
VOL. 8, N°2, AGOSTO 2014
a United
Dear Governors and Friends,
First and foremost, thank you for electing
me as the new President of the FCCI.
I am motivated and eager to continue
on the path forged by my predecessor,
Carmine D’Argenio.
I believe in the invaluable importance of
safeguarding the Italian language, culture
and community. Individually, we have our
unique roles that benefit the community, but
we can contribute so much more by working
as a collective.
One of my goals as your new president is to
ensure that we fully implement the Unitas
project. We will collaborate with community
leaders in order to create what we refer
to as a « United Community ». Not only
will the United Community be symbolic of
our collaborative strength, it will allow a more
efficient use of resources, it will optimize services
and it will uncover new avenues of support.
Through Unitas, the new FCCI will focus on its
original mission: to raise and distribute funds to
organizations endeavouring to promote health,
education, Italian language and culture, and
social causes, with priority given to organizations
within the Italian community. Montreal’s Italian
community is one of the largest in Canada and my
vision is for it to be a vibrant example of solidarity.
The recruitment of New Governors will ensure
the continued success of the FCCI and thereby
achieve what we all consider to be vital: the
maintenance of Italian language, heritage and
culture. There is much work to be done in this
regard. We should always be on the lookout for
industrious, charitable leaders in our community
who can help shape the future of the Foundation.
This is your Community and your Foundation.
We exist to help our community by giving to
charitable, social and cultural institutions. Without
solidarity, we cannot enhance social progress. It
is because of your support that our efforts have
succeeded in positively impacting the lives of so
many Montrealers.
Cari Governatori ed Amici,
Con l’estate che passa e fra poco finirà, finisce
anche il mio mandato che mi ha visto con
orgoglio alla guida della Fondazione Comunitaria
Italo-Canadese come presidente. È stata per me un esperienza
oltremodo positiva e arricchente. Durante gli ultimi otto anni, ho
cercato di incentivare e migliorare per quanto possibile lo sviluppo
della Fondazione con un unico grande obiettivo: il bene della nostra
Particolare ringraziamento e riconoscimento lo rivolgo a tutti coloro
che hanno collaborato con me e che hanno realizzato insieme a me i
vari progetti. La Fondazione ha saputo, con l’evoluzione della società,
farsi carico dei bisogni di una comunità e aiutare varie istituzioni
caritative, sociali e culturali.
As we look forward, we invite you to invest in
your community through the FCCI. Whatever
your charitable action, together we will support
as many community needs as possible.
In closing, I want to thank Carmine D’Argenio
for his leadership as president of the FCCI for
the past 8 years. His dedication and vision
have been invaluable to the Foundation. One
of the greatest team players, the legendary
Joe Di Maggio once said, “A person always
doing his or her best becomes a natural
leader, just by example.” Mr. D’Argenio’s
example was to consistently put his best foot
forward. Let us all continue to do our best and
to lead our community into the next phase of
achievements and successes.
I look forward to serving as your president in
the upcoming year,
As we look back, we thank all of you who have
been helping us achieve our goals through your
Un saluto e un
grazie sincero
PG 2
financial support. You have brought about a
change that will echo eternally throughout our
tight-knit community.
PG 4-5
Joey Saputo, FCCI President
Il 2014 è un anno entusiasmante di cambiamento, crescita e nuove
realizzazioni. Il progetto Unitas è un traguardo unico nella storia della
FCCI. Non è stato raggiunto per caso, ma è frutto di tanto arduo
impegno da parte di tante persone dedite. Desidero anche ringraziare
i miei più stretti collaboratori che con me hanno condiviso sfide,
preoccupazioni e gioie.
Vorrei ringraziare Anna Giampà, Direttrice Generale e i membri del
Consiglio e soprattutto quelli che hanno concluso il loro mandato
Infine, un particolare saluto lo rivolgo al nuovo Presidente, Sig. Joey
Saputo, che assumerà la direzione della nostra Fondazione, a cui
formulo i miei più sinceri ed affettuosi auguri di buon lavoro.
