Dr. Marco Stoffella - Tempo, Spazio, Immagine, Società

Curriculum vitae
Dr. Marco Stoffella
Assistant Professor in Medieval History (M-STO/01)
Department Tempo, Spazio, Immagine, Società (TeSIS), University of Verona
Via S. Francesco 22, 37129 Verona – IT
Phone: +39 045 8028376; +39 3332678864
marco.stoffella@univr.it ; marco.stoffella@gmail.com
Dr. Marco Stoffella: Ph.D. at Ca’ Foscari University, Venice in 2006. Since 2008 he is Assistant Professor
in Medieval History at the University of Verona, TeSIS Department, where he teaches Medieval History and
History Didactics. He taught Medieval History at the University of Padua in 2012. He has been working on
local societies and identities in Central and Northern Italy in the Early and in the High Middle Ages and on
Western Medieval Tuscany (Pisa, Lucca, Volterra, Livorno, Grosseto). He has recently moved his interests
to Northern Italy (Venice, Verona, Brescia, Piacenza). He is member of numerous international research
groups, which work on local societies and identities, on social competition and on production and
preservation of documents and books in the early and high Middle Ages.
Personal information: born in Rovereto (TN), 22.09.1971. Resident in Via A. Manzoni 16/1, 30039 Stra
5.12.2000: MA in Modern Literature at the University of Pisa.
30.03.2006: Ph.D. in History at the University Ca’ Foscari, Venice, European Doctorate Certificate within
the European Doctorate in the Social History of Europe and the Mediterranean “Building on the Past and
Doctor Europeus at the Department of Historical Studies, University Ca’ Foscari, Venice.
Board of examiners: Prof. Dr. Hagen Keller (University of Münster), Prof. Dr. Chris Wickham (University
of Oxford) Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Sergi (University of Turin), Prof. Dr. Anna Rapetti (University Ca’ Foscari,
15.12.2008: appointed as Assistant Professor in Medieval History at the University of Verona,
Department of Historical, Artistic, Archaeological and Geographical Disciplines, now Time, Space, Image,
Society (TeSIS).
Board of examiners: Prof. Dr. Andrea Castagnetti (University of Verona), Prof. Dr. Paola Galetti (University
of Bologna), Prof. Dr. Tiziana Lazzari (University of Bologna).
15.12.2011: confirmed as Assistant Professor in Medieval History at the University of Verona,
Department Time, Space, Image, Society (TeSIS).
Board of examiners: Prof. Dr. Giorgio Chittolini (University of Milan), Prof. Dr. Anna Benvenuti
(University of Florence), Prof. Dr. Francesco Somaini (University of Salento).
5.12.2000: MA, University of Pisa, Faculty of Literature and Philosophy, in Medieval History. MA Thesis
110/110 cum laude titled: Per la storia dei rapporti tra Pisa ed il suo comitatus: il monastero dei Dodici
Apostoli di Decumo tra XI e XII secolo, Tutor Prof. Dr. Mauro Ronzani, University of Pisa.
1.10.2001-31.12.2005: 3 years Ph.D. Grant, University Ca’ Foscari, Venice, Department of Historical
Studies, Doctoral School in Social History of Europe and the Mediterranean, Ph.D. Thesis in Medieval
1.02.2005-31.07.2005: Marie Curie Fellow, University of Bielefeld, Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaft,
Philosophie und Theologie, Department of Historical Studies, Marie Curie Fellowship, (European Doctorate
FP 5 – Social History of Europe and the Mediterranean See), Tutor Prof. Dr. Bernhard Jussen.
30.03.2006: PhD title, XVII Cycle, European Doctorate Certificate (European Doctorate) and Doctor
Europaeus title at the University Ca’ Foscari, Venice, Institute of Historical Studies.
Ph.D. Thesis: Fuori e dentro le città. La marca di Tuscia occidentale e le sue élites (secoli VIII-XI), Tutors
Prof. Dr. Stefano Gasparri, University Ca’ Foscari, Venice, and Prof. Dr. Paolo Cammarosano, University of
1.10.2006 – 30.09.2008: Post-doc at the Paderborner MittelalterKolleg Kloster und Welt im Mittelalter,
Universität Paderborn, Institut zur Interdisziplinären Erforschung des Mittelalters und seines Nachwirkens
(IEMAN), Tutor Prof. Dr. Jörg Jarnut.
1.11.2008-14.12.2008 he has been Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter at the Institut für Mittelalterforschung,
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna with a yearly and renewable working contract.
15.12.2008 - 14.12.2011: teaching and researching as non confirmed Assistant Professor in Medieval
History at the University of Verona, Department of Historical, Artistic, Archaeological and Geographical
Disciplines, now Time, Space, Image, Society (TeSIS).
