Curriculum Vitae Personal information First name/ Surname Work Address Telephone Fax E-mail Bodini, Antonella INEA, Via dell’Industria, 1 I-60027 Osirmo (AN) +39 071 808 262 (Office) +39 071 85 979 (Office) Work experience 01/01/2011 - today Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Employee, level III Researcher Regional coordinator for FADN survey at INEA with the following main tasks: coordination of data collection and use of FADN survey at regional level; sample assignment according to sample design and geographical distribution of collectors; training of data collectors and preparation of support documents; data checks and validation. Administrative correspondence between contractors and central office of the Institute. - Seconded to Eu Commission, DG-Agri Unit L.3 Microeconomic analysis of EU agricultural holdings on Data checks of FADN data - Statistical analysis based on Agricultural Census, FSS and FADN data on basic and advanced economic and financial analysis, effects of flat rate of payments, FADN for policy evaluation - Analysis of regional Impacts of Common Agricultural Policies. - Development of farm indicator for sustainability based on FADN - Since 2008: author of the chapter on Rural tourism, in the yearbook of Italian agriculture (INEA ed.) - Since 2009: author of the chapter Farm income in the yearbook of Italian agriculture (INEA ed.) - Since 2008: Participation to Pacioli Workshops with scientific contributions based on FADN data - Member of the local Committee for the 20th Pacioli Workshop, held in Rome INEA, Istituto Nazionale di Economia Agraria Sede per il Veneto, Via dell’Università, 14 35020 Legnaro (PD) Public research Institute on Agricultural Economics 01/04/2007 -31/12/2010 Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Consultant Management of data collection of FADN survey at regional level: agricultural holding assignment according to sample stratification, training of FADN data collectors and preparation of documents for supporting data collectors, verification of data. Statistical analysis based on FSS and FADN data. Participation on working group on Farm Return at the EU DG-Agri as expert from Italy. Author of the chapter Protected areas and agriculture in 2007, in the yearbook of Italian agriculture (INEA ed.), Economic analysis on agricultural conjuncture in the Veneto Region, 2006-2007-2008. INEA, Istituto Nazionale di Economia Agraria, Sede regionale per il Veneto, Via dell’Università, 14 35020 Legnaro (PD) Public research Institute on Agricultural Economics 01/02/2009 -30/04/2009 Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Page 1/7 - Curriculum vitae of Bodini Antonella (May 2014) Free-lance Author of the chapter Agriculture in the yearbook Economic report of Veneto region in 2008 Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Unioncamere Veneto, Venezia-Marghera (VE) Chamber of commerce of Veneto Region 25/09/2006- 31/03/2007 Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Employee Sales office for aluminium disks Profilglass srl, Bellocchi di Fano (PU) - Italy Aluminium sector 01/03/2005- 31/08/2005 Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Trainee Participation to surveys and European projects on organic farmers and consumers, supply chains, policy. Analysis of focus group interviews. Questionnaire design, Multi-sectoral Qualitative Analysis; Literature review on social and economic impact of organic farming. Forschung Institut fuer Biologischen Landbau (FiBL), Ackerstrasse 21, Postfach 219 CH-5070 Frick Institute of research in organic agriculture field 01/12/ 2004- 28/02/ 2005 Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Data collector Collection of data on household consumption ISTAT, Istituto Nazionale di Statistica National Institute of Statistics 01/11/ 2004- 31/03/ 2005 Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Research assistant Participants recruitment to focus groups, coding and analysis of results in a written report within the Eu-project QLIF (FOOD-CT-2003-506358) DIIGA, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Via Brecce Bianche, Ancona University department of Agriculture Faculty 01/07/2002- 30/10/ 2002 Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Research assistant Participants recruitment to focus groups, coding and analysis of results in a written report within the Eu-project