)1( Axel Erdmann Alberto Govi Fabrizio Govi COMMUNICATION IN SIXTEENTH CENTURY WESTERN EUROPE: EPISTOLARIES, LETTER-WRITING MANUALS AND MODEL LETTER BOOKS 1501-1600 With an introduction by Judith Rice Henderson Title-page )2( Picture of a Part of the Collection )3( Contents Introduction by Judith Rice Henderson Preface VII XXIII Part one: The catalogue I. II. III. Letter collections by single authors and anthologies Letter-writing manuals Model letter collections, fictitious letter collections and some letter collections by 15th century authors (mostly schoolbook editions printed in the 16th century) List of abbreviations Chronological list of the collection List of printers (arranged by towns) Index of authors, editors, senders, recipients, places and names 1 521 561 599 600 605 607 Part two: Bibliographical sources I. II. III. IV. Letter collections 1501-1600 (finding list) Letter-writing manuals 1501-1600 (finding list) Secondary literature Subject index to secondary literature Table of Contents xxx xxx xxx xxx )4( Introduction Thumbing text messages on a cell phone while waiting in line to buy the latest development in communication technology, the ‘letter writer’ in the global village today may have difficulty imagining what ars epistolica (the art of letter writing) meant to the Renaissance man or woman, several centuries before computers or even typewriters and ballpoint pens had been invented, even before literacy had become widespread and regular postal service made available to the public. Europeans of the sixteenth century, both those privileged with education and the illiterate who had to turn to a notary or secretary or scribe to write on their behalf, deemed letter writing a vitally important skill. Those classically trained would have said that it required as much ingenium (natural ability), as much ars (rules of grammar and rhetoric, knowledge of social conventions and of literary models), and as much exercitatio (practice) as writing poetry, plays, or other complex literary genres. Having prepared their homemade pens and ink, letter writers had to adjust to their audience and purpose by attending to the delicate etiquette of the quality and quantity of paper used, where words should be placed on the page, and in what and whose hand. Intricate formulas of address, greeting, farewell, dating, and signature also expressed the appropriate attitude of authority or deference that were the currency of a hierarchical society.1 Letter writing was an exercise in rhetorical persuasion; in Aristotelian terms, the writer’s ethos (self-presentation) and pathos (appeal to the emotions of the audience) were as vital to the success of the letter as its carefully structured logos (argument). In one respect, though, the Renaissance letter writer’s experience might be compared to social networking in our digital age. Any message was potentially public, though not, as today, because it was easy to distribute. Wealthy individuals and institutions hired messengers; others, entrusting their letters to acquaintances traveling, might wonder if their messages would reach their destinations in months or years, if at all. The difficulty and expense of transmitting a letter in the sixteenth century called attention to it and aroused curiosity. Thus a letter writer might hope less for privacy than for a messenger who would reliably report and elaborate the intention of the message not only to the recipient but to the recipient’s household or circle or even royal court in what would probably be an oral presentation and reading of the letter. In many cases, multiple messengers would share the contents along the route as they relayed the letter to other travelers. When efforts were made to limit readership by seals or even codes, they were not always successful.2 Writers also had to reckon with the possibility that their letters might be circulated without permission more widely still, either in manuscript or in print using the comparatively new technology of a press with movable from J.R. Henderson’s Introduction )5( Conclusion The development of letter writing in the Renaissance was an international movement in which the well-established medieval tradition of the ars dictaminis was modified and developed but not entirely replaced by the humanist recovery of classical letter collections and rhetorical treatises and by imitation of classical models. In Latin letter writing, the Italic peninsula led the way for a century and a half. In his study of the printing history and content of rhetorical manuals, including Latin manuals of letter writing, Peter Mack observes that “by the final quarter of the fifteenth century intellectual leadership in rhetoric had passed to northern Europe. Most important renaissance rhetoricians, including Agricola, Erasmus, Melanchthon, Ramus, Talon, Vossius, and Caussin, came from and worked in the Netherlands, France, and Germany.” Even the Iberian peninsula was largely influenced by ‘Parisian fashions,’ while sixteenth-century Italy largely stood aside from these developments. However, Mack notes several exceptions to this generalization, including the Ciceronian controversy and vernacular rhetoric.75 His conclusions about rhetorical manuals in general appear also to fit manuals of letter writing, one of the varieties of rhetoric that he studies.76 The Erasmian synthesis of medieval and classical traditions in letter writing continued to influence sixteenth-century pedagogy even when censorship of Erasmus’ works prevented Roman Catholic teachers from mentioning him among their sources. However, Erasmus’ satire of Ciceronianism was not well received by his contemporaries and did little more than refocus toward argument and audience rather than strictly diction and grammar the humanist devotion to Cicero’s letters as models for imitation. Ultimately, the religious schism had as great an effect as Erasmus on expanding the range of stylistic models for students writing Latin letters, whether that variety was motivated by an iconoclastic Protestant celebration of clarity and simplicity or by a Roman Catholic reassertion of Christian tradition or by the sober commitment to philology of both the Protestant and Catholic Reformations as an aid to resolving philosophical and theological issues under debate. Through the seventeenth century, Latin letter writing would gradually decline from its status as a living medium of international communication. In the division of the Latin West into competing Christian creeds, however, the familiar letter, especially the vernacular letter, found its place as a forum for new ideas and for new voices that were barred from public life and the pulpit, including those of women. In vernacular letter writing and vernacular manuals of letter writing, Italy once again took the lead in the middle decades of the sixteenth century. Its scholars, printers, courtly circles, and ‘poligrafi’ enjoyed a brief interlude of freedom from censorship that left a long-lasting influence on northern European literature and popular culture. Judith Rice Henderson Department of English College of Arts & Science University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon Canada from J.R. Henderson’s Introduction )6( Preface “Est enim (quod scite scriptum est à Turpilio comico) epistola absentium amicorum quasi mutuus sermo, quem neque agrestem, aut asperum, neque fucatum esse oportet neque una de re, neque ad fastidium usque multum. Eoque simplicitatem, candorem, festivitatem, argutiam amat hoc epistolarum genus” (‘For a letter, as the comic poet Turpilius skillfully put it, is a mutual conversation between absent friends, which should be neither unpolished, rough or artificial, nor confined to a simple topic nor tediously long. Thus the epistolary form favours simplicity, frankness, humour and wit’) Desiderius Erasmus De conscribendis epistolis, Basel, 1522, p. 21 (English translation in CEW, 25/3, p. 20) “Tutte le lettere scritte ò da scriversi, cosi publiche come private, contengono, ò cose passate, ò presenti, ò future. Però dissero gli antichi, & i moderni lo confermano, che le lettere in qualunque materia scritte, sono comprese da i tre generi de gl’Oratori co quali abbracciarono le cause, cioè dal dimostrativo, dal deliberativo, & dal giudiciale...”