edoardo vincenzo eugenio mollona - Dipartimento di Informatica e

Stato civile: Celibe
Nazionalità: Italiana
Data di nascita: 26 Marzo 1967
Luogo di nascita: Milano
Residenza: Via Settala, 3; 20124 Milano.
Telefono ufficio: 051 209 4883
E-mail: emollona@cs.unibo.it
1985 – Maturità classica presso il Liceo Classico “Giuseppe Parini”.
1992 – Laurea con lode in Economia e Commercio presso l’Università
Commerciale “Luigi Bocconi” di Milano.
Settembre 1995 – Gennaio 1996 visiting scholar presso il programma di
Master of Philosophy in System Dynamics della University di Bergen in
Febbraio 1999 – PhD in Strategic and International Management presso
la London Business School. Titolo della tesi: Resource Accumulation Systems,
Corporate Competence Evolution and Emergent Strategic Behaviour. A Feedback
Dottore di ricerca dell’ordinamento universitario Italiano – Decreto
ministeriale n. 906 del 08/07/1999 che dichiara il PhD conseguito in data
28 Febbraio 1999 presso la London Business School equipollente al titolo
di dottore di ricerca dell’ordinamento universitario Italiano.
Novembre 1999 – Ricercatore presso l’Istituto di Economia Aziendale
dell’Università Luigi Bocconi
Novembre 2002 – Professore Associato nel settore scientificodisciplinare SECS-P07 (Economia Aziendale) presso la Facoltà di Scienze
Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali dell’Università di Bologna.
Novembre 2004 - Novembre 2007 – Presidente del Corso di Laurea,
triennale e specialistico, in Scienze di Internet, presso la Facoltà di Scienze
Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali dell’Università di Bologna.
Novembre 2005 – Professore associato confermato nel settore
scientifico-disciplinare SECS-P07 (Economia Aziendale).
Dicembre 2012 – Professore Straordinario nel settore scientificodisciplinare SECS-P07 (Economia Aziendale).
Giugno 1993 – Borsa di studio Fulbright
Giugno 1993 – Borsa di studio ‘Amici della Bocconi’
Aprile 1994 – Borsa di perfezionamento all’estero
Settembre 1997 – Borsa di studio McKinsey
Dal novembre 2002 al 2009 professore di Direzione Aziendale nel corso
di laurea triennale in Scienze di Internet.
Dal Novembre 2009 al 2011 professore di Economia Aziendale nel corso
di laurea triennale in Informatica per il Management.
Dal novembre 2002 professore di Analisi Dinamica dei Sistemi Aziendali
nel corso di laurea specialistica in Scienze di Internet.
Dal 2011 professore di Strategia Aziendale nel corso di laurea triennale in
Informatica per il Management.
Dal Giugno 1993 docente presso l’Area Strategia della SDA Bocconi.
Dal 1999 al 2002 – Docente di Strategia e Politica Aziendale
Dal 1999 al 2002 – Docente di Economia Aziendale
Dal 1999 al 2002 – Docente di Strategia preso il PhD della Scuola di
Direzione Aziendale dell’Università Bocconi
Dal 1996 al 1998 Docente del corso “System Thinking and Strategic
Modelling”, coordinato dal prof. John Morecroft,.
1997 – Docente del corso “Dynamics of Strategy” coordinato dal prof.
John Morecroft.
1997/1998 – Docente presso il corso MBA “Strategic Modelling”.
Dal 1997 Docente Incaricato di Economia Aziendale II.
Dal 2001 al 2013 Docente Incaricato di Economia Aziendale I.
Dal 2009 Docente del corso di Strategia nel programma di Master
Management dell’Università e della Ricerca
1993 –Progetto di ricerca: “Le Prospettive di Sviluppo dei Fondi
Pensione in Italia”. Ricerca del CESAD dell’Università Bocconi.
1994 – Progetto di ricerca: “Cross-border M&A Post-Acquisition
Management”. Ricerca dell’Area Strategia della SDA Bocconi in
collaborazione con KPMG-Peat Marwick e finanziata dalla Comunità
1994 – Progetto di ricerca: “Banche e Risanamento delle Imprese in
Crisi”. Ricerca della Divisione Ricerche della SDA Bocconi.
1998-2000 – Progetto di ricerca: “Modelli Dinamici di Simulazione per la
Gestione Strategica” della Divisione Ricerche della SDA Bocconi.
1998-2000 –Progetto di ricerca di interesse nazionale cofinanziato dal
MURST: “L’Utilizzo dei Modelli di Simulazione Dinamica nella Gestione
Strategica delle Imprese” coordinata dal prof. Vittorio Coda e svolta in
collaborazione con l’Università di Modena e l’Università di Palermo.
