Dal SET Plan a Horizon 2020: opportunità e sfide per l’Italia Marcello Capra Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico ENERGIAMEDIA – Modena, 29 aprile 2014 SET Plan europeo Il SET (Strategic Energy Technology) Plan ha riportato l’innovazione tecnologica al centro delle strategie per ridurre le emissioni e accelerare lo sviluppo delle low-carbon technologies. Tre strumenti di gestione: Steering Group per l’allineamento con le politiche nazionali European Industrial Initiatives (EII) : Solare, Eolico, Bioenergia, CCS, Smart grids, Fissione nucleare, FCH, Smart cities (efficienza) European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) per coordinare l’azione delle principali strutture di R&S nazionali Supporto del SETIS (Startegic Energy Technologies Information System) in capo al JRC | 1 Strumenti attuativi del SET Plan 7° Programma Quadro della Ricerca (ora Horizon 2020) European Energy Programme for Recovery (EEPR) New Entrance Reserve (NER) 300 Programma Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) Fondi di Coesione 2007-2013 Gli investimenti pubblici e privati nello sviluppo delle tecnologie del SET Plan sono cresciuti nella UE da 3,2 miliardi € nel 2007 a 5,4 miliardi € nel 2010, di cui: 70% a carico delle industrie 20% a carico degli SM 10 a carico della Commissione UE | 2 Il quadro di riferimento per le EII Common Roadmap (10y) and Implementation Plan (3y) Public funding partners Project typology Instruments EC High EU added value FP/Horizon EC, MS, EIB Large projects, EU added value, shared interests FP/Horizon (ERANET), NER300, EEPR, ESI Funds EC, MS Localised shared interests EERA, ad-hoc arrangements MS Supporting domestic industry national programmes EIB Industrial scale projects EIB loans, RSFF, guarantees, equity Common assessment, monitoring and reporting standards - KPIc | 3 Criticità nell’accesso al credito per i progetti demo | 4 Le prospettive del SET Plan La recente Comunicazione COM (2013) 253 sull’innovazione e le tecnologie energetiche rilancia il ruolo del SET Plan ma chiede un consolidamento e una maggiore integrazione tra le EII, allo scopo di: concentrarsi nei settori ad elevato valore aggiunto stabilire le priorità tenendo conto anche dell’offerta di servizi energetici efficaci rispetto ai costi per i clienti finali azioni di integrazione lungo tutta la catena di innovazione energetica, dalla ricerca di base alla commercializzazione utilizzo di un portafoglio di strumenti finanziari, valorizzando maggiormente le sinergie con i fondi strutturali | 5 Una Roadmap integrata La Comunicazione richiede la predisposizione di una roadmap integrata che riguardi l’intera catena di ricerca e innovazione, dalla ricerca di base alla dimostrazione e al sostegno per l’immissione sul mercato Deve indicare chiaramente i ruoli e i compiti che spettano all’EERA, alle EII, nonché alle università e agli investitori, promuovendo sinergie e interazioni Sulla base della roadmap, gli SM e la Commissione dovranno elaborare un piano d’azione che stabilisca gli investimenti in R&S degli SM e della UE sulla base di un principio di “joint co-operation” | 6 Governance – Horizon 2020 14 PROGRAMME COMMITTEE CONFIGURATIONS (provide Member States oversight and input into work programmes) 1. HORIZONTAL CONFIGURATION Excellent Science 2. ERC Marie Curie, FET Industrial Technologies 4 . ICT Societal Challenges 8. Health 9. Bio-economy 5. Nanotech,Materials, Biotech, Manufacturing 10. Energy 11. Transport 3. Research infrastructures 6. Space 7. SMEs, Risk Finance 12. Climate 13. Inclusive societies 14. Security SC3 in Horizon 2020 Excellent Science European Research Council Frontier research by the best individual teams Future and Emerging Technologies Collaborative research to open new fields of innovation Marie Skłodowska Curie actions Opportunities for training and career development Industrial Technologies Societal Challenges Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies ICT, nanotechnologies, materials, biotechnology, manufacturing, space Health, demographic change and wellbeing Access to risk finance Leveraging private finance and venture capital for research and innovation Secure, clean and efficient energy Innovation in SMEs Fostering all forms of innovation in all types of SMEs Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research & the bioeconomy Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials Inclusive, innovative and Research infrastructures reflective societies (including e-infrastructure) Security society Ensuring access to world-class facilities European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation Science with and for society Joint Research Center (JRC) Euratom 8 MS participation on Energy in FP7 vs FP6 (courtesy of G. Zollino) La partecipazione italiana al tema Energia del FP7 (courtesy of G.Zollino) 10 Success of stakeholders in Energy Projects in the frame of FP7 (courtesy of G.Zollino) Regional Policy 11 Horizon 2020 is