Improved Seismic Performance of Braced Frame Connections

Improved Seismic Performance of Braced Frame Connections
Yao Cui
Dalian University of Technology
Braced frames are widely used for steel constructions in seismic regions. Gusset
plates are used to connect the ends of the brace to the framing elements, Fig.1. The
forces or rotations in the brace must be accommodated by the gusset plate. Failure of
the gusset plate connection will result in considerable loss of strength of the brace and
compromise the seismic performance of the braced frame. Among the failure modes
of the gusset plate connections, the fracture of the interface weld between the gusset
plate and the beam and column (Fig. 2) is one of the most undesirable failure modes
[1, 2]. Recent experiments [3-5] have demonstrated that welds joining the gusset plate
to beams and columns are important to the ductility and deformation capacity of the
system. An extensive review of braced frame gusset plate research was conducted by
Chambers and Ernst [6]. It pointed out the necessary to understand the interface weld
behavior of gusset plate connections.
Fig. 1 Braced frame gusset plate connections
Fig. 2 Weld fracture
Experimental study was conducted to investigate the ultimate strength of the
gusset plate connection governed by the interface weld fracture under the tensile axial
brace load. The 12 mm thick gusset plate was connected to the endplates using a fillet
weld on both sides. The brace angle was 30 degree. Two pieces of plate with the
thickness of 19 mm were connected with the gusset plate using three high tension
bolts (F10T) with the nominal diameter of 22 mm to transfer the axial brace force, as
shown in Fig. 3. The test parameters are the weld length of beam and column side (Lb,
Lc). The gusset plate dimensions could be found in Fig. 3.
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Fig. 3 (a) Test setup (b) specimens
Load-displacement curves of all specimens are shown in Fig. 4. Specimen
“B135-C45” lost the resistance immediately after the interface weld fracture. The
other three specimens reached the maximum strength when the vertical gusset plate
displacement is around 15 mm, while Specimen “B135-C45” reached the maximum
strength when the vertical displacement is around 11 mm.
Fig. 4 Test results
A comprehensive series of nonlinear, inelastic FE analyses were performed to
simulate the response of the test specimens using the ABAQUS 6.9. The experimental
and analytical relations between the axial load and the displacement for the two
specimens are shown in Fig. 5. The FEM model closely approximated all aspects of
the measured response. The difference between experimental and analytical maximum
strength is 3% and 14% for specimens B135-C45 and B90-C90, respectively.
Fig. 5 Analysis results: (a) load-displacement relationship; (b) failure mode
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The finite element models verified with the experimental study were adopted for
the further parametric study to investigate the effect of the gusset plate size, brace
angle, and eccentricity of the brace on the resistance strength of the interface weld.
Based on the parametric study, the following were observed. The interface weld
within the extension Whitmore effective region transfers almost all the brace force
from the gusset plate to the beams and columns. The effective interface length is
affected by the gusset plate size, brace angle, and eccentricity of the brace. The
resistance force of the interface weld is generally aligned to the brace.
Based on the pre-mentioned observations, the extension Whitmore effective
length was modified by considering the geometrical effect of the gusset plate (such as,
the gusset plate size, brace angle, and eccentricity of brace). Further study should be
conducted to develop the evaluation of the effective length. Further experimental
study is required to verify the proposed evaluation. In addition, more parameters
should be considered, such as the connection between the brace and the gusset plate,
the yield of gusset plate, and cyclic loading condition.
[1] Astaneh-Asl H. Seismic behavior and design of gusset plates. Steel Tips. Moraga Calif.:
Structural Steel Education Council; 1998.
[2] Roeder C, Lehman D, Yoo, JH. Improved design of steel frame connections. International
Journal of Steel Structures 2005;141-53.
[3] Johson S. Improved seismic performance of special concentrically braced frames, a thesis
submitted in partial fulfillment of the MS degree. Seattle: University of Washington,
[4] Herman D. Further improvements on and understanding of SCBF systems, a thesis
submitted in partial fulfillment of the MS degree. Seattle: University of Washington,
[5] Kotulka B.A. Analysis for a design guide on gusset plates in special concentrically braced
frames, a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the MS degree. Seattle: University of
Washington; 2007.
[6] Chambers, J. Brace frame gusset plate research – Phase 1 literature review, University of Utah,
Salt Lake City, 2005.
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Polar Oxide Interfaces
Project Coordinator Name: Vlado K. Lazarov
Affiliation: University of York
Recently polar oxides have gain significant attention due to discovery of 2D electron gas at
perovskite type of interfaces (e.g SrTiO3 /LaAlO3). While the origin of the 2D electron gas at
this interface is still somehow debatable, polar nature of LaAlO3 was proposed as an
explanation for the nature of this interface. In general, due to abrupt change of electrostatic
potential across the polar interfaces one can expect strong electronic reconstruction; this could
provide means for new interface stabilized electronic phases.
