
Laura Fasanaro
Curriculum vitae
Place and date of birth
Born in Aci Bonaccorsi (CT), Italy
April 29, 1972
University Roma Tre
Department of Political Science
via G. Chiabrera, 199, 00145 Roma, Italy
Tel. 0039 347 300 4989 (mob.); 06 5733 5308 (office)
Email: lfasanaro@uniroma3.it; fasanarolaura@gmail.com
Skype: laura.fasanaro
Current Title/Position
PhD in History of International Relations
Lecturer (Ricercatrice) in History of International Relations at the University Roma Tre (Rome),
Department of Political Science
 2006-2008: Post-doctoral research fellow at the University Roma Tre (Rome), Department of
International Studies
 1999-2003: PhD in History of International Relations at the University of Florence (Italy).
Dissertation on: La questione del carbone renano come problema internazionale nel primo e
nel secondo dopoguerra
 1998: Degree in Political Science (Laurea) at the University of Catania (Italy). Grade: 110/110
cum laude. Degree thesis on: Il fenomeno dell’Eurocomunismo nelle carte della SED
 2014: Erasmus Teaching Grant at the Freie Universität (Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut), Berlin
 2006-2008: Post-doctoral research fellowship at the University Roma Tre (Rome),
Department of International Studies
 2004: DAAD Research scholarship. Research topic: “The Euromissiles crisis and the reaction
of the GDR”
 2001-2002: “Giovani ricercatori” Scholarship, awarded by the University of Florence
Research topic: Il carbone come motivo di conflitto internazionale; il caso tedesco-francese
nel primo e nel secondo dopoguerra
Laura Fasanaro
Curriculum vitae
 1993-94: ERASMUS student at the University of Liège (Faculty of Law)
Research and teaching interests
Cold War History
History of European integration
History of Italian foreign policy
Contemporary German history
History of Communism
Teaching Experience
In Italian
 2013-14: History of International Relations, University Roma Tre, Department of Political
 2011-13: History of European integration, University Roma Tre, Department of Political
 2012-14: Lectures to PhD students in Political Studies at the University Roma Tre,
Department of Political Science. Subject: Historical research methodology
 2003-2011: History of European integration course seminars, University Roma Tre,
Department of International Relations
In English
 2009-2014: “Italy and the US: history of a long-standing interaction” course, at the Institute
for the International Education of Students (IES) Rome
 2003-2012: “Italy and the EU” course at the Institute for the International Education of
Students (IES), Rome
 2009-2011: “Politics and Economics of the EU” course at the Umbra Institute, Perugia
 2003-2005: Model EU training. Simulation of the European Council organized by IES centres
in Europe. Organization, students’ coordination and teaching
In German
 2014: Guest lecturer, summer semester. Lectures on: “Die Siebziger Jahre in der Geschichte
der Ost-West Beziehungen: Détente und Krise des internationalen Systems“; “Die deutsche
Einheit im Ausland: Frankreich und Italien im Vergleich“, Freie Universität (FriedrichMeinecke-Institut), Berlin
 2004: Seminar “Die deutsch-französischen Beziehungen 1945-1951: der Weg zum Schuman
Plan und zur EGKS”, University of Marburg
Research Experience
 Archival research
o Archivio Centrale dello Stato, Rome
o Historical Archives of the European Community, Florence
o Stiftung Archiv der Parteien und Massenorganisationen der DDR im Bundesarchiv
(SAPMO), Berlin
o Politisches Archiv des Auswärtigen Amtes, Berlin;
o Helmut-Schmidt-Archiv e Willy-Brandt Archiv, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), Bonn
o BStU (Stasi Unterlagen), Berlin
o The National Archives, London
o Archives Nationales, Paris
Laura Fasanaro
Curriculum vitae
o PCI Archive at the Gramsci Institute, Rome
o Bettino Craxi’s Archive at the Fondazione Craxi, Rome
o Giulio Andreotti’s Archive at the Istituto Sturzo, Rome
 Conferences
o Conference “The Italian Left and Foreign Policy”, Department of Politics and
International Studies (POLIS), University of Cambridge, June 9, 2014. Conference
paper: Eastern European perspectives on the PCI, 1976-84
o Conference “Studiare Aldo Moro per capire l’Italia”, Accademia di Studi storici Aldo
Moro, Rome, May 9-11, 2013. Conference paper on: Aldo Moro e la questione
tedesca negli anni della distensione internazionale. 1963-1972
o International Conference “Italia 1977. Ambivalenze di una modernità”, Senato della
Repubblica, Rome, April 18-19, 2013. Conference paper: 1977: “Italien steht nicht
stille”. Immagini ed enigmi di un paese in trasformazione nella stampa tedesca
o Conference “Europa oggi e domani”, organized by TIA Association, the European
Commission in Italy, University Roma Tre November 30, 2012. Conference
presentation: La crisi attuale dell’UE come leva di una migliore integrazione politica
o International Workshop “The Long Détente: Changing Concepts of Security and
Cooperation in Europe from the 1950s to the 1980s”, University of Copenhagen,
April 20-21, 2012. Workshop paper: Italian politics and international détente in a
long-term perspective: Developments, interpretations and protagonists 1960s-80s
o Annual Conference of the Italian Society of International History (Società Italiana di
Storia Internazionale, SISI), Florence, December 15-16, 2011. Conference paper: La
Repubblica Democratica Tedesca e l'Italia negli anni Ottanta: vincoli tradizionali e
nuove opportunità nel cerchio stretto dei rapporti Est-Ovest
o International Conference “The Presidents of the European Commission”, University
of Groningen (The Netherlands), November 18-19, 2011. Conference paper (with
Leopoldo Nuti ): So much to do at such a critical time : Romano Prodi as President of
the European Commission
o International Conference “Overcoming the Iron Curtain. Visions of the End of the
Cold War in Europe, 1945-1990”, Université de la Sorbonne, Paris, June 12-14, 2008.
