AFIL – INTELLIGENT FACTORY ASSOCIATION LOMBARDY Roadmapping and Value chain mapping Giacomo Copani Bruxelles 04-11-2014 Associazione Fabbrica Intelligente Lombardia! Value chain mapping Value Chain Mapping: Why? For what? Value chain mapping and strategic roadmapping One of the main goals of AFIL is to perform strategic roadmapping in order to identify the research and innovation priorities for the future of the Regional Manufacturing Value chain mapping is a necessary step to reach this goals The regional governance January 2012: Lombardy Region invites partnerships of Research organizations and industrial companies to apply for initiatives oriented to the creation and empowerment of high-technology districts through research, innovation and education July 2012: July 2012March 2013: Lombardy Region evaluates applications and clusters them in thematic areas, one of which is “Intelligent Factory”. The Region appoints 4 subjects among candidates to formally setup a Regional Cluster “Intelligent Factory”, aggregating the regional actors Preparatory work: actors enrolment, setup of the Association and definition of rules, development of an initial strategic plan March 2013: Formal constitution of the Association “Lombardy Cluster on Intelligent Factory” June 2014: Formal recognition of AFIL by Lombardy Regional Government July 2014: First General Assembly Mission of AFIL • Build, maintain and coordinate a stable Manufacturing Community in Lombardy expressing common priorities in manufacturing research • Be the interface between Lombardy Region and the Manufacturing Community to support the Region in the recognition of research priorities and companies in the implementation of proper research strategies • Support the internationalization of Lombardy Manufacturing research by supporting the alignment of Regional policies with international trends • Increase the competitiveness of Lombardy Manufacturing through: - the quality improvement of research by stimulating a wider cooperation and supporting research infrastructures sharing and development - the promotion of trans-sectorial diffusion of innovation - the support to the development of new skills for research and innovation Strategic objectives Be inclusive and involve the maximum number of manufacturing stakeholders Elaborate a Regional Strategic Roadmap addressing regional manufacturing research priorities Establish a permanent regional observatory on Intelligent Factory Facilitate relationships between the Region and international stakeholders/policy makers on Intelligent Factory How AFIL approached roadmapping and value chain mapping Constitution of a Roadmapping working group ! Top-down and bottom-up approach to define strategic priorities ! Organization of regional events to create a committed industrial group discussing strategic priorities ! Use the opportunity of Vanguard to create thematic groups that are starting a detailed value chain mapping around high priority topics ! Roadmapping working group ! 12 members representing different regional stakeholders: ! Research institutes and Universities " ITIA-CNR " Politecnico di Milano " Univeristà di Brescia " Univesità di Bergamo ! Companies " Consorzio and innovation organizations: Intellimech (80 companies) " UCIMU (national association of machine tools buolders) Quantitative analysis of Lombardy manufacturing Italian regions per number of employees in Manufacturing Number of Thousands) companies !150% !100% 100 0" !50% 50400" Lombardia" Lombardia" Veneto" Veneto" Emilia6Romagna" Emilia6Romagna" Piemonte" Piemonte" Toscana" Toscana" Campania" Campania" Marche" Marche" Lazio" Lazio" Puglia" Puglia" Sicilia" Sicilia" Friuli6Venezia"Giulia" Friuli6Venezia"Giulia" Abruzzo" Abruzzo" Liguria" Liguria" Umbria" Umbria" Sardegna" Sardegna" Calabria" Calabria" Provincia"Autonoma"di"Trento" Provincia"Autonoma"di"Trento" Provincia"Autonoma"di"Bolzano/Bozen" Provincia"Autonoma"di"Bolzano/Bozen" Basilicata" Basilicata" Valle"d'Aosta/Vallée"d'Aoste" Valle"d'Aosta/Vallée"d'Aoste" Source: elaboration CNR-ITIA on Eurostat data 2010 [sbs_r_nuts06_r2] Employees Thousands) 0% 0" 800" 400"1.200" Thousands) Thousand Units 800" 1.200" Quantitative analysis of Lombardy manufacturing First 20 European manufacturing regions per number of employees Number of companies 1.200" 0" Lombardia" Île"de"France" Niedersachsen" Niedersachsen" Veneto" Veneto" Emilia0Romagna" Emilia0Romagna" Hessen" Hessen" Cataluña" Cataluña" Cataluña" Piemonte" Piemonte" Piemonte" East"of"England" Comunidad"Valenciana" Comunidad"Valenciana" South"West"(UK)" South"West"(UK)" Source: elaboration CNR-ITIA on Eurostat data 2010 [sbs_r_nuts06_r2] Source: elaboration CNR-ITIA on Eurostat data 2010 [sbs_r_nuts06_r2] South"West"(UK)" Yorkshire"and"The"Humber" East"of"England" East"of"England" East"Midlands"(UK)" Comunidad"Valenciana" East"Midlands"(UK)" Yorkshire"and"The"Humber" Yorkshire"and"The"Humber" Toscana" Toscana" South"East"(UK)" Toscana" East"Midlands"(UK)" South"East"(UK)" South"East"(UK)" West"Midlands"(UK)" North"West"(UK)" West"Midlands"(UK)" West"Midlands"(UK)" Rhône0Alpes" North"West"(UK)" 1.400" Rhône/Alpes" Rhône0Alpes" North"West"(UK)" 1.200" Hessen" Lombardia" Île"de"France" 1.000" Veneto" 120" Baden0Wür3emberg" 800" Emilia/Romagna" 100" Baden0Wür3emberg" 600" Île"de"France" 80" Bayern" 400" Niedersachsen" 60" Bayern" 1.400" 200" Lombardia" 201.000" Bayern" 600" 40 800" Thousand Units Baden/Wür2emberg" 40" 400"60 20" 200" 80 0" 1000" Employees 10 Quantitative analysis of Lombardy manufacturing Industrial sectors ofNumber)of)persons)employed) Lombardy economy per number of employees Thousands) 0" Manufacture"of"fabricated"metal"products,"except" Manufacture"of"machinery"and"equipment"n.e.c." Manufacture"of"food"products" Manufacture"of"electrical"equipment" Manufacture"of"tex?les" Manufacture"of"rubber"and"plas?c"products" Manufacture"of"chemicals"and"chemical"products" Manufacture"of"basic"metals" Manufacture"of"wearing"apparel" Repair"and"installa?on"of"machinery"and"equipment" Manufacture"of"computer,"electronic"and"op?cal"products" Manufacture"of"furniture" Manufacture"of"other"nonCmetallic"mineral"products" Prin?ng"and"reproduc?on"of"recorded"media" Manufacture"of"basic"pharmaceu?cal"products"and" Manufacture"of"motor"vehicles,"trailers"and"semiCtrailers" Manufacture"of"wood"and"of"products"of"wood"and"cork," Other"manufacturing" Manufacture"of"paper"and"paper"products" Manufacture"of"other"transport"equipment" Manufacture"of"leather"and"related"products" Manufacture"of"beverages" Manufacture"of"coke"and"refined"petroleum"products" Manufacture"of"tobacco"products" Source: elaboration CNR-ITIA on Eurostat data 2010 [sbs_r_nuts06_r2] 20" 40" 60" 80" 100" 120" 140" 160" 180" Quantitative analysis of Lombardy manufacturing Quantitative analysis of Lombardy manufacturing Industry sector Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. Manufacture of food products Manufacture of electrical equipment Manufacture of textiles Manufacture of rubber and plastic products Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products Manufacture of basic metals Manufacture of wearing apparel Repair and installation of machinery and equipment Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products Manufacture of furniture Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products Printing and reproduction of recorded media Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture Other manufacturing Manufacture of paper and paper products Manufacture of other transport equipment Manufacture of leather and related products Manufacture of beverages Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products Source: elaboration CNR-ITIA on Eurostat data 2010 [sbs_r_nuts06_r2] European position per number of employees 1 3 8 3 1 3 3 1 1 3 5 2 4 1 3 9 1 4 3 10 5 11 4 Top-down/bottom-up approach Companies, especially SMEs, do not have resources to access strategic European documents and discussions: Make European and International strategic debate within range of companies and SMEs The summary of Roadmaps for companies EUMAT SPIRE EU CS I T BO EFFRA RO NANOFU MINAM National Roadmaps TURE PHOTONICS KETS …… EFFRA Integrated summary of manufacturing Roadmaps 21 The summary of Roadmaps for companies The summary of Roadmaps for companies The summary of Roadmaps for companies Four levels of detail The summary of Roadmaps for companies Dissemination and discussion of roadmaps summary ! April 2014 Presentation of roadmap to companies in the frame of an Association event ! Discussion with companies to verify if the summary includes regional industrial peculiarities ! Consultation and modification according to companies’ suggestions ! Common shared cultural framework Quantitative mapping of Lombardy manufacturing Identification of relevant regional sectors and companies The summary of Roadmaps for companies Additive Manufacturing Sistemi e processi laser Processi micro e nano Metodi$e$strumen0$per$la$proge9azione$e$ ges0one$della$strategia$manifa9uriera Strategie per la supply chain Business model orientati ai servizi Processi di produzione avanzati Processi di lavorazione e nobilitazione superficiale Processi ibridi Alte prestazioni (alta precisione, alta produttività, alta affidabilità) Strategie e management per il Manifatturiero Processi avanzati di deformazione, lavorazione e asportazione per nuovi materiali Strategie per la produzione orientata al cliente Moelli di business e supply chain per l'End-Of-Life Sensoristica, monitoraggio e controllo Meccatronica per il manifatturiero