17th Annual Meeting of the Biofeedback Foundation of Europe February 10-15, 2014 at the IUSVE, Venice, Italy CONFERENCE WORKSHOP PROGRAM Each hour of instruction provides 1 Unit of BFE Continuing Education Units can contribute towards BFE certification in Italy (In Italian) NEUROFEEDBACK TRACK 2-Day Workshop ClinicalQ & BrainDryvr Training Instructor: Paul Swingle, Ph.D. English only Tuesday, February 11th to Wednesday, February 12th Registration Code: EEGEN02 Abstract: The workshop introduces the ClinicalQ & Braindryvr method. Precise assessment procedures are introduced for probing the client to help determine treatment strategies based on comparisons with the ClinicalQ clinical data base. Cases studies for a variety of disorders including mood, anxiety, sleep quality, learning, cognitive processing, pain, addictions, anger management, and age-related memory decline are presented to help participants learn how this remarkably efficient intake procedure can be used. The details associated with selecting appropriate unconditioned stimuli for braindriving are reviewed and the methods for administering basic Braindryvr protocols are shown. Unique concerns regarding treating clients with severe emotional trauma, chronic depression and those who are heavily medicated are reviewed. Conditions that require full QEEG will be identified as will conditions in which the more aggressive treatments are contraindicated. The assessment procedures are simple and straightforward involving assessment (evaluation) of a limited number of brain sites. Treatment options, other than neurofeedback, have been developed to markedly accelerate neurotherapy. These complementary techniques include, sound and electrostimulation, acupuncture, OEI, hypnosis, cranio-sacral therapy, and EFT and other therapies appropriate for a wide range of disorders that complement techniques. Lead Presenter: Paul G. Swingle, Ph.D., is a Fellow of the Canadian Psychological Association and a former Lecturer in Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. Professor Swingle formerly held the posts of Chairman of the Faculty of Child Psychology and Clinical Supervisor at the University of Ottawa. He has taught at McGill University, Dalhousie University and McMaster University. He is a Registered Psychologist in British Columbia and is (BCIA) Certified in Biofeedback and Neurotherapy. Since 1997 he has been in private practice in Vancouver, British Columbia. His most recent book “Biofeedback for the Brain” (2008) was published by Rutgers University Press. Dr Swingle is dedicated to education and presents a number of professional workshops every year at the Swingle Clinic in Vancouver. In addition, he works to educate his community about the benefits of neurofeedback through a variety of channels that include public lectures, webcasts and other speaking engagements and provides a wealth of information on his website. Intended Audience: The workshop is designed to help psychologists, physicians and other health professionals that work in different practice settings, particularly with adults and children suffering from mental health disorders. Learning Objectives: Participants learn how Dr. Swingle uses neurotherapy for assessment and training and how to recognize what type of clients benefit from the Swingle method and why. Learn how Dr. Swingle uses his method to improve outcomes as an adjunct for traditional psychotherapy and psychotropic interventions. 1 2-Day Workshop Research & Applications in Neurofeedback Instructors: Ute Strehl, Ph.D & M. Saab, MSc, P.Eng. English only Tuesday, February 11th to Wednesday, February 12th Registration Code: EEGEN03 Abstract: Slow cortical potentials are slow shifts of brain activity that are below 0,5 Hz. They belong to the family of event-related potentials and regulate excitation thresholds. As in many clinical conditions (e.g. epilepsy, ADHD) the regulation of excitation thresholds is impaired slow cortical potentials feedback is a viable option for therapy. The aim of this workshop is to convey basic psychophysiological knowledge (EEG and Event related potentials) and to explain and demonstrate technical requirements and protocols. Hands-on exercises will give an impression on how to accomplish a training session. Finally issues of evidence base, indications and clinical everyday-life will be discussed. Lead Presenter: Dr. Ute Strehl, Dipl.-Psych. is a professor at the Institute of Medical Psychology and Behavioural Neurobiology, Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences, at the University of Tübingen, Germany. Dr. Strehl has published widely and is a member of many professional bodies including the Society for Applied Neurosciences, International Society for Neuronal Regulation, Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, Neurowissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Deutschland (Society for Neuroscience,Germany), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische, Psychologie (German Society for Medical Psychology), and the Society of Applied Neurosciences. Intended Audience: Dr. This workshop is for practitioners and graduate students in psychology and medicine interested in the use of slow cortical potentials in therapy and counselling (behavior therapy, client centered therapy, rational-emotive therapy) Learning Objectives: Participants learn how recognize key aspects of the research in slow cortical potentials conducted by Dr. Strehl at the University of Tubingen and how this research can be applied for assessment and training in difference clinical populations. 1-Day Workshop EEG & QEEG: Integrating Phenotype and Vigilance Models Instructor: Jay Gunkelman, QEEGD English only Friday, February 14th Registration Code: EEGEN04 Abstract: The workshop covers research related to outcome improvement reported by Wright and Gunkelman (1998) when he added the QEEG approach to guide neurofeedback. The presence of genetically linked EEG patterns provides a solidly data-based set of observations on which to propose an initial list of phenotypic patterns. One EEG pattern with genetic links is the low-voltage fast EEG (Gunkelman, 2001). Phenotypes are an intermediate step between genetics and behavior. These proposed electroencephalography (EEG) phenotypes are semistable states of neurophysiological function. The author proposes a framework allowing one to describe much of the observed EEG variance with a small number of phenotypical categories. These groupings cut across the DSM categories, and unlike the DSM, the phenotypes predict the individual’s response to therapy, for neurofeedback as well as for medication. This workshop provides an introduction to the field. More details can be found at the following website http://qeegsupport.com/transcend-the-dsm-usingphenotypes/. Lead Presenter: Jay Gunkelman is recognized as one of the leaders in the field of EEG and QEEG, and has processed over 500,000 EEGs since 1972. He has served as president of The International Society for Neurofeedback and Research, as well as a board member and treasurer of the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback and is a past-president of the Biofeedback Society of California. Jay was the first EEG technologist to be certified in QEEG (1996) and was granted Diplomate status in 2002. He has conducted, published or participated in hundreds of research papers, articles, books and meetings internationally. He continues to lecture on EEG/QEEG at neuroscience meetings worldwide. He has co-authored the textbook on EEG artifacting (2001). Jay remains busy with current projects and publications related to his seminal paper on EEG endophenotypes (2005, Clinical 2 Electroencephalography). Intended Audience: Psychologists, physicians and other health professionals and researchers interested in gaining a general understanding of the topic of QEEG and phenotype identification of neurological disorders. Learning Objectives: How it is possible to use QEEG to identify subtypes of specific disorders and gain a basic understanding of this approach that is not based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), which is rooted in behavior and frequently does not predict therapeutic response by any individual within the DSM grouping. 1-Day Workshop EEG & QEEG Instructor: Harry Kersaides, MD. English only Saturday, February 15th Registration Code: EEGEN05 Abstract: Please contact conferences@bfe.org for details Lead Presenter: Dr. Kersaides is board certified in neurology by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, and is certified by the American Board of Sleep Disorders. He has been published in several medical journals including Neuroscience Abstracts, Experimental Neurology, Journal of Neuroscience Method, and has presented abstracts to the American Association of Neurologists and the Frank B. Walsh Society. Dr. Kersaides s has training and clinical experience in epilepsy, involving evaluation of medically refractory seizures for potential surgical intervention, intraoperative electro diagnostic monitoring, evoked potentials, topographical mapping, EMG and the diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders. Dr. Kersaides has been a member of the Calvert Memorial Hospital Medical Staff since 1992. He has been the Director of Calvert Memorial Hospital’s Sleep Disorders Center since 1993 and Director of the Stroke Center since 2007, and the Director of the Center for Neuroscience since it began in 2010. He has held teaching appointments at Georgetown University School of Medicine, Georgetown School of Nursing and Georgetown University. He is a member of the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Neurology, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, and