Associazione Italiana di Studi Bizantini Newsletter – Edizione del 15 febbraio 2014 Redazione: Donatella Bucca; Francesco D'Aiuto; Luigi D'Amelia; Enrico V. Maltese Indirizzo: SOMMARIO: A. EVENTI 1. "I PAPIRI BODMER" (ROMA, 03.02.2014) 2. CICLO DI SEMINARI DELL'ACCADEMIA AMBROSIANA - CLASSE DI STUDI GRECI E LATINI. ANNO ACCADEMICO 2014 (MILANO, 12.02-28.05.2014) 3. PRESENTAZIONE DEL VOLUME "CORPUS DELLA PITTURA MONUMENTALE BIZANTINA IN ITALIA. I - UMBRIA" (ROMA, 20.02.14) 4. INTERNATIONALE FACHTAGUNG: "DIE WELTCHRONIK DES JOHANNES MALALAS. AUTOR - WERK - UEBERLIEFERUNG" (TUEBINGEN, 27.02-01.03.2014) 5. SEMINARI DI ANTICHISTICA: UNIVERSITA' ROMA TRE - SECONDA PARTE (ROMA, 07.03.-16.05.2014) 6. CERTAMEN PATRISTICVM E CONVEGNO SUGLI EPISTOLARI DEI PADRI CAPPADOCI (ACIREALE [CATANIA], 15-16.04.2014) 7. 47TH SPRING SYMPOSIUM OF BYZANTINE STUDIES: "THE EMPEROR IN THE BYZANTINE WORLD" (CARDIFF, 25-27.04.2014) 8. CALL FOR PAPERS: 15TH ANNUAL POSTGRADUATE COLLOQUIUM: "LANGUAGE AS CULTURE IN THE EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (330-2013)" (BIRMINGHAM, 24.05.2014; DEADLINE: 24.03.2014) 9. CALL FOR PAPERS: AUSTRALIAN ASSOCIATION FOR BYZANTINE STUDIES 18TH BIENNAL CONFERENCE: "BYZANTINE CULTURE IN TRANSLATION" (QUEENSLAND, 28-30.11.2014; DEADLINE: 31.08.2014) 10. 12TH SYMPOSIUM SYRIACUM (LONDON, 11-13.07.2016) AND THE 10TH INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN ARABIC CONFERENCE (LONDON, 14-16.07.2016) B. PUBBLICAZIONI 1. BIBLIOGRAFIA RAGIONATA SULLA LITURGIA BIZANTINA PER IL 2013 (2014) 2. "THEOLOGICA MINORA", ED. BY A. RIGO (2013) 3. L'ENIGMA DEI TETRARCHI (2013) C. NOTIZIE 1. CALL FOR PAPERS PER UNA RACCOLTA INTERDISCIPLINARE SUL TEMA DELLE "IMMAGINI VIVE" (DEADLINE: 28.02.2014) 2. STELLENAUSSCHREIBUNG FUER WISSENSCHAFTLICHE MITARBEITERIN/EINEN WISSENSCHAFTLICHEN MITARBEITER (MAINZ, BIS ZUM 31.12.2015; DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: 28.02.2014) 3. BYZANTINE PHILOLOGY POST-DOCTORAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATE 2014-2015 (PRINCETON UNIVERSITY, FROM 01.07.2014; DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: 15.03.2014) 4. JOB VACANCIES IN SYRIAC HAGIOGRAPHY AND PERSIAN MEDIEVAL NARRATIVE LITERATURE (GHENT [BELGIUM], FROM 01.03.2014; DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: 21.03.2014) 5. APPEL D'OFFRES POUR LES BOURSES DU PROGRAMME FERNAND BRAUDELIFER DE LA FMSH / HASTEC (DEADLINE: 02.04.-05.05.2014) 6. UNIVERSITY OF HEIDELBERG: APPLICATIONS FOR TWO POSITIONS AS RESEARCH ASSOCIATES (DEADLINE: 15.4.2014) 7. STIPENDIUM "ANCIENT TEXTILES" 8. SCUOLA ESTIVA DI PAPIROLOGIA VII EDIZIONE-2014 (LECCE, 14-19.07.2014; DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: 30.04.2014) 9. INTENSIVE ORAL LATIN AND KOINE' GREEK CLASSES. POLIS METHOD (MADRID, 07-25.07.2014) 10. CORPUS PAPIRI FILOSOFICI: SITO WEB 11. PETIZIONE: CONTRE LE DEMANTELEMENT D'UN POLE DE RECHERCHE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A. EVENTI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[1]. "I PAPIRI BODMER" (ROMA, 03.02.2014) Da: Aisbnews ( "I PAPIRI BODMER. BIBLIOTECHE, COMUNITA' DI ASCETI E CULTURA LETTERARIA IN GRECO E COPTO NELL'EGITTO TARDOANTICO" 3 febbraio 2014 Odeion - Facolta' di Lettere e Filosofia Sapienza Universita' di Roma 9.15-9.45 Saluti delle autorita': Roberto Nicolai, Preside della Facolta' di Lettere e Filosofia; Guido Pescosolido, Direttore del Dip. di Storia Culture Religioni; Anna Maria Belardinelli, Direttore del Dottorato in Filologia e Storia del Mondo Antico 9.45-10.00 Alberto Camplani, Presentazione della giornata di studio Sessione mattutina (presiede Gianfranco Agosti) 10.00-10.30 Jean-Luc Fournet, "Anatomie d'une bibliotheque de l'Antiquite' tardive" 10.30-11.00 Paul Schubert, "Les papyrus Bodmer: tentative de delimitation" 11.00-11.15 Pausa 11.15-11.45 Anne Boud'hors, "Coherence et signification de la composante copte des P. Bodmer" 11.45-12.15 Paola Buzi, "Qualche riflessione sugli aspetti codicologici e tipologici dei papiri Bodmer" 12.15-12.45 Pasquale Orsini, "Note paleografiche sulle scritture dei papiri Bodmer" 12.15-13.15 Discussione Pausa Sessione pomeridiana (presiede Paola Buzi) 15.00-15.30 Gianfranco Agosti, "La poesia greca nella Biblioteca Bodmer: aspetti letterari e socioculturali" 15.30-16.00 Cristiano Berolli, "Tracce di ascetismo in P. Bodmer XXXIV" 16.00-16.30 Pausa 16.30-17.00 Alberto Camplani, "I Papyri Bodmer e la dialettica religiosa nell'Egitto tra IV e V sec. d.C.: a proposito di possibili contesti storico-religiosi per alcuni codici greci e copti" 17.00-17.30 Alessandro Bausi, "Dalla documentazione papiracea (P. Bodmer XX e P. Chester Beatty XV) alle raccolte agiografiche: la lunga storia degli Atti di Filea (Acta Phileae) in versione etiopica" 17.30-18.30 Discussione conclusiva (oltre ai relatori, interverranno: Guglielmo Cavallo, Lucio Del Corso, Raffaele Luiselli, Tito Orlandi, Joseph Verheyden). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[2]. CICLO DI SEMINARI DELL'ACCADEMIA AMBROSIANA - CLASSE DI STUDI GRECI E LATINI. ANNO ACCADEMICO 2014 (MILANO, 12.02-28.05.2014) Da: Aisbnews ( La Classe di Studi Greci e Latini dell'Accademia Ambrosiana il 12 febbraio 2014 ha celebrato il proprio Dies Academicus centrato su "La traduzione dall'Antichita' all'Umanesimo". Gli ingressi ai successivi appuntamenti sono anch'essi liberi e gratuiti. ACCADEMIA AMBROSIANA CLASSE DI STUDI GRECI E LATINI Anno accademico 2014 Milano - Piazza Pio XI, 2 - Sala delle Accademie II Dies Academicus "LA TRADUZIONE DALL'ANTICHITA' ALL'UMANESIMO" MERCOLEDI' 12 febbraio 2014 Ore 17.00 CERIMONIA DI APERTURA Saluto del Presidente FRANCO BUZZI, Prefetto della Biblioteca Ambrosiana Nomina dei nuovi Accademici Prolusione ERNESTO BERTI, La traduzione di Leonardo Bruni del Fedone di Platone GIOVEDI' 13 febbraio 2014 Presiede MICHAEL D. REEVE Ore 09.30 MAURIZIO BETTINI, La "traduzione" tra affari e metamorfosi ELENA LANGELLA, Forme dello hermeneuein nel Lessico di Esichio EMANUELA COLOMBI, Le traduzioni dei Padri greci nelle biblioteche dell'Occidente medievale MARIACHIARA FINCATI, Problemi di traduzione: un Padre greco commenta Geremia Discussione Ore 12.30 PAUSA Presiede CARLO MARIA MAZZUCCHI Ore 14.30 PAOLO CHIESA, Scopi e destinatari delle traduzioni dal greco nel medioevo latino STEFANO MARTINELLI TEMPESTA, Enrico Aristippo traduttore del Menone Ore 15.30 PAUSA Ore 15.45 MARIAROSA CORTESI, Vocazioni umanistiche e traduzione: nuove conquiste culturali EVA VILLANI, Tradurre un lessico bizantino per tradurre dal greco: i casi dell'Ambr. M 80 sup. e del Laur. S. Marco 301 DAVIDE CANFORA, La Ciropedia tradotta da Bracciolini Discussione e conclusioni INTORNO A UN CODICE - 2014 La biblioteca Ambrosiana presenta alcuni dei suoi tesori piu' preziosi MERCOLEDI' 26 febbraio 2014 - ore 16.30 ALFONSO D'AGOSTINO E LUCA AZZETTA, Il Boccaccio D 525 inf. (Teseida) GIOVEDI' 20 marzo 2014 - ore 16.30 PAOLO CHIESA, Carlo Magno e il codice A 220 inf. MERCOLEDI' 2 aprile 2014 - ore 16.30 FRANCESCO BRASCHI E STEFANO SERVENTI, Il Gregorio di Nazianzo E 49-50 inf. INTORNO A UN'EPIGRAFE MERCOLEDI' 9 aprile 2014 - ore 16.30 ANTONIO SARTORI, Una lastrina ricomposta (3-I, inv. 2444) GIORNATE DI STUDI EPIGRAFICI "TRADIZIONE TRASMISSIONE TRASLAZIONE DELLE EPIGRAFI LATINE" MARTEDI' 27 maggio 2014 - ore 14.30 Presiede ANGELA DONATI ANTONIO SARTORI, L'aggregazione della raccolta epigrafica dell'Ambrosiana MARCO BUONOCORE, Metodologie di ricerca epigrafica nel Settecento in Italia ALFREDO VALVO, Il primo museo lapidario d'Italia: Piazza della Loggia a Brescia GIUSEPPE CUSCITO, Dal cimitero ad martyres al deposito epigrafico di S. Ambrogio SIMONETTA SEGENNI E EMANUELA PARIBENI, Le notae lapicidinarum e i viaggi dei marmi lunensi Ore 17.00 Inaugurazione della mostra "La pietra e la carta" in Pinacoteca MERCOLEDI' 28 maggio 2014 - ore 09.00 Presiede MARCO BUONOCORE