. Francesco Sansovino Del secretario, Venezia, 1580, l. 26r “Ce sont grands imprimeurs de lettres, que les Italiens, j’en ay, ce crois-je, cent divers volumes: Celles de Annibale Caro me semblent les meilleures”. Michel de Montaigne Les Essays, I, XXXIX, J. Balsamo et al., eds., Paris, 2007, p. 257 THESE QUOTATIONS from three early modern authors express just some aspects of the here displayed collection of letter books. In the course of the sixteenth century the ‘letter’ became a more and more broader category (especially with the advent of vernacular letter collections), including practically anything that had a salutation and a signature. Letter writing was still heavily linked to scholastic rhetoric in the beginning of the century and gradually developed into a new art, greatly expanding its functions from business, legal and administrative matters, ‘exchange of the duties of courtesy’, networking and knowledge distribution to literary exercise, self-conscious image building and self-fashioning, search for patronage, vehicle for political and religious propaganda, and an occasion for diversion and entertainment. To the modern scholar and reader, however, the collection also shows an incredibly wide and intricate network of communication covering the whole of Western Europe and also penetrating the Eastern regions. This is particularly evidenced by the two comprehensive indices: one containing the many thousand senders and recipients, the other covering the name of the places from where the letters were sent. Scholars from Poland corresponded with fellows in Sicily and Portuguese humanists with those of Hungary. Who would not be surprised to find in the correspondence of Taddeo Duno, an Italian exile in Switzerland, letters to and from the great mathematician and physician Girolamo Cardano; or in the correspondence of Justus Lipsius letters to Michel de Montaigne and to Marie de Gournay, the latter’s fille d’alliance. Moreover letters did not only satisfy curiosity for the private and personal, but the here displayed published correspondence of over 30’000 letters, also includes a huge range of fashionable and current questions in social, political, religious and scientific discourse, giving an incredibly multifarious insight into a whole century of from the Authors’ Preface )7( history, local and nationwide, more or less reliable. Thus, the ‘familiar’ (private) letter, could be seen today not merely as a vehicle of personal communication, but brings the reader also closer to the daily life at the court of a prince or in the household of humanist. The collection here presented is mostly focused on sixteenth century imprints produced in Western Europe, and should give a representative overview on the subject of letter-writing in the sixteenth century. Ars epistolica is divided into two main parts: (I) ‘The Catalogue’, in which the collection is described in great detail, and (II) ‘Bibliographical Sources’. Part I is divided into three sections: (I) Letter collections by single authors and anthologies, (II) Manuals of letter-writing, (III) Model letter collections, fictitious letter collections and some letter collections by 15th century authors (mostly schoolbook editions printed in the 16th century). At the end of the first section are found a chronological list of the titles in the collection, a list of printer’s arranged by towns, and a comprehensive index of all authors, editors, senders, and recipients, as well as places. Part II (‘Bibliographical Sources’) is also divided into three sections: in the first we tried to list all letter collections printed between 1501 and 1600, in the second all letter-writing manuals printed during the same period, and in the third is found a comprehensive list of the secondary literature, which appeared until the publishing of the present work, and a subject index to it. The criteria used to compile the ‘finding lists’ are the same as those used by the editors of the Index Aureliensis (q.v.), i.e. the places of printing and publication of the single works printed in the same year are listed in alphabetical order, with the effect that the first edition of a work is not always listed first. An asterisk (*) after a title means that in the volume is contained one or several more works. Variant spelling of the titles are not given. Printers are given with their family names - also for books printed by their heirs -, and only in case of ambiguity the initials of the first name are quoted (e.g. H. Estienne for Henri Estienne; F. Estienne for François Estienne). Printings without printing place are abbreviated, n.pl.; without printer’s name, n. pr., without date, n.d. In the list of epistolaries we omitted purposely works written and printed before 1501, as well as those by authors of the antiquity, middle ages and fifteenth century (with a few exceptions). Also ignored are books containing only one or a few letters addressed to a single correspondent, or on a single topic, which do not have the character of a letter collection. Sixteenth century vernacular translations of letter collections by ancient authors such as Cicero, Pliny, Petrarch, etc. are left out as well (with a very few exceptions). Of the numerous ‘news-letter’ (avvisi, advis, sendbrief, relaciones)-collections published during this period, only a representative, but rich choice has been included. On the other hand we have included collections of letters, which are intended more as models for letter writing than representing a proper choice of letters by a certain author (e.g. Zucchi, 1599). In the secondary literature section we did not list monographs and articles related only to autograph material not published in the 16th century. Every title presented in the ‘Catalogue’ is described in great detail starting with a transcription of the title-page and then followed by the exact collation, the citation of the most important bibliographical records, the editorial history of the work and its aftermath. Next are listed all the letters contained in the work with, whenever possible, the names of the senders and recipients, as well as the place from where the letter was written and the date. The description ends with a short biography of the author and/or the editor. In listing the letters of the collection, we have put within square brackets all the material (names, dates, places), which is not mentioned in the text, but has been identified through internal evidence, or, recent research. The abbreviation n.r. (i.e. no recipient) occurs when a recipient is not mentioned. When the place and/or date are missing in the original work, and could not be identified, we omitted them too. The names of the senders and recipients have been transcribed in their modern version (e.g. Cornaro becomes Corner). In those cases where the Latin name of the person is today more customary than his/her original name, we have listed both of them (e.g. Andrzej Krziczki or Cricius or Critius; François Dubois or Sylvius). The name of places are rendered in their original language. Incidentally the collection does not only provide an enormous amount of historical facts, local and of European relevance, but also a representative survey of the printing business of a whole century exemplified by 127 printers from thirty different European towns. from the Authors’ Preface )8( We renounced to translate all foreign-language citations for two reasons: first, mostly because these citation only confirm statements already expressed in English, and secondly to avoid to greatly inflate the already enormous size of the volume. To the numerous friends and colleagues, who helped us, and furthered this project, we extend our most grateful thanks. The list of sympathetic, enthusiastic people, who were, in one way or the other involved in the arduous quest of finding books for the collection, and who helped us in the research, is too long to be reproduced here. We are indebted to the staff of several libraries (Universitätsbibliothek Basel, Bibliothèque de Genève, Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern, Zentralbibliothek Zürich and Biblioteca Estense Universitaria Modena). Without their zealous and patient help and collaboration this work would never have been realized. Our hope is that the collection will find a new home, in which it could possibly grow further and generate additional research in this fascinating field. A.E., A. & F.G. Luzern & Modena, January 23, 2014 from the Authors’ Preface )9( ARETINO, Pietro (1492-1556). Al Sacratissimo Re d’Inghilterra il secondo libro de le lettre... Venezia, Francesco Marcolini, (August) 1542. 8vo. 591 (i.e. 595), (13) pp. (with errors in the pagination). A-Z, AA-PP8. With the printer’s device on the title-page and the portrait of the author on the verso of the last leaf. Old vellum over boards, red edges, with the contemporary entry of ownership of ‘W. Waad. Venetiae 1579’, i.e. William Waad (1546-1623), clerk of the council, diplomatist, and lieutenant of the Tower of London. Basso, p. 42; Edit 16, CNCE 2441; Index Aurelienis, 107.080; Quondam, p. 287; P. Aretino, Lettere, P. Procaccioli, ed., (Roma, 1998), Tomo II, Libro II, pp. 461-463; F.M. Bertolo, Aretino e la stampa. Strategie di autopromozione a Venezia nel Cinquecento, (Roma, 2003), pp. 88-90; S. Casali, Annali della tipografia veneziana di Francesco Marcolini, (Forlì, 1861), pp. 141-145, no. 63. FIRST EDITION, of which are extant two different issues printed one shortly after the other with substantial modifications to a few letters. Of the first issue only two copies are known (Bologna and Nuremberg). In the present, three new letters were introduced and some lines were omitted in the dedication to Henry VIII (see below) (cf. F.M. Bertolo, Aretino e la stampa. Strategie di autopromozione a Venezia nel Cinquecento, Roma, 2003, p. 84-88). “Io entro in questo discorso, perché le prime lettere che in lingua nostra siano state imprese, nascon da me; che godo, mentre mi sento trafiggere circa l’arte de l’imitazione” (P. Aretino, Lettere, P. Procaccioli, ed., Roma, 