ICEVISION Uno stile minimale e duttile capace di offrire alla SMOOTH 58 clientela del locale tutto ciò che serve. Questa è l’opera Smooth di ItalProget; una proposta Minimal and ductile style able to offer the customer completa, un nuovo concept, un nuovo modo di everything he needs. This is Smooth by Italproget; pensare il proprio locale, essenziale nei tratti e a complete offer, a new concept, a fresh way of considering your establishment, an essential line nel modo di porsi, ma allo stesso tempo, abile nel and essential in the way of presenting itself, but at the soddisfare in maniera ottimale l’esigenza di mostrare same time, able to fully satisfy the need to display all tutti i prodotti valorizzando il loro lato migliore. products, focusing on their best side. 59 60 BAGNO MARIA Bain marie CALDO A SECCO Dry heat PRALINERIA Praline PASTICCERIA Pastry GELATO Gelato ICEVISION 61 ICEVISION Progettata e realizzata per venire incontro alle necessità di un mercato sempre più esigente Smooth racchiude demanding market; Smooth encloses the peculiarity attrezzatissima in grado di servire un’ampia clientela. of a fully equipped structure able to serve a wide range of Grazie all’uso di tecnologie avanzatissime, ognuno dei tre customers using just three modules. Thanks to the use settori è perfettamente strutturato in modo da contenere 62 Designed and realised to satisfy an increasingly in tre moduli le peculiarità di una struttura of advanced technologies, each of the three sectors is perfectly structured in a way to simultaneously contain e conservare simultaneamente prodotti che per loro and preserve products which, owing to their nature, natura richiedono condizioni differenti. require different conditions. 63 ICEVISION SMOOTH COLORI PERSONALIZZABILI Customizable colors GELATO Gelato VENTILATA Smooth ventilated GELATO Gelato cabinet VETRINA PASTICCERIA Gelato cabinet REFRIGERAZIONE VENTILATA Ventilated refrigeration REFRIGERAZIONE VENTILATA Ventilated refrigeration CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE technical specifications technical specifications Struttura completamente in INOX AISI304. Sbrinamento dell’evaporatore veloce ad inversione di ciclo. Alzata in vetro. Unità condensatrice ermetica 230V/50. Vetrina utilizzabile anche per semifreddi o torte gelato. Struttura completamente in INOX AISI304. Versioni: con refrigerazione TN ventilata, con refrigerazione TN statica, calda a bagno maria, calda a secco, neutra. Comprensiva di alzata in vetro. U.C. a bordo per la versione refrigerata. Support structure completely in s/s AISI304. Rapid automatic reverse cycle evaporator defrost. Glass superstructure. Hermetic condensing unit 230V / 50Hz. The display cabinet can also be used for semifreddo or gelato cakes. Support structure completely in s/s AISI304. Versions: ventilated refrigeration TN, Static refrigeration TN, Bain-marie hot food, Dry heat food, Ambient. Inclusive of glass superstructure. Internal condesning unit for refrigerated version. GELATO VENTILATA VENTILATA CON RISERVA Base / Basic Base / Basic Base / Basic 710 855 710 855 710 855 280 698 270 270 1230 542 950 510 109 541 109 855 680 950 