SERENA ZOIA, Da Novaria a Mediolanum: il viaggio sconosciuto della ritrovata CIL V, 6597 MARINA VAVASSORI, "Si desidera sapere, se tale appunto sia l'iscrizione…": l'indagine epigrafica dell'Abate Angelo Maffetti nel Settecento MAURO REALI E FABRIZIO SLAVAZZI, Intorno a Mommsen. Curiosita' e inquietudini epigrafiche nel 1867 ANGELA DONATI, Cosa succede quando le iscrizioni vengono traslate? FEDERICO GALLO, Epigrafia novecentesca in Ambrosiana: la produzione del prefetto Giovanni Galbiati Ore 12.00 Visita alla collezione epigrafica nel Cortile degli Spiriti Magni ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[3]. PRESENTAZIONE DEL VOLUME "CORPUS DELLA PITTURA MONUMENTALE BIZANTINA IN ITALIA. I - UMBRIA" (ROMA, 20.02.14) Da: Giulia Grassi ( Presentazione del volume CORPUS DELLA PITTURA MONUMENTALE BIZANTINA IN ITALIA. I – UMBRIA Istituto Nazionale di Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte Giovedi' 20 febbraio 2014, ore 16.30 Giovedi' 20 febbraio 2014 alle ore 16.30 presso la sala conferenze dell'Istituto si terra' la presentazione del primo volume del CORPUS DELLA PITTURA MONUMENTALE BIZANTINA IN ITALIA. I – UMBRIA, a cura di Mara Bonfioli, con testi di Mara Bonfioli, Simona Moretti, Mauro della Valle, Cristina Pantanella e Livia Bevilacqua, Edizioni Quasar, Roma 2012. Intervengono: Adriano La Regina, Presidente dell'Istituto Nazionale d'Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte; Bruno Toscano, Universita' degli Studi "Roma Tre"; Francesco Gandolfo, Universita' degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata"; Enrico Parlato, Universita' degli Studi della Tuscia, Viterbo. Ingresso gratuito fino ad esaurimento posti Il Corpus della Pittura Monumentale Bizantina in Italia - la serie di cui si pubblica il primo volume dedicato all'Umbria - si inserisce in un programma europeo nato ad Atene nel 1982 sotto gli auspici dell'UNESCO: il Corpus Internationale de la Peinture Monumentale Byzantine. Obiettivo di questa impresa e' quello di realizzare, per ciascuno dei territori coinvolti, una sistematica catalogazione scientifica di tutte le pitture murali e dei mosaici parietali che rientrano, direttamente o mediatamente, nell'orbita culturale di Bisanzio. Non solo, ma anche di fornire un capillare censimento delle opere esistenti e delle loro condizioni conservative, ai fini di una migliore tutela di un vasto patrimonio che, per la sua fragilita', appare spesso a rischio di sopravvivenza. Il volume sull'Umbria – il quarto delle serie internazionale, dopo quelli dedicati all'isola svedese di Gotland, all'isola greca di Citera e ai monasteri del Monte Athos – raccoglie le testimonianze pittoriche di una regione "di passaggio", scelta per la sua unicita' nella nostra penisola, e che custodisce tra il VI-VII secolo e la fine del XIII documenti importanti per differenti stagioni figurative: da quella ellenizzante, che fa capo alla "Roma bizantina", a quella tardo-comnena, che impronta di se' larga parte dell'Europa a cavallo della quarta Crociata, per arrivare alle soglie dell'eta' paleologa. Il libro si apre con un saggio introduttivo di taglio storico e storico-artistico, pubblicato in lingua italiana e in lingua inglese, seguito dalla presentazione dei dieci monumenti presi in esame all'interno di altrettanti capitoli, tutti corredati da un atlante fotografico in bianco e nero e a colori e da piante e rilievi fatti appositamente eseguire. Il Corpus della Pittura Monumentale Bizantina in Italia, diretto da Mara Bonfioli, e' posto sotto il patrocinio dell'Union Academique Internationale, dell'Unione Accademica Nazionale e dell'Istituto Nazionale di Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[4]. INTERNATIONALE FACHTAGUNG: "DIE WELTCHRONIK DES JOHANNES MALALAS. AUTOR - WERK - UEBERLIEFERUNG" (TUEBINGEN, 27.02-01.03.2014) Da: Vera von Falkenhausen ( Ort: Evangelisches Stift, Klosterberg 2, 72070 Tuebingen Datum: 27. Februar bis 1. März 2014 Beginn: 27. Februar 2014, 14:00 Uhr Die 18 Buecher umfassende Chronik des Johannes Malalas stellt das aelteste erhaltene Beispiel einer byzantinischen Weltchronik dar und bietet damit singulaere Einblicke in die Fruehphase einer literarischen Gattung, die fuer das byzantinische Mittelalter zentrale Bedeutung besessen hat. Fuer die moderne Forschung ist dieses Werk aus mehreren Gruenden von hoher Relevanz: Zum einen stellen die letzten drei Buecher, die die vom Autor selbst erlebte Zeit behandeln, eine wichtige Quelle fuer die Geschichte des 6. Jahrhunderts dar. Ferner ermoeglicht die Chronik zahlreiche Einblicke in kultur- und mentalitaetsgeschichtlich bedeutende Aspekte der Zeit und generiert Fragestellungen, die auf die Entstehung und Entfaltung christlicher Geschichtsschreibung sowie allgemein der christlichen Memorialkultur der Spaetantike zielen. In der Eroeffnungstagung der neuen Forschungsstelle der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften sollen insbesondere zwei Schwerpunkte beleuchtet werden: erstens Person und Werk des Johannes Malalas und zweitens die Ueberlieferungssituation. Ziel der Veranstaltung ist es, einen interdisziplinaeren Dialog zur Gattung der Chronik und ihrer zeitgeschichtlichen sowie intellektuellen Verankerung zu eroeffnen. Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2014 Sektion 1: Begruessung und thematische Einfuehrung [14:00 - 17:45 Uhr] 14:00 - 14:15 Uhr Prof. Dr. Dres. H.C. Paul Kirchhof, Grusswort 14:15 - 15:00 Uhr Christine Radtki (Tuebingen), Zur Geschichte der Malalas-Forschung 15:00 - 16:30 Uhr, Malalas - Person, Werk und Umfeld Johann Martin Thesz (Tuebingen/Berlin), Die christliche Paideia des Johannes Malalas Volker Drecoll (Tuebingen), Miaphysitische Tendenz bei Malalas? 16:30 - 17:00 Uhr Kaffeepause 17:00 - 17:45 Uhr Catherine Saliou (Paris), Malalas' Antioch: patterns of occurrence of the references to Antiochene urban space in Malalas' Chronicle 17:45 - 18:00 Uhr Pause 18:00 - 19:00 Uhr Abendvortrag: Wolfram Brandes (Frankfurt), Hochverratsprozesse bei Malalas Ab 19:00 Uhr, Empfang Der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften Freitag, 28. Februar 2014 Sektion 2: Die Gattung "Chronik" [09:00 - 11:30 Uhr] Michael Kulikowski (Penn State), What is a chronicle? Towards a shared definition Richard Burgess (Ottawa), Putting Malalas in his place: historiographical genres in the Byzantine empire Anne-Marie Bernardi / Emmanuele Caire (Aix-en-Provence), From computation to narration 11:30 - 12:00 Uhr Kaffeepause Sektion 3: Zur Ueberlieferung der Malalas-Chronik, Teil 3.1: Einfuehrung [12:00 - 13:30 Uhr] Elizabeth Jeffreys (Oxford), The manuscript tradition of Malalas revisited Fabian Schulz (Tuebingen), Die Fragmenta Tusculana 13:30 - 15:00 Uhr Mittagessen Zur Ueberlieferung der Malalas-Chronik, Teil 3.2: Literarische Beziehungen [15:00 - 18:30 Uhr] Geoffrey Greatrex (Ottawa), Procopius and Malalas Christian Gastgeber (Wien), Chronicon Paschale und Johannes Malalas im soziolinguistischen Vergleich 16:30 - 17:00 Uhr Kaffeepause 17:00 - 18:30 Uhr Erika Juhasz (Budapest), Die Indiktionsangaben bei Johannes Malalas und in der Osterchronik Pia Carolla (Rom), John Malalas in the Excerpta Constantiniana de Insidiis: a philological and literary perspective 19:00 Uhr Abendessen Samstag, 01. Maerz 2014 Fortsetzung: Zur Ueberlieferung der Malalas-Chronik, Teil 3.2: literarische Beziehungen [09:00 11:45 Uhr] Umberto Roberto (Rom), Johannes Malalas, Johannes Antiochenus und die Excerpta Constantiniana Sergei Mariev (München), John of Antioch and John Malalas 10:30 - 11:00 Uhr Kaffeepause 11:00 - 11:45 Uhr Dariusz Brodka (Krakau), Malalas und Nikephoros Kallistos 11:45 - 12:30 Uhr, Nachtrag Sektion 1 Philippe Blaudeau (Angers), The second edition of Malalas' chronicle, simple addition or changed historiographical perspective? A few remarks Ab 12:30 Uhr Abschlussdiskussion Ab 13:30 Uhr Abreise Kontakt: Christine Radtki Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften Arbeitsstelle "Historisch-philologischer Kommentar zur Chronik des Johannes Malalas" Eberhard Karls Universitaet Tuebingen FB Geschichtswissenschaft, Seminar fuer Alte Geschichte Wilhelmstr. 