Barozzi vernici S.r.l. GRAFTING and PRUNING Our products at nursery men's service SPECIFIC PARAFFIN FOR VINE-PLANT NURSERY at different stages: 1° wax application Plastigreffe 6535 "OF", Plastifina 6535, Plastifina 6322 2° wax application Plastifina 7535, Plastifina 7075, Plastifina 7321, New Parafin "croazia" 3° wax application Plastifina 7225 mediterranea One-wax application suitable for rootstocks - Nuova Parafin "croazia" page 2 page 3 page 3 page 4 page 4 COLOURED PLASTIC PARAFFIN for the packaging of rose bushes Plastifina 5470, Plastifina 7535 page 5 Shading PAINT for GREENHOUSES Serrakolor special page 5 MASTICS and PARAFFIN for HOT-WORKING grafting in fruit-trees and ornamental nursery Arborplast, SUPERarborplast, Plastifina 5470, Plastifina 7535 page 6 MASTICS for COLD-WORKING grafting in fruit-trees and ornamental nursery Innestissimo, Arborinn, Castagninn page 7 Cicatrizing PASTE for COLD-WORKING pruning of plants Potaben "Ci" page 7 TAPES for SUMMER and WINTER grafting Bendaflex black, Bendaflex "maxi", Chipband, Graft film page 8 MELTING MACHINES for paraffin MILLENIUM series: 160, 125, - equipment "transfert": pump, alluminium loom kit page 9 GRAFTING MACHINES Hammer "omega", Hammer "omega combi", PlattHammer "omega", Hammer 3 page 10 POLYPROPYLENE STRAPPING Polyreg 1260 white and customized page 10 TOOLS and SPARE PARTS for GRAFTING MACHINES page 11 Hammer "standard-big omega" Kit, "small-standard-big omega" blades, "hammer 3" blades, "nylon" plugs, hammer "original Stroke Counter, omega puller, omega spring" ACCESSORI e PEZZI di RICAMBIO per PARAFFINATRICI page 12 Thermosol, Termometro digitale, Termostato digitale "on/off", Termostato digitale "modulante", Sonda speciale di temperatura pvc, Sonda speciale di temperatura platino, resistenza corazzata victor-hercules, resistenza flessibile millenium pag. 1 di 11 Barozzi vernici S.r.l. SPECIFIC PARAFFIN FOR VINE-PLANT NURSERY at different stages: DESCRIPTION COLOURS CODE PACK. 1° WAX APPLICATION: for the protection of the grafting point during forcing paraffin PLASTIGREFFE 6535 "OF" red in granules Special paraffin for the protection of the red 517.7N Kgs 25 granule grafting point Approximate use: 0,8-1 Kgs per 1000 talea plant grafts paraffin It contains the plant hormone DBA PLASTIFINA 6535 red in slabs red Special paraffin for the protection of the slab 519.6N • Kgs 24 grafting point Approximate use: 0,8-1 Kgs per 1000 talea plant grafts • product available on request paraffin it does not contain additives PLASTIFINA 6322 white in granules Neutral paraffin, medium point of fusion white 508.7N Kgs 25 granule compatible with Plastigreffe and Plastifina Approximate use: not quantifiable because mixed pag. 2 di 11 Barozzi vernici S.r.l. SPECIFIC PARAFFIN FOR VINE-PLANT NURSERY at different stages: COLOURS CODE PACK. green in granules bright 505.9N Kgs 25 Flexible paraffin, high point of fusion green 515.9N Kgs 24 493.9N Kgs 25 509.9N Kgs 24 DESCRIPTION 2° WAX APPLICATION: for nursery plantation paraffin PLASTIFINA 7535 granule Approximate use: 2,6-3 Kgs per 1000 rooted cuttings paraffin PLASTIFINA 7075 brown in slabs brown Rigid paraffin, high point of fusion slab Approximate use: 2,5-3 Kgs per 1000 rooted cuttings paraffin PLASTIFINA 7321 top blue blue in granules blue Special flexible paraffin, high point of fusion granule for the protection of