitae of Fellin Marco Updated on September 12th 2014 Dates Occupation or position held February - August 2008 University Stage Main activities and responsibilities Development of a research plan and execution of laboratories and bibliographical activities. Main goal was writing the Master Degree thesis titled “Effect of surfacing and gluing methods on wood glue lines peak stress, according to ASTM 905/03”. Name and address of employer Centre de Recherche sur le bois, 2425 rue de la Terrasse, Universitè Laval, G1V0A6, Québec (Canada). Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Wood research centre May - October 2004 University Stage Main activities and responsibilities Development of a research plan and consequent bachelor thesis on “calibration and characterization of an X-rays experimental laboratory equipment” used for radio-densitometry of wood. Experiences on: universal testing machines applied at wood frames for buildings, wettability test, roughness test, acoustic characterization of resonance wood, wood collection archiving, and other experiences on basic laboratory equipment as microscope, stereoscope, microtome, precision balance, density measurement... Name and address of employer CNR IVALSA - Istituto per la Valorizzazione del Legno e delle specie Arboree, via Biasi 75, 38100, S. Michele all’Adige –TN (Italy). Type of business or sector Wood research centre Education Dates Title of course Principal subjects covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects covered 2010-2014 PhD in Agriculture, Forest and Food Sciences, research on Monitoring wooden materials for recycling, Wood technology. Wood pollutants, wood recycling. Università degli Studi di Torino (Italy). Supervisor: prof. Roberto Zanuttini. 2004-2008 Master degree in Forestry and Environmental Sciences. Timber and forest management, ecology, environmental protection. Name and type of organisation providing education and training Università degli Studi di Padova (Italy). Supervisor: prof. Raffaele Cavalli. Level in national or international classification 105/110 Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects covered 2001-2004 Bachelor degree in Wood Technologies and Industries Wood anatomy and physics, wood technology, industrial plants, technical draw and wooden artefacts projects, Standard tests and certifications. Name and type of organisation providing education and training Università degli Studi di Padova (Italy). Supervisor: dott. Martino Negri. Level in national or international classification 110/110 Training Dates Title of course Page 2/8 - Curriculum vitae of Fellin Marco 15-20 August 2011 Course Applications of X-ray microtomography on heterogeneous materials (wood and wood based composites) Updated on September 12th 2014 Principal subjects covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of course Principal subjects covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of course Principal subjects covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of course Principal subjects covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of course Principal subjects covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of course Name and type of organisation providing education and training X-ray microtomography, Image analysis, tomography. University of Jyvaskyla, Faculty of physics, Finland. May 2010 Course on molecular spectroscopy, FT-IR, NIR, RAMAN analysis. Bases of spectroscopy, preparation of sample, software use, validation, spectra management, PCA… Bruker Optics - Milano (Italy). February 2010 English course on research presentation and research writing. How to write a scientific article, tips and tricks, public presentations, body language… Università degli Studi di Torino (Italy). spring – summer 2007 Natura 2000 network course. Field and theoretical study on European Union nature & biodiversity policy. Commissione Tutela Ambiente Montano - S.A.T. – Trento (Italy). 