different..... Integration of Research and Innovation Instruments Emphasis on the impact on Society, Industry and Jobs A strong challenge-based approach, allowing applicants to have considerable freedom to come up with innovative solutions Simplified list of possible types of action (e.g. research and innovation -100%; innovation actions - 70%,…) Less prescription, strong emphasis on expected impact Broader topics. Cross-cutting issues mainstreamed (e.g. social sciences, gender, international…) 12 Regional Policy Horizon 2020 SME instrument ? Procurement Concept & Feasibility Assessment IDEA Demonstration Market Replication Research Development Commercialisation business coaching throughout the project SME window EU financial facilities MARKET 13 Regional Policy Losses/Profit Overcoming the valley of death Technology Transfer Success as a New product Product Launch Commercialization Research Development Success as a business Time Valley of Death FP7 H2020 14 Regional Policy HORIZON 2020 Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) – a useful tool in development and deployment of KETs in FP7: TRLs 1 – 4; up to 5-6 in 2012-13 (pilots and demonstrators) KETs: TRLs 3/4 – 8; centre at TRLs 5-7 15 Regional Policy Technology Readiness Level ..... TRL 4: Small Scale Prototype Development Unit (PDU) The components of the technology have been identified. A PDU has been built a laboratory and controlled environment. Operations have provided data to identify potential up scaling and operational issues. Measurements validate analytical predictions of the separate elements of the technology. Simulation of the processes has been validated. Preliminary LCA and economy assessment models have been developed. TRL 5: Large Scale Prototype Development Unit The technology has been qualified through testing in intended environment, simulated or actual. The new hardware is ready for first use. Process modelling (technical and economic) is refined. LCA and economy assessment models have been validated. Where it is relevant for further up scaling the following issues have been identified: Health & safety, environmental constraints, regulation, and resources availability. TRL 6: Prototype System The components and the process have been up scaled to prove the industrial potential and its integration within the energy system. Hardware has been modified and up scaled. Most of the issues identified earlier have been resolved. Full commercial scale system has been identified and modelled. LCA and economic assessments have been refined. TRL 7: Demonstration System The technology has been proven to work and operate a pre-commercial scale. Final operational and manufacturing issues have been identified. Minor technology issues have been solved. LCA and economic assessments have been refined. 16 …… Regional Policy BASIC GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF H 2020 • 2-year work programme to allow for better preparation of applicants One call BUT several deadlines and different evaluation processes Topics can be repeated BUT challenges could change • Challenge-based approach (not prescribing technology options) • Focus areas • Use of TRLs to specify scope of activities • Indicative project size range • Grant signature within 8 months from the deadlines • Cross-cutting actions 17 Regional Policy Time to grant Deadline Informing Applicants 5 0 Grant signature 8 Month 18 Regional Policy Secure, clean and efficient Energy Four Calls 1. Energy efficiency 2. Smart cities & communities 3. Competitive low-carbon energy 4. SME's and Fast Track to Innovation for Energy 19 Regional Policy Indicative Call budgets Calls 2014 (M€) 2015 (M€) Energy Efficiency 97,5 98,15 Smart Cities and Communities 92,32 108,18 Competitive Low-Carbon Energy 359,1 372,33 SMEs and Fast Track to Innovation 33,95 37,26 75 61 657,87 676,92 Part B – other actions TOT 20 Regional Policy Energy WP 2014-2015 21 Regional Policy Energy WP 2014-2015 22 Regional Policy Call Energy Efficiency: Deadlines Topics* 2014 EE1, EE3, EE18 20/03/2014 EE4, EE5, EE7, EE8, EE9, EE10, EE11, EE12, EE13, EE14, EE15, EE16, EE19, EE20, EE21 05/06/2014 EE2, EE18 09/12/2014 EE5, EE6, EE7, EE9, EE10, EE11, EE13, EE14, EE15, EE16, EE17, EE19, EE20, EE21 2015 10/06/2015 * Corresponds to the topic code in the work-programme 23 Regional Policy Call Energy Efficiency: Budget Topics* Short-hand Description 2014 (M€) 2015 (M€) EE1, EE2 EeB PPP: Pre-fabricated modules and New Energy Efficient Buildings 8 9 EE3 EeB PPP: Historic Buildings 5 EE18 SPIRE Topic PPP: Heat recovery 8 8 EE6, EE12, EE13 Demand response in building blocks, socioeconomic research and technology for DHC 8,5 13,35 EE11 ICT for energy efficiency 8,5 8,5 34,5 32,8 25 26,5 EE4, EE5, EE7, EE8, EE9, EE10, EE14, EE15, EE16, EE17 EE19, EE20, EE21 Market uptake in Buildings, Consumers, Industry and Products Empowering public authorities and its stakeholders Finance for sustainable energy including project development assistance