Carmine D’Argenio, Presidente FCCI 2006-2014
PG 6
8e édition du
tournoi «Texas
Hold’Em Poker»
PG 7
27e édition
du Tournoi
de golf
de la
Qui dit « trentaine » dit « remise en question ».
Le tournant de la trentaine est une étape
importante dans la vie de chacun : on fait le
bilan de sa situation professionnelle ou familiale,
on regarde le chemin parcouru et on dresse la
liste de tous ces projets qui restent encore
à réaliser…
Pour une organisation communautaire qui
célèbre les 30 ans de son Bal des Gouverneurs
et qui fêtera, l’an prochain, son quarantième
Distinguished Governors
It is always a pleasure for the FCCI to
recognize among its Governors those who
have distinguished themselves by their
achievements, their merit, and their contribution
to the lives of others. Here are four Governors
who, in the course of 2013-2014, have achieved
distinction by their work or their contribution.
The Foundation would like to offer them its
most sincere congratulations.
Gino Berretta - Governor since 2001
Mr. Berretta is a very active member of the
Shriners Hospital in Montreal, whose mission is
to assist disabled youth. He has been recently
appointed as the President of the Board of
Governors of the Shriners Canadian Hospital.
A former Alouettes football player, he is a
keen businessman providing orthotics and
prostheses and treatment that benefit not only
the disabled, but athletes as well, his selfless
dedication and devotion to the cause of health
and well-being have earned him this deserving
Gino Berretta
anniversaire, ce n’est pas si différent. La
Fondation Communautaire Canadienne-Italienne
existe depuis 1975 grâce à l’engagement et à
la générosité de ses donateurs, Gouverneurs
et Amis. Trente-neuf ans de solidarité et de
partenariats au cours desquels plusieurs millions
de dollars ont été amassés et redistribués à la
communauté. Nous avons amorcé plusieurs
changements pour offrir un meilleur service,
certains modestes, et d’autres plus importants
comme la mise sur pied du projet Unitas en vue
d’une communauté unie.
Cette année, nous visons le recrutement de
30 Nouveaux Gouverneurs pour permettre à
la Fondation de se développer pour encore 30
autres années! Lors du Bal des Gouverneurs
le 18 octobre prochain, la FCCI profitera de
l’occasion pour célébrer cet anniversaire,
remémorer les bons coups, évoquer les défis
relevés. Elle tient à remercier et honorer les
personnes membres depuis 30 ans et plus.
Mais surtout, la Fondation veut regarder devant
pour continuer à soutenir la communauté
italienne et à promouvoir sa culture, sa langue
et son patrimoine. Aidez-nous à améliorer la
vie des gens de notre communauté. Merci de
votre générosité.
« Le progrès est impossible sans changements,
et ceux qui ne peuvent jamais changer d’avis ne
peuvent ni changer le monde ni se changer eux
mêmes. » George Bernard Shaw
Anna Giampà, Directrice Générale FCCI
Dr. Pasquale Ferraro - Governor since 2008
Tony Loffreda - Governor since 2005
Last April, the FCCI was pleased to learn about
the launch of the Ex Vivo Program. According
to Dr. Pasquale Ferraro, the head of thoracic
surgery at the CHUM, ‘‘the program allows
transplant surgeons to better evaluate the
quality of a lung before proceeding with a
transplant’’ by means of a device the CHUM
has purchased. It is the first of its kind in North
America and the Foundation is proud to have
played a role in this achievement by granting
$ 45 000 to the project.
Mr. Loffreda received the Caring Canadian
Medal from the Governor General of Canada
in Ottawa on Monday, April 7, 2014. This is
another well-deserved addition to the Diamond
Jubilee Medal he received earlier. He was
the only Montrealer and 1 of 6 Quebecers to
receive this award from the Governor General.
This reward has not come as a surprise because
of his significant and sustained contribution to
the Italian community and to Quebec society.
