Presentation of consolidated results as at 30 June 2014 Carlo Cimbri – CEO Bologna, 6 August 2014 • Unipol Group – 1H14 key operations • Consolidated results • Insurance business Agenda NOTE: • Non-Life insurance business • Life insurance business • Banking business • Real Estate and other activities • Investment management • Solvency The data reported in this presentation are consolidated unless otherwise specified. Data pertaining to UnipolSai for the period 1H13 are pro-forma consolidated and management figures and they relate to the UnipolSai Group’s basis of consolidation after the merger. UNIPOL GROUP: 1H14 KEY OPERATIONS Antitrust requirement Sale of former Milano insurance business to Allianz Closing of the sale agreement to Allianz and execution of the transfer of insurance business (725 agencies) and 470 employees Decrease in debt exposure to Mediobanca Total placement of UnipolSai undated hybrid subordinated notes of €750m with institutional investors – mainly from foreign countries (70%) – and, at the same time, early repayment of perpetual hybrid loan previously granted by Mediobanca for an equal amount IVASS indications Reduction of exposure to structured products Reduction of Levels 2 and 3 of about €1.2bn, realising gains for €24m Improvement of the debt maturity profile Exchange offer on UGF loan Exchange offer on Unipol Gruppo Finanziario senior loan of €750m (due 2017). €352m subscribed and new issue of €500m (due 2021) Rationalization of the Group corporate structure Restructuring of RE, banking and sub-holding sectors Approval of the merger project involving 20 companies of the RE sector to be finalized by the end of 2014 Approval of the project to merge Unipol Banca and Banca SAI to be completed subject to obtaining the authorisations prescribed by the law Start of the procedural steps to merge 3 sub-holdings operating under Italian law and to wind up 3 companies of the former Fondiaria-SAI Group operating under foreign law 3 SALE OF FORMER MILANO ASSICURAZIONI INSURANCE BUSINESS 14 January Allianz S.p.A. submitted a proposal for the acquisition of some insurance assets of former Milano Assicurazioni S.p.A. 21 January The BoDs of Unipol and UnipolSai convened to proceed to the exclusive negotiation and finalization of binding agreements with Allianz within 15 March 15 March UnipolSai and Allianz executed the sale agreement 30 June Allianz and UnipolSai closed the sale agreement Terms of the agreement (effective date 1 July 2014) • immediate transfer to Allianz of 725 agencies and 470 employees relating to a Non-Life insurance portfolio with premiums of €1.1bn (figures as of 31/12/2013), against payment of an amount of €200m • transfer of the residual portfolio and payment of the additional amount for up to a maximum of €240m by the end of 2014 31 December Final effective date of the transfer of the ceded portfolio subject to IVASS approval. Payment of the additional amount for up to €240m 4 STRUCTURED PRODUCTS – FOCUS ON LEVEL 2 AND 3 €m Unipol Gruppo Finanziario – Evolution of Level 2 and 3 structured products realised gains €1m realised gains €24m -852 -1,161 5,295 4,443 Book value 3,282 FY12 decrease FY13 decrease 1H14 Market value 4,741 4,086 3,189 Unrealised gain/loss -554 -357 -93 From 1 January 2013 to 30 June 2014: - decrease in investments in Level 2 and 3 structured products for €2.0bn - realised