20 to 26 February 2006 Voluntary Tools for the Implementation of environmental and social responsibilities in forestry. Winter School on FSC and PEFC standards. Transilvania University of Brasov (Romania), European Forest Institute, Dip. Tesaf Università di Padova (Italy). 12 to 16 June 2005, 8 to 12 May 2006, 8 to 11 January 2007 Theoretical and practical course on “Systems of forest mechanization”, “Chain saw utilization”, “Installation, utilization ad dismantling of forest cable cranes”. Forstliche Ausbildungsstätte, Ossiach, (Austria). Personal skills and competences Mother tongue Italian Other languages Self-assessment Understanding European level (*) English French Listening Reading Speaking Spoken interaction Writing Spoken production C1 Advanced C2 Advanced C1 Advanced C1 Advanced C1 Advanced B2 Intermediate B2 Intermediate A2 Elementary A2 Elementary A1 Elementary (*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Social skills and competences I am an accurate and perceptive person, I’m confident in interacting with people in multicultural environments thanks to the several experiences abroad and to the family from which I’m coming. I have organized and conducted for years social and group activities. I have made experiences of team work. Love to travel and experience different cultures. Organisational skills and competences I have made experiences of setting and managing conferences, public events and research programmes on climatic change, ecology, sustainable life styles topics. Page 3/8 - Curriculum vitae of Fellin Marco Updated on September 12th 2014 Technical skills and competences Scientific photography, both naturalistic and technical one. Able to use most kind of cameras in visible light, with particular attention to high magnification photography. Image acquisition of other wavelength imaging (Infrared, hyperspectral Imaging, X-ray) and image analysis (measurements, particle count, stacking, colour accuracy, resolution, sharpness, blur, noise...). Dissemination of research results in English (journal articles and oral presentations). I have gained experiences on laboratory equipment, wood working machines, electric and electronic systems, welding, do-it-yourself projects, Arduino electronic platform (based on C++). Computer skills and competences Very good knowledge of Windows operating system comprehensive of automation (macro), fair knowledge of Macintosh and Linux. Very good knowledge of Microsoft Office and OpenOffice, good knowledge of image management software as ImageJ, Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop, GIMP, HeliconFocus. Good knowledge of statistic analysis software SPSS, basic knowledge of drawing software AutoCAD and statistic software R. Other skills and competences Driving licence Association membership I am sensitive on social themes, and I have made personal researches on correct management of environmental resources, illegal logging and waste management. I am also interested on safety measures management in the work place. I like to hike, climb and live mountains. I’ve coordinated and performed 10 years of volunteer social and educative activities for youngs. Motorcycle and car driving licenses (A+B). I’m a member of AFNI – Associazione Fotografi Naturalisti Italiani (Italian Nature Photographers Association), UNIF - Unione Nazionale per l'Innovazione scientifica Forestale (National Union for Forestry Scientific Innovation), SAT/CAI - Società Alpinisti Tridentini/Club Alpino Italiano (Alpine club), Legambiente (Envirnomental Association), Commissione Nuovi Stili di Vita – diocesi di Padova. Additional information Ongoing/recent projects - Page 4/8 - Curriculum vitae of Fellin Marco Contractual research on pyrogassification of wood: biomass characterization, syngas analysis, environmental impact (VOC and airborne particulate emissions). WOOD! Contribution to the exhibition on wood technology at MUSE Science Museum, Trento-Italy, May-December 2014. Contractual research on “Environmental Solutions: analysis and research on indoor pollution, VOC emission and dust