Checconi Monaco

Studi Trent. Sci. Nat., Acta Geol., 83 (2008): 165-176
© Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, Trento 2008
ISSN 0392-0534
Trace fossil assemblages in rhodoliths from the Middle Miocene of Mt. Camposauro
(Longano Formation, Southern Apennines, Italy)
Alessio CHECCONI* & Paolo MONACO
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università degli Studi di Perugia, Piazza Università 1, 06100 Perugia, Italy
Corresponding author e-mail:
SUMMARY - Trace fossil assemblages in rhodoliths from the Middle Miocene of Mt. Camposauro (Longano Formation, Southern Apennines, Italy) - There are few taphonomic studies on both recent and fossil rhodoliths. In this paper, trace fossils within rhodoliths produced
by boring organisms are studied in detail with respect to their morphologies, their taxonomy as well as position within the rhodoliths. The
studied samples originate from a rhodolith floatstone from the Vitulano area of the Camposauro Mountain (Southern Apennines, Italy).
These rhodoliths are characterised by common trace fossils. The morphology and size parameters as well as the taxonomic make-up of
the coralline algae which construct the rhodoliths are analyzed. The taxonomy of the traces was determined as far as possible following a
detailed description of their size and morphology. The traces are represented by macroborers (six ichnogenera) and by other undetermined
microborings. The macroborers can be ascribed to the genera Gastrochaenolites, Entobia, Meandropolydora, Trypanites, Uniglobites, (?)
Caulostrepsis and were caused by sponges, bivalves, polychaete and/or barnacles. The microborings were produced by bacteria, fungi,
algae and/or sponges. Important differences exist in the position and dominance of different ichnotaxa in different parts of the rhodoliths.
Furthermore, the boreholes are filled by various types of sediments as well as by calcite cement. Variations of ichnotaxa distribution as well
as borehole filling sediments are used to interpret the environment of deposition of the rhodoliths.
RIASSUNTO - Tracce fossili all’interno di depositi a rodoliti del Miocene medio del M. Camposauro (Formazione di Longano, Appennino
Meridionale, Italia) - Nell’area di Vitulano (Monte Camposauro, Appennino Meridionale, Italia) affiorano dei depositi miocenici caratterizzati
da un floatstone ricco in rodoliti all’interno di una matrice emipelagitica marnosa, che giacciono in paracordanza su sedimenti cretacici.
Tali depositi possono essere riferiti a quelli noti in letteratura con il nome di Marne ad Orbulina. I rodoliti generalmente non sono presenti
all’interno delle sopracitate emipelagiti e possono essere pertanto considerati come una componente peculiare caratteristica di tale area.
Essi sono distribuiti uniformemente nella matrice e mostrano al loro interno una ricca icnocenosi. Questo lavoro, partendo da un’analisi
preliminare dei caratteri dei rodoliti (come la forma, le morfologie di crescita, le componenti biotiche), si focalizza sull’icnocenosi presente
al loro interno al fine di definire i caratteri dei boring, la loro distribuzione, il grado di preservazione e le possibili relazioni che essi hanno
con le morfologie di crescita delle corallinacee all’interno dei quali si sviluppano. Tale studio rappresenta una delle prime analisi tafonomiche di associazioni a rodoliti. I caratteri peculiari dei rodoliti eccezionalmente rinvenuti nelle Marne ad Orbulina nell’area di Vitulano
offrono una grande opportunità di descrivere le icnocenosi che si sviluppavano all’interno dei depositi a corallinacee tipici degli ambienti
di acqua bassa durante il Miocene inferiore e medio in Appennino Meridionale.
Key words: rhodoliths, borings, trace fossils, Miocene, Southern Apennines, Italy
Parole chiave: rodoliti, borings, tracce fossili, Miocene, Appennino Meridionale, Italia
Boring and encrusting organisms are widely developed
in both fossil and modern marine environments characterised
by firm- and hard- substrates. Fossil assemblages in hard substrates often preserve the encrusting elements of the original
biocoenosis. Non-sessile faunal elements, including the boring components are generally missing due to various taphonomic processes such as abrasion, fragmentation, disarticulation, dissolution and predation. Nevertheless, the presence of
boring organisms can be often deduced from the occurrence
of trace fossils (e.g. Bromley 1994; Perry 1996; Pickerill et
al. 1998; Taylor & Wilson 2003). The ichnocoenoses produced by borers within hard carbonate substrate, in fact, gene-
rally show a good preservation potential, although later processes, such as abrasion, can remove and erode the outermost
part of the colonised surface.
There are many examples from the literature which describe how destruction of substrates by boring organisms influences sedimentation rates in carbonate environments (e.g.