Aims of Research
Aim of the project is to create, characterise and obtain fundamental knowledge on strong
polar oxide interfaces and surfaces (beyond perovskite systems) on atomic level; with ultimate
goal to utilise these artificial hetero-interfaces as a platform for electronic and spintronic devices.
We focus on the polarity of simple binary oxides including MgO(111) (insulator), NiO(111)
( AFM insulator), Fe3O4 (111) ( ferrimagnet) and will establish a new platform for device
application with a variety of functionalities.
During the one year period of our research project we realised two visits to TIT from staff
from York Dr Leonardo Lari, for one week and a PhD student (Daniel Gilks, research stay for 4
weeks). During this period we have managed to grow a number of specimens as initially
planned, with focus on NiO(111)/MgO(111) and Fe3O4(111)/STO and Fe3O4(111)/MgO(111).
a) NiO/MgO
In order to understand the electronic structure of the NiO/MgO interface we have prepared
cross-sectional electron microscopy specimens, and utilise atomic resolution STEM and EELS.
Fig. 1a and 1b show cross sectional images of the interface region of NiO(111)/MgO(111) and
NiO(100)/MgO(100). Films morphology is perfect, with surface structure atomically sharp. In
contrast to surface interface structure show much richer structure. Intensity profiles along both
interfaces show that interface are gradually mixed. In other words there is inter-diffusion of Ni
and Mg, creating a stepped (111) interface, which is rather unique since it is independent of the
crystallographic orientation of the film and substrate. Based on these results we created
atomistic models and investigate the electronic and magnetic structure of the interfaces. First
principle calculations confirm the experimental finding showing that gradually mixed interface
is energetically the most stable (Fig.2). The electronic calculations show that we have two
distinctive regions. One is near the NiO/NixMg1-xO and NixMg1-x/MgO interface. Of
importance is the uppermost interface since it is predicted to carry half-metalic states and
contribute the most to the overall net magnetic moment that is associated with this interface.
Finally we would like to note that difusion of the Ni and Mg is along the 111 plane as
demontsrated with the prismatic mixing profile of NiO(100)/MgO(100) in Fig. 1b.
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Fig.1. STEM-HAADF image from interface region of NiO(111)/MgO(111) and NiO(100)/Mgo(100)
interface region show atomic mixing and formation (111) stepped interfaces. Intensity profiles show that
interface mixing is constrained to eight atomic planes.
Fig. 2. Total energy calculation performed on various atomic models clearly favour gradually mizxed
interface as best atomic structure of NiO/MgO. The values shown under each model interface are
compared to the energy of the sharp interface.
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B) Fe3O4(111)/STO(111)
Fig. 3 shows a cross-ectional STEMHAADF of magnetite on STO(111)
substrate. The film is showing a bulk
atomic ordering in the magnetite film
starting from the interface region onwards.
Detailed studies of the film structure
reveals a small amount of the extended
defects such as antiphase domain
boundary that govern the film behaviour
in thin films. The most interesting finding
is the sharpness of the film substrate
interface which is on atomic level.
Interfacial layer is determined by
TiO2/Fe_octahedral bonds. Due to the
lattice mismatch misfit dislocation
network originates from the interface and
localy changes the bond angles as seen
from the central region of the interface
shown in Fig. 2. Ability to form sharp
Fig.3 STEM cross-sectional image of Fe3O4(111) on
interfaces, in principle can be used to
engineer at least several Fe3O4/STO
interfaces, in order to investigate the effect of several atomic interface structure on the spin
injection in STO, when STO is used either as a semiconductor ( e.g. Nb doped STO) or as an
insulating tunnel barrier.
Conclusion / Summary
We have successfully undertaking the growth of polar NiO(111), MgO(111) , and Fe3O4(111)
heterojunctions. Atomic structures of these junctions were determined by high resolution
STEM-HAADF. We used experimentally derived structure to perform first principle
calculations and predict electronic structure of the MgO(111)/NiO(111) interface. We have
propsed neutron scattering experiment to confirm our theoretical predictions of magnetic
structure of NiO/MgO interface. We also show that Fe3O4/STO interface can be atomically
engineered, and we are planning near future experiment to determine the spin injections in Nb
doped STO as a function of different interface structure.
