Bando Garantito

Primary Sources
Venice and Florence during the Renaissance, Professor Céline Dauverd, Fall 2012
Ege 33:
Psalter. Carthusian monks in Italy. Mid 15th c.
Ege 39:
Livy. History of Rome. Recto, verso. Italy, mid 15th c.
Ege 40:
Thomas Aquinas. Commentary on the Sentences. Recto, verso. Late 15th c.
Hayes MS 64: De re Rustica, Nicolas Jenson. Italy. 1st ed., 1572. Illuminated ‘H’.
Virgil, Aenid. Italy, c. 1350. Bk VII, 138-198.
Thom 21:
Law test, with commentary. Italy, 14 th c. [palimpsest visible with ultraviolet
Thom 38:
World Chronicle with citations from Isidore, Bede, Justin, and Ms.H. [=Hagister
Hugo, i.e. Hugh of St. Victor]. Italy (?). 14th c.
Printed Books:
Alciati. Franscisci Sanctii Brocensis … Comment. in and. Alciati Embelmata. Lvgdvni: Gvliel
Rovillivm, 1573. PN6349 A4 1573.
Ariosto, Lucovico. Orlando Furioso. Vinegia: Fioraunte Prati, 1695. PQ 4567 A2 1595 &
Boccaccio. Il Decamerone di M. Giovanni Bocaccio. In Lione Attresso Gulielmo Rovillo, 1555.
PQ4267 A2 1555.
Dante, Alighieri. Divina Comedia. Venetia, Appresso Gio. Battista & Gio. Bernardo Sessa, 1596.
PQ 4302 B96 OS1.
Dante Aligieri. La Comedia di Dante Aligieri con la nova Espositione di Alessandro Vellvtello.
1544. PLUME PQ 4302 B43.
Petrarca, Francesco, 1304-1374. Il Petrarca, con l’espositione d’Alessandro Vellatello, 1560. PQ
4476 B60.
Petrarcha, Fransciso. Franc. Petrarchae Philosophi, Oratoris et Poetae Clarissmimi. Geneva:
Samuelem Crispinum. 1591. PQ4490 E2 1601a.
1 HIST 4303/SpC & Gov Info primary sources
_____. Los Sonetos y Canciones del Poeta Francisco Petracha, que traduizia Henrique Garces
de lengua Thoscana en Castellana. Madrid: Guillerjmo Droy, 1591. PLUME PQ4496 S23 G37
Shakespeare, William. Mr. William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. Fourth
Folio edition. London, Printed for H. Herringman, E. Erewster, and H. Bentley, 1685. [PLUME
PR2751.A4 OS1].
Arts and Architecture:
Alberti, Leone Battista, 1404-1472. Los diez libros de architectura. Plume NA 2515 A4318.
_____. I dieci libri del’architettura di Leon Battista degli Aberti. 1546.NA 2525 A34.
Leonardo da Vinci, 1452-1519. Codex Atlantico. OS2 NA623 L5 A4. V. 1.
_____. The codex on the flight of birds: in the Royal Library at Turin. Edited by Augusto
Marinoni; foreword by Carlo Pedretti. New York; Johnson Reprint Corporation: Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich, 1982. Facimile. OS 1 QL 698. L4613 1982.
_____. I Manuscritti dell’ Instituttut de France. Manuscript B; D. Firenze : Giunti Barbèra,
c1986-1990. OS1 ND623 L5 A4 1986.
Martini, Francesco di Giorgio, 1439p1502. Trattato di architettura: il Codice Ashburnham 361
della Biblioteca medicea laurenziana di Firenze / di Francesco di Giorgio Martini; presentazione
di Luigi Firpo; introduxione, trascrizione e note di Pietro C. Marani. Firenze: Giunti Barbera,
1979. Facsmile. NA2514.M37 1979. t.1-2. OVER 1. (Chinook).
Palladio, Andrea, 1508-1580. The first book of architecture. Translated from out of Italian by Pr.
Le Muet; Translated out of French by Godfrey Richards. NA2515 .P21 1663.
_____. I quottro libri dell’architettura d’Andrea Palladio. Ne’quali, dopo vnbreue de cinque
ordini, & di quelli avertimenti, … In Venetia Aspresso de Franceschi, 1570. NA 2515 P25 1570
Palladio, Andrea. I Qvattro Libri dell’Architettvra di Andrea Palladio. Venetia: Dominico de
Franceschi, 1570. OS1 NA2515 P25 1570.
Saviolo, Vincentio. Vincentio Saviolo his practice. In two bookes. The first intreating of the use
of the rapier and dagger. The second, of honor and honorable quarrels. 2 vols. in 1. London:
Printed by Iohn Wolfe, 1594-95. [U860.S2].