Bromley 1978; Macintyre 1984; Pleydell & Jones 1988; Fürsich et al. 1994; Perry 1996). Studies carried out on modern
environments (e.g. Bromley & D’Alessandro 1990) show that
the distribution and diversity of borings is highly dependent
on environmental and ecological factors. The investigation of
hard substrate ichnocoenoses represents, therefore, an important and useful tool for palaeoenvironmental and palaeoecological interpretations (Kidwell et al. 2001; Staff et al. 2002;
Checconi & Monaco
Trace fossil assemblages in rhodoliths from the Middle Miocene of Mt. Camposauro
Taylor & Wilson 2003; Yesares-García & Aguirre 2004).
Actualistic analyses have been used to study the preservation potential of organisms in various present-day shallow
water settings (e.g. Feige & Fürsich 1991). Special attention has been paid in literature to the ichnocoenoses developed in coral reef systems with respect to their ecological significance (e.g. Goreau & Hartman 1963; Hein &
Risk 1975; MacGeachy & Stearn 1976; MacGeachy 1977;
Hutchings 1986; Pisera 1987; Hutchings et al. 1992; Kiene & Hutchings 1994; Perry 1996, 2000; Perry & Bertling
2000; Benner et al. 2004).
The occurrence and ecology of trace fossil assemblages in hard substrates dominated by coralline red algae assemblages have been very scarcely investigated (e.g. Steneck, 1985; Piller & Rasser, 1996). Bioerosion characterising coralline assemblages have been associated with grazing activity (mostly fishes and echinoids) and with the activities of infaunal borers (e.g. fungi, cyanobacteria, chlorophytes, rhodophytes, sponges, bivalves and worms; May
et al. 1982; Hutchings 1986; Ghirardelli 2002). All these
biological activities deeply influence the development and
the preservation potentiality of coralline communities (e.g.
Nebelsick & Bassi 2000). A better understanding of the boring-related biological processes that contribute to colonise,
transport and/or degrade rhodoliths may represent an important contribution to the palaeoenvironmental and palaeoecological interpretation of coralline algal dominated deposits. The development of an integrated approach based
on rhodolith characteristics and related borings could contribute to the understanding of fossil sedimentary successions characterised by coralline red algae assemblages.
Data and remarks reported in this paper evidence how
variation of environmental parameters (e.g. changing in
depths of formation of the rhodoliths) can be deduced not
only on rhodolith characters (e.g. shape, growth form, taxonomy) but also from the ichnofaunal assemblages.
Miocene shallow water carbonates characterised by
coralline red algae, bryozoans, echinoderms and bivalves
widely crop out in Central and Southern Apennines (Italy).
These sediments, known in literature as the “Calcari a Briozoi e Litotamni” (Bryozoan and Lithotamnium Limestones,
BLL, Accordi et al. 1967; “formazione di Cusano”, FC,
Selli 1957) represent the oldest evidence of the Miocene
transgressive phase in the Central and Southern Apennines.
These deposits are locally (e.g. eastern Matese Mountains
and eastern Mt. Camposauro area) overlaid by hemipelagic
deposits known as the Orbulina marls. The Orbulina marls
in the Camposauro area is represented by the “formazione
di Longano” (FL, Selli 1957). The boundary between the
BLL and FL can be gradual or abrupt. In the latter case,
the transition is characterised by a 10-35 cm thick rudsto-
ne rich in rhodoliths, bryozoans, intraclasts and phosphatic grains (Carannante & Simone 1996). The BLL generally consist of rhodalgal deposits (sensu Carannante et al.
1988) and are dominated by bryozoans, rhodoliths, bivalves (mainly pectinids and oysters), echinoids and benthic
foraminifers. Planktonic foraminifers, barnacles and serpulids are uncommon, while green algae, gastropods, brachiopods and ahermatipic corals are very rare.
In south-eastern Matese Mountains the base of the
FL is Serravallian in age (Lirer et al. 2005). In the Vitulano area (eastern Mt. Camposauro), the FC and FL are
represented by a marly floatstone with common rhodoliths and abundant planktonic foraminifers. These hemipelagic deposits directly overlie Cretaceous sediments. Rare carbonate intraclasts are associated with rhodoliths within the floatstone. Finer grains are mainly composed by
planktonic foraminifers and secondarily by miliolids, cibicids, amphisteginids, fish teeth, carbonate clasts and phosphatic grains. Some authors attribute the formation of these fractures wedges to pre- and syn-Miocene tectonic activity (e.g. D’Argenio 1967).