710 CP0090002300 CP0090004900 139 1230 CP0090002300 CP0090004900 710 680 698 109 406 545 CP0090009000 300 280 280 405 1230 CP0090002400 950 405 1230 406 545 698 109 406 545 CP0090002400 CP0090009000 109 950 CP0090002400 CP0090009000 698 950 405 1230 698 300 400 280 400 280 400 64 COLORI PERSONALIZZABILI Customizable colors 250 SMOOTH CP0090002300 CP0090004900 800 855 65 ICEVISION SMOOTH COLORI PERSONALIZZABILI Customizable colors SMOOTH CALDA A SECCO Smooth heat BAGNO MARIA CALDO A SECCO Smooth heat VETRINA BAGNO MARIA Bain marie CALDA A SECCO BAGNO MARIA Base / Basic Base / Basic 280 270 280 698 66 1230 855 109 710 800 250 542 680 950 109 250 542 680 950 1230 270 698 855 Smooth bain marie 300 300 710 COLORI PERSONALIZZABILI Customizable colors 800 67 ICEVISION POZZETTI TOPPING COLORI PERSONALIZZABILI Customizable colors Gelato COLORI PERSONALIZZABILI Customizable colors Topping REFRIGERAZIONE VENTILATA Ventilated refrigeration BAGNO MARIA Bain marie REFRIGERAZIONE STATICA Static refrigeration REFRIGERAZIONE VENTILATA Ventilated refrigeration CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE technical specifications Struttura completamente in INOX AISI304. Versioni: con refrigerazione TN ventilata, con refrigerazione TN statica, calda a bagno maria, calda a secco, neutra. U.C. a bordo per la versione refrigerata. CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE technical specifications Struttura completamente in INOX AISI304. Compreso: contenitore per carapine singole, cornice completa di coperchio, U.C. a bordo. Escluso: Carapine e Glicole Support structure completely in s/s AISI304. Versions: ventilated refrigeration TN, Static refrigeration TN, Bain-marie hot food, Dry heat food, Ambient. Internal condesning unit for refrigerated version. Pannellata / Panelled 200 730 Cella Frigo +2/+4°C Cold store Vaschette refrigerate per salse e frutta +2/+4°C Refrigerated trays for sauces and fruit Vaschette riscaldate per salse calde 280 730 20 TOPPING FRIGO JUNIOR TOPPING FRIGO CALDO E NEUTRO Junior Frigo Topping Frigo,Hot and Neutral Topping 300 300 280 280 1230 300 20 950 +2/+4°C +40/+60°C Trays at room temperature Vaschette temperatura ambiente TOPPING NEUTRO 770 +2/+4°C Heated trays for hot sources +40/+60°C Neutral Topping 950 Tecnologia applicata e una struttura dal design pulito e lineare: i pozzetti della linea Smooth sono il connubio di utilità ed eleganza. Alle garanzie comprovate dall’uso di materiali di altissima qualità si aggiunge la praticità di un termostato che permette di impostare e mantenere con precisione assoluta le temperature più adatte alla conservazione di gelati e granite, valorizzandone sia il gusto che l’aspetto. Base / Basic 20 -8 / -21°C 950 770 Temperatura 280 Support structure completely in stainless steel AISI304. Including: single bins holder, complete frame with lid, Internal condensing unit. Excluded: bins and glycol. 68 1230 771 159 950 1230 771 950 159 711 159 711 950 771 160 1230 285 -8 / -21 °C 160 Cold store Applied technology and a clean and linear structure: the Smooth line pozzetti are the combination of utility and elegance. The practicality of a thermostat is added to the proven guarantee of top quality materials, thus allowing to set the most suitable temperatures for preserving ice-creams and grated ice drinks and maintaining them with absolute accuracy, enhancing both flavour and appearance. 