CURRICULUM VITAE - Politecnico di Torino

May , 2014
WORKPLACE Politecnico di Torino
corso Duca degli Abruzzi,24 Torino cap.10129, Italy
Laboratory : 011/090.7348
Skype: maurogio77
DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (Ph.D.): Physics, Politecnico di Torino, February 2008
THESIS “Growth and characterization of carbon nanotubes by CVD system”
MASTER DEGREE: Electronic Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, September 2004
THESIS on Raman spectroscopy “La spettroscopia laser come nuova spettroscopia del terzo
millennio: studio dei sistemi Raman e a fluorescenza” mark 92/110
constantly from 2005 in the same research team at POLITECNICO DI TORINO
01/10/2011 – up today “Study of homogeneous and nano-structured materials and their
characterizations for multifunctional applications (optics, electronics, magnetic and mechanicals) ”
01/07/2009 – 30/09/2011 “Power device efficiency improvement of innovative SiC structures
using Carbon Nanotubes as direct interconnect layer”
01/07/2008 – 30/06/2009 Comune di Roma “I=rp2” - Contratti di Innovazione. “Design and
implementation of CVD system to grow Carbon Nanotubes on Si substrate”
01/01/2008 – 30/06/2008 “Origin of high electrical conductivity in three-nanophase carbon
materials doped with nitrogen”
01/01/2005 – 30/06/2008 PhD student at Politecnico di Torino. Subject: “Growth and
characterizations of carbon nanotubes by CVD system”
Nanotech laboratory experience:
Growth and characterization of Carbon nanostructures, research activity at Polytechnic of
Torino (Italy), since January 2005 (sup. Prof. A. Tagliaferro). Acquired experience in growth of
C-nanotubes, nanographite, a-C carbon by thermal-CVD. Experience in their characterization
technique, in particular Micro-Raman spectroscopy.
Nanocomposites (carbon filler) polymers based: samples preparation and characterization
(mechanical, electrical, thermal, electromagnetic properties…).
Growth of nanostrucures thin films based on Bismuth on several substrates: implementation
of home-made vertical CVD system for nebulisation of reagents and thermal deposition on
Laboratory organization and schedule: general supervision, experiments schedule, purchase
materials and security supervision. Experience in design and assistance for growth systems.
Direct analysis laboratory experience:
Raman Spectroscopy samples preparation and analysis
Contact angle measurements samples preparation and analysis
Electrical characterization: samples preparation and analysis
FT-IR: samples preparation and analysis
Mechanical tests (nanoindentations, tractions tests,…): samples preparation ,technical and
scientific support
Fe-Sem analysis : samples preparation , technical and scientific support
Microwave Characterization: using of network analyzer and capacitive sensor, focus on radar
absorber materials
Foreign work experience:
Graphene studies at Cambridge University (UK), supervisor prof. Bill Milne: samples
preparation and Micro-Raman analysis on graphene mono-bi layers in 2007
mother tongue
write and spoken (C1- self evaluation)
Nano – M&T 2013, Algeria 17-19 November 2013 (oral presentation, invited)
IVC19 + ICN+T + ICSS-15, 9-13 September 2013 Paris (France) (oral presentation)
Eccomas: Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials (SMART 2013),
24-27 June 2013 Torino (Italy) (oral presentation)
NN12 International conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies, 3-6 July
2012 Thessaloniki, Greece (2 posters and 1 oral presentation)
CARBOMAT 2010 :workshop on Carbon_based Low Dimensional Materials,
Catania October 6-8 2010 ( 1 posters and 1 oral presentation)
SBDD XIII 2008: International Hasselt Diamond Workshop on CVD diamond and
other carbon materials, February 25-27, 2008 (1 poster)
ICNTE 2007: 1st Italian workshop on carbon nanotubes for electronic applications,
2007 may 24-25. (1 poster)
SMAC2006: 6th Specialist Meeting on Amorphous Carbon Heraklion, Crete,
Greece 10 - 13 of September, 2006
H2 Roma: international scientific workshop for hydrogen mobility , 2005
november 8-9
XI national school of material science - Cortona (AR), 2005 october 17-22 2005
International congress of young scientists on hydrogen (Hysydays), Torino (Italy),
18-21 May 2005
General Physics I and lab., Polytechnic of Torino, Italy, 2006-2014 (practice tutorials and lab.
