STEFANO ZUNARELLI Prof. Avv. Stefano Zunarelli Founding Partner SEDE DI BOLOGNA Via Del Monte, 10 40126 - Bologna Tel 051 27 50 020 Fax 051 23 74 12 Bologna Via Del Monte, 10 Milano Via U. Visconti di Modrone, 6 Roma Via della Scrofa, 64 Trieste Via san Nicolo’, 19 Torino Via Morghen, 22 Palermo Via Principe di Villafranca, 50 Bari Via Amendola,166/5 Ravenna Via Ponte Marino, 10 Rimini Via Tripoli, 17 Parma Via XXII Luglio, 60 La Spezia Via Tommaseo, 25 Shanghai – P.R. China Jing’an China Tower, Unit 1209, 1701 West Beijing rd, Jing’an District Born in Bologna, November 23, 1955 Resident in Bologna, P.zza Galileo Galilei, 3 Married, with one son e-mail: ACADEMIC CURRICULUM 1978 – Doctor in Law, University of Bologna 1984 – 1991 – Lecturer of Maritime and Aviation Law, Faculty of Law, University of Bologna 1991-1995 – Professor (with tenure) of Maritime and Aviation Law, Faculty of Law, University of Camerino 1995 – to date – Professor (with tenure) of Maritime and Aviation Law, Faculty of Law, University of Bologna; Professor of Transportation Law, Faculty of Engineering, University of Bologna 1991 – Visiting professor of ‘Maritime Law’, Instituto Europeo de Derecho Maritimo, Gijon (Spain) 1994 – Visiting professor of ‘Derecho de los transportes’, Universitad Externado de Colombia, Bogotà (Colombia) 1998 – 2004 – Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Bologna 1999 – to date – Director, Postgraduate Course ‘Master in Transport Law and Economics’, University of Bologna 2007 – to date – President, Ravenna Campus, University of Bologna. Author of three books and many articles in Italian and international reviews in the field of maritime, port, aviation, airport and land carriage activities regulation. Member of the board of the reviews ‘Diritto Marittimo’, ‘Journal of international maritime law’, ‘Diritto dei trasporti’, ‘Diritto del Turismo’ and ‘Trasporti’. Director of the series ‘Quaderni del corso di perfezionamento Master in diritto ed economia dei trasporti e della logistica’ and ‘Diritto e pratica dei trasporti’. MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES From 1985 to 1996 he represented the Italian Government in the Juridical Committee of International Maritime Organisation (IMO)London- and in Diplomatic Conferences where International Conventions were adopted: The nationality of ships (1986), Salvage (1989), Carriage of passengers and their luggage by sea (1990), Carriage of hazardous and noxious substances by sea (1996), Maritime liens and mortgages (1996). In 1995 he was appointed by the International Maritime Organization BOGOTÀ | MAPUTO E PEMBA | TRIPOLI | ISTANBUL | CASABLANCA | PARIGI (IMO) to prepare the draft Maritime Code of the Republic of Albania. Member of the Commission appointed by the Italian Government for the amendment of the Aviation and Airport Regulation (19982001) and of the Road Transport Regulation (2005-to date). Member of the Working Group instituted by the European Commission for processing a European Community set of rules concerning liability in multimodal transport of goods (19992001). Member of the Working group established by UNCITRAL for the preparation of a new international convention on maritime transport of goods (2004-2008). Member of the Commission established by the Italian Ministry of Transport for the drawing up of the National Transport Program (1999- 2001), and of the National Program for the Development of Logistics (2004-2006). Consultant to the Port Authorities of Trieste, Ravenna, Ancona, Civitavecchia and Taranto. Consultant to the Airport Authorities of Naples, Bologna, Pisa, Forlì, Trieste and Rimini. Consultant to the Italian Government and to a number of Regional and Local Governments in Italy for the regulation of transport activities. President, since 2003, of the Emilia Romagna Regional Institute for Transport and Logistic Activities. Consultant to several Italian and European companies operating in the field of road, maritime and air carriage, to Insurance Companies and to some of the major Italian companies interested in commodities trading. Member of the Board of Directors of Fiere Internazionali di Bologna s.p.a. (2001-2004), of the S.A.B. Bologna Airport Company s.p.a. (2007 - to date), of the SO.NO.RA. Ravenna City Harbour company s.r.l. (2009 - to date) and of the Technical Board of RINA Italian Classification Register (1999- to date). President from 2007 to 2009, of the Scientific Committee of the Italian National Council for Transport and Logistics (Italian Government - Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport). Vice-President of the Italian Maritime Law Association (2008- to date). 2
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