the International Headache Society. Intended Audience: Please contact conferences@bfe.org for details Learning Objectives: Please contact conferences@bfe.org for details 1-Day Workshop OCD & Anxiety Instructor: Dr. Antonio Martins-Mourao English only Wednesday, February 12th Registration Code: EEGEN06 Abstract: Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is one of the most complex, distressing and disabling forms of anxiety disorder currently affecting 2-3% of the general population. The illness is characterised by recurrent intrusive thoughts (obsessions) that typically cause anxiety or distress, and by repetitive mental or behavioral acts (compulsions) that the individual feels driven to perform to reduce his/her severe anxiety levels. Over 40% of patients may currently fail to respond to psychotherapy and/or medication treatments (Pallanti et al., 2002; Bandelow & Ruther, 2004), especially when physicians based their judgments on the DSM-IV and remain blind to patient neurophysiological subtypes and the specific brainwave patterns (or EEG-phenotypes) underpinning the illness. It follows that drugs may have disabling side effects that further reduce patient adherence to treatments. This workshop presents recent data obtained at the Open University’s QEEG & Brain Research Lab using Quantitative Electroencephalography and psychological testing to reveal the combined neurophysiological and behavioural (Y-BOCS and MMPI) subtypes seen in patients with OCD. These results will: (1) inform clinicians and practitioners about some of the brain mechanisms underlying OCD and, (2) provide steps towards the design of effective protocols that may predict individual response to neurotherapy (as well as medication), leading to reduced side-effects and enhanced clinical outcomes within shorter periods. Lead Presenter: Antonio Martins-Mourao is a Clinical Psychologist with additional training in 3 Neurophysiology, Neuropsychology and a PhD in Psychology awarded by the University of London. He lectures Psychophysiology and Mental Health at the Open University (UK), where he also runs the QEEG & Brain Research Lab, currently pioneering the use of psychological testing, Quantitative Electroencephalography QEEG, Event-related ERP and Neurofeedback techniques to investigate psychological and neurophysiological subtypes in patients with Anxiety Disorders (OCD and PTSD). Antonio has had a leading role in the launching of the British Biofeedback and Neurofeedback Society BBNS, is a member of the British Neuroscience Association BNA, the Society for Applied Neuroscience SAN and a member of the board for the International Society for Neurofeedback Research - Research Foundation ISNR-RF. He is also Chartered member of the Clinical Division of the British Psychological Society, BPS. Antonio's other interests include theology, comparative religion and screenwriting. Intended Audience: psychologists, physicians, graduate students, neurofeedback practitioners, and other mental health care professionals with an interest in QEEG and neurofeedback integration for treatment planning. Learning Objectives: By the end of this workshop participants will have an understanding of the various neurophysiological and behavioural subtypes found in OCD patients and how this information may help them design personalised neurofeedback protocols for these patients. 1-Day Workshop on QEEG Subtypes and Neurofeedback with ADD, Aspergers &Autism Instructor: Dr. Michael Linden English only Saturday, February 15th Registration Code: EEGEN07 Abstract: This workshop will review the symptoms and etiology of ADD, Aspergers and Autism. I will present QEEG subtypes/phenotypes of ADD, Aspergers and Autism. The use of QEEG, CPT tests and interview data to develop a differential diagnosis will be explained. QEEG guided Neurofeedback will be discussed including: protocol selection, treatment monitoring and obstacles to treatment. Past and recent research of QEEG and Neurofeedback will be reviewed including case series and research studies. The current multisite Autism QEEG Neurofeedback study in collaboration with University of California San Diego will be presented. This study involves QEEG and DTI pre-post analysis of the effects of Neurofeedback on both Autism and typical students. In addition, two types of Neurofeedback (standard protocol and QEEG Guided Neurofeedback) are compared. Lead Presenter: Michael Linden, Ph.D. is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Marriage, Family & Child Therapist and B.C.I.A. Fellow & Nationally Certified Neurofeedback & Biofeedback Therapist. He is the Director of the the Attention Learning Center in California, USA. Since 2000, Dr. Linden has been conducting research, discovering subtypes of Autism and Asperger's. He lectures on neurofeedback for Sports and ADHD. He is the co-author with Dr. Vietta Sue Wilson, and Dr. Ben Strack of “Biofeedback & Neurofeedback Applications in Sport Psychology. Intended Audience: Please contact conferences@bfe.org for details Learning Objectives: Please contact conferences@bfe.org for details Biofeedback Track 2-Day Workshop The Polyvagal Theory: Neural Mechanisms Mediating Social Behavior, Emotional Regulation, and Health Instructor: Dr. Stephen Porges English only Tuesday, February 11th to Wednesday, February 12th Registration Code: BFBEN03 Abstract: The workshop will elaborate on the information related to the Polyvagal Theory presented in 4 the invited talk. The Polyvagal Theory describes how, via evolution, a connection emerged in the brain between the nerves that control the heart and the face. This face-heart connection provided the structures for the “social engagement system” that links our bodily feelings with facial expression, vocal intonation, and gesture. The Polyvagal Theory provides a more informed understanding of the automatic biobehavioral reactions of our body to safety, danger and life threat. Additionally, it will explore how faulty neuroception can have an impact on autonomic regulation and social behavior and how understanding the features that trigger different neuroceptive states (safety, danger, and life threat) can be used as a strategy of treatment by triggering neuroceptive states of safety. The outline below provides a summary of the topics that will be discussed in the workshop. Lead Presenter: Stephen W. Porges, Ph.D. is Research Professor of Psychology at Northeastern University and Professor of Psychiatry at the University of North Carolina. He is Professor Emeriti at the University of Illinois at Chicago where he directed the Brain-Body Center and the University of Maryland where he chaired the Department of Human Development. He is the former President of the Federation of Behavioral, Psychological and Cognitive Sciences and the Society for Psychophysiological Research. He is a fellow of Division 6 and 7 of the American Psychological Association and a Charter Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science. He is the originator of the Polyvagal Theory. The theory provides insights into symptoms observed in several behavioral, psychiatric, and physical disorders. Professor Porges has authored “The Polyvagal Theory: Neurophysiological Foundations of Emotions, Attachment, Communication, and Self-Regulation” (Norton, 2011). A version is available in German "Die Polyvagal-Theorie: Neurophysiologische Grundlagen der Therapie (Junfermann Verlag, 2010) and is currently writing Clinical Applications of the Polyvagal Theory: The Transformative Power of Feeling Safe (Norton, 2014). Intended Audience: This workshop is designed for psychologists, physicians and other health professionals interested in learning more about the research conducted by Dr. Porges and how his polyvagal theory provides insights into symptoms observed in several behavioral, psychiatric, and physical disorders. Learning Objectives: 1. Participants will receive an Introduction to the Polyvagal Theory including Evolutionary changes and adaptive functions in the autonomic nervous system Humans retain a phylogenetically-ordered response hierarchy to challenges The discovery of the three neural platforms that provide the neurophysiological bases for social engagement, flight/flight, and shutdown behaviours. 