MECCATRONICA - Technische Universität Chemnitz

Modulo 8: manutenzione remota,
Jerzy Jędrzejewski
Politecnico di Wroclaw,
Concetto europeo per la Formazione Continua in Meccatronica di
personale esperto nella produzione industriale globalizzata
Progetto UE no. 2005-146319 „Minos“, durata dal 2005 al 2007
Progetto UE no. DE/08/LLP-LdV/TOI/147110 „MINOS++“, durata dal 2008
al 2010
Il presente progetto è finanziato con il
sostegno della Commissione europea.
L´autore è il solo responsabile di questa
pubblicazione (comunicazione) e la
Commissione declina ogni responsabilità
sull´uso che potrà essere fatto delle
informazioni in essa contenute.
Partners per la creazione, valutazione e diffusione dei progetti
Chemnitz University of Technology, Institute for Machine
Tools and Production Processes, Germany
np – neugebauer und partner OhG, Germany
Henschke Consulting, Germany
Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
IMH, Machine Tool Institute, Spain
Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
CICmargune, Spain
University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Unis a.s. company, Czech Republic
Blumenbecker Prag s.r.o., Czech Republic
Tower Automotive Sud S.r.l., Italy
Bildungs-Werkstatt Chemnitz gGmbH, Germany
Verbundinitiative Maschinenbau Sachsen VEMAS, Germany
Euroregionala IHK, Poland
Korff Isomatic sp.z.o.o. Wroclaw, Polen
Euroregionale Industrie- und Handelskammer Jelenia Gora,
Dunaferr Metallwerke Dunajvaros, Hungary
Knorr-Bremse Kft. Kecskemet, Hungary
Nationales Institut für berufliche Bildung Budapest, Hungary
Christian Stöhr Unternehmensberatung, Germany
Universität Stockholm, Institut für Soziologie, Sweden
Articolazione del materiale didattico
Minos : moduli 1 – 8 (manuale, soluzioni e esercizi): Conoscenze
fondamentali/ competenze interculturale, gestione del progetto/
tecnica pneumatica/ azionamenti elettrici e controlli automatici/
componenti meccatronici/ sistemi meccatronici e funzioni/ attivazione,
sicurezza e teleservizio/ manutenzione remota e diagnosi
Minos **: moduli 9 – 12 (manuale, soluzioni e esercizi):
Prototipazione Rapida/ robotica/ migrazione/ Interfacce
Tutti i moduli sono disponibili nelle seguenti lingue: tedesco, inglese,
spagnolo, italiano, polacco, ceco e ungherese
Per ulteriori informazioni si prega di contattare
Dr.-Ing. Andreas Hirsch
Technische Universität Chemnitz
Reichenhainer Straße 70, 09107 Chemnitz
Tel.: + 49(0)0371 531-23500
Fax.: + 49(0)0371 531-23509
Internet: oder
Remote diagnostics and servicing of mechatronic systems - Trainerguideline
Aims and tasks of remote diagnostics and servicing
Problem 1 What are the reasons for taking diagnostic measures?
Malfunctions of and damage to ma chines during their operation result
in high costs of production delays, standstills an d repairs for the users.
Therefore it has become necessary to continuou sly monitor machines
and processes, forecast disturbances, take measures preventing process quality deterioration and take necessary remedial actio ns based
on the forecasts.
What is the task of remote diagnostics?
The task of remote diagnostics is to wirelessly t ransmit (for a short o r
considerable distance) diagnostic signals with the require d informational conte nt from the diagnosed object to a near or far receiver, a
monitoring station or a monitoring centre. A proper inference system,
an intelligent advisory system or an expert will assess the disturbances
and will take appropriate service decision s, re motely gene rating forecasts, evaluating the deviations and identifying the degradation of the
operating parameters with a required accuracy and probability.
What is the task of a remote servicing system?
The tasks of a remote servicing system include:
- preventing excessive deterioration of mechatronic system (machine
and equipment) operating paramet ers by redu cing disturb ances and
compensating errors;
- predicting excessive errors and defects befor e they occur, whereby
remedial action can be taken in a planned and prepared way to keep
adverse economic consequences to minimum (intelligent action);
- optimum planning of service tasks for operating periods most convenient to the user.
What are the advantages of remote connection of sensors to communication networks?
The remote connection of sensors t o communication networ ks has resulted in a lmost limitless possibilit ies of contro lling the diag nosis process using n ot only single sensors b ut also grou ps of sen sors. As a result, information from se nsors can be used by control, diag nostic and
forecasting systems.