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Curriculum Vitae of Maurizia Rossi
Last updated: November 30, 2014
Department of Mathematics
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Italy
Personal Data
Birth November 26, 1988 - FR, Italy
Nationality Italian
Gender Female
Work address Via della Ricerca Scientifica 1, 00133, Rome, Italy
Work number +39 06 7259 4687
Mobile phone number +39 320 0489322
Email address
Personal email address
Current Position
PhD Student in Mathematics (started in November 2012)
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Department of Mathematics, Rome, Italy
Main Field Probability
Topics Random fields on algebraic structures, Large Deviations and diffusion processes,
Stein-Malliavin approximations
ERC Pascal 277742, Probabilistic and Statistical Methods for Cosmological Applications
Principal Investigator: Prof. Domenico Marinucci
1. On sharp Large Deviations for the bridge of a general Diffusion
P. Baldi, L. Caramellino and M. Rossi
Submitted, in memoriam Marc Yor (October 2014), arXiv 1410.0863
2. Large Deviation asymptotics for the exit from a domain of the bridge of a general
P. Baldi, L. Caramellino and M. Rossi
Submitted (June 2014), arXiv 1406.4649
3. Stein-Malliavin Approximations for Nonlinear Functionals of Random Eigenfunctions on Sd
D. Marinucci and M. Rossi
Submitted (May 2014), arXiv 1405.3449
4. Representation of Gaussian Isotropic Spin Random Fields
P. Baldi and M. Rossi
Stoch. Processes Appl., 124, 5, 1910-1941 (2014)
5. On Levy’s Brownian motion indexed by elements of compact groups
P. Baldi and M. Rossi
Colloq. Math., 133, 227-236 (2013)
November 2014
Quantitative Central Limit Theorems for Nonlinear Functionals of Random Eigenfunctions on Sd (invited seminar)
University of Pavia, Pavia (Italy)
October 2014
Stein-Malliavin Approximations for Nonlinear Functionals of Random Eigenfunctions on Sd (contributed talk)
Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics - Berlin
July 2014
Large Deviation asymptotics for the exit from a domain of the bridge of a general
Diffusion (contributed talk)
Centre de Recerca Matem`
atica - Bellaterra (Barcelona)
March 2014
Stein-Malliavin Approximations for Nonlinear Functionals of Random Eigenfunctions on Sd (invited seminar)
Universit´e du Luxembourg, Luxembourg
January 2014
Spin Random Fields: the pullback approach (invited seminar)
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Rome
October 2013
Representation of Gaussian Isotropic Spin Random Fields (contributed talk)
Technische Universitat Berlin, Berlin
Short visits1
September 2014
Universit´e du Luxembourg, Luxembourg - Prof. Giovanni Peccati (1 week)
June 2014
King’s College London, London - Prof. Igor Wigman (1 week)
May 2014
Universit´e du Luxembourg, Luxembourg- Prof. Giovanni Peccati (1 week)
March 2014 (*)
Universit´e du Luxembourg, Luxembourg - Prof. Giovanni Peccati (2 weeks)
November 2013
Universit´e Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris (2 weeks)
Conferences and Schools1
October 2014 (*)
Berlin - Padova Young Researchers Meeting
Stochastic Analysis and applications in Biology, Finance and Physics
WIAS, TU Berlin and UniPotsdam - Berlin and Potsdam
July 2014 (*)
II Barcelona Summer School on Stochastic Analysis
Centre de Recerca Matem`
atica - Bellaterra (Barcelona)
July 2013
SMI Summer School “Introduction to Distributional Approximations and Stein’s
(*) = talk (see the section “Talks”)
Cortona (AR), Italy
October 2013 (*)
Nachwuchsforscherinnen in Stochastik
Junior female researchers in probability Workshop
TU Berlin and UniPotsdam - Berlin and Potsdam
June 2013
I Workshop ”Probabilistic and Statistical Techniques for Cosmological Applications”
Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica (INdAM), Rome
September - October 2011
Rome-Moscow school of Matrix Methods and Applied Linear Algebra
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Rome
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
Teaching Experiences
October 2013 - January 2014
Tutor, course “Algebra e Geometria”
Bachelor’s Degree in Medical Engineering, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
Chair Professor: Stefano Trapani
October 2013 - January 2014
Tutor, course “Calcolo 2”
Bachelor’s Degree in Physics, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
Chair Professor: Laslo Zsid´
March - June 2013
Tutor, course “Geometria e Algebra”
Bachelor’s Degree Computer Science, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
Chair Professor: Franco Ghione
October 2011 - January 2012
Tutor, course “Algebra 1”
Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
Chair Professor: Elisabetta Strickland
March - June 2011
Tutor, course “Analisi 2”
Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
Chair Professor: Alessio Porretta
July 7-11, 2014
II Barcelona Summer School on Stochastic Analysis
“Invariance and comparison results in stochastic partial differential equations ”,
Prof. Davar Khoshnevisan, University of Utah, USA
“From L`evy to L`evy-type processes: characterization, construction, properties ”,
Prof. Ren´e Schilling, TU Dresden, Germany
Centre de Recerca Matem`
atica - Bellaterra (Barcelona)
July 1-19, 2013
SMI Summer School “Introduction to Distributional Approximations and Stein’s
Method”, Prof. Larry Goldstein and Prof. Yosef Rinott
Final Grade: A
Cortona (AR), Italy
September 2012
Master’s Degree in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 110 out of 110 cum laude
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
Thesis: The Structure of Isotropic Random Sections of the Spin Line Bundles
of the 2-Sphere
Supervisor: Prof. Paolo Baldi
September 3 - October 2, 2011
Rome-Moscow school of Matrix Methods and Applied Linear Algebra (2011).
Final Grade: Excellent
University of Rome “Tor Vergata” and Lomonosov Moscow State University
October 2010
Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics, 110 out of 110 cum laude
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
Topic: Jordan’s Theorem, with Prof. Francesca Tovena
July 2007
a Scientifica, 100 out of 100 cum laude
Liceo Scientifico “Giovanni Sulpicio”, Veroli (FR), Italy
Computer Skills
Pari/GP, Scilab
Italian - Mother tongue