670 670 711 711 670 711 855 69 INOXVISION Piano di servizio Modulari, interamente realizzati in acciao inox con rivestimento isolato per garantire massima funzionalità. Top work Modular, completly in S/s with isolating coating to give top degree functionality. SMOOTH SERIE SMILE Smile Series MINIMALE E DUTTILE Smooth. Minimal and ductile. Vetro Impianto refrigerante con isolamento realizzato grazie al poliuretano espanso ecologico con una densità di 40Kg/m3. Elevate prestazioni grazie al doppio vetro termico, alla cornice in acciaio Inox AISI 304 ed alle guarnizioni termoplastiche. Con evaporatore ventilato, unità condensatrice ermetica condensata ad aria (o ad acqua optional) unità interna a capillare, unità esterna con impianto a valvola. Supporting structure Completly in AISI 304 S/s, realized by using eco-label polyurethane foam with 40Kg/m3 density. Glazing materials Top degree performance thanks to double thermic glass, to AISI 304 S/s frame and to thermoplastic seal. Struttura base Realizzata in acciaio Inox AISI 304, 246 Refrigeration system With ventilated evaporator, internal air-cooled hermetic condensing unit (water-cooled optional) and capillary system, remote condensing unit with valve system 247 INOXVISION SMOOTH Gelateria ventilata SMOOTH TN ventilata / Riserva Smooth ventilated gelato display cabinet Smooth static refrigeration TN display cabinet H120 300 280 270 Smooth Series SERIE SMOOTH 109 139 680 1000 1230 1230 542 510 950 680 660 710 CP0090004900 950 1230 CP0090004900 950 109 406 280 280 CP0090002300 545 950 CP0090009000 1055 940 CP0090002300 CP0090002300 CP0090004900 1230 CP0090002400 698 270 280 405 698 500 270 300 400 710 715 820 1055 855 855 SMOOTH TN ventilata SMOOTH Refrigerazione Statica Smooth ventilated TN display cabinet Smooth static refrigeration TN display cabinet 300 300 500 280 280 CP0090002300 950 109 545 541 950 680 1000 680 1230 950 CP0090004900 1230 CP0090004900 950 1230 CP0090002300 CP0090004900 1230 CP0090002300 405 270 270 698 270 280 280 300 1055 940 659 710 855 248 820 1055 715 710 855 249 INOXVISION Technical details TEMPERATURA ESERCIZIO (°C) RESA FRIGO (Watt) WORKING TEMPERATURE (°C) REFRIGERATION POWER OUTPUT (Watt) POTENZA ASSORBITA (Watt) PESO NETTO (kg) ELETRICAL POWER OUTPUT (Watt) NET WEIGHT (Kg) SMF UC 100 +2 / +4°C 400 SMF UC 125 +2 / +4°C 509 230 /1/50 420 - 230 /1/50 486 SMF UC 150 +2 / +4°C - 710 230 /1/50 760 SMF UC 200 - +2 / +4°C 950 230 /1/50 800 - SMCS 100 +40 / +60°C - 230 /1/50 600 - SMCS 125 +40 / +60°C - 230 /1/50 600 - SMCS 150 +40 / +60°C - 230 /1/50 1200 - SMCS 200 +40 / +60°C - 230 /1/50 1800 - MOD. 300 109 680 542 950 1230 270 280 698 710 ALIMENTAZIONE ELETTRICA V/ph/Hz POWER SUPPLY V/ph/HZ SERIE SMOOTH Smooth Eat SMOOTH dati tecnici Smooth Series SMOOTH Calda a secco 855 SMOOTH Bagno maria Smooth Bain-Marie 300 109 680 542 950 1230 270 280 698 710 855 250 251 INOXVISION SMOOTH Gelateria ventilata Smooth