OMIaRD (Organic Marketing Initiatives and Rural Development) DIBIAGA, Università degli Studi di Ancona, Via Brecce Bianche, Ancona University department of Agriculture Faculty Education August 3rd 2009 Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Master of science in Business Economics and Management Thesis: Success factors for agro-food e-commerce: an information-technology and marketing perspective (final mark: A cum maxima laude) Marketing, survey on wine e-commerce Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Greece (CIHEAM -MAICh) 01/10/2005- 30/06/2006 Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training October 1999- July 2000 Page 2/7 - Curriculum vitae of Bodini Antonella (May 2014) Diploma of Specialized Post-Graduate Studies in Business Economics and Management (final mark: A) Agro-food marketing, agricultural economics, management, operation research, statistics, cost-benefit analysis, industrial organizations, supply and demand analysis, market structure. Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Greece (CIHEAM -MAICh) Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training 12-month ERASMUS/SOCRATES Scholarship Economics, Statistics, Animal production, Phytopathology University of Kassel-Withzenhausen, Germany 1997 to 2004 Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Masters Degree in Agricultural Sciences and Technologies Thesis: Organic food quality: an international survey on consumer perception (Final mark: 107/110) Rural and environmental estimate, agricultural policy and economics, agro-food technology, agronomy, soil science, quality certification and management. Politechnic University of Marche-Ancona Training 2012 Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Master in Europrogettazione e Focus Europa 2014/2020 Project management Eurogiovani Centro studi e ricerche, Bologna Certificate of participation to the training course: Tables de conversation en français Conversation on different subjects in French Marie Haps, Istitute Libre de formation Certificate of participation to the training course: Clear Writing Main techniques of writing clearly in English DG Agri Rue de la Loi, 130 1000 Brussels 2011 Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Certificate of participation to the training course: SQL and SQL Management Studio Main components of SQL, DBMS, Login creation, DB protection, Query and main functions , Primary Keys INEA, via Nomentana 41 00161 Roma Public Research Institute 2010 Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Certificate of participation to the training course: Analisi di bilancio per indici di gestione and Analisi dei costi e giusto prezzo di vendita Income statement analysis based on index and ratios Costs analysis based on the reclassification approach of income statement Veneto Agricoltura, Via dell’Università, 14 35020 Legnaro (PD) Regional agency for agriculture 2009 Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Title of qualification awarded Certificate of Participation to the training course La filiera dei prodotti agricoli biologici The EU regulation of organic production on supply chains Cipat Veneto, Via dell’Elettricità 5/a - 30175 Venezia-Marghera Regional centre for advisory and training Certificate of Participation to the training course Strumenti gestionali e finanziari per la crescita e lo sviluppo delle aziende agricole e forestali (base e avanzato) Principal subjects covered Economic and financial management for agro-forestry holdings Name and type of organisation providing education and training Veneto Agricoltura, Via dell’Università, 14 35020 Legnaro (PD) Regional agency for agriculture 2008 July, 7-18 Page 3/7 - Curriculum vitae of Bodini Antonella (May 2014) Title of qualification awarded Certificate of Participation to the training course Theory and Practice of Efficiency and Productivity Measurement Principal subjects covered Non parametric (Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) technique) and dynamic efficiency and productivity analysis Name and type of organisation providing education and training Mansholt Graduate School, Wageningen University, the Netherlands 2003 July, 13-25 Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Certificate of participation to the training course Human Aspects in Organic Farming Analysis of economic, environmental and