36 72074 Tuebingen Telefon 0049 (0) 70 71 | 2 97 76 94 E-Mail: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[5]. SEMINARI DI ANTICHISTICA: UNIVERSITA' ROMA TRE - SECONDA PARTE (ROMA, 07.03.-16.05.2014) Da: Aisbnews ( SEMINARI DI ANTICHISTICA Seconda parte Aula dell'Area di Studi sul Mondo Antico Universita' di Roma Tre Viale Ostiense 234-236 -- Roma (Metro B, fermata Marconi) [Si segnalano qui soltanto gli incontri di interesse bizantinistico] Venerdi' 7 marzo, ore 15.00 SERENA AMMIRATI - MARCO FRESSURA (Universita' Roma Tre): "Tipologie del glossario bilingue antico: paleografia, bibliologia, codicologia" Venerdi' 16 maggio, ore 15.00 ENRICO NORELLI (Universite' de Geneve), "Scacco al re, e arrocco: le strategie dei vescovi Vittore di Roma e Policrate di Efeso nella controversia sulla data di Pasqua (Eusebio di Cesarea, Storia ecclesiastica 5, 23-25)" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[6]. CERTAMEN PATRISTICVM E CONVEGNO SUGLI EPISTOLARI DEI PADRI CAPPADOCI (ACIREALE [CATANIA], 15-16.04.2014) Da: Rocco Schembra ( Si comunica che il giorno 15 aprile 2014 presso il Liceo Classico "Gulli e Pennisi" di Acireale (CT) e con il patrocinio della delegazione di Acireale dell'AICC si svolgera' la IV edizione del Certamen Patristicum, gara nazionale di traduzione e commento di un brano di letteratura cristiana antica (tema prescelto per questa edizione: La scrittura epistolare dei Padri Cappadoci). Le iscrizioni sono ancora aperte (scadenza 15 marzo). Il bando si trova all'indirizzo L'indomani, 16 aprile, avra' luogo un convegno di studi sul medesimo tema. IV CERTAMEN PATRISTICVM Liceo Classico "Gulli e Pennisi" -- Acireale, 15-16 aprile 2014 Martedi' 15 aprile Ore 8:00-8:30: Registrazione dei partecipanti Ore 8:30-14:30: Svolgimento del Certamen Ore 17:00: Visita guidata al centro storico di Acireale Mercoledi' 16 aprile Ore 9:00-13:00 Aula Magna del Liceo Convegno di studi: "La scrittura epistolare dei Padri Cappadoci" (moderatore: Antonino Sanfilippo) - Saluti del dirigente scolastico e delle autorita' - Introduzione dei lavori: Vincenzo Messana (Universita' di Palermo) - "I Padri Cappadoci: un umanesimo cristiano?", Claudio Moreschini (Universita' di Pisa) - "L'ombra al posto del corpo: le lettere dei Padri Cappadoci", Carmelo Crimi (Universita' di Catania) - Coffee break - "Riflessioni sul brano oggetto del Certamen Patristicum 2014", Rocco Schembra (Liceo Classico "Gulli e Pennisi" - Acireale; Studio Teologico San Paolo di Catania) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[7]. 47TH SPRING SYMPOSIUM OF BYZANTINE STUDIES: "THE EMPEROR IN THE BYZANTINE WORLD" (CARDIFF, 25-27.04.2014) Da: Vera von Falkenhausen ( 47th Byzantine Spring Symposium The Emperor in the Byzantine World Cardiff University, 25-27 April, 2014 In Byzantine Studies it is a strange fact that there exists no equivalent to Fergus Millar's The Emperor in the Roman World, despite the centrality of the ruler in the Byzantine world. While there may be books on individual emperors or periods or aspects there is no general book on the emperor across the span of the Byzantine empire. This oddity is compounded by the recent publication of a plethora of books devoted to Byzantine empresses. This Symposium (the first Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies to be held in Wales) seeks to address this oddity, placing the Byzantine emperor centre stage as both ruler and man. The Symposium will consist of five main sessions, of three papers each, addressing the following themes: Dynasty; Imperial Literature; The Imperial Court; Imperial Duties; and The Material Emperor. In addition there will be a series of communications, as well as a public lecture on Byzantium and Wales. Main Speakers and Topics Dynasty: Imperial Families Mark Humphries (Swansea University): Family, Dynasty, and the Construction of Legitimacy: The Roman Background Mike Humphreys (University of Cambridge): The Dynasty of Heraclius Mark Masterson (Victoria University of Wellington): Basil II and the Macedonian Dynasty Imperial Literature: The Emperor as Subject and Author John Vanderspoel (University of Calgary): Imperial Panegyric Savvas Kyriakidis (University of Johannesburg): The Emperor in Historiography - The History of John Kantakouzenos The Imperial Court: The Emperor's Men Meaghan McEvoy (Goethe University, Frankfurt): The Court of Theodosius II and its Consequences Jonathan Shepard (Oxford): Emperors and Administrators in the Middle Empire Jonathan Harris (Royal Holloway, University of London): Who was who at the Court of Constantine XI (1449-1453) Imperial Duties: The Emperor as Ruler Bernard Stolte (University of Groningen): The Emperor and Law Michael Gruenbart (University of Muenster): The Emperor and the Patriarch Frank Trombley (Cardiff University): The Emperor and War The Material Emperor: Imperial Art and Architecture Alicia Walker (Bryn Mawr College): The Emperor in Art Eurydice Georganteli (University of Birmingham): The Emperor and Coinage Lynn Jones (Florida State University): Emperor and Palace Public Lecture Byzantium and Wales: Mark Redknap (National Museum Cardiff) Registration Delegates are offered early registration at the following rates: Full: 85 pounds Members of the SPBS: 75 pounds Students/Unwaged: 40 pounds After 1 April, 2014, rates rise to 95, 85, and 45 pounds respectively The fees for one-day participation are 40 pounds (full fee), 35 pounds (Members of the SPBS), and 25 pounds (Students/Unwaged) After 1 April, 2014, the fees for one-day participation are 45, 40, and 25 pounds respectively The fees cover buffet lunches, refreshments, and a reception There will a conference dinner on the Saturday night in Aberdare Hall, to be paid for separately Booking and Paying A booking form with details of how to pay can be downloaded from the resources section on the top-right corner of the following webpage: Accommodation A wide range of accommodation is available in Cardiff. The closest hotels to the main conference venues (Cardiff University's John Percival Building and Julian Hodge Building) are the Park Plaza (Greyfriar's Road), the Thistle (Park Place) and the Hilton (Kingsway). A budget option is the Ibis Budget Hotel (Tyndall Street), though it is further away from the venues. There are many BandBs on Cathedral Road, a walk across Bute Park from the conference locations. Further guidance for delegates will be provided. Symposiarch: Dr Shaun Tougher ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[8]. CALL FOR PAPERS: 15TH ANNUAL POSTGRADUATE COLLOQUIUM: "LANGUAGE AS CULTURE IN THE EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (330-2013)" (BIRMINGHAM, 24.05.2014; DEADLINE: 24.03.2014) Da: Vera von Falkenhausen ( Centre for Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies 15th Annual Postgraduate Colloquium "Language as Culture in the Eastern Mediterranean (3302013)" Keynote speaker: Dr Maria Georgopoulou (Director of the Gennadius Library, American School of Classical Studies at Athens) 24th May 2014 European Research Institute University of Birmingham All enquiries should be directed to George Makris at Language as Culture in the Eastern Mediterranean (330-2013) The students of the Centre for Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies at the University of Birmingham are proud to announce the 15th Annual Postgraduate Colloquium, which will take place on Saturday, 24th May 2014. Keynote speaker: Dr Maria Georgopoulou, (Director of the Gennadius Library, The American School of Classical Studies at Athens) The colloquium will bring postgraduate students