ventilated gelato display cabinet 400 VENTILATA 280 VENTILATED 698 SMOOTH 150 cod. cod. 0 VENTILATED 00 855 11 vaschette (360x165) 11 containers (360x165) SERIE SMOOTH 16 vaschette (260x160) 16 containers (260x160) 15 Smooth Series 109 0 80 710 1230 406 950 5 85 8 vaschette (520x160) 8 containers (520x160) SMOOTH 100 cod. cod. VENTILATA 0 30 VENTILATED SMOOTH 200 SMG100-B cod. cod. VENTILATA 0 30 5 VENTILATED VISTE DALL’ALTO TOP VIEW 1230 85 950 SMG150-B VISTE DALL’ALTO TOP VIEW 545 950 CP0090002400 CP0090009000 VENTILATA 1230 405 30 SMG200-B VISTE DALL’ALTO TOP VIEW 00 950 8 10 00 7 vaschette (360x165) 7 containers (360x165) 5 vaschette (520x160) 5 containers (520x160) 5 85 0 20 80 1230 10 vaschette (260x160) 10 containers (260x160) 24 vaschette (260x160) 24 containers (260x160) 17 vaschette (360x165) 17 containers (360x165) 00 SMOOTH 125 cod. cod. VENTILATA VENTILATED 00 11 vaschette (260x160) 11 containers (520x160) SMG125-B 3 950 VISTE DALL’ALTO TOP VIEW 0 80 12 50 252 1230 5 85 12 vaschette (260x160) 12 containers (260x160) 8 vaschette (360x165) 8 containers (360x165) 6 vaschette (520x160) 6 containers (520x160) 253 INOXVISION SMOOTH TN ventilata Smooth ventilated TN display cabinet VENTILATA VENTILATED 300 500 280 270 1000 VENTILATED 950 VENTILATA 820 1055 VENTILATED cod. cod. prof. depth SMF200-P60-B 600 SMF200-P80-B 800 SMF200-P100-B 1000 SERIE SMOOTH 109 680 0 60 00 855 VENTILATA 19 710 659 715 VENTILATA VENTILATED 541 680 950 1230 0 30 CP0090004900 Smooth Series CP0090004900 CP0090004900 SMOOTH 200 CP0090002300 1230 CP0090002300 950 1230 270 270 698 CP0090002300 950 1055 940 280 280 300 5 SMOOTH 100 VENTILATA 0 30 VENTILATED VENTILATA 60 0 VENTILATED 90 0 VENTILATA 5 85 VENTILATED 1230 950 0 80 00 0 80 cod. cod. prof. depth SMF100-P60-B 600 SMF100-P80-B 800 SMF100-P100-B 1000 1230 85 15 20 00 SMOOTH 250 VENTILATA 0 30 VENTILATED 50 0 10 VENTILATA 00 VENTILATED 0 60 950 VENTILATA VENTILATED cod. cod. prof. depth SMF250-P60-B 600 SMF250-P80-B 800 SMF250-P100-B 1000 00 24 0 VENTILATA 30 VENTILATED cod. cod. prof. depth SMF125-P60-B 600 5 85 20 00 0 VENTILATA 0 60 VENTILATED 800 SMF125-P100-B 1000 25 00 40 12 SMF125-P80-B 80 1230 SMOOTH 125 950 VENTILATA VENTILATED 5 1230 85 0 80 75 0 12 SMOOTH 300 50 0 30 VENTILATA VENTILATED 0 30 VENTILATA VENTILATED SMF150-P60-B 600 SMF150-P80-B 800 SMF150-P100-B 1000 VENTILATA 0 60 VENTILATED VENTILATA VENTILATED 00 prof. depth 29 cod. cod. 950 SMOOTH 150 VENTILATA 0 60 VENTILATED 950 VENTILATED 8 10 00 15 254 00 1230 00 25 5 00 85 30 00 0 80 1230 00 14 VENTILATA 5 85 cod. cod. prof. depth SMF300-P60-B 600 SMF300-P80-B 800 SMF300-P100-B 1000 INOXVISION SMOOTH TN ventilata / Riserva Smooth ventilated TN display cabinet with storage SMOOTH Refrigerazione Statica Smooth static refrigeration TN display cabinet VENTILATA VENTILATED 0 VENTILATA VENTILATED VENTILATA 00 6 280 950 545 SMOOTH 150 30 280 820 1055 VENTILATED 710 855 prof. depth SMFVR150-P60-B 600 SMFVR150-P80-B 800 SMFVR150-P100-B 1000 SMOOTH 100 0 STATICO 30 STATIC prof. depth 800 cod. cod. prof. depth SMFS125-P80-B 800 cod. cod. prof. depth SMFS150-P80-B 800 0 1230 0 80 5 1230 85 950 950 VENTILATED 5 0 90 00 VENTILATA 