Cristina Sanae Valota
Esmoreitstraat 9 HS 1055 BX Amsterdam, Netherlands
Nationality: Italian
Date and place of birth: Pisa, 16 January 1990
Mother tongue: Italian
Other languages: English, French, Spanish, Dutch, LIS (Italian Sign Language).
Cegos with Desvio Coletivo (BR) in collaboration with the UVA, Amsterdam
Behind whom?, Roets, Amsterdam (NL)
In forma di Rondò directed by Massimiliano Civica, text of Armando Pirozzi
La donna dei numeri e altro, written by children in collaboration with LIBERO SCAMBIO
Collaboration with “Il Gabbiano”, association of children theatre, shadows and puppets plays in the schools
in Pisa province (IT)
Lisboa dedicated to Fernando Pessoa, directed by Anna Stigsgaard, Pontedera, FABBRICA EUROPA
Florence (IT), FESTUGE Odin teatret Hostelbro (DK), MOBI Bologna (IT), FESTIVAL ERA Pontedera and
fractions (IT), Buti (IT), Lecce (IT), SPAC Shizuoka (JP), Numazu (JP), Kakegawa (JP), Fujinomya (JP),
Hamamatsu (JP), Izu (JP), Mt. Fuji Airport (JP), Shimizu (JP), Montecastello (IT), FIT Belo Horizonte (BR),
Sao Paulo (BR), Salvador de Bahia (BR), Lisbon (P), Viana do Castelo (P), Lari (IT), Festival La Strada Graz
Iter, journey of a pilgrim on the Via Francigena, directed by Anna Stigsgaard, Altopascio, San Miniato,
Castelfiorentino, Lucca, Fucecchio, Scansano, Abbadia San Salvatore, Pontremoli, Aulla, Lari, Legoli, San
Gimignano (IT)
Pioggia Battente e Sol levante with Marco Malvaldi, Serravalle Pistoiese (IT)
Abito inspired by “The book of disquiet” of Fernando Pessoa, directed by Roberto Bacci and Anna
Stigsgaard, FESTIVAL ERA Pontedera, FABBRICA EUROPA Florence (IT), Lecce (IT), FIT Belo Horizonte
(BR), Sao Paulo (BR), Salvador de Bahia (BR), FESTIVAL ALMADA Almada (P)
Titango tribute to Zbigniew Rybzcynsky, Assalti Teatrali company, SANTARCANGELO IMMENSA festival,
Santarcangelo (IT)
I clowns, Assalti Teatrali, Peccioli, Bientina (IT)
Invasioni Poetiche , Florence, Campi Bisenzio, Vinci (IT)
Il circo delle piccole virgole, Festival Mercantia, Certaldo (IT)
Photo project with Gijsbert Hanekroot and Ruud van Empel, Amsterdam (NL)
Film “Ecco” realized in collaboration of ARCI Pontedera directed by Hossein Tatabei (IT)
Atcha Atcha workshop, Vocab Dance Company, Chassé Dance Studios, Amsterdam (NL)
Stage THE MARCH in Ecole des Sables- Centre de danse de Germaine Acogny – Toubab Dialaw (SN)
Teachers: Germaine Acogny, Aida Comenero Diaz, Alesandra Seutin, Ise Verstegen. Classes: Acogny
technique, Sabar, Contemporary, Ballet, Yoga.
Workshop “Mati Korajza” with the company Ana Monro (SLO) Spoffin Festival Amersfoort
Body Weather Workshop with Franz Van der Ven, Archa Theatre, Prague (CZ)
Interactive content workshop with Cecilia Moisio, Dansmakers, Amsterdam (NL)
Masterclass with Franz Marijnen, Troubleyn, Antwerpen (BE)
Ballet and Contemporary dance studies at HJS Amsterdam (NL) with Sarah Wiktorowicz, Vincent Colomes,
Arno Schuitemaker, Cristina Leitao, Carmen Rozestraten, German Jauregui, Keren Levi, Kenneth Flak,
Manuel Ronda, Shirley Esseboom, Swantje Schaeuble, Ty Boomershine, Maaike van de Westeringh, Andrea
Boll, Corneliu Ganea.
Improvisation sessions with Katie Duck
Contact improvisation with Tom Goldhand
Italian Sign Language studies at ENS Pisa (IT), certification LIS 1
“Mosca al naso” Fondazione Pontedera Teatro (IT) project in three modules: use of the text with Silvia
Pasello, choreography with Chelo Zoppi, Actor training with Massimiliano Civica
Winter school with Teatr zar company, Wroclaw (PL)
Classes of music therapy with Daniela Dolce, Pistoia (IT)
Workshop with Roberta Carreri, Odin Teater, Pontedera (IT)
Workshop “Inside the sound” with Teatr Zar company, Wroclaw (PL)
Workshop “The creation of action and a physical text” with Farm in the cave, Prague (CZ)
Actor training course TEATER at Pontedera Teatro (IT) with Francesca della Monica, Savino Paparella, Elisa
Cuppini, Andrea Kaemmerle - Guascone Teatro, Giovanni Guerrieri - Sacchi di sabbia, Roberto Bacci
2008 – 2012
Studies at Spazio Nu Pontedera (IT) of Contact Improvisation with Massimo Pierini; Butoh dance with
Minako Seki, Atsushi Takenouchi, Imre Thormann; Modern dance with Michail Zubkow and Chiara Fulgentini;
Workshops of No theatre with Masato Matsura; African dance with Tebby Ramasike; Overtone Singing with
Tran Quang Hai; Experiential Anatomy with Eva Karczag; Zullig technique with Marigia Maggipinto,
Tanztheater Pina Bausch; Ballet with Yoko Wakabayashi; Actor training with Silvia Rubes
Art laboratories with Stefano Tonelli and Nando Canuti
Street Theater course with Andrea Kaemmerle
Ballet and Modern dance studies with Simona Cappelli, Polisportiva Stella Azzurra
Professional skating training and competitions in Polisportiva Bientinese