The marly horizon rich in planktonic foraminifers and
scattered rhodoliths was sampled in the Guria Quarry, Vitulano area (Southern Apennines, Southern Italy; Fig. 1).
The studied horizon represents an exceptional deposition
of the Orbulina marls that lay directly on Cretaceous carbonate sediments. Fifty-four rhodoliths characterising the
hemipelagic marly floatstones were collected. The sampling
was representative of the heterogeneous size of the rhodolith assemblage. Rhodolith characters were collected and
studied both in situ and in the laboratory. Two marly matrix samples were also analysed. One dry-peel and at least two thin sections (generally 7.5 x 11 cm in size) were obtained from each sample in order to perform a semiquantitative estimation of biotic components. Rhodoliths
sphericity was calculated plotting the three main diameters
(longest L, intermediate I, shortest s; Sneed & Folk 1958)
in a triangular diagram (TRI-PLOT software; Graham &
Midgley 2000).
The taxonomic identification at family and subfamily level of coralline assemblages is based on Woelkerling (1988), Verheiji (1993) and Braga et al. (1993). Coralline algal growth-form terminology follows Woelkerling et al. (1993). A semi-qualitative analysis of coralline
growth forms was performed for each rhodolith. Polished
surfaces and thin section of rhodoliths were analysed to
characterise the trace fossil assemblages recorded within
rhodoliths. Cross section analysis carried out in randomly chosen thin section square surfaces of 1 cm in lengthside were also performed in order to obtain a representative percentage of boring cover. Washed samples were obtained from sediment matrix samples in order to characte-
Studi Trent. Sci. Nat., Acta Geol., 83 (2008): 165-176
Fig. 1 - Study area showing the location of the Cava Guria (Guria
Quarry) in which the studied Orbulina marls occur.
Fig. 1 - Area di studio e localizzazione dei depositi di Marne ad
Orbulina presi in esame, affioranti in corrispondenza della Cava
Guria (Vitulano, Monte Camposauro).
rize the planktonic foraminiferal assemblage and biostratigraphy of these deposits.
4. 167
nifers (e.g. acervulinids and Miniacina Galloway) occur.
Rare echinoids, solitary corals, barnacles, bivalves, benthic foraminifers (e.g. Amphistegina D’Orbigny, Operculina D’Orbigny, Sphaerogypsina Galloway, Gypsina Carter, Elphidium De Montfort, textularids, rotaliids, miliolids,
cibicids) and planktonic foraminifers are also present. The
coralline red algal assemblage is characterised by Melobesioideae (>50% of the total coralline assemblage) and Mastophoroideae (from 35 to 40 %). Rare Lithophylloideae
and Sporolithaceae are also present.
Most of the studied rhodoliths consist of more than
one coralline family/subfamily member. Maximum rhodolith diameter (L) ranges from 4.0 to 13.1 cm, the intermediate size (I) ranges from 3.3 to 11.9 cm and the minimum size (s) from 2.0 to 9.6 cm. Despite of the heterogeneous size, rhodolith shape is homogeneous and is mainly sub-spheroidal (Fig. 2a). Three rhodolith growth-stages
have been recognised, each of which representing different
environmental setting in which the rhodoliths grew. Within
these rhodolith growth-stages, coralline thalli show a variation in abrasion rate. The inner and intermediate rhodolith growth-stages are, in fact, characterised by a very high abrasion which becomes more superficial on the outer
rhodolith part where coralline branches and thin crusts developed, suggesting occasional rhodolith overturning. Such
differences in the taphonomic signature influence the fossil trace preservation.
Rhodoliths represent the dominant components within the studied Orbulina marly floatstone horizon. Subordinately, rare carbonate clasts of Cretaceous and Middle Miocene age are present. Within the rhodoliths, skeletal components such as bryozoans and encrusting forami-
Several types of boring traces were recorded within
the Vitulano rhodoliths (Figs 2b, 2c). These traces can be
distinguished as macro- and micro-borings based of their
Fig. 2 - a. Rhodolith shape in the studied Vitulano outcrop. b. Rhodolith cross section (sample CASV32) where borings are visible in darker
fill sediments. White arrows denote bivalve-related borings; black arrows indicate borings referable to the ichnogenus Entobia. c. Example of
rhodolith (sample CASV42) with a nucleus composed by an oyster shell deeply bioeroded by Entobia. All scale bars correspond to 1 cm.
Fig. 2 - a. Diagramma triangolare rappresentante il grado di sfericità dei rodoliti analizzati. b. Sezione di uno dei rodoliti analizzati (campione CASV32) in cui i numerosi boring presenti sono messi in risalto dal colore più scuro della matrice al loro interno. Le frecce bianche
indicano le bioerosioni subellittiche prodotte da bivalvi; le frecce nere indicano numerose cavità attribuite all’ichnogenere Entobia. c.
