CURRICULUM VITAE PERSONAL INFORMATIONS Name Address CAPOZZI FRANCESCA CORSO VERCELLI 10 – 10152, TORINO (ITALY) Telephone Fax E-mail Nationality Date of birth Italian 25TH JUNE 1986 WORK EXPERIENCE October 10th, 2014 – Today Visiting Phd Student University of East Anglia - Norwich (UK) 2012, January – Today PhD student – PhD Program in Neuroscience, Doctoral School in Life and Health Sciences, Torino, Italy. Project Title: “Groups and interactions” Project Description: Study of gaze behaviour in multi-agents contexts (i.e. groups of three or more persons). The main focus of the project is on investigating how gaze behaviour helps humans to manage complex social information when observing or when interacting within groups. A specific interest in leadership concerns the study of the implicit processes (conveyed by gaze) that sustain the recognition of and interaction with leaders in group contexts. Further applications: the dynamics of joint action and interpersonal coordination in naturalistic settings, e.g., work and organizational settings. Supervisor: Bruno G. Bara Collaborations: Cristina Becchio becchio/ University of Torino, Center for Cognitive Science Address: Via Po 14, 10123 – Torino (Italy) Telephone: 011 670 3065 1 - Curriculum vitae Capozzi Francesca 2013, 2014 Organizing secretary and public relations. Project: “Giovani per i Giovani: La mente e il cervello spiegati dai giovani ricercatori agli studenti delle scuole superiori”. Project description: psychology and neuroscience lessons by young researchers in high schools. Mind & Brain Association 2011 National action-research project “Services of mental health quality evaluation: A shared path of analysis with patients as assessors”. Involvement: contribution to creation and starting of the task group of Torino through équipe meeting and focus groups, creation and care of groups through focus groups. 2010 Working with SINAPSI cooperative on the long term assistance project for psychiatric users called “Programma Case Supportate” – Asl To2. Involvement: coaching shifts with the operators of the service and involvement in weekly meetings and focus groups. 2010 Research Project called “VALEPAS”, aimed at investigate “Programma Case Supportate” evaluation by the direct concerned actors (i.e. users, users’ close relatives, workers involved). Involvement: involvement in meetings geared to create the research project and the interview of evaluation, submission of the interview to relatives and workers involved, involvement in writing the final record. [Sorrentino, De Giorgi, Coop Sinapsi (2011). Abitare, casa e salute mentale: una ricerca. Fogli di informazione (terza serie) n. 17/18.] 2006 – 2008 Working with “Koinè” cultural association – Portici (Na). Involvement: responsible for marketing activities carried out by Koinè association for third clients, recruitment of operators, assignment of tasks and supervision, marketing activity, organization and support for cultural events, public relations. TEACHING EXPERIENCE 2014-2015 Psychology and neuroscience seminars in high schools (4 hours total). Project: “Giovani per i Giovani: La mente e il cervello spiegati dai giovani ricercatori agli studenti delle scuole superiori”. Mind & Brain Association 2013-2014 Psychology and neuroscience lessons in high school classes (12 hours total). Project: “Giovani per i Giovani: La mente e il cervello spiegati dai giovani ricercatori agli studenti delle scuole superiori”. Mind & Brain Association 2013 2 - Curriculum vitae Capozzi Francesca Single University lesson: Motor system and abstract domain Course of Psychology of Action, Prof. Cristina Becchio 2013 Single University lesson: Social construction of memories Course of Theoretical Psychology, Prof. Maurizio Tirassa 2012 Psychology and neuroscience lessons in high school classes (6 hours total). Project: “Giovani per i Giovani: La mente e il cervello spiegati dai giovani ricercatori agli studenti delle scuole superiori”. Mind & Brain Association 2010, January – 2011, June Holding an Italian course – language and literature – for a foreign native speaker professional. 2009, March – June Voluntary work for “The Gate – In piazza si impara” Project (Torino). Involvement: teaching Italian to foreign persons. 2004 – 2008 Private lessons of following subjects: English – language and literature, Latin, Philosophy, Italian Literature; 15-18 aged students. EDUCATION Current Position Scholarship at the Doctoral School in Life and Health Sciences – PhD Program in Neuroscience XXVII cycle PhD student – PhD Program in Neuroscience Doctoral School in Life and Health Sciences, Torino 2011, April – December Post-graduate internship at the Department of Psychology – Center for Cognitive Science; Supervisors: Bruno G. Bara, Francesca M. Bosco 2008 – 2010 Master Degree in “Mind Sciences” – Faculty of Psychology, University of Torino Grade: 110/110 magna cum laude Title of thesis: “Memory of public events in persons with a diagnosis of schizophrenia: An exploratory study” Supervisors: Maurizio Tirassa, Luciano Sorrentino, Francesca M. Bosco Graduate Internship at the Department of Mental Health “Franco Basaglia” – Asl To2 Supervisor: Simona Cesano 2005 – 2008 Bachelor Degree in “Psychology of Relational Processes and Development” – Faculty of Letters 3 - Curriculum vitae Capozzi Francesca and Philosophy, Federico II University of Naples Grade: 110/110 magna cum laude Title of thesis: “A Journey in Miguel Benasayag’s work” Graduate Internship: Elaboration of theoretical bases and therapeutic techniques of SystemicRelational approach Group of elaboration, discussion and theoretical productions about groups’ dynamics 1999 – 2004 School-leaving examination at Liceo Classico “Q.O.Flacco” in