social impacts of organic farming Warsaw Agricultural University, Warsaw, Poland 2001 to 2005 Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Certificate of participation to several training courses on Organic farming Organic farming practices, olive orchard management, organic beekeeping AMAB (Organic farmers association) Personal skills and competences Mother tongue Italian Other languages Self-assessment Understanding Speaking Writing Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production English C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user German French B2 Independent user B2 Independent user B2 Independent user B2 Independent user B1 Independent user Social skills and competences C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user B2 Independent user team spirit, gained in working as FADN coordinator at local office; good ability to adapt to multicultural environments, gained though my study experience abroad and trainee at DG-Agri; good communication skills gained through my research and study experience Organisational skills and competences Computer skills and competences Skills gained through the work experience in FADN coordinator at local office: team spirit and management, flexible and proactive approach to executing tasks, ability to draft documentation, prioritise and organise and work independently with a minimum of supervision. good command of Microsoft Office™ tools (Word™, Excel™, Access™, PowerPoint™); good command of Statistical Package SPSS and SAS, gained through time series analyses; good command of farm management software GAIA, gained through work experience on FADN; good command of NVivo and Altas.ti for qualitative analysis, gained through work experience; basic knowledge of graphic design applications (MapInfo, PhotoShop); Artistic skills and competences Other skills and competences Music: ability to play flute, gained by attending private classes and playing in music bands Since 2014 Associated to Associazione Alessandro Bartola Chartered at the National list of technicians and experts in virgin oils and extra-virgin olive oil, at the Chamber of Commerce, Italy. Honey tester–1st level (training course on Sensory analysis of honey), Italy Cheese tester – 1st level (training course on Sensory analysis of cheese), Italy Driving licence Page 4/7 - Curriculum vitae of Bodini Antonella (May 2014) Category B Additional information References supplied on request; Copies of degrees and other qualifications supplied on request; Testimonial of employment supplied on request. Annex Publications Page 5/7 - Curriculum vitae of Bodini Antonella (May 2014) PUBBLICATIONS 2014 Arzeni A, Bodini A., D’Aprile G. (a cura di) (2014), L’agricoltura nelle Marche, caratteristiche strutturali e risultati aziendali. Report 2013. Quaderni INEA. 2013 Martino M., Scardera A., Bodini A. (2013), Data dissemination and main IT tools in the Italian FADN, in Pacioli 20; Complex farms and sustainability in farm level data collection, Vrolijk, H. (ed.) LEI Proceedings 13-054, ISBN/EAN: 978-90-8615-634-4, pp.229-234. Bodini A. (2013), L’Azienda agricola, in A.A.V.V, Annuario dell'agricoltura Italiana, Vol. LXVI, 2012; Istituto Nazionale di Economia Agraria, Edizioni Scientifiche italiane, Napoli. Cisilino F., Zanoli A., Bodini A. (2013), La RICA per il controfattuale: un’applicazione dello statistical matching, Quaderni INEA Longhitano D., Bodini A., Povellato A., Scardera A. (2013), Valutare la sostenibilità delle aziende agricole con la banca dati Rica. Agriregionieuropa 9 (32) 76-79. 2012 Bodini A. (2012), Food E-commerce, Lambert Academic Publishing ISBN 978-3-8454-0781-4. Bodini A. (2012), Agriturismo e turismo rurale; L’Azienda agricola, in A.A.V.V, Annuario dell'agricoltura Italiana, Vol. LXV, 2011; Istituto Nazionale di Economia Agraria, Edizioni Scientifiche italiane, Napoli. Cisilino F., Zanoli A., Bodini A. (2012), Evaluating Rural Development Programmes measures using the Statistical Matching, presented at the 129th EAAE Seminar, Castelldefels, July 12th—13th. Longhitano D., Bodini A., Povellato A., Scardera A. (2012), Assessing farm sustainability. An application with the Italian FADN sample, presented at 1st AIEAA Congress “Towards a Sustainable Bio-economy: Economic Issues and Policy Challenges”, 4-5 June, Trento. Arzeni A., Bodini A. (2012), L’impatto della nuova PAC sulle aziende agricole