Bruce Kent - Friend of the Foundation
since 2011
Mr. Kent reached a major milestone in 2014:
30 years of service with Royal Bank of Canada
Dominion Securities and of work for the
community as a whole. He has made a recent
$100,000 donation to the Canadian Society
for Yad Vashem as he is committed to issues
related to the Holocaust and to philanthropy.
His donation is a testimony of the importance
of qualities that are not part of the ambitious
side of human nature as well as the need to
never forget the past.
Dr.Pasquale Ferraro
Bruce Kent
Tony Loffreda
Il Consiglio dei Fiduciari
L’assemblea generale annuale della Fondazione Comunitaria ItaloCanadese si è svolta il mercoledì 18 giugno 2014 allo Stade Saputo.
Per il periodo 2014-2015, l’organo direttivo della FCCI e il
consiglio dei Fiduciari sono composti dai seguenti membri:
I Governatori presenti hanno discusso delle attività organizzate durante il periodo 2013-14. In seguito al rapporto presentato dal presidente,
Sig. Carmine D’Argenio, i Governatori hanno fatto i complimenti ai
membri del Consiglio dei Fiduciari per il compimento di numerosi progetti, il
progetto Unitas essendo il progetto di maggiore rilievo.
Joey Saputo – Presidente
Marie Anna Bacchi – 1° Vice-presidente
David Ferrante – Vice-presidente
Me Nicola Di Iorio – Segretario
In seguito all’adozione all’unanimità degli emendamenti degli statuti e
regolamenti della FCCI, durante un’assemblea speciale tenuta il 6
maggio 2014, il Consiglio dei Fiduciari prevede oramai un posto per
ognuno dei quattro rappresentanti delle maggiori organismi comunitari
italiani, la CIBPA, il Congresso Nazionale degli Italo-Canadesi, il Centro
Tony Loffreda – Tesoriere
Pino Asaro – Direttore
(presidente del Congresso Nazionale degli Italo-Canadesi)
Silvio De Rose – Direttore
Leonardo Da Vinci, e il Centro Culturale della Piccola Italia-Casa d’Italia.
(presidente del Centro Leonardo da Vinci)
Il Sig. Carmine D’Argenio ha concluso il suo mandato come presidente
della Fondazione dopo essere stato alla guida per 8 anni. La Fondazione non può che esprimere il suo ringraziamento e la sua gratitudine per
l’impegno e il sostegno che non ha fatto mancare alla comunità italiana. Un
sentito ringraziamento va anche a Peter Pomponio, Peter Comito Sr,
Enzo Reda e Mario Galella che non rinnovaro il loro mandato.
Angela Minicucci – Direttrice
(presidente del Centro Culturale della Piccola Italia-Casa D’Italia)
Sam Spatari – Direttore (presidente della Fondazione CIBPA)
Carmine D’Argenio – Presidente ex-ufficio
Congratulazioni ai membri eletti e auguri di buon lavoro!
From left: Me Nicola Di Iorio, Silvio De Rose, David Ferrante, Pino Asaro, Angela Minicucci, Joey Saputo, Carmine D’Argenio, Tony Loffreda, Sam Spatari.
United we stand… 10 things you need to know about the Unitas Project
The phrase “United we stand, divided we fall” has been attributed to the ancient Greek storyteller Aesop.
Only a United Community can help salvage and strengthen the Italian
language, culture and heritage.
The time has come for the FCCI to join forces with the other
major community organizations and act as the fundraising arm of
Montreal’s Italian community, one of the largest in Canada.
The philosophy behind Unitas is to work together in order to increase
the value and role of each Italian community group via a collaborative
effort, so that the true value of the Italian community and its
contributions to Quebec society will be fully recognized.
Unitas will ensure that we are better prepared to face
socio-economic challenges effectively and efficiently and to mobilize
the Italian community.