2000-2002 – Ricerca CNR “Nuovi modelli dinamici per comprendere e
progettare la strategia d’impresa: Dai sistemi di accumulazione di risorse
all’apprendimento organizzativo” (n° C004195_002)
Ricercatore dell’ Unità Locale (Dipartimento di Scienze
dell’Informazione dell’Università degli Studi di Bologna) nel
progetto di ricerca finanziato dalla Comunità Europea nel 6° Programma
Quadro: Dynamically Evolving Large-scale Information Systems
2004 Responsabile di Unità Locale (Dipartimento di Scienze
dell’Informazione dell’Università degli Studi di Bologna) nel
progetto COFIN ‘ Le dinamiche evolutive e le determinanti delle
performance nei cluster d’imprese: simulazione e approccio
computazionale’ (n° 2004134440).
2004 Responsabile di Unità Locale (Dipartimento di Scienze
dell’Informazione dell’Università degli Studi di Bologna) nel
progetto FIRB ‘Le dinamiche evolutive dei cluster di imprese: nuove
architetture organizzative e tecnologiche’ (n° RBNE03HJZZ).
2005 Ricercatore dell’ Unità Locale (Dipartimento di Scienze
dell’Informazione dell’Università degli Studi di Bologna) e
responsabile di attività nel progetto FIRB ‘Tecnologie Orientate alla
Conoscenza per Aggregazioni di Imprese in InterneT’ (n°
2009 Responsabile di Unità Locale (Dipartimento di Scienze
dell’Informazione dell’Università degli Studi di Bologna) nel
progetto Europeo del 7° PQ SSH7-CT-2009-225670 ‘Models and their
Effects on Development paths: an Ethnographic and comparative
Approach to knowledge transmission and livelilhood strategies’ (MEDEA
n° 225670).
• Mollona, E. Analisi Dinamica dei Sistemi Aziendali, EGEA: Milano, 2001.
• Mollona, E. Le Risorse nella Dinamica del Sistema Aziendale, EGEA: Milano,
• Garzia, C. e Mollona, E. Aluminium for the Transportation Industry in Europe.
Innovation and Competitive Advantages. A System Dynamics Approach. EGEA:
Milano, 2002.
• Mollona, E. Strategia, Complessità e Risorse. Strumenti e Principi per l’Analisi
Dinamica della Strategia Aziendale, EGEA: Milano, 2008.
• Delauzun, F. e E. Mollona. Introducing System Dynamics to BBC World Service.
An insider perspective; Journal of Operational Research Society, 50: 364-371,
• Marafioti, E. e E. Mollona. Governare un sistema complesso con il System
Dynamics: La nascita di un hub; Economia & Management, n° 6, Etas Libri,
Novembre, 2000.
• Coda, V. e E. Mollona, Il Governo della Dinamica della Strategia; Finanza.
Marketing e Produzione, EGEA, n° 4, 2002.
• Mollona, E. e D. Hales, Knowledge-Based Jobs and the Boundaries of Firms:
Agent-based simulation of Firms Learning and Workforce Skill Set Dynamics;
Computational Economics, 27(1): 35-62, 2006.
• Mollona, E. e D. Hales, Economia della conoscenza, Governo delle Risorse Umane
e Confini dell’Impresa. Strategie organizzative emergenti in una simulazione ad agenti;
Sistemi Intelligenti, n° 2: 283-320, Agosto, 2006.
Mollona, E. e Marcozzi, A. FirmNet: The Scope of Firms and the Allocation of
Task in a Knowledge-Based Economy, Computational & Mathematical
Organization Theory, 15(2): 109-126, 2009.
Mollona, E. e Marcozzi, A. Self-emerging coordination mechanisms for knowledge
integration processes. Mind & Society, 8(2): 223-241, 2009.
Chirico, F., Nordqvist, M., Colombo, G. e E. Mollona, Simulating Dynamic
Capabilities and Value Creation in Family Firms: Is Paternalism an “Asset” or a
“Liability”? Family Business Review, 25(3): 318-338, 2012.
• Antonelli G., Moschera L. e Mollona (2013). Cluster’s life cycle: how specific
public policies can change the trend. European Scientific Journal, 9.
Mollona, E. Il Mercato del Lavoro. In Le Prospettive di Sviluppo dei Fondi
Pensione in Italia a cura di G. Gabrielli e P. Lanzoni, CESAD, EGEA:
Milano, 1994.
G. Gabrielli, A. Berlingheri e E. Mollona. Il Caso Dalle Carbonare. In Banche
e Risanamento delle Imprese in Crisi a cura di G. Forestieri, Collana
Management, n° 10, EGEA: Milano, 1995.
Mollona, E. e A. Lomi. Retroazione, codipendenza e isteresi: tre esperimenti sulla
dinamica organizzativa dell’accumulazione di risorse. In Le Competenze
Organizzative a cura di A. Lipparini, Carocci Editore: Roma, 1998.