Scamozzi, Vicenzo, 1552-1616. The mirror of architecture: or, The ground rules of the art of
building, exactly laid down. With the Description and use of a joynt-rule … By John Brown. 4th
2 HIST 4303/SpC & Gov Info primary sources
ed. Whereunto is added, A compendium of the art of building … By William Leyburn. London,
Printed for R. Mount, 1700. NA 2515 S3 1700.
Serlio, Sabatiano. Regole Generali de Architettvua di Sabastiano Serlio Bolognese Sopra le
Conqve Manuere de Gli Edifici … Venetia: Francesco Marcolini da Forli, 1540. NA 2810 S47
Vitruvius, Pollio. Les dix livres d’architecture de Vitruve corrigez et tradvits nouvellement en
francais,avec des notes & des figures. Par M. Perrault. NA 2517 V85 1684 OS1.
[Council of Trent]. No title page. [“Descriptio Trindentiae Civitatis”]. [i.e., The canons and
decrees of the sacred and oecumenical Council of Trent]. [BX 830 1545 A1600].
Leo X. Bulla Apostolica Contra. [against Martin Luther]. PLUME BX873 1520 Jun. 15 1521.
Savonarola, Girolamo Maria Francesco Matteo, 1452-1498. Epistola de contemptu mundi dif
rate Hieronymo da Ferrara ... Londra: Stamperioa Kelmscott, 1894. BV4904 S3.
Geography and Travel:
Campi, Antonio. Cremona fedelissima citta et nobilissima colonia de Romani. Milan: Gio.
Battista Bidelli, 1645. Includes maps / plans of city of Cremona, 1583, etc. DG 975. C8 C21642,
Creighton Collection.
Frizzi, Antonio. Memorie per la Storia de Ferrara Raccolte da Antonio Frizzi. Ferrara:
Giuseppe Rinaldi, 1809. Includes maps / plans of ancient Ferrara. DG 975. F4 1791 v. 1-5,
Creighton Collection.
Giannone, Pietro. Istoria Civile del Regno di Napoli, di Pietro Giannone, … Haia: a Spese di
Errigo-Alberto Gosse e Comp. 1753, DG846.3 G4 1753 v. 1-4.
Heylyn, Peter. Cosmographie in Four Bookes Contayning the Chorographie & Historie of the
Whole World, and all the Principall Kingomes; Provinces, Seas, and Isles Therof. London:
Henry Seile, 1657. OS1 G114 H61 1657.
Maffei, Scipioni. Verona Illustrata Parte Prima Contiene l’Isoria della Citta’ e Insieme dell’
Antica Venezia dall’orginie fino all venuta in Italia di Carlo Magno. Vols. 1 & 2. Verona:
Jacopo Vallarsi e Pierantonio Berno, 1732. CREIGHTON COLL. Includes engravings.
Pius II, Pope (1405-1464). Historia rerum ubique gestarum, cum locorum descriptione non finita
Asia Minor incipit. Venetiis: Iohannes de colonia socius que eius Johannes Manthen de
Gherretzen, 1477. PLUME CREIGHTON PIUS II.
3 HIST 4303/SpC & Gov Info primary sources
Poggio-Bracciolini. Poggii Florentini Dratoris Clarissimi ac se Certarii Apostolici Historiae
Convivales Disceptativae. Orationes, Invectivae, Epistolae … Impressvm Argentine Per Ho
nestum virum Ioanem Knoblouchu. III. Idus Februarij. Anno a natali Christi, 1510.
CREIGHTON Poggio-Braccioloni. [See sketches of man and woman in back].
Sandys, George. A Relation of a Journey begun An Dom 1610, Foure Bookes, Containing a
description of the Turkish Empire of Egypt, of the Holy Land, of the Remote parts of Italy, and
Ilands adioyning. The Third edition, London, printed for Ro. A lot, 1627. DS 47 S2 1627.
Schedel, Hartmann. Restrum hujus operis libri cronicarum cum figuris et imagibus ab inicio
munci. [Nuremberg Chronicle]. [Nuremberg: A. Koberger, 1493]. Plume OS D17 S35.
Vitale, Pietro. Le simpatie dell’allegrezza tra Palermo Capo del Regno di Sicilia e la Castiglia
manifestate nella presente relazione delle massime pompe festive de’ palermitani per la Vittoria
ottentua contro i collegati. Il Tago in oreto cioe la ricca vena delle muse Palermitane su
l’allegrezze di Castiglia. Palermo: A. Epiro, 1711. Festivities in Palermo in honor of the
victory of Phillip V of Spain. OS1 DG975. P21 V83 1711.
Customs and Politics:
Castiglione, Baldessari. Il cortegiano del conte Baldessari Castliglione. Venetia, Domenico Farri,
1568. Creighton Coll. 1568. BJ1604. C3 1568.
Colloqvia, et Dictionariolvm Octo Lungvarvm, Latinae, Gallicae, Belgicae, Teutonicae,
Hispanicae, Italicae, Anglicae, & Portugallicae … Venetiis: [publisher, date, not visible, c.
1600]. PB73 B47.