Esempio di rodolite (sample CASV42) il cui nucleo è costituito da una valva di ostreide caratterizzata da numerosi boring attribuibili
all’ichnogenere Entobia. Entrambe le scale bar indicano lo spessore di 1 cm.
cylindrical, straight
chamber with constant
diameter perpendicular
to surface
branched network of
micro-galleries with
irregular diameter
Caulostrepsis (?)
cylindrical, straight,
bended or helicoidally
arranged chamber with
constant diameter
Single or multiple
rounded, irregular
chambers connected
with narrow apertures
network of very
contorted and sinuous,
cylindrical microgalleries
single chamber, straight,
boring shape
algae, fungi,
algae, fungi,
algae, fungi,
diameter (mm)
depth reached
from the
filling matrix
Tab. 1 - Borings and related shape, size range, thickness of bored substrate, possible borers and textures of fill cements within the studied rhodoliths. r= red algal fragments; b= bryozoan fragments;
e= echinoid fragments; f= planktonic foraminifers; m= mudstone; w/p= wackestone/packstone; c= calcite cement; g= geopetal structures.
Tab. 1 - Tipologie di boring e relative morfologia, taglia, profondità dalla superficie del substrato perforato, possibili borers e matrice di riempimento. r= frammenti di alghe corallinacee; b=
frammenti di briozoi; e= frammenti di echinidi; f= foraminiferi planctonici; m= mudstone; w/p= wackestone/packstone; c= cemento calcitico; g= strutture geopetali.
Checconi & Monaco
Trace fossil assemblages in rhodoliths from the Middle Miocene of Mt. Camposauro
Studi Trent. Sci. Nat., Acta Geol., 83 (2008): 165-176
Tab. 2 - Distribution and abundance of borings within the studied
rhodoliths. Thickness of the lines suggests relative abundance.
Interm. = intermediate.
Tab. 2 - Distribuzione ed abbondanza dei boring all’interno dei
rodoliti. Lo spessore della linea è funzione dell’abbondanza relativa
dei boring. Interm.= intermediate.
size. The two-dimensional analyses performed on thin sections and acetate dry peels allowed the description of the fossil traces only at genus level. Sometimes the attribution to a
specific ichno-genus was problematic. The description, dimensions (Tab. 1), position and abundance within the rhodolith (Tab. 2), as well as presence of infilling sediment matrix nature were noted for each type of boring.
5.1.1. Elliptical, flask-like and sac-like borings (Pl. 1, 1-2)
These traces consist of elliptical, flask-like and sacklike borings with a rounded cross section and the main axis
generally perpendicular to the eroded surface. The aperture,
at the top of the boring is very rarely preserved due to abrasion. The aperture is sub-rounded in cross section and its diameter is shorter than the main chamber. Two main groups of
these traces can be distinguished on the base of chamber size (Fig. 3a); both smaller and larger borings can be referred to the ichnogenus Gastrochaenolites Leymerie 1842.
The chamber diameter range from 3 to 6.5 mm and from
1.2 to 1.4 cm (Fig. 3a); no chambers with diameter comprises between 1.4 and 3 cm have been recorded. They are very
common in the inner and middle part of the rhodoliths and
only very rarely in the outer part (Tab. 2). The infilling sediment consists of coralline algae, bryozoan and echinoderm
and/or planktonic foraminiferal wackestone/packstone. The
comparison of the geometry of these fossil traces with modern borings suggests that they were produced by bivalves;
in addition the occurrence of bivalve shells that sometime
coincide in shape with these bioerosions contribute to strengthen this hypothesis.
5.1.2. Single or multiple-chamber boring with irregular,
rounded inter-connected chambers (Pl. 1, 3-5)
This trace consists of single or multiple chambers,
2-8.9 mm in width, with an irregular rounded or polygonal shape. Each chamber is connected to the surface or with
other chambers through narrow apertures ranging in diameter from 0.3 to 2.1 mm. Short to elongate sinuous or straight
apophyses, and canals often branch off from the chambers.
Multi-chambered networks can be referred to the ichnogenus Entobia Bronn. The high heterogeneity of shape and size
of chambers, canals and apophyses (where present) suggest
the presence of more than one Entobia species (e.g. Bromley & D’Alessandro 1984). Similar single chambered borings
can be attributed to the ichnogenus Uniglobites Pleydell &
Jones. The chamber diameter is from 2 to 8.9 mm (Fig. 3b).