Mollona, E. A competence view of firms as resource accumulation systems: a synthesis
of resource-based and evolutionary models of strategy making. In Systems Perspectives
on Resources, Capabilities, and Management Processes a cura di Morecroft, J.,
Heene, A. e R. Sanchez, Elsevier Pergamon: Oxford, UK, 2002.
Coda, V. e E. Mollona, Dynamics of Strategy: A Feedback Approach to
Corporate Strategy-Making and Adaptation. In Systemic of Emergence. Research and
Development, a cura di Minati, G., Pessa, E. e M. Abram, Springer: New
York, NY, 2006.
Mollona, E., Modellazione, Simulazione e Apprendimento: L’Approccio System
Dynamics al Controllo della Strategia. In Le Nuove Frontiere del Controllo di
gestione. Valore, processi e tecnologie’ a cura di F. Favotto, McGraw-Hill:
Milano, 2006.
Lenzerini M., Carletti U., Ciancarini P., Guarino N., Mollona E.,
Montanari U., Naggar P., Saccà D., Sebastianis M. e D. Talia, KnowledgeOriented Technologies for the Integration of Networked Enterprises, in
Interdisciplinary Aspects of Information Systems Studies, D’Atri, A:, De Marco,
M. e Casalino, N. (Ed.). Part VII: 335-342, Physica-Verlag: Heidelberg,
2008 (ISBN: 978-3-7908-2009-6).
Coda, V. e E. Mollona. Governing Strategy Dynamics. In Coda, V. (Ed.)
Entrepreneurial Values and Strategic Management. Bocconi University Press.
Palgrave Macmillan: Hampshire, UK, 2010.
Mollona, E. 2010. The Use of Computer Simulation in Strategy and Organization
Research in Mollona, E. (ed.), Computational Analysis of Firms’ Strategy and
Organizations, Routledge: New York, NY., 2010.
Fioresi R. e E. Mollona. 2010. Devices for Theory Development: Why Use
Computer Simulation If Mathematical Analysis Is Available? in Mollona, E.
(ed.), Computational Analysis of Firms’ Strategy and Organizations, Routledge:
New York, NY., 2010.
Antonelli, G., Mollona, E. e L. Moschera. Dinamiche evolutive in un cluster di
produzione: una simulazione dei processi di interazione strategica e collaborazione, in
Boari, C. (ed.) Dinamiche evolutive nei cluster geografici di imprese, Il Mulino,
Bologna, 2010.
Mollona, E. e M. Presutti. Da sistemi chiusi a contesti aperti: simulazione di
scenari e analisi empirica sui distretti italiani in una logica di capitale sociale, in
Boari, C. (ed.) Dinamiche evolutive nei cluster geografici di imprese, Il Mulino,
Bologna. 2010.
Marafioti, E., Mollona, E. e F. Perretti. Internazionalizzazione e competitività:
una teoria dinamica dell’evoluzione dei distretti italiani, in Boari, C. (ed.)
Dinamiche evolutive nei cluster geografici di imprese, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2010.
Coda, V. e E. Mollona. The feedback structure of the strategy-process and topmanagement’s role in shaping emerging strategic behavior in Kellermanns, F. e P.
Mazzola (eds.) Handbook of Strategy Process Research, Edward Elgar
Publishing Publication, 2011.
Marafioti, E., Mollona, E. e F. Perretti. International strategies and networks: A
dynamic theory of Italian clusters. In Adinolfi, P., Cafferata, R. e A.
Tommasetti Management senza confini. Gli studi di management: tradizione e
paradigmi emergenti, Collana Aidea, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2013.
Breiter, A. e E. Mollona. Dynamics of management development and enterprise
privatization in Eastern Europe. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference
of the System Dynamics Society a cura di Monaghan, C. e E. Wolstenholme,
The System Dynamics Society: Albany, NY, 1994.
Mollona, E. Dynamics of Organizational Heuristics and Biases in Corporate
Strategy. In Proceedings of the 1996 International System Dynamics Conference a
cura di Richardson, G. P. e J. D. Sterman, The System Dynamics Society:
Albany, NY, 1996.
Bianchi, C. e E. Mollona, A Behavioural Model of Growth and Net Working
Capital Management in a Small Enterprise. In System approach to learning and
education into the 21st century: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on
System Dynamics, Vol. I, a cura di Barlas, Y., Diker, D.G. e S. Polat,
Bogazici University Printing Office: Instanbul, Turkey, 1997.
Glucksman, M., Mollona, E. e J. Morecroft Leapfrogging the Competition: the
Dynamics of Resource Metamorphosis. In System approach to learning and education
into the 21st century: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on System
Dynamics, Vol. II, a cura di Barlas, Y., Diker, D.G. e S. Polat, Bogazici
University Printing Office: Instanbul, Turkey, 1997.