1999, Tomo III, p. 38). The first evidence of a plan to publish a collection of Aretino’s letters appears in his letter to Francesco Marcolini (June 22, 1537), in which he says “these few letters that have been collected through the love that my youngsters feel for the things that I do”. Since spring 1537 Aretino had begun to keep copies or minutes of what he wrote. This is also suggested by the actual character of the printed letters. The vast majority of those written before that time are either addressed to very prominent people, such as rulers, or are concerned with substantial gifts made to him. But from May 1537 on, there are far more letters to friends and acquaintances about matters of a less practical kind, in other words the sort of letter of which he had not hitherto had any reason to preserve copies. Printing was delayed until September, because Marcolini had to turn his attention to the publishing of Serlio’s Regole generali d’architettura. The printing of the letters seems to have been completed at the end of December. The colophon is dated January 1538, but various letters published in the present second volume indicate that Aretino was sending copies around at the beginning of the year. In the same year a second edition was published by Marcolini, and at least five editions were produced by other Venetian publishers. Marcolini’s edition was reprinted in-octavo in 1542. Aretino felt that a new literary genre was born. Five other book were to follow within twenty years totaling a number of over four thousand letters (cf. G. Baldassari, L’invenzione dell’epistolario, in: “Pietro Aretino nel cinquecentenario della nascita. Atti del Convegno di Roma-Viterbo-Arezzo 28 settembre-1 ottobre 1992, Toronto 23-24 ottobre 1992, Los Angeles 27-29 ottobre 1992”, Roma, 1995, pp. 157-178). The project of the publication of a second volume of his letters is mentioned by Aretino in a letter to Jacopo Cassola (Venezia, June 23, 1538, p. 52). On September 1, 1541 Aretino in a letter to Lodovico Dolce (p. from Part I, Letter collections )10( 417), entrusted the latter with the editing of the collection sending him the manuscript (“I send you the book, with the freedom to add or delete neither more or less than seems appropriate to the loftiness of your faithful judgement”) (cf. R.H. Terpening, Lodovico Dolce Renaissance Man of Letters, Toronto, 1997, p. 189). The printing was accomplished in August 1542, with a dedication to King Henry VIII of England. This dedication could be read as one of Aretino’s more daring exercises in challenging the authority of the Roman church, and by so deliberately endorsing the most prominent heretical monarch of the moment, he risked more than contamination by association, a fact that perhaps served as one part of the rationale that relegated his collected works to the Index of 1559, a few years after his death. Henry VIII appreciated this token of approbation from Italy’s most celebrated living literary figure, and made him a gift of 300 ‘scudi’, a sum Aretino, who had hoped for an even more substantial reward (one of the numerous ecclesiastical benefices Henry had at his disposal after the suppression of the monasteries), nevertheless experienced some difficulty in actual collecting. However, (as is evident from the earlier version of the dedication – see above), Aretino purged his letter to the king, evidently having concluded, also in view of a cardinal’s hat he aimed at, that to mitigate his admiration was a more prudent strategy (cf. J.C. D’Amico, Aretino tra Inghilterra e impero: una dedica costata cara e una lettera non pubblicata, in: “Filologia e critica”, 1, 2005, pp. 72-94; and C. Schiavon, Una via d’accesso agli epistolari. Le dediche dei libri di lettere d’autore nel Cinquecento. Prima parte, in: “Margini. Giornale della dedica e altro”, 3, 2009, pp. 8-10). [Dedication to Henry VIII]. Venezia, August 1, 1542 (p. 3) [John III], King of Portugal. (p. 7) Margaret [Duchess of Parma]. Venezia (p. 9) [Medici, Cosimo de’], Duke of Florence. Venezia (p. 10) [Rovere, Guidobaldo II della], Duke of Urbino. Venezia (p.11) [Teodosio I], Duke of Braganza. Venezia (p. 12) Infante Luis, [Duke of Beja]. Venezia (p. 13) Pio, Beatrice. Venezia (p. 14) Marmitta, Lodovico. Venezia (p. 15) [Spira], Fortunio. Venezia (p. 16) Rovere, Guidobaldo II della. Venezia, December 29, 1538 (p. 17) Varchi, Benedetto. Venezia, January 1, 1538 (p. 17) [Colonna, Vittoria], Marquise of Pescara. Venezia, January 5, 1538 (p. 18) Buonleo, Nicolò. Venezia, January 6, 1538 (p. 19) Castaldo, Giovanni Battista. Venezia, January 7, 1538 (p.20) [Colonna, Vittoria], Marquise of Pescara. Venezia, January 9, 1538 (p. 21) Maggi, Lodovico dei. Venezia, January 10, 1538 (p. 22) Buonarotti, Michelangelo. Venezia, January 20, 1538 (p. 22) Signorelli, Bino. Venezia, February 3, 1538 (p. 23) [Stampa, Massimiliano], Marquis of Soncino. Venezia, April, 5, 1538 (p. 24) Cavaliere C[icogna, Giovan Pietro?]. Venezia, April 10, 1538 (p. 25) Tucca, [Gian Tommaso]. Venezia, April 18, 1538 (p. 26) Francis I, King of France. Venezia, May 1, 1538 (p. 27) [Arsago, Girolamo], Bishop of Nice. Venezia, May 4, 1538 (p. 29) Lorraine, [Jean de], Cardinal. Venezia, June 5, 1538 (p. 31) Conti, Domenico dei. Venezia, June 5, 1538 (p. 31) Alberto Musico [Alberto da Mantova]. Venezia, June 6, 1538 (p. 32) Peres, Gonzalo. Venezia, June 6, 1538 (p. 32) from Part I, Letter collections [Sanseverino, Bernardino], Prince of Bisignano. Venezia, June 8, 1538 (p. 33) Venier, Domenico and Badoer, Federico. Venezia, June 9, 1538 (p. 24) Malatesta, Ginevra. Venezia, June 10, 1538 (p. 35) Monsignor da la Barba [Castellari, Bernardino]. Venezia, June 11, [1538] (p. 37) Varchi, Benedetto. Venezia, June 11, 1538 (p. 39) Harvel, Edmund. Venezia, June 12, 1538, (p. 40) Rota, Pier Andrea. Venezia, June 15, 1538 (p. 41) Caula, Camillo di. Venezia, June 16, 1538 (p. 42) Dandolo, Antonio. Venezia, June 17, 1533 (i.e 1538) (p. 43) Orsini, Camillo. Venezia, June 17, 1538 (p. 44) Grimani, Andrea. Venezia, June 18, 1538 (p. 46) [Marullo, Giovanni], Earl of Condojanni. Venezia, June 19, 1538 (p. 47) Beltrami, Giovanna. Venezia, June 20, 1538 (p. 48) Bacco. Venezia, June 20, 1538 (p. 49) [Sanseverino, Ferrante], Prince of Salerno. Venezia, June 20, 1538 (p. 50) Castro, Lodovico de. Venezia, June 21, 1538 (p. 50) Orsini, Valerio. Venezia, June 22, 1538 (p. 50) Battistino da Parma. Venezia, June 22, 1538 (p. 51) Cassola, Jacopo. Venezia, June 23, 1538 (p. 52) Bianco, Simone. Venezia, June 25, 1538 (p. 53) Orsini, Valerio. Venezia, June 26, 1538 (p. 58) Cicogna, [Giovan Pietro]. Venezia, June 27, 1538 (p. 59) Giannarini, Roberto. Venezia, June 28, 1538 (p. 59) Castaldi, Giovanni Battista. Venezia, June 29, 1538 (p. 61) Speroni, [Sperone]. Venezia, July 1, 1538 (p. 63) [Isabella of Portugal], Empress. Venezia, July 2, 1538 (p.65) Vitelli, Alessandro. Venezia, July 3, 1538 (p. 67) Ricchi, Agostino. Venezia, July 3, 1538 (p. 68) )11( Bruno, Giantomaso. Venezia, May 21, 1542, (p. 497) [Pennacchi], Girolamo. Venezia, May 22, 1542 (p. 497) Valdambrino, Cesare. Venezia, May 23, 1542 (p. 498) Dal Medico, Piero. Venezia, May 25, 1542 (p. 499) Giolito, Gabriele. Venezia, June 1, 1542 (p. 501) Ricoveri, Gregorio. Venezia, June 5, 1542 (p. 501) Lecce, [Giovanni] da. Venezia, June 6, 1542 (p. 502) Giallo, Jacopo del. Venezia, June 7, 1542 (p. 504) Alamanni, Luigi. Venezia, June 10, 1542 (p. 504) Rangone, Lodovico. Venezia, June 20, 1542 (p. 506) Giulio Romano. Venezia, [June 1542] (p. 507) Spina, Fidenzia. Venezia, June 21, 1542 (p. 508) Della Stufa, Francesco and Della Stufa, Giambattista. Venezia, June 22, 1542 (p. 509) Luzzasco, Paolo. Venezia, June 23, 1542 (p. 510) Gambara, Veronica. Venezia, June 24, 1542 (p. 511) Riccio, Daniello. Venezia, June 25, 1542 (p. 512) Molza, [Francesco]. Venezia, June 24, 1542 (p. 513) Filippo d’Asti. Venezia, June 27, 1542 (p. 514) Terzo, Antonio. Venezia, July 2, 1542 (p. 515) Camaiani, Onofrio. Venezia, June 29, 1542 (p. 516) Shelley, Richard. Venezia, June 30,1542 (p. 518) [Sanseverino, Ferrante]. Venezia, July 1, 1542 (p. 520) [Cattaneo], Danese. Venezia, July 3, 1542 (p. 520) Gallo, Antonio. Venezia, July 4, 1542 (p. 521) Buldù, Andrea. Venezia, July 5, 1542 (p. 522) [Vecellio], Tiziano. Venezia, July 6, 1542 (p. 523) Dal Monte, Ranieri. Venezia, July 8, 1542 (p. 524) [Este, Ercole de’]. Venezia, July 9, 1542 (p. 525) Leoni, Francesco. Venezia, July 10, 1542 (p. 529) Manuzio, Paolo. Venezia, July 11, 1542 (p. 528) Sormanno, Giambattista. Venezia, July 12, 1542 (p. 529) Rota, Francesco. Venezia, July 13, 1542 (p. 530) Rota, Cavalier. Venezia, July 14, 1542 (p. 531) Oradini, Giulio. Venezia, July 15, 1452 (p. 531) Alfan, Elia. Venezia, July 16, 1542 (p. 533) Bragadino, Giulio. Venezia, July 17, 1542 (p. 535) Brucioli, Antonio. Venezia, July 17, 1542 (p. 536) [Piccolomini], Piccolomo. Venezia, July 18, 1542 (p. 537) [Accorsi, Girolamo]. Venezia, July 19, 1542 (p. 538) Venier, Lorenzo. Venezia, July 20, 1542 (p. 539) Crivelli, Paolo. Venezia, July 21, 1542 (p. 540) Caula, Pellegrina [di]. Venezia, July 22, 1542 (p. 541) Piovano di Santo Apostolo. Venezia, July 13, 1542 (p. 541) Coriolano, [Giambattista]. Venezia, July 