85 0 80 10 00 15 00 cod. cod. VENTILATA VENTILATED VENTILATA VENTILATED 950 190 0 VENTILATA 00 SMOOTH 125 0 30 SMFVR200-P60-B 600 SMFVR200-P80-B 800 SMFVR200-P100-B 1000 8 12 50 SMOOTH 250 cod. cod. 0 30 VENTILATA VENTILATED 0 60 VENTILATA 24 950 VENTILATED 00 VENTILATA VENTILATED prof. depth SMOOTH 150 0 SMFVR250-P60-B 600 SMFVR250-P80-B 800 SMFVR250-P100-B 1000 30 STATICO STATIC 950 00 5 85 00 0/8 66 20 STATICO STATIC 1230 VENTILATED prof. depth 1230 0 30 950 SMOOTH 200 0 80 25 00 0 1230 8 80 15 00 1230 5 85 55 256 cod. cod. SMFS100-P80-B 60 14 cod. cod. SERIE SMOOTH 710 855 1000 Smooth Series 109 139 542 680 950 510 680 1230 950 660 715 CP0090002300 CP0090004900 950 CP0090004900 STATIC 270 1230 280 270 CP0090002300 CP0090002300 1055 940 1230 270 698 CP0090004900 300 STATICO 500 405 1230 300 280 300 INOXVISION SMOOTH Calda a secco SMOOTH Bagno maria Smooth Eat Smooth Bain-Marie 542 680 270 1230 698 710 855 855 SMOOTH 100 cod. cod. prof. depth SMCS100-P80-B 800 SERIE SMOOTH 710 SMOOTH 100 cod. cod. prof. depth SMCB100-P80-B 800 cod. cod. prof. depth SMCB125-P80-B 800 cod. cod. prof. depth SMCB150-P80-B 800 0 0 30 30 0 60 0 90 950 1230 950 5 85 1230 5 85 0 00 80 8 10 10 00 00 SMOOTH 125 cod. cod. prof. depth SMOOTH 125 0 0 30 30 SMCS125-P80-B 800 0 60 950 5 85 1230 0 80 1230 950 40 12 5 85 0 80 12 12 50 50 SMOOTH 150 cod. cod. prof. depth SMOOTH 150 0 0 30 SMCS150-P80-B 30 800 0 60 950 950 00 14 15 00 258 85 1230 0 80 0 80 15 00 1230 5 5 85 Smooth Series 109 950 109 950 542 680 1230 270 698 280 300 280 300 INOXVISION SMOOTH Banco servizio Neutro Smooth ambient service counter 280 300 109 950 542 680 1230 270 698 SERIE SMOOTH 855 SMOOTH 100 0 30 5 cod. cod. prof. depth SMN100-P80-B 800 cod. cod. prof. depth SMN125-P80-B 800 cod. cod. prof. depth SMN150-P80-B 800 1230 85 950 Smooth Series 710 0 80 10 00 SMOOTH 125 0 950 30 5 1230 85 0 80 12 50 SMOOTH 150 0 950 30 0 80 1230 5 85 15 00 261 INOXVISION SMOOTH Drop in CON UNITÀ COLLEGATA Smooth Drop in with connected unit VENTILATA VENTILATED SMOOTH SR 1500 Smooth SR 1500 0- 60 0 VENTILATA 45 VENTILATED prof. depth 660 SMFUC150-80 800 SMFUC150-100 1000 cod. cod. prof. depth SMFUC200-60 660 SMFUC200-80 800 SMFUC200-100 1000 00 14 cod. cod. SMFUC150-60 Smooth vasca TN ventilata, schiumata interamente in acciaio inox. Completa di vassoio in inox e quadretto comandi. VENTILATA 250 VENTILATED 15 00 Smooth ventilated TN container, foamed and completly in S/s. S/s tray and control panel included. VENTILATA VENTILATED 0 00 0-1 0 0-8 SERIE SMOOTH 800-1000 Smooth Series 66 660 SMOOTH SR 2000 Smooth SR 2000 60 0 250 VENTILATED 45 0- 250 VENTILATA 19 00 VENTILATA VENTILATED VENTILATA 00 VENTILATA -10 00 0-8 66 VENTILATED 800 SMFUC100-100 1000 0 SMFUC100-80 VENTILATA 60 660 Smooth SR 2500 VENTILATED VENTILATA VENTILATED VENTILATA VENTILATED 25 00 VENTILATA 0 660 Smooth SR 3000 60 SMFUC125-60 SMOOTH SR 3000 SMFUC250-80 800 SMFUC250-100 1000 VENTILATED cod. cod. prof. depth SMFUC300-60 660 SMFUC300-80 800 SMFUC300-100 1000 40 12 45 0- VENTILATED prof. depth 0- 60 0 VENTILATA cod. cod. 660 00 45 Smooth SR 1250 prof. depth -10 00 0-8 66 SMOOTH SR 1250 cod. cod. SMFUC250-60 250 250 45 OO