Mollona, E Local Rationality, Resource Accumulation Structures and Emergent
Strategic Behaviour in Explaining R&D Resource Building and Adaptation. In
System approach to learning and education into the 21st century: Proceedings of the 15th
International Conference on System Dynamics, Vol. II, a cura di Barlas, Y.,
Diker, D.G. e S. Polat, Bogazici University Printing Office: Instanbul,
Turkey, 1997.
Mollona, E. A System Dynamics Approach to the Analysis of the IntraOrganizational Ecology Theory. In System Thinking for the Next Millennium:
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society a
cura di Cavana, R. Y., Vennix, J. A. M., Rouwette, E. A. J. A. , StevensonWright, M. e J. Candlish, The System Dynamics Society: Albany, NY,
V. Coda, e E. Mollona, Dynamics of Strategy: A Feedback Approach to
Corporate Strategy: A Feedback Approach to Corporate Strategy-Making and
Adaptation. In Proceedings of the 22th International Conference of the System
Dynamics Society a cura di Kennedy, M., Winch, G. W., Langer, R. S., Rowe,
J. I. e J. M. Yanni, The System Dynamics Society: Albany, NY, 2004.
Mollona, E. e A. Sposito, Transaction Costs and Outsourcing Dynamics: A
System Dynamics Approach. In Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference of
the System Dynamics Society and 50th Anniversary Celebration, The System
Dynamics Society: Albany, NY, 2007.
Marafioti, E., Mollona, E. e F. Perretti. (2007). International strategies and
clusters: a dynamic theory of Italian competitive advantage decline. In:
International strategies and clusters: a dynamic theory of Italian
competitive advantage decline. Indian Institute of science, Bangalore,
India, 25-27 October 2007
Gian Paolo Jesi, Srijith K. Nair, Maarten van Steen, e Edoardo Mollona.
Prestige-based peer sampling service: Interdisciplinary approach to secure
gossip. In Proc. 24th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), pages
1927-1931, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, March 2009. ACM.
Mollona, E, Vignoli, M. e Iesi G. P. Structure or flow? Designing knowledge
based organizations. Desperately seeking performance in organizations. Vol.
74: 1-12. Cleup: Padova, Italy, 2012. Atti del XIII° Workshop di
Organizzazione Aziendale (WOA).
Gatti, C. e E. Mollona, Useful reviews & overviews: a task, and a challenge,
Journal of Management and Governance, 11(1):101–103, 2007.
Mollona, E. H. Gintis, S. Bowles, R. Boyd, E. Fehr (eds): Moral Sentiments and
Material Interests. The Foundations of Cooperation in Economic Life, Journal of
Management and Governance, 11(4): 433-438, 2007.
Mollona, E. Computer simulation in social sciences, Journal of Management and
Governance, 12(2): 205-211, 2008.
Mollona, E. J. Morecroft: Strategic Modelling and Business Dynamics. A Feedback
Systems Approach, Journal of Management and Governance, 12(2): 213-217,
Mollona, E. Sociology, philosophy and management: maintaining and nurturing
fruitful interactions, Journal of Management & Governance, 13(3): 245-247,
Marafioti, E. e E. Mollona. Governing a Complex Social System with System
Dynamics: The Development of an Airport Hub. In Sustainability in the Third
Millennium: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of the System Dynamics
Society a cura di Davidsen, P. I., Ford, D. N. e A. N. Mashayekhi, The
System Dynamics Society: Albany, NY, 2000.
Sedehi, H., Bianchi, C. e E. Mollona. The Diffusion of System Dynamics in
Italy. In Sustainability in the Third Millennium: Proceedings of the 18th International
Conference of the System Dynamics Society a cura di Davidsen, P. I., Ford, D.
N. e A. N. Mashayekhi, The System Dynamics Society: Albany, NY, 2000.
Marafioti, E., Mollona, E. e F. Perretti. Can the Relationship Between
International Clients and Intermediate Goods Suppliers Lead to Declustarization? A
Feedback Model of the Case of the Italian Textile and Ceramic Tile Machinery
Industry. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference of the System Dynamics
Society a cura di Hines, J. H, Diker, V. G, Langer e J. I. Rowe, The System
Dynamics Society: Albany, NY, 2001.
Marafioti, E. e E. Mollona. Governing a Complex Social System with System
Dynamics: The Management and Economics of an Airport Hub. In Proceedings of
the 20th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society a cura di
Davidsen, P. I., Mollona, E., Langer, R. S. e J. I. Rowe, The System
Dynamics Society: Albany, NY, 2002.
