PREFACE This volume contains the proceedings for the 1st International "NEW METROPOLITAN PERSPECTIVES. The integrated approach of Urban Sustainable Development through the implementation of Horizon/Europe2020" (ISTH2020). The integrated approach of Urban Sustainable Development through the implementation of Horizon/Europe2020, which took place on 6 to 8 May, 2014, in Reggio Calabria, Italy. The 1st International Symposium represented the final event related to the three years research programme of the CLUDs project ‐ funded by the Seventh Framework Programme, IRSES, Marie Curie action ‐ and promoted the LaborEst’ research activities on urban dynamics within metropolitan scenarios. The Symposium has been organised by the LaborEst (Evaluation and Economic Appraisal Lab) and CLUDs (Commercial Local Urban Districts) Research Lab, Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria (Italy) with the aim to receive contributions from national and international scientific community on integrated urban sustainable development strategies with particular focuses on metropolitan dynamics and urban rural linkages. The Symposium was conceived with the goal of achieving the following objectives: 1. Strengthening the international exchange in order to promote joint research activities according to the objectives of the 2014–2020 programming period with respect the broad field of Sustainable urban development. 2. Stimulating the debate on community involvement and on new forms of public‐private partnership within urban‐rural networks and metropolitan areas. 3. Promoting an integrated approach through specialised inputs merging on the creation of strongly localised ‐ and not generalised ‐ interventions and actions, fostering a bottom‐up, rather than top‐down approach, or a mix approach too. Cities are currently dealing with challenging issues, such as climate changes, social exclusion, the current economic and financial crisis, which are pushing towards the re‐definition of new sustainable development strategies. Particularly, the need to review the urban and metropolitan governance systems emerges, encouraging the involvement of local communities, strengthening the public‐private partnerships throughout the implementation of new flexible and place‐based approaches. The Symposium is focused on the comprehension of metropolitan dynamics in order to promote local economic development, especially in urban and rural context and in so‐called marginal areas. Considerations have been driven to explore on cities’ ability to implement metropolitan dynamics and improve their competitiveness exploiting the virtuous and synergic linkage between urban and rural areas. The reflection on the city with respect the metropolitan dynamics, on one hand, and how the urban rural linkages can affect them, on the other, drives to think the urban space construction as a community awareness process. A dynamic process of making spaces enable to change and evolve the forms of relationships, to connect the local identity with innovation, to share and spread knowledge, with the common objective to create mutual‐awareness of the place. Even the competitiveness of cities and territories has become a general purpose in the political agenda to promote local development, sustainability principles keep being the only driver to implement equity distribution of competitive advantages ensuring development process. For the first International Symposium NEW METROPOLITAN PERSPECTIVES. The integrated approach of Urban Sustainable Development through the implementation of Horizon/Europe 2020 we aimed at opening to provide a forum for exchange and discussion on all aspects of the urban environment related with the wide connections ‐ functional, economical, social, morphological, All rights reserved. No part of contents of this paper may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of TTP, (ID:,16:56:02) financial – among cities, metropolitan areas, urban‐rural fringe and marginal areas by emphasising the role of community, stakeholders, policy actors in shaping the future of the cites. Papers’ presentations covered seven chapters: I – The integrated approach in Europe 2020: urban and marginal areas in local economic development strategies II – The integrated approach of Sustainable urban development III – Metropolitan city: issues and challenges IV – Urban regeneration: Community involvement and PPP V – Urban/rural ‐ The role of urban rural regeneration in regional context VI – Heritage and Identity VII – Economic and estimative dynamics We would like to take this