DIPSI Workshop 2014 DIPSI Workshop 2014

Conference venue
Engineering Department
Sant’Agostino Conference Room
Via Fara, 24129 Bergamo
DIPSI Workshop 2014
Droplet Impact Phenomena
& Spray Investigations
Ristorante Caffè della Funicolare
Via Porta Dipinta 1, 24129 Bergamo
Engineering Department
Prof. G.E. Cossali
Viale Marconi 5
24044 Dalmine - BG
Tel.: +39 0352052309
Fax: +39 035562779
E-mail: cossali@unibg.it
X-ray microCT bottom view of a drop deposited over a a textured surface
Bergamo, 16 th May 2014
Sant’Agostino Conference Room
Workshop goals
11:45 Image-based analysis of evaporating
diesel sprays in the near-nozzle region, C.
This is the eighth edition of the workshop
Crua, G. de Sercey, M. Heikal and M. Gold.
A successive publication of the works
on droplet impact phenomena and spray
12:15 Modelling of in-nozzle flow and primary
presented during the workshop will be
investigations organised by the University
atomisation in aeronautical injectors, C.
made. Anyone, who has contributed to the
of Bergamo. It represents an important
Galbiati, S. Tonini and G.E. Cossali.
workshop with oral or poster presentation
and he is interested to make a publication of
opportunity to share the recent knowledge
on droplets and sprays in a variety of
research fields and industrial applications.
Preliminary program
12:45 Lunch break
manuscript by 30th June 2014. We will
14:15 Self-Stabilization Phenomena in the
include it in a CD-ROM with ISBN which
Operation of Droplet Stream Generators, N.
will be distributed to all the participants.
Roth, H. Gomaa and B. Weigand.
15 May 2014
14:45 X-ray micro computed tomography for
20:00 Dinner in the medieval Città Alta
3D visualization and quantitative analysis of
at Caffè Ristorante della Funicolare, via
multiphase interfaces on hydrophobic
Porta Dipinta 1, 24129 Bergamo.
surfaces, M. Santini, M. Guilizzoni, M.
his work, will be asked to send us a
14:15 Drop interaction phenomena
Lorenzi, V. Knisel and S. Fest-Santini.
16th May 2014
8:45 Registration
15:15 Selected Results of the Collaborative
Research Center "Droplet Dynamics under
Extreme Ambient Conditions" (SFB-TRR 75),
9:15 Welcome speech
A. Birkefeld, B. Weigand and C. Tropea.
9:30 Drop evaporation modelling
15:45 Coffee break
9:30 Modelling of diesel fuel droplet
heating and evaporation, S.S. Sazhin, M.
16:30 Workshop closure
Al Qubeissi and M.R. Heikal.
10:00 Modelling of multi-component drop
Organisation information
evaporation, S. Tonini and G.E. Cossali.
To register to the event please send an e10:30 Coffee break
mail with your data (name, affiliation,
11.15 Spray investigation
address, date of arrival) to Simona Tonini,
11:15 Advanced technique of image
analysis for spray characterization, A.
Amoresano,V. Avagliano, G. Langella, V.
Niola and G. Quaremba.
Engineering Department
Prof. G.E. Cossali
Viale Marconi 5
24044 Dalmine - BG
Tel.: +39 0352052309
Fax: +39 035562779
E-mail: cossali@unibg.it