Renewing your Residence Permit (For Non-European Citizens)
The law states that application for renewal must be made 60 days before expiry. If you meet all
requirements but are late in submitting your renewal request, you will be allowed to apply up to 60 days
following the date of expiration of your permit.
Renewing your permit of stay is a five step process:
Step One - Document collection
Post office application kit.
Copy of Politecnico enrollment certificate (obtainable from Politecnico’s master office)
Copy of MIP certificate stating that you have passed at least 2 exams
Copy of your health insurance policy valid for the Schengen area and for the entire period of your
Copy of your recent bank statement certifying that you have at least €5,750 available (for 2014)
Copy of your passport (main page and Italian visa page)
One €16.00 marca da bollo, the stamp duty that you can buy at any Tobacco shop (Tabacchi)
2 passport photographs
€155 in cash
Remember: payment at the Post Office can only be made in cash. Credit cards and other forms of payment
are not accepted.
How to obtain your enrollment certificate from Politecnico’s Master Office
1. Fill out an enrollment certificate request form
2. Take it to the Politecnico di Milano Master Office – Leonardo Campus (MM2 Piola), with two marca da
bollo of €16 (one marca da bollo for the request and one marca da bollo for each document). The
certificate will be issued on the spot.
Full address: Servizio Offerta Formativa Post Laurea - Campus Leonardo – Building 2 - Piazza Leonardo da
Vinci, 32 – 20133 Milano - Italy
Receiving hours: Monday to Friday: 09:30 to 12:00. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday also in the afternoon,
from 14:30 to 16:00
Step 2 - Fill out the application form
Step 3 - At the post office
At the post office, pay the application fees and send the application. After submitting your application, you
will receive a receipt and a letter stating the time and date of your appointment at the Police Station
(Commissariato). The Assicurata receipt is the most important document that you will receive. Please scan
any documents received and send them to
Step 4 - At Commissariato/Ufficio Immigrazione
Go to your appointment at the police station and bring the following documents:
The receipts and letter of appointment that you received at the post office
All the original documents that you inserted in the kit
Your passport
2 passport photographs
Step 5 - Collecting your permit of stay
When you receive a text message indicating that your card is ready, go and collect it at the
indicated address. Alternatively, if you do not receive a text message for some time, you can check
the progress of your residence application online by using the User ID and password on the receipt
(assicurata) collected from the post office. Enter the details at the Immigration Portal site.
Travelling whilst awaiting your renewed permit of stay
With the postal receipt of your application for renewal of your permit of stay and your expired permit of
you cannot travel in the Schengen area.
You may travel to other countries, including your own country, provided that you do not travel
through other countries in the Schengen area, even in transit.
Upon re-entry in Italy, you will need to have the postal receipt of your renewal application, your
expired permit of stay and your valid passport.
See below for instructions on how to properly fill out Modulo 1 of the Permesso di Soggiorno renewal
form. The boxes left blank have been intentionally left blank, and as such do not need to be filled in.