Team Members
Vlado Lazarov
Daniel Gilks
Leonardo Lari
Kosuke Matsuzaki
Tomofumi Susaki
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2. 建築仕上材の塩害抵抗性試験概要
2.1 使用材料
モルタル下地ひび割れ幅は,ひび割れなし,0.3,0.5,1mm の 4 水準とした。防水材はウレタン系
およびアクリル系塗膜防水材の 2 種類とし,厚さは 2mm とした。なお,無塗布コンクリート試験体も
2.2 実験方法
(1) 塩化物イオン浸透深さ測定
モルタル試験体の養生条件は材齢 4 週まで水中養生,その後材齢 8 週まで恒温恒湿条件(温度 20±
2℃,R.H.:60±5%)とした。その後,NaCl 5%水溶液に浸漬した塩水浸漬試験を実施し,材齢 1,4,
8,13 週毎に KS F 2737"指示薬によるコンクリートの塩化物浸透深さの測定方法"に準じて,AgNO3 溶
(2) 塩化物イオン拡散実験
に,φ100×50mm のモルタル試験体を用いて塩化物イオン拡散実験を実施した。実験方法について,
各促進材齢で NT BUILD 492(非定常状態電気泳動試験)に準じて実施し,試験体に AgNO3 溶液を噴霧し
て変色域により浸透深さを求めた。また,塩化物イオンの拡散係数は,Tang&Nilsson が提案した式
3. 結果および考察
3.1 モルタル下地の塩化物イオン浸透深さ
モルタル下地の塩化物イオン浸透深さの測定結果を表 1 と図 1 に示す。また,塩化物イオン浸透深
さの予測式を表 2 に示す。無塗布試験体の場合,試験期間 1 週間で下地に塩化物イオンが浸透し,13
週後の浸透深さは 22.2mm となった。無塗布試験体の場合,ひび割れ部での浸透深さは,ひび割れ無
しの試験体に比べて 3〜5 倍以上大きくなった。一方,ウレタン系防水試験体はひび割れ幅 0〜0.5mm,
アクリル系ではひび割れ幅 0〜0.3mm の範囲で,試験期間 13 週まで塩化物イオンの浸透を抑制した。
3.2 モルタル下地の塩化物イオン拡散係数
各試験体の塩化物イオン拡散係数の結果を表 3 と図 2 に示す。無塗布試験体はウレタン系及びアク
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表1 塩水浸漬試験結果(材齢13週)
表3 モルタル下地の塩化物イオン拡散係数の測定結果
表2 塩化物イオンの浸透深さの予測式 (X = A + B√t)
0.3 mm
0.5 mm
X:塩化物イオン浸透深さ(mm), t:塩水浸漬期間(day),
0 1
図1 下地ひび割れ部における塩化物イオン
1.0 mm
図2 防水材厚さと下地の塩化物
R = 0.9906
図3 塩化物イオンの浸透深さ速度係数と
リル系防水試験体に比べて,下地の塩化物イオン拡散係数が高くなり,3.95×10-12 m2/sec となった。
3.3 塩化物イオン浸透深さ速度係数と拡散係数の関係
表 2 の結果により得られた塩化物イオンの浸透深さ速度係数と,拡散実験により得られた塩化物イ
オン拡散係数の関係を図 3 に示す。本研究の範囲では,両者は相関性があり,塩化物イオンの拡散係
数が約 0.5×10-12 m2/sec 以下の条件では,塩害を抑制することができると考える。また,下地にひび
割れが 1mm 以下の条件で発生しても,防水材塗布により,無塗布・下地ひび割れの無いモルタル下地
4. まとめ
1) 無塗布試験体は塩化物イオンが早期に浸透したが,本研究で用いたウレタン系およびアクリル系
防水材を塗布した場合は,試験期間 13 週間までひび割れの有無に関係なく,高い塩害抵抗性を示
2) 防水材を施工し,膜厚さを十分に確保することで,モルタル下地にひび割れが発生した場合でも,
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Study of collective behavior of electrons
in the vicinity of quantum phase transitions
University of Crete and Nanyang Technological University
Christos Panagopoulos
1. Introduction & Activity Report
There is growing experimental evidence for the emergence of spatial inhomogeneities at the
nanoscale in many strongly correlated electron systems. In addition to charge, other degrees of
freedom, such as spin and lattice, typically also play an important role in these materials, leading to
the competition of several ground states and the resulting nanoscale phase separation. Such
nanophases have been variously described as bubbles, stripes, clumps, clusters, or domains,
investigations have discussed the emergence
of inhomogeneous charge-ordered phases in
analogy with the smectic and nematic states in
liquid crystals. In general, many different
configurations of such nanoscopic ordered
regions often have comparable (free) energies,
such that these metastable states are separated
by barriers with a wide distribution of heights
and, thus, relaxation times. This leads to the
out-of-equilibrium systems.
The resistance noise spectroscopy employed
at very low temperature (T) and on very long
time (t) scales is clearly a technique that is
well suited for probing the charge dynamics. It
has already been used successfully in charge
(Coulomb) glasses in nonmagnetic systems.
The analysis of the noise statistics can provide
evidence for the presence of a large number of
metastable states, which are an essential
features of glassiness, such as aging, memory,
and breaking of ergodicity.
FIG. 1 (a) Noise R(t)/<R> vs time at T =
0.118 K for several B // ab. All traces are shifted
vertically for clarity. (b) the probability density
function (PDF) vs R(t)/<R> in different fields
for 12-hour observation periods; T = 0.118 K.