VENTILATED SMFUC100-60 SMOOTH SR 2500 00 VENTILATA 00 prof. depth 24 1O cod. cod. 0- VENTILATED 0 0- 90 60 0 VENTILATA 45 Smooth SR 1000 00 -10 00 0-8 66 SMOOTH SR 1000 VENTILATED 250 20 50 00 -10 00 0-8 66 VENTILATA VENTILATED SMFUC125-80 800 SMFUC125-100 1000 VENTILATED 00 12 VENTILATED VENTILATA 29 250 VENTILATA VENTILATA VENTILATED 30 250 00 262 00 -10 00 0-8 66 INOXVISION SMOOTH Drop in SENZA U.C. Smooth Drop in without C.U. VENTILATA VENTILATED SMOOTH R 1500 Smooth SR 1500 0- 60 0 VENTILATA 45 VENTILATED prof. depth 660 SMF150-80 800 SMF150-100 1000 cod. cod. prof. depth SMF200-60 660 SMF200-80 800 SMF200-100 1000 00 14 cod. cod. SMF150-60 Smooth vasca TN ventilata, schiumata interamente in acciaio inox. Completa di vassoio in inox e quadretto comandi. VENTILATA 250 VENTILATED 15 00 Smooth ventilated TN container, foamed and completly in S/s. S/s tray and control panel included. VENTILATA VENTILATED 0 00 0-1 0 0-8 SERIE SMOOTH Smooth Series 66 SMOOTH R 2000 660 Smooth SR 2000 VENTILATA 60 0 800-1000 45 0- VENTILATED 19 00 250 250 VENTILATA VENTILATED VENTILATA 00 VENTILATA -10 00 0-8 66 VENTILATED 800 SMF100-100 1000 0 SMF100-80 VENTILATA 60 660 Smooth SR 2500 VENTILATED VENTILATA VENTILATED VENTILATA VENTILATED 25 00 VENTILATA 0 660 Smooth SR 3000 60 SMF125-60 SMOOTH R 3000 SMF250-80 800 SMF250-100 1000 VENTILATED cod. cod. prof. depth SMF300-60 660 SMF300-80 800 SMF300-100 1000 40 12 45 0- VENTILATED prof. depth 0- 60 0 VENTILATA cod. cod. 660 00 45 Smooth SR 1250 prof. depth -10 00 0-8 66 SMOOTH R 1250 cod. cod. SMF250-60 250 250 45 OO VENTILATED SMF100-60 SMOOTH R 2500 00 VENTILATA 00 prof. depth 24 1O cod. cod. 0- VENTILATED 0 0- 90 60 0 VENTILATA 45 Smooth SR 1000 00 -10 00 0-8 66 SMOOTH R 1000 VENTILATED 250 20 50 00 -10 00 0-8 66 VENTILATA VENTILATED SMF125-80 800 SMF125-100 1000 VENTILATED 00 12 VENTILATED VENTILATA 29 250 VENTILATA VENTILATA VENTILATED 30 250 00 264 00 -10 00 0-8 66 INOXVISION SMOOTH Drop in CALDA A SECCO Smooth Drop in heat SMOOTH CS 1500 45 0- 60 0 Smooth SR 1500 prof. depth 660 SMCS150-80 800 SMCS150-100 1000 cod. cod. prof. depth SMCS200-60 660 SMCS200-80 800 SMCS200-100 1000 00 14 cod. cod. SMCS150-60 250 Smooth vasca schiumata interamente in acciaio inox. Completa di vassoio in inox. Caldo tramite resistenze e quadretto comandi. 15 00 Smooth foamed S/s container. S/s tray included. Electric heater and control panel 0 00 0-1 0 0-8 SERIE SMOOTH Smooth Series 66 SMOOTH CS 2000 660 Smooth SR 2000 45 0- 60 0 800-1000 19 250 00 250 250 20 00 660 SMCS100-80 800 SMCS100-100 1000 Smooth SR 2500 0 SMCS100-60 SMOOTH CS 2500 60 prof. depth cod. cod. prof. depth SMCS250-60 660 SMCS250-80 800 SMCS250-100 1000 OO -10 00 0-8 66 00 250 250 1O 00 24 cod. cod. 0- 45 0 0- 90 60 0 Smooth SR 1000 45 SMOOTH CS 1000 00 -10 00 0-8 66 25 00 660 SMCS125-80 800 SMCS125-100 1000 Smooth SR 3000 0 SMCS125-60 SMOOTH CS 3000 60 prof. depth 0- cod. cod. cod. cod. prof. depth SMCS300-60 660 SMCS300-80 800 SMCS300-100 1000 40 12 45 0- 60 0 Smooth SR 1250 45 SMOOTH CS 1250 00 -10 00 0-8 66 50 00 -10 00 0-8 66 00 250 29 12 30 250 00 266 00 -10 00 0-8 66 INOXVISION SMOOTH Drop in BAGNO MARIA Smooth Drop in Bain-Marie SMOOTH BM 1000 Smooth foamed container complelty in S/s. S/s perforated tray included. Electric heater with inlet/by pass water valve and panel control. 