Colombo, G., Meneguzzo, M., Mollona, E. e F. Monte. Introducing
Feedback Thinking and Simulation in ECOSTATO Training Programme. In
Proceedings of the 22th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society a
cura di Kennedy, M., Winch, G. W., Langer, R. S., Rowe, J. I. e J. M.
Yanni, The System Dynamics Society: Albany, NY, 2004.
Maoret, M., Colombo, G. e E. Mollona, Why So Many Start-Ups Fail: A
Resource-Based Approach Through System Dynamics. In Proceedings of the 23th
International Conference of the System Dynamics Society a cura di Sterman, J. D.,
Repenning, N. P., Langer, R. S., Rowe, J. I. e J. M. Yanni, The System
Dynamics Society: Albany, NY, 2005.
Mollona, E. Revisiting the Theory of Intra-Organizational Ecology and
Organizational Change: A System Dynamics Approach. In Proceedings of the
23th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society a cura di
Sterman, J. D, Repenning, N. P, Langer, R.S, Rowe, J. I. e Yanni, J. M,
The System Dynamics Society: Albany, NY, 2005.
• Garzia, C. and E. Mollona. Resource Coordination and Business Model Renewal
Process. A System Dynamics Analysis of the Aluminium Downstream Industry. In
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference of the System Dynamics
Society a cura di Lyneis, J. M. and G. P. Richardson, The System
Dynamics Society: Albany, NY, 2011 (ISBN: 978-1-935056-07-2).
• Mollona, E. How Do System Dynamic Models (SD) Capture Path Dependent and
Complex Evolutionary Behaviour in Social Science Analysis? In Proceedings of
the 29th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society a cura
di Lyneis, J. M. and G. P. Richardson, The System Dynamics Society:
Albany, NY, 2011 (ISBN: 978-1-935056-07-2).
• Mollona, E. Interpreting unfolding paths of privatisation in the steel industry. In
Proceedings of the 30th International Conference of the System Dynamics
Society a cura di Husemann, E. and D. Lane, The System Dynamics
Society: Albany, NY, 2012 (ISBN: 978-1-935056-09-6).
Mollona, E. Resource Accumulation Systems, Corporate Competence Evolution and
Emergent Strategic Behaviour. A feedback Approach. WP – 0029, System
Dynamic Group, London Business School, 1998.
Mollona, E. Resource Accumulation Systems, Corporate Competence Evolution and
Emergent Strategic Behaviour. An In-Depth Model Testing Process. WP – 0030,
System Dynamic Group, London Business School, 1998.
Mollona, E. e D. Hales, Knowledge-Based Jobs and the Boundaries of Firms:
Agent-based Simulation of Firms Learning and Workforce Skill Set Dynamics,
University of Bologna Computer Science Department, Technical Report
Mollona, E. e A. Marcozzi. The Nature of the Firm in a Knowledge-Based
Economy, University of Bologna Computer Science Department Technical
Report UBLCS-2007-23.
Mollona, E. e G. Iesi, CoopNet: an Agent-based Model to Explore Knowledge
Integration and Free Riding in Large Organizations, University of Bologna
Computer Science Department Technical Report UBLCS-2008-09.
Breiter, A. e E. Mollona. Dynamics of management development and
enterprise privatization in Eastern Europe. 122h International System
Dynamics Conference, Stirling (UK), July 1994.
Mollona, E. The dynamics of organizational heuristics and biases in
corporate strategy. 14th International System Dynamics Conference, Cambridge,
Massachusetts (USA), August 1996.
Bianchi, C. e E. Mollona. A behavioural model of growth and net working
capital management in a small enterprise. 15th International System Dynamics
Conference, Systems Approach to Learning and Education into the 21st Century,
Istanbul, 19th – 22th August 1997.
Glucksman, M., Mollona, E. e J. Morecroft. Leapfrogging the
competition: the dynamics of resource metamorphosis. 15th International
System Dynamics Conference, Systems Approach to Learning and Education into the
21st Century, Istanbul, August 1997.
Mollona, E. Local rationality, resource accumulation structures and
emergent strategic behaviour in explaining R&D resource building and
adaptation. 15th International System Dynamics Conference, Systems Approach to
Learning and Education into the 21st Century, Istanbul, August 1997.
Mollona, E. A system dynamics approach to the analysis of the intraorganisational ecology theory. 17th International System Dynamics Conference,
Systems thinking for the next millennium, Wellington, New Zealand, July 1999.
Mollona, E. Firms as Resource Accumulation Systems: A Synthesis of
Resource-Based and Evolutionary Models of Strategy-Making. 18th
International System Dynamics Conference, Sustainability in the Third Millennium,
Bergen, Norway, 6th – 10th August 2000.
Marafioti, E. e E. Mollona. Governing a complex social system with
system dynamics: the development of an airport hub. 18th International
System Dynamics Conference, Sustainability in the Third Millennium, Bergen,
Norway, 6th – 10th August 2000.