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Therefore, we investigated the noise in the in-plane resistance Rab of La1.97Sr0.03CuO4 (LSCO) at
very low temperature far below the spin-glass transition temperature and with magnetic fields
parallel to the CuO2 planes (B // ab), as shown in Fig. 1. Just like what was observed for the c-axis
transport and a different field orientation (B // c), the fluctuations of the in-plane resistance Rab with
time provided evidence for the increasingly slow, correlated dynamics as T → 0. Here, however,
the magnitude of the resistance noise was significantly smaller and the emergence of charge
glassiness took place at even lower T than for the out-of-plane transport. Also, the data did not seem
to show any effect of the magnetic field on either the amplitude or the character of the noise. In
spite of these quantitative differences, the overall data strongly support earlier conclusions and
provide evidence that doped holes in lightly doped LSCO form a collective, glassy state of charge
domains or clusters located in the CuO2 planes.
Further work is needed to examine the evolution of this dynamically inhomogeneous state with
doping and its possible coexistence with high temperature superconductivity.
2. Team Members
University of Crete and FORTH: Christos Panagopoulos, Zacharias Viskadourakis
Nanyang Technological University: Sai Swaroop Sunku
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory:
Dragana Popović, I. Raičević, J. Jaroszyński, E. S. Choi
University of Cambridge: Glenton Jelbert, Jiwon Seo, Leszek Spalek, Sridhar Saxena
Tokyo Institute of Technology: Takao Sasagawa, Takao Katagiri, Manabu Kanou
3. Papers
[1] “Memory Effects in the Charge Response of Lightly Doped La2-xSrxCuO4” I. Raičević, D.
Popović, C. Panagopoulos, and T. Sasagawa, J. Supercond. Nov. Magn. 25, 1239 (2012).
[2] “Evidence for Quantum Skyrmions in a Doped Antiferromagnet” I. Raičević, D. Popović, C.
Panagopoulos, L. Benfatto, M.B. Silva Neto, E. S. Choi, and T. Sasagawa, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106,
227206 (2011).
[3] “Non-Gaussian Noise in the In-Plane Transport of Lightly Doped La2-xSrxCuO4: Evidence for
a Collective State of Charge Clusters” I. Raičević, D. Popović, C. Panagopoulos, and T.
Sasagawa, Phys. Rev. B 83, 195133 (2011).
[4] “Large Positive Magnetoresistance of the Lightly Doped La2CuO4 Mott Insulator” I. Raičević,
Dragana Popović, C. Panagopoulos, and T. Sasagawa, Phys. Rev. B 81, 235104 (2010).
[5] “Evidence for Charge Glassiness at Low Temperatures in La1.97Sr0.03CuO4” I. Raičević, J.
Jaroszyński, D. Popović, C. Panagopoulos, and T. Sasagawa, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 177004
[6] “Measurement of Low Energy Charge Correlations in Underdoped Spin-glass La-based
Cuprates using Impedance Spectroscopy” G. R. Jelbert, T. Sasagawa, J.D. Fletcher, T. Park, J.
D. Thompson, C. Panagopoulos, Phys. Rev. B 78, 182513 (2008).
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この度、東京工業大学応用セラミックス研究所の共同利用研究費(国際 B)を受け、本研究を展開す
2011 年 3 月に起きた東北大地震で計測された高層建築の地震時応答データを用いて、統計的分析を
2-3 倍になり、制振建物は 1-2 倍ほどに止まった。耐震建物のモード減衰は1%~2%に対し、制振
建物では3%~4%に増加した。減衰定数の差は僅か 1%~2%位だが、建物特に高層建物の地震時応
応答開始時高次モードの寄与が大きくて、その後は 1 次モードの寄与が大きくなる。図1は 54 階建物
の 41 階の変位の各次モードの寄与を示し、前記の傾向が見られる。
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今回同定された東京地区の高層耐震建築構造の減衰定数は平均的に 2%以下となっている。日本では
高層建物の減衰定数は鋼構造では2%、鉄筋コンクリート造は 3%が多く用いられる。これは高層建築
図 1 高層建物1次,2次と3次モードの変位応答の比較
図2 制振構造の減衰定数を変えた場合の応答
ま と
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Passive controlled RC building structures with novel configurations
of buckling restrained braces
Institute of Engineering Mechanics, China Earthquake Administration
Qu Zhe
1 はじめに
Buckling restrained braces (BRBs), which exhibit stable hysteretic behavior and provide superior
energy dissipation capacity to building structures, have been extensively studied and applied
to various types of steel braced frames since 1980s. In contrast, however, the applications of
BRBs in reinforced concrete (RC) structures are quite limited, and are mostly confined to the
retrofit of existing buildings. A major limitation comes from the troublesome connection between
steel braces and concrete member, which are usually incapable of accommodating large concentrated
tensile force. Innovative solutions are needed for the local connection of BRBs and concrete
members in order to promote the applications of BRBs in the seismic protection of RC buildings.