avanzato Materiali per ambienti estremi Materiali per la produzione e l'immagazzinamento dell'energia Materiali per l'applicazione nel settore delle costruzioni Materiali per display Produzione e impiego di Materiali innovativi Materiali bio-based ed eco-compatibili Materiali multi-funzionali Micro-Nano materiali Tecnologie, materiali e metodi abilitanti delle Roadmap Europee e Nazionali Fabbriche per la de-produzione Aumento della competitività attraverso la valorizzazione delle persone Attrattività dell'ambiente di fabbrica Modellazione e simulazione per la progettazione e gestione integrata di prodotti processi e sistemi Modellazione e simulazione per la previsione delle performance dei sistemi manifatturieri Modellazione e simulazione per la produzione di materiali innovativi Soluzioni ICT per l'inclusione del mondo reale nella fabbrica Tecnologie per un Manufatturiero sostenibile Soluzioni ICT per$la$modellazione$e$ memorizzazione$di$grandi$quan0tà$di$da0,$ la$loro$visualizzazione$e$l'estrazione$ automa0ca$delle$informazioni Interazione avanzata uomo-macchina Tecnologie per ambienti più conformtevoli e sicuri Metodi e tecnologie di progettazione e configurazione di sistemi e architetture intelligenti Metodi e strumenti di modellazione, simulazione e supporto alle previsioni Materiali rinnovabili dalle alte prestazioni Processi di produzione sostenibili Componenti, macchine e robot intelligenti Tecnologie e metodi per "la fabbrica per le persone" ICT per il Manufacturing Soluzioni ICT per implementare $ pia9aforme$distribuite$e$collabora0ve$ orientate$ai$servizi ICT perla gestione dell'impresa estesa Soluzioni ICT per progettazione, produzione e servizi centrati sul cliente Technologie per nuove infrastrutture ICT Soluzioni ICT per migliorare l'efficienza energetica Define strategic Lombardy priorities ! ! Direct request of Lombardy Regional Government Indication from the Region of some key-challenges that are considered strategic for the future " Production through innovative processes " Adaptive and evolutive production systems " Human-centred manufacturing " Regional sustainability " Dynamic and collaborative enterprises ! And of some enabling technologies: " " " Technologies for de-manufacturing Technologies for energy saving Advanced manufacturing processes Strategic matching KEY-CHALLENGES INDICATED BY THE REGION • • • • • • • Produzione con processi innovativi Sistemi di produzione evolutivi e adattativi Sistemi di produzione ad alta efficienza Sistemi produttivi “per le persone” Manufacturing per prodotti personalizzati Sistemi Manifatturieri per la sostenibilità ambientale Aggregazione di imprese collaborative e dinamiche ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES previously shared Strategie e management per il Manifatturiero Produzione e impiego di Materiali innovativi Tecnologie per un Manufatturiero sostenibile Tecnologie e metodi per "la fabbrica per le persone" Processi di produzione avanzati Tecnologie, materiali e metodi abilitanti Meccatronica per il manifatturiero avanzato Metodi e strumenti di modellazione, simulazione e supporto alle previsioni ICT per il Manufacturing Produzione(con(processi(innovativi( Sistemi(di(produzione(evolutivi(e(adattativi Sistemi(produttivi(ad(alta(efficienza Sistemi(produttivi(“per(le(persone” Produzione(di(prodotti(personalizzati Sistemi(per(la(sostenibilità Imprese(collaborative(e(mobili Strategie(management(per(il( Manifatturiero Produzione(e(impiego(di( materiali(innovativi Tecnologie(per( Manifatturiero(sostenibile Tecnologie(e(metodi(per( "Fabbrica(per(le(persone" ICT(manufacturing Modellazione(e(simulazione Meccatronica Processi(di(produzione( avanzati ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES KEY-CHALLENGES Result ! ! ! ! The Lombardy manufacturing sector Summary of EU roadmaps Challenges for advanced manufacturing in Lombardy Research and innovation priorities of Lombardy Manufacturing The background to participate to Vanguard Roadmapping vs Value Chain Mapping Roadmapping triggered a Value Chain Mapping process centered on strategic regional priorities: ! ! Relevant supply chain actors participated proactively representing relevant regional sectors and industrial areas It was (it is) a discovery process that included also companies not participating to the association Value Chain Mapping through mapping of Value Chain priorities Structured Value chain mapping activities are ongoing Vanguard ! Thematic working groups ! Regional longitudinal survey linked to relevant EU initiatives (manufacturing observatory) ! Visits to companies ! Regional resources ! Vanguard ! Mapping value chains around the topics of the three pilot initiatives: ! Manufacturing ! 