cuttings, rooted before planting in nursery flexible film, uniform and resistant Approximate use: 2,5-3 Kgs per 1000 rooted cuttings paraffin NUOVA PARAFIN "croazia" yellow in slabs Mixture of paraffin, high point of fusion and light yellow slab modest flexibility Approximate use: 2,5-3 Kgs per 1000 rooted cuttings pag. 3 di 11 Barozzi vernici S.r.l. SPECIFIC PARAFFIN FOR VINE-PLANT NURSERY at different stages: DESCRIPTION COLOURS CODE PACK. 491.9N Kgs 25 509.9N Kgs 24 3° WAX APPLICATION: for the cool storage of rooted cuttings paraffin PLASTIFINA 7225 mediterranea green in granules green Suitable for mediterranean areas granule Mixture of paraffinic compounds for the protection of rooted cuttings to be preserved in refrigerating rooms flexible film, uniform and resistant Approximate use: 2,5-3 Kgs per 1000 rooted cuttings one-WAX APPLICATION for rootstocks paraffin NUOVA PARAFIN "croazia" yellow in slabs Mixture of paraffin, high point of fusion and light yellow slab modest flexibility Approximate use: 2,5-3 Kgs per 1000 rooted cuttings pag. 4 di 11 Barozzi vernici S.r.l. COLOURED PLASTIC PARAFFIN for the packaging of rose bushes DESCRIPTION paraffin COLOURS CODE PACK. green 507.7N Kgs 29 505.9N Kgs 25 PLASTIFINA 5470 green in slabs Extraflexible special paraffin for slab the packaging of rose bushes Approximate use: (at 70°C for rose bush) rose bushes with 3-5 branches, height cm 20ca.: 40-50 gr/pc Paraffin cost for every bush € 0,132/0,165 paraffin PLASTIFINA 7535 green in granules bright Flexible paraffin, high point of fusion green granule Shading PAINT for GREENHOUSES DESCRIPTION shading paint COLOURS CODE PACK. SERRAKOLOR special Special shading protection for greenhouses white 109.3N • Kgs 20 Dilution: in proportion to 1kg/2,5-4kg water Application: brush – roller – sprinkle Approximate use: 20 kgs per 500-1000 mq in relation to dilution • product available on request pag. 5 di 11 Barozzi vernici S.r.l. MASTICS and PARAFFIN for HOT-WORKING grafting in fruit-trees and ornamental nursery ideal for hot-working grafting (triangle - crown) COLOURS CODE PACK. Chemical plastic compound for hot-working lucid 273.6N Kgs 18 grafting of fruit-trees and ornamental plants black 272.6N Kgs 5 Chemical plastic compound for hot-working satin 270.7N Kgs 19 grafting, added with a special black 507.7N Kgs 29 505.9N Kgs 25 DESCRIPTION mastic ARBORPLAST Approximate use: 18 kgs per 5000-6000 grafts mastic SUPERarborplast paraffin for fruit-trees Approximate use: 19 kgs per 6000-7000 grafts paraffin PLASTIFINA 5470 green in slabs Special extraflexible paraffin green slab for field and bench grafting of fruit-trees and ornamental plants Approximate use: 29 kgs per 6000-7000 grafts paraffin PLASTIFINA 7535 green in granules bright Flexible paraffin, high point of fusion green for the protection of the grafting point granule of fruit-trees and ornamental plants in field and bench grafting Approximate use: 25 kgs per 6000-7000 grafts pag. 6 di 11 Barozzi vernici S.r.l. MASTICS for COLD-WORKING grafting in fruit-trees and ornamental nursery ideal for COLD-WORKING grafting (triangle - cleft and double cleft) COLOURS CODE dark 271.4L Kgs 5 brown 271.5L Kg 1 Special mastic for COLD-WORKING grafting bark-like 501.4N Kgs 5 suitable for fruit-trees and ornamental plants green 501.3N Kg 1 501.5N Kgs 0,5 501.1N Kgs 0,25 DESCRIPTION mastic PACK. INNESTISSIMO