2 研究目的
The present study proposed a continuously buckling restrained braced frame system (CBRBF) for
RC constructions, in which the BRBs are arranged continuously along the height of the braced
span and the two BRBs in adjacent stories share the same gusset plate, which is attached to the
surface of the concrete beam-to-column joint. It is expected that the local tensile force on
the shared gusset plate could be minimized by the force equilibrium of the neighboring BRBs,
and the normal and tangent force resistance of the local connection could be separated in order
to simply the load condition to make it more reliable.
3 研究成果
Large scale experimental tests on CBRBF subassemblies are conducted to validate the proposed
system with special focus on the local connection behavior. The performance of the proposed
connection and the BRBs themselves in the new system was confirmed by the test results. The limited
damage to the RC part of subassemblage was also carefully examined. In addition, nonlinear time
history analysis of CBRBF as compared to bare RC frames were conducted to show the response
reduction effect of the bracing and to understand the behavior of the local connection and its
influence on the global response under dynamic loading.
4 ま
と め
A novel CBRBF system for RC constructions is proposed and tested. The BRBs generally yield at
about 1/600~1/500 story drift ratio in the proposed system. The end rotations of BRBs are
comparable to those in conventional V-brace system. The deformation in the proposed connection
is negligibly small and the damage to the RC parts is well under control.
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System and Damage Identification of a Full-Scale Steel Moment-Resisting
Frame Structure using Ambient and Hysteretic Vibration Data
Project Coordinator Name: Ertugrul Taciroglu
Affiliation: University of California, Los Angeles
This report summarizes the outcomes of the efforts that were aimed at meeting the objectives of the
collaborative research project titled “System and Damage Identification of a Full-Scale Steel MomentResisting Frame Structure using Ambient and Hysteretic Vibration Data.”
Two time-domain system identification algorithms were proposed for utilizing Takatori and white-noise
excitation shake table test data from the E-Defense full-scale four story steel moment resisting frame
The collaborative research project provided the UCLA team the opportunity to access and procure test
data. In what follows, the original goals of the project are recited and the results of applying system
identification methods to the test data are briefly discussed. Plans for future efforts are outlined,
Aims of Research
The main objective of the proposed collaborative effort has been to investigate the capabilities of two—
recently developed—parameter estimation algorithms for system identification of torsionally coupled
multi-story framed buildings through the analysis of experimental vibration data.
One of the said methods utilizes linear (ambient, forced, and strong motion) vibration data of a structure
to estimate the stiffness and damping properties of structure's individual stories. For a permanently
instrumented building, the comparison of stiffness values extracted from data sets, which are collected
before and after an event, would reveal if the structure has experienced any permanent loss of stiffness.
The second method aims to identify the nonlinear behavior of lateral load resisting systems—e.g.,
moment-resisting frames—during strong motion excitation. This allows the characterization of the force
deformation behavior and energy dissipation capacity of such systems under actual boundary conditions.
Both methods work in the time-domain, as such, need a relatively dense instrumentation array which can
characterize translational and torsional acceleration response history at each floor level.
The proposed collaborative project aimed to validate the aforementioned methods by using experimental
data from shake table testing of the E-Defense full scale four-story steel moment resisting frame structure.
The dense instrumentation of the test structure provides adequate amount of data to be employed with the
aforementioned identification techniques and for validation of the system identification results.
Acceleration data from the 20% Takatori shake table excitation (during which the structure remains
linear) have been used with the first method for identifying stiffness and damping matrices of individual
stories of the building. The original method utilizes a non-iterative least-squares-based algorithm for
identifying stiffness and damping properties. Therefore, no initial estimate of the these properties is
needed. Although the algorithm yielded reasonable values for the lateral and torsional story stiffness and
damping, the identified stiffness and damping matrices were not symmetric, as such, violated the
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Maxwell-Betti Reciprocal theorem. In order to circumvent such outcome, an iterative constrained
optimization algorithm was employed, in which the stiffness and damping matrices are constrained to be
symmetric and positive definite. The identified stiffness and damping matrices estimated by the leastsquares-based approach were subsequently used as an initial guess to the constrained optimization
problem. The obtained story stiffness values are larger than stiffness properties which are evaluated based
on the story shear calculated from measured strains in the columns of the story. This is a reasonable
observation, since the identified stiffness properties reflect the lateral load resistance capacity contributed
by not only the structural members, but also the non-structural components such as partition walls. The
updated symmetric story stiffness and damping matrices were assembled to form the global stiffness and
damping matrices of the test structure. These were subsequently used to simulate the response of a shear
building model of the structure subjected to the 20% Takatori base excitation. Comparison of simulation
and measured response show that the identified stiffness and damping matrices generate a low-passed
filter version of the response of the structure (as depicted in Fig. 1 for one lateral direction), i.e., the
higher modes of response are filtered from the simulation. As a diagnostic task, an eigenvalue analysis
(modal decomposition) was conducted with the identified stiffness and damping matrices, to extract
natural periods and damping ratios. The results of eigenvalue and spectral analyses corresponding to one
lateral direction are listed in Table 1 for comparison. The damping ratios which correspond to the fourth
(and possibly third) mode of vibration are spuriously large, and almost an order of magnitude larger than
the damping ratios that are identified through frequency-domain spectral analysis. Such large ratios
significantly damp out the contribution of higher modes of vibration. This phenomenon is more
prominent in the simulated response of lower floors compared to higher floors, since the contribution
from the higher modes is more substantial at the lower floors of shear-type buildings.