Through the Unitas project, the FCCI will focus on its original
mission: to raise and distribute funds to organizations endeavouring
to promote health, education, Italian language and culture, and
social causes, with priority given to organizations within the Italian
The amendments, approved unanimously during the special
assembly held on May 6, 2014, allow representation of 4
major community organizations on the Foundation’s Board
of Fiduciaries.
Unitas brings together the following Italian
community organizations:
• Canadian Italian Business and Professional Association (CIBPA)
• National Congress of Italian-Canadians (NCIC)
• Centre Leonardo Da Vinci (CLDV)
• Centre culturel de la Petite Italie-Casa d’Italia
(CCPI-Casa d’Italia)
With Unitas, we hope that the culture of the Italian community will become more philanthropy-centric.
Society is evolving and the Italian community must evolve
with it. United we stand!
By implementing the Unitas project, we expect a reduction in
redundant fundraising solicitations, a more efficient use of resources
and optimized services and support of community needs.
The New Governor Membership Drive
Governors are the Foundation’s core and cornerstone. Through the
recruitment of New Governors, the FCCI will ensure its continued
success and thereby achieve what all its members agree is vital: the
maintenance of the Italian language, heritage and culture.
philanthropic men and women who are professionals, entrepreneurs,
community leaders. All the qualities that make you a tremendous asset
to the Foundation will render us all the more prolific when multiplied by
the addition of New Governors. We can’t do this without you!
On Saturday, October 18, 2014, the FCCI is celebrating the 30th
Anniversary of the Governors’ Ball at the Hotel Sheraton Laval. In
celebration of this momentous occasion, the FCCI aims to recruit 30 New
Governors. With more Governors the Foundation will be in a position to
help more individuals and organizations in need as the strength of the
Foundation is equal to that of its members. The more of those we have,
the greater our impact on the community will be. Since its inception
in 1975, the FCCI has distributed more than $23 million to community
groups and not-for-profit organizations endeavouring in the sectors of
health, education, culture and social causes.
Join us at one of our upcoming information evenings, along with your
proposed new candidate, for a night of looking ahead and dreaming of
tomorrow. Sessions will be held on the following dates:
In honour of the 30th annual Governors’ Ball the FCCI is seeking 30
fine pearls: successful Italian men and women of vision and influence,
people who recognize that the strength of a wider network can better
effect social change. The profile we expect our Governors to fit will be
simple for you to seek out. The model is you: successful, driven and
Monday, August 25, 2014
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Governors’ Lounge – Leonardo da Vinci Center
6:00-8:00 PM Cocktail Dinatoire & Presentation
Kindly confirm your presence by communicating with Anna Giampà at
514-274-6725 or by email at
Your support makes all the difference!
New Governors and friends who joined in 2013.
Membership benefits
At the heart of the Foundation, there are Governors, the FCCI
Ambassadors. The drive, optimism and innovative spirit of Governors
truly make the Foundation what it is.
Your membership as a Governor offers you the opportunity to:
• Attend all of the fundraising events hosted by the FCCI and make a difference in your community by helping to salvage and strengthen the Italian language, culture and community;
• Maintain ties with the Italian community in Montreal by being regularly informed of events, activities, and shows being held
in the city;
•Benefit from the FCCI’s network of friends, business people
and professionals;
• Share your perspective during the Foundation’s Annual General
Assembly and get involved in the work that matters to
your community;
• Share premium gym membership at the Leonardo da Vinci Center with members of your family (certain conditions apply);
• Enjoy VIP treatment at events held by the Leonardo da Vinci Center such as access to cocktails and meet-and-greets with artists and performers;
• Make use of the Governors’ Lounge for your private events (certain conditions apply);
• Have your name written on the Wall of Honour in the Piazza of the Leonardo da Vinci Center;
• Claim your membership dues as well as your donations as charitable deductions.
Les partenaires Unitas :
qui sont’ ils?
Qu’est-ce que le CNIC?