They are rare in the inner and outer part and very common
in the intermediate part of the rhodoliths (Tab. 2). The infilling sediment consists of coralline algal, bryozoan, echinoderm wackestone/packstone and coralline algal, bryozoan,
echinoderm and planktonic foraminifer wackestone/packstone. Geopetal structures are present. Similar boring patterns are widely described from both fossil and recent environments (e.g. Bromley & D’Alessandro 1987; Pleydell &
Jones 1988; Perry 1996) and their development is generally
attributed to the sponges.
5.1.3. Straight or winding tubular chambers (Pl. 1, 6-9)
These trace fossils are characterised by cylindrical tubes, perpendicular, slightly- or strongly-angled to the bored
surface. The tunnel diameter is constant and the termination
is generally rounded. The chambers can be straight or sinuous or meandering. Straight tunnels are mainly perpendicular to the surface, while winding ones can develop freely
in all directions within the red algal thalli. The diameter of
straight galleries ranges from 0.6 to 1.7 mm and their length
can exceed 1 cm. These borings can be referred to the ichnogenus Trypanites Mägdefrau 1932. Ekdale et al. (1984) attributed the formation of these borings principally to polychaetes and barnacles. The diameter of the winding, irregularly
convoluted and meandering galleries varies from 0.3 to 0.8
mm. The diameter may be enlarged where the galleries bend.
These tunnels can be referred to the ichnogenera Meandropolydora Voigt 1965 and Caulostrepsis Clarke 1908 (see also Bromley & D’Alessandro 1983). Some of these tubular
borings may, however, be referred to Entobia due to the difficulties of recognising the exact morphology of the galleries in two dimensions. The diameter of the galleries ranges
from 0.3 to 1.7 mm (Fig. 3c). They are common in the inner
part, very frequent in the intermediate and rare in the outer
part of the rhodoliths (Tab. 2) and they are filled by a variety
Checconi & Monaco
Trace fossil assemblages in rhodoliths from the Middle Miocene of Mt. Camposauro
of sediments including coralline, bryozoan and echinoderm
wackestone/packstone, muddy carbonates as well as calcite
cements. Geopetal structures can be present.
5.2. Microborings
They are rare in the inner part and common in the intermediate and outer parts of the rhodoliths (Tab. 2). They are filled by
calcite cement. Similar micro-borings have been associated in
the literature to the action of boring bacteria, fungi, algae and
sponges (e.g. May et al. 1982; Ghirardelli 2002).
5.2.1. Wedge-shaped micro-borings (Pl. 1, 10-12)
5.2.2. Branched micro-borings (Pl. 1, 13)
Micro-tunnels with a straight axis perpendicular to the
surface characterised by a wedge shaped chamber; the chamber section is circular and its diameter decreases from the surface to the deeper part. The maximum recorded length is up to
500 µm. The diameters range from 0.01 to 0.04 mm (Fig. 3d).
These borings consist of branched micro-galleries characterised by a slightly irregular diameter. In most cases, these tunnels converge in a triple-point creating a Y-shaped pattern. Secondary thinner tunnels branching off from the main
Fig. 3 - Histograms showing the variability of chamber diameter of recorded boring-groups (see Chapter 5). A. bivalve-related elliptical,
flask-like and sac-like borings; B. single or multiple-chamber boring with irregular, rounded inter-connected chambers (Entobia); C. straight
or winding tubular chambers; D. wedge-shaped micro-borings; E. branched micro-borings; F. winding microborings.
Fig. 3 - Istogrammi rappresentanti la variabilità del diametro delle camere dei boring all’interno di ciascuno dei gruppi morfologici di
tracce fossili riconosciuti (si veda Cap. 5). A. Boring ellissoidali o dalla forma a “fiasco” prodotti da bivalvi; B. camere singole o multiple
di forma irregolare, tondeggiante, connesse tra di loro (Entobia); C. camere tubulari rettilinee o meandranti; D. micro-boring con morfologia a cuneo; E. micro-boring ramificati; F. micro-boring sinuosi o meandranti.
Studi Trent. Sci. Nat., Acta Geol., 83 (2008): 165-176
axis are sometimes present. These tunnels only develop in coralline thallus surface down to a depth of 0.5 mm. The diameters of the traces range from 0.01 to 0.025 mm (Fig. 3e). These micro-borings are very rare in the inner part and common
in the intermediate and outer parts of the rhodoliths (Tab. 2).
They are filled by calcite cement. Similar micro-patterns have
been associated in the literature to the action of boring bacteria, fungi, algae and/or sponges (Ghirardelli 2002).
