1 Mara Guglielmi - Paper/Photo Senior Conservator in private practice Major clients: • Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice. • Salomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York USA • Soprintendenza per il Polo Museale Veneziano. Venice. • Soprintendenza per il Patrimonio Storico, Artistico e Demoetnoantropologico del Veneto, Venice. • Giorgio Cini Foundation, Isola di san Giorgio Maggiore. Istituto di Storia dell’Arte, Venice. • Musei Civici Foundation, Venice. • Fondazione Archivi Luigi Nono, Venice. • Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte, La Biennale di Venezia, Venice. • MART. Museo d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto. EXPERIENCE 2013 55th Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte la Biennale di Venezia. Giardini. U.S.A. Pavilion: Sarah Sze “Triple Point”. Sarah Sze Studio, New York. Responsible for the maintenance of the entire installation. May 2013 November 2013. 55th Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte la Biennale di Venezia. Arsenale “Untitled (Learning from that Person's Work: Room 4)” di Matt MULLICAN, collage on paper on cotton sheets, 12 parts, each 280 x 220 cm (110 1/4 x 86 5/8 in.). Conservative treatment on panel n. 39/IV, damaged during the exhibition by a visitor. Leal Rios Foundation, Lisboa. Portugal. 55. Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte la Biennale di Venezia. Giardini, Padiglione Centrale. Urgent conservation treatment regarding an architectural model by Oliver Croy, Oliver Elser, The 387 houses of Peter Fritz (1916–1992), insurance clerk from Vienna (selection of 176 models), 1993–2008 Cardboard, paper, various materials, dimensions variable. N. 176 models. Museen der Stadt Wien, Wissenschaftliche Anstalt öffentlichen Rechts, 1040 Wien, Austria. Museum of Oriental Art, Venice. Soprintendenza per il Polo Museale Veneziano. Major conservation treatment of n. 4 Kakemono (Japanese painting scroll), with a realization of a climate controlled frame prototype regarding one of historical museum frame. 2 The Montreal Museum of Fine Art, Montreal. Quebec, Canada. Conservation treatment of 5 Folio from Antonio Maria Zanetti Album, belong to the Giorgio Cini Foundation, Venice: 15 ink’s drawings caricatures requested for the “Pageant of Venice. Art and Music in the Golden Age of the Serenissima”. Two venues exhibition: Montreal, October 7th 2013 – February 9th 2014; Portland Art Museum, Marc 7th 2014 – June 8th 2014. Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice. Conservation treatment of n.3 works on paper from the Schulhof Donation. Artist: Agnes Martin, Sebastian Matta. 2012 Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice. Conservation treatment of Carlo Carrà drawing, Study for The Galleria in Milan, 1912; charcoal and pencil on paper, cm. 37 x 21. Giovanni Mattioli Collection. Long-term loan: n. X.2010.258. Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice. Conservation treatment of n.18 works on paper from the Schulhof Donation. Artist: Afro, Bissier, Chillida, Diebenkorn, Dubuffet, Gottlieb, Guston, Jasper Johns, Kline, Marden, Newman B., Oldemburg, Tobey, Twombley. Musee du Louvre, Paris. France. New conservative mounting e condition reports of five original drawings by Leonardo da Vinci owned by Gallerie dell’Accademia of Venice, on loan to the Louvre Museum during the “La Sainte Anne” exhibition. Fondazione Musei Civici Veneziani, Venice. Conservation treatment of n.4 prints belonged to the Museum Correr, on loan to the Giovanbattista Tiepolo e l’arte di Paolo Veronese” Musei Civici di Udine, November 16, 2012 – April 1, 2013. Opera Laboratori Fiorentini S.P.A. Firenze Conservation treatment: one Japanese box “Kaioke”, and seven painted shells (n. inv. 11055), Museum of Oriental Art of Venice on loan to the “Di linea e di Colore” exhibition. Museo di Castelvecchio, Verona. Conservation treatment: 10 antique drawings from XVI century. 