distribution”. Made In Italy, “L’architettura della performance”: a joint venture of firms and research centers in developing a prototype of made in Italy construction. Development of a motorized rail for automation of IR diagnostic on wooden beams. Development of a focus stacking microscopy platform for Wood Quality Lab. BiQueen project: analysis of pollutants in solid wood originated both from forest and industry. Chi2 project: theoretical and practical recyclability of a wooden house. Galef project: analysis of particles in combustion fumes from a multi-fuel biomass cogeneration plant. Standard and non standard test on solid wood, wood plastic composites etc.: use of X-Ray densitometer, FT-ATR spectroscopy, colorimeter… Internal norm archive reorganization, and contribution to write the price list for laboratory tests. Internal re-organization of wood-working lab: write of technical manuals, CE labels… Updated on September 12th 2014 Publications p1. Marco Fellin, relator Martino Negri, 2004, Radio-densitometry of wood: calibration and characterization of an experimental laboratory device, bachelor degree thesis, Università degli Studi di Padova, A.A. 2004-2005, pp. 1-64. p2. Marco Fellin, relator Raffaele Cavalli, co-relator Martino Negri, 2008, Effect of surfacing and gluing methods on wood glue lines peak stress, master degree thesis, Università degli Studi di Padova, A.A. 2008-2009, pp. 1-103. p3. Marco Fellin, Roger E. Hernández, Martino Negri, 2009, Surface process effect on PVAc glued joints, in proceedings of ISCHP – Paris 28-29 September 2009, pp.1-8. p4. Marco Fellin, Martino Negri, Raffaele Cavalli, 2009, Influence of spreading rate and gluing pressure on PVAc glue joints effectiveness, in proceedings of ISCHP – Paris 28-29 September 2009, pp.1-8. p5. Negri M., Baggio P., Boschetti A., Scotoni M., Palubicki B., Lazzari G., Sandak J., Sandak A., Fellin M., Pieratti E., Antolini D., Ognibeni J., BIQUEEN – Biomasses Quality for Efficient Energy production: wooden biomasses origin, solid and volatile pollutants, efficient combustion for energy production, Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on energy from biomass and waste, Venice, September 2010, pp.1-11, ISBN 978-88-6265-008-3. p6. Colapinto Paola, Marco Fellin, Arriva dai boschi la combustione di energia pulita e rinnovabile, Almanacco della Scienza C.N.R., n°3, 14 aprile 2010, pp.1-2, periodico con registrazione tribunale di Roma n. 16064 del 13-10-1975. p7. J. Sandak, A. Sandak, O. Allegretti, S. Ferrari, I. Cuccui, M. Fellin, Effect of wood treatment in low temperatures on the near infrared spectra, in Mechano-Chemical transformations of wood during Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical processing, February 16-18, 2011, Biel (Switzerland). p8. M. Fellin, M. Negri, 2011, Monitoring Pollutants in biomass using FT-IR-ATR technology, in proc. of 19th European Biomass Conference and exhibition, Berlin, Germany June 2011. ISBN-13: 978-88-89407-55-4, DOI:10.5071/19thEUBCE2011-OE4.2, pp. 320 – 327. p9. M. Fellin, M. Negri, R. Zanuttini, 2011, Monitoring pollutants on wood residues using FT-IRATR technology, in proceedings of ISCHP 11 – Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA 16-18 October 2011, pp. 187-195, ISBN 978-0-9837700-0-8. p10. Kaboorani, A., Riedl, B. , Blanchet, P., Fellin, M., Development of Durable and Eco-Friendly Wood Adhesives by Using Nanocrystalline Cellulose (NCC), poster presented at 15th European Conference On Composite Materials, June 24-28, 2012, Venice – Italy. p11. M. Negri, I. Gavrić, M. Marra, M. Fellin, A. Ceccotti, Using low quality timber for x-lam: raw material characterisation and structural performance of walls under semi-dynamic testing, in proceedings of 12th World Conference on Timber Engineering, Auckland (New Zealand), July 16th-19th 2012, Final paper Journal – Monday, pp. 511-517. ISBN: 978-162276305-4 p12. A. Kaboorani, B. Riedl, P. Blanchet, M. Fellin, O. Hosseinaei, S. Wang, 2012, Nanocrystalline cellulose (NCC): A