Regional Policy * Corresponds to the topic code in the work-programme 24 Energy WP 2014-2015 25 Regional Policy Energy WP 2014-2015 • Energy efficiency call • Buildings and consumers • Heating and cooling • Industry and products • Finance for sustainable energy • Smart Cities and Communities • 'Light-house projects' • Support measures for enhancing the roll-out of Smart Cities and Communities solutions by stimulating the market demand 26 Regional Policy Energy WP 2014-2015 Competitive low-carbon energy • Renewable electricity and heating/cooling • Modernising the single European electricity grid • Providing the energy system with flexibility through enhanced energy storage technologies • Sustainable biofuels and alternative fuels for the European transport fuel mix • Enabling the sustainable use of fossil fuels in the transition to a lowcarbon economy • Supporting the development of a European research area in the field of energy • Social, environmental and economic aspects of the energy system • Cross-cutting issues 27 Regional Policy SMEs AND FAST TRACK TO INNOVATION for ENERGY SIE1 – 2014/2015: Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon and efficient energy system SMEs play a crucial role in developing resource-efficient, cost-effective and affordable technology solutions to decarbonise and make more efficient the energy system in a sustainable way. They are expected to strongly contribute to one or a combination of more than one of the challenges outlined in the legal base of the Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge ‘Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy’ SIE2 – 2015: Fast track to Innovation Topic - Pilot Under this Fast Track to Innovation (FTI) pilot, proposals for innovation actions linked to any technology field will be invited, on the basis of a continuously open call (with its first cut-off date in 2015) and a bottomup-driven logic. 28 Regional Policy Italy towards Horizon2020: SC3 Consultation Board National Technology Platforms, NTPs (related to ETPs/SET PLAN) • Biofuels / Biofuels Italia TP • EU PV TP • TP Wind • RHC • Smart Grids • ZEP National Research Platforms: EERA/AIREn SET-PLAN Public-Private Partnerships, PPPs • EERA • 15 Integrated Research programmes in the energy field • EIIs • Wind, Solar, Electricity Grids, CCS, Bioenergy,SmartCities,FuelCellsH2 • Energy efficiency in buildings • SPIRE • JTI FCH • BRIDGE Joint Programming Initiatives, JPIs • Urban Europe • CliK'EU European Innovation Partnerships, EIPs • EIP Smart Cities and Communities (SCC) Delegate Experts ERA-NETs Knowledge Innovation Communities, KICs • KIC InnoEnergy But also: EIT ICT Labs and CLIMATE-KIC BESTF1 & 2, Geothermal ERA-NET, NEWA,PV-ERANET2, SOLAR.ERA.NET, SmartGrids ERA-Net, FENCO-NET Others • EMIRI • Smart Cities Stakeholder Platform • NER300 29 • EUROGIA2020 Overall context: EU Funding for Sustainable Energy 2014-2020 • Cohesion Policy to allocate some 23 billion € (estimate!) to investments in energy efficiency, renewable energy, smart distribution grids and urban mobility, including research and innovation in those areas in complementarity with Horizon 2020 • Horizon 2020: Some 5.9 billion € to be allocated to research and innovation in "Secure, clean and efficient energy" • Connecting Europe Facility: Some 5.9 billion € to be allocated to investments in TEN-E infrastructure of highest European added value • Other European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds: European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and European Maritime and Fisheries Fund Regional Policy 30 Smart Specialisation in the field of Sustainable Energy (I) • Research and innovation (R&I) in sustainable energy is key to achieving the EU climate and energy targets for 2020 and also the target for 2050 of a 85-90% reduction in CO2 emissions. • R&I in these areas also entails important opportunities for regional development. The objective of Cohesion Policy is to improve the regional economy in terms of competitiveness, growth and jobs. Therefore, it can only support research projects contributing to this objective. It cannot support projects for "purely" scientific purposes. 31 Regional Policy Smart Specialisation in the field of Sustainable Energy (II) • In assessing their position and assets in the context of the development and implementation of their smart specialisation strategies ("RIS3"), MS and regions are invited to make full use of the knowledge developed in the framework of the SET Plan • In concrete terms, include SET Plan and Horizon 2020 actors in the strategy development: • SET Plan Steering Group members, members of Horizon 2020 programme committee, researchers, EII, European Energy Research Alliance, PPP on Energy-efficient Buildings, SPIRE PPP, Marie Curie centres, research institutions with success in FP7 32 Regional Policy Smart Specialisation in the field of Sustainable Energy (III) • Significant number of regions – possibly around 70! – expected to decide that they will focus Cohesion Policy resources for R&I in areas linked to renewable energy or energy efficiency. • However, all regions will invest significant Cohesion Policy resources in renewable energy and energy efficiency over 2014-2020. Even if not themselves active in R&I in these areas, they are encouraged to follow the outcome of R&I efforts in other MS and regions (co-financed by Cohesion Policy, Horizon 2020, national public or private resources…) to make sure that their investments benefit from the latest state-of-the art knowledge. 