Garzia, C. e E. Mollona. Aluminium for the Transportation in Industry in
Europe. Innovation and Competitive Advantages: A System Dynamics
Approach. European Conference “Aluminium for Future Transportation”,
Bocconi University, Milan, June 2002.
Marafioti, E. e E. Mollona. Governing a Complex Social System with
System Dynamics: The Management and Economics of an Airport Hub.
20th International System Dynamics Conference, Palermo, 28th July -1st August
Mollona, E. e V. Coda. Dynamics of Strategy: A Feedback Approach to
Corporate Strategy-Making and Adaptation. 22th International System
Dynamics Conference, Oxford (UK), 25th – 29th July, 2004.
Mollona, E. e D. Hales. Knowledge-Based Jobs and the Boundaries of the
Firms: Agent-Based Simulation of Firms Learning and Workforce Skill
Set Dynamics. Industry and Labor Dynamics, Laboratorio Riccardo Revelli,
Moncalieri, Italy, December, 2004.
Mollona. E. Revisiting the Theory of Intra-Organizational Ecology and
Organizational Change: A System Dynamics Approach. 23th International
System Dynamics Conference, Boston, (USA) 17th – 21th July 2005.
Mollona, E. Feedback mechanisms and resource dynamics in strategic
renewal: Revisiting the role of manager visible hand in the intraorganizational ecology. 5th Conference of the European Academy of Management,
Responsible Management in an Uncertain World, Munich, 4th – 7th May 2005.
Mollona, E. e D. Hales. Modeling Firm Skill-Set as a Complex System. Second
conference of the European Complex Systems Society, Paris, 14th – 18th
November, 2005.
Mollona, E. e M. Presutti. A population ecology approach to capture
dynamics of cluster evolution: Using computer simulation to guide
empirical research. 24th International System Dynamics Conference, Nijmegen,
The Netherlands, 23th – 27th July 2006.
Mollona, E. e A. Marcozzi. Self-Organisation of Knowledge-Based
Dispersed Economic Activity and the Scope of Firms: An Agent - Based
Approach. 7th Conference of the European Academy of Management, Parigi, 16th –
19th May 2007.
Mollona, E. e A. Marcozzi. The Nature of the Firm in a KnowledgeBased Economy. 4th Conference of the European Conference on Complex Systems,
Dresda, 1st - 5th October 2007.
Mollona, E. e G. P. Iesi. Knowledge Integration and Free Riding in Large
Organisations: Exploring Governance Mechanisms, Behaviour and
Performances. 8th Conference of the European Academy of Management, Managing
Diversity: European Destiny and Hope, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 14th – 17th May,
Mollona, E. e A. Marcozzi. Prestige and Search for Glory. Individual
Incentives and Self-Emerging Coordination Mechanisms in Knowledge
Integration Processes. 8th Conference of the European Academy of Management,
Managing Diversity: European Destiny and Hope, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 14th –
17th May, 2008.
Mollona, E. e A. Marcozzi. Self-Emerging Coordination Mechanisms for
Knowledge Integration Processes. 5th Conference of the European Social
Simulation Association, Brescia, Italy, 1st – 5th September, 2008.
Mollona, E. Diverging Incentives and Evolutionary Dynamics within
Supply-Chain. 10th Conference of the European Academy of Management, Back to
the Future, Rome, Italy, 19th – 22th May 2010.
Mollona, E. e A. Dal Forno. How Do System Dynamics Models (SD)
Capture Path Dependence and Complex Evolutionary Behaviour in Social
Science Analysis? 109th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological
Association, New Orleans, USA, 17th -21th November 2010.
Mollona, E. How do system dynamic models (SD) capture path
dependent and complex evolutionary behaviour in social science analysis?
11th Conference of the European Academy of Management, Management Culture in
Europe, Tallinn, Estonia, 1st – 4th June 2011.
Garzia, C. e E. Mollona. Resource Coordination and Business Model
Renewal Process. A System Dynamics Analysis of the Aluminium
Downstream Industry. 29th International System Dynamics Conference,
Washington, USA, 25th -29th July 2011.
Mollona, E. How Do System Dynamic Models (SD) Capture Path
Dependent and Complex Evolutionary Behaviour in Social Science
Analysis? 29th International System Dynamics Conference, Washington, USA,
25th -29th July 2011.
Mollona, E. e A. Dal Forno. Experimental models of privatization.
Conference Models and their Effects on Development paths: an Ethnographic and
comparative Approach to knowledge transmission and livelihood strategies,
(MEDEA), Barcellona, 23th -24th February 2012.
Mollona, E. Computer-based research strategy to investigate idealtypes of
self-organized structures of collaboration in intra-organizational networks.