2. Social Engagement System and Psychiatric and Behavioral disorders A description of the “face-heart” connection that forms a functional social engagement system How facial expressions, vocalizations, and gestures are regulated by neural mechanisms involved in regulating our autonomic nervous system 3. Neuroception: Detecting and Evaluating Risk How social and physical environments trigger changes in physiological state Adaptive physiological reactions may result in maladaptive behaviors 4. Demystifying Biobehavioral responses to Trauma and Abuse Flight/fight and immobilization defense strategies Adaptive function of immobilization and the associated clinical difficulties 5. Applying the Polyvagal Theory in Clinical Settings The importance of symbiotic regulation Strategies to explain disruption and repair of symbiotic regulation Identifying social cues that disrupt or repair defensive reactions The clinical consequence of treatments models that trigger the social engagement system 2-Day Workshop Added Value of the Biofeedback Stress Protocol Instructor: Dr. Danielle Matto & Eveline Kempenaar, PT English only Tuesday, February 11th to Wednesday, February 12th 5 Registration Code: BFBEN04 Abstract: Health is all about balance. The brain, the nervous system and the heart all work together continuously to maintain body balance. If action is required, these systems put the body in a state of alertness or activity, It is no problem to be in that state for some time, but eventually the body has to return to a more relaxed state in order to be able to regenerate. Stress related problems occur when the body is too long or too often in an active or alert state, while there is not enough time to relax. Biofeedback is a method to measure body functions, like respiration, heart rate, muscle tension, hand temperature and galvanic skin response. The biofeedback stress profile is a 20 minute test, in which these body functions are measured during stress and relaxation. The therapist gets a clear view of the way his patient responds to stress and of his ability to regenerate when the stress is no longer there. In this 2 day workshop the participants learn to analyze and interpret stress profiles and to use the result to determine what kind of therapy is needed to tackle the stress related problem. A range of practical exercises will be offered, that can be used to teach awareness and internal self regulation, like breathing exercises, grounding exercises and relaxation exercises. Day 1 morning will cover muscle tension (analysis and advice for treatment). Day 1 afternoon will cover skin conductance and hand temperature (analysis and advice for treatment). Day 2 morning will cover respiration (analysis and advice for treatment). Day 2 afternoon will cover heart rate and heart rate variability (analysis and advice for treatment). Intended Audience: Please contact conferences@bfe.org for details Lead Presenter: Drs. Daniëlle M. Matto BCIAC, is a certified clinical psychologist and child psychologist with interest in neuropsychology. She has more than 15 years of experience in biofeedback and stress management. In her private practice she combines biofeedback with cognitive behavioral therapy, stress management techniques and audiovisual entrainment. In addition to her clinical work she teaches biofeedback classes for psychologists and physical therapists and acts as a mentor for biofeedback therapists. Drs. Matto is a founding member and senior administrator of the Biofeedback Foundation of Europe (BFE). In 2006 she founded the Dutch section of the BFE. She is also a member of the Dutch Society of Psychologists (NIP) and of the International Stress Management Association (ISMA). Learning objectives: At the end of the workshop participants will: receive instruction on the administration of a biofeedback stress profile; the analyse than Introduction to the Polyvagal Theory including Be familiar with a biofeedback stress profile Understand the importance of analysis of results of the profile Appreciate how the profile can be used to inform treatment options 2-Day Workshop Mindfulness and Acceptance Approach to Biofeedback Instructor: Dr. Inna Khazan English only Friday, February 14th to Saturday, February 15th Registration Code: BFBEN05 Abstract: Biofeedback is often described as a way to help people control their physiological responses. However, extensive research shows that efforts to *control* one's internal experience can be counterproductive and lead to exacerbation of the problem. In contrast to unhelpful efforts to control internal experience, the Mindfulness and Acceptance approach to biofeedback can help people experience change through mindful, non-judgmental awareness and acceptance. In this workshop, participants will learn how to apply mindfulness and acceptance techniques to their biofeedback practice in order to help their clients reap the benefits of biofeedback without getting stuck in unproductive attempts to control their internal experience. We will discuss and experience mindfulness and acceptance techniques in general and their specific applications to various psychophysiological disorders, including anxiety, headaches, hypertension, and chronic pain. 6 Lead Presenter: Inna Khazan, Ph.D., BCB, is a Clinical Instructor of Psychology at Harvard Medical School, where she teaches biofeedback. A clinical psychologist specializing in health psychology and biofeedback, Dr. Khazan also maintains a private practice in Boston, working with clients presenting with various psychophysiological disorders, using both biofeedback and mindfulness-based approaches to psychotherapy. Dr. Khazan is a licensed clinical psychologist, board certified in biofeedback. She has over 10 years of experience using biofeedback and mindfulness & acceptance techniques. She has been teaching biofeedback from a mindfulness and acceptance perspective at Cambridge Health Alliance/Harvard Medical School since 2008 and has implemented these techniques in her independent clinical practice since 2006. She has been invited to give presentations at various conferences and prestigious institutions in the Boston area on the topics of biofeedback and mindfulness. Dr. Khazan is the author of Clinical Handbook of Biofeedback: A Step-by-Step Guide to Training and Practice with Mindfulness, published by Wiley Blackwell. Intended Audience: This workshop is designed for psychologists and other health professionals interested in learning more about biofeedback and mindfulness based mind-body integrative therapies and how biofeedback and mindfulness can be implement in a comprehensive mind-body program. Learning objectives: Explain concepts of mindfulness and acceptance Summarize research demonstrating effectiveness of mindfulness and acceptance techniques Observe and/or experience specific mindfulness and acceptance techniques Utilize mindfulness and acceptance skills in your biofeedback practice 5. Explain specific ways to utilize mindfulness and acceptance techniques together with biofeedback for various psychophysiological disorders. 2-Day Workshop Female Pelvic Pain Instructor: Marek Jantos, Ph.D English only Friday, February 14th to Saturday, February 15th Registration Code: BFBEN06 Abstract: Vulvodynia is one of the most common causes of female dyspareunia (painful intercourse). Terms such as vulvodynia, vulvar vestibulitis, vestibulodynia and vaginismus, are common medical terms that refer to conditions that share one common functional feature, that of painful sexual intercourse. Pain with sexual intercourse may vary in severity, onset and duration and may arise on account of a range of causal factors, not all of which are fully understood. The two day workshop will provide an introduction to the research and skills needed to combine measures of SEMG, Skin Conductance, Temperature and Blood Volume Pulse in assessment and therapy. Dr Jantos will demonstrate the use of each modality and introduce its common applications. Lead Presenter: Marek Jantos is a pain consultant with a special interest in female chronic pelvic pain. For many years he worked as an allied health consultant in the areas of oncology, haematology and general medicine before directing his attention to sexual medicine. Since 1993 he has focused on chronic pelvic pain and authored ten specialist articles in medical journals and textbooks relating to chronic pelvic pain and female dyspareunia, with a special focus on vulvodynia. His current research continues to focus on the etiology and management of vulvodynia and painful bladder syndrome. His Ph.D thesis, A Psychophysiological Perspective on Vulvodynia, makes a unique contribution to the understanding of vulvodynia and was appraised as the best summary of the current understanding of the disorder. Intended Audience: This two day workshop will focus on evidence based therapeutic interventions that restore function and quality of life. Join Marek, a clinician and researcher with extensive experience in treatment of chronic pelvic pain disorders and gain insight and applied skills for your own practice. Learning objectives: Explain concepts related to female pelvic pain Summarize research demonstrating effectiveness and acceptance of techniques 7 Observe and/or experience specific biofeedback measures Explain specific ways biofeedback can be used for assessment and therapy for pelvic pain disorders. 1-Day Workshop Virtual Reality Environments and BioSensors with Mobile Devices Instructor: Pietro Cipresso, Ph.D English only Tuesday, February 11th Registration Code: BFBEN07 Abstract: This workshop is on ecological and ubiquitous biofeedback. It is based on the research platforms being developed within the Interstress European Project (www.interstress.eu<http://www.interstress.eu>) Lead Presenter: Pietro Cipresso, Ph.D. is an Advanced Researcher at the Applied Technology for NeuroPsychology Lab IRCCS Istituto Auxologico Italiano – Milano www.pietrocipresso.eu Intended Audience and prerequisites for attendance: Please contact conferences@bfe.org for details Learning objectives: Participants will learn to use biofeedback in: Virtual Reality Environments, through the use of the free software NeuroVR integrated with biosensors; Mobile device, through specific application for smartphones and tablets developed to connect with biosensors and have biofeedback sessions in a mobile virtual environments 1-Day Workshop The Psychoanalytic Approach of EDA Instructor: Spiro Diamantidis, MD English only Friday, February 14th Registration Code: BFBEN08 Abstract: This workshop presents over thirty years of research and experience on Electrodermal Activity (EDA) and the presenters’ psychoanalytic educational background. Dr. Diamantidis shows his conclusion that EDA is related to conscious and subconscious processes leading to the recognition of a variety of emotional responses located in these areas. It is a commonly held scientific belief that under emotionally charged circumstances EDA is strictly related with emotional responsivity and Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) is in most cases very sensitive to such changes. Laboratory investigators rely on