3 2011 Istituto per i Beni Artistici, Culturali e Naturali Emilia Romagna, Servizio Musei e Beni Culturali – Settore Conservazione e Restauro. Conservation treatment: large work on paper by Germano Sartelli “Senza Titolo”, 1979 (measurements 146 x 368 cm). Galleria d’Arte Contemporanea Stoppioni, Santa Sofia (Forlì – Cesena). Responsabile lavori dott.sa Laura Carlini. Fondazione Archivio Luigi Nono. Giudecca,Venice. Conservation treatment of the original score “Intolleranza, 1960” by Luigi Nono. Heliographic copy with original annotation by the Maestro. Sponsorship “Amici della Fenice”, Venice. The opera has performed after 50 years from the first playing at the Teatro la Fenice in Venice in 1960. Salomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York USA – Torino, Italy External consultant. Overseeing final transfer of Panza’s gifts to the SRGM in New York City. Artists: C. Andre; D. Judd; R. Morris; B. Nauman; J. Turrel. Responsible for supervising, checking and documenting containers for the oversea shipment from Geodis Zust Ambrosetti’s in Turin, to the new storage facility in New York City, USA. Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venezia. Consulenza esterna e restauro conservativo di numerose opere su carta della collezione Peggy Guggenheim in esposizione presso la Mostra “Carte rivelatrici. I tesori nascostidella collezione Peggy Gugghenim” Lucca, Centre of Contemporary Art, 18 Settembre 2011 – 15 Gennaio 2012. 54. Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte La Biennale di Venezia. Eventi esterni. Palazzo Papadopoli. Per la Victor Pinchuk Foundation Kiev, intervento d’urgenza riguardante lo smontaggio, rimontaggio e messa in sicurezza di 6 grandi opere su carta di Jorinde Voigt " International Nexus II”, Berlin 2010. 54. Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte La Biennale di Venezia. Corderie, Padiglione Indiano. Intervento d’urgenza per la messa in sicurezza di una delicata opera su carta a foglia d’oro dell’artista indiana Zarina Hasmi, “Blinding Light” di proprietà della galleria d’arte Luring Augustine, New York City. MART. Museo d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto. Intervento di restauro conservativo urgente dell’opera (pastello su carta, foderato su tela) “La bohemienne” del 1905, di Gino Severini, in 4 preparazione dell’ esposizione presso il Museo MART di Rovereto: “Gino Severini 1883 – 1966”, 17 Settembre 2011 – 8 Gennaio 2012 Museo di Castelvecchio, Verona. Affidamento di un intervento di restauro conservativo di un gruppo di 10 disegni su carta (XVI- XVII sec.) appartenenti alla collezione del Museo. 2010 Soprintendenza per il Polo Museale Veneziano – Gallerie dell’Accademia, Venezia. Restauro conservativo di 16 disegni di Scuola Fiamminga del XVII sec. (autori vari), in previsione della loro esposizione in una mostra temporanea dei disegni fiamminghi delle Gallerie dell’Accademia, mostra che si terrà presso il Museo Cà D’Oro di Venezia. Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Isola di san Giorgio Maggiore. “Le Arti di Piranesi, architetto, incisore, antiquario, vedutista designer”. Intervento conservativo e montaggio in passe-partout di oltre 300 incisioni originali di Giovanni Battista Piranesi. Madrid, Caixa Forum Fino al 9 settembre 2012.Barcellona, Caixa Forum 5 ottobre 2012 - 20 gennaio 2013. Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venezia Consulente esterna. Collaborazione per il montaggio delle opere su carta della mostra “Utopia Matters” a cura di Vivian Green, curatrice del Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum di New York. 2009 53. Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte La Biennale di Venezia. US Pavilion. Urgent and special treatment on Bruce Nauman’s installation “Three Heads Fountain (Juliet, Andrew, Rinde)” 2005 Resin and fiberglass, Owner: Donald Young Gallery/ 933 W. Washington Blvd, Chicago, IL and Francois Pinault Foundation “Three Heads Fountain (Three Andrews)” 2005 Resin, fiberglass, wire. Maintenance of the entire installation trough the end of the exhibition. Soprintendenza per il Patrimonio Storico, Artistico e Demoetnoantropologico del Veneto, Venezia, palazzo Cappello. Urgent treatment at the Museo Civico di Santa Caterina in Treviso regarding an architectural drawing (large size) “Per Ignem” dated 1927 created by an anonymous architect to participate at the public competition for the realization of Victory Memory Monument. 