renewable nano-material for polyvinyl acetate (PVA) adhesive, European Polymer Journal 48 (2012) pp. 1829–1837, ISSN: 0014-3057. DOI: 10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2012.08.008 p13. A. Kaboorani, B. Riedl, M. Fellin, Mechanical Characterization of Nanocomposites by Nanoindentation, Note de recherche Septembre 2012 n 42, Centre de recherche sur le bois, Université Laval, Québec, Qc, Canada. p14. M. Negri, M. Fellin, 2013, Experimental survey with X-ray Fluorescence for multi-elemental analysis of biomasses from recovered wood, in proc. of BIT’s 3rd annual World Congress of Bioenergy, April 25-27, Nanjing, China, p.525. p15. M. Fellin, M. Negri, R. Zanuttini, 2013, X-ray fluorescence as a tool for wood ecology, in proc. of ISCHP 13, 7-9 October 2013, Florence, Italy, pp. 322-326, ISBN 9788890927300. p16. M. Fellin, M. Negri, R. Zanuttini, 2013, Multi-elemental analysis of wood waste using Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (ED-XRF) analyzer, European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, (vol.72 issue 2):199-211, DOI 10.1007/s00107-013-0766-4. p17. M. Fellin, supervisor R. Zanuttini, co-supervisor M. Negri, 2014, Monitoring wooden materials for recycling, PhD thesis, Università di Torino, CNR-IVALSA, pp. 182 ISBN: 9788890927317. p18. M. Fellin, M. Negri, R. Zanuttini, F. Maffei, 2013, Characterization of ED-XRF technology applied to wood matrix, Wood Research (in press). Page 5/8 - Curriculum vitae of Fellin Marco Updated on September 12th 2014 Reports r1. Library of IR-ATR spectra of known substances polluting wood and wood based products, BiQueen Project, CNR IVALSA, project funded by Fondazione Caritro (TN) - Italy. r2. Marco Fellin, Martino Negri, November 2010 - January 2011, Testing reports on Wood Plastic Composites for Bolzano (Italy) Court – commissioned by Pircher Oberland SpA: shrinkage and swelling (EN 318) pp.12, moisture resistance (EN 321) pp.12, liquids (EN 12720) pp. 11, IR and NIR Spectroscopy pp.22, thermal swelling (EN 479) pp.7, water adsorption (EN 317) pp.17 and pp.11, taber test (UNI 9115) pp.4, CNR IVALSA. r3. Marco Fellin, Martino Negri, Andrea Boschetti, July 2011, Volatile Organic Compounds in certified bio-building structures for teaching activities – Emissions of wood and non-wood building products, bibliographical and original PTR-MS measurements. Original title: Composti Organici Volatili nelle strutture in bioedilizia certificate per attività formative Misurazione delle emissioni dei materiali associati al legno e a materiali edilizi, dati bibliografici, dati sperimentali con misure PTR-MS e sensori di misura, CNR IVALSA, Consorzio Chi quadrato, Unione Europea - Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale, Provincia Autonoma di Trento, pp.70. r4. Marco Fellin, Martino Negri, August 2011, Recyclability of wood and non-wood building products in certified bio-building structures for teaching activities – theory, recycle capabilities, original measurements with ED-XRF. Original title: Riciclabilità del legno e di altri manufatti edili nelle strutture in bioedilizia certificate per attività formative - Principi teorici, potenziali di riciclabilità dei materiali associati al legno e ad altri elementi, misure di fluorescenza di raggi X in dispersione di energia. CNR IVALSA, Consorzio Chi quadrato, Unione Europea - Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale, Provincia Autonoma di Trento, pp.77. r5. Marco Fellin, Martino Negri, March 2012, BiQueen Project – biomass products pollutants measurement using FT-MIR-ATR spectroscopy and title: Misurazione degli inquinanti della biomassa e prodotti a base spettrometria FT-MIR-ATR e fluorescenza di raggi X in dispersione di CNR IVALSA, project funded by Fondazione Caritro (TN) - Italy, pp.70. r6. Marco Fellin, Martino Negri, July 2012, On the static and preservation condition of wood trusses in a chapel in Mestre (VE) Italy. Original title: Relazione sullo stato strutturale della cappella della Chiesa di Gesù Cristo