Absolute Acceleration (m/s2)
Time (s)
Figure 1. Comparison of Simulated and Measured Lateral Response in y Direction: a) Roof, b) 3rd
Floor, c)2nd Floor, and d) 1st Floor.
Table 1. Natural Periods and Damping Ratios of the Idealized Shear Building Model
Eigenvalue and Mode Decomposition Analysis
with Estimated Stiffness and Damping
T (s)
 (%)
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Spectral Analysis
T (s)
 (%)
It is suspected that the numerical aspects of the solution algorithm is leading to identification of the
abovementioned large damping ratios. Outcome of this study were submitted as a conference paper and
have been accepted for oral presentation at the 15th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering
(August 24-29, Istanbul, Turkey).
An extension of the algorithm for linear response data may be used to distribute the lateral stiffness of
each story among the individual planes of lateral load resistance within the story. However, this extension
requires that the torsional response is present in the vibration signature of the structure. One aspect of the
strong motion response of the test structure is the subtlety of torsional modes of vibration, which is
confirmed by comparing the lateral motion of the rigid floor slabs with the lateral motion due to rotation
at a coordinate at the farthest distance from center of rotation at any given floor. The latter is almost
ignorable compared to the former. The small contribution of torsional modes of vibration to the dynamic
response is mainly due to closeness of centers of rigidity and mass, which result in very small amount of
eccentricity in each floor. The same issue (lack of enough torsional motion), has hindered the second
algorithm from identifying force-deformation characteristics of individual lateral load resisting frames
from the nonlinear response during higher levels of shake table excitation.
Considering the above outcomes, two tasks have been foreseen to be addressed during the extended
period of the project: Improvement of the numerical attributes of the solution algorithm with the goal of
achieving meaningful damping ratios for higher modes of vibration; Application of the nonlinear system
identification algorithm for identifying lateral force-deformation properties of individual stories of the
structure (rather than individual frames) from its nonlinear strong motion response.
Data from several white-noise excitation tests were procured during a visit to the Structural Engineering
Research Center at Tokyo Instituted of Technology in March 2014. Availability of white-noise excitation
data from time intervals in between various levels of Takatori base excitation allows assessing the
performance of the algorithm in detecting loss of stiffness from one testing configuration to another. This
task will be attended during the extended period of the project, as well.
Conclusion / Summary
The results that have been obtained so far demonstrate the capability of the proposed time-domain system
identification methodology in identifying stiffness and damping properties pertinent to the first two
dominant modes of vibration of the E-Defense full scale four-story test structure. The identified damping
matrix overly damps out higher modes of vibration from the response. This encourages improving the
numerical attributes of the solution algorithm in order to identify story damping matrices which are
consistent with the actual damping characteristics of the higher modes. Since the identification algorithm
is not based on any assumption regarding the normality of modes of vibration, it has potentials to be used
for identification of structural systems whose damping mechanisms are pertinent to non-classical
damping models. Lack of adequate torsional motion in the strong motion response of the building has
hindered the identification of nonlinear force-deformation relationship of individual planes of lateral load
resistance. Thus, the efforts will be directed towards identification of nonlinear force-deformation
response in each lateral direction.
Team Members
Ertugrul Taciroglu
(Affiliation) University of California, Los Angeles
Roshanak Omrani
(Affiliation) University of California, Los Angeles
Ralph E. Hudson
(Affiliation) University of California, Los Angeles
Kazuhiko Kasai
(Affiliation) Tokyo Institute of Technology
Tuan Nam Tran
(Affiliation) Tokyo Institute of Technology
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Development of damage controlled structural systems for seismic
Project Coordinator Name: Prof. Tony T.Y. Yang
Affiliation: University of British Columbia, Vancouver
Recent earthquakes in Japan, Chile and New Zealand have shown that structures designed through
conventional design approach suffer significant damages. These lead to hefty financial losses which have
crippled the city’s and the nation’s ability to recover from the earthquakes. Designing resilient structures
is becoming the highest priority in earthquake engineering for metropolitan cities such as Tokyo, Taipei
and San Francisco.