capital gains of €25m - unrealised loss reduced of nearly €500m 5 UNIPOL GROUP – DEBT STRUCTURE €m Debt structure evolution 3,311 Breakdown by maturity/call date -202 -352 31/12/2013 3,250 -7 +500 -750 1,450 +750 700 750 750 662 340 549 1,312 375 562 300 200 112 2015 2016 898 750 31/12/2013 102 UGF exchange offer UGF issue repayment of former Premafin debt following issue of convertible loan other repayment of Mediobanca loans issue of new loan 30/06/2014 debt with Mediobanca (UnipolSai) debt with other banks (UnipolSai) subordinated listed loans (UnipolSai) 2017 2018 2020 2021 2023 2026 subordinated senior hybrid listed loans (UGF) 30/06/2014 800 Targets achieved: lengthening of maturity (UGF average life from 2.9 to 5.2 years, UnipolSai from 6.9 to 8.8 years) reduction of exposure to Mediobanca 662 467 200 102 112 69 2015 Excluding debts in the banking sector and UnipolSai convertible loan 750 2016 39 2017 2018 2020 2021 2023 2024 2026 6 • Unipol Group – 1H14 key operations • Consolidated results • Insurance business Agenda • Non-Life insurance business • Life insurance business • Banking business • Real Estate and other activities • Investment management • Solvency 1H14 RESULTS BY BUSINESS SECTOR €m UNIPOLSAI 560 453 357 301 129 8 81 -30 Non-Life Life -1 -23 RE Other businesses Total UNIPOL GRUPPO FINANZIARIO 461 417 307 128 77 20 240 6 -30 Non-Life Life Bank consolidated pre-tax result -23 RE -163 -127 Holding and other businesses Total consolidated net result 8 • Unipol Group – 1H14 key operations • Consolidated results • Insurance business Agenda • Non-Life insurance business • Life insurance business • Banking business • Real Estate and other activities • Investment management • Solvency DIRECT INSURANCE INCOME €m including premiums being ceded to Allianz 1H13 1H14 10,070 +10.7% 9,097 8,907 8,177 +8.9% 5,318 3,999 3,403 4,774 4,471 920 +31.4% -7.1% 5,097 4,437 596 323 UnipolSai Other companies -6.8% 1,163 +41.4% 847 +70.1% 316 Total Unipol Gruppo Finanziario Life premiums +33.0% UnipolSai Other companies 4,753 -2.3% Total Unipol Gruppo Finanziario Non-Life premiums 10 • Unipol Group – 1H14 key operations • Consolidated results • Insurance business Agenda • Non-Life insurance business • Life insurance business • Banking business • Real Estate and other activities • Investment management • Solvency NON-LIFE DIRECT PREMIUM INCOME €m UnipolSai 4,774 -7.1% 4,437 10.8% MV UnipolSai S.p.A. 1,723 1,665 -3.4% Accident&Health 12.8% Property 62.5% 3,050 2,772 -9.1% 7.8% General TPL 4,211 -6.8% Liguria 79 -14.2% Siat 54 -23.1% DDOR 40 +3.1% Incontra 37 +66.2% Other 16 -50.2% 4,437 -7.1% UnipolSai Group 6.1% 1H13 Other 1H14 €m Unipol Gruppo Finanziario 5,097 -6.8% 4,753 1,915 1,869 14.0% -2.4% MV Accident&Health Linear 12.2% Property 60.7% 3,182 2,884 -9.4% UnipolSai Group Unisalute Arca 7.4% General TPL Unipol Gruppo Fin. 4,437 -7.1% 96 -13.9% 163 +9.1% 57 -9.0% 4,753 -6.8% 5.8% Other 1H13 Non-MV 1H14 MV 12 NON-LIFE – COMBINED RATIO UnipolSai 94.0% 92.7% Expense ratio Loss ratioa 16.3% Unipol Gruppo Finanziario 92.2% 17.4% 23.9% 26.3% 15.6% 16.6% 23.4% 25.7% 7.6% 8.9% 7.8% 68.8% 67.7% 68.8% 67.7% 1H13 1H14 1H13 1H14 commissions/premiums Combined ratio from direct business a including OTI/premiums 93.4% other oper. expenses/premiums 9.1% loss ratio 13 NON-LIFE – 1H14 MV TPL TECHNICAL INDICATORS UnipolSai S.p.A. var. vs FY13 