5 2008 MART. Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art. Trento-Rovereto. For the years 2008-2009, external consultant/conservator, responsible for the treatments of works of art belong to the collection and for the drowning up conservation reports (new entries). Treatments and installation of more than 40 Depero work’s on paper in the re-news Museum-Casa Depero in Rovereto. Giorgio Cini Foundation, Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice, Italy. External consultant. Treatment of 10 Antonio Basoli drawings for the exibition: “Antonio Basoli. Il viaggiatore che resta a casa” 15 March - 31 May 2008 Pinacoteca Nazionale, Bologna. Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice, Italy External consultant. De-installation of the original photographic works by Medardo Rosso for the exhibition: “Rosso. La forma instabile”. Peggy Guggenheim Collection – September 22, 2007/Jenuary 6, 2008. Curators: Paola Mola and Fabio Vittucci. Salomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York USA – Milan, Italy. External consultant. Overseeing transfer of Panza works in Milan. Artists: C. Andre; D. Judd; R. Morris; B. Nauman; J. Turrel. Responsible for documenting the loading of our materials at Geodis Zust Ambrosetti’s current warehouse and the subsequent offloading and placement of those materials at their new location. The work entails checking off the crates and pieces, as well as the complete photo documentation. 2007 Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice, Italy. External consultant. Preparation and installation of the original photographic works by Medardo Rosso for the exhibition: “Rosso. La forma instabile”. Peggy Guggenheim Collection – September 22, 2007/Jenuary 6, 2008. Curators: Paola Mola and Fabio Vittucci. 52. International Art Exhibition, Venice, Italy. "Pensa con i sensi - senti con la mente. L'arte al presente" / "Think with the Senses - Feel with the Mind. Art in the Present Tense”. External consultant. . Professional expertise regarding the work: “Untitled (HARRY TRUMAN), 2005” Bourgeois Louise. . Urgent treatment on a paper collage work of Murray Elizabeth “O.K., 2006” . In collaboration with Giulio Bono (private painting conservator, Venice), special treatment (marble floor) at the Italian Pavilion, Arsenale. Artist: Giuseppe Penone, installation titled: “Sculture di Linfa”. 6 Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice, Italy. External consultant. Conservation treatment of a group of six works on paper owned by the Peggy Guggenheim Collection. Artist: Robert Motherwell, Frantisek Kupka, Max Ernest e Pablo Picasso 2006 Giorgio Cini Foundation, Institute of Art History, Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice, Italy. External consultant. Conservation treatment of 11 drawings from the 17th Century (Certani’s group) owned by the Cini Foundation Institute. Artists (among others): Giambattista Piazzetta, Gianbattista Tiepolo, Simone Cantarini, Carracci, Francesco Francia. Antonio Maria Zaneti. Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice, Italy. External consultant. Conservation treatment of a group of 7 works of art owned by the Peggy Guggenheim Collection. Artists: Pablo Picasso, Paul Klee, Juan Gris, A. Calder, William De Kooning. 1999-2005 Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, U.S.A. Paper Conservator in charge of artworks on paper and photographs in the Museum Collection, as well as of works temporarily loaned for exhibitions. Organized and assembled the new 300-foot square paper laboratory of the Guggenheim Museum Conservation Department. [See attached List of Responsibilities, List of Major Exhibitions and Major Treatments] Nancy Rosen Art Gallery; Exit Art Gallery (among others), New York City. Freelance Conservator. 