12th Conference of the European Academy of Management, Social Innovation for
Competitiveness, Organisational Performance and Human Excellence, Rotterdam,
The Netherlands, 6th – 8th June 2012.
Mollona, E. Interpreting unfolding paths of privatisation in the steel
industry. 30th International System Dynamics Conference, St. Gallen,
Switzerland, 22th – 26th July 2012.
Mollona, E. Deduction and abduction in computer simulation:
Comparing logics in theory development. 13th Conference European Academy
of Management, Democratising Management. Istanbul, 26th-29th June 2013.
Mollona, E. e L. Pareschi. Analysis of dynamic discourse alliances in
framing contested issues: a sociopolitical analysis of the demise of state
steel in Italy. 13th Conference European Academy of Management, Democratising
Management, Istanbul, 26th-29th June 2013.
Massa, L., Mollona, E. e G. D’Angelo. An agent based model for
organizational learning, evolution and sustainability performances. 29th
EGOS Colloquium, Bridging Continents, Cultures and Worldviews, Montréal,
Canada, July 4th - 6th , 2013.
Pareschi, L. e E. Mollona. Variable discourse alliances in framing
contested issues: The demise of state steel in Italy. 29th EGOS Colloquium,
Bridging Continents, Cultures and Worldviews, Montréal, Canada, July 4th – 6th
Mollona, E. Deduction and abduction in computer simulation:
Comparing logics in theory development. 31th International Conference of the
System Dynamics Society, Creating the Future from Within, Cambridge,
Massachusetts USA, July 21th - 25th, 2013.
Mollona, E. e L. Pareschi. The demise of state steel in Italy: institutional
change in public debate and official resolutions. Italian Society of Law and
Economics, IX Annual Conference, Università della Svizzera Italiana,
Lugano, Svizzera, Dicembre 12–13, 2013.
Mollona, E. Strategy and Scenario Analysis: Exploring Industry Dynamics
in the Long Term. 1st International SYDIC Workshop, System Dynamics for
Policy Assessment and Strategy Development. Rome, 21-22 January 2014.
Iesi, G. P. e E. Mollona. CoopNet: a Social, P2P-like Simulation Model to
Explore Knowledge-Based Production Processes. Workshop on Modelling
Organizational Behaviour and Social Agency. Bournemouth University 27-28
January 2014.
Massa, L., Mollona, E. e G. D’Angelo. Investigating evolutionary patterns
in corporate sustainability using computer simulation. 14th Conference
European Academy of Management, Waves and Winds of Strategic Leadership for
Sustainable Competitiveness. Valencia, 4th-7th June 2014.
Mollona, E. e L. Pareschi. Power to change or power to maintain?
Dynamic interaction of strategic and structural power in Italian steel
privatization. 14th Conference European Academy of Management, Waves and
Winds of Strategic Leadership for Sustainable Competitiveness. Valencia, 4th-7th
June 2014.
Massa, L., Mollona, E. e G. D’Angelo. An agent based model for firms
sustainability performance. 30th EGOS Colloquium, Imagining, Thinking,
Shaping. Organizational Scholarship in Unsettled Times, Rotterdam, The
Netherland, July 3th - 5th , 2014.
Pareschi, L. e E. Mollona. Power relations and institutional change
through performativity: Framing the discourse on the privatization of
state steel in Italy. 30th EGOS Colloquium, Imagining, Thinking, Shaping.
Organizational Scholarship in Unsettled Times, Rotterdam, The Netherland,
July 3th - 5th, 2014.
Massa, L., Mollona, E. e G. D’Angelo. A simulation model for corporate
sustainability performances. Motivated search, survival and learning
feedback. 32th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, Good
Governance in a Complex World, Delft, The Netherlands, July 20th - 24th,
• 19th International System Dynamics Conference, Atlanta (USA), Agosto,
2001. Can the Relationship Between International Clients and Intermediate Goods
Suppliers Lead to Declustarization? A Feedback Model of the Case of the Italian
Textile and Ceramic Tile Machinery Industry.
• 22th International System Dynamics Conference , Oxford (UK), Luglio
2004. Introducing Feedback Thinking and Simulation in ECOSTATO Training
• ECCS 2004 (European Conference on Complex Systems), Villa Gualino,
Torino, Dicembre 2004. Learning without Earning. Knowledge-Based Jobs and
Long-Term Firms’ Strategy.
• 23th International System Dynamics Conference , Boston (USA), Luglio
2005. Why So Many Start-Ups Fail: A Resource-Based Approach Through System
• 25th International System Dynamics Conference, Boston (USA), LuglioAgosto 2007. SYDIC: System Dynamics Italian Chapter Poster Presentation
• 25th International System Dynamics Conference, Boston (USA), LuglioAgosto 2007. Transaction Costs and Outsourcing Dynamics: A System Dynamics
• 28th International System Dynamics Conference, Seoul (South Korea),
Luglio 2010. Formal Modelling, Computer Simulation and Grounded Field
Research to Conduct Enquiry in Managerial Sciences.