together to discuss the significance of language in the eastern Mediterranean from Late Antiquity to the Modern Age. Beginning with the observation that all studies are routinely possessed by language, it is important to understand the relationship between language and culture. A major goal is to examine the role of culture in linguistic meaning, language use and, conversely, the role of linguistic form and culture in social action and in cultural practices. Language is a key to understanding the social, symbolic and expressive lives of members of society. How, we will ask, can we learn more about language, and, what can we say about language in the Mediterranean basin? Studies of ritual and performance, of patronage and status often draw on linguistic evidence to talk about various forms of cultural production: attesting to the crucial and hitherto unacknowledged role of language in the creation of cultural subjectivities. Language as a term should not be limited to literary forms, as verbal products, but may be extended to encompass a broader range of visual narratives, including, potentially, painting, architecture and other kinds of material culture. We are interested in the production, interpretation and reproduction of social meanings, as expressed and accrued through language and in exploring the relation to culture and society. We invite proposals for 20-minute papers in all fields of Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies. Topics may include but are not limited to: Language ideology; Visual culture; Literary analysis; Objects and words as symbols of identity; Theories and practices of image-making; Perceptions and sounds of speech; Ideological context of architecture; Literacy and education; Multicultural communities; Representation, power and social status; Ideas about communication or trade; Cultural history of texts Please send an abstract of no more than 250 words to George Makris at by Monday, 24th March 2014. Registration is free ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[9]. CALL FOR PAPERS: AUSTRALIAN ASSOCIATION FOR BYZANTINE STUDIES 18TH BIENNAL CONFERENCE: "BYZANTINE CULTURE IN TRANSLATION" (QUEENSLAND, 28-30.11.2014; DEADLINE: 31.08.2014) Da: Vera von Falkenhausen ( Byzantine Culture in Translation 18th Biennial Conference, 28-30 November 2014, University of Queensland Byzantine culture emanated from Constantinople throughout the Middle Ages, eastwards into Muslim lands and central Asia, north into Russian, Germanic and Scandinavian territories, south across the Mediterranean into Egypt and North Africa and westwards to Italy, Sicily and the other remnants of the western Roman empire. Byzantine culture was translated, transported and transmitted into all these areas through slow or sudden processes of permeation, osmosis and interaction throughout the life of the Empire, from the fourth century to the fifteenth and far beyond. Various literary aspects of Byzantine culture that were literally translated from Greek into the local and scholarly languages of the Medieval West and Muslim Middle East include dreambooks, novels, medical and scientifica texts and works of Ancient Greek literature. Yet translation was a phenomenon that stretched far beyond texts, into the areas of clothing and fashion, the visual arts (especially icons) and architecture, military organisations, imperial court ceremonial, liturgical music and mechanical devices. This conference celebrates all aspects of literary, spiritual or material culture that were transported across the breadth of the Empire and exported from it. Papers are welcome on all aspects of Byzantine culture that exerted some influence - whether lasting or fleeting - and were translated into non-Greek-speaking lands, from the early Byzantine period to the present day. Confirmed speaker: Maria Mavroudi, University of California – Berkeley Convenor: Dr Amelia Brown, The School of History, Philosophy, Religion and Classics, University of Queensland Papers of 20 minutes are now sought on any of the topics mentioned above. Please send a title and abstract of 200 words along with your own email address, affiliation and title to the convenor at Closing date for submissions: 31 August. Bursaries: Two bursaries of 500 dollars each will be offered to postgraduate students or postdoctoral fellows who present papers and are not residents of Queensland. Applications may be sent with abstract and CV to Bronwen Neil, President of AABS, at Please supply your residential address and a short (150 words max.) explanation of your financial circumstances, stage reached in your studies and any other relevant information. Membership of AABS is required for successful applicants; please see the web site at for membership subscriptions. Deadline for bursary applications is 31 August. Full details on the new AABS web site at Information: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[10]. 12TH SYMPOSIUM SYRIACUM (LONDON, 11-13.07.2016) AND THE 10TH INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN ARABIC CONFERENCE (LONDON, 14-16.07.2016) Da: Aisbnews ( 12th Syriac Symposium and the 10th International Christian Arab Conference Sponsored by Aram Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies Monday, July 11, 2016 - Saturday, July 16, 2016 Location: University of London London -- United Kingdom The Committee of the Syriac Symposium and the Christian Arabic Conference invites you to the 12th Syriac Symposium (11-13 July 2016) and the 10th INTERNATIONAL Christian Arabic Conference (14-16 July 2016) to be held at The School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) University of London Thornhaugh Street/Russell Square, London WC1H OXG, UK. The Organising Committee: Dr. Erica Hunter (SOAS): Dr. Shafiq Abouzayd (University of Oxford): Prof. Rifaat Ebied (University of Sydney): All queries concerning conference arrangements should be addressed to the email below. Contact: Aram Secretary, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B. PUBBLICAZIONI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[1]. BIBLIOGRAFIA RAGIONATA SULLA LITURGIA BIZANTINA PER IL 2013 (2014) Da: Andrea Luzzi ( Si segnala l'uscita di una bibliografia ragionata, in russo, degli studi prodotti nel 2013 nel campo della liturgia bizantina. LITURGICESKIJ DAJDZEST 2013 Obozrenie publikacij po liturgike, vysedsich iz pecaty v 2013 godu / A Review of the Books, Theses and Papers on the Byzantine Liturgy issued in 2013 [Sostavitel' obzora: C.V. Golovanov] Omsk, Golovanov, 2014 44 p. [e-book] E-mail: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[2]. "THEOLOGICA MINORA", ED. BY A. RIGO (2013) Da: Aisbnews ( "THEOLOGICA MINORA. The Minor Genres of Byzantine Theological Literature", ed. by A. RIGO in collaboration with P. ERMILOV - M. TRIZIO, Turnhout 2013 (Byzantios. Studies in Byzantine History and Civilization, 8) X, 202 p., 11 ill. b/n -- ISBN: 978-2-503-55102-9 INDEX: Abbreviations, p. VII -- Preface, p. IX -- Paul Gehin, "Les collections de kephalaia monastiques: naissance et succes d'un genre entre creation originale, plagiat et florilege", p. 1 -- Peter Van Deun, "Exploration du genre byzantin des kephalaia: la collection attribuee a' Theognoste", p. 51 -Reinhart Ceulemans, "Malachias the Monk as a Textual Critic of LXX Proverbs", p. 67 -- Antonia Giannouli, "Catanyctic Religious Poetry. A Survey", p. 86 -- Pavel Ermilov, "Towards a Classification of Sources in Byzantine Question-and-Answer Literature", p. 110 -- Antonio Rigo, "Questions et reponses sur la controverse palamite. Un texte inedit d'origine athonite et son auteur veritable (Marc Kyrtos)", p. 126 -- Michel Asmus, "Les enigmes d'un presbytre de Constantinople", p. 152 -- Inmaculada Perez Martin, "The Transmission of Some Writings by Psellos in Thirteenthcentury Constantinople", p. 159. -- Illustrations, p. 175 -- Index: 1. List of Illustrations, p. 189; 2. Manuscripts, p. 190; 3. Names of Persons: Ancient and Medieval, p. 192 -- 4. Modern Authors, p. 197. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [3]. L'ENIGMA DEI TETRARCHI (2013) Da: Niccolo' Zorzi ( L'enigma dei Tetrarchi, Venezia, Marsilio, 2013 (Quaderni della Procuratoria. Arte, storia, restauri della Basilica di San Marco a Venezia [8]). Il volume raccoglie gli atti di una giornata di studi (28.10.2010) organizzata dalla Procuratoria di San Marco e dal Centro Tedesco di Studi Veneziani. Indice: Premessa di Giorgio Orsoni I. Favaretto, Editoriale E. Concina, I. Favaretto, P. Schreiner, I Tetrarchi. Le ragioni di un convegno G. Ortalli, Tetrarchi. Tra Palazzo e Basilica W. Eck, Geschichte und Ideologie der Tetrarchie A. Pontani, Costantinopoli "intorno al 1204" in alcune fonti letterarie F. Naumann-Steckner, La storia del piede: il frammento ritrovato a Istanbul A. Effenberger, Die Tetrarchengruppen in Venedig. Zu den Problemen ihrer Datierung und Bestimmung E. Concina, Spolia ac manubiae a San Marco C. Campana, I Tetrarchi: documentazione storica e storie a Venezia G. Bodon, Il gruppo dei Tetrarchi da spolium di Bisanzio a simbolo di Venezia. Spunti di ricerca e prospettive per una valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale veneto M. De Min, C. Menichelli, La stanza del Tesoro. Restauri, studi stratigrafici e scavi L. Lazzarini, Il piede ritrovato e il piede restaurato dei Tetrarchi: studi sull'origine delle due pietre Abstracts I restauri 2012-2013 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C. NOTIZIE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[1]. CALL FOR PAPERS PER UNA RACCOLTA INTERDISCIPLINARE SUL TEMA DELLE "IMMAGINI VIVE" (DEADLINE: 28.02.2014) Da: Carmelo Occhipinti ( CALL FOR PAPERS PER UNA RACCOLTA INTERDISCIPLINARE SUL TEMA DELLE "IMMAGINI VIVE" Si invitano studiosi italiani e stranieri, antichisti e modernisti, archeologi a intervenire su uno dei seguenti argomenti: 1. Il rapporto tra il fedele e l’immagine devozionale 2. L'immagine elogiata come viva, vera, parlante, nell'ekphrasis letteraria 3. L'iconoclastia, ovvero l'"uccisione" dell’immagine nelle rispettive epoche Il fascicolo speciale di "Horti Hesperidum" (Universita' di Roma "Tor Vergata". Dipartimento di Scienze storiche, filosofico-sociali, dei beni culturali e del territorio) sara' stampato all'inizio del 2015. Invio dell'abstract entro il 28 febbraio 2014 (all'indirizzo ). Informazioni: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[2]. STELLENAUSSCHREIBUNG FUER WISSENSCHAFTLICHE MITARBEITERIN/EINEN WISSENSCHAFTLICHEN MITARBEITER (MAINZ, BIS ZUM 31.12.2015; DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: 28.02.2014) Da: Vera von Falkenhausen ( STELLENAUSSCHREIBUNG Der WissenschaftsCampus Mainz "Byzanz zwischen Orient und Okzident", eine Forschungskooperation zwischen dem Leibniz-Institut, Roemisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum und der Johannes Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz, sucht zum naechstmoeglichen Zeitpunkt: eine wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin/einen wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter (EG 13 TV-L) Die Stelle ist zunaechst befristet bis zum 31.12.2015 mit der Option auf Verlaengerung. Aufgabengebiet: Mitwirkung an den Projekten des WissenschaftsCampus und die Ausarbeitung von Projekten zur weiteren Entwicklung des Forschungsprofils des WissenschaftsCampus (siehe Voraussetzungen: - erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium - eine sehr gute Promotion in Byzantinistik oder Christlicher Archaeologie/Byzantinischer Kunstgeschichte bzw. in benachbarten Faechern - erwuenscht ist Erfahrung in der Einwerbung von Drittmitteln Die Johannes Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz ist bestrebt, den Anteil der Frauen im wissenschaftlichen Bereich zu erhoehen, und bittet daher Wissenschaftlerinnen, sich zu bewerben. Schwerbehinderte werden bei entsprechender Eignung bevorzugt beruecksichtigt. Ihre Bewerbungen in elektronischer Form mit den ueblichen Unterlagen (wissenschaftliches Hochschulzeugnis, CV, ggf. Schriftenverzeichnis etc.) sind bis zum 28.2.2014 zu richten an: Geschaeftsstelle Forschungsschwerpunkt Historische Kulturwissenschaften Johannes Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz Staudingerweg 9 55099 Mainz e-mail: Fuer Rueckfragen steht der Geschaeftsfuehrer des WissenschaftsCampus Mainz Dr. Benjamin Fourlas zur Verfuegung ( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[3]. BYZANTINE PHILOLOGY POST-DOCTORAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATE 2014-2015 (PRINCETON UNIVERSITY, FROM 01.07.2014; DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: 15.03.2014) Da: Vera von Falkenhausen ( Byzantine Philology Post-Doctoral Research Associate 2014-2015 The Department of Art and Archaeology at Princeton University invites applications for a one-year (12-month appointment) Post-Doctoral Research Associate, starting July 1, 2014. This appointment may be renewed, subject to satisfactory performance and funding. The postdoctoral research associate will assist in the preparation and publication of a projected fivevolume set of translations of Byzantine texts on art and aesthetics. The ideal candidate must have a PhD as well as excellent knowledge of Byzantine Greek, philological and editorial experience, and some knowledge of Byzantine art history. The successful candidate will work closely with the editor (Charles Barber ) in commissioning, reviewing, and preparing texts and translations for these volumes. The successful candidate will also coordinate with the contributors and with Cambridge University Press, the publisher of the volumes. In addition to a salary, postdoctoral research associates receive reimbursement (up to 2,000 dollars per year) for research related expenses, such as books or travel expenses when presenting papers at academic conferences during the period of their appointment. Postdoctoral research associates are responsible for their own travel and moving arrangements and expenses, as well as for finding and paying for their housing at Princeton. Candidates must have completed all the requirements for the doctoral degree by the start date of the appointment. Candidates are required to apply online at and submit an online application form, including the following: (1) cover letter with title and summary (200 words) of proposed research project; (2) curriculum vitae and list of publications; (3) sample chapter (in English) of dissertation or other recent work; (4) contact information for three references. DEADLINE: All materials submitted by applicants must be received by March 15, 2014, for full consideration. Applications will continue to be reviewed until this position is filled. Princeton University is an equal opportunity employer and complies with applicable EEO and affirmative action regulations. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[4]. JOB VACANCIES IN SYRIAC HAGIOGRAPHY AND PERSIAN MEDIEVAL NARRATIVE LITERATURE (GHENT [BELGIUM], FROM 01.03.2014; DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: 21.03.2014) Da: Vera von Falkenhausen ( Job vacancies: two fully-funded ERC Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (4 years each) at Ghent University (Belgium) The Department of Literary Studies at Ghent University (Belgium) is seeking well-qualified applicants for two fully-funded Postdoctoral Research Fellowships attached to the European Research Council project Novel Saints. Ancient novelistic heroism in the hagiography of Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages. The Principal Investigator of this project is Prof Dr Koen De Temmerman, who, as a classicist, specializes in ancient fiction and its persistence in later periods. The two successful applicants will start employment on 1 June 2014 or as soon as possible thereafter. In order to be eligible, candidates must have obtained their PhD degree at the time of application or demonstrate convincingly that they will have that degree in hand by 1 June 2014. The ERC project deals with the persistence of ancient novelistic material in (Greek, Latin, Syriac and Arabic) hagiographical narrative traditions in the Mediterranean between the 4th and the 12th centuries. It also investigates the impact of these narrative traditions on medieval fiction in the West, Byzantium and Persia. An abstract of the project can be found at Within the broad project, subprojects will be assigned to individual team members. For the current vacancies, these subprojects are situated in the following areas: POSITION 1: SYRIAC HAGIOGRAPHY The successful candidate will have an excellent knowledge of Syriac and a very good working knowledge of both Latin and Greek. (S)he will preferably have specialized in Syriac, late antique narrative literature and will have as central corpora within the project the so-called Acts of Persian martyrs, collections of Lives and hagiographical romances. Each of these three corpora invites dialogue with those examined by other team members. (S)he will be capable of producing (a) a text edition (with English translation) of a carefully-selected set of late Sasanian Acts and (b) detailed literary studies that cover the narrative qualities of the texts and analyze concepts of heroism and fictionalization. POSITION 2: PERSIAN MEDIEVAL NARRATIVE LITERATURE The successful candidate will have both an excellent knowledge of medieval Persian and a very good working knowledge of Arabic. A good knowledge of Latin and/or Greek will be an advantage. (S)he will preferably have specialized in medieval Persian narrative literature and will have as central corpora within the project 11th- and 12th-century Persian romances and Arabic (Christian) hagiography. (S)he will be capable of (a) charting ancient novelistic influences in Persian romances, (b) examining in depth novelistic influences bearing upon the thematic key issues of the overall project (heroism and fictionalization), and (c) examining the extent to which Arabic hagiography may have acted as a ‘narrative bridge’ for ancient novelistic material to have arrived in Persian medieval narrative. For each of the two positions, we offer: 1. a contract for four years of full-time employment as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow, continuation being subject to positive evaluation after one year; 2. a competitive salary that depends on seniority; 3. a substantial allowance for travel and other research purposes in addition to the salary; 4. office space in the University and a solid and engaging academic working environment with a strong international profile. The successful candidates will be able to interact with scholars and students affiliated with various departments and research institutes at Ghent University (;;;;; For each of the two positions, we expect that the successful applicant 1. will contribute to the strong research tradition of the Department and the University by pursuing excellence in his/her research and by publishing his/her results in journals and with publishers that are internationally accepted as being of the highest quality; 2. will come and live in Belgium, work closely together with the other team members and the project's international advisory board, and contribute to a pleasant and stimulating atmosphere; 3. will play a leading role in the scholarly activities of the research group (e.g. by organizing events in collaboration with the Principal Investigator, co-supervizing PhD students, etc.). How to apply? Applications should include 1. a cover letter indicating for which of the two positions the applicant applies; 2. a full curriculum vitae, including a complete list of publications; 3. a brief autobiographical statement (no more than one page) highlighting why the applicant is interested in this project and what added value (s)he expects to bring; 4. a writing sample of ca. 40 pages of published (or forthcoming) work that in the applicant's view is particularly good or relevant to the project; 5. four letters of reference (to be sent directly to by the referees no later than 21 March 2014). and should be sent by snail mail to Prof Dr Koen De Temmerman Ghent University Department of Literary Studies Blandijnberg 2 B-9000 Ghent Belgium Deadline: applications should arrive no later than 21 March 2014. Please address any queries to the Principal Investigator ( or to the Head of the Department of Literary Studies, Prof Dr Gert Buelens ( The University offers light teaching loads to Postdoctoral Research Fellows and professional support for those applying to the many funding schemes at the local, regional and European levels. Ghent is an attractive medieval town, with a strong economic base and lively cultural scene. Just 30 minutes by train from Brussels, two hours from Paris and Amsterdam and two and a half hours from London, it is ideally situated at the heart of European intellectual life. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[5]. APPEL D'OFFRES POUR LES BOURSES DU PROGRAMME FERNAND BRAUDEL-IFER DE LA FMSH / HASTEC (DEADLINE: 02.04.-05.05.2014) Da: Philippe Hoffmann ( Veuillez recevoir trois documents constituant la publication d'un appel d'offres relatif a' 3 contrats doctoraux (trois ans: 2014-2017) et 6 contrats post-doctoraux (un an: 2014-2015) proposes par le Laboratoire d'excellence HASTEC ( - un texte de presentation generale, decrivant la composition des dossiers de candidature, sous format .pdf; - deux documents Word correspondant aux fiches synthetiques a' joindre obligatoirement aux dossiers de candidature (une pour les contrats doctoraux, une pour les contrats post-doctoraux). Vous pourrez retrouver ces documents sur le site internet du Laboratoire d'excellence a' l'adresse suivante : Voir la liste des equipes et institutions "partenaires", et des membres du Laboratoire d'excellence, a' l'adresse suivante : Retour des dossiers de candidature : avant le 2 avril 2014 pour les candidatures aux contrats post-doctoraux avant le 5 mai 2014 pour les candidatures aux contrats doctoraux Je vous serais reconnaissant de diffuser tres largement cet appel a' candidatures aupres des etudiants et des jeunes chercheurs qui travaillent dans vos reseaux et vos institutions afin de susciter le plus grand nombre de candidatures possible. J'attire votre attention sur le fait que le LabEx est fortement pluridisciplinaire, et que, notamment, les etudes classiques et les etudes d'histoire et de philosophie antiques et medievales y ont toute leur place. A ce jour, un nombre deja' tres important de jeunes etudiants et chercheurs de plusieurs disciplines ont pu profiter de ces contrats (, Je vous rappelle que, parallelement et selon une procedure differente, deux bourses destinees a' des post-doctorants etrangers ont ete' mises au concours dans le cadre du Programme Fernand BraudelIFER (partenariat de la Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme et du LabEx HASTEC): voir ou : Philippe Hoffmann -- directeur du LabEx HASTEC Laboratoire europeen d'histoire et anthropologie des savoirs, des techniques et des croyances ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[6]. UNIVERSITY OF HEIDELBERG: APPLICATIONS FOR TWO POSITIONS AS RESEARCH ASSOCIATES (DEADLINE: 15.4.2014) Da: Anna Sirinian ( The University of Heidelberg, Germany is accepting applications for two positions as research associates (PhD-research fellowhips) (50%) to start on 1.7.2014. Fellows will receive a one-year contract renewable for another year. Funding for a third year will be applied for. The successful candidate will be part of the Transcultural Studies research