The Catholic Parish of Brunswick and Brunswick East Parish Newsletter St Ambrose’s Our Lady’s 287 Sydney Road, Brunswick Telephone 9380 1023 Fax: 9388 8144 Email: Website: 49 Nicholson Street, Brunswick East Telephone: 9380 1844 Fax 9388 0170 Email: Website: PARISH TEAM PRIESTS OF THE PARISH: Fr Michael Casey and Fr Vinh Nguyen PASTORAL ASSOCIATES: Sr Diane Cleveland and Sr Julita Buss FAITH DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION: Tricia Murray SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: Mr Philip Cachia, SUNDAY MASS TIMES: Our Lady’s St Ambrose’s WEEKDAY MASSES: Our Lady’s St Ambrose’s RECONCILIATION: St Ambrose’s Our Lady’s MARRIAGES AND BAPTISMS: By appointment 6.00pm Saturday Vigil, 9.00am Sunday (Italian/English). 10.30am Sunday. Tuesday to Thursday at 9.15am, Friday at 9.00am Tuesday to Saturday at 10.00am 10.30am Saturday 11.30am Saturday 5TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – YEAR B RESPONSORIAL PSALM GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Praise the Lord who heals the broken-hearted. Alleluia, alleluia! He bore our sickness, and endured our suffering. Alleluia! Praise the Lord for he is good; sing to our God for he is loving: to him our praise is due. The Lord builds up Jerusalem and brings back Israel’s exiles, he heals the broken-hearted, he binds up all their wounds. He fixes the number of the stars; he calls each one by its name. Our Lord is great and almighty; his wisdom can never be measured. The Lord raises the lowly; he humbles the wicked to the dust. 8 FEBRUARY 2015 EUCHARISTIC PRAYER VARIOUS NEEDS IV RECENTLY DECEASED: ANNIVERSARIES: Corradina Scarnato, Paolo Valvo, Vittorio Barillaro, Carmela Parisi, Domenico Zaffino, Assunta Zaffino, Franco Zaffino JESUS THE HEALER Jesus’ healing ministry is expanding. On this one day he has cast an unclean spirit out of a possessed man in the synagogue, healed Peter’s mother-inlaw of a fever and then healed the crowds of people who came to the door. The next morning he announces that they will take the ministry to the whole region of Galilee. In a very simple way, the gospel of Mark has described the growth of Jesus’ ministry from very humble isolated examples to a deliberate reaching out to the people of an entire region. Jesus appears to have made Capernaum his base after leaving Nazareth. He may, in fact, have based himself at Simon Peter’s house. There are many references in the gospels to Jesus’ actions in Capernaum. Archaeologists have identified the house in Capernaum that they believe to be Simon Peter’s house – less than 100 metres from the Capernaum synagogue. Evidence reveals carved inscriptions and symbols that identify both Jesus and Peter. The house appears to have been used as a ‘house-church’ until a church was built on the site in the 5th Century. Excavations of the site can be seen today. Greg Sunter FR VINH’S HOLIDAYS On Monday of this week, Fr Vinh will be returning to Vietnam for three weeks’ annual holiday. He will spend time with his family and celebrate Vietnamese New Year with them. We wish him a restful and enjoyable holiday. WEEKDAY MASSES/ COMMUNION SERVICES During Fr Vinh’s absence over the next three weeks, the times of Masses and Communion services will be: Our Lady’s Tuesday 9