the GSR, and those who have compared it with other variables almost invariably find it to be the superior indicator for Psychophysiological Detection of Deception (PDD). Other scientists agree that there is strong evidence that the only variable consistently demonstrating significant detection of deception, (p < .05), is galvanic skin response. Finally most scientists concluded that their general findings were that galvanic skin response was by far the best single index of deception. Lead Presenter: Spiro Diamantidis, MD studied medicine in the Medical School of Athens University. He was also trained in homeopathic medicine and has practiced medicine since 1976 in Athens and the twenty two clinics operated with his medical group in Greece, Cyprus, Italy, England, Canada, and Japan. He is a member or officer of over 40 scientific organizations and has received many prestigious awards including the Albert Schweitzer award, honoured physician for his outstanding medical and social offer. He created the current theoretic and practical basis of homeopathy, which is founded on his authentic and innovative theory of MAN.I.N.A (Man’s Intellectual Normalities and Abnormalities), that enables the doctor to approach the idiosyncrasy (constitution) of his patients and obtain better therapeutic results; a theory greatly welcomed by the most eminent homeopathic schools worldwide. Intended Audience and prerequisites for attendance: This workshop is designed for a wide range of health practitioners from homeopathic medicine to medical doctors, dentists, pharmacists, educators, researchers, paramedics and students of the relevant schools. Dr. Diamantidis teaches internationally in many homeopathic scientific organizations. He and his medical scientific team address medical doctors by organizing several round table discussions with the participation of representatives from all the medical institutions/unions. He has lectured on homeopathic medicine, biofeedback and health 8 issues (stress, diet, drugs, cancer, AIDS etc) throughout Greece and Cyprus, under the auspices of local authorities and institutions. There are no prerequisites to attend this workshop. Learning objectives: In this workshop participants will gain an understanding of a theoretical approach of EDA will be presented as well as the psychoanalytic one based on findings and evidence. Pariticipants will take part in a practical experiment to simulate detection of deception in the form of a game. Participants will learn from being in one of two groups. One will be the group of “spies” to whom it will be given the secret code words and the other will be the group of “innocent”. Groups will be formed by the presenter’s assistant to ensure that presenter-examiner is ignorant of group synthesis. Both groups will be connected to GSR equipment for real time monitoring and examination according to an ordinary protocol. Findings will be discussed according to the psychoanalytic approach of used modality. Participants will become aware of Emotional response, EDA, PDD, psychoanalysis, awareness, stress, deception, GSR, EDR and be able to form their own conclusions. 1-Day Workshop Biofeedback, Healing Technologies and The Journey to Self- Awareness: Helping Children and Adults To Get Better With More Skills and Less Pills Instructor: Timothy Culbert, MD, FAAP English only Saturday, February 15th Registration Code: BFBEN09 Abstract: In the healing professions, a large part of the work we do with clients involves assisting them in understanding and accessing their own inner healer, in the process of repair and recovering from mental and physical illness. In doing so we support their self-regulatory ability as they identify and cultivate their own innate healing capacities. When we can live in a state of self-awareness free from emotional reactivity, healing and successful life function are accelerated and allowed to come forth fully and efficiently. The cultivation of self-awareness also serves the healer in promoting their energetic, intuitive and compassionate gifts thereby making them more effective in their professional role. This workshop session will define the concept of self-awareness, its relationship to states of higher consciousness, and discuss its importance to recovery, healing and optimal functioning, and offer experiential activities for attendees to access inner peace, balance, and insight. When a client, or ourselves as healers, gain proficiency in self- regulation and accessing states of higher consciousness, we increase our self-healing capacity and free attention and are more likely to experience subtle ways of knowing including intuition, somatic awareness, creativity, and innovation. As equanimity, trust, tolerance and energy understanding expands, so does our ability to be fully present with our patients and our self. Seven high-tech tools for cultivating states of self-awareness will be reviewed. These will include HRV biofeedback, Mobile Apps for Healing, Alpha-Stimulation, aromatherapy, meditation, audio entrainment, and designer supplements for mind/body support. These tools build self-awareness and control of the sensations and experiences of our body, mind and emotions and can be utilized at every stage of growth and development. Lead Presenter: Timothy Dr. Culbert is assistant professor of Clinical Pediatrics at the University of Minnesota; adjunct professor at the Center for Spirituality and Healing at the University of Minnesota. Dr. Culbert's new book for kids, Be Fit, Be Strong, Be You, from FreeSpirit Publishing, won first place in the Midwest Booksellers Association Awards in the children's nonfiction category; the book reviews healthy lifestyle choices for kids in a fun and activity-oriented manner. Intended Audience and prerequisites for attendance: This special interest workshop is intended for practitioners in holistic mental health, chronic pain, self-care skills for kids, complementary and alternative / integrative medicine, nutritional intervention and biofeedback. No pre-requisites Learning objectives: Participants will learn about the application of these ideas and techniques in clinical practice with examples and case studies. 9 Sports Track 2-Day Workshop on Applied Work with Athletes in Olympic Peak Performance & Sports Instructor: Dr. Lindsay Thornton English only Tuesday, February 11th to Wednesday, February 12th Registration Code: SPOEN01 Abstract: Psychophysiological assessment and training tools, including biofeedback and neurofeedback, are increasingly integrated with sport psychology services for elite and Olympic level athletes. This workshop will detail Dr. Thornton’s working model of a typical psychophysiology session with high performers. Demonstrations of a thorough assessment (1 ½ hours) and a brief assessment (4 minutes) will be completed. The screens, thresholds, reward guidelines and timing of training will then be presented. Elite athletes (as compared to clinical populations) learn to quickly control states such as focusing, calming, and quieting the mind. The skills to be used within the performance (cue words, intention, quieting, parking, etc.) will be matched with the desired psychophysiological states. How to prioritize and incorporate the office skill training with the actual performance needs will be illustrated with examples from several different sports. In this workshop, examples of the assessment-to-training plan development will be reviewed with an emphasis on the transfer of self-regulation skills to a high pressure competitive environment. Case studies with Olympic level athletes using including QEEG, neurofeedback and biofeedback will be shared. The goal of how to provide and tailor real time feedback to athletes regarding shifts in physiological states and enhance their mastery of state regulation will be demonstrated. The use of other technologies in the assessment and development of wellbeing and performance of athletes will be discussed. Lead Presenter: Lindsay Thornton, EdD, is a sport psychologist at the United States Olympic Committee, specializing in performance applications of psychophsiology. She has her Ed.M and Ed.D from Boston University in Counseling Psychology, with a specialization in sport performance. Dr. Thornton trained under Dr. Len Zaichkowsky and Dr. Vietta Wilson for her focus in applied psychophysiology. Dr. Thornton’s doctoral work examined the application of biofeedback and neurofeedback training program to create an optimal pre-performance state and improve competitive performance. She received her neurofeedback training from Michael and Lynda Thompson (at the ADD Centre- the Neurofeedback Institute of Toronto), in assessment and application for functional cognitive deficits. She has also received QEEG training from Jay Gunkleman and ERP training from Juri Kropotov. She is licensed as a psychologist, and is board certified in biofeedback and neurofeedback by BCIA. Dr. Thornton has developed, advised and provided training for psychophysiology labs in elite athlete training centers domestically and abroad. She has spoken at various national conferences on the influence of the mind and brain on performance and health, and reciprocally, the neurocognitive influence of exercise on cognition and emotion. She is intrigued by the prospect of identifying psychophysiological markers for elite performance and using technology to enhance recovery and performance. Intended Audience: Individuals who work with elite performers, those who have to produce quality performance typically under the stress of time or importance (athletes, musicians, executives, surgeons, etc., will be highlighted. It will be assumed that the clinician knows the basics of neurofeedback and