Water-based compound for COLD-WORKING grafting of fruit-trees, particularly suitable for all kaki varieties BINDING WITH TAPES IS RECOMMENDED Dilution: ready for use Application: brush Approximate use: 4,5-5 kgs per 1000 grafts mastic ARBORINN Dilution: ready for use (it may be diluted by water for pruning) Application: brush Approximate use: 3-3,5 kgs per 1000 grafts mastic CASTAGNINN Special mastic for COLD-WORKING 269.3N Kg 1 field grafting of the chestnut tree 269.5N Kgs 0,5 Dilution: ready for use (it may be diluted by water, if necessary) Application: brush Approximate use: 3-3,5 kgs per 1000 grafts Cicatrizing PASTE for COLD-WORKING pruning of plants DESCRIPTION cicatrizing paste COLOURS CODE bark-like 502.4N Kgs 5 green 502.3N Kg 1 502.1N Kgs 0,5 PACK. POTABEN "Ci" Cicatrizing paste to protect from pruning cuts Available for use in dendrochirurgy Dilution: ready for use (it may be diluted by water, if necessary) Application: brush It needs: not quantifiable pag. 7 di 11 Barozzi vernici S.r.l. TAPES for SUMMER and WINTER grafting for fruit-trees and ornamental plants WINTER inside grafting COLOURS DESCRIPTION amalgamating tape CODE PACK. BENDAFLEX black Special amalgamating black tape for black bench grafting of fruit-trees and roll ornamental plants, suitable for use with 10m.length 516.5N 48pcs 1 Hammer 3 manual grafting machines 5m.length 518.5N 48pcs 1 19mm.height Approximate use: 0,5mm.thickness 1pc per 100-120 grafts amalgamating tape BENDAFLEX "maxi" Special amalgamating black tape black 516.6N 18pcs 1 suitable for crown grafting of fruit-trees and ornamental plants roll 10m.length 50mm.height It needs: not quantifiable 0,5mm.thickness For SUMMER field grafting of fruit-trees and ornamental plants tape CHIPband New special polyethylene tape transparent 503.5N 40pcs 1 autoadhesive-transparent-photosensitive for chipbudding grafts in fruit-tree grafting (4 turns on the bud are essential, suggested 5) Approximate use for field grafting: roll 66mt.length 1pc per 300-350 grafts Approximate use for bench grafting: chipband: 19mm.height 1pc per 365 talea plant grafts 0,1mm.thickness plastifina 7535: 25 Kgs per 8500 talea plant grafts plastifina 7540: 29 Kgs per 21400 talea plant grafts tape GRAFT FILM Special tape made of different polymers transparent transparent-photosensitive-thought not adhesive whole roll ideal for bench grafting of fruits-trees pre-cut roll 498.5N 72pcs 1 (4 turns on the bud are essential) 9cm 498.7N 72pcs 1 (suggested 5) 7cm 498.6N 72pcs 1 Approximate use for bench grafting: whole roll: 1 pz/600-700 talea plant grafts roll pre-cut roll 9cm: 1 pz/550 talea plant grafts 50mt.length pre-cut roll 7cm: 1 pz/710 talea plant grafts 32mm.height plastifina 7535: 25 Kg/8500 talea plant grafts plastifina 5470: 29 kg/21400 talea plant grafts pag. 8 di 11 Barozzi vernici S.r.l. MELTING MACHINES for paraffin MILLENIUM series The MILLENIUM series includes the last generation paraffin pots, endowed with modulating thermoregulators and a platinum temperature sensor, revolutionary for their intrinsic qualities (high precision and without water or oil liquid for heat exchange). The advanced design of the heating elements on silicone rubber support guarantees perfect efficiency, extreme time reliability and speed in arising temperature. Great performance and safety at the nurseryman's service. DESCRIZIONE