15.12.2011 - today: teaching and researching as confirmed Assistant Professor in Medieval History at the
University of Verona, Department Time, Space, Image, Society (TeSIS).
Research activities:
Starting form October 2001 he has been working on the political and social evolution of Western Tuscany
in the early and the high Middle Ages.
Between 2006 and 2007 he has been working on the relationships between Tuscany and Bayern in the early
Middle Ages.
He has co-organized the workshop Kloster und Welt. Monastisches Leben im urbanen Kontext at the
University of Paderborn, IEMAN, 16-17 November 2007.
Between the 1st of February to the 30th of April 2008 he has been working and researching at the Institut
für Mittelalterforschung, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna, within the
Wittgensteinpreis awarded in 2005 by Prof. Dr. Walter Pohl, University of Vienna and Director of the
Institut für Mittelalterforschung, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna. He was awarded a
grant of Euros 2.000.
He has organized the workshop Kloster und Welt. Kontinuität und Diskontinuität in der Ordenslandschaft
des Mittelalters at the University of Paderborn, IEMAN, 14-15 November 2008.
Since 2009 he is member of the assembly of SISMED (Italian Society for the Study of Medieval History).
From the 1st of July to the 31st of August 2009 he has been Visiting Scholar at the Institut für
Mittelalterforschung, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna; he was awarded a
CooperInt grant of the University of Verona of Euros 3.000.
From the 1st of March 2009 he is among the founders and supporters of the four years international project
La compétition dans les sociétés du haut Moyen Age (400-1100), under the direction of Prof. Dr. R. Le Jan,
University of Paris 1, Sorbonne.
Since the 1st of May 2011 he is part of the research group working on Allegiance and Agency – Social and
Political Uses of Identity in Early Medieval Europe, with a specific attention for the subject Small Worlds
and Wide Horizons. Local Identities and their Contexts within the framework of the Advanced Grant of
the European Research Council titled Social Cohesion, Identity and Religion in Europe, 400-1200
(SCIRE). Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. W. Pohl, University of Vienna and Director of the Institut für
Mittelalterforschung, OEAW.
Between the 1st of July to the 31st of August 2012 he has been Visiting Scholar at the History
Department of the Oxford University; he was awarded a CooperInt grant of the University of Verona of
Euros 3.000.
Since the 1st of February 2013 he is part of the Verona- Trento research unit that belongs to the three
years PRIN project 2010-2011: Social conflicts, kinship structures and local communities in early medieval
Italy (8th-11th century), Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Stefano Gasparri, University Ca’ Foscari, Venice.
Since 2013 he is member of the assembly of SAAME (Inter-university centre for the History and the
Archaeology of the early Middle Ages).
Since the 1st of March 2013 he takes part to the research group of the TeSIS Department of the
University of Verona working on the history of the church and monastery of St Zeno and the city of Verona
between the Lombards and the Romanic period.
Between the 1st of March and the 31st of August 2014 he has been Visiting Scholar at the FriedrichMeinecke-Institut, Freie Universität, Berlin; he was awarded a CooperInt grant of the University of
Verona of Euros 6.000.
On the 5th of June 2014 he has signed, representing the TeSIS Department of the University of Verona, a
Research and Teaching Cooperation Agreement with the Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut, Freie
Universität, Berlin, represented by Prof. Dr. Thumser and Prof. Dr. Esders.
He has promoted and organized the international Workshop Gli ufficiali pubblici minori in Italia nell’alto
medioevo (secoli VIII-XI) in Verona, 2-4 October 2014.
He is one of the speakers invited to the Kostanzer Arbeitskreis für mittelaterliche Geschichte e. V. on
Kleine Welten: Ländliche Gesellschaften im Karolingerreich, next 24- 27 March 2015.
Teaching Experiences:
From January 2009 he has been regularly teaching and researching the University of Verona, where he has
been teaching Medieval History and History Didactics to MA Students in History and Geography of Europe;
Medieval History to BA Students in Cultural Heritage; Medieval History to MA Students in Historical
Sciences (Universities of Verona and Trento); Introduction to the Study of History to BA Students in
During the Winter Semester of the Academic Year 2011-2012 he has been teaching Medieval History to BA
Students in Literature and Philosophy at the University of Padua, Faculty of Literature and Philosophy.
From 15th January 2009 is part of the Doctoral School board in Historical and Antrhopological Sciences of
the University of Verona and he has been teaching to Ph.D. Students.
Language skills:
Spoken Comprehension
Written Comprehension
Stra, 20.10.2014
Written Production
Marco Stoffella
Oral Production