group "Protection in periods of religious and political expansion". This research group is funded by the German Initiative for Excellence. It focuses on a broad spectrum of forms of protection such as protection for minorities, merchants, but also individual cases of protection of refugees like slaves, women, people of different faiths, criminals and rebels in transcultural societies between 500 and 1500. Main focus of the research group is to analyze the way how societies dealt with conflicts especially in periods of rapid change such as during processes of Islamization or Christianisation. The fellowship will be awarded to outstanding candidates interested in completing a doctoral degree at the University of Heidelberg. Fellowships are open to scholars from all historical disciplines, especially, but not only Medieval History, Islamic Studies, Iranian Studies, Byzantine Studies, Jewish Studies or African Studies. Candidates will be expected to develop a PhD project within the groups research theme. Possible research topics may be discussed with the research group leader after having been offered the position. Alternatively, applicants may submit their own proposal. Requirements: Master's degree (or equivalent) with excellent results. Knowledge of the for the PhD project relevant languages (knowledge of German is not required). Active participation in the research group's activities at the University of Heidelberg (meetings, organization of conferences, workshops etc.). We offer an outstanding interdisciplinary environment, intensive research support, as well as an excellent infrastructure (office space, computer, travel funds). The salary is according to the German scale E TV-L 13 (50%). Applicants are asked to send: 1. Curriculum Vitae 2. Copy of university degrees 3. Address (email and telephone) of two professors as references 4. A letter of motivation including a draft of preliminary ideas for a PhD project (max. 3 pages) in one PDF document no later than 15.4.2014: For further questions please contact: Dr. Jenny Oesterle, Junior Research Leader University of Heidelberg -- Transcultural Studies Marstallstrasse 6 -- 69117 Heidelberg -- Germany ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[7]. STIPENDIUM "ANCIENT TEXTILES" Da: Vera von Falkenhausen ( Im Jahr 2013 hat die Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung der Leiterin des Kopenhagener Centre for Textile Research (CTR), Prof. Marie Louise Nosch, den Anneliese Maier Forschungspreis verliehen. Der mit 250 000 Euro dotierte Forschungspreis dient der Förderung von internationalen Kooperationsbeziehungen zwischen dem CTR und dem Historischen Seminar der Leibniz Universitaet Hannover auf dem Gebiet der althistorischen Textilforschung über einen Zeitraum von fuenf Jahren. Ein Teil der zur Verfügung gestellten Mittel soll Doktoranden/Doktorandinnen und/ oder Postdoktoranden/Postdoktorandinnen aus der Breite der altertumswissenschaftlichen Faecher zugute kommen, die zu Textilien in der Antike forschen. Die Kollegin Nosch und ich bitten Sie, geeignete Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen über diese Möglichkeit zu informieren. Gefoerdert werden Forschungsaufenthalte am Kopenhagener Institut (CTR) und/oder am Historischen Seminar der Leibniz Universitaet Hannover über einen Zeitraum von einer Woche bis zu sechs Monaten (in Ausnahmefällen auch laenger) sowie der Besuch von Wissenschaftlichen Tagungen zur Textilforschung in der Antike. Vorausgesetzt werden Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiet der althistorischen bzw. archaeologischen Textilforschung, die durch Publikationen und/oder durch eine ueberzeugende Skizze des geplanten Forschungsprojektes nachgewiesen werden koennen, sowie die Bereitschaft zur Teamarbeit in einem internationalen Kontext. Anfragen sind zu richten an die unten angegebene Adresse: Unabhaengig von den oben genannten Foerdermoeglichkeiten stehen bei entsprechenden Qualifikationen und Interessen von Bewerbern und Bewerberinnen auch Mittel zur Verfuegung fuer die wissenschaftliche Bearbeitung des Bestandes spaetantiker Textilfragmente aus Aegypten (ca. 360 St.) im Museum August Kestner in Hannover. Dafuer sind die Voraussetzungen gute Kenntnisse fruehchristlicher Ikonographie und Erfahrungen beim Bearbeiten musealer Sammlungsbestaende sowie mind. sechs Monate Ortspraesenz in Hannover. Fragen dazu beantwortet Dr. Christian E. Loeben, Aegyptologe am Museum August Kestner ( Prof. Dr. B. Wagner-Hasel Historisches Seminar -- Leibniz Universitaet Hannover Im Moore 21 -- 30167 Hannover 0511/762-4436/2279 (Sekr.) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[8]. SCUOLA ESTIVA DI PAPIROLOGIA VII EDIZIONE-2014 (LECCE, 14-19.07.2014; DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: 30.04.2014) Da: Mario Capasso ( Nei giorni 14-19 luglio 2014 si terra' la Settima Edizione della Scuola Estiva di Papirologia. Possono presentare domanda d'iscrizione laureandi e laureati in Lettere, dottorandi e dottori di ricerca in una disciplina attinente al Mondo Antico interessati alle principali tematiche della Papirologia, quali: Storia della ricerca archeologica dei papiri; produzione e circolazione del libro nell'area del Mediterraneo Antico; contributo dei papiri alla Letteratura greca e latina ed alla storia della Scrittura greca e latina; papiri e societa' dell'Egitto faraonico e greco-romano; papiri ercolanesi; informatica papirologica; trascrizione di testi greci su papiro. Le lezioni saranno tenute in italiano. Gli interessati devono indirizzare la domanda di ammissione al Direttore della Scuola, Prof. Mario Capasso, e farla pervenire, entro e non oltre il 30 aprile 2014, alla Segreteria del Centro di Studi Papirologici (Palazzo Parlangeli, via V.M. Stampacchia, 45, 73100 Lecce; tel. 0039 0832 294606) oppure via e-mail al seguente indirizzo: La domanda, corredata di curriculum, dovra' contenere i recapiti telefonici del candidato ed essere accompagnata dalla presentazione di un docente. Gli ammessi al Corso dovranno versare la somma di Euro 260,00 sul seguente conto corrente bancario intestato al Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici presso il Monte dei Paschi di Siena – agenzia nr. 2 (filiale di Piazza S. Oronzo, Lecce); c/c: 606480.41; CIN: N; ABI: 01030; CAB: 16002; IBAN: IT 03 N010 3016 0020 0006 0648 041; con la causale "Scuola Estiva di Papirologia 2014", entro e non oltre il 15 giugno 2014. La partecipazione alla Scuola Estiva da' diritto a 5 CFU. Sara' rilasciato un attestato di partecipazione alla Scuola. Sara' ammesso un numero limitato di partecipanti. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[9]. INTENSIVE ORAL LATIN AND KOINE' GREEK CLASSES. POLIS METHOD (MADRID, 07-25.07.2014) Da: Vera von Falkenhausen ( From 7 to 25 July 2014 Intensive oral Latin and Koine' Greek classes Polis Method These are two simultaneous courses to teach students to speak a classical language. The method consists of using the language being studied from the very first day, in such a way that students become able to express themselves with great zest and fluency. This method is based on the most efficient language teaching techniques which ensure that students can increase their lexicon and acquire a solid grammatical basis through a continuous verbal exchange between the teacher and the student. Teachers Latin: Pablo Villoslada, a coordinator in the Circulus Latinus Matritensis Greek: Sabina Soper, a teacher in the Polis Institute in Jerusalem Price: 560 euros per course For more information: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[10]. CORPUS PAPIRI FILOSOFICI: SITO WEB Da: Paolo Togni ( Si segnala l'attivazione del sito web del Corpus dei papiri filosofici greci e latini, contenente tutte le informazioni relative: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[11]. PETIZIONE: CONTRE