marchigiane, Agrimarcheuropa, n.1, Marzo. Bodini, A. (2012), Attivita' connesse, in: Arzeni, A. (a cura di): Il Sistema Agricolo e Alimentare nelle Marche. Rapporto 2011- Osservatorio Agroalimentare delle Marche. Regione Marche – INEA Marche (333-345). Bodini, A. (2012), Rural tourism in the new economy: supply and demand in Italy, in Chang T.F.M., Piccinini L.C., Taverna M. (Eds.), Il mosaico paesistico-culturale in transizione: dinamiche, disincanti, dissolvenze,“Paysage Topscape” Oveview, vol. 9, maggio/settembre, 2011, Paysage Editore, Milano, ISSN 1125–0259201. Bodini A. (2012), Donne e imprese agricole, Agriturismo e turismo rurale, Prezzi agricoli e prezzi al consumo, schede informative, Conferenza regionale dell’agricoltura e dello sviluppo rurale, Veneto. 2011 Bodini A. (2011), Agriturismo e turismo rurale, in A.A.V.V, Annuario dell'agricoltura Italiana, Vol. LXIV, 2010; Istituto Nazionale di Economia Agraria, Edizioni Scientifiche italiane, Napoli, 317-321. Zanoli A., Bodini A. (2011), L’Azienda agricola, in A.A.V.V, Annuario dell'agricoltura Italiana, Vol. LXIV, 2010; Istituto Nazionale di Economia Agraria, Edizioni Scientifiche italiane, Napoli, 54-57. Bodini A. (2011), Turismo rurale e fruizione di beni pubblici, in Agricoltura, ambiente e società, Sole 24 ORE – AGRISOLE Editors, pp. 66-69. Cisilino F., Zanoli A., Bodini A. (2011), Stimare gli effetti delle politiche di sviluppo rurale: un’applicazione dello Statistical Matching, Agriregionieuropa, Anno 7, numero 27, pp. 52-55. Cisilino F., Zanoli A., Bodini A. (2011), L’analisi d’impatto dei Programmi di Sviluppo Rurale: il ruolo della RICA per il controfattuale, paper presented at the XLVIII SIDEA congress, Udine in September 2011. Longhitano D., Bodini A., Povellato A., Scardera A. (2011), Use of FADN for appraising environmental performance of Italian farms: strengths and weaknesses of current database, in 19th Pacioli meeting proceedings, LEI editors, under press. 2010 Bodini A. (2010), Donne e imprese agricole, Agriturismo e turismo rurale, Prezzi agricoli e prezzi al consumo, schede informative, Conferenza regionale dell’agricoltura e dello sviluppo rurale, Veneto. Bodini A., Povellato A., Scardera A. (2010), Effects of regional flat rate on farm return in Italy: an analysis based on FADN data, in Proceedings of the 18th international workshop on micro-economic databases ion agriculture. Boone J.A. and J.L Teewen (eds), LEI report 2010-075, pp. 2126. Bodini A., Povellato A., Scardera A. (2010), Effetti a livello aziendale della regionalizzazione degli aiuti diretti attraverso i dati RICA, Agriregionieuropa, Anno 6, numero 23, 15-19. Bodini A. (2010), Agriturismo e turismo rurale, in A.A.V.V, Annuario dell'agricoltura Italiana, Vol. LXIII, 2009; Istituto Nazionale di Economia Agraria, Edizioni Scientifiche italiane, Napoli, pp. 317-322. Zanoli A., Bodini A. (2010), L’Azienda agricola, in A.A.V.V, Annuario dell'agricoltura Italiana, Vol. LXIII, 2009; Istituto Nazionale di Economia Agraria, Edizioni Scientifiche italiane, Napoli, pp. 54-57. Bodini A., Zanoli R. (2010), Competitive factors of the agro-food e-commerce, in Baourakis G., Mattas K. and Kalogeras N. (eds), Recent Trends in the Food Industry and the Food Chain, Journal of Food Products Marketing 17(2-3), Special issue. Bodini A., Zanoli A. (2010), Analisi del settore agroalimentare del distretto padano, in A.A.V.V, L’agricoltura nel Distretto Idrografico Padano, Contributo tematico al Piano di Gestione del distretto padano, January 2010, pp. 7-15. 2009 Page 6/7 - Curriculum vitae of Bodini Antonella (May 2014) Bodini A. (2009), Agriturismo, territorio e ambiente, in A.A.V.V, Annuario dell'agricoltura Italiana, Vol. LXII, 2008; Istituto Nazionale di Economia Agraria, Edizioni Scientifiche italiane, Napoli, 364-370. Bimbati B., Bodini A., Povellato A. (2009), Serie storica 1990-2007 della Banca dati RICA Veneto. Note metodologiche e Tavole di dati, Metodi RICA Veneto, November. Arzeni A., Bimbati B, Bodini A., D’Aprile G., Giampaolo A. (2009), Dizionario GAIA-RICA, November. Bodini A. (2009), Agriturismo e ambiente, in A.A.V.V, Il sistema agricolo italiano. Le analisi dell’Istituto Nazionale di Economia Agraria; Suppl. al n. 19/2009 di Agrisole, pp. 81-83. Bodini A., Bimbati B. (2009), Indicazioni per la registrazione dei dati RICA in Gaia, Metodi RICA Veneto, October. Bodini A., Zanoli