165 Smooth vasca schiumata interamente in acciaio inox. Completa di vassoi in inox forati. Caldo tramite resistenze con carico e scarico acqua e quadretto comandi. 10 00 0 0 10 0- 80 0- prof. depth 660 SMCBS100-80 800 SMCB100-100 1000 SERIE SMOOTH 660 SMOOTH BM 1250 Smooth TN-BM 1250 165 250 250 12 50 66 cod. cod. prof. depth SMCBS125-60 660 SMCBS125-80 800 SMCB125-100 1000 0 00 -1 00 8 0- SMOOTH BM 1500 165 Smooth TN-BM 1500 15 00 SMOOTH BM 2000 prof. depth 660 SMCBS150-80 800 SMCB150-100 1000 0 Smooth TN-BM 2000 165 66 cod. cod. SMCBS150-60 00 -1 00 8 0- 20 00 0 00 1 0- 80 0- 66 268 cod. cod. SMCBS100-60 Smooth Series 66 800-1000 Smooth TN-BM 1000 cod. cod. prof. depth SMCBS200-60 660 SMCBS200-80 800 SMCB200-100 1000 INOXVISION SMOOTH Drop in GELATERIA CON U.C. COLLEGATA SENZA STRUTTURA Smooth Drop in Gelato display with connected C.U. without structure VENTILATA VENTILATED SMOOTH GELATO 1000 Smooth Gelato 1000 VENTILATA Smooth gelato tray. S/s AISI 304 structure. Reverse cycle evaporator defrosting. 230V/50 Ermetic condensator unit. Display can be used for semifreddos, gelato cakes, steccos and single dose. prof. depth 800 10 00 cod. cod. prof. depth SMG125 800 00 0-8 66 SERIE SMOOTH Smooth Series Smooth vasca gelato. Struttura completamente in acciaio inox AISI 304. Sbrinamento dell’evaporatore veloce ad inversione di ciclo. Unità condensatrice ermetica 230V/50. Vetrina utilizzabile anche per semifreddi, torte gelato, stecchi e monoporzione. cod. cod. SMG100 385 VENTILATED SMOOTH GELATO 1250 Smooth Gelato 1250 800 VENTILATA 385 VENTILATED 385 12 50 00 0-8 66 SMOOTH GELATO 1500 Smooth Gelato 1500 VENTILATA prof. depth 800 cod. cod. prof. depth SMG200 800 385 VENTILATED cod. cod. SMG150 15 00 00 0-8 66 SMOOTH GELATO 2000 Smooth Gelato 2000 VENTILATA 385 VENTILATED 20 00 00 0-8 66 270 INOXVISION SMOOTH Drop in BAR CON U.C. COLLEGATA SENZA STRUTTURA Smooth Drop in Bar with connected U.C. without structure STATICO STATIC SMOOTH BAR 1000 Smooth Bar 1000 STATICO 0 prof. depth 660 10 00 cod. cod. prof. depth SMFS125 660 0 80 SERIE SMOOTH Smooth Series Smooth bottle container. AISI 304 S/s structure. 230V/50 Ermetic condensator unit. Static refrigeration. 90 Smooth vasca bottiglie. Struttura completamente in acciaio inox AISI 304. Unità condensatrice ermetica 230V/50. refrigerazione statica. cod. cod. SMFS100 385 STATIC SMOOTH BAR 1250 800 Smooth Bar 1250 STATICO STATIC 0 60 40 385 12 385 12 50 0 80 SMOOTH BAR 1500 Smooth Bar 1500 STATICO STATIC cod. cod. prof. depth SMFS150 660 cod. cod. prof. depth SMFS200 660 0 60 385 00 14 15 00 0 80 SMOOTH BAR 2000 Smooth Bar 2000 STATICO STATIC 0 60 385 00 19 20 00 0 80 272 INOXVISION LAVAPORZIONATORE MAGGIORAZIONE CONDENSAZIONI U.C. MENSOLA SUPPLEMENTARE S/S Containers Scoop washer Condensing unit Extra shelf cod. cod. modello model VSC08/P170 260x160 cod. cod. modello model LVCS Console stondata 520x160 VSC09/P150 520x160 modello model cod. cod. C-AQ Ad acqua MI-100 water cooled curved console VSC09/P110 cod. cod. LVC MI-125 