5.2.3. Winding micro-borings (Pl. 1, 14)
Complex network of winding and meandering micro-tunnels developing very close to the substrate surface. The cross
section of galleries is rounded. The diameter of these microborings ranges from 0.02 to 0.04 mm. The diameter is generally higher at tunnel junctions (Fig. 3f). These borings are frequent, but restricted to the outer part of the rhodoliths (Tab.
2). They are filled by calcite cement. The developing of these
sinuous traces can possibly be attributed to the action of boring bacteria, fungi, algae and/or sponges.
Bioerosion activity related to hard-grounds, rocky shorelines and reefs have been mainly studied in carbonate environments (e.g. Goreau & Hartman 1963; Neumann 1966; Goldring & Kaźmierczak 1974; MacGeachy & Stearn 1976; Warme 1977; Bromley 1978; Risk & MacGeachy 1978; Fürsich
1979; Highsmith 1981; Palmer 1982; Kleemann 1992, Perry
1996). The relationship between boring-types and environmental conditions has also been widely documented for both fossil and modern environments (e.g. Bromley & D’Alessandro
1990; Perry & Bertling 2000; Pari et al. 2002). Very little attention has been paid, however, to the interaction and relationship between boring activity and rhodolith development (e.g.
Steneck 1985). In spite of boring abundance, the palaeoecological role played by borers in rhodolith-bearing sediments rich
in rhodoliths has been never clearly developed. Little attention
has been paid to their potential as palaeoenvironmental and palaeoecological indicators for rhodolith assemblages.
The ichnocoenoses that characterise the Vitulano rhodoliths are mainly represented by Gastrochaenolites, Uniglobites, Entobia, Trypanites, Meandropolydora and (?)Caulostrepsis. Undetermined micro-borings were also observed.
Most of the borings were recorded on the inner and intermediate rhodolith growth stages while fewer borings were found
in the outer part of the rhodoliths (Tab. 2).
The nucleus of the rhodoliths is characterised by abraded coralline thalli with frequent bivalve-related borings such
as Gastrochaenolites, common tubular tunnels (Trypanites,
Meandropolydora, (?)Caulostrepsis, rare micro-borings and
The intermediate growth stage still consists of abraded
thalli with common borings such as Gastrochaenolites, Uniglobites, Entobia, Trypanites, Meandropolydora, (?)Caulo-
strepsis and by other micro- borings. In correspondence of this
rhodolith growth stage the higher ichnogeneric diversity is recorded. This high diversity contrasts with the very scarce and
poorly diversified boring association present in the outer part
of the rhodoliths. Here the ichnocoenosis is almost restricted
to micro-borings (Tab. 2). Additionally, abrasion of the coralline thalli is very rare.
The bore-holes in the inner parts of the rhodoliths are
dominated by a coarse grained packstone/wackestone rich in
coralline algae, bryozoans, foraminifer and bivalve fragments.
The bore-holes in the outer parts of the rhodoliths are characterised by an infilling of sediment consisting of a mixed composition ranging from a coralline algal, bryozoan and echinoderm packstone/wackestone to a planktonic foraminiferal
packstone/wackestone. When a planktonic foraminiferal packstone/wackestone is present within the borings, it differs from
the enclosing Orbulina marls in colour (reddish-greyish within
borings; greyish-greenish in the Orbulina marls) and composition of the matrix (carbonate matrix within the borings and
marls in the Orbulina marls).
Bromley & D’Alessandro (1990) in comparing Recent
and Plio-Pleistocene deep and shallow water bioerosion recorded an evident correspondence between ichnocoenoses
and bathymetry. The authors reported that the ichnogenera
Trypanites, Caulostrepsis and Meandropolydora are abundant
in the infralittoral zone and become less common till rare moving down to the circalittoral and the bathyal zones. They also observed that Gastrochaenolites is present only in the infralittoral, while the ichnogenus Entobia can be present from
the infralittoral to the bathyal. Entobia can provide information concerning depth only at the species level. The ichnocoenosis variation from infralittoral to bathyal zone reported by
Bromley & D’Alessandro (1990) can be compared with that
recorded within the Vitulano rhodoliths moving from the inner to the outer growth-stages of the rhodoliths (Tab. 2). Consequently, the changing in ichnocoenosis composition in the
studied samples can be interpreted as an environmental deepening of the rhodoliths during the last phases of their growth history. The studied ichnocoenoses along with other taphonomic signatures (e.g. high coralline thallial and boring abrasion, coralline and bryozoan fragment packstone as boring-filling matrix) in correspondence of the inner and intermediate
rhodolith growth stage suggest that the rhodoliths were nucleated and grew in a shallow high-energy environment similar
to those described for BLL (e.g. Catenacci et al. 1982; Barbera et al. 1980). In addition, the taphonomic parameters of
the last rhodolith growth stage (e.g. decrease in ichnogeneric diversity, planktonic foraminifer wackestone filling matrix, absent abrasion) lead to hypothesize that these rhodoliths gradually moved into the deeper water environment where the Orbulina marls were depositing. Here the rhodoliths
continued to grow till their final burial; coralline growth in
this deeper environment is testified by the fine-grained sediment rich in planktonic foraminifers trapped within the outer algal thin crusts.
