OUT SPIN ‐ Sunday 22 June Welcome Cocktail at the Hotel NH Marina (8.00 p.m. – 10.30 p.m.) Day 1 ‐ Monday 23 June Welcome coffee offered by and networking in the exhibition area (8.45 a.m. ‐ 9.30 a.m.) FIRST DAY OPENING KEYNOTE SPEECHES (09.30 a.m. ‐ 10.15 a.m.) PARALLEL ROUND TABLE A PARALLEL ROUND TABLE B1 (10.00 a.m. ‐ 11.30 a.m.) (10.00 a.m. ‐ 11.30 a.m.) Compliance in payments PSD2 Moderator: Pierfrancesco Gaggi, Responsabile Servizio Relazioni Internazionali ABI – Chairman Consorzio ABI Lab Moderator: Massimo Doria, Head of Payment Instruments and Services Division. Market and Payment System Department Banca d’Italia Coffee Break offered by and networking in the exhibition area (11.30 a.m. ‐ 12.15 p.m.) PARALLEL ROUND TABLE C – I PART PARALLEL ROUND TABLE B2 (12.15 p.m. ‐ 1.30 p.m.) (12.15 p.m. ‐ 1.30 p.m.) SEPA: infrastructures and impacts on business IF Regulation Moderator: Rita Camporeale, Head of Payments Systems and Services Department ABI Moderator: Sergio Moggia, General Manager Consorzio BANCOMAT AN HOUR WITH SPIN 2014 PARTNERS (1.30 P.M. ‐ 3.00 P.M.) WITH BUFFET LUNCH OFFERED BY AND NETWORKING PARALLEL ROUND TABLE D PARALLEL ROUND TABLE C – II PART (3.00 p.m. ‐ 5.00 p.m.) SEPA: infrastructures and impacts on business Moderator: Barbara Pelliccione, Payments Systems and Services Department ABI (3.00 p.m. ‐ 5.00 p.m.) INNOVATION IN PAYMENTS, PROCESSES AND E‐ COMMERCE Moderator: Roberto Liscia, Chairman Consorzio Netcomm Gala Evening at Villa Zerbino offered by (7.30 p.m.) 2 *to be confirmed – Follow and comment #abispin2014 Day 2 ‐ Tuesday 24 June Welcome coffee offered by and networking in the exhibition area (8.45 a.m. ‐ 9.15 a.m.) PARALLEL ROUND TABLE E PARALLEL ROUND TABLE F (9.15 a.m. – 11.15 a.m.) (9.15 a.m. – 11.15 a.m.) Non Virtual but Virtuous Payments Moderator: Gianfranco Torriero, Direttore Centrale, Responsabile Direzione Strategie e Mercati Finanziari ABI Security in e‐payments Moderator: Romano Stasi, Segretario Generale Consorzio ABI Lab AN HOUR WITH SPIN 2014 PARTNERS (11.15 A.M. ‐ 12.15 P.M.) WITH COFFEE BREAK OFFERED BY AND NETWORKING CLOSING PLENARY ROUND TABLE (12.15 p.m. ‐ 1.30 p.m.) SEPA: HERE WE ARE. WHAT’S NEXT? Moderator: Gianfranco Torriero, Direttore Centrale, Responsabile Direzione Strategie e Mercati Finanziari ABI Buffet lunch and networking in the exhibition area (1.30 p.m. ‐ 2.30 p.m.) WORKSHOP FOR SPIN (2.30 p.m. ‐ 4.00 p.m.) – FREE ENTRY TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTS AND START‐UP COMPANIES FOR PAYMENTS Moderator: Filippo Santelli, Giornalista, collaboratore Repubblica 3 *to be confirmed – Follow and comment #abispin2014 OUT SPIN – SUNDAY 22 JUNE (8.00 p.m. – 10.30 p.m.) WELCOME COCKTAIL AT THE HOTEL NH MARINA DAY 1 ‐ MONDAY 23 JUNE 8.45 a.m. Participants registration, welcome coffee offered by and networking in the exhibition area FIRST DAY OPENING KEYNOTE SPEECHES (9.30 a.m. ‐ 10.15 a.m.) Keynote speakers Marco Doria, Sindaco Città di Genova e Professore di Economia Università di Genova Emerico Antonio Zautzik, Director General for Markets and Payment Systems Banca d’Italia PARALLEL ROUND TABLE A ‐ PART I (10.15 a.m. ‐ 11.30 a.m.) COMPLIANCE IN PAYMENTS Moderator: Pierfrancesco Gaggi, Responsabile Servizio Relazioni Internazionali ABI – Chairman Consorzio ABI Lab 