2003/2004 Fundation Museo Picasso de Malaga, Spain. External consultant. Organized and assembled the new paper laboratory and storage spaces. Conducted the survey of all the works on paper owned by the collection and enacted treatment on 40 drawings and prints by Pablo Picasso. 2002 Soprintendenza Speciale per il Polo Museale Veneziano, Venice, Italy. Photograph's archive: Survey of the entire photographic archive collection (approximately 1,000 historic photographs). Organized them by techniques, condition and treatment priorities. Compiled detailed instructions for proper conservation, list of storage materials and 7 environmental control guidelines. Created a multi-year plan with budget for ongoing and future conservation projects. 1989 to 1998 Museum of Oriental Art, Soprintendenza ai Beni Storici ed Artistici, Venice, Italy Paper Conservator in charge of the Collection of Japanese and Chinese works of art on paper (17th to 20th century). Organized and assembled the new paper laboratory. Completed survey, inventory and list of treatment priorities of the entire collection. Organized and furnished the museum storage. Supervised all the conservation treatments by external contractors. 1998 Guggenheim Museum, New York, USA. External consultant. Treatment and preparation for installation of two works by Robert Ryman (Unit IV and Unit V) ISFID, Venice, Italy Lecturer in the graduate course on Conservation and Museum Management 1997 Istituto Nazionale per la Patologia del libro, Rome, Italy Lecture on "Restoration of six Japanese paintings on paper" (published) 1985 to 1998 Freelance conservator for the following institutions (among others): § Museo Correr, Venice: restoration of drawings by Tiepolo, Longhi, Strozzi, etc. § Archivio Storico delle Arti Contemporanee, Venice. § Palazzo Grassi, Venice: conservator in charge of 374 drawings on paper by Amedeo Modigliani in the Paul Alexandre collection. § Biennale d'Arte Contemporanea, Venice: restoration of six b/w largesize photographs in the Scandinavian Pavilion. § Thyssen-Bornemisza Foundation, Lugano, Switzerland: external consultant for the restoration of 30 engravings by Karl Bodmer. § Museo Civico di Bassano del Grappa, Treviso, Italy. External consultant. Analysis, scientific research and final treatment of a large group of waxed-paper negatives, part of the Museum Collection. 1983-89 Gallerie dell'Accademia, Soprintendenza ai Beni Storici e Artistici, Venice, Italy Paper Conservator in the Drawings Laboratory. Organized and assembled the new paper laboratory of the Museum (see also “Publications”) 8 1984-86 Art International University, Venice, Italy Organized, taught and directed the laboratory in the "Techniques of paper restoration" classes. 1981-83 Istituto Nazionale della Grafica, Drawings and Prints Laboratory, Villa della Farnesina Rome, Italy Assistant conservator; restored drawings and engravings for various exhibitions and works of art on paper in the Collection. Freelance conservator for numerous private laboratories in Rome. EDUCATION & APPRENTICESHIPS 2010 ICOM-CC Photographic Materials Working Group. Congress “Modern Photographic Materials. Athen, 19 -22 ottobre 2010. 2009 Regione Veneto and Cesare Brandi Association. Venice, Italy. Three days of seminar on “Conservation of Contemporary Art: subjects and problems”. Part of educational seminars for Museum ‘s Directors and Conservators that work in the region of Veneto and other Cultural and Scientific Institutions Verona-Venice. April-June. 2008 Soprintendenza Speciale per il Polo Museale Veneziano. Venice, Italy. Participant in the Seminar; “New cleaning systems for polychrome surfaces: new techniques and materials in conserving and restoring stone manufactories, metallic objects, and paper supports”. 