R., (2009), Competitive factors of the agro-food e-commerce, in proceedings of the 113th EAAE seminar, Chania, Greece, September 3rd -6th. Bodini A. (2009), Nuove tecnologie informatiche a servizio dell’agriturismo italiano, Focus in Inea Informa - N. 7-8/Anno II – July-August 2009. Bodini A., Marongiu S., (2009), Innovations in the Italian FADN/RICA survey system approach: the new software GAIA and its implications on the Italian agricultural accounting system, PACIOLI 17 Innovation in the management and use of Micro Economic Databases in Agriculture, Boone J.A. and J.L Teewen (eds), pp. 162-174. Bodini A. (2009), Agricoltura, in A.A.V.V., Relazione sulla situazione economica del Veneto nel 2008, Unioncamere del Veneto, Ch. 4, pp. 81-98. Bodini A., Bonetti M., Bimbati, B. (2009), Il quadro congiunturale, in “Prime valutazioni 2008 sull’andamento del settore agroalimentare veneto”, Veneto Agricoltura and INEA editors. Stolz H., Bodini A, Stolze M., Hamm U., and Richter T., (2009), Lebensmittelqualität aus der Verbraucherperspektive – eine Synthese qualitativer Studien zur Wahrnehmung und Beurteilung verschiedener Qualitätskriterien bei Öko-Produkten, in Berichte über die Landwirtschaft, Mai (1) 89, Ed. Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz (German Ministy for consumer protection, nutrition and agriculture). Bodini A., Richter T., Felder R. (2009), Quality related communication approaches for organic food, Journal of Food Products Marketing, 15 (03), pp. 364-377. Bodini A. (2009), FADN data collection and processing in Italy: the renewal process, Rapporto PACIOLI 16. Changing agricultural markets: Consequences for FADN. LEI (Eds), pp. 22-31. 2008 Bodini A. (2008), Agriturismo, territorio e ambiente, in A.A.V.V., Annuario dell'agricoltura Italiana volume LXI, 2007; Istituto Nazionale di Economia Agraria, Edizioni Scientifiche italiane, pp. 350-355. Naspetti S., Bodini A. (2008), Consumer perception of local and organic products: substitution or complementary goods?, Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Vol. 3 (2): 111-122. Bodini A. (2008), Un 2007 da ricordare per l’agricoltura veneta, L’Informatore Agrario, N. 24/2008. Scorzelli D., Bodini A., Mezzalira O., Povellato A. (2008), I punti critici della rilevazione RICA Veneto 2006 evidenziate da Test 2, Metodi RICA Veneto. Bodini A. (2008), Lo scenario economico regionale, Le imprese e l’occupazione, I principali risultati economici del settore agricolo, I prodotti a denominazione di origine, in Povellato A. De Zanche A. (a cura di) “Rapporto 2007 sulla congiuntura del settore agroalimentare veneto”, Veneto Agricoltura and INEA. Bodini A. (2008), L’andamento produttivo nel settore agricolo, La dinamica delle imprese e dell’occupazione nel settore agroalimentare, in Povellato A. De Zanche A. “Prime valutazioni 2007 sull’andamento del settore agroalimentare veneto”; Veneto Agricoltura e INEA. 2007 Bodini A., Bonetti M., Scorzelli D. (2007) I rapporti di analisi economica-finanziaria delle aziende agricole in alcuni paesi esteri, Metodi RICA Veneto, September. Bodini A. (2007), Aree protette e agricoltura, in A.A.V.V., Annuario dell'agricoltura Italiana volume LX, 2006, Istituto Nazionale di Economia Agraria, Edizioni Scientifiche italiane, pp. 299-304. Bodini A. (2007), Lo scenario economico nazionale, Lo scenario economico regionale, Le imprese e l’occupazione, I principali risultati economici del settore agricolo, Le aziende agrituristiche, in Povellato A. De Zanche A. Rapporto 2006 sulla congiuntura del settore agroalimentare veneto”, Veneto Agricoltura and INEA. Schmid O., Kilchsperger R., Bodini A. (2007), Organic farming values in Switzerland – results of a focus group study. Poster at: Zwischen Tradition und Globalisierung - 9. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Deutschland, 20.-23.03.2007. 2006 Bodini A., Richter T., Felder R. (2006), Quality related communication approaches for organic food, in Proceedings of the 98th EAAE Seminar “Marketing Dynamics within the Global Trading System: new perspectives”, June29th -July2nd, Chania, Greece. Bodini A.; Richter T., Felder R. (2006), Targeting occasional buyers - the need for quality related communication approaches. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006 Page 7/7 - Curriculum vitae of Bodini Antonella (May 2014)
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