Portici (Na) “Brocca Classico” course, including five-year English, law, economics, art study Grade: 96/100 CONFERENCES ATTENDED 2014, 28th February – 1st March Cognitive Arena for Beginners, Brixen 2013, 3rd August Cogsci 2013, Berlin; 2013, 26th-29th July Joint Action Meetings (JAM), Berlin; 2012, 25th-27th May Conference “Social cognition, engagement and the second person perspective”, Cologne; 2012, 14th-18th May XI Ciclo Seminariale della Scuola di Alta Formazione Filosofica: Prof. Thomas Metzinger, Torino; 2012, 21st April Convegno Nazionale “Stili terapeutici: similitudini e differenze dei modelli cognitivi”, Varese; 2011, 13th October Conference Prof. Daniel Dennett: Failures of imaginations and the mistery of consciousness, Torino; 2011, 12th October Mind & Brain Prize, Torino; 2010, 29th June Seminario Internazionale “Psicosi e traumi evolutivi: prospettive scientifiche, pubbliche e personali”, ASL To2, Torino; 2009, 05th-07th June Convegno Nazionale “Mente e Corpo” - Evento nazionale SITCC, Torino; 4 - Curriculum vitae Capozzi Francesca 2009, 20th-21st March Convegno Nazionale: “Il Cognitivismo Post-Razionalista di Vittorio F. Guidano”, Milan; 2006 – 2010 Seminario Internazionale di Filosofia di Camerota Filosofia fuori le mura Association WORKSHOPS AND SUMMER SCHOOLS 2014, 7th - 12th July – Bertinoro (FC) Summer School “Introduction to Bayesian Statistics, with applications in R” Prof. Massimiliano Pastore, University of Padova Prof. Gianmarco Altoè, University of Cagliari 2013, 5th August – Berlin “Dynamics of joint-action and social behavior: Theory, modeling and research” Prof. Michael Richardson, University of Cincinnati 2013, 18th July – Torino “Dall'idea al progetto; Beeing a researcher: What does it take?” Prof. Bruno Quarta, University of Torino 2013, 21st July – Torino “Towards Horison 2020 – Workshop in grant writing” Prof. Enrique Ortega, California State University PUBLICATIONS Capozzi F., Cavallo A., Furlanetto T., Tirassa M., Becchio C. (2014). Altercentric intrusions from multiple perspectives: Beyond dyads. Plos One. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0114210 Capozzi F., Bayliss A.P., Elena M.R., Becchio C. (2014). One is not enough: Group size modulates social gaze-induced object desirability effects. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. doi: DOI 10.3758/s13423-014-0717-z Bosco F.M., Capozzi F., Colle L., Marostica P., Tirassa M. (2013). Theory of mind deficit in subjects with alcohol use disorder: An analysis of mindreading processes. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 1-9. doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agt148 PROCEEDINGS Capozzi F., Becchio C., Tirassa M. (2013). Oltre la diade: Social cognition in contesti plurali. In Auricchio A., Cruciani M., Rega A., Villani M. (a cura di) (2013), Atti del 10° Convegno Annuale dell’Associazione Italiana di Scienze Cognitive (AISC) AISC 2013, Ed.: Nea Science, 66-70. ISSN: 2282 - 6009. 5 - Curriculum vitae Capozzi Francesca [Nomination for Best Paper AISC 2013] Boldi A., Brizio A., Caccia M., Capozzi F., Fantauzzi A., Paolucci L., Tirassa M. (2013). Una visione organizzazionale e sistemica del "trasferimento di tecnologia". In Atti Congresso AIP 2528 settembre 2013 - Padova: Sezione Psicologia per le Organizzazioni, 18. ISBN:88-86688-296. Capozzi F., Furlanetto T., Cavallo A., Becchio C. (2013). Altercentric intrusions from multiple perspectives: Seeing it their way. Joint Action Meetings (JAM). Capozzi F., Bosco F.M., Tirassa M., REmembering Public Events: Aspetti semantici ed autobiografici di ricordi episodici in persone con una diagnosi di schizofrenia; Cruciani Marco, Cecconi Federico (a cura di) (2012), Atti del 9° Convegno Annuale dell’Associazione Italiana di Scienze Cognitive (AISC) AISC 2012, Ed.: Università degli studi di Trento. CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS 2014, 28th February – 1st March – Brixen Talk: Capozzi F., Furlanetto T., Cavallo A., Ansuini C., Becchio C. Group perspective and multiple viewpoints: Implicit perspective taking in a minimal group situation Cognitive Arena for Beginners. 2013, 20th-22nd November – Neaples Talk: Capozzi F., Becchio C., Tirassa M. Oltre la diade: Social cognition in contesti plurali AISC 2013 2013, 26th-29th July – Berlin Poster: Capozzi F., Furlanetto T., Cavallo A., Becchio C. Altercentric intrusions from multiple perspectives: Seeing it their way Joint Action Meetings. 2010, 11th-14th June – Marina di Camerota Talk: Capozzi F. and Cotena E. La psichiatria e la voce negata Seminario Internazionale di Filosofia di Camerota. PERSONAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCES NATIVE LANGUAGE 6 - Curriculum vitae Capozzi Francesca Italian OTHER LANGUAGES English Reading: very good (C1) Writing: very good (C1) Speaking: very good (C1) Spanish Reading: very good (C1) Writing: good (B1) Speaking: good (B2) French Reading: elementary (A2) Writing: elementary (A2) Speaking: elementary (A2) SOCIAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCES ORGANIZATIONAL COMPETENCES COMPUTER SKILLS AND COMPETENCES 7 - Curriculum vitae Capozzi Francesca I acquired very good relational competences, concerning sharing in work spaces and team work, thanks to internships and work experiences. I acquired very good organizational competences thanks to responsibility roles in much of my work experience. Very good general competence in computer using (Windows and Mac). Very good competence in softwares: Word Power Point Excel Very good competence in: Poser 9 – design of 3D environments. Good competence in softwares: E-prime – design and implementation of experimental procedures SPSS – data analysis
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