C-AR/AQ Mista aria-acqua air/water cooled MI-150 Cond. tropicalizzato per u.c. remota MI-200 Console standard standard console CTR Tropicalised SEPARATORE OLIO PREDISPOSIZIONE UNITÀ ESTERNA Remote condensing unit preparation Oil separator PIANI INOX MI-250 MI-300 S/S Trays PIANO CALDO ESPOSIZIONE Warm display top cod. cod. cod. cod. modello model PUEE Ermetico VSX125 Hermetic cond. unit cod. cod. SOL VSX100 PUES Semiermetico VSX150 cod. cod. VSX200 PCE-100 VSX250 PCE-125 VSX300 PCE-150 Semi-hermetic cond. unit KIT RUOTE SUPPLEMENTO TEMP. POSITIVA Castors kit Extra cost for positive temperature PCE-200 60 HZ PCE-250 60 Hz PCE-300 cod. cod. cod. cod. cod. cod. STPS UC60HZ RUOTE 274 SERIE SMOOTH VASCHETTE GELATO Smooth Series SMOOTH Optionals INOXVISION SMOOTH Optionals TASCA PORTACARTA VASCHETTE GASTRONOMIA MAGGIORAZIONE CONDENSAZIONI U.C. Bag holder Gastro norm Containers Supplement C.U. Condensation MAGGIORAZIONE VANO ESPOSITIVO VERNICIATO COLORE NERO Supplement for black painted display box URCAQ RULLO PORTACARTA Paper roll holder cod. cod. RPC PREDISPOSIZIONE UNITÀ ESTERNA cod. cod. modello model VG1/1-H100 530x325 modello model Ad acqua water cooled URCAR/AQ Mista aria-acqua cod. cod. MVEN 100 air/water cooled MVEN 125 VG1/2-H100 325x265 VG1/3-H100 325x177 VG1/4-H100 265x162 VG1/6-H100 177x162 VG1/9-H100 177x108 VG2/3-H100 350x325 cod. cod. VG1/1-H65 530x325 CR1/1 VG1/2-H65 325x265 CR1/2 VG1/3-H65 325x177 CR1/3 VG1/4-H65 265x162 CR1/4 VG1/6-H65 177x162 CR1/6 cod. cod. VG1/9-H65 177x108 CR1/9 TECA 100 EX VG2/3-H65 350x325 CR2/3 TECA 125 EX MVEN 150 COPERCHI GASTRONOMIA Gastro norm lid MVEN 200 MVEN 250 MVEN 300 AGGIUNTA VETRO EXTRACHIARO PER TECA Supplement for extra-clear glass display Remote condensing unit preparation cod. cod. PUEE MAGGIORAZIONE IMPIANTO REFRIGERAZIONE PER PRALINERIA CON CONTROLLO DI UMIDITÀ Supplement for pralinery refrigeration system with humidity control TECA 150 EX TECA 200 EX TECA 250 EX cod. cod. MAGG-PRA 276 TECA 300 EX SERIE SMOOTH cod. cod. TPCT Smooth Series cod. cod. INOXVISION SMOOTH Optionals Closing carter to protect the lower part of the service side S/s slide tray insertion PIANO DI SERVIZIO IN GRANITO Granite topwork configuration PIANO PERIMETRALE PER SMOOTH IN GRANITO/CORIAN Granite/corian perimeter for SMOOTH cod. cod. cod. cod. cod. cod. ZOCC (al ml) SCOR (al ml) cod. cod. PSG PER 100 PER 125 PER 150 COPPIA COLONNINI REGGI CRISTALLO ILLUMINAZIONE LED FRONTALE Pair of glass shelf support brackets Frontal LED Lights system INSERIMENTO PIANO INOX PORTA BILANCIA PER 200 S/s countertop scale-holder addition PER 250 PER300 cod. cod. LED-F cod. cod. cod. cod. CORD CORA ILLUMINAZIONE LED CON PLAFONIERA SCORREVOLI IN PLEXIGLASS Sliding plexiglass doors PIPB Led Dome lights PALLET IN LEGNO Wooden pallet CASSA IN LEGNO PER TRASPORTO Wooden boxes for transporting cod. cod. cod. cod. LED100 PER 100 LED125 PER 125 LED150 PER 150 LED200 PER 200 LED250 cod. cod. PALLET 278 cod. cod. LED300 BOX PER 250 PER 300 SERIE SMOOTH INSERIMENTO SCORRIVASSOIO IN ACCIAIO INOX Smooth Series CARTER DI CHIUSURA PER ZOCCHE LATO INFERIORE OPERATORE
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