24, 1542 (p. 543) [Speroni], Sperone. Venezia, July 25, 1542 (p. 545) Martinengo, Girolamo. Venezia, July 25, 1542 (p. 546) Montevecchio, Giulio da. Venezia, July 25, 1542 (p. 547) Camaiani, Onofrio. Venezia, July 25, 1542 (p. 548) [Luetz, Gabriel de]. Venezia, July 16, 1542 (p. 549) Colonna, Stefano. Venezia, July 27, 1542 (p. 550) Gaddi, Nicolò. Venezia, July 28, 1542 (p. 552) [Vasari], Giorgio. Venezia, July 29, 1542 (p. 553) Abbondi, Agostino. Venezia, July 30, 1542 (p. 554) Becci, Lodovico. Venezia, August 1, 1542 (p. 555) [Paulin de la Garde, Antoine]. Venezia, August 2, 1542 (p. 556) [Hurtado] de Mendoza, Diego. Venezia, August 2, 1542 (p. 556) A.S. Venezia, August 3, 1542 (p. 558) Capitan Grande. Venezia, August 3, 1542 (p. 559) Torniello, Giambattista. Venezia, August 6, 1542 (p. 560) Cellesi, Simone. Venezia, August 7, 1542 (p. 561) Vitelli, Nicolò. Venezia, August 8, 1542 (p. 561) [Paulin de la Garde, Antoine]. Venezia, August 9, 1542 (p. 562) Gonzaga de’ Rossi, Camilla. Venezia, August 10, 1542 (p. 563) Abbondi, Agostino. Venezia, August 11, 1542 (p. 564) Tranquillo, Ortensio. Venezia, August 12, 1542 (p. 565) Gerini, Giulio. Venezia, August 13, 1542 (p. 566) Mendoza, Bernardino de. Venezia, August 13, 1542 (p. 566) Vanni, Piero. Venezia, August 14, 1542 (p. 568) Camaiani, Onofrio. Venezia, August 15, 1542 (p. 569) Domenico Fiorentino. Venezia, August 15, 1542 (p. 569) Fabbri, Conte dei. Venezia, August 15, 1542 (p. 570) [Hurtado] de Mendoza, Diego. Venezia, August 15, 1542 (p. 571) Camaiani, Onofrio. Venezia, August 17, 1542 (p. 572) Calcagnini, Alfonso. Venezia, August 18, 1542 (p. 573) Rota, Signor. Venezia, August 19, 1542 (p. 573) Betussi, Giuseppe. Venezia, August 20, 1542 (p. 574) Salviati, Francesco. Venezia, August 20, 1542 (p. 575) Manfroni, Giampaolo. Venezia, August 21, 1542 (p. 576) Altieri, Baldassarre. Venezia, August 22, 1542 (p. 577) Biondo, Michelangelo. Venezia, August 22, 1542 (p. 578) Mendoza, Giovanni de. Venezia, August23, 1542 (p. 579) [Pellicier, Guillaume]. Venezia, August 24, 1542 (p. 579) Pangrazio da Empoli. Venezia, August 25, 1542 (p. 581) Balbi, Francesco. Venezia, August 25, 1542 (p. 582) Marcolini, Francesco. Venezia, August 26, 1542 (p. 582) [Grimani, Marco]. Venezia, August 26, 1542 (p. 583) [Cobos, Francisco de los]. Venezia, August 27, 1542 (p. 584) [Donato, Giovanni]. Venezia, August 26, 1542 (p. 586) Tasso, [Giovanni Battista del]. Venezia, August 26, 1542 (p. 587) Saracino, [Gian] Francesco del. Venezia, August 16, 1542 (p. 587) Mignanelli, [Fabio]. Venezia, August 27, 1542 (p. 589) Marcolini, Francesco. Venezia, August 27, 1542 (p. 590) Marcolini, Isabella. Venezia, August 28, 1542 (p. 591) Pietro, the son of Tita Bonci and a cobbler named Luca Del Tura, was born in Arezzo in the momentous year 1492. With typical disregard for propriety, he sometimes claimed to be the bastard of the nobleman Luigi Bacci, who kept his mother as a mistress. In all his publications, however, he adopted the nom d’artiste Pietro Aretino. He received little education and lived, for some years poor and neglected, picking up such straps of information as he could. Still very young he was banished from Arezzo on account of a satirical sonnet which he composed against from Part I, Letter collections )12( ERASMUS, Desiderius (1466-1536). Operum tertius tomus epistolas complectens universas quotquot ipse autor unquam evulgavit, aut evulgatas voluit... Basel, Ex Officina Frobeniana (Hieronymus Froben and Nikolaus Episcopius), 1540/(1538). Folio. (12), 1213, (3) pp. [α]6, a-z6, A-Z6, Aa-Zz6, Aaa-Zzz6, Aaaa-Hhhh6, Iiii8. With the printer’s device on the title-page and at the end. 18th century full calf, gilt back with gilt title on morocco label, ownership’s entry of the Abbey of St. Denis of Reims, some old marginal annotations. Adams, E-309; Index Aureliensis, 163.036; VD 16, E-1864; P.S. Allen, The Principal Editions of Erasmus’ Epistolae, in: “Opus Epistolarum Des. Erasmi Roterodami”, (Oxford, 1906), I, p. 601; P.S. Allen, H.M. Allen & H.W. Garrod, eds., Opus epistolarum Des. Erasmi Roterodami, Oxford, 1906-1958, passim; I. Bezzel, Erasmusdrucke des 16. Jahrhunderts in Bayerischen Bibliotheken, (Stuttgart, 1979), no. 4-5; F. Van der Haeghen, Bibliotheca Erasmiana, (Nieuwkoop, 1961), I, p. 100. FIRST COMPLETE COLLECTION of Erasmus’ letters. “In the collected edition of Erasmus works, prepared by his executors [Hieronymus Froben and Nikolaus Episcopius], the volume of letters was the first to appear (N1), in 1538. It seems to have sold rapidly, for it was reprinted in 1541 (N2), and again in 1558 (N3). These three volumes are for the most part substantially the same. All the earlier editions were reprinted in them, and a few new letters added; together with some prefaces in accordance with Erasmus wishes, and other printed matter, which had appeared under his name. There are, however, slight divergences of reading, and in one point a notable difference. N2 has, on p. 1114, a short letter to a certain George Loxanus, Vice-Chancellor of Bohemia, squeezed in between two to Gilbert Cousin (Lond. xxvii. 50 and 51). This letter is not in N1; and from the fact that it has been removed again in N3, though the reference to it is found in the index, we may conclude that its insertion in N2 was procured by Loxanus through surreptitious means and did not find favour with Episcopius, unless N3 was reprinted directly from N1” (Allen, op. cit., I, pp. 596-597). However, it is not clear which edition Allen consider N2, because it has been reissued at least 5 times between 1538 and 1541 under two different titles (either Epistolarum opus complectens universas or Operum tertius tomus epistolas complectens universas), always with exactly the same collation. Under the first title the work was printed in 1538 (VD 16, E-2928) and in 1538/1541 (VD 16, E-2929 and E-2930); under the second title in 1540/1538 (VD 16, E-1864, the present edition) and in 1540/1541 (VD 16, E-1865). The collected edition of Erasmus’ works appeared in Basel in 9 volumes of text and 1 volume of index between 1538 and 1541. The plan for it was set down by Erasmus himself, first in a letter to Johann von Botzheim, dated January 30, 1523, and again with some alterations in a letter to Hector Boèce of March 15, 1530. Erasmus from Part I, Letter collections )13( divided his shorter works into groups according to subject matter or purpose, while the larger ones were left to stand by themselves, all with little concern for chronological sequence. The canon of Erasmus’ works thus established was followed by his executors. Beatus Rhenanus, one of the editors, provided, in the form of a dedicatory letter to Charles V, a biography of Erasmus. The volume contains 1228 letters divided into 28 books. Compared to the Opus epistolarum (1529), this new edition omits 4 letters (to William Gonnell, Allen 279; to Hubertus Barlandus, Allen 2172; to truth’s lovers, Omnibus veritatem amantibus, not in Allen; and to Johann von Botzheim, Allen 2206) and adds 210 new ones, the majority of which had already been published in earlier collections. “Durant les sept années qui suivent [la publication de l’Opus epistolarum, 1529], - les dernières de sa vie Érasme se contente de compléments, les unes de taille moyenne, les autres de petit format. A-t-il renoncé à l’espoir d’une grande édition? Non, sans doute, mais il en abandonne la charge à ses héritiers. Les lettres d’Érasme trouveront leur place naturelle dans le vaste recueil posthume de 1538. Tel est le vœu de l’auteur, mais il est permis de se demander pourquoi cette grande édition n’apporte que trente-quatre lettres nouvelles, dont vingt-neuf préfaces. Les lettres contenues dans les recueils épistolaires, de 1515 à 1538, forment un ensemble impressionant, mais ne sont pas, comme Renaudet parmi d’autres croyait ‘la plus grande partie de la correspondance d’Erasme’. Il s’en faut de beaucoup! Aux douze cents lettres publiées par Erasme ou par ses successeurs immédiats, Jean Leclerc (Clericus), près de deux siècles plus tard, en ajoute six cents. Il les introduit, en 1703, dans les Opera omnia de Leyde. Enfin Allen vient, le rassembleur! Deux siècles après Leclerc, il trouve à peu près tout ce qu’il est possible de trouver, soit treize cents lettres nouvelles. Au total, ses onze volumes nous font connaître plus de trois mille lettres” (L.