The presence of fossil traces (borings) within the BLL
Checconi & Monaco
Trace fossil assemblages in rhodoliths from the Middle Miocene of Mt. Camposauro
Studi Trent. Sci. Nat., Acta Geol., 83 (2008): 165-176
sedimentary succession has been commonly reported in the
literature (e.g. Catenacci 1974; Barbera et al. 1978; Barbera
et al. 1980; Carannante 1982; Carannante & Simone 1996;
Brandano & Corda 2002; Corda & Brandano 2003; Civitelli
& Brandano 2005). A detailed analyses focusing on the ichnocoenosis has only been carried out with respect to the unconformity between BLL and the underlying sediments (e.g.
Catenacci et al. 1982). Catenacci et al. (1982) described the
boring association along the unconformity between the BLL
and the underlying Cretaceous/Paleogene sediments outcropping in the M. Maiella area (Central Apennines, Italy). These authors reported the presence of several borings produced by bivalves, polychaetes and sponges and grouped them
into four ichnospecies belonging to the genera Entobia and
Trypanites sensu Bromley (1972). The same unconformity
had been studied in the Pietraroia area (Matese Mountains,
Southern Apennines, Italy) by Barbera et al. (1980) with similar results. The bio- and ichno-coenosis integrated with sedimentological aspects has allowed the BLL to be interpreted as shallow water sediments deposited in an open platform
setting. These deposits gradually passed into the deeper and
partially heteropic Orbulina marls (Barbera et al. 1980). The
ichnocoenoses observed in the early and intermediate rhodolith growth stages of the Vitulano rhodoliths are comparable to those described by Catenacci et al. (1982) and by Barbera et al. (1980). The lower ichnogeneric diversity mentioned by these authors is presumably due to different taxonomic interpretation of the borings from that of the present investigation. An example is given by the elliptical bivalve borings which were attributed to the ichnogenus Trypanites by
Catenacci et al. (1982) and Barbera et al. (1980), while in this
study they are ascribed to the genus Gastrochaenolites. The
ichnocoenoses characterising the last rhodolith growth stage
which is clearly dominated by micro-borings cannot be compared to any other previously described Miocene boring association in this area.
A taphonomic analysis of the Vitulano rhodolith assemblage present within the Orbulina marls deposits allows the
recognition of an ichnocoenosis represented by six ichnogenera ascribed to sponges, bivalves, polychaetes and barnacles. Other microborings referable to bacteria, fungi, algae
and sponges were also identified. Boring distribution changes moving from the core to the outermost part of rhodoliths. The early and intermediate rhodolith growth stages are
characterised by the ichnogenera Gastrochaenolites, Uniglobites, Entobia, Trypanites, Meandropolydora, (?)Caulostrepsis and by other micro- borings. The outer growth stage clearly shows a decrease in trace fossil diversity as low-diversity micro-borings (possibly related to algae, fungi, bacteria
and/or sponges) dominate the ichnocoenosis.
Among the identified ichnogenera, Gastrochaenolites
and Meandropolydora are known to be typical of very shallow water environments. The diversity of ichnotaxa is greater in shallow than in deep water (Bromley & D’Alessandro
1990; Bromley 1994). Furthermore, shallow water boring assemblages are known to be made up of several approximate-
Pl. 1 - 1. Gastrochaenolites specimen containing valves of its producer; bivalve shells approximately coincide in shape with the cavity (sample
CASV7). 2. Gastrochaenolites specimen within coralline thallus; serpulids encrusted corallines after bivalve-related cavity development as
shown by their shape which slightly follows the boring outline (sample CASV36). 3. Irregular chambers of sponge-related borings referable
to the ichnogenus Entobia; the original matrix filling the bore hole was partially replaced by calcite cement (sample CASV22). 4. Spongerelated borings referable to the ichnogenus Entobia (sample CASV10). 5. Complex network produced by Entobia (sample CASV25); 6-7.
Tubular straight chambers referable to Trypanites; calcite cement generally replaces the original boring-filling matrix (sample CASV2). 8.