2006 The Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. Participant in the Symposium: “Understanding 20th Century Photographs: The Baryta Layer Symposium” 2003 George Eastman House, International Museum of Photography and Film, Rochester, NY-USA. Participant in the Seminar: “Preserving Photographs in a Digital World” 1993 ICCROM and Tokyo National Research Institute of Cultural Properties, Tokyo and Kyoto, Japan Participant at the 4 weeks workshop seminar "Japanese Paper Conservation" 1987 ICCROM, International Centre for Conservation, Rome, Italy 9 Participant at the two months workshop seminar "Conservation of paper objects" 1980-83 Istituto Nazionale della Grafica, Drawings and Prints Laboratory, Villa della Farnesina, Rome, Italy Diploma in paper conservation: techniques, history and chemistry. Advisors: Head Conservator Maria Antonietta Breccia Fratadocchi,, and Prof. Franco Bartolucci. PUBLICATIONS 2010 Lo Stato dell’Arte 8. IGIIC National Annual Congress. Nardini Ed. “Fortunato Depero: intervento mediante Gel Acquosi e a solventi per il recupero di cinque opere grafiche dal MART di Rovereto”; pp. 207-214. 2008 “Casa d’Arte Futurista Depuro”, Catalogue edited by Nicoletta Boschiero, MART 2008, City of Rovereto (TN). Conservation and treatments. 2007 "Installation Methods for Robert Ryman's Wall-Mounted Works". The Paper Conservator volume n. 31 (see “Acknowledgements”). 1997 "The Restoration of six Japanese Paintings". Cabnewsletter, year 2, n. 3, pp.11-13 (May-June 1997), Rome (Bimonthly of Archive and Library Conservation). 1996 “Report on the restoration of six Japanese paintings on paper” and “Report on the restoration of an Orihon-type Japanese book, with samples of kakemono mountings, Museo d'Arte Orientale. Restauri, Bulletin of the Monuments and Fine Arts Service, Venice, pp. 4-43, 52-53 1992 “Report on the restoration of the inside decoration (in gilded and painted paper) of a Japanese sedan-chair of the Edo period,” Museo d'Arte Orientale. Restauri, Bulletin of the Monuments and Fine Arts Service, Venice, pp. 13-19 1987 Restauri alle Gallerie dell'Accademia, Bulletin of the Monuments and Fine Arts Service, Venice, n. 13 Article by Giovanna Nepi Scirè concerning Michelangelo's drawing La caduta di Fetonte (inv.n. 177) where, thanks to my conservation treatment, the drawing Studio di due figure virili was discovered on the verso. 10 1984-89 Conservation and restoration reports in catalogues of the following exhibition at the Gallerie dell'Accademia, Venice: Disegni umbri, Ed. Electa, 1984 Disegni del Figino, Ed. Electa, 1986 Disegni romani, toscani e napoletani, Ed. Electa, 1989 MEMBERSHIPS: International Network for the Conservation of Contemporary Art (INCCA) The American Institute for Conservation of Historic & Artistic Works (AIC) The International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (IIC) CONSERVATION TREATMENTS ENACTED ON WORKS BY THE FOLLOWING ARTISTS (among others): Paintings on paper: W. de Kooning; R. Magritte; F. Marc; R. Motherwell; P. Picasso; R. Ryman; R. Rauschenberg; G. Severini; E. Vuillard. Drawings: Michelangelo Buonarroti; Cesare da Sesto; Raffaello; Guercino; Carracci; Polidoro da Caravaggio; Parmigianino; Guido Reni; Domenichino; G. B. Piazzetta; G. B. Tiepolo; J. Arp; C. Brancusi; J. Beuys; M. Chagall; E. Chillida; F. Clemente; F. Depero; J. Dine; J. Dubuffet; A. Gleizes; A. Gorky; V. Kandinsky; P. Klee; E.L. Kirchner; F. Kline; F. Kupka; F. Leger; F. Marc; A. Martin; P. Mondrian; M. N. Laszlo; E. Munch; P. Picasso; J. Pollock; M. Ray; J. Rosenquist; M. Rothko; V.van Gogh; J. Johns; J-P. Seurat; P. Tancredi; Y. Tanguy; H. de Toulouse Lautrec; K. Walker; E. Vedova. Prints: Cherubino Alberti; Stefano della Bella; A. Mantegna; J. B.C. Corot; F. Bacon; A. Calder; F. Marc; P. Picasso; G. Piranesi. Photographs: A. Feininger; C. Negre; A. Rodchenko; E. Weston; M. Barney; J. Dibbets; H. Fulton; A. Gaskell; B. Kruger; R. Mapplethorpe; A. Messager; M. Rosso; C. Sherman; W. Tillmans; A. Warhol (thermo faxes). REFERENCES Mr. Philip Rylands, Director, Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice. e-mail: prylands@guggenheim-venice.org Ms. Carol Stringari, Head Conservator and Museum vice-director, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum e-mail: cstringari@guggenheim.org Ms. Gabriella Belli, Director Fondazione Musei Civici, Venice. e-mail: gabriella.belli@fmcvenezia.it
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