• 9th European Conference on Complex Systems: Book of abstracts of ECCS 12
Brussels, 2012. CoopNet: a Social, P2P-like Simulation Model to Explore
Knowledge-Based Production Processes. Mollona, E., Jesi, G. P. and M. Vignoli.
• 11th ESA Conference – Crisis, Critique and Change. Torino, Italy, 28th .
31st , August 2013, Pareschi, L. and E. Mollona. How they learned to stop
worrying and love privatizations: Economic-Political field and Italian state steel
• Comitato scientifico della 20th International
Conference, Palermo, Luglio-Agosto 2002.
• Responsabile della sessione Accumulation and Depletion Systems to capture
Firms’ Heterogeneity (System Dynamics) alla Conference of the European
Academy of Management, Monaco, Maggio 2005.
• Responsabile della sessione Firms As Complex Dynamic Systems &
Computational Approaches to Strategizing alla Conference of the European
Academy of Management, Oslo, Maggio 2006.
• Responsabile del track: ‘Strategy Practice and Research: the role of
qualitative and quantitative modelling’, presso la 10th conferenza
internazionale dell’EURAM, Roma, Maggio 2010.
• Track co-chair: Research Methods and Research Practice. 11th conferenza
internazionale dell’EURAM, Tallinn, Giugno 2011.
• Track co-chair: Research Methods and Research Practice. 12th conferenza
internazionale dell’EURAM, Rotterdam, Giugno 2012.
• Track co-chair: Research Methods and Research Practice. 13th conferenza
internazionale dell’EURAM, Istanbul, Giugno 2013.
• Track co-chair: Research Methods and Research Practice. 14th conferenza
internazionale dell’EURAM, Valencia, Giugno 2014.
• Dottorato di ricerca in “CULTURA E IMPRESA”, ciclo XVI BIS, con
sede amministrativa presso il Dipartimento di Statistica e Matematica
Applicata “D. De Castro”, Università degli Studi di Torino.
• Dottorato di ricerca in INFORMATICA, Ciclo XIX, con sede
amministrativa presso il Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Informazione,
Università degli Studi di Bologna.
• Dottorato di ricerca in “CULTURA E IMPRESA”, ciclo XIX, con sede
amministrativa presso il Dipartimento di Science Merceologiche,
Università degli Studi di Torino.
• Dottorato di Ricerca in Economia Aziendale & Management, Ciclo XV,
con sede presso Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi a Milano.
• Membro dell’Expert Advisory Board del progetto CRitical Infrastructure
Simulation of ADvanced Models on Interconnected Networks resilience
(CRISADMIN) co-finanziato dal programma CIPS della Comunità
• Attività di referaggio per conferenze:
22th International System Dynamics Conference, Oxford, 2004.
Terzo Convegno Italiano di Sistemica, Associazione Italiana Ricerca
sui Sistemi, Castel Ivano, Trento, 2004.
European Academy of Management, Monaco, 2005
European Academy of Management, Roma, 2010.
European Academy of Management, Tallinn, 2011.
European Academy of Management, Rotterdam, 2012.
European Academy of Management, Istanbul, 2013.
European Academy of Management, Valencia.
Academy of Management conference, Philadelphia, PA. USA, 2014.
23th International System Dynamics Conference, Boston, 2005.
24th International System Dynamics Conference, Nijmegen, 2006.
25th International System Dynamics Conference, Boston, 2007.
26th International System Dynamics Conference, Atene, 2008.
27th International System Dynamics Conference, Albuquerque, 2009.
28th International System Dynamics Conference, Seoul, 2010.
29th International System Dynamics Conference, Washington, 2011.
30th International System Dynamics Conference, San Gallo, 2012
31st International System Dynamics Conference, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, 2013.
32st International System Dynamics Conference, Deft, The
Netherlands, 2014.
• Dal 2006, Books & Overviews Editor’ della rivista Journal of Management
and Governance.
• Dal 2012 Co-Chair dello Special Interest Group: ‘Research Methods and
Research Practice’ alla European Academy of Management.
• Referaggio per riviste:
System Dynamics Review,
Economia & Management,
Journal of Management & Governance.
• Referaggio per la casa editrice Il Mulino.
• Dal 2008 al 2011, Presidente del System Dynamics Italian Chapter
dell’International System Dynamics Society.
• Membro della System Dynamics Society
• Membro fondatore dell’Italian Chapter della System Dynamics Society
• Membro della European Academy of Management (EURAM)
• Membro dello European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS)
• Membro della Academy of Management (AOM)
Edoardo Mollona
Autorizzo il trattamento dei dati personali in base alla legge 196/2003