opportunity to thank all who have contributed to the success of the first International Symposium “NEW METROPOLITAN PERSPECTIVES. The integrated approach of Urban Sustainable Development through the implementation of Horizon/Europe2020”, particularly: the academic representatives of the University of Reggio Calabria – the Rector Prof. Pasquale Catanoso, the Responsible of internationalization Prof. Francesco Morabito, the Chief of PAU Department Prof. Simonetta Valtieri. the Scientific Committee and the Scientific Partners, all authors who have submitted papers all Chairman who presided over the sessions of the Symposium the Keynote speakers, Prof. Nico Calavita of San Diego State University and Prof. Alan Dyer of Northaestern University of Boston. Prof. Roberto Camagni, Politecnico of Milan, who drew the guidelines in the final round table, as first step for the construction of the metropolitan cities. “Associazione ASTRI” for technical and organization support activities. SCIENTIFICBOARD SimonettaValtieri Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria UmbertoArena SecondUniversityofNaples MaurizioArnone SiTI Institute GiuseppeBarbaro Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria ChristerBengs AaltoUniversity(Finland) ErikBichard UniversityofSalford(UK) NicolaBoccella SapienzaUniversityofRome,PresidenteSISTur GiuseppeBombino Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria NicoCalavita SanDiegoStateUniversity(USA) RobertoCamagni PolitecnicodiMilano,PresidentofGremi DanieleCananzi SapienzaUniversityofRome GemmaCànoves UniversidadAutònomadeBarcelona(Spain) EnricoCosta Mediterranea University of ReggioCalabria MaurizioDiStefano ICOMOSItalia AlanDyer NorthaesternUniversityofBoston(USA) GabriellaEsposito NationalResearchCouncilofItaly(CNR)InstituteforServiceIndustryResearch(IRAT) ConcettaFallanca Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria MassimilianoFerrara Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria PaoloFuschi Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria LluisGaray UniversidadObertadeCatalunya(Spain) AntonioGelsomino Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria ChristopherGerry UniversityofTrás‐os‐MonteseAltoDouro– UTAD(Portugal) VitoGrippaldi Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria SpyrosKloudatis UniversityofThessalySchoolofAgriculture(Greece) DeryaYorganciğlu IstanbulKemerburgazUniversity(Turkey) LíviaM.C.Madureira CentrodeEstudosTransdisciplinaresparaoDesenvolvimento–CETRAD(Portugal) TomaszMalec IstanbulKemerburgazUniversity(Turkey) DomenicoMarino Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria DomenicoE.Massimo Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria BrunoMonardo SapienzaUniversityofRome CarloMorabito Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria PierluigiMorano Polytechnic University of Bari FrancescoS.Nesci Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria DavyNorris LouisianaTechUniversity(USA) CeciliaPolidori Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria M.NadiaPostorino Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria FilippoPraticò Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria VincenzoProvenzano UniversityofPalermo ManuelaRicci SapienzaUniversityofRome EttoreRocca UniversitàMediterranea diReggioCalabria RiccardoRoscelli PolitecnicodiTorino,PresidentofSiTI StefanoStanghellini IUAV,PresidentofSIEV LuisaSturiale UniversityofCatania LauraThermes Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria ClaudiaTrillo FondazioneAstengo SCIENTIFICPARTNERSHIP Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria (Italy) Polytechnic University of Bari (Italy) Sapienza University of Rome (Italy) University of Thessaly School of Agriculture (Greece) Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain) University of Trás‐os‐Montes e Alto Douro – UTAD (Portugal) Istanbul Kemerburgaz University (Turkey) San Diego State University (USA) University of Salford (UK) Aalto University (Finland) Northaestern University of Boston (USA) Louisiana Tech University (USA) SIEV ‐ Società Italiana di Estimo e Valutazione SISTuR ‐ Società Italiana di Scienze del Turismo Cred ‐ Centro di ricerca per l'estetica del diritto Fondazione Astengo INU – Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica CNR ‐ National Research Council of Italy IRAT ‐ Institute for Service Industry Research ICOMOS Italia ORGANISINGSCIENTIFICCOMMITTEE LaborEstFrancescoCalabrò,LuciaDellaSpina CLUDs CarmelinaBevilacqua ORGANISINGCOMMITTEE Associazione ASTRI
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