Aims of Research
The aim of the collaborative research is to develop a high-performance structural system which has
controlled structural damages during earthquake shakings. This will allow the structure to be repaired
economically and efficiently and to be immediately functional after an earthquake. The collaborative
research was carried out in the following phases: l) detailed literature review of innovative components
and systems that have been developed for seismic applications; 2) a novel and innovative structural
system, named the buckling restraint knee braced truss moment frame (BRKBTMF), was developed; 3)
robust finite element model of the BRKBTMF was developed; 4) nonlinear time history analyses were
conducted to verify the robustness of the system under different earthquake shaking intensities; 5) a new
energy-balanced design procedure was developed for the BRKBTMF.
Figure 1 shows a newly proposed structural system named buckling restrained knee braced truss
moment frame (BRKBTMF). This system combines open web steel trusses and buckling restrained
braces. The combination results in large clear spans and a well-defined energy dissipation mechanism.
Bucking restrained braces dissipate earthquake energy during strong shakings and can be easily replaced
after the earthquake.
Figure 1: Buckling restrained knee braced truss moment frame (BRKBTMF)
A practical and non-iterative energy-balanced design procedure for BRKBTMF was developed to
promote the implementation of the new system in design offices. The energy-balanced equation uses the
plastic mechanism shown in Figure 2b and energy-balanced concept to identify the sizes of bucking
restrained braces. The sizes of open web steel trusses and columns were designed to remain elastic under
the expected forces in the braces using the capacity design principal shown in Figures 2c and 2d.
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Figure 2: Plastic design procedure for BRKBTMF
Preliminary parametric studies have been conducted to identify the seismic performances of
BRKBTMF. Figure 3 shows the performances under three seismic hazard levels namely 50%, 10% and
2% probability of exceedance in 50 years. The results show that BRKBTMF has controlled maximum
inter-story drifts and floor accelerations that do not amplified at higher stories.
Figure 3: BRKBTMF responses under different earthquake shaking intensities
The seismic performances of BRKBTMF were also studied using the next-generation performance-based
assessment procedure. Figure 4 shows BRKBTMF has excellent performances with low to no damages
observed at the 50% in 50 years hazard level. The median and mean annualized repair costs at the 2% in
50 years hazard level were limited to $2.5 million and 8 thousand dollars, respectively.
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Figure 4: Performance assessment of BRKBTMF
4 Conclusion / Summary
The collaborative research provided the unique opportunity for the researchers at Tokyo Institute of
Technology (TIT) and University of British Columbia (UBC) to develop novel structural systems for
seismic applications in Japan and Canada. The newly proposed system shows promising performances
with controlled drifts and accelerations. In addition, low to limited repair costs at low seismic hazard and
moderate repair cost at high earthquake shaking intensities have been achieved.
Team Members
Prof. Susumu Kono
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Prof. Tony Yang
University of British Columbia
Mr. Dorian Tung
University of British Columbia
Mr. Yuanjie Li
University of British Columbia
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Exploration for new multiferroic material under high pressure
Junye Yang , Youwen Long*
Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
*Corresponding Email:
Multiferroics is a kind of very important multifunctional materials. It exhibits many intriguing physical
properties and also provides potential applications in date-storage media, spintronic devices and multiplestage memories etc. Unfortunately, however, the amount of multiferroic materials is still extremely
limited, and the magnetoelectric coupling temperatures found in the present multiferroic materials are
rather low (usually much less than room temperature), which is unfavorable for practical applications in
the future. It is, therefore, greatly significant to explore new multiferroic materials with high performance
above room temperature.
Recently, Inaguma et al made a success for preparing a new compound PbNiO3 under high pressure
with the charge combination of Pb4+Ni2+O3. Through a heat treatment, this antiferromagnetic compound
(TN≈205 K) was found to transform to a polar LiNbO3-type structure with space group R3c, and a very
large ferroelectric polarization was predicted by a first-principle theoretical calculation to occur at room
temperature. These results open up a way to search new multiferroic materials in Pb-M-O (M: transition
metal) systems by using high-pressure technique.
Aims of Research
To synthesize a potential multiferroic material Pb-M-O by using high-pressure and high-temperature
conditions, and study the crystal structure, magentic, electronic, dielectronic and ferroelectric properties,
and find the possible coupling and interaction between magnetism and ferroelectricity (i.e. the so-called
multiferroic property).
During the CRP-B in 2013, we focused on the high-pressure synthesis of Pb-Co-O system and
successfully obtain an oxygen deficient Pb2Co2O7-δ for the first time.
X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to study the crystal structure. The powder XRD pattern can be well
indexed based on a cubic pyrocholre structure with lattice constant a = 9.9692 Å. The temperature
dependence of the dc magnetic susceptibility shows that there is a considerable divergence between fieldcooling and zero-field-cooling curves below 20 K, suggesting a probable spin glass ground state. The
susceptibity data between 400 K and 170 K can be well fitted based on the Curie–Weiss law with the
formula χ= C/(T-θ), giving the Curie constant C = 4.7 emu K mol-1 and the Weiss constant θ= -170.1
K. According to the fitted Curie constant, the effective moment was calculated to be 6.13 μB. In addition,
ac magnetic susceptibility and specific heat measurements also confirm the spin glass ground state in this
compound. X-ray absorption spectral measurements show mixed valence states for both Co and Pb ions.