dei Santi degli Ultimi Giorni, Zelarino, Venezia Mestre. CNR-IVALSA, pp.59. r7. Ignazia Cuccui, Marco Fellin, Martino Negri, May 2013, Ricerca Prestazioni durabilità, report progetto Made in Italy, LA 3.6_PL_7. CNR-IVALSA, pp.1-240. r8. Marco Fellin, Martino Negri, May 2013, Ricerca soluzioni strutturali, report progetto Made in Italy, LA 3.2_PL_31. CNR-IVALSA, pp.39. r9. Martino Negri, Ario Ceccotti, Mario Marra, Marco Fellin, Giacomo Nardin, November 2013, Report on glulam roof tests of a school gym. Original title: Rapporto delle prove effettuate sulle strutture di lamellari della copertura della palestra dell’Istituto Comprensivo Altopiano di Pinè - Scuola elementare e media di Baselga di Pinè, CNR-IVALSA, pp.88. and wood based ED-XRF. Original di legno tramite energia ED-XRF, r10. Martino Negri, Marco Fellin, December 2013, Test report on musical instrument spruce boards characterized by yellowish color, CNR-IVALSA, pp.25. r11. Marco Fellin, Martino Negri, August 2014, Report on gluelam delamination, Original title: Rapporto di prova sulla qualità del legno lamellare di larice basato sulla norma UNI EN 14080:2013, CNR-IVALSA, pp.26. r12. Marco Fellin, Martino Negri, August 2014, Report on gluelam delamination Original title: Rapporto di prova in accordo alla Norma prEN 16351 Strutture di legno - Pannelli di tavole incrociate - Requisiti Allegato C - Prova di delaminazione delle linee di colla fra gli strati, CNR-IVALSA, pp. 3. r13. Martino Negri, Marco Fellin, September 2014, Report on static, preservation, dendrochronological, xilogenetical condition of wood trusses in the St. John Baptist baptistry in Florence, Original title: Relazione riepilogativa sullo stato di conservazione, tensionale, dendrocronologico, xilogenetico di alcuni elementi lignei della cupola del Battistero di San Giovanni Battista in Firenze, CNR-IVALSA, pp. 4. r14. Martino Negri, Marco Fellin, September 2014, Report on static and preservation condition of wood trusses in the St. John Baptist baptistry in Florence, Original title: Relazione sullo stato di conservazione e tensionale di alcuni elementi lignei della cupola del Battistero di San Giovanni Battista in Firenze”, CNR-IVALSA, pp. 68. Page 6/8 - Curriculum vitae of Fellin Marco Updated on September 12th 2014 Main seminars/speeches s1. Marco Fellin, relator Martino Negri, Radio-densitometry of wood: calibration and characterization of an experimental laboratory device, Università degli studi di Padova, Italy, A.A. 2004-2005, 18/10/2004. s2. Marco Fellin, relator Raffaele Cavalli, co-relatore Martino Negri, Effect of surfacing and gluing methods on wood glue lines peak stress, Università degli studi di Padova, Italy, A.A. 2008-2009, 22/12/2008. s3. Marco Fellin, Roger E. Hernández, Martino Negri, 2009, Surface process effect on PVAc glued joints, ISCHP, Paris-France, 29/9/2009. s4. Marco Fellin, Martino Negri, Raffaele Cavalli, 2009, Influence of spreading rate and gluing pressure on PVAc glue joints effectiveness, ISCHP, Paris-France, 29/9/2009. s5. Marco Fellin, Gian Antonio Battistel, Bosco e certificazione PFNL: non solo legno, esposizione al convegno SILVI-“CULTURA” per la settimana UNESCO di educazione allo sviluppo sostenibile, Farnese (VT - Italy), 12/11/2009. s6. Giuseppe Fragnelli, Corrado Cremonini, Silvia Ferrari, Jakub Sandak, Anna Sandak, Ottaviano Allegretti, Davide Paradiso, Marco Fellin, Ignazia Cucui (presented by G. Fragnelli), Analysis of heat treatment system and temperature control in Italy. Presented on 8th International Forest Quarantine Research Group Meeting, Oeiras, Portugal, 27/091/10/2010. s7. Marco Fellin, Chi2 project mid-term presentation, Condino – TN (Italy), 05/11/2010. s8. Marco Fellin, IVALSA biomass research activities presentation, meeting with French National School of Forestry, San Michele all’Adige – TN (Italy), 10/12/2010. s9. Marco Fellin, IVALSA internal research activities presentation, Sesto Fiorentino – FI (Italy), 20/12/2010. s10. Jakub Sandak, Anna Sandak, Ottaviano Allegretti, Silvia