“Still the Century of Overkill? Strengthening the Control of Weapons

Book Presentation
“Still the Century of Overkill?
Strengthening the Control of Weapons of Mass Destruction”
Paolo Foradori
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Social Research & School of
International Studies, University of Trento
Enrico Fiorentini
Ph.D. Candidate, School of International Studies, University of Trento
Carlo Trezza
Outgoing Chairman of the Missile Technology Control Regime, former Permanent
Representative of Italy in Geneva, Chairman of the UN Secretary General’s
Advisory Board on disarmament affairs in Geneva and New York, Chairman of the
Conference on Disarmament, and Italy’s Special Envoy for Disarmament and NonProliferation
Tuesday, January 27, 2015, 15:30-17:00
School of International Studies – Via T. Gar, 14 – Trento
Room 108
School of International Studies
Via T. Gar 14 - 38122 TRENTO
Ph. +39 0461 283125