Although the Co is a mixed valance state, the temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity for
Pb2Co2O7-δexhibits insulating behavior and the resistivity-temperature (RT) relationship follows a Mott
3D variable-range hopping (VRH) model between 40-80 K.
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Conclusion / Summary
The new cubic pyrocholre Pb2Co2O7- δ was synthesized under 8 GPa and 1380℃ in an oxidizing
atmosphere for the first time. This material is the first compound in Pb-Co-O ternary system in the best of
our knowledge. At low temperature, spin glass was observed due to the geometric frustration in
pyrocholre structure. Although the B-site Co ion is a mixed valence state, the compound exhibits
insulating behavior and the RT relationship follows a Mott 3D VRH model at low temperature, implying
the possibility of Co2+ and Co3+ order.
Team Members
Junye Yang
(Affiliation) Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Youwen Long
(Affiliation) Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Masaki Azuma
(Affiliation) Tokyo Institute of Technology
Runze Yu
(Affiliation) Tokyo Institute of Technology
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Magnetic Vortices in High Temperature Superconductors
Weizmann Institute of Science
Eli Zeldov
1. Introduction
The magnetic field penetrates into the superconductors in the form of quantum magnetic
flux lines (vortices). Due to their repulsive interactions, the vortices form a lattice which
serves as a unique model system that allows investigation of a wide range of general
phenomena in condensed matter physics. In addition, the static and dynamic behaviour of
vortex matter determines the electrical and magnetic properties of superconductors,
comprehension of which is essential for technological applications.
The comprehension of the vortex matter properties in high temperature superconductor
is based to a large extent on magnetization studies. Most of the investigations rely on
global measurements in which an integrated magnetic response of the entire sample is
measured. In recent years we have developed several local techniques. The local studies
are particularly important since the distribution of the magnetic field within a
superconductor can be highly non-uniform due to disorder, metastability, and geometrical
effects. In this study, the magneto-optical (MO) system with cooled digital CCD camera
was used for direct imaging and investigation of vortex dynamics and phase transitions.
2. Activity Report
The local magnetization loop measured in a thin Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ (BSCCO) crystal
using conventional MO imaging is shown in Fig. 1(a). It is found that application of an
in-plane field (Hx) significantly reduces the hysteresis on the ascending and descending
branches, showing that Hx facilitates both vortex entry and exit. In highly anisotropic
layered superconductor BSCCO, the in-plane field Hx results in the formation of stacks of
Josephson vortices (JV’s). The addition of Hz causes the formation of crossing lattices in
which stacks of pancake vortices (PV’s) form chains along the Josephson vortices.
In order to visualize the field distribution with enhanced sensitivity, we carried out a
differential magneto-optical (DMO) with either current modulation or field modulation. In
the latter case, for example, B(x,y) images taken at Hz = H0 − dH were subtracted from
images taken at Hz = H0 + dH and few tens of such differential images were averaged
resulting in the differential image δB(x,y).
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Figs 1(b)-(c) show DMO images using current modulation at Hz = 3 Oe. In the absence
of an in-plane field (Hx = 0), the behavior was consistent with the geometrical barrier
model. We found that, by adjusting the modulation parameters, we were able to resolve the
PV chains along the JV’s. In the presence of Hx = 30 Oe, as shown in Fig. 1(c), the vortex
chains are clearly visible as bright, slightly tilted horizontal lines that are aligned along the
direction of the in-plane field Hx. We verified that these lines are indeed vortex chains
decorating the stacks of JV’s by rotating the in-plane field and by varying Hx.
FIG. 1 (a) The measured B−H in the center of a BSCCO crystal at Hx = 0, 40 Oe and T = 79 K.
Current modulated DMO images at Hz = 3 Oe (dI = 10 mA, T = 75 K) for Hx = 0 (b) and Hx = 30
Oe. The slightly tilted horizontal stripes in (c) and (d) are PV chains. The gray scale is about 2.5
G in (b) and 1.5 G in (c). The images are 0.4 mm wide. (top inset) The experimental schematics
showing the BSCCO crystal with gold contacts glued onto a substrate.
3. Team Members
Weizmann Institute of Science: Y. Segev, I. Gutman, Y. Myasoedov, E. Zeldov,
Duke University: S. Goldberg
Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung: E. H. Brandt, G. P. Mikitik
Tokyo Institute of Technology: T. Katagiri, K. Okawa, S. Yamaichi, T. Sasagawa
4. Papers
[1] “Suppression of geometrical barrier in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ crystals by Josephson vortex
stacks” Y. Segev, I. Gutman, S. Goldberg, Y. Myasoedov, E. Zeldov, E. H. Brandt, G.
P. Mikitik, T. Katagiri, and T. Sasagawa, Phys. Rev. B 83, 104520 (2011).
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