biofeedback. Learning objectives: Participants will learn: How biofeedback is used with elite/Olympic athlete A preliminary understanding of psychophysiology How biofeedback/neurofeedback can be used in practice 1-Day Workshop on Applications of 10 Biofeedback & Neurofeedback in Sport Psychology Instructors: Dr. Michael Linden & Leah Lagos English only Friday, February 14th to Saturday, February 15th Registration Code: SPOEN02 Abstract: Biofeedback and neurofeedback hold tremendous potential in sport and performance applications to train the body and mind to work together. This workshop review sport psychology assessments, including biofeedback stress profiles and EEG/QEEG assessments with athletes. We will present information on biofeedback techniques such as HRV and peripheral modalities. We will describe Neurofeedback techniques for anxiety management and attention control. Techniques, including the use of game video will be demonstrated. Athletes with ADD & Aspergers will be explored. The presenters will present recent research on the use of HRV and QEEG guided Neurofeedback with athletes with concussions. Lead Presenter: Michael Linden, Ph.D. is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Marriage, Family & Child Therapist and B.C.I.A. Fellow & Nationally Certified Neurofeedback & Biofeedback Therapist. He is the Director of the the Attention Learning Center in California, USA. Since 2000, Dr. Linden has been conducting research, discovering subtypes of Autism and Asperger's. He lectures on neurofeedback for Sports and ADHD. He is the co-author with Dr. Vietta Sue Wilson, and Dr. Ben Strack of “Biofeedback & Neurofeedback Applications in Sport Psychology. Who Should Attend: Individuals who work with elite athletes, those who have to produce quality performance typically under the stress of time and/or importance. Sports Psychologists, Coaches and others that want to learn more about how to use biofeedback to help clients reach their maximum potential It will be assumed that the clinician know some of the basics of neurofeedback and biofeedback. Learning objectives: As a result of this workshop participants will gain a good understanding of instrumentation, signal interpretation and their applications. Participants will find the mix of theory and practice conducive to learning skills they can take into their practice. will teach the practitioner: To apply biofeedback and neurofeedback to athletes and others wanting to gain a competitive advantage. The latest advances in technology and hardware, including wireless equipment options. Protocols specific to individual sports or client populations. Practical exercises are provided to help the athlete/coach/trainer enhance mental skills such as focus and composure. New strategies for the elimination of bad habits. Italian Track 1-Day Workshop Introduzione al neurofeedback Docenti: Dott. Davide Pierini, (Dott. Andrea Crocetti, Michele De Matthaeis) Nota: workshop di un solo giorno in italiano. Registration Code: ITA01 Presentazione: Il workshop vuole introdurre il neurofeedback a chi si accosta per la prima volta a questa tecnica. In una prima parte saranno introdotti la misurazione dell’EEG, il riconoscimento dei ritmi sincronizzati e desincronizzati, la relazione tra onde cerebrali e vigilanza. Inoltre, sarà mostrato come svolgere un assessment a 1 o 2 canali, come preparare e analizzare i dati, nonché degli esempi di EEG quantitativo (qEEG). In una seconda parte saranno presentati le prove di efficacia e il razionale per il trattamento di alcuni disturbi (ADHD, epilessia, ansia, depressione, insonnia, ecc.) e saranno mostrati alcuni tra i più consolidati protocolli di training per aumentare o ridurre il livello di arousal. Docenti Principale: Dott. Davide Pierini, psicologo esperto in neuropsicologia, lavora come istruttore senior presso la BFE e come operatore di biofeedback presso il Montreal Neurofeedback Center. Nel 2004 fonda Keiron, un gruppo interdisciplinare che ha la mission di promuovere lo sviluppo e la realizzazione di modalità di intervento legate alla promozione del la salute biopsicosociale a 11 all’ottimizzazione della prestazione individuale e organizzativa. All’interno di Keiron ha sviluppato Biofeedback Italia con la finalità di favorire la formazione di un network che supporti lo sviluppo professionale della comunità degli operatori di biofeedback in Italia. La sua pratica clinica è focalizzata sui disturbi stress correlati, sui disturbi d’ansia e sulla riabilitazione cognitiva dopo un danno cerebrale acquisito. All’interno di differenti organizzazioni ha lavorato nel settore della salute organizzativa e del risk management in aeronautica. Destinatari e requisiti: Psicologi, Psichiatri, Neurologi, Medici (no requisiti) Obiettivi formativi: Alla fine del corso i partecipanti sapranno: Descrivere le origini del segnale EEG Descrivere in che modo il neurofeedback permette di modificare l’attività cerebrale Elencare i principali disturbi in cui il neurofeedback si è dimostrato efficace, descrivendo il razionale per ciascun disturbo Descrivere il processo di selezione di un protocollo di training personalizzato 2-Day Workshop Un nuovo approccio al Biofeedback per lo Sport e la Gestione dello Stress Docenti: Marianna Munafò Ph.D., Marco Casarotti, Ph.D, Martina Marchionni MS, Christian Caldato MS, Arianna Sittoni MS Nota: questo è un workshop di due giorni e continua mercoledì 12 Febbraio, è solo in italiano. Registration Code: ITA02 Presentazione: In questo workshop sarà presentato un nuovo approccio al biofeedback per lo sport e la gestione dello stress, che si avvale di un’innovativa tecnologia hardware e software, specificatamente progettata per aiutare i professionisti che utilizzano il biofeedback nella loro attività lavorativa. Verranno presentati due protocolli di biofeedback (di 8 sedute ciascuno), efficaci nel migliorare la qualità della condizione psicofisiologica di atleti e lavoratori. Sarà presentata e realizzata in concreto una seduta di valutazione, composta di diversi intervalli di riposo, stress e recupero. Tale valutazione permetterà di identificare per ogni utente lo specifico pattern di stress psicofisiologico e l’abilità di recuperare. In seguito, verranno condotte delle tipiche sessioni di biofeedback al fine di fornire ai partecipanti una chiara e solida esperienza pratica. Il pubblico avrà la possibilità di fare esperienza di sessioni di training e di ottenere nuovi strumenti da utilizzare con i propri clienti. Il primo protocollo di training si propone di migliorare la conoscenza individuale delle proprie funzioni fisiologiche, mentre l'utente è impegnato nel controllo della tensione muscolare, conduttanza cutanea, respirazione e frequenza cardiaca. Nel secondo protocollo, l’utente ha la possibilità di migliorare il controllo volontario sulle proprie funzioni fisiologiche, quando sotto pressione. Durante tutte le sessioni di 40 minuti, l'utente allena le sue abilità di controllo della respirazione, aumenta la resistenza psicofisica e la gestione di stati emotivi, potenziando un insieme di strumenti e strategie che gli consentano di migliorare le prestazioni sportive o lavorative ed il benessere psicologico. Gli atleti ed i lavoratori hanno la possibilità di gestire lo stress mentre promuovono la propria salute psicofisica. Verranno presentati i risultati della valutazione e delle sedute di training, grazie ad un algoritmo che fornisce automaticamente le principali statistiche dei parametri misurati durante le sessioni e le visualizza su grafici semplici e chiari. I partecipanti a questo corso avranno la possibilità di sperimentare praticamente i protocolli di biofeedback e la loro facile modalità di applicazione. Docenti Principale: Dott.ssa Marianna Munafò, psicologa e Dottore di Ricerca (Ph.D.) in Scienze Psicologiche (indirizzo Psicobiologia), specialista in psicofisiologia applicata. Lavora come consulente psicologa presso la società Mind Room S.r.l., dove è impegnata nello sviluppo e gestione di percorsi di Biofeedback e Neurofeedback, mirati al miglioramento del benessere psicofisiologico ed all’aumento della capacità di autoregolare varie funzioni fisiologiche, in particolar modo in condizioni di stress, in contesti aziendali e sportivi. Collabora inoltre all’attività di ricerca del Servizio di Psicofisiologia per i Disturbi d’Ansia e Psicosomatici presso la Facoltà di Psicologia dell’Università di Padova, dove si occupa dell'assessment psicofisiologico e della programmazione di interventi mirati in ambito clinico di bio e neurofeedback. Svolge attività didattica di supporto per i corsi di psicofisiologia presso la Facoltà di 12 Psicologia dell’Università di Padova ed è docente in diversi corsi di alta formazione sulle tecniche di Biofeedback e Neurofeedback. Destinatari e requisiti: Psicologi, Psichiatri, Neurologi, Medici (no requisiti) Obiettivi formativi: Alla fine del corso i partecipanti: Comprenderanno la struttura e funzione dell’assessment psicofisiologico Impareranno a valutare un profilo psicofisiologico emerso durante l’assessment Sapranno posizionare i principali sensori impiegati per la rilevazione dei segnali fisiologici retro azionati durante le sedute di Biofeeedback Impareranno come condurre alcune sedute standard di biofeedback, focalizzate sulla regolazione muscolare, respiratoria e del livello di attivazione Sapranno leggere il report di una seduta e farne una restituzione alla persona cliente Saranno in grado di gestire protocolli di training 1-Day Workshop Biofeedback e Psicoterapia : una essenziale integrazione nel trattamento dei disturbi psicofisiologici Docenti: Giuseppe Sacco Ph.D. Nota: workshop di un solo giorno in italiano. Registration Code: ITA03 Presentazione: Il workshop affronterà il delicato problema dell'inserimento delle procedure di biofeedback all'interno di una strategia e di un percorso psicoterapeutico. Infatti, partendo dal presupposto che senza un'adeguata relazione e collaborazione terapeutica è poco probabile ottenere risultati efficaci, saranno analizzate le problematiche relative alla presentazione, spiegazione e programmazione delle procedure di biofeedback all'interno di un percorso di psicoterapia. Saranno, inoltre, presi in esame quei fattori cognitivi, emotivi e comportamentali che possono inibire, bloccare o favorire lo svolgimento di una relazione terapeutica collaborativa e facilitante il processo di cambiamento. Verranno, infine, presentati degli esempi clinici pratici che illustreranno in modo concreto l'esposizione della problematica. Docenti Principale: Giuseppe Sacco Ph.D., già Docente di Psicologia Università degli Studi di Siena Presidente Libra Associazione Scientifica, Roma www.librapsicologia.it Destinatare y requisiti: Psicoterapeuti, Psicologi Clinici, Medici Obiettivi Formativi Alla fine del corso i partecipanti sapranno: Comprendere le principali problematiche psicofisiologiche presenti in terapia da trattare con le diverse tipologie di BF Come presentare al paziente l’impiego delle procedure di BF tenendo conto degli indicatori di facilitazione e inibizione della relazione terapeutica. Come inserire all’interno di una strategia terapeutica le procedure di BF 1-Day Workshop La valutazione psicofisiologica Docenti: Carlo Pruneti Nota: workshop di un solo giorno 12 Febbraio italiano. Registration Code: ITA04 Presentazione: La valutazione psicofisiologica: strumenti, accessori e modalità nell’utilizzo clinico e riabilitativo del biofeedback, Il profilo psicofisiologico di base, da stress e da rilassamento: cenni sulle basi psicofisiologiche del rinforzo e sui concetti di Behavioral Inhibition System/Behavioral Activation System (BIS/BAS). La valutazione del profilo tipico di ciascun soggetto prima dell’applicazione di Biofeedback Training anche con l’ausilio di altri strumenti e test per la rilevazione psicologica e medica: quadro psicofisiologico, neuro-ormonale, ematochimico, temperamentale e di personalità, comportamentale ed emozionale. Il profilo psicofisiologico ed il biofeedback come possibile strumento 13 di screening per la prevenzione di sturbi fisici stress correlati. Verranno presentati ed illustrati casi clinici esemplificativi con discussione aperta sui risultati e la opportunità della valutazione in itinere dei trattamenti e del follow up. Docenti Principale: Carlo Pruneti, Professor of Clinical Psychology, Dept. of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Clinical Psycholpgy Unit, University of Parma, Italy Destinatari e requisiti: Obiettivi formativi: 1) Assessment clinico psicologico e psicofisiologico 2) BFB e psicofisiologia clinica, interazione e integrazione 3) Valutazione psicofisiologica e impostazione e verifica dei trattamenti 2-day Workshop Research & Applications - Le ultime tecniche e tecnologie per il successo clinico nella vostra pratica di biofeedback Docenti: Linda Walker, Michele de Matthaeis, Marcella Bounous Nota: questo è un workshop di due giorni venerdi 14 Febbraio e sabato 15 Febbraio, Inglese e italiano. Please note: this is a 2-day workshop in English and Italian Friday, February 14th & Saturday, February 15th. Registration Code: ITA06 Presentazione: Docenti Principale: Linda Walker Destinatari e requisiti: Obiettivi formativi: Alla fine del corso i partecipanti sapranno: 1-Day Workshop Biofeedback e Dolore: emicrania, cefalea di tipo tensivo, fibromyalgia, disturbi temporomandibolari e distonie focali Docenti: Lorena Zanus, Ph.D, Giorgio Bertolotti, Ph.D, Licia Grazzi, MD, Mario Luisa Rousa, Ph.D italiano Nota: workshop di un solo giorno Registration Code: ITA05 Presentazione: This workshop will focus on the practical application of Biofeedback to the treatment of patients with recurrent pain. In the first part (morning), a review of recent literature on efficacy studies will be presented. Biofeedback has been used successfully with a wide range of pain problems including migraine, tension-type headache, pain associated with muscle tension, fibromyalgia syndrome. We will discuss the efficacy of bfb training for focal dystonias (hand dystonia, cervical dystonia, Blepharospasm). Afterwards (afternoon), the participants will get the chance of practicing with instruments and protocols. Docenti Principale: Lorena Zanus, Ph.D Destinatari e requisiti: Obiettivi formativi: Alla fine del corso i partecipanti sapranno: 2-day Workshop su Protocolli clinici secondo il metodo Sella per la valutazione e la riabilitazione con elettromiografia di Superficie Docenti: Gabriel E. Sella, MD Nota: questo è un workshop di due giorni e continua sabato 15 Febbraio, Inglese e italiano. Please note: this is a 2-day workshop in English and Italian and continues on Saturday, February 15th. Registration Code: ITA07 Presentazione: La metodologia dell' elettromiografia di superficie (SEMG) ha ottenuto successi nella diagnosi e trattamento di molte condizioni cliniche. Verranno illustrati gli aspetti clinici di valutazione e trattamento delle seguenti patologie: emicrania da tensione, colpo di frusta, torcicollo sia primario che secondario dovuto a eccessivo utilizzo di muscoli respiratori, dolore toracico di origine muscolare e dolore lombare. I partecipanti avranno una introduzione su come riconoscere clinicamente, attraverso 14 la diagnosi differenziale, la presenza di sintomi specifici per le varie patologie. Verrà illustrato anche come applicare la indagine SEMG muscolare per determinare gli appropriati punti per il trattamento biofeedback e varie modalità di trattamento con protocolli specifici per le varie condizioni. In particolare nel corso della prima giornata verranno approfondite le applicazioni per le patologie del rachide cervicale e arti superiori (neck & shoulder) e nel corso della seconda giornata le patologie della colonna. The SEMG methodology has been successful in the diagnostic and rehabilitative realm for many clinical conditions. The following pathologies will be discussed within the realms of the clinical aspects the investigation and treatment: Tension Headaches Whiplash Cervical dystonia, primary and secondary related to excessive utilization of the accessory muscles of respiration Chest pain of muscular origin Low back pain Docenti Principale: Gabriel E. Sella, MD Destinatari e requisiti: Obiettivi formativi: Alla fine del corso i partecipanti sapranno: The participants will learn the clinical protocols according to differential diagnosis of the various presentations above. The participants will learn to utilize the SEMG methodology to recognize the muscular aspects that could be treated/ rehabilitated with SEMG/ biofeedback. Day I will be dedicated to the pathologies related to the cervical roots and nerves, i.e., the neck and the shoulder. Day II will be dedicated to the pathologies related to the lumbo-sacral roots, the low back and lower limbs. 2-day Workshop Biofeedback in pratica: Dall’assessment psicofisiologico alla valutazione dei Risultati Docenti: Davide Pierini , Giorgio Bertolotti, Giacinta D'Otolo Andrea Crocetti, Alessia Iacuzzi, Loretta Moroni, Beatrice Corsale Nota: questo è un workshop di due giorni Venerdi 14 Febbraio e sabato 15 Febbraio, è solo in italiano. Registration Code: ITA08 Presentazione: Il workshop è rivolto a chi ha una conoscenza di base o intermedia del biofeedback. Nella prima giornata, attraverso la sperimentazione pratica, saranno presentate alcune indicazioni fondamentali rispetto all’organizzazione di un training di biofeedback nelle sue diverse fasi, dall’assessment psicofisiologico alla valutazione dei risultati. Inoltre, saranno discussi approfonditamente dei casi riguardanti differenti ambiti d’intervento (psicologia, rieducazione neuromotoria, disturbi medici funzionali) in modo da mostrare come il biofeedback può essere integrato in diversi contesti e con quali risultati. Durante il primo giorno, mostreremo come condurre e interpretare un assessment psicofisiologico (*stress profile*), come scegliere le modalità di feedback appropriate, come monitorare i progressi di seduta in seduta e come valutare gli effetti dell’intervento. Durante il secondo giorno, saranno introdotti il razionale e la metodologia per condurre un training di biofeedback utilizzando la variabilità della frequenza cardiaca (HRV biofeedback) e successivamente saranno presentati i casi clinici. Docenti Principale: Dott. Davide Pierini, psicologo esperto in neuropsicologia, lavora come istruttore senior presso la BFE e come operatore di biofeedback presso il Montreal Neurofeedback Center. Nel 2004 fonda Keiron, un gruppo interdisciplinare che ha la mission di promuovere lo sviluppo e la realizzazione di modalità di intervento legate alla promozione del la salute biopsicosociale a all’ottimizzazione della prestazione individuale e organizzativa. All’interno di Keiron ha sviluppato Biofeedback Italia con la finalità di favorire la formazione di un network che supporti lo sviluppo 15 professionale della comunità degli operatori di biofeedback in Italia. La sua pratica clinica è focalizzata sui disturbi stress correlati, sui disturbi d’ansia e sulla riabilitazione cognitiva dopo un danno cerebrale acquisito. All’interno di differenti organizzazioni ha lavorato nel settore della salute organizzativa e del risk management in aeronautica. Destinatari e requisiti: professionisti della salute che intendono utilizzare il biofeedback nella loro pratica professionale. È richiesta una conoscenza di base delle principali misure psicofisiologiche e del processo di