33 Regional Policy | 34 Sostegno del MiSE all’innovazione energetica e allineamento progressivo alle priorità del SET Plan Fondo Ricerca di Sistema Elettrico: Piano Triennale 2012-2014 (risorse per circa 220 M€) Strumenti: Accordi di Programma con ENEA, CNR e RSE, Bandi di cofinanziamento per le imprese e per gli organismi pubblici di ricerca Programma Operativo Interregionale (POI) Energia: Aumentare la quota di energia proveniente da fonti rinnovabili e migliorare l’efficienza energetica, promuovendo le opportunità di sviluppo locale e valorizzando i collegamenti con il tessuto sociale ed economico dei territori in cui esse si realizzano New Entrants Reserve - NER 300: Progetto di biocarburanti M&G in Piemonte finanziato sul 1° bando Progetto di smart grids in Puglia in fase di istruttoria BEI sul 2° bando Fondo per la crescita sostenibile (DM 8/3/2013) | 35 Un caso esemplare di filiera “made in Italy”: lo sviluppo delle Smart Grids Renewable Scenario integration analysis Planning Operation System management Component technologies innovation ICT Power electronics Storage Electric vehicles PQ Environment | 36 Lo sviluppo delle tecnologie per l’efficienza: una opportunità in più per l’Italia La ricerca e l’innovazione delle tecnologie per l’efficienza sono tornate ad essere centrali nel SET Plan europeo La Commissione ha avviato la definizione di un piano di sviluppo e innovazione delle tecnologie EE nell’ambito della direttiva 2012/27 Il lavoro confluirà nella roadmap integrata e avrà impatto sull’uso razionale delle possibili risorse di incentivo: Horizon 2020 Structural and Investment Funds of regional policy Connecting Europe Facility ETS financing mechanisms 37 La necessità di un approccio integrato: il caso delle Smart Cities Dal SET Plan emerge la necessità di adottare un approccio integrato, una visione unitaria e sinergica, proprio come avviene nello sviluppo delle Smart cities, dove ciascun sottosistema – infrastrutture, mobilità, edilizia, ambiente, governance, inclusione sociale – è trattato, in ottica sinergica, all’interno di un sistema integrato Il recente Rapporto di Confindustria “Smart Energy Project” sul posizionamento strategico del comparto manifatturiero dell’efficienza energetica conferma come questo approccio integrato (a “cluster”) possa costituire un elemento di forza per le tecnologie italiane Lo sviluppo delle Smart cities, unitamente alle tecnologie abilitanti quali smart grids e infrastrutture digitali, può quindi diventare una priorità importante per il Paese, con progetti che rispondano alle diverse esigenze del territorio e al tempo siano competitivi e bancabili | 38 Spunti di riflessione... Esigenza di focalizzazione per superare la frammentazione tipica del sistema degli incentivi: il SET Plan e Horizon sono una opportunità per razionalizzare gli interventi e creare partenariati trasversali Necessità di convergenza delle attività di innovazione tecnologica nazionali e regionali sulle priorità del SET Plan, rafforzando le condizioni di sistema e di organizzazione per migliorare la partecipazione italiana ai programmi di ricerca comunitari Ricostituire un collegamento organico tra la produzione di conoscenze e il potenziale utilizzo industriale, identificando gli ambiti di applicazione della ricerca; necessità di una “mappatura” delle risorse disponibili sul territorio per calibrare gli incentivi in modo mirato | 39 Criticità nel finanziamento dei progetti demo: la stagione dei contributi a fondo perduto volge al termine e occorre sviluppare partenariati di tipo PPP che garantiscano economie di scala e flussi finanziari adeguati, oltre che rafforzare il coordinamento tra il SET PLAN e la nuova programmazione dei Fondi Strutturali per il 2014-2020 Rafforzare la cooperazione intersettoriale, in particolare con il settore ICT, determinante per abilitare l’integrazione tra i vari sistemi che compongono il binomio del futuro Smart Grid-Smart City Contributo al made in Italy: rafforzare le filiere industriali di primo livello passando in molti ambiti tecnologici dalla fase pilota a quella dimostrativa molto più “capital-intensive” (es. smart grids in cui il consolidamento di una “supply-chain” diventa determinante per mantenere la leadership internazionale) | 40 ing. Marcello Capra Ministero dello Sviluppo economico marcello.capra@mise.gov.it www.sviluppoeconomico.gov.it 41
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