Graduated students: several
Prof. A. Tagliaferro, Associated Professor at Materials Science and Chemical Engineering
Dept., Polytechnic of Torino, Italy (
Prof. A. Sparavigna, Assistant professor at Materials Science and Chemical Engineering Dept. ,
Polytechnic of Torino, Italy (
Prof. P. Savi Associated Professor at Electronic Dept., Polytechnic of Torino, Italy
Author ID: 15750644000
Documents: 37
Citations: 198 total citations by 158 documents
H index: 8
References. 541
Co-Authors: 87
Subject area: Materials Science, Engineering
(source Scopus)
Giorcelli M.,Savi P.,Miscuglio M., Yahya Y.M.H., Tagliaferro A.
Analysis of MWCNTS/EPOXY Composites at microwave frequency: reproducibility investigation.
(2014) Nano Research Letter, doi:10.1186/1556-276X-9-168
Koumoulos, E.P., Jagdale, P., Kartsonakis, I.A., Giorcelli, M., Tagliaferro, A., Charitidis, C.A.
Carbon nanotube/polymer nanocomposites: A study on mechanical integrity through
(2014) Polymer Composites doi: 10.1002/pc.23049
Savi P., Miscuglio, M, Giorcelli M., Tagliaferro, A.
Analysis of microwave absorbing properties of epoxy MWCNT composites
(2014) Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letter
Giorcelli M., Savi P., Delogu A., Miscuglio M., Yahya Y.M.H., Tagliaferro, A.
Microwave absorption properties in epoxy resin Multi Walled Carbon Nanotubes composites
(2014) Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced
Applications, ICEAA 2013, Article number 6632420, Pages 1139-1141
Atif, M., Bongiovanni, R., Giorcelli, M., Celasco, E., Tagliaferro, A.
Modification and characterization of carbon black with mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane
(2013) Applied Surface Science. Volume 286, 1 December 2013, Pages 142-148
Charitidis, C.A., Koumoulos, E.P., Giorcelli, M., Musso, S., Jagadale, P., Tagliaferro, A.
Nanomechanical and tribological properties of carbon nanotube/polyvinyl butyral composites
(2013) Polymer Composites. Volume 34, Issue 11, November 2013, Pages 1950-1960
Shahzad, M.I., Giorcelli, M., Perrone, D., Virga, A., Shahzad, N., Jagdale, P., Cocuzza, M.,
Tagliaferro, A.
Growth of vertically aligned multiwall carbon nanotubes columns
(2013) Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 439 (1), art. no. 012008, .
Shahzad, M.I., Giorcelli, M., Shahzad, N., Guastella, S., Castellino, M., Jagdale, P., Tagliaferro, A.
Study of carbon nanotubes based Polydimethylsiloxane composite films
(2013) Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 439 (1), art. no. 012010, .
Lepore, E., Giorcelli, M., Saggese, C., Tagliaferro, A., Pugno, N.
Mimicking water striders' legs superhydrophobicity and buoyancy with cabbage leaves and
nanotube carpets
(2013) Journal of Materials Research, 28 (7), pp. 976-983.
Taurino, I., Carrara, S., Giorcelli, M., Tagliaferro, A., De Micheli, G.
Carbon nanotubes with different orientations for electrochemical biodevices
(2012) IEEE Sensors Journal, 12 (12), art. no. 6194970, pp. 3356-3362. Cited 1 time.
Bhardwaj, S., Cepek, C., Giorcelli, M., Tagliaferro, A.
Alignments of Carbon Nanotubes in Polymer Matrix: A Raman Perspective
(2012) International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization, 17 (7), pp. 534-539.
Sanginario, A., Giorcelli, M., Tagliaferro, A., Demarchi, D.
Improving the signal-to-noise ratio of an ECL-based sensor using ad hoc carbon nanotube
(2012) Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 22 (7), art. no. 074010, .
Taurino, I., Carrara, S., Giorcelli, M., Tagliaferro, A., De Micheli, G.
Comparison of two different carbon nanotube-based surfaces with respect to potassium
ferricyanide electrochemistry
(2012) Surface Science, 606 (3-4), pp. 156-160. Cited 1 time.