equipment TIPO COD. squared 499.xA • pc 1 499.xA • pc 1 CONF. MILLENIUM 160 Electronic paraffin machine with modulating thermoregulators - direct system of heating no liquid for heat exchange stainless steel sizes mm 774x774x856h power 2400W - power supply 240V - 400V aluminium tank, 160 lt capacity • product available on request equipment MILLENIUM 125 Electronic paraffin machine with squared modulating thermoregulators - direct system of heating no liquid for heat exchange stainless steel sizes mm 774x774x856h power 1800W - power supply 240V - 400V aluminium tank, 125 lt capacity • product available on request EQUIPMENT for paraffin melting MILLENIUM series equipment for the transfer between tanks DESCRIZIONE equipment TIPO COD. stainless xxx.1A • pc 1 xxx.3A • pc 1 CONF. Transfer PUMP Electric pump PA-35 power supply 240V-400V steel heating power 120W made available for the 125 lt and 160 lt machines • product available on request equipment transfer LOOM Kit Loom for transfer suitable for 125 and 160 tanks aluminium made sizes mm 825x795x725h • product available on request pag. 9 di 11 Barozzi vernici S.r.l. GRAFTING MACHINES COLOURS CODE PACK. special 513.2A pc 1 513.1A pc 1 513.3A pc 1 513.5A pc 1 COLOURS CODE PACK. 12mm.height 490.9A pc 1 DESCRIPTION HAMMER "Omega" equipment Treadle drive machine for bench omega garfts complete with stroke counter, blade and steel nylon plug HAMMER "Omega combi" equipment Treadle drive machine for bench omega garfts special complete with stroke counter, blade and zinc-coated nylon plug steel assembled on specific zinc-coated table PlattHAMMER "Omega" equipment Specific zinc-coated table with a small plate to zinc-coated regulate the lenght of rootstocks complete with compartment for grafts and pre-perforated support for HAMMER "Omega" grafting machine HAMMER 3 equipment Manual "omega", "cleft", "bud" grafting machine POLYPROPYLENE STRAPPING DESCRIPTION polypropylene strapping POLYreg 1260 white Virgin polypropylene strapping for cuttings and fruit-trees 0,6mm.thickness bobbin from mt. 2500 polypropylene strapping POLYreg 1260 customized Virgin polypropylene strapping for cuttings and fruit-trees min. 12mm.height 490.8A 6pcs 1 clichet pc 1 0,6mm thickness bobbin from mt. 2500 pag. 10 di 11 Barozzi vernici S.r.l. TOOLS and SPARE PARTS for GRAFTING MACHINES DESCRIPTION tools PACK. steel-nylon 513.6A pc 1 steel-nylon 513.7A pc 1 513.4A pc 1 526.1A pc 1 526.3A pc 1 iron 513.4A pc 1 special steel 526.2A pc 1 nylon 526.4A pc 1 511.1A pc 1 526.9A pc 1 526.8A pc 1 Kit HAMMER "Omega grande" Kit composed of 2 blades + 1 nylon plug spare parts CODE Kit HAMMER "Omega normale" Kit composed of 2 knives + 2 nylon plugs accessorio COLOURS "standard and small Omega" BLADES original HAMMER special steel TYPE D "big Omega" BLADES original HAMMER special steel TYPE C spare parts "standard Omega" BLADES WAHLER german type for OMEGA STAR special steel TYPE S spare parts "standard Omega" BLADES MAN type spare parts "Hammer 3" BLADES for CLEFT "bud" and "omega" grafts original spare parts Nylon plugs for HAMMER blades spare parts original STROKE COUNTER Ideal for HAMMER, with perforation and conection spare parts Hammer Omega PULLER adapter for small blade spare parts Hammer Omega SPRING Ideal for Hammer Omega grafting machines pag. 11 di 11
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