Get my CV - Giuseppe Ballone

Personal informations
Full Name:
Place and date of birth:
Giuseppe Ballone
8 June 1989 - Pescara, Italy
Via Monte San Michele 53, 20099 Sesto San Giovanni (MI), Italy
+39 3203032134
Websites: /
2003 - 2008:
High school, Publishing Graphic & Printing Techniques at V. Bellisario, Pescara.
2008 - 2010:
Creative & Multimedia Design course at Infobasic, Pescara.
2010 - 2011:
Master Art Direction at Fondazione Accademia di Comunicazione, Milan.
January - June 2014:
Intensive English course at Zoni Language Centers,
from January to April in Vancouver (BC, Canada) and in June in West New York (NJ, USA).
Work experiences
June - August 2009:
September 2009 - June 2010:
Graphic Designer at Mirus & Co, Pescara.
Graphic Designer at New York Graphics, Pescara.
March - August 2010:
Graphic and Web Designer at MS3, Pescara.
April - October 2011:
Web Designer at Now Available, Milan.
November 2011 - November 2013:
December 2013 - ... :
October 2014 - December 2014:
Digital Art Director at Red Cell, Milan.
Web Designer freelance.
Digital Art Director & UI Designer at Purple Network, Milan.
After Effects
Premiere Pro
Video Editing
Art Direction
Ui Design
Web Deseign
Action Script
Graphic Design
Autorizzo il trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi dell’art. 13 del Decreto Legislativo 30 giugno 2003, n. 196
Giuseppe was born in 1989, in Pescara, Italy.
He lived in his hometown until 2010, where he studied creative & multimedia design and worked as graphic and
web designer.
He grew up professionally in Milan, where he attended Accademia di Comunicazione and worked as digital art
director for the advertising companies Now Available and Red Cell.
After three years of hard work he made the decision to take a break and spend six amazing months in Vancouver
and New York about which you can read on
When the travel was over he started to work in Milan again, cooperating with the web agency Purple Network as
digital art director and UI designer.
Accurate, reliable, curious and sociable, Giuseppe is a good problem solver, with a strong sense of duty and a
stronger will to win every challenge.
His passions are street photography, video games, art and rock music.
About photography, he likes the digital but his true love is the film and all the nostalgia that old cameras give off, a
kind of escape from the digital life that he lives.
Worked for
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Autorizzo il trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi dell’art. 13 del Decreto Legislativo 30 giugno 2003, n. 196