National Research Council of Italy – Institute for Biometeorology (CNR – IBIMET) Seat of Sassari
CeSIA - Accademia dei Georgofili
L.E.M. - Fondazione Livorno Euro Mediterranea
Call for Papers
Fifth Symposium
Livorno (Italy) 17-18-19 June 2014
Measures for environment and energy production in the coastal zones
(Chairman: Marcantonio Catelani – Università degli Studi di Firenze)
Measurement methods and instruments. Coastal environmental physics. Remote Sensing. Geographic
Information Systems. Energy production systems. Energy Conversion. LNG terminals. Effects of
environmental conditions on the instrumentation, reliability and maintainability.
Morphology and evolution of coastlines and seabeds
(Chairman: Giuliano Gabbani – Università degli Studi di Firenze)
Coastal forms and typologies. Erosion, factors and processes of coastal instability. Evolution and
morphodynamics of coastal zone and shoreface. Cliffs and rocky coasts. Hazard and coastal management.
Flora and Fauna of the littoral system: dynamics and protection
(Chairman: Lorenzo Chelazzi – CNR- ISE Firenze)
Natural and artificial beach-dune ecosystems. Rocky ecosystems. Artificial ecosystems. Abiotic factors and
water quality. Biodiversity and functioning of ecosystems. Analysis of the effects of impact factors on
ecosystems. Methodologies of impact mitigation and restoration.
Coastal landscapes: past and present aspects of human influence
(Chairman: Biagio Guccione – Università degli Studi di Firenze)
Coastline planning. Coastal settlement planning. Architecture in coastal environments. Harbour installations:
usage and re-usage. History and archeology of coastal landscape. Underwater archaeology.
Coastline geography: territory uses, processes and dynamics
(Chairman: Donatella Carboni – Università degli Studi di Sassari)
Man and his territory. Territory recovery for the Man. Territory recovery for the Nature. Natural and protected
areas, parks. Port facilities. Tourism. Exploitation of the habitats. Landscape. Industrial activities. Conflicts
between uses, environmental conflicts.
Management and integrated coastal protection: economic and legal profiles
(Chairman: Virginia Messerini – Università di Pisa)
Sustainable development. Protection of coastal environment. Legal and economic instruments. Planning.
Control systems. Holistic, participatory and open management.
For further information about Sessions please visit the web-site
The symposium will also include:
- Oral Presentations;
- Photo contest;
- Poster Session;
- Cameras exhibition
LANGUAGE: Simultaneous translation is not foreseen, thus Italian is the preferable language for presentations
however, presentations in English and French are also accepted.
25 November 2013: Final deadline for abstracts (total length between 2000 and 4000 characters
including spaces and if appropriate graphs or images can be included in the two
January 2014:
Notification of acceptance or lack of acceptance; notification will specify whether
works are to be presented orally or as poster communication. Information will be
provided regarding guidelines for preparing the papers.
17 June 2014
Opening of the Symposium and deadline for complete works. All presented works
(oral and poster communications) will be published in full in the Symposium
Complete works must be delivered at the beginning of the Symposium, otherwise they will be
excluded from publication.
January 2015:
Publication of Proceedings. Publication of a volume of Proceedings (with ISBN
code) in DVD format with colour images is foreseen; off-prints of individual work is
not planned.
Note about works
Instructions for abstract submission
The total length of abstracts must fall between 2000 and 4000 characters, including spaces; no more
than two figures may be included. Text and figures are limited to a maximum of two A4 sheets, one side
only. Abstracts with less 2000 characters will be refused.
The title of the work should appear on the first line; authors’ names, affiliations, contacts (e-mail,
telephone, fax) should appear on the following lines.
Authors, guided by the keywords for the various Sessions, should indicate for which Session
they intend to submit the work, however the Scientific Committee shall use his description in this
Since all works accepted by the Scientific Committee have equal value, they will all be published in full in
the Symposium Proceedings. The Commissions will invite six or seven works for oral presentations from
those, received for each Session, which they believe will favour interdisciplinary discussion between
For best international diffusion of Proceedings it is desirable that the works should be written in
English. The file, in MS-Word (*.doc, *.docx), Rich Text Format (.rtf), Open Document Text (.odt), o
Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format, should be sent to the Scientific Secretariat by e-mail,, no later than 25 November 2013.
Papers will be accepted based on their scientific value by the Scientific Committee, whose
decisions are final.
Works for oral presentations
Oral presentations may only be made using software for electronic presentation: MS-PowerPoint, Adobe
Acrobat, Draw.
Works for poster presentations
Participants may express their opinion about presented posters with regard to: completeness, clarity
and immediacy of the poster presentation. The three best posters will receive an award plaque.