10.15 a.m. Vincenzo Mirko Carlone, Head of Compliance AML and Financial Security department Banco Popolare * Alfredo Pallini, Amministratore Delegato OASI Outsourcing Innovativo e Servizi Applicativi ‐ Gruppo ICBPI Stefano Trinci, Responsabile HUB Payments UniPay Enterprise 11.30 a.m. Coffee Break offered by 4 *to be confirmed – Follow and comment #abispin2014 and networking in the exhibition area PARALLEL ROUND TABLE B1 (10.15 a.m. ‐ 11.30 a.m.) PSD2 Moderator: Massimo Doria, Head of Payment Instruments and Services Division. Market and Payment System Department Banca d’Italia 10.15 a.m. Sissy N. Papagiannidi, Deputy Director Financial Stability Department Bank of Greece Simon Newstead, Head of Financial Institutions Advisory Group, Global Transaction Services Royal Bank of Scotland Giovanni Staiano, Head of Legal Affair Office ABI 11.30 a.m. Coffee Break offered by and networking in the exhibition area PARALLEL ROUND TABLE B2 (12.15 p.m. ‐ 1.30 p.m.) IF REGULATION Moderator: Sergio Moggia, General Manager Consorzio BANCOMAT 12.15 p.m. David Stephenson, Head of International Affairs Groupement des Cartes Bancaires "CB" Julian Morris, Vice President of Research Reason Foundation and Visiting Professor University of Buckingham and Senior Fellow International Center for Law and Economics Law Firm 1.30 p.m. Buffet lunch offered by and networking in the exhibition area PARALLEL ROUND TABLE C ‐ PART I (12.15 p.m. ‐ 1.30 p.m.) SEPA: INFRASTRUCTURES AND IMPACTS ON BUSINESS Moderator: Rita Camporeale, Head of Payments Systems and Services Department ABI 12.15 p.m. Luca Poletto, Head of SEPA BNP Paribas Salvatore Borgese, Direttore Commerciale Istituto Centrale delle Banche Popolari Italiane ‐ ICBPI Enrico Maria Vadori, Responsabile Ufficio Prodotti Incassi Pagamenti Direzione Marketing Imprese Corporate Gruppo Cariparma Crédit Agricole 1.30 p.m. Buffet lunch offered by and networking in the exhibition area 5 *to be confirmed – Follow and comment #abispin2014 AN HOUR WITH SPIN 2014 PARTNERS Stand n. 8: Enterprise ti invita al workshop "Parlare di Hub o essere l'Hub? UniPay, una scelta senza compromessi" con estrazione a premi e consegna di un gift ai partecipanti. PARALLEL ROUND TABLE C – PART II (3.00 p.m. ‐ 5.00 p.m.) SEPA: INFRASTRUCTURES AND IMPACTS ON BUSINESS Moderator: Barbara Pelliccione, Payments Systems and Services Department ABI 3.00 p.m. Fabio Sorrentino, Head, Standards and Network Consorzio CBI Dante Antognoni, Chief Financial Officer Telepass Fabio Stragiotto, Group Representative with Payments Authorities UniCredit Consulting Firm * Bénédicte Molliere, Interbank Relationship Crédit Agricole * Roland Flommer, Senior Advisor European Payments and Expert for the SEPA project Deutscher Sparkassen‐ und Giroverband * 5.00 p.m. CLOSING OF THE FIRST DAY OF SPIN 2014 6 *to be confirmed – Follow and comment #abispin2014 PARALLEL ROUND TABLE D (3.00 p.m. ‐ 5.00 p.m.) INNOVATION IN PAYMENTS, PROCESSES AND E‐COMMERCE Moderator: Roberto Liscia, Chairman Consorzio Netcomm 3.00 p.m. Gianluca de Cobelli, Vice Direttore Generale CartaSi – Azienda del Gruppo ICBPI Gilbert Lichter, Chief Executive Officer EBA Clearing Simona David, Head ‐ Business and Operations Consorzio CBI Massimo Del Vecchio, IQC team Franco Mignemi, ipagoo Alberto Bordiga, Vice