Domenichi, Lodovico. Della Scelta de Motti, Bvrle Pacetie di Diversi Signori, et d’Altre
Person Private. Fiorenza: Figliuoli de Lorenzo Torrensino, & Carlo Pettinari Compagne. 1566.
PN6320 D6.
_____. La Nobilita delle Donne di m. Lodovico Deminchi. Venetia: Ferrarit e Fratelli, 1551.
CREIGHTON Domenichi.
[Hollar, Wenceslaus]. Livre Cvrievx Contentant la Naisue Representation des habits des
Femmes des diuerses parties du Monde comme elles s’habillent a Present. Paris: Chez Baltazar
Moncornet, 1662.
Machiavelli, Niccolo, 1469-1527. The Works of the famous Nicolas Michiavel. English. London,
R. Clavel, C. Harper, J. Amery, J. Robinson, A&J Churchill, 1695. Creighton Coll. 169, OS1
DG731.5 M32 1695.
4 HIST 4303/SpC & Gov Info primary sources
The Pierpont Morgan exhibit: Illuminating Fashion: Dress in the Art of Medieval France and the
Netherlands. Mentions influence of the Italian Renaissance on fashion.
Saviolo, Vincentio. Vincentio Saviolo his practice. In two bookes. The first intreating of the use
of the rapier and dagger. The second, of honor and honorable quarrels. 2 vols. in 1. London:
Printed by Iohn Wolfe, 1594-95. [U860.S2].
The Sciences:
Aldrovandi, Ulisse. Serpentum et Draconum Historiae. Bononaie: Clementem Ferrorium, 1640.
OS1 QL41 A37 1640.
Biringuccio Sennese. De la Pirotechnia. Con Privilegio Apostolico & de la Cesarea Maesta &
del Illustriss. Senato Veneto. 1540, TN 144. B45 1540.
Galileo, Galilei. Discorsi e Dimostrazioni Matematiche, intorno a due nuoue scienze. Leida:
Elsevirii, 1638. PLUME QA33 G28.
_____. Opere di Galileo Galilei ... / In questa nuoua editione insieme raccolte, e di varij trattati
dell' istesso autore non più stampati accresciute. Vol. 1,2. Bologna : per gli hh del Dozza, 165556 [v.1, 1656]. QB3 .G14 1655 v.1.
Pasini, Lucovico. De pestilentia Patauina anno 1555. Padua: apud Gratiosum Perchacinum,
1556. RC178 178 I82 P33 1556.
Government Information (non-Special Collections sources)
Calendar of State Papers; Venice, 301-R24 21:1-38.
These are summaries of Venetian state papers that have to do with Great Britain. Use
State Papers Online, listed in Chinook under the “Articles” and “search by database
title.” You can access this off campus if the VPN software loaded on your laptop.
Also available via British History Online, [].
The Parliament Rolls of Medieval England, 301-A3 1:1275-1504, CD-ROM and 1-16
Full text and translation of the meetings of the English parliaments from Edward I to
Henry VII, covering the years from 1275 to 1504, in English, Norman French, and
Latin, side-by-side with a translation into modern English. They are searchable via
the CD-ROM. You can request this from the Government Information Office located
on the 3rd floor of Norlin Library.
5 HIST 4303/SpC & Gov Info primary sources
Calendar of Fine Rolls. 301-R24 20:1-22
These books cover finances of the English Court from 1272-1509. Each book is
indexed individually. Wikipedia definition: “In general, a fine is an agreement
made with the king, or one of his chief ministers, to pay a certain sum of money for
a specified benefit. In some cases the sum of money was paid immediately.
However, in the vast majority of cases this did not happen. The rolls on which the
fines were recorded provide the earliest systematic evidence of what people and
institutions wanted from the king and what he was prepared to give.
Calendar of Fine Rolls of the Reign of Henry III, call number is 301-R 24 58:1-2 and these
are located in Norlin basement.
These books cover finances of the English Court from 1207-1272.
Calendar of Close Rolls, call number is 301-R24 11:1272-1307 and these are locate in Norlin
These books cover legal decisions in England, but have a fair amount dealing with
merchants of other countries. The close rolls of each king are listed separately in
Chinook – a title search for "Calendar of Close Rolls" will pull up all of them.
Letters and Papers Foreign and Domestic: Henry VIII, 301-R24 22:1509-47
Volume 1contains a complete index of all the books; if you are interested in a
particular period, you can get the volume that covers the appropriate dates and it
will have an index just for that volume. Partially available in State Papers Online:
Calendar of State Papers. Foreign Series. Elizabeth I, 301-R24 23:1580-1603, 1-23
Each volume has its own index. Partially available in State Papers Online: Tudors.
Special Collections open hours: Thursday and Friday, 1 pm to 5 pm.
Email to request assistance and/or an appointment
Alexander Watkins, Art & Architecture,
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6 HIST 4303/SpC & Gov Info primary sources