Works for photo contest
Please see rules on website
For further information please visit the web-site
Scientific Committee:
Fabrizio Benincasa
(Symposiarch) CNR-IBIMET Sassari
Major of Livorno Municipality and President of Livorno Euro Mediterranea (L.E:M.) Foundation
Claudio Conese
Matteo De Vincenzi
(Coordinator of the Scientific Secretariat) CNR-IBIMET Sassari
Giovanni Vaglio
L.E.M.- Foundation Livorno Euro Mediterranea
Measures for environment and energy production in the coastal
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione
Marcantonio Catelani
Università di Firenze
Laura Bonora
Carlo Carcasci
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale,
Università di Firenze
Giampaolo Manfrida
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale,
Università di Firenze
Coastal landscapes: past and present aspects of human
Biagio Guccione
Dipartimento di Architettura
Università di Firenze
Marco Milanese
Dipartimento di Storia, Scienze dell'Uomo
e della Formazione Università di Sassari
Carlo Natali
Dipartimento di Architettura
Università di Firenze
Marinella Pasquinucci Dip. di Civiltà e Forme del Sapere
Università di Pisa
Olimpia Vaccari
Morphology and evolution of coastlines and seabeds
Giuliano Gabbani
Dip. Scienze della Terra, Università di
Centro di Studi Storici Mediterranei "Marco
Tangheroni" c/o Dip di Civiltà e Forme del
Sapere Università di Pisa
Coastline geography: territory uses, processes and dynamics
Dip. Scienze Umanistiche e Sociali
Donatella Carboni
Università di Sassari
Filippo Catani
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra,
Università di Firenze
Biagio Guccione
Dipartimento di Architettura
Università di Firenze
Pier Lorenzo Fantozzi
Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, della
Terra e dell'Ambiente, Università di Siena
Carlo Natali
Dipartimento di Architettura
Università di Firenze
Sandro Moretti
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra,
Università di Firenze
Stefano Soriani
Dipartimento di Economia
Università di Venezia
Flora and Fauna of the littoral system: dynamics and protection
Lorenzo Chelazzi
CNR-ISE Firenze
Management and integrated coastal protection: economical and
law profiles
Virginia Messerini
Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza
Università di Pisa
Carla Cesaraccio
Michele Gutierrez
Dipartimento di Agraria
Università di Sassari
Christian Lott
Hydra Institut für Meereswissenschaften
HYDRA Field Station Centro Marino Elba
Ilaria Lolli
Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza
Università di Pisa
Roberto Tognetti
Dipartimento di Bioscienze e Territorio,
Università del Molise
Donato Romano
Dip. Scienze per l'Economia e l'Impresa
Università di Firenze
Davide Travaglini
Dip. di Gestione Sistemi Agrari, Alimentari
e Forestali, Università di Firenze
Stefano Soriani
Dipartimento di Economia
Università di Venezia
Photo Contest: Technical Commission
Carlo Natali
Dipartimento di Architettura
Università di Firenze
Fabio Berti
Gianni Fasano
Luciano Gutierrez
Dip. Agraria Università di Sassari
Alessandro Materassi
Scientific Secretariat:
CNR-IBIMET Seat of Sassari
Traversa La Crucca, 3 Loc. Baldinca,
Li Punti 07100 Sassari (Italy)
Phone +390792841508-1
Fax +390792841598
Information about the Contest:
Phone: +39055310181
Organizing Committee:
Massimiliano Bendinelli Fondazione LEM
Gianni Fasano CNR-IBIMET
Rita Franchi Fondazione LEM
Alessandro Materassi CNR-IBIMET
Administrative secretariat:
CNR-IBIMET Seat of Sassari
Traversa La Crucca, 3, Loc. Baldinca, Li
Punti 07100 Sassari (Italy)
Phone. +390792841501-2
Fax +390792841598
Considering that
for each accepted work (oral or poster communication) an enrollment fee must be paid, with exclusion of the
work as penalty,
three categories of enrollment are foreseen:
By March 2014
After April 2014
220 €
300 €
50 €
80 €
Category A: Participants enrolled in Category A will, upon
registration, receive with the certificate of attendance, necessary
stationery items and brochures. When the symposium proceedings
volume is ready it will be sent to Category A participants. Enrollment
in this category, moreover, permits the participant to vote for best
posters. Each communication (oral or poster) has to be registered in
this category; registration permits the enrolment of only one author;
other authors of the same paper can enroll in category B or C.
The organization of Symposium will offer to members of this category
the Social Dinner.
Category B:
– Co-authors not enrolled in category A
– Graduate and other university students who are not presenting oral
or poster communications belong in this category; a university card
or declaration from the department of study is required.
– Participants to the symposium, who are not presenting oral or poster
Participants in this category will receive, upon registration, with the
certificate of attendance, necessary stationery items and brochures as
those in Category A; the symposium proceedings will also be sent
when ready.
Category C (daily enrollment):
– Co-authors not enrolled in category A,
– participants to the symposium, who are not presenting oral or poster
on a day-by-day basis shall enrol in Category C
This type of enrolment can be made with the Symposium Secretary on
the appropriate day. Category C enrolment does not include the
participant’s packet (as in Categories A and B), nor the symposium
30 €
The presence as listeners can also be completely free; but in this case certificates of
attendance will not be issued.
Payment: Enrollment fees should be made payable to Ce.S.I.A with reference to “Quinto Simposio
Monitoraggio costiero” through the Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, Agenzia Agraria di Firenze using
the following bank coordinates:
IBAN IT26 C061 6002 8460 0000 0030 C01
Enrollment of works selected as Oral Presentation
The enrollment fee for works selected as oral presentation must be paid no later than 31 March
2014. In case that fee is not paid within the specified date, the work will be moved to poster
Social dinner: A social dinner is planned for the third day; participants from Categories B and C,
accompanying persons as well as unenrolled attendees, may still attend the social dinner upon
payment of 35 € to the Symposium Secretariat.