Taurino, I., Carrara, S., Giorcelli, M., Tagliaferro, A., De Micheli, G.
Comparing sensitivities of differently oriented multi-walled carbon nanotubes integrated on
silicon wafer for electrochemical biosensors
(2011) Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 160 (1), pp. 327-333. Cited 2 times.
Zanarini, S., Vinante, M., Pasquardini, L., Sanginario, A., Giorcelli, M., Bianco, S., Gerbaldi, C., Nair,
J.R., Lunelli, L., Vanzetti, L., Paolucci, F., Marcaccio, M., Prodi, L., Tagliaferro, A., Pederzolli, C.,
Demarchi, D., Civera, P.
Facile functionalization by π-stacking of macroscopic substrates made of vertically aligned
carbon nanotubes: Tracing reactive groups by electrochemiluminescence
(2011) Electrochimica Acta, 56 (25), pp. 9269-9276. Cited 2 times.
Taurino, I., Carrara, S., Giorcelli, M., Tagliaferro, A., De Micheli, G.
Comparing the enhanced sensing interfaces of differently oriented carbon nanotubes onto
silicon for bio-chip applications
(2011) Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Workshop on Advances in Sensors and Interfaces,
IWASI 2011, art. no. 6004694, pp. 90-93. Cited 2 times.
Sanginario, A., Demarchi, D., Civera, P., Giorcelli, M., Castellino, M., Tagliaferro, A.
Carbon nanotube electrodes for electrochemiluminescence biosensors
(2010) Procedia Engineering, 5, pp. 808-811.
Sanginario, A., Demarchi, D., Giorcelli, M., Castellino, M., Tagliaferro, A., Civera, P.
Carbon nanotube electrodes for electrochemiluminescence biosensors.
(2010) Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in
Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.
Conference, 2010, pp. 2722-2725.
Sanginario, A., Demarchi, D., Giorcelli, M., Castellino, M.
Carbon nanotube electrodes for electrochemiluminescence biosensors
(2010) Proceedings of the International Semiconductor Conference, CAS, 1, art.
no. 5649091, pp. 195-198.
Sanginario, A., Demarchi, D., Giorcelli, M., Castellino, M., Tagliaferro, A., Civera, P.
Carbon nanotube electrodes for electrochemiluminescence biosensors
(2010) 2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology
Society, EMBC'10, art. no. 5626571, pp. 2722-2725.
Sanginario, A., Demarchi, D., Giorcelli, M., Castellino, M.
Application of carbon nanotubes and electrochemiluminescence to clinical analysis
(2010) Nanotechnology 2010: Bio Sensors, Instruments, Medical, Environment and Energy Technical Proceedings of the 2010 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Expo, NSTI-Nanotech
2010, 3, pp. 110-113.
Bianco, S., Giorcelli, M., Musso, S., Castellino, M., Agresti, F., Khandelwal, A., Lo Russo, S., Kumar,
M., Ando, Y., Tagliaferro, A.
Hydrogen adsorption in several types of carbon nanotubes
(2010) Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 10 (6), pp. 3860-3866. Cited 3 times.
Castellino, M., Tortello, M., Bianco, S., Musso, S., Giorcelli, M., Pavese, M., Gonnelli, R.S.,
Tagliaferro, A.
Thermal and electronic properties of macroscopic multi-walled carbon nanotubes blocks
(2010) Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 10 (6), pp. 3828-3833. Cited 7 times.
Ray, S.C., Bhattacharyya, S., Wu, S.L., Ling, D.C., Pong, W.F., Giorcelli, M., Bianco, S., Tagliaferro, A.
High coercivity magnetic multi-wall carbon nanotubes for low-dimensional high-density
magnetic recording media
(2010) Diamond and Related Materials, 19 (5-6), pp. 553-556. Cited 4 times.
Ray, S.C., Pao, C.-W., Tsai, H.-M., Chen, H.-C., Chen, Y.-S., Wu, S.-L., Ling, D.-C., Lin, I.-N., Pong, W.F., Gupta, S., Giorcelli, M., Bianco, S., Musso, S., Tagliaferro, A.