Responsabile Sistemi di Pagamento Banca Sella Fabrizio Marenco, Senior Account Executive Axway 5.00 p.m. CLOSING OF THE FIRST DAY OF SPIN 2014 7.30 p.m. GALA EVENING AT VILLA ZERBINO OFFERED BY 7 *to be confirmed – Follow and comment #abispin2014 DAY 2 ‐ TUESDAY 24 JUNE 8.45 a.m. Participants registration, welcome coffee offered by and networking in the exhibition area PARALLEL ROUND TABLE E (9.15 a.m. ‐ 11.15 a.m.) NON VIRTUAL BUT VIRTOUS PAYMENTS Moderator: Gianfranco Torriero, Direttore Centrale, Responsabile Direzione Strategie e Mercati Finanziari ABI 9.15 a.m. Paola Manacorda, Consigliere CNEL Sergio Boccadutri, Member Italian Parliament Flavio Lanzarini, Responsabile direzione Sistemi di Pagamento Gruppo Banca Carige e Membro CTSPR Barbara Pelliccione, Payments Systems and Services Department ABI Francesco Grasso, Corporate Marketing Manager Panini 11.15 a.m. An hour with SPIN 2014 Partners with Coffee Break offered by and networking in the exhibition area PARALLEL ROUND TABLE F (9.15 a.m. ‐ 11.15 a.m.) SECURITY IN E‐PAYMENTS Moderator: Romano Stasi, Segretario Generale Consorzio ABI Lab 9.15 a.m. Gino Giambelluca, Condirettore Servizio Supervisione sui mercati e sul sistema dei pagamenti ‐ Divisione Sistemi di pagamento al dettaglio e infrastrutture Banca d’Italia Banca Passadore & C. Andrea Agosti, Responsabile Servizio Security OASI Outsourcing Innovativo e Servizi Applicativi ‐ Gruppo ICBPI Agostino Ghebbioni, Direttore financial services Indra Italia Giorgio Ferrero, Presidente PRETA – MyBank Alain Hiltgen, UBS * 11.15 a.m. An hour with SPIN 2014 Partners with Coffee Break offered by and networking in the exhibition area 8 *to be confirmed – Follow and comment #abispin2014 AN HOUR WITH SPIN 2014 PARTNERS Stand n. 8: Enterprise ti invita al workshop "BPO, quando il Trade sposa la Tecnologia... AppassionatamEnte...rprise" con estrazione a premi e consegna di un gift ai partecipanti CLOSING PLENARY ROUND TABLE (12.15 p.m. ‐ 1.30 p.m.) SEPA: HERE WE ARE. WHAT’S NEXT? Moderator: Gianfranco Torriero, Direttore Centrale, Responsabile Direzione Strategie e Mercati Finanziari ABI 12.15 a.m. Domenico Gammaldi, Market and Payment System Oversight Directorate – Head of Market and Payment System Oversight Banca d’Italia Etienne Goosse, Secretary General European Payments Council (EPC) * Antonio Longo, Presidente Movimento Difesa del Cittadino Filiberto Salvioni, Direttore Generale Enterprise Silvia Gironi, General Manager Pirelli Servizi Amministrazione e Tesoreria 1.30 p.m. Buffet lunch and networking in the exhibition area WORKSHOP FOR SPIN (2.30 p.m. ‐ 4.00 p.m.) – FREE ENTRY TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTS AND START‐UP COMPANIES FOR PAYMENTS Moderator: Filippo Santelli, Journalist, Tech and Business Contributor La Repubblica 2.30 p.m. Michele Novelli, Partner Digital Magics Andrea Rangone, Professore ordinario di Business Strategy ed E‐business Politecnico di Milano ‐ Coordinatore Progetto Start‐up Boosting * Veneto Banca * CheBanca! * 9 *to be confirmed – Follow and comment #abispin2014 UniCredit Start Lab * 4.00 p.m. End of Conference. See you next year! 10 *to be confirmed – Follow and comment #abispin2014 11 *to be confirmed – Follow and comment #abispin2014
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