3D for Oil and Gas Printing ! Efficient and Sustainable Manufacturing Thematic working groups Three working groups are being created: ! Technologies and methods for personalized manufacturing (3D printing for personalized manufacturing) ! Technologies and methods for manufacturing efficiency ! Technology and methods for manufacturing sustainability Taking advantage of ongoing research activities: The European Manufacturing Survey ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Conducted in 17 European countries: Austria, Brazil, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, UK, Italy, Portugal, Netherlands, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Russia# Coordinated by the Fraunhofer Institute of Systems and Innovation Research (ISI) in Karlsruhe, Germany in cooperation with 17 research institutes and universities organized in the EMS consortium Sample comprises establishments of entire manufacturing industries (e.g. machinery, metal industries, food, textile, chemicals, automotive, etc.) (NACE 15-37) with 20 or more employees Written survey with a questionnaire of six pages sent out by every project partner Topics are modernisation of manufacturing by implementation of innovative manufacturing technologies and organisational practices as well as performance indicators and company data $Asking for facts and figures, nearly no estimation questions $Answered by general management, plant or manufacturing managers $Previous rounds in 2003/2004, 2006/2007 , 2009/2010 Topics of European Manufacturing Survey ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Process innovations: Implementation of innovative manufacturing technologies # Organizational innovations: Implementation of innovative organizational concepts Product innovations: Implementation of new products, share of turnover with new products Product related service innovations : Offer of product-related services (e.g. training, maintenance/repair, renting, build-operate-own models, etc.) Relocation: Relocation, outsourcing and repatriation, reasons, countries Energy/resource consumption in production: energy and resource saving technologies and concepts in production, efficiency and saving potential in terms of energy and resource consumption in production Performance indicators: productivity, manufacturing lead times, delivery lead time, share of turnover with new products and new services, time to market, return on sales, growth of employment and turnover Company data: size, sector, product complexity, batch size, etc. Topics of European Manufacturing Survey The European Manufacturing Survey ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Austria: Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), Foresight & Policy Development Department, Vienna Brazil: Department of Industrial Engineering, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre PR China: Institute of Policy and Management (IPM), Division of S&T Policy, Bejing Croatia: University of Zagreb, Economic Faculty, University of Split, Technology Faculty Czech Republic: Centre for Economic Studies (CES), University of Economics and Management, Prague Denmark: University of Southern Denmark, Mads Clausen Institute and Institute for Marketing & Management, Sønderborg and Odense Finland: VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland France: University of Lyon, IAE Lyon, France Germany: Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI), Karlsruhe Great Britain: Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds Italy: Institute of Industrial Technologies and Automation (ITIA-CNR), Milan Portugal: UNIDEMI - Research Unit in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Universidade Nova de Lisboa Russia: State University - Higher School of Economics, Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISEK), Moskow Slovenia: Maribor University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Spain: University of Girona, Polytechnics School, Department of Business Administration and Product Design Sweden: University of Gävle, Jönköping University, Chalmers and Luleå University Switzerland: Hochschule Luzern - Wirtschaft, Institut für Betriebs- und Regionalökonomie (IBR) Regional resources AFIL defined the mapping structure Conclusions Value Chain Mapping supporting strategic priorities ! Exploitation of existing resources and opportunities to build value chain map ! No purely scientific process, but direct involvement of representative companies ! Scientific value chain mapping is needed in parallel, but it takes time ! Value chain mapping on focused domains is more affordable in the short term ! Strong regional governance and Cluster environment are important enablers ! ASSOCIAZIONE FABBRICA INTELLIGENTE LOMBARDIA Associazione Fabbrica Intelligente Lombardia!
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