91.4% Total portfolio -0.3% o/w: retail fleets 0.0% -5.8% Portfolio average premium a Combined ratio 88.1% 12.3% Expense ratio 12.0% 18.2% 20.8% 8.5% 6.2% -4.2% Loss ratiob 69.9% 70.6% 1H13 1H14 var. vs 1H13 No. of claims reported (followed-up passive claims) -8.7% commissions/premiums other oper. expenses/premiums Frequency -0.3 p.p. loss ratio a Management figures direct business OTI/premiums b including 14 • Unipol Group – 1H14 key operations • Consolidated results • Insurance business Agenda • Non-Life insurance business • Life insurance business • Banking business • Real Estate and other activities • Investment management • Solvency LIFE DIRECT INCOME €m UnipolSai 25.2% +31.4% 5.2% 5.0% 4,471 3,403 1H13 Index/Unit linked 1,129 (+11.2%) Capitalization 233 (-55.7%) UnipolSai S.p.A. 1,906 +10.4% Pop. Vita+Lawr. Life 2,472 +55.0% 93 +15.1% 4,471 +31.4% Other companies Pension funds 225 (-2.3%) UnipolSai Group 64.5% 1H14 Traditional 2,883 (+76.9%) €m Unipol Gruppo Finanziario +33.0% 22.2% 4.5% 5,318 4.2% 3,999 69.1% 1H13 Index/Unit linked 1,183 (+7.8%) 1H14 Capitalization 238 (-55.0%) Pension funds 225 (-2.3%) UnipolSai Group Arca Vita Unipol Gruppo Fin. 4,471 +31.4% 847 +42.0% 5,318 +33.0% Traditional 3,672 (+71.2%) 16 LIFE – NET INFLOWS €m 1H13 1H14 -1,863 +3,403 -2,026 +4,471 -1,607 -1,212 UnipolSai -98 premiums redemptions maturities/ annuities claims +67 net inflows -120 +881 premiums redemptions maturities/ annuities claims net inflows -2,071 -2,204 Unipol Gruppo Finanziario -1,665 -156 -1,253 -146 premiums Management figures +5,318 +3,999 redemptions maturities/ annuities claims +1,426 +396 net inflows premiums redemptions maturities/ annuities claims net inflows 17 • Unipol Group – 1H14 key operations • Consolidated results • Insurance business Agenda • Non-Life insurance business • Life insurance business • Banking business • Real Estate and other activities • Investment management • Solvency BANKING BUSINESS Direct deposits €m 10,820 Indicators 11,171 +3.2% 770 +73.1% 445 10,401 10,375 FY13 Unipol Group lending indicators FY13 1H14 Net impaired loans 2,119 2,031 net impaired loans/net loans 21.0% 20.6% % bad loans coverage ratio 50% 53% % impaired loans coverage ratio 37% 41% % total loans coverage ratio 12% 13% 1H13 1H14 Net interest income 126 131 Gross operating income 184 216 75.6% 68.5% -66 6 +0.2% 1H14 Economic indicators – Banking sector customer securitisation Lendinga Cost/Income ratio 10,071 Net result – Banking sector 9,864 -2.1% 2,863 2,670 -6.7% 7,208 7,194 -0.2% 1H14 provisions on loans o/w Unipol Gruppo Finanziario S.p.A. Capital indicators – Single company 149 100 1H14 Basel 3 FY13 customer 1H14 securitisation CET1 Unipol Banca CET1 Banca SAI 8.5% 23.1% Aggregate management figures including Unipol Banca Group and Banca Sai Group a net of provisions at UGF S.p.A. level 19 • Unipol Group – 1H14 key operations • Consolidated results • Insurance business Agenda • Non-Life insurance business • Life insurance business • Banking business • Real Estate and other activities • Investment management • Solvency REAL ESTATE AND OTHER ACTIVITIES €m REAL ESTATE – UNIPOL GRUPPO FINANZIARIO +37.7 4,765 4,646 -46.4 -37.6 -70.2 FY13 investmentsa sales deprec. writedowns -2.7 otherb 1H14 Management figures a capex (€37.4m) and purchase (€0.3m) b exchange variation and movement in associated RE funds OTHER ACTIVITIES