Ferrari, Ignazia Cuccui, Marco Fellin (presented by A. Sandak), Effect of wood treatment in low temperatures on the near infrared spectra. Proceedings for COST FP0904 Biel, Switzerland, 16-18/2/2011, pp.37-38. s11. M. Fellin, M. Negri, Monitoring Pollutants in biomass using FT-IR-ATR technology, 19th European Biomass Conference and exhibition, Berlin, Germany, June 2011. s12. J. Sandak, A. Sandak, O. Allegretti, M. Fellin, S. Ferrari, I. Cuccui, G. Fragnelli, S. Cerullo, (presented by J. sandak), Verification of the wood thermal treatment according to ISPM-15, International Forest Quarantine Research Group Meeting. Canberra, Australia. 2630/9/2011 s13. M. Fellin, M. Negri, R. Zanuttini, (presented by M. Marra), Monitoring pollutants on wood residues using FT-IR-ATR technology, ISCHP 11 – Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA 1618/10/2011. s14. Seminar on Lab photography: Overview of limits and capabilities of photography in scientific fields, Centre de recherche sur le bois, Université Laval, Québec, Qc, Canada 2830/11/2011. s15. M. Fellin, Overview of transnational analytical techniques - FT-ATR, Gluing capabilities of an universal testing machine, ICP-OES, Milling techniques, Nanoindentation, TEM, TGA, XRD, CNR-IVALSA, 25/1/2012. s16. M. Fellin, Monitoring pollutants on wood and wood based products - wood recycling, Measuring pollutants with FT-IR-ATR, ED-XRF, ICP-OES, CNR-IVALSA, 1/2/2012. s17. Jakub Sandak, Anna Sandak, Ottaviano Allegretti, Silvia Ferrari, Ignazia Cuccui, Marco Fellin, Giuseppe Fragnelli, Sebastiano Cerullo (presented by J. Sandak), Is it possible to detect thermal treatment of wood in low temperatures? COST action FP0904, Current and Future Trends of Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Modification of Wood Opportunities for new markets, Nancy, France, 26-28/3/2012. s18. A. Kaboorani, M. Fellin, O. Hosseinaei, B. Riedl, P. Blanchet, S. Wang (presented by A. Kaboorani), 2012, Nano-cellulose a Green Reinforcing Material for Wood Adhesives, TAPPI Nanotechnology Conference for Renewable Materials, Montreal (Canada), 6/6/2012. s19. Martino Negri, Paolo Baggio, Andrea Boschetti, Mario Scotoni, Bartosz Palubicki, Gianni Lazzari, Jakub Sandak, Anna Sandak, Marco Fellin, Elisa Pieratti, Daniele Antolini, Jari Ognibeni (presented by A. Sandak), Biomass Quality for Efficient Energy Production – BIQUEEN Project. IUFRO All Division 5 Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 8-13/7/2012. s20. M. Fellin, Biomass and wood based products pollutants, FT-IR and ED-XRF technologies, Page 7/8 - Curriculum vitae of Fellin Marco Updated on September 12th 2014 original title: Gli inquinanti della biomassa e dei prodotti a base di legno, tecnologie FT-IR e ED-XRF, invited speaker in BiQueen project final conference, Trento-Italy, 15/11/2012. s21. M. Fellin, M. Negri, Experimental survey with X-ray Fluorescence for multi-elemental analysis of biomasses from recovered wood, meeting at Rilegno (wood recycling consortium headquarter), Cesenatico (FC)-Italy, 23/07/2013. s22. M. Fellin, M. Negri, smells good, smell wood!, original title: Che buon profumo di legno!, short educational scientific-acting piece during the event Researchers night, MUSE Science Museum, Trento-Italy, 27/09/2013. s23. M. Fellin, M. Negri, R. Zanuttini, 2013, X-ray fluorescence as a tool for wood ecology, ISCHP 13, 7-9 October 2013, Florence, Italy. s24. M. Negri, M. Fellin, I. Santoni, 2013, Indoor Air Quality in wooden buildings due to wood and associated materials, Emissioni da materiali da costruzione, il ruolo della ventilazione, il ruolo delle piante, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Sede Centrale - Aula Convegni Roma, 12/12/2013. s25. M. Fellin, 2014, Monitoring wooden materials for recycling, PhD final dissertation, Università di Torino, department AGROSELVITER, Grugliasco (TO), 12/02/2014. Page 8/8 - Curriculum vitae of Fellin Marco Updated on September 12th 2014
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