biofeedback. Obiettivi formativi: Alla fine del corso i partecipanti sapranno: organizzare e realizzare un assessment psicofisiologico in un ottica biopsicosociale preparare e analizzare i dati di un assessment psicofisiologico secondo un modello teorico personalizzare un training di biofeedback sulla base dell’assessment psicofisiologico e delle prove di efficacia organizzare una seduta di training di biofeedback, misurando l’apprendimento dell’autoregolazione psicofisiologica adattare gli schermi, le soglie e il feedback e utilizzare delle strategie pratiche per favorire la regolazione fisiologica combinare diversi strumenti di misura per valutare gli effetti del training di biofeedback in diversi ambiti BCIA Track 5-Day BCIA Neurofeedback Program Fundamentals of Neurofeedback combined with Basic Biofeedback for Assessment and Training (BCIA Accredited course that covers the Blueprint of Knowledge for Neurofeedback) Instructors: Lynda Thompson, Ph.D., and Michael Thompson, M.D. English & Italian Nota: questo è un workshop di due giorni e continua 12 Febbraio, Registration Code: EEGNO1 Abstract: This workshop is designed to train professionals to effectively carry out basic Neurofeedback (NFB) and Biofeedback (BFB) interventions in order to optimize the performance of their clients or to ameliorate the symptoms of a variety of disorders that have been shown to respond to the combination of NFB and BFB. The material covered in the workshop meets the requirements of the Biofeedback Certification International Alliance for the didactic knowledge portion of their certification process. (For the full certification requirements, see www.bcia.org.) We will cover the basics and also introduce participants to more advanced methodologies, including LORETA NFB, z-score training, and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). Designing interventions that are based on integrating knowledge of clinical symptoms, knowledge of functional neuroanatomy, and knowledge of quantitative EEG analysis will be emphasized. Demonstrations will augment the lecture material. 1st Day: Introduction to Neurofeedback including scientific basis for NFB, basic terms & definitions, understanding the EEG, origin of the EEG, montages, removing artifacts, single channel assessment, learning theory (operant & classical conditioning) as it applies to NFB, designing training sessions, tracking results. 2nd Day: Psychophysiological stress assessment, how to effectively run neurofeedback sessions that combine NFB with heart rate variability and other biofeedback variables. Case examples will include ADHD, learning disabilities, seizure disorders, and anxiety. 3rd Day: Basic Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology will be covered to provide the neurophysiological 16 and neuroanatomical rationale for combining HRV with NFB to improve performance in executives and athletes and assist people who have had a concussion. The third day will cover international 10-20 sites and their relation to Brodmann Areas (BA’s), the basics of understanding functions of BAs and neural networks, and an explanation of Brain Maps & LORETA. Case examples will be used extensively. 4th Day: Assessment and treatment of disorders such as Depression, Anxiety and Panic Disorders, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Tourette’s Syndrome, Asperger’s and Autistic Spectrum Disorders, plus other problems as requested by participants. 5th Day: Review of other required material from the BCIA Blueprint of Knowledge such as basic statistics, research design, levels of efficacy based on research, data bases, slow cortical potentials, evoked potentials (ERPs), medication effects, adjunctive techniques and ethics. Lynda Thompson, Ph.D. is a Psychologist who has done teaching, clinical psychology, school psychology and owned learning centers. Her doctoral dissertation (1979) dealt with hyperactive children treated with methylphenidate and she is co-author, with renowned pediatrician William Sears, of *The A.D.D. Book: New Understandings, New Approaches to Parenting Your Child*. She became Executive Director of The ADD Centre in Toronto in 1993 after discovering the world of Neurofeedback and deciding with her husband, Dr. Michael Thompson, to create a clinic to specialize in that intervention. After a decade in the field, in 2003 they co-authored *The Neurofeedback Book: An Introduction to Basic Concepts in Applied Psychophysiology. *Lynda has served on the Boards of both the Biofeedback Certification International Alliance and the International Society for Neurofeedback and Research and is on the editorial board of the Journal of Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback. She and Michael have authored numerous journal articles and book chapters on AttentionDeficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, stress management, Autistic Spectrum Disorders and seizure disorders. Lynda and Michael, with their combined backgrounds in Psychology and Medicine, have made a unique contribution by emphasizing the importance of combining interventions for brain and body through the use of neurofeedback, biofeedback and metacognitive strategies. They have been invited to teach about neurofeedback and biofeedback in 25 countries on five continents. Michael Thompson, M.D. devotes his time to the administration of the Biofeedback Institute of Toronto and teaching about neurofeedback plus biofeedback. When formerly practicing medicine he was Medical Director of London Psychiatric Hospital; Associate Professor and head of post-graduate education in Psychiatry, University of Western Ontario; examiner for the Royal College of Physicians (Canada) for 10 years and chairman of their examinations committee in psychiatry. Numerous professional publications include *A Resident’s Guide to Psychiatric Education. *While Associate Professor, University of Toronto,* *he was psychiatric consultant to The Hospital for Sick Children’s neurology department and director of a centre that specialized in treating pre-school children with autistic spectrum disorders. Recent work has included more than 120 professional presentations and workshops on 5 continents and in more than 25 countries focused on assessment and training using EEG and peripheral Biofeedback. Prior to doing Neurofeedback, Dr. Thompson had more than 20 peer reviewed journal publications, 7 professional textbook chapters, one book and more than 100 presentations with a major focus on training psychiatrists, child development, attention deficit, learning, autism, and handling neurological illnesses. Since beginning a centre for biofeedback he has published with Dr. Lynda Thompson, 6 book chapters, and 15 journal articles on ADHD, Asperger’s Syndrome, and stress management, as well as books including the basic textbook in the field, *The Neurofeedback Book* *An Introduction to Basic Concepts in Applied Psychophysiology*. Who Should Attend and Prerequisites: Please contact conferences@bfe.org for details Learning objectives: Please contact conferences@bfe.org for details 5-Day BCIA Biofeedback Program Instructors: Donald Moss, Ph.D., Erik Peper, Ph.D., Fred Shaffer, Ph.D. English with Italian sequential translation 17 Monday, February 11th to Saturday, February 15th Please note: there is no class on Thursday February 13th – Scientific Day Registration Code: BFBEN01 Abstract: This foundation 5-day seminar is designed to teach clinicians biofeedback fundamentals and cutting-edge applications. This program covers all 48 hours of the BCIA Didactic Biofeedback Education requirement through powerful demonstrations of biofeedback and adjunctive procedures, imaginative hands-on lab exercises with multi-channel computerized equipment, professional multimedia presentations, and comprehensive review materials. This program integrates personal hands-on training with equipment with didactic presentation. 1. Educational Objectives This workshop is designed for teach BCIA’s 48-hour Biofeedback didactic blueprint using a modular approach. This workshop emphasizes hands-on learning and mastery of entry-level knowledge. While institutions may contract for a 6-day, 48-hour onsite workshop, they may also request a 4- or 5-day onsite workshop followed by online instruction over the remaining didactic units like ethics. 2. Prerequisites for Participation Attendees must be employees of the host institution who are eligible for BCIA certification for Academics, Clinicians, or Technicians. 