-E. Halkin, Percy Stafford Allen, éditeur de la correspondance d’Erasme, in: “La correspondance d’Erasme et l’epistolographie humaniste: colloque international tenu en novembre 1983”, Bruxelles, 1985, p. 19). “A last introductory remark: corresponding with Erasmus was by and large an affair of men. In the mass of 666 correspondents only seven women can be found: a queen (Catharina of Aragon), three princesses of royal blood (Margaret of Valois; the two Habsburg governors-general of the Netherlands, Margaret of Austria and Mary of Hungary), a noble woman from Zeeland, a nun from Holland, and Margaret Roper, the daughter of Thomas More” (L. Voet, Erasmus and his correspondents, in: “Erasmus of Rotterdam. The Man and the Scholar”, J. Sperna Weiland & W.T.H. Frijhoff, eds., Leiden, 1988, p. 196). (additions to Book XXIV:) Amerbach, Bonifacius. Freiburg, July 6, 1532 (p. 942) Sasbout, Joost. Freiburg, May 3, 1532 (p. 944) Agricola, Georgius. Freiburg, August 29, 1531 (p. 944) Pole, Reginald. Freiburg, August 25, 1531 (p. 945) Ursinus Velius, Caspar. Freiburg, August 7, 1531 (p. 945) Paumgartner, Johann. Freiburg, February 8, 1532 (p. 946) [Cles], Bernardo, Bishop of Trent. Freiburg, May 19, 1532 (p. 946) Boner, Jan. Freiburg, September 21, 1531 (p. 947) Brie, Germain de. Freiburg, [January-February], 1532 (p. 948) Damm, Bertram von. [Freiburg, June 17, 1532] (p. 948) Hoxwier, Hector van. Freiburg, December 13, 1531 (p. 949) Canta, Jacopo. Freiburg, 1532 (p. 949) Gumppenberg, Ambrosius von. Freiburg, March 5, 1532 (p. 950) Isenburg, Wilhelm von. Freiburg, June 22, 1532 (p. 950) Zwichem, Wigle van (Zuichemus, Viglius). Freiburg, February 8, 1532 (p. 951) Paumgartner, Johann. [Freiburg], March 7, 1532 (p. 951) from Part I, Letter collections (Book XXV:) [De Vio], Tommaso, Cardinal Caietano. Freiburg, July 23, 1532 (p. 952) Rinck, Johann. Freiburg, September 4, 1531 (p. 953) [Armagnac, George d’], Bishop of Rodez. Freiburg, November 19, 1531 (p. 953) Paumgartner, Johann. Freiburg, July 5, 1532 (p. 654, i.e. 954) [Cles], Bernardo, Bishop of Trent. Freiburg, October 9, 1531 (p. 654, i.e. 954) Valdés, Alfonso de. Freiburg, August 29, 1531 (p. 955) Questenbergius, Sigismundus [i.e. Botzheim, Johann von]. Freiburg, August 5, 1531 (p. 956) from Bembo, Pietro. Padova, April 4, 1529 (p. 957) Bembo, Pietro. Freiburg, March 25, 1530 (p. 958) from Sadoleto, Jacopo, Bishop of Carpentras. Carpentras, February 12, 1530 (p. 959) Sadoleto, Jacopo. Freiburg, 1529 [i.e. May 14, 1530] (p. 960) from Sadoleto, Jacopo. Carpentras, September 17, 1530 (p. 964) Valdés, Alfonso de. Freiburg, [March], 1531 (p. 965) )14( LIPSIUS, Justus (1547-1606). Epistolica institutio, Exepta è dictantis eius ore, Anno ∞. Iɔ. LXXXVII. Mense Iunio. Adiunctuum est Demetrij Phalerei eiusdem argumentum scriptum. Leiden, Franciscus Raphelengius, 1591. 8vo. 44, (4) pp. A-C8 (C7 and C8 are blank). With the printer’s device on the title page. Green & Murphy, p. 275; Gueudet, pp. 370-371; J. Rice Henderson, Humanist Letter Writing: Private Conversation or Public Forum?, in: “Self-presentation and Social Identification. The Rhetoric and Pragmatics of Letter Writing in Early Modern Times”, T. Van Houdt, J. Papy, G. Tournoy & C. Matheeleussen, eds., (Leuven, 2002), p. 37. ORIGINAL EDITION (a quarto edition with different pagination was simultaneously issued by the same printer) of Lipsius’ letter-writing manual originated from a lecture held in June 1587. To Lipsius’ treatise is appended a bi-lingual edition of Demetrius’ description of the classical familiar letter. The work was reissued in 1601, again in quarto and in octavo, and in 1605, in quarto only. These editions are the only printings of the work during the author’s lifetime that he supervised. Until the end of the century the work was also printed in other countries, evidently without Lipsius’ authorization, first at Frankfurt/M. (1591) and then at Lyon (1592, 1596), Magdeburg (1594), Cologne (1596, 1597), and Paris (1599) (cf. Justus Lipsius, Principles of Letter-Writing: A Bilingual Text of ‘Justi Lipsii Epistolica Institutio’, R.V. Young & M.T. Hester, eds., Carbondale, IL, 1996, pp. xlviii-il). “In 1591 Lipsius allowed Raphelengius to publish his Epistolica Institutio, which in its sixteen printed leaves completed the liberation of epistolography from the rules of rhetoric. His recommendations are generally models of brevity and lucidity, composed according to the principles established by his predecessors, in particular Vives, whose interest in the psychology of the writers of letters and their recipients found a sympathetic response in Lipsius. He did not need the rules of Francesco Negri, nor even of Erasmus and Vives” (M. Morford, Lipsius’ Letters of Recommendation, in: “Self-presentation and Social Identification. The Rhetoric and Pragmatics of Letter Writing in Early Modern Times”, T. Van Houdt, J. Papy, G. Tournoy & C. Matheeleussen, eds., Leuven, 2002, p. 189). “Lipsius clearly devoted the first ten chapters of his Institutio to the epistolary ars; the last three may be regarded as personal admonitions to the artifex [...] ‘graded’ for the youthful, the more mature, and the adult student, and departing progressively from Ciceronian basis recommended to the first group. There are also admonitions for keeping a notebook or commonplace book in the Renaissance manner. Such material belongs under the caption of artifex and thus entitles the 0 to placement in the isagogic category by its principle to structure as much as by its address to the young [...] Lipsius attempted to drive a sharp wedge between the letter, properly so called, and other written communications which had long borne the name of letter incorrectly. He made a threefold division of letters according to subject matter: ‘materies seria’, ‘materies docta’, and ‘materies familiaris’. The first dealt with public or private matters of gravity, the second with technical or learned questions. If I interpret him correctly, he regarded the first essentially an oration, the other essentially a treatise. He then turned to the genuine letter, the ‘materies familiaris’ designating it by the adjective ‘propria’. Of this type of subject his says: ‘Denique familiarem from Part I, Letter-writing manuals )15( POLIZIANO, Angelo (1454-1494). Illustrium Virorum Epistolae ab Angelo Politiano partim scriptæ, partim collectæ, cū Sylvianis Cōmētariis & Ascensianis Scholiis, nō parū auctis, & diligenter repositis. Addidit enim Sylvius omniū fere argumēta, & quæ duodecim chartis etiā integris capi nequeāt, expositiōes optimas. Paris, Josse Bade, November 17, 1520. Large 8vo. (8), CCLXXXVI leaves. AA8, a-z8, A-M8, N6. With the printer’s device on the title-page. Contemporary calf, blindstamped fillets on the panels, with the entry of ownership of Alessandro Guidiccioni (1524-1605), bishop of Lucca, on the title-page. Guedet, p. 644; Martín Baños, p. 669; Ph. Renouard, Bibliographie des impressions et des oeuvres de Josse Bade, (Paris, 1908), I, p. 184, no. 5. SECOND EDITION with the commentary by François Dubois but first to contain a new dedication letter by him to pope Leo X, dated from Paris, Collège de Boncourt, May 18, 1520. When in July 1498 the Venetian press of Aldo Manuzio produced an edition of Poliziano’s collected Latin and Greek works, also 251 letters, divided in twelve books, were included (mostly by Poliziano himself, but also some addressed to him and some exchanged between his correspondents). Poliziano certainly had hand in preparing his works for print before his death, but Alessandro Sarti, a friend, and Pietro Crinito, a pupil, did the actual editing. These letters alone were re-published under the title Illustrium virorum epistolae at Lyon in 1499 by Josse Bade, and again in Paris in 1510 and 1515, in Antwerp in 1510, and in Strasbourg in 1513. In 1517 Bade published a new edition with the commentary by François Dubois. “By 1517 Poliziano’s collection had demonstrably acquired the status of a textbook. In that year, Josse Bade, from his Paris press, started a profitable run of printings of the letters, edited with extensive commentary by François Du Bois, Du Bois had published the first two centuries of his Progymnasmata in the previous year. His annotations to Poliziano’s Illustrium virorum epistolae must therefore have emerged from the same environment at the Collège de Montaigu, although we know that he was at the Collège de Lisieux by the end of 1517 (at the Collège de Boncourt between 1520 and 1526, and at the Collège de Tournai subsequently). The commentaries appended to each of the letters (and supplemented by a few extra notes by Josse Bade) tell where Du Bois focused his students’ attention [...] Du Bois’ attitude to the Latin language question is implicit and subtends his annotation. His commentary is an example of the grammatical exercise enarratio, exactly the same kind of commentary that humanists appended to their editions of Latin authors. Such commentaries were in effect classroom lecture notes. They were generally tidied up and expanded for publication, but they certainly reproduced the instruction that was given and the manner in which it was transmitted orally, point by separate point, following the order of the text studied, and by no means necessarily pausing to reflect on the thrust of the work taken as a whole (that was the matter for an introductory general lecture, a praelectio, if there was one). Once problems of verbal and syntactic comprehensions had been covered (lectio), the purpose of enarratio was to explain people and places, to fill out passing allusions from Part I, Model letters )16( Chronological List 1502 1510 1518 1519 1520 1520 1521 1529 1529 1531 1535 1538 1538 1538 1539 1542 1542 1542 1543 1543 1543 1544 1545 1546 1546 1547 1547 1547 1547 1548 1548 Sabellico, Marcantonio. Epistolarum familiarium libri XII (in:) Opera. Venezia. Leto, Giulio Pomponio. Epistolae aliquot familiares (in:) Opera. Beatus Rhenanus, ed., Strassburg. Aventinus, Johannes. Epistolae (in:) Imp. Henrici Quarti... vita. (Augsburg). Antiquari, Jacopo. Epistolae. Perugia. Budé, Guillaume. Epistolae... [Paris]. Poliziano, Angelo. Illustrium virorum epistolae. Paris. raulin, Jean. Epistolarum... opus eximium. Paris. Erasmus, Desiderius. Opus epistolarum. Basel. Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni. Epistolae non piae minus quam elegantes. Venezia. Erasmus, Desiderius. Breviores aliquot epistolae. Paris. Bembo, Pietro. Epistolarum Leonis Decimi... nomine scriptarum libri sexdecim. Venezia. Bembo, Pietro. Epistolarum Leonis Decimi...libri sexdecim... Videlicet Ad Longolium III, Ad Budeum II, Ad Erasmum I. Lyon, 1538. Erasmus, Desiderius. Epistolae familiares (B. Westheimer, ed.). Basel. Erasmus, Desiderius. Operum tertius tomus epistolas compectens. Basel. Franco, Nicolò. Le pistole vulgari. Venezia. Aretino, Pietro. Al Sacratissimo Re d’Inghilterra il secondo libro de le lettre. Venezia. Franco, Nicolò. Le pistole volgari. Venezia. Navò, Curzio Traiano. Letere di diversi eccellentissimi signori... Libro primo. [Venezia]. Erasmus, Desiderius. Epistolae breviores aliquot (P. Thetinger, ed.). Freiburg/Br. Erasmus, Desiderius. Opus de conscribendis epistolis. Antwerp. Sansovino, Francesco. Le lettere... sopra le dieci giornate del Decamerone. [Venezia]. [Gherardo, Paolo, ed.]. Novo libro di lettere. N.pl. Manuzio, Paolo & Manuzio, Antonio, eds. Lettere volgari di diversi eccellentissimi huomini. Libro secondo. Venezia. Aretino, Pietro. Il terzo libro de le lettere. Venezia. Martelli, Nicolò. Il primo libro delle lettere. [Firenze]. Britannus, Robertus. Formulae thematum sive Ratio conscribendarum epistolarum. Paris. Fliscus, Stephanus. De componendis epistolis opusculum. Venezia. Parabosco, Girolamo. Lettere amorose. Venezia. Tolomei, Claudio. Delle lettere libri sette. Venezia. Brunetti, Orazio. Lettere... [Venezia]. Dolce, Lodovico, tr. Lettere di G. Plinio, di. M. Franc. Petrarca, del S. Pico della Mirandola et altri eccellentiss. huomini. Venezia. from Part I, Chronological list )17( 1549 Brandolini, Aurelio Lippo. De ratione scribendi libri tres. Basel. 1549 Celtis, Conrad. Methodus conficiendarum epistolarum. Basel. - See Brandolinus 1549 Erasmus, Desiderius. Brevissima maximeque compendiaria conficiendarum epistolarum formula. Basel. - See Brandolini 1549 Hegendorf, Christoph. Methodus conscribendi epistolas. Basel - See Brandolini 1549 Vives, Juan Luis. De conscribendis epistolis. Basel - See Brandolini 1549 Sardi, Gaspare. Epistolarum liber. Firenze. 1549 Tasso, Bernardo. Le lettere. Venezia. 1549 Tixier de Ravisy, Jean. Epistolae... rudibus tyrunculis... admodum utiles ac necessariae. Paris. 1550 Erasmus, Desiderius. De conscribendis epistolis opus. Venezia. 1550 Sadoleto, Jacopo. Epistolarum libri sexdecim. Lyon. 1551 Aretino, Pietro.Lettere scritte al Signor… Venezia. 1551 Manuzio, Paolo & Manuzio, Antonio, eds. Lettere volgari di diversi nobilissimi huomini. Libro primo (-secondo). Venezia. 1551 Vitelli, Vitello. Lettere di diversi illustrissimi signori a... Firenze. 1552 Bembo, Pietro. Epistolarum familiarium libri VI. Eiusdem, Leonis X... nomine scriptarum, lib. XVI. Venezia. 1552 Doni, Anton Francesco. Tre libri di lettere. Venezia. 1552 Gonzaga, Lucrezia. Lettere. Venezia. 1552 Paleario, Aonio. Epistolarum libri IV. Lyon. 1553 Lauro, Pietro. De le lettere... libro primo. Venezia. 1554 [Atanagi, Dionigi, ed.]. De le lettere di tredici huomini illustri. Venezia. 1555 Guevara, Antonio de. Libro primo (-secondo) delle lettere. Venezia. 1556 Lapini, Eufrosino. Lettere toscane. Bologna. 1556 Manuzio, Paolo. Epistolae clarorum virorum. Venezia. 1556 Manuzio, Paolo. Tre libri di lettere volgari. Venezia. 1557 [Crotus Rubeanus, Johannes & Hutten, Ulrich von]. Duo volumina epistolarum obscurorum virorum. [Frankfurt/M., 1557]. 1558 Manuzio, Paolo. Epistolae et praefationes. [Venezia]. 1559 Dolce, Lodovico, ed. Lettere di diversi eccellentiss. huomini. Venezia. 1559 Tolomei, Claudio. Delle lettere libri sette. Con nuova aggiunta. Venezia. 1560 Bembo, Pietro (Sanvovino, Francesco, ed.). Delle lettere... a Mons. Pietro Bembo scritte. Venezia. 1560 Giovio, Paolo. Lettere volgari. Venezia. 1560 Guevara, Antonio de. Libro primo (-terzo) delle lettere. Venzia. 1560 Manuzio, Paolo. Lettere volgari... divisi in quattro libri. Venezia. 1560 Ricci, Bartolomeo. Epistolarum familiarium libri VIII. Bologna. 1561 [Atanagi, Dionigi, ed.]. De le lettere facete, et piacevoli di diversi grandi huomini. Venezia. 1561 [Atanagi, Dionigi & Ruscelli, Girolamo, eds.]. Lettere di XIII huomini illustri. Venezia. 1561 Bruto, Giovanni Michele. Epistolae clarorum virorum. Lyon. 1561 Eobanus Hessus, Helius. Tertius libellus epistolarum. Leipzig. 1561 Manuzio, Paolo. Epistolarum... libri V. Venezia. 1562 Longueil, Christophe de. Epistolarum libri IIII. Basel. 1562 Morata, Olimpia Fulvia. Orationes, Dialogi, Epistolae... Basel. 1562 Ricci, Bartolomeo. Epistolarum familiarium libri IIII. Ferrara. 1563 More, Thomas. [Epistolae] (in:) Lucubrationes. Basel. 1564 Contile, Luca. Delle lettere... volume primo (-secondo). Pavia. from Part I, Chronological list )18( 1564 Filelfo, Francesco & Poliziano, Angelo. Epistolae breviores. Venezia. 1564 Manuzio, Paolo & Manuzio, Aldo, the Younger. Lettere volgari di diversi nobilissimi huomini. Libro primo (-secondo& terzo). Venezia. 1564 Mattioli, Andrea. Epistolarum medicinalium libri quinque. Lyon. 1564 Ruscelli, Girolamo, ed. Lettere di principi. Venezia. 1565 Melanchthon, Philipp. Epistolarum... Farrago. Basel. 1565 Melanchthon, Philipp. Epistolae selectiores aliquot. Wittenberg. 1565 Sturm, Johann. Classicarum epistolarum lib. III. Strassburg. 1566 Clenardus, Nicolaus. Epistolarum libri duo. Antwerp. 1566 Pallavicino, Giuseppe. Delle lettere. Venezia. 1567 Parrasio, Aulo Giano. Liber de rebus per epistolam quaesitis... Paris. 1568 Bunel, Pierre. Familiares aliquot epistolae. Köln. 1569 Melanchthon, Philipp. Liber continens continua serie epistolas... ad Ioach. Camerar. Leipzig. 1569 Scaridino, Francesco. Formolario nel quale... si dà il modo & l’arte di compor lettere. Padova. 1571 Prolaghi, Zanobio. Lettere e trattati familiari. Firenze. 1572 Filelfo, Francesco & Poliziano, Angelo. Epistolae breviores. Venezia. 1573 Cortese, Gregorio. Epistolarum familiarium liber. Venezia. 1574 Budé, Guillaume. Επιστολαι Eλληνικαι. Epistolae graecae. Paris. 1574 Donzellini, Girolamo, ed. Epistolae principum, rerum publicarum ac sapientium virorum. Venezia. 1574 Manuzio, Aldo, The Younger, ed. Della nuova scielta di lettere di diversi nobilissimi huomini. Venezia. 1575 Bembo, Pietro Delle lettere... Primo [- quarto] volume. Venezia. 1575 Bèze, Théodore de. Epistolarum theologicarum liber unus. Genève. 1575 Cacciaguerra, Bonsignore. Lettere spirituali. Venezia. 1575 Toscanella, Orazio. Applicamento... allo scrittore di epistole latine et volgari... Venezia. 1575 Turchi, Francesco. Delle lettere facete. Venezia. 1576 Calvin, Jean. Epistolarum et Responsorum Editio secunda. Lausanne. 1577 Lipsius, Justus. Epistolarum quaestionum libri V. Antwerp. 1577 Ramus, Petrus & Talaeus, Audemarus. Collectaeae, Praefationes, Epistolae... Paris. 1578 Borghesi, Diomede. Lettere. Padova. 1578 Sabinus, Johannes. Epistolae (in:) Poemata. Leipzig. 1579 Lambin, Denis. [Praefationes ac epistolae familiares aliquot] (in:) Trium disertissimorum virorum praefationes. Paris. 1579 Le Roy, Louis. [Praefationes ac epistolae familiares aliquot] (in:) Trium disertissimorum virorum praefationes. Paris. 1579 Manuzio, Paolo. [Praefationes ac epistolae familiares aliquot] (in:) Trium disertissimorum virorum praefationes. Paris. 1579 Muret, Marc-Antoine. [Praefationes ac epistolae familiares aliquot] (in:) Trium disertissimorum virorum praefationes. Paris. 1580 Calmo, Andrea. Delle lettere... libro primo (-quarto). Venezia. 1580 Sadoleto, Jacopo. Epistolarum libri sexdecim. Köln. 1580 Sansovino, Francesco. Del Secretario... libri VII. Venezia. 1581 Caro, Annibal. De le lettere familiari... volume primo (-secondo). Venezia. 1581 Pasqualigo, Alvise. Lettere amorose. Venezia. 1582 Hegendorf, Christoph. Methodus conscribendi epistolas. Köln - See Macropedius 1582 Macropedius, Georgius. Methodus conscribendi epistolas. Köln. from Part I, Chronological list )19( 1582 Manuzio, Paolo. Epistolarum libri XII uno nuper addito. Venezia. 1583 Camerarius, Joachim. Epistolarum familiarium libri VI. Frankfurt/M. 1584 [Atanagi, Dionigi, Ruscelli, Girolamo & Porcacchi, Tommaso, eds.]. Lettere di XIII. huomini illustri. Venezia. 1584 Celia Romana. Lettere amorose. Venezia. 1584 Manuzio, Paolo. Epistolarum libri XII uno nuper addito. Venezia. 1584 Muret, Marc-Antoine. Epistolarum... liber. Ingolstadt. 1584 Muret, Marc-Antoine. Epistolarum... liber. Köln. 1584 Turner, Robert. Epistolae aliquot (in:) Epistolae M. Antonii Mureti Liber. Ingolstadt. 1586 Borromeo, Carlo. Epistolarum libri II. Milano. 1586 Lipsius, Justus. Epistolarum selectarum, Centuria prima. Antwerp. 1586 Lipsius, Justus. Epistolarum selectarum, Centuria prima. Iterata editio. Leiden. 1586 Pasquier, Etienne. Les lettres. Paris. 1586 Vettori, Pietro. Epistolarum libri X. Firenze. 