LE DEMANTELEMENT D'UN POLE DE RECHERCHE Da: Giovanni Gasbarri ( Contre le demantelement d'un pole de recherche d'exception a' Paris sur le monde mediterraneen oriental: A' Mme le Ministre de l'Enseignement superieur et de la Recherche Dans le cadre de la creation du nouveau campus de sciences humaines et sociales a' Aubervilliers (Campus Condorcet), le CNRS a decide' de delocaliser les sections arabe, grecque et de l'Orient chretien de l'IRHT (Institut de recherche et d'histoire des textes, UPR 841), qui sont etroitement imbriquees avec les autres equipes et bibliotheques du site Cardinal Lemoine du College de France a' Paris, pour les installer avec les autres sections de l'IRHT sur le nouveau Campus Condorcet. Cette decision intervient alors que les deux sections etaient deja' engagees dans le projet d'Institut des civilisations du College de France, ou' elles participaient pleinement de la coherence scientifique du projet, et conduit au demantelement d'un pole, qui est une reference internationale, consacre' a' Byzance, l'Orient chretien et le monde islamique fonde' sur une collaboration entre equipes et institutions diverses (College de France, CNRS), ou' depuis plusieurs decennies, chercheurs, universitaires et etudiants francais et etrangers trouvent en un meme lieu, au centre de Paris, les equipes de recherche et les ressources dans ces domaines tres specialises. Suite au projet de delocalisation, les sources primaires que sont les reproductions et les catalogues de manuscrits arabes, grecs, syriaques et coptes, conserves dans les deux sections de l'IRHT (pres de 16 000 manuscrits), se trouveront en effet separees des bibliotheques du College de France, ou' sont conserves les livres qui permettent de comprendre et d'interpreter ces sources (Bibliotheque byzantine, Bibliotheque des christianismes orientaux, Bibliotheque d'etudes arabes, turques et islamiques, Bibliotheque d'egyptologie). Nous, chercheurs, universitaires et etudiants francais et etrangers qui travaillons dans ces lieux ou en connaissons l'importance scientifique, demandons que les sections grecque et arabe de l'IRHT soient maintenues sur leur site actuel afin de preserver l'unite' et la coherence scientifique de ce pole de reference internationale sur le monde mediterraneen oriental. Redaction: les membres des sections arabe, grecque et de l'Orient chretien de l'IRHT: Pierre Augustin, Ingenieur de recherche au CNRS Francesca Barone, Chargee de recherche au CNRS Andre' Binggeli, Charge' de recherche au CNRS Anne Boud'hors, Directrice de recherche au CNRS Matthieu Cassin, Charge' de recherche au CNRS Marie Cronier, Chargee de recherche au CNRS Muriel Debie', Directrice d'etudes a' l'EPHE Paul Gehin, Directeur de recherche emerite au CNRS Didier Lafleur, Ingenieur d'etude au CNRS Jean-Pierre Molenat, Directeur de recherche emerite au CNRS Christian Mueller, Directeur de recherche au CNRS Muriel Roiland, Assisant ingenieur au CNRS Jacques-Hubert Sautel, Charge' de recherche au CNRS Elise Voguet, Chargee de recherche au CNRS Premiers signataires : Dominique Charpin, Professeur au College de France Anne Cheng, Professeur au College de France Jean-Claude Cheynet, Professeur a' l'Universite' Paris-Sorbonne Gilbert Dagron, Professeur honoraire au College de France, Membre de l'Academie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres Vincent Deroche, Directeur de recherche au CNRS, President du Comite francais d'etudes byzantines Frantz Grenet, Professeur au College de France Nicolas Grimal, Professeur au College de France, Membre de l'Academie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres Andre' Miquel, Professeur honoraire au College de France Brigitte Mondrain, Directrice d'etudes a' l'EPHE, Presidente du Comite' international de Paleographie grecque Christian Robin, Directeur de recherche emerite au CNRS, Membre de l'Academie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres Jean-Pierre Sodini, Professeur emerite a' l'Universite' de Paris I-Pantheon Sorbonne, Membre de l'Academie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres Michel Tardieu, Professeur honoraire au College de France Nicolas Vatin, Directeur de recherche au CNRS et Directeur d'etudes a' l'EPHE Pierre-Etienne Will, Professeur au College de France, Responsable de l'Institut des Civilisations du College de France Michel Zink, Professeur au College de France, Secretaire perpetuel de l'Academie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres Luciano Canfora, Professeur emerite a' l'Universite' de Bari Dieter Harlfinger, Professeur emerite a' l'Universite' de Hambourg, President honoraire du Comite' international de Paleographie grecque (CIPG) Paul Canart, Vice-Prefet emerite de la Bibliotheque Vaticane, President honoraire du CIPG Christian Brockmann, Professeur a' l'Universite' de Hambourg, Membre du CIPG Guglielmo Cavallo, Professeur emerite a' l'Universite' de Rome La Sapienza, Membre du CIPG Boris Fonkic, Academie des Sciences de Russie, Membre du CIPG Ernst Gamillscheg, Professeur, Oesterreichische Nationalbibliothek, Membre du CIPG Giusepe De Gregorio, Professeur a' l'Universite' de Salerne, Membre du CIPG Philippe Hoffmann, Directeur d'etudes a' l'EPHE, Membre du CIPG Andre' Jacob, Professeur emerite a' l'Universite' de Chieti, Membre du CIPG Sofia Kotzabassi, Professeur a' l'Universite' Aristote de Thessalonique, Membre du CIPG Otto Kresten, Professeur emerite a' l'Universite' de Vienne, Membre de l'Oesterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Membre du CIPG Erich Lamberz, Professeur, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Membre du CIPG Santo Luca', Professeur a' l'Universite' de Rome Tor Vergata, Membre du CIPG Giancarlo Prato, Professeur a' l'Universite' de Pavie (Cremone), Membre du CIPG Agamemnon Tselikas, Directeur du Centre historique et paleographique de la Banque nationale de Grece, Membre du CIPG Nigel Wilson, Professeur emerite au Lincoln College a' l'Universite' d'Oxford, Membre de la British Academy, Membre du CIPG Jacques van der Vliet, Professeur aux Universites de Leyde et Nimegue, President de l'International Association for Coptic Studies (IACS) Stephen Emmel, Professeur a' l'Universite' de Muenster, secretaire de l'IACS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NORME PER LA SEGNALAZIONE DI INIZIATIVE BIZANTINISTICHE La Newsletter AISB raccoglie e diffonde notizie relative a iniziative e attivita' d'interesse bizantinistico (congressi, giornate di studio, convegni, seminari, conferenze, pubblicazioni, presentazioni di volumi, mostre, e cosi' via). Ciascun annuncio inviato alla Redazione della Newsletter AISB ( dovra' recare in primo luogo il titolo dell'iniziativa cui si riferisce (o un titolo in forma breve della pubblicazione segnalata). Di seguito andranno fornite le notizie relative all'iniziativa stessa, in maniera sintetica. L'annuncio che sara' divulgato nella Newsletter conterra', all'inizio, anche il nome del mittente e il suo indirizzo e-mail, che saranno diffusi insieme alla notizia stessa (salvo esplicita richiesta contraria). Gli annunci devono essere formulati come corpo del testo del messaggio e-mail, SENZA FORMATTARE I CARATTERI IN ALCUN MODO, E SENZA AGGIUNGERE ALLEGATI: al fine di evitare la diffusione di virus, i messaggi contenenti allegati non verranno presi in considerazione. La Redazione si riserva il compito di selezionare, all'interno del materiale pervenuto, quanto si riterra' coerente con le finalita' dell'Associazione. Chi desiderasse la disattivazione del servizio di Newsletter potra' inviarne comunicazione all'indirizzo e-mail sopra citato. IL PROSSIMO NOTIZIARIO (15 MARZO 2014) DIRAMERA' I MESSAGGI PERVENUTI ENTRO IL 10 MARZO 2014. Le comunicazioni giunte dopo questo termine saranno inserite nel numero successivo del notiziario.
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