3. Schedule and format Day 1 Orientation to Biofeedback – 4 hours (1-A Definitions, 1-B History, 1-C Concepts, 1-D Principles of Learning, and 1-E Research) Format: lecture. Assigned reading: Tutor units on Concepts, History, and Research. Stress, Coping, and Illness – 4 hours (2-A Biopsychosocial model, 2-B Stressful life events, 2-C Psychophysiological reactions, and 2-D Psychosocial mediators), Format: lecture and demonstration of a psychophysiological profile. Assigned reading: Tutor units on Psychophysiology and Stress. Day 2 Psychophysiological recording – 8 hours (3-A Descriptions of biofeedback modalities, 3-B Sources of artifact, 3-C Shock hazards, and 3-D Essential electronic terms and concepts) Format: lecture, lab exercises for BVP, HR, HRV, respiration, SCL, SEMG, and Temperature covering site selection, skin preparation, sensor attachment, artifact control, tracking tests, and baseline recording. Assigned reading: Tutor units on Anatomy (skeletal muscles, cardiovascular, electrodermal, and respiration) and Hardware (electricity, cardiovascular, electrodermal, respiration, and SEMG). Day 3 Surface electromyographic applications – 8 hours (4-A Muscle anatomy and physiology, 4-B Central nervous system, 4-C Chronic neuromuscular pain, 4-D General treatment considerations, and 4-E Target muscles, placements, and protocols). Format: lecture, SEMG lab exercises on bilateral recording, the effect narrow and wide bandpasses on EMG values, the effect of narrow and wide electrode spacing on EMG values, and recording from agonist and antagonist muscles. Assigned reading: Tutor units on Anatomy: Skeletal muscles, Anatomy: Pain, Hardware: EMG, Neuromuscular applications, Musculoskeletal applications, and Pain applications). Day 4 Autonomic nervous system applications – 8 hours (5-A ANS structure and function, 5-B Psychophysiological concepts, 5-C General applications of autonomic biofeedback, and 5-D Pathophysiology, biofeedback modalities, and treatment protocols). Format: lecture, demonstration of treatment protocols for common disorders, and lab exercises over 18 the orienting response, fight-or-flight response, comparison of BVP and temperature responses to a stressor, and the effect of cold hand temperature on the responsiveness of a BVP sensor. Assigned reading: Tutor units on Anatomy: Autonomic, Psychophysiology, and Autonomic applications. Day 5 Electroencephalographic Applications – 4 hours (6-A Specific central nervous system pathways and neurotransmitters, 6-B Neuronal sources of scalp EEG, 6-C. EEG patterns, 6-D Clinical uses and efficacy, and 6-E Potential effects of drugs on the EEG) Format: lecture and labs over common EEG placements, skin preparation, sensor attachment, artifact control, tracking tests, baseline recording, and alpha up-training. Assigned reading: Tutor units on Anatomy: EEG, Hardware: EEG, and Clinical Applications: EEG. Professional Conduct – 4 hours (8-A Responsibility and competence, 8-B Client rights, 8-C Supervision and consultation, Professional relationships, and 8-D Record keeping) Format: lecture and case examples. Assigned reading: Tutor unit on Ethics, BCIA’s Professional Standards and Ethical Principles, and ISNR’s Standards of Practice for Neurofeedback and Neurotherapy Day 6 Adjunctive Interventions – 8 hours (7-A Intake procedures, 7-B Relaxation methods, 7-C Psychotherapeutic techniques, 7-D Cognitive interventions, 7-E Nutritional considerations, and 7-F The effects of exercise) Format: lecture and lab exercises over autogenic relaxation, effortless breathing, progressive relaxation, and the effect of effort on heart rate variability. Assigned reading: Tutor unit on Relaxation. 4. List of faculty and credentials Fred Shaffer, PhD, BCB, Professor of Psychology at Truman State University and Saybrook University Donald Moss, PhD, BCB, BCN, Professor of Psychology 5. Number of credit hours and Blueprint coverage The workshop will cover all 48-hours of BCIA’s Biofeedback blueprint. The majority of these hours (including all labs) will be taught on site. The remainder will be taught online using Blackboard by the workshop faculty. Attendees will read the corresponding Tutor units, listen to lecture podcasts, and pass the corresponding mastery quizzes in Tutor. Erik Peper, PhD., is an internationally known expert on holistic health, stress management, and biofeedback. He is a professor at San Francisco State University, where he was instrumental in establishing the Institute for Holistic Health Studies, the first holistic health program at a public university in the U.S. He is president of the Biofeedback Federation of Europe (BFE) and former president of the Association for Applied Psychophysiology. He has received numerous awards such as the State of California Governor's Employee Safety Award in 2004 for his contributions to improving workplace health for computer users, the 2005 Sheila Adler Award from AAPB for his efforts to support and encourage student participation, and the 2011 Recipient of the Biofeedback Foundation of Europe Educator Award. He is an author of numerous scientific articles and books: Biofeedback Mastery, Muscle Biofeedback at the Computer, Make Health Happen Training: Yourself to Create Wellness, De Computermens and Fighting Cancer-A Nontoxic Approach to Treatment. He has a biofeedback practice in Berkeley, California and publishes a blog titled The Peper Perspective: Ideas on illness, health and well-being. He has been an invited speaker at international conference in the United States, Europe and Asia and is recognized expert on holistic health, stress management and workplace health. His research interests focus upon strategies to optimize health, illness prevention, holistic health, healthy computing, and respiratory psychophysiology. Donald Moss, Ph.D., is Chair of the School of Mind-Body Medicine, at Saybrook University in San Francisco. He is co-author of Pathways to Illness, Pathways to Health (Springer, 2013), chief editor of Handbook of Mind-Body Medicine for Primary Care (Sage, 2003) and Humanistic and Transpersonal Psychology (Greenwood, 1998), chief editor of Biofeedback: A Clinical Journal, and consulting editor for other journals. He has published over 60 articles and book chapters on psychophysiology, spirituality, health, and 19 integrative medicine. His special research and clinical interests lie in the areas of heart rate variability biofeedback, respiration training, and the treatment of trauma, anxiety disorders, and functional medical disorders. Dr. Moss is past-president of Division 30 (hypnosis) of the American Psychological Association, pastpresident of the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, treasurer for the Society of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, treasurer for Division 30 (APA), a delegate to the International Society for Hypnosis, a Board member of the Biofeedback Certification International Alliance, and on the advisory board for the International Network for Integrative Mental Health. Fred Shaffer, PhD, BCB is a biological psychologist and professor of Psychology and former Department Chair at Truman State University, where he has taught since 1975 and has served as Director of Truman’s Center for Applied Psychophysiology since 1977. In 2008, he received the Walker and Doris Allen Fellowship for Faculty Excellence. In 2013, he received the Truman State University Outstanding Research Mentor of the Year award. He co-authored with Tony Hughes, PhD, BCB, a chapter on certification and ethics in Case Studies in Applied Psychophysiology: Neurofeedback and Biofeedback Treatments for Advances in Human Performance. He co-authored with Donald Moss, PhD, a chapter on biofeedback in the Textbook of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2nd ed.). He co-authored with Mark S. Schwartz, PhD, BCB, a chapter on entering the field and assuring competence in Biofeedback: A Practitioner’s Guide (4th ed.). He is a consulting editor for Biofeedback: Clinical Journal and contributing editor for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback. Dr. Shaffer is the Chair of the Biofeedback Certification International Alliance (BCIA). Who Should Attend and Prerequisites: Please contact conferences@bfe.org for details Learning objectives: Please contact conferences@bfe.org for details 2-Day BCIA HRV certification workshop Instructors: Donald Moss, Ph.D., and Fred Shaffer, Ph.D. English with Italian sequential translation Friday, February 14th to Saturday, February 15th Registration Code: BFBEN02 Abstract: Please contact conferences@bfe.org for details Lead Presenters: Don Moss, Ph.D & Fred Shaffer, Ph.D. Who Should Attend and Prerequisites: Please contact conferences@bfe.org for details Learning objectives: Please contact conferences@bfe.org for details Pre-Conference Workshop 1-day BioGraph Infiniti Workshop Instructor: with Frank DeGregorio English Monday, February 10th Registration Code: PCWEN01 Abstract: This 1-day workshop is for researchers and health professionals who want to learn how to use the latest "cutting edge" biofeedback technology. The morning session provides an overview of the key features of the BioGraph Infiniti 6.0 software and hardware. Software suites that can be showcased include Neurofeedback, Physiology, Rehab-Continence, Rehab- Muscle , Z-Score, HRV, and Reaction Time. The afternoon session, shows participants how to use different sensors including Surface Electromyography (SEMG), Respiration, Temperature, Skin Conductance, Electroencephalography (EEG), Heart Rate and Electrocardiology (EKG) with audio and visual multimedia biofeedback screens, sounds and games. (This course has been approved by BCIA to provide 7 hours of Category A accredited continuing education for BCIA recertification.) Lead Presenter: Frank DeGregorio Frank DeGregorio has a Diplome d'Etudes Collegiales (DEC) in Computer Science and Networking and a 20 Certificate as a Programming Analyst. He has over 19 years of experience as technical, network, computer and high-level troubleshooting for Thought Technology. In addition, he has over 12 years of experience teaching BioGraph workshops with Lynda Thompson, Ph.D. and had the opportunity to attend a wide variety of workshops held by clinicians such as Dr. Barry Sterman, Dr. Tanju Surmeli, Dr. Don Moss and Dr. Richard Gevirtz, Dr. Erik Peper and Dr. Vietta Sue Wilson. Frank's extensive knowledge of all the product software and hardware offered by Thought Technology gives him the unique ability to take participants from installation of the software to using it effectively. Who Should Attend and Prerequisites: This workshop is NOT limited to current BioGraph Infiniti users only. Clinicians who have an interest in Biofeedback and in BioGraph Infiniti but do not currently possess our equipment are welcome to register! Learning objectives: Please contact conferences@bfe.org for details 21
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