Conference paper: Neither in one bloc, nor in the other - Berlinguer and the PCI in
Eastern and Western perceptions
o International Conference “Atlantic, Euratlantic, or Europe-America? The Atlantic
Community and the European Idea from Kennedy to Nixon”, Roosevelt Study Center,
Middelburg (The Netherlands), September 20-21, 2007. Conference paper: The
Eurocommunism Years: Italy’s Credibility in the Eyes of its Western European Allies
o Conference “Ripensare l’Europa a cinquant’anni dalla firma dei Trattati di Roma”,
University of Urbino, April 27-28, 2007. Conference presentation: Alle origini della
costruzione europea: le relazioni franco-tedesche e la questione energetica dopo la I
e la II Guerra Mondiale
o International Conference “From Helsinki to Gorbachev 1975-1985. The Globalization
of Bipolar Confrontation”, sponsored by Centro Interuniversitario Machiavelli
(CIMA), Artimino (Firenze), April 27-29, 2006. Conference paper: Eurocommunism in
the East-German SED records
o Conference “Diplomazia delle risorse. Le materie prime e il sistema internazionale nel
Novecento”, University of Urbino, December 11-12, 2001. Conference paper: Il
Laura Fasanaro
Curriculum vitae
carbone del bacino renano e i rapporti franco-tedeschi nel primo e nel secondo
 Books
o Energia contesa, energia condivisa. La Francia, il problema tedesco e la questione
carbonifera nei due dopoguerra (Firenze, Polistampa, 2008)
o Evita Perón, a volume published in the series “Icone” (Milan, Mondadori Electa,
 Articles and essays
o 1977, “Italien steht nicht stille”. Un profilo politico e sociale dell’Italia: Der Spiegel,
Die Zeit e Frankfurter Allgemeine, in “Mondo contemporaneo”, n.1, 2014
o Neither in One Bloc, Nor in the Other: Berlinguer’s Vision of the End of the Cold War,
in F. Bozo et al. (eds), Visions of the End of the Cold War in Europe (1945-1990), New
York, Berghahn Books, 2012
o The Eurocommunism Years: Italy’s Political Puzzle and the Limits of the Atlantic
Alliance, in G. S. Smith, V. Aubourg (eds), Atlantic, Euratlantic or Europe-America?,
Paris, Soleb, 2011
o Eurocommunism. An East-German perspective, in L. Nuti (ed), The crisis of Détente in
Europe. From Vietnam to Gorbachev, 1975-1985, London, Routledge, 2009
o Franco-German Relations and the Coal Problem in the Aftermath of the First and the
Second World Wars: From Bilateral Conflict to European Energy Cooperation, in C.
Germond, H. Türk (eds), A history of Franco-German Relations in Europe: from
“Hereditary enemies” to Partners, London, Palgrave, 2006
o L’eurocomunismo nelle carte della SED, in “Mondo contemporaneo”, n.3, 2006
o Il carbone del bacino renano e i rapporti franco-tedeschi nel primo e nel secondo
dopoguerra, in M. Guderzo, M. L. Napolitano (eds), Diplomazia delle risorse. Le
materie prime e il sistema internazionale nel Novecento, Firenze, Edizioni Polistampa,
o L’Italia e l’Unione mese per mese, in G. Mammarella, P. Cacace (eds), L’Europa nel
2000. Idee e fatti, Firenze, Le Lettere, 2001
 Forthcoming works
o La DDR e l’Italia dal riconoscimento alla riunificazione: vincoli tradizionali e nuove
opportunità fra Est e Ovest, 1973-90, Roma, Carocci, 2014-2015
o Aldo Moro e la questione tedesca negli anni della distensione internazionale. 19631972, ed. by Accademia di Studi storici Aldo Moro, Roma 9-11 maggio 2013, Soveria
Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2014
o Between continuity and transformation: opposite visions of Italy’s thirty-year détente,
in P. Villaume, O. Bange (eds), The Long Détente: Changing Concepts of Security and
Cooperation in Europe from the 1940s to the 1980s, Budapest/New York, Central
European University Press, 2014
o Romano Prodi: so much to do at such a critical time (con Leopoldo Nuti), in J. Van der
Harst, G.Voerman (eds), The Presidents of the European Commission, London, J.
Harper Publishing, 2014
Laura Fasanaro
Curriculum vitae
Academic associations
 Member of the Machiavelli Center for Cold War Studies (CIMA):
 Member of the Italian Society of International History (SISI):
 Faculty member responsible for the activity of the International Association of Political
Science Students (IAPSS) at the Department of Political Science (University Roma Tre)
Academic/administrative experience
 Organization of international conferences/seminars:
o 2006: “L’Italia e la guerra del Vietnam – Riflessioni tra storia e politica trent’anni
dopo la fine del conflitto” (Rome, 2006), sponsored by the Machiavelli Center (CIMA)
2003: “The road to Helsinki. The Early Steps to the CSCE” (Florence), sponsored by
the Machiavelli Center (CIMA)
2002: “NATO, the Warsaw Pact and the Rise of Détente” (Dobbiaco), sponsored by
2002: “Security in the Caucasus: Stability and Human Rights in the Region”
(Florence), a seminar sponsored by the Italian Foreign Ministry, the Council of
Europe, the Tbilisi School of Political Studies, the Georgian Embassy in Italy and the
University of Florence
2000: “Europa e Stati Uniti dopo la fine della Guerra Fredda” (Florence), sponsored
by the University of Florence and the Stanford University in Florence
Italian (mother tongue)
English (fluent)
German (fluent)
French (fluent)
Russian (elementary)