1587 Eisengrein, Martin, ed. Epistolae aliquot gravium virorum. Köln. 1587 Junius, Melchior. Scholae rhetoricae de contexendarum epistolarum ratione. Basel. 1587 Tasso, Torquato. Il primo libro delle lettere (in:) Discorsi. Venezia. 1587 Verepaeus, Simon. Brevissima de epistolis Latine conscribendis Isgoge (in:) Verepaeus, Selectiores epistolae. Köln. 1587 Verepaeus, Simon. Selectiores epistolae... In usum scholarum... Köln. 1587 Vives, Juan Luis. Epistolae selectiores... Ad puerum Latinae Linguae Studiosum. Köln. 1588 Tasso, Torquato. Delle lettere familiari. Bergamo. 1588 Pilorci, Rocco. De epistola componenda liber. Dillingen. 1589 Capaccio, Giulio Cesare. Il secretario. Roma. 1589 Lange, Johannes. Epistolarum medicinalium volumen tripartitum. Frankfurt/M. 1589 Sacrati, Paolo. Epistolarum... ad Io. Angelum Papium. Ferrara. 1590 Asham, Roger. Familiarium Epistolarum libri tres. London. 1590 Muzio, Girolamo. Lettere. Firenze. 1590 Pasquier, Etienne. Les lettres. Avignon. 1590 Tixier de Ravisy, Jean. Epistolae... in gratiam studiosae iuventutis... illustratae. Basel. 1591 Gesner, Conrad. Epistolae hactenus non editae (in:) Caspar Bauhin, De plantis. Basel. 1591 Lipsius, Justus. Epistolica institutio. Leiden. 1591 Lipsius, Justus. Epistolarum centuriae duae. Leiden. 1591 Neander, Michael. Epistolarum familiarium formulae. Leipzig. 1591 Santorelli, Luigi Antonio. De perscribendis epistolis libellus. Napoli. 1591 Viscardi, Giovanni Andrea. Delle lettere. Bergamo. 1592 Augenio, Orazio. Epistolarum et consultationum medicinalium. Venezia. 1592 Goselini, Giuliano. Lettere. Venezia. 1592 Guarini, Giovanni Battista. Lettere. Venezia. 1592 Manuzio, Aldo, The Younger. Lettere volgari. Roma. 1592 Manfredi, Muzio. Cento lettere. Pavia. 1592 Verepaeus, Simon. De epistolis latine conscribendis libri V. Wittenberg. 1593 Donzellini, Girolamo, ed. Epistolae regum, principum... ac sapientum virorum. Strassburg. 1594 Guarini, Giovanni Battista. Il segretario dialogo. Venezia. 1595 Du Tronchet, Étienne. Lettres missives et familieres. Lyons. 1595 Marcobruni, Paolo Emilio. Raccolta di lettere di diversi principi. Venezia. from Part I, Chronological list )20( 1596 1597 1597 1598 1598 1599 1600 1600 1600 1600 1601 1614 1618 Guazzo, Stefano. Lettere. Venezia. Luther, Martin. Tomus primus (-secundus) epistolarum. Frankfurt/O. Tasso, Bernardo. Le Lettere. Venezia. Duno, Taddeo. Epistolae medicinales. Zürich. Rao, Cesare. L’argute e facete lettere. Venezia. Zucchi, Bartolomeo. Lettere... Parte prima (-seconda). Venezia. Du Tronchet, Étienne. Lettres missives et familieres. Paris. Guarini, Giovanni Battista. Il segretario dialogo. Venezia. Leoni, Giovanni Battista. Delle lettere familiari. Venezia. Scaliger, Julius Caesar. Epistolae & orationes. Leyden. Peranda, Giovanni Francesco. Le lettere. Venezia. Zucchi, Bartolomeo. L’idea del segretario. Venezia, 1614. Pergamini, Giacomo. Lettere. Venezia. from Part I, Chronological list )21( List of Printers (arranged by towns) Antwerp Plantin, Christoph 30, 59, 60 Loe, Jan van der 132 Augsburg Grimm, Siegmund & Wirsung, Marx 11 Avignon Bramereau, Jacques 97 Basel Episcopius, Nicolaus 40, 41, 63, 86 Foillet, Jacques 157 Froben, Hieronymus 40, 41 Hervagius, Johannes 40 Oporin, Johann 128, 131, 133, 138, 151 Ostein, Leonard 169 Perna, Petrus 85 Queck, Paul 82 Waldkirch, Konrad 44, 140 Westheimer, Bartholomaeus 159 Bergamo Ventura, Comin 118, 125 Bologna Giaccarelli, Anselmo 55 Manuzio, Antonio 104 Dillingen Mayer, Johannes 144 Ferrara Baldini, Vittorio 108 Panizza, Valente 105 Firenze Doni, Anton Francesco 80 Giunti 124 Sermartelli, Bartolomeo 90 Torrentino, Lorenzo 112, 126 from Part I, List of printers Frankfurt/M. Aubry, Jean 54 Marne, Calude de 54 Wechel, Andreas, Heirs of 28, 54 Zöpfel, David 154 Frankfurt/O. Hartmann, Friedrich 64 Freiburg/Br. Graf, Stephan 160 Genève Vignon, Eustache 1 Ingolstadt Sartorius, David 88, 123 Köln Birckmann, Arnold, Heirs of 24, 139, 142 Calenius, Gervinus 38 Horst, Peter 89, 110, 149, 170, 171 Quentel, Johannes, Heirs of 38 Lausanne Le Preux, François 27 Leiden Plantin, Christoph 61, 62, 113 Ravelingen, Frans van 61, 62, 141 Leipzig Lamberg, Abraham 143 Steinmann, Johann, Heirs of 107 Vögelin, Ernst 39, 84 London Hatfield, Arnold 5 Lyon Didier, Jean 36 Farina, Cesare 81 Gryphe, Sébastien 92, 109 )22( Index of authors, editors, senders, recipients, places and names Aachen 143 Agen 542 Agosti Tasso, Lelia 34 Alario, Giorgio 123 Albani, Giovanni Battista 25 Albani, Giovanni Domenico 9 Albi 67 Albon, Jacques d' 11, 15 Alcalà de Henares 12, 23 Alençon 476 Alkmaar 167 Altdorf 765 Amberg 234 Amboise 312 Amersfoort 254 Amiens 75, 212 Amsterdam 12, 61, 57, 145, 233, 321, 336, 387, 412, 456, 498, Ancona 459 Angers 215 Angoulême 476 Annecy 176 Antwerp 9, 25, 69, 112, 256, 341, Apchon, Jacques 1 57, 334 Apchon, Jean 6, 11, 566 Arbhem 143 Ardizio, Curzio 756 Aretino, Pietro 1,22,3,4,5,6,25,35,40, 58, 120, 345, 555, 650 Arezzo 71 Arles 45 Arras 325 Ascoli Piceno 278 Assisi 19 Asti 567 Augsburg 391 from Part I, Index of names Aurillac 18 Autun 362 Auxerre 651 Avignon 65 Bamberg 254, 531 Barcelona 274, 398, 472 Bari 39 Baritel, Etienne 321 Barraillon, Antoine 2, 125, 236 Basel 3, 16, 21, 33, 59, 60, 71, Beccaria, Alfonso 778 Beffa Negrini, Antonio 92 Bellon, Pierre 435 Bembo, Pietro 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 69, 70, 71, 235, 455, 650 Bentivoglio, Cornelio 287 Bentivoglio, Ippolito 677 Bergamo 345 Bergerac 56 Berlin 234, 543 Bern 122 Besançon 55 Biella 111 Blandin, David 12 Blois 231 Bologna 45, 66, 71, 143, 655 Bordeaux 34, 576 Borgogni, Gherardo 765 Bourges 234, 444 Bratislava 533 Braunschweig 221 Bremen 12 Brescia 235 Brest 154 Brugge 21 Bruxelles 432 Buattier, Benoît 34 Budapest 96 Burgos 321 Caen 43 Cahors 211 Caleppio, Paolo 212 Cambridge 321 Camerino 341 Capilupi, Ippolito 56 Carpi 57 Castello, Bernardo 87 Catherine de' Medici 2, 87, 233, Cavallara, Giovanni Battista 23 Cesena 321 Chambéry 654 Charles IX 187, 543 Chartres 122 Chastillon, Jérôme de 89 Chencuier, Simon 324 Cheroyer de Malestroit, Jean 44 Clemens III 99, 104 Coburg 45, 122 Coimbra 432 Como 233, 234 Cordoba 544 Corno, Giorgio 321 Cortona 124 Cremoma 76 Croy, Philippe de 653 Cuenca 234 Cuneo 154 De’ Vecchi, Germano 55 Del Monte, Guidobaldo 342 Delft 235 Della Rovere, Fran. Maria 2 Della Torre, Bartolomeo 144 Deventer 125 )23( Letter Collections 1501-1600 (finding list) Agricola, Rudolph. Epistolae variae ad Iacobum Barbirianum (in:) Nonnulla opuscula. Antwerpen, Martens, 1511; Basel, Cratander, 1518. ---. (Various letters in:) Lucubrationes. Köln, Gymnicus, 1539. Agrippa, Heinrich Cornelius. Epistolae. (In:) Operum pars posterior. Lyon, Béringue, (1580?), 1600. Alciati, Andrea - see Giovio, Paolo, Historiarum Alcune lettere delle cose del Giappone. Scritte da’ reuerendi padri della Compagnia di Iesu. Dell’anno 1579. insino al 1581. Brescia, Sabbio, 1584; Milano, da Ponte, 1584; Napoli, Salviani, 1584; Roma, Zannetti, 1584; Venezia, Giolito, 1585. ---. (French translation) Paris, Brumen, 1584. Alessandri, Baldassare Olimpo degli. Aurora… ove sono capitoli,… epistole, madrigali… Venezia, Torti, 1536; ibid., Bindoni, 1539, 1555; ibid., Salò, (1565?); Viterbo, Martinelli, 1572. ---. Camilla ... oue contiensi matinate, strambotti, madrigaletti, canzoni, epistole, sonetti, frottole, barzelette et prose. Perugia, Cartolari, 1522; Venezia, Sessa & Ravani, 1522; ibid., Bindoni & Pasini, 1524; Milano Scinzenzeler, 1525; Venezia, Zoppino, 1532; ibid., n.pr., 1536; Roma, Dorico, 1542; Venezia, Padovano, 1544; ibid., (Bindoni), 1545; Roma, Blado, 1547; Venezia, de Viano, (1550?), 1572; ibid., Pannini, 1555; ibid., Salò, (1565?); ibid., al Segno della Regina, 1581. ---. Gloria d’amore... ove contiensi... lettere d’amore... Perugia, Cartolari, 1520,1522, 1525; Firenze, Zucchetta, 1522; Venezia, Bindoni & Pasini, 1522, 1544; ibid., Sessa & Ravani, 1522; ibid., Zoppino, 1522, 1532, 1536; ibid. Sessa & Serena, 1524; Chivasso, Livorno, 1529; Venezia, Sessa, 1530; ibid., Torti, 1535; ibid., Bindoni, 1539; ibid. Padovano, 1544; Milano, Borgo, 1546; Venezia, n.pr. 1555; ibid., Giolito, 1563; ibid., Pagan, (1580?); Piacenza, Barzachi, 1599. ---. Olimpia..., oue contiensi strambotti, recomandatione, mattinate, sonetti, capitoli, prosa, lettre, & barzellette. Perugia, Cartolari, 1522; Venezia, da Polo, 1522; ibid., Tacuino, 1524; ibid., n.pr., 1524; ibid., Bindoni & Pasini, 1525, 1537; ibid., Sessa, 1532; 1537; ibid., Zoppino, 1532; Milano, Borgo, (1533?), (1546?); n.pl.n.pr., 1538; Venezia, Padovano, 1541; ibid., n.pr. 1555; Firenze, a S. Apolinare, 1600. ---. Pegasea.Opera nuova... dove sono... epistole lamentevole... Venezia, Bindoni & Pasini; 1524, 1525; ibid., Zoppino, 1525; ibid., Torti, 1535; ibid., Bindoni, 1538, 1539, 1557; Milano, Castiglione, 1541; Venezia, Pagan, (1542?); N.pl.n.pr., 1553. Alguns capitulos tirados das cartas que vieram este anno de 1588 dos padres da Companhia de Iesu que andam nas partes da India, China, Iapão & Reino de Angola... / collegidos por o padre Amador Rebello da mesma Companhia... (Amador Rebello, ed.). Lisboa, Ribeyro, 1588. Alvarez, Antonio. Epistolarum & consiliorum medicinalium pars prima. Napoli, Salviani, 1585. Alvarez, Manuel. Copia de algunas cartas que los padres y hermanos de la compañia de Iesus, que andan en la India… Tresladadas de Portugues en Castellano. Coimbra, Barrera, 1562. Amboise, Michel d’. Le Secret d’amours,… où sont contenus plusieurs lettres tant en rithme qu’en prose, fort recreatives à tous amans. Paris, L’Angelier, 1542. from Part II, Letter collections (finding list) )24( Letter-writing Manuals 1501-1600 (finding list) Abril, Pedro Simon. M.Tullii Ciceronis epistolarum selectarum libri tres, cum interpretationibus & scholiis Hispana lingua scriptis... Toledo, Porralis, 1572. ---. Los dos libros de las epistolas selectas de Marco Tulio Ciceron : en que se pone el vso de cartas narratorias i de fauor llamadas comendaticias puestas con traduction i declaraciones en lengua Castellana hechas... Zaragoza, Soler, 1583. Adler, Johann. Formular und Titular buch von newen practiciert…, Frankfurt a.M., Jacob, (ca.1550) Aesticampianus, Joannes (Sommerfeld, Johannes). Modus epistolandi. Crakow, Ungler, 1513, 1514; Wien, Vietor, 1515; Cracow, Haller, 1519; ibid., Vietor, 1522. Agricola, Rudolph. De ratione studii epistola (also: De formando studio epistola). Deventer, de Breda, 1508*; Antwerp, Martens, 1511*; Basel, Cratander, 1518*; Wittenberg, Lotter, 1520; Paris, R. Estienne, 1527*, 1537*; Hagenau, Setzer, (1528?