Tenute del Cerro (former Saiagricola) -2.3 Clinics -1.2 Atahotels Marina di Loano -4.0 -5.2 -9.0 -8.1 -10.4 -13.5 1H13 1H14 IAS results 21 • Unipol Group – 1H14 key operations • Consolidated results • Insurance business Agenda • Non-Life insurance business • Life insurance business • Banking business • Real Estate and other activities • Investment management • Solvency 1H14 FINANCIAL INVESTMENTS €bn UnipolSai Total investments €46.7bn equity 1.0 (2.1%) cash 1.5 (3.1%) funds and other 0.6 (1.3%) bonds 43.6 (93.5%) Bond portfolio €43.6bn Government other Countries 5.2% Corporate 4.5% Financials 13.8% Government Italy 76.5% Government 81.6% Unipol Gruppo Finanziario Total investments €52.7bn equity 1.1 (2.0%) cash 2.3 (4.4%) funds and other 0.6 (1.2%) Bond portfolio €48.7bn Government other Countries 4.8% Corporate 4.1% Financials 14.0% bonds 48.7 (92.4%) Government Italy 77.1% Government 81.9% Investments relating to insurance companies managed by Unipol Group, excluding DDOR, DDOR RE, Lawrence Life and Class D, investments in subsidiaries, associates and JVs, investments in RE and RE funds. Management figures. 23 1H14 INCOME FROM FINANCIAL INVESTMENTS €m UnipolSai Unipol Gruppo Finanziario 4.92% 5.31% 3.84% 3.89% Total 820 274 coupons and dividends 1,121 1.30% gains 909 0.13% 229 26 fair value through P&L total coupons and dividends 1,164 0.97% gains 0.11% 26 fair value through P&L 5.75% Non-Life 3.45% 2.05% 414 249 148 0.25% coupons and dividends gains fair value through P&L 4.11% 5.03% 3.41% 1.39% 262 106 total coupons and dividends gains 5.08% 4.09% 706 644 18 0.23% 18 fair value through P&L 0.91% 126 coupons and dividends gains 0.06% 9 fair value through P&L total coupons and dividends 386 total 4.92% Life 571 total 774 0.77% 122 0.05% gains fair value through P&L 8 Income relating to insurance companies managed by Unipol Group, excluding DDOR, DDOR RE, Lawrence Life and Class D, investments in subsidiaries, associates and JVs, investments in RE and RE funds. Management figures. total 24 AFS RESERVE €m Unipol Gruppo Finanziario UnipolSai 1,158 1,113 1,055 1,028 543 522 344 999 225 1,120 950 1,055 85 77 58 FY13 1Q14 1H14 458 243 490 181 101 32 44 1H13 9M13 FY13 56 32 38 32 1Q14 bonds Total AFS reserve (Group+third parties). Break-up based on in-house estimate. . 1H14 equity 25 • Unipol Group – 1H14 key operations • Consolidated results • Insurance business Agenda • Non-Life insurance business • Life insurance business • Banking business • Real Estate and other activities • Investment management • Solvency SOLVENCY I UnipolSai Unipol Gruppo Finanziario 1.6x 1.6x 1.5x FY13 1H14 FY13 1.6x 1H14 27 DISCLAIMER Maurizio Castellina, Senior Executive responsible for drawing up the corporate accounts of Unipol Gruppo Finanziario S.p.A. and UnipolSai Assicurazioni S.p.A., declares, in accordance with Article 154-bis, para 2, of the Consolidated Finance Act, that the accounting information reported in this presentation correspond to the figures in the documents, books and accounting records. 28 INVESTOR RELATIONS CONTACTS Adriano Donati (IRO) Tel +39 051 507 7063 Giancarlo Lana Tel +39 011 66 57 642 Eleonora Roncuzzi Tel +39 051 507 7063 Laura Marrone Tel +39 051 507 2183 Giuseppe Giuliani Tel +39 051 507 7218 Carlo Latini Tel +39 051 507 6333 Silvia Tonioli Tel +39 051 507 2371 29
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