Slightly winding tubular chambers possibly referable to the ichnogenus Caulostrepsis (sample CASV3). 9. Undetermined gently curved
tubular chamber; the two dimensional analysis through thin sections often does not allow to undoubtedly determine borings at genus level
(sample CASV9). 10-12. Networks of parallel wedge-shaped micro-borings that developed perpendicularly to coralline surfaces (10-11,
sample CASV1; 12, sample CASV35). 13. Complex network of winding and meandering micro-tunnels developing very close to the surface
of the eroded substrate (sample CASV11). 14. Branched micro-galleries that often converge in a triple-point creating a Y-shaped pattern
(sample CASV8). Scale bars: 1-9, 1 mm; 10-14, 0.25 mm.
Tav. 1 - 1. Gastrochaenolites sviluppatosi all’interno del tallo di corallinacee; al suo interno sono ancora visibili le valve disarticolate
dell’organismo che lo ha prodotto (campione CASV7). 2. Gastrochaenolites all’interno di corallinacee; i serpulidi hanno colonizzato il
rodolite successivamente all’azione dei borers come evidenziato dalla forma dei serpulidi stessi che segue quella del boring (campione
CASV36). 3. Camere di forma piuttosto irregolare attribuibili all’ichnogenere Entobia; la matrice originaria è stata sostituita parzialmente
da cemento calcitico (campione CASV22). 4. Boring prodotti da spugne carianti attribuibili a Entobia (campione CASV10). 5. Complesso
sistema di bioerosioni prodotte da spugne carianti e attribuibili a Entobia (campione CASV25). 6-7. Boring tubulari perpendicolari alla
superficie del rodolite appartenenti all’icnogenere Trypanites; il cemento calcitico in genere sostituisce parzialmente o totalmente la matrice
originaria che riempiva gli esemplari di Trypanites (campione CASV2). 8. Camere tubulari leggermente ricurve probabilmente attribuibili
all’ichnogenere Caulostrepsis (campione CASV3). 9. Camera tubulare di affinità incerta caratterizzata da deboli curvature; l’analisi bidimensionale delle icnocenosi attraverso lo studio di sezioni sottili spesso non permette di caratterizzare a livello generico le bioerosioni
presenti (campione CASV9). 10-12. Network di micro-boring cuneiformi paralleli tra loro e perpendicolari alla superficie del rodolite (10-11,
campione CASV1; 12, CASV35). 13. Sistema di micro-tunnel sinuosi e meandranti (campione CASV11). 14. Micro-gallerie ramificate che
convergono spesso in punti tripli generando dei pattern a forma di Y (campione CASV8). Scala: 1-9, 1 mm; 10-14, 0,25 mm.
Checconi & Monaco
Trace fossil assemblages in rhodoliths from the Middle Miocene of Mt. Camposauro
ly equally abundant types, while in deeper water a few ichnospecies dominate (Bromley & D’Alessandro 1990; Bromley 1994).
The identified variations in studied ichnocoenoses assemblages within each rhodolith suggest a deepening of rhodolith assemblages during their development and growth.
Rhodoliths show high abrasion in the inner and intermediate
growth stages due to the frequent overturning in high energy
environmental conditions. In the external part of the rhodolith, thallus abrasion is very weak as a consequence of a decrease in water turbulence. This hydrodynamic gradient suggests that rhodoliths were subjected to a transport towards deeper environments during their growth. This transport is confirmed by boring-filling matrix: borings in the inner part of the
rhodoliths are filled mainly by abraded fragments of coralline
algae, bryozoans and echinoids. Towards the outer part, the
borings are filled by a sediment which gradually becomes richer in planktonic foraminifers and muddy matrix.
This study (A) documents a well exposed example of
the poorly known ichnocoenoses that occur in Miocene rhodolith assemblages and (B) represents an original contribution
to the understanding the potential of borings in developing
palaeoecological and palaeoenvironmental interpretations of
rhodolith-dominated deposits. In particular it contributes, as
it scarcely has been done before in previous works, to estimate, using both trace fossils and the associated filling matrix,
variations in water depth of the environment in which rhodolith communities developed. Indeed, in the literature, authors
have only rarely described examples of borings present inside rhodoliths referred to different depths; however, no examples of rhodoliths containing highly diversified ichnocoenoses
which indicate different depths have been reported.
The authors are very grateful to Prof. Gabriele Carannante and Prof. Lucia Simone (Università Federico II di Napoli) for the very interesting discussions in the field and for
their scientific support and to Prof. Roberto Rettori (Università degli Studi di Perugia) for the useful discussion concerning
this study. Authors are also grateful to reviewers for their very
useful and detailed improvements of the manuscript.
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