*, 1530?*), 1531*, Nürnberg, Petreius, 1530*, 1531*; Wittenberg, Klug, 1541*, 1542*, 1544*; Leipzig, Wolrab, 1542*; ibid., Babst, 1545*, 1547*; Tübingen, Morhard, 1545*; N.pl.n.pr. (1550?*); Paris, Calvarin, 1550; Köln, Horst, 1555*; ibid., Ossenbrug, 1555*; Augsburg, Ulhard, (1560?*). Altenstaig, Johann. Opus pro conficiendis epistolis. Hagenau, Gran, 1512. Althamer, Andreas. Ratio epistolarum conscribendarum compendiaria. Leipzig, Schumann, 1520. Amiguet, Jeronimo. Sinonima variationum sententiarum eleganti stilo constructa ex italico sermone in valentinum… redacta. Valencia, Koffmann, 1502. Andrelini, Publio Fausto. Epistolarum conficiendarum viginti praecepta (in:) Francesco Filelfo, Familiares et admodum elegantes epistolae. Paris, H. Le Fèvre, n.d. (after 1509). Aneau, Bathélemy. La diversité des epistres familieres, et oratoires, (in:) Euchier a Valerian. Lyon, Bonhomme, 1552. Arias, Juan. Pratica eclesiastica para el uso y exercio de notarios publicos y apostolicos, y secretarios de prelados. Madrid, Gomez, 1575; ibid., Castro, 1596. Badius, Jodocus. In epistolarum compositionem compendium isagogicum. Paris, (Kerver?), 1501; ibid., Marnef, 1502*, Nürnberg, Höltzel, 1504*, (Basel, Bartholomaeus, ca. 1509*, ca. 1510)*; ibid., n.pr., ca. 1509*, ca. 1513*; (Leipzig, Landsberg, 1510?); ibid., Thanner, 1510; Cracow, Haller, 1514*; Wien, Vietor, 1516*; ibid., Singriener, 1523*. ---. De epistolarum compositione compendium. Lyon & Paris, Huguetan, (1505)*; Paris, Gourmont, ca. 1510*; Venezia, Rusconi, 1519*. Bardaxì, Francisco Juan. De conscribendis epistolis liber unus. Valencia, Mey, 1564. Basin, Jean. Novus elegansque conficiendarum epistolarum… modus. Saint-Dié, Lud, 1507. Bebel, Heinrich. Commentaria epistolarum conficiendarum. Strasbourg, Grüninger, 1503, 1506; (Pforzheim, Anselm, ca. 1507), 1508, 1509, 1510; Tübingen, Anselm, 1511; Strasbourg, Schürer, 1513, 1516. Becichemus, Marinus. De componenda epistola and Centuria epistolarum quaestiones (in: Opera) Brescia, Britannico, (1504); (Venezia, Lessona), 1504; ibid., De Vitalibus, 1506; Basel, (Winter), 1541*. ---. Centuria epistolarum quaestiones. (Brescia), Britannico (1501?); Bologna, Faelli, 1504. from Part II, Letter-writing manuals (finding list) )25( Secondary Literature 1. 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Allen, P. S., The Letters of Rudolph Agricola, in: “The English Historical Review”, 21, (1906), pp. 302-17. 9. ---. The Principal Editions of Erasmus’s Epistolae, in: “Opus Epistolarum Des. Erasmi Roterdami”, P.S. Allen, ed., (Oxford, 1906), I, pp. 593-602. 10. ---. Some Letters of Masters and Scholars, 1500-1530, in: “English Historical Review”, 22 (1907), pp. 740-54. 11. Alonso Garcia, D., Ioannes de Yciar, calígrafo durangués del siglo XVI, 1550-1950, (Bilbao, 1953). 12. Altman, J.G., Epistolarity: Approaches to a Form, (Columbus, OH, 1982). 13. ---. The Letter Book as a Literary Institution, 1539-1789: Toward a Cultural History of Published Correpondence in France, in: “Yale French Studies”, 71, (1986), pp. 17-62. 14. ---. The Politics of Epistolary Art, in: “A New History of French Literature”, D. Hollier, ed., (Cambridge, MA, 1989), pp. 415422. 15. ---. Pour une histoire culturelle de la lettre: l’épistolier et l’état sous l’Ancien Régime, in: “L’epistolarité à travers les siècles. Geste de communication et/ou écriture”, M. Bossis, & Ch. A. Porter, eds., (Stuttgart, 1990), pp. 106-115. 16. ---. Teaching the ‘People’ to Write: The Formation of a Popular Civic Identity in the French Letter Manual, in: “Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture”, 22, (1992), pp. 147-180. from Part II, Secondary literature 17. Ambrière, M. & Chotard, L., eds., Nouvelles approches de l’épistolaire. Lettres d’artistes, archives et correspondances. Actes du colloque international tenu en Sorbonne les 3 et 4 décembre 1993, (Paris, 1996). 18. Angiolini, F., Dai segretari alle ‘segreterie’: uomini ed apparati di governo nella Firenze Medicea (metà XVI secolo-metà XVII secolo), in: “Società e storia”, 58, (1992), pp. 701-720. 19. Antón Pelayo, X., Les prátiques epistolars (segles XV-XIX), in: “M’escriurás una carta?”, (Gerona, 2000), pp. 44-53. 20. 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Atkinson, J.B., Machiavelli and his friends: their personal correspondence, (DeKalb, IL, 1996). )26( Subject Index To Secondary Literature (The numbering relates to that in the preceding section) Accetto, Torquato 90 Agricola, Rudolf 3, 8, 345, 414, 438, 712 Agrippa, Cornelius 297 Alcazar, Bartolomé de 557 Aldana, Francisco de 568 Amerbach 404 Aretino, Pietro 26, 27, 28, 40, 78, 135, 198, 229, 283, 304, 328, 400, 442, 447, 554, 596, 627, 628 Aristotle 258 Asham, Roger 30, 681 Atanagi, Dionigi 31 Autobiography 328 Avalos, Costanza d’ 506 Badius Ascensius, Jodocus 21, 22, 792 Bandello, Matteo 41 Barbiranus, Jacobus 414 Barzizza, Gasparino 285, 512 Beccadelli, Lodovico 309, 310 Bellay, Joachim de 92, 93 Bardaxi, Franciscus Ioannes 24 Bembo, Pietro 64, 65, 176, 288, 303, 443, 626, 661, 743, 744 Bergh, Adam von dem 712 Beroaldo, Filippo 416 Bèze, Théodore de 82, 83 Bibliography 25, 501 Boiardo, Matteo 234 Bonfadio, Jacopo, 102, 746 Bouchet, Jean 417, 419 Bourges, Louise de 431 Brahe, Tycho 546, 547 Brandenburg-Ansbach, Albrecht von 396 Bravo Martolomé 557 Buchanan, George 308 Budé, Guillaume 129, 150, 215, 273, 281, 423, 424, 439, 698 Bunel, Pierre 88, 480A, 684 Buonarotti, Michelangelo 130, 131, 595, 748 Business letters 212, 732 Calmo, Andrea 138, 222, 227 Calvin, Jean 74, 75, 93A, 94, 526, 550, 674, 701, 786 Camerarius, Joachim 140, 397, 793 Caro, Annibal 147, 148, 291, 323, 351, 496, 685 Casaubon, Isaac 766 Castiglione, Baldassare 151, 153, 184, 430 Celtis, Konrad 162 Chandon, Renaud 88 Chappuys, Gabriel 163, 517, 518, 553 Chytraeus, David 724 Ciceronianism 123 Cochlaeus, Johannes 316 Coligny, Louise de 185 Colonna, Vittoria 1, 179, 236, 506, 640 Conversation 249, 330, 696 Contile, Luca 629 Corsali, Andrea 437 Courtesans 669 Cox, Leonard 345 Crenne, Hélisenne de 56, 57, 189, 190, 191, 417, 565, 572, 753 Cueva, Juan de la 583 Cultural exchange 79 Day, Angel 202, 483 Dedication letters 695 Despauterius, Joannes 380 Des Roches, Madeleine & Cathérine 228, 232 Dietrichstein, Ana de, countess of Villanueva del Cañedo 213 Doni, Antonfrancesco 226, 246, 297, 328, 604-606, 645 Dolce, Lodovico 118, 628 Dolet, Etienne 245 Dovizi da Bibiena, Bernardo 247 Du Tronchet, Etienne 435, 482, 572, 573, 725 Eck, Valentin 345 England 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, from Part II, Subject index to secondary literature 208, 209, 301, 335, 347, 359, 374, 394, 440, 451, 484, 528, 576, 662, 697, 702, 706, 721, 784 Erasmus, Desiderius 9, 66-73, 85-87, 89, 150, 182, 188, 194, 196, 257, 264-273, 283, 286, 318, 331, 332, 334, 346, 355, 372, 373, 375, 376, 378, 380-383, 387, 395, 402, 403, 405-408, 418, 423-425, 469, 483, 489, 490, 491, 566, 575, 593, 653-655, 698, 719, 720, 755, 765, 780, 782, 783, 792 Epistolary fiction 61, 125, 203, 231, 339, 401, 409, 577, 677, 678, 710, 764, 770, 774 Erizzo, Sebastiano 799 Estienne, Henri 112, 146 Evangelism 700, 708 Fabri, Pierre 172, 418 Facetious letters 216, 223, 292, 296, 326, 446 Ficino, Marsilio 295 Fictitious letters 280, 336, 668 Filelfo, Francesco 344 Filelfo, Giovanni Maria 299, 300 Flaminio, Marco Antonio 302 France 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 58, 76, 80, 81, 104, 105, 108, 111, 126, 166, 167, 200, 365, 389, 570-572, 574, 580, 594, 602, 671, 673, 675, 749, 750, 769, 787 Franco, Nicolò 136, 210, 225, 311, 312, 327, 596, 603 Franco, Veronica 237, 287, 313, 314, 577, 628, 670 Fratta, Giovanni 471 Frederick the Wise 395 Fuggerzeitungen 617 Galilei, Galileo 426 Gambara, Veronica 703 Garimberto, Girolamo 718 Germany 60, 86, 107, 665, 699 Gesner, Conrad 217, 255 Giannotti, Donato 715 )27(
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