High-temperature annealing effects on multiwalled carbon nanotubes: Electronic structure, field
emission and magnetic behaviors
(2009) Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 9 (12), pp. 6799-6805. Cited 8 times.
Bianco, S., Giorcelli, M., Musso, S., Tagliaferro, A., Demarchi, D., Sanginario, A.
Application of electrochemiluminescence and carbon nanotubes to biomolecular analysis
(2009) 2009 9th IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology, IEEE NANO 2009, art. no. 5394782, pp. 630633.
Castellino, M., Bianco, S., Perrone, D., Musso, S., Giorcelli, M., Maccioni, G., Ferrero, S., Scaltrito,
L., Tagliaferro, A.
Study of the electrical characteristics of the CNT/SiC interface
(2009) Materials Science Forum, 615 617, pp. 231-234.
Bianco, S., Giorcelli, M., Musso, S., Castellino, M., Agresti, F., Khandelwal, A., Lo Russo, S., Kumar,
M., Ando, Y., Tagliaferro, A.
Hydrogen adsorption in several types of carbon nanotubes
(2009) Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 9 (12), pp. 6806-6812. Cited 5 times.
Vinante, M., Digregorio, G., Lunelli, L., Forti, S., Musso, S., Vanzetti, L., Lui, A., Pasquardini, L.,
Giorcelli, M., Tagliaferro, A., Anderle, M., Pederzolli, C.
Human plasma protein adsorption on carbon-based materials
(2009) Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 9 (6), pp. 3785-3791. Cited 4 times.
Pavese, M., Musso, S., Bianco, S., Giorcelli, M., Pugno, N.
An analysis of carbon nanotube structure wettability before and after oxidation treatment
(2008) Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 20 (47), art. no. 474206, . Cited 10 times.
Chiolerio, A., Musso, S., Sangermano, M., Giorcelli, M., Bianco, S., Coïsson, M., Priola, A., Allia, P.,
Tagliaferro, A.
Preparation of polymer-based composite with magnetic anisotropy by oriented carbon
nanotube dispersion
(2008) Diamond and Related Materials, 17 (7-10), pp. 1590-1595. Cited 6 times.
Musso, S., Giorcelli, M., Pavese, M., Bianco, S., Rovere, M., Tagliaferro, A.
Improving macroscopic physical and mechanical properties of thick layers of aligned multiwall
carbon nanotubes by annealing treatment
(2008) Diamond and Related Materials, 17 (4-5), pp. 542-547. Cited 21 times.
Musso, S., Porro, S., Rovere, M., Giorcelli, M., Tagliaferro, A.
Fluid dynamic analysis of gas flow in a thermal-CVD system designed for growth of carbon
(2008) Journal of Crystal Growth, 310 (2), pp. 477-483. Cited 16 times.
Musso, S., Porro, S., Giorcelli, M., Chiodoni, A., Ricciardi, C., Tagliaferro, A.
Macroscopic growth of carbon nanotube mats and their mechanical properties
(2007) Carbon, 45 (5), pp. 1133-1136. Cited 27 times.
Musso, S., Porro, S., Vinante, M., Vanzetti, L., Ploeger, R., Giorcelli, M., Possetti, B., Trotta, F.,
Pederzolli, C., Tagliaferro, A.
Modification of MWNTs obtained by thermal-CVD
(2007) Diamond and Related Materials, 16 (4-7 SPEC. ISS.), pp. 1183-1187. Cited 19 times.
Porro, S., Musso, S., Giorcelli, M., Chiodoni, A., Tagliaferro, A.
Optimization of a thermal-CVD system for carbon nanotube growth
(2007) Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 37 (1-2), pp. 16-20. Cited 25
Porro, S., Musso, S., Rovere, M., Giorcelli, M., Chiodoni, A., Tagliaferro, A.
Thermal-CVD system designed for growth of carbon nanotubes
(2006) Proceedings of 8th Biennial ASME Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis,
ESDA2006, 2006, .
Porro, S., Musso, S., Giorcelli, M., Tagliaferro, A., Dalal, S.H., Teo, K.B.K., Jefferson, D.A., Milne, W.I.
Study of CNTs and nanographite grown by thermal CVD using different precursors
(2006) Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 352 (9-20 SPEC. ISS.), pp. 1310-1313. Cited 12 times.
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