Fondé en 1972, le Congrès National des
Italo-Canadiens du Québec (CNIC) est une
organisation à but non lucratif qui rassemble
les divers groupes et associations de la
communauté italienne du Québec, en vue
d’encourager et de promouvoir les initiatives
à caractère social, culturel, artistique,
professionnel et récréatif. Présidé par Pino
Asaro, le CNIC est officiellement reconnu
comme l’organisme représentatif de la
communauté italienne du Québec.
Saviez-vous qu’entre autres, le CNIC…
•participe et collabore aux projets visant
la promotion de l’enseignement de la langue
•encourage l’étude et la recherche des
problèmes économiques et sociaux des italocanadiens en vue de sensibiliser les autorités
compétentes aux besoins et aux exigences de
la communauté italienne;
• favorise les relations avec d’autres groupes
ethniques pour la solution de problèmes
communs et pour une meilleure collaboration
entre groupes ethniques.
Pour en savoir davantage, visitez le
La Casa d’Italia : berceau du
patrimoine italo-canadien
Inaugurée le 1er novembre 1936, la Casa
d’Italia est un lieu de patrimoine, de culture
et de mémoire collective voué à la promotion
de la culture italo-canadienne grâce à diverses
activités et programmes éducatifs. Présidée par
Angela Minicucci, la Casa d’Italia organise, tout
au long de l’année, de nombreux événements,
cours et expositions : des cours d’italien,
d’aquarelle, des conférences culturelles, des
expositions, des activités régionales italiennes,
des ateliers folkloriques, sans oublier le festival
du film italien. Cet élégant bâtiment art Déco
compte une bibliothèque, la salle de la Mémoire,
la salle des Célébrations, la Rotonda et un musée.
Visitez le pour découvrir
la riche histoire de l’émigration italienne
au Canada.
Saviez vous que la Casa d’Italia…
• abrite les Archives canadiennes-italiennes de
la communauté italienne de Montréal.
• a reçu le prix de l’OPAM (Opération Patrimoine
architectural de Montréal) pour l’intégration
architecturale et a été enregistrée comme
monument architectural de Montréal par la
Coalition international.
Au cœur de Saint-Léonard, un centre
rayonnant pour la communauté
Le Centre Leonardo da Vinci est, sans l’ombre d’un
doute, polyvalent à l’instar du génie éponyme né
en Toscane en 1452. En effet, le Centre Leonardo
da Vinci (CLDV), soutenu par la Fondation
Communautaire Canadienne-Italienne, est le lieu
de ralliement de la communauté italienne. Situé
au cœur de Saint-Léonard, le centre, présidé
par Silvio De Rose, a pour mission de resserrer
les liens au sein de la collectivité italienne de
Montréal, de favoriser les échanges entre les
générations de tous âges et de renforcer les liens
entre les diverses communautés culturelles par
le biais de ses activités culturelles, artistiques,
sportives et sociales.
CIBPA Montréal encourage les activités
professionnelles, sociales, humanitaires de
la communauté italienne du Québec. Cette
association a à cœur la participation des ItaloCanadiens à la vie publique et économique. Elle
mise sur le sentiment d’appartenance, grâce
auquel chaque membre se sent apprécié et
valorisé et motivé à contribuer en retour à la
Vous voulez en savoir plus?
Visitez le
D’avant-garde, comme le génie italien
éponyme, le CLDV comprend un grand théâtre
et un Piccolo Teatro, sept salles de réunions
et de conférences, un salon d’exposition
d’œuvres diverses, le salon des Gouverneurs
pour les conférences de presse et les cocktails
ainsi qu’une galerie d’art. Beau temps, mauvais
temps, venez faire un tour au CLDV : venez
casser la croûte ou siroter un café au bistro Il
Centro Da Carlo, assistez à un des nombreux
spectacles, visitez une exposition, participez
à une des activités sportives ou venez vous
entraîner. Pour découvrir les nombreuses
facettes du Centre Leonardo da Vinci, consultez
Au service des gens d’affaires et
professionnels italo-canadiens
depuis 1949
La CIBPA ou Canadian Italian Business &
Professional Association est la
association qui représente les intérêts des gens
d’affaires et des professionels Italo-Canadiens
d’origine italienne. Composée de plusieurs
chapitres à travers le Canada, elle compte 300
membres dans la région de Montréal.
Présidée par Michael Goriani, la CIBPA a le
mandat de promouvoir et de développer les
échanges entre les divers milieux de ses
membres : d’affaires, professionnels, culturels
et sociaux. La Fondation CIBPA, présidée par
Sam Spatari, finance le programme des bourses
d’études. La CIBPA mise sur l’éducation pour
l’essor de la société : qui dit éducation, dit
richesse culturelle, force et autonomie de la
communauté. Chaque année, des bourses
sont décernées aux meilleurs étudiant(e) 
universitaires d’origine italienne. En 2011, lors
du 50e anniversaire de ce programme, 50
bourses ont été octroyées par la Fondation
CIBPA, qui avait alors recueilli grâce à la
générosité de ses donateurs plus de 135 000 $.
Danny Di Schiavi:
Honorary President
of 8th Annual Texas
Hold’Em Poker Night
Q. How and when did you become a member
of the FCCI?
I became a member of the FCCI in 2002.
My wife Laura Borsellino and I became the
first couple to become Governors at the
same time.
Q. What do you like the most about the FCCI?
A. The dedication of its members to helping
and giving back to the community.
What advice can you share with those
who would like to become Governors of
the FCCI?
A. The Governors of the Foundation come
from all walks of life. It is a great group of
people driven to helping others, not only
in the Italian community, but any organization that needs support. The future of this
great cause depends on new people getting
involved and your reward will be knowing
that all your efforts are helping others.
Q. What is your favourite saying or quote?
A. “It is every man’s obligation to put back
into the world at least the equivalent of what
he takes out of it.” – Albert Einstein
Q. What was your favourite moment during
Q. You know you are Italian when...?
A. A wooden spoon wasn’t only for cooking!
A. All the smiles and laughs that were being
Q. What
the event you presided?
had by all those who attended.
is something people would be
surprised to know about you?
A. I am extremely shy.
Huitième édition du tournoi
de poker de la FCCI
Le 21 mars dernier, un événement très attendu a eu lieu à la Plaza
Volare : le tournoi annuel « Texas Hold’Em Poker » de la Fondation
Communautaire Canadienne-Italienne. Prêts d’entrée de jeu à servir
une bonne cause, les participants ont amassé au cours de la soirée
75 000 $, somme qui sera répartie entre divers organismes de bienfaisance du Québec.
Organisée sur le thème « Les super héros » par Enzo Reda, Peter
Pomponio et le président d’honneur, Danny Di Schiavi, la soirée a
été animée par Freeway Frank de Virgin Radio Montreal. Plus de 225
aficionados de poker ont joué jusqu’aux petites heures du matin et
Jimmy Cammisano a remporté le grand prix du tournoi.
Laura Borsellino & Danny Di Schiavi
27e édition du tournoi de
golf de la FCCI :
un élan de générosité
s’élevant à 125 000 $
Le 27e tournoi de golf de la Fondation
Communautaire Canadienne-Italienne a
permis d’amasser 125 000 $. Le 16 juin
2014, l’événement de collecte de fonds
(« Un élan pour la cause ») s’est déroulé
au prestigieux Club de Golf St-Raphaël,
sous la présidence de M. Vincent
Santillo, directeur des services bancaires
commerciaux TD et membre gouverneur
de la FCCI. Le succès de ce tournoi
est tributaire de l’élan de générosité
de nos Gouverneurs, partenaires et
La FCCI remercie de nouveau tous les
commanditaires, participants et bénévoles
pour leur enthousiasme et leur générosité.
Cette somme d’argent a été recueillie
grâce aux efforts de 36 équipes et plus de
150 participants. De ce montant, 30 000
$ seront octroyés au Centre Leonardo da
Vinci pour soutenir son programme culturel.
Vincent Santillo
President of
27th Annual Golf
How and when did you become a
member of the FCCI?
A. I
initially became a governor of the
FCCI in 2006 by way of a corporate
membership. I recently renewed my
governorship in 2013 as a corporate
member following my decision to move to
a new financial institution (TD Bank).
Q. What
do you like the most about
the FCCI?
A. The
Foundation allows the Italian
community to retain strong and deep ties
to its rich culture and continues to keep
the younger generations engaged in further
enriching themselves to be and develop into
strong future leaders not only in the Italian
community but our society as a whole.
Q. What
was your favourite moment
during the event you presided?
Working with a dedicated group of
individuals that all volunteered their time
selflessly to ensure a true success of the
fundraising event.The degree of commitment by all volunteers and committee
members was the key success factor.
Q. What advice can you share with those
Q. You know you are Italian when...?
A. When I am preparing the tomato sauce
for every Sunday lunch as I am hosting family
and friends at my house!
Q. What
is something people would be
surprised to know about you?
A. I played the Bassoon (a classical wind
instrument) in the Laval Symphonic Orchestra.
who would like to become Governors of
the FCCI?
Simply ‘‘Do It’’ and do not wait. Get
involved as quickly as you can as you will
further enrich yourself greatly by immersing
yourself into the Foundation and joining a
great group of people with commitment and
vision to see the Italian community grow,
develop, and lead in Quebec society.
Q. What is your favourite saying or quote?
A. ’’Embrace life and live life to its
fullest every day as if it were your last.‘‘
‘‘Keep smiling’’ as this will always put a smile
on the person you are dealing with…in doing
so, you will bring a smile to a person who in
turn will bring this same joy to someone else.
Vincent Santillo & Carmine D’Argenio
Notizia a bruciaPELO!
EN 2014
Grammaticanto con Alberto Villa
Mercoledì il 26 marzo 2014, una quarantina
di insegnanti di lingua italiana (programma
PELO o Programme d’Enseignement de
la Langue d’Origine) della Commissione
scolastica English-Montreal si sono riuniti
al Centro Leonardo da Vinci per una
conferenza di aggiornamento professionale
del tutto speciale.
Il reputato maestro italiano Alberto Villa è
stato invitato per presentare il suo metodo di
insegnamento chiamato “Grammaticanto”
: imparare le regole grammatiche cantando!
Gli insegnanti si sono divertiti imparando
diverse canzoni orecchiabili e movimenti
di ballo, con la speranza di usare la tecnica
innovativa nelle loro aule.
Date : 22 août 2014
Lieu : Club de la Roue du Roy, Hemmingford
Joey Saputo •
La Fondazione è lieta di avere collaborato
all’organizzazione di questa conferenza
unica di aggiornamento per insegnanti.
Per maggiori informazioni, visitate il sito
1° Vice-presidente
Marie Anna Bacchi •
David Ferrante •
Nicola Di Iorio •
Tony Loffreda •
Pino Asaro •
Date : 18 octobre 2014 à 18 h
Lieu : Hôtel Sheraton Laval
Président : M. Tony Loffreda
Silvio De Rose •
Angela Minicucci •
Sam Spatari •
Presidente ex-ufficio
Carmine D’Argenio •
Président d’honneur : M. Carmine D’Argenio
Personale amministrativo
Anna Giampà
Direttrice Generale •
Date : 10 décembre 2014 - 18 h
Lieu : Centre Leonardo da Vinci
Bonne fin d’été!
Enjoy the rest of the summer!
Buon fine estate!
Claudia Mastrocola
Assistente degli eventi •
Lina Scarpellini
Comunicazione •
Fondazione Comunitaria Italo-Canadese
Indirizzo: 8370, Boul. Lacordaire, Suite 301
Saint-Léonard (Québec) H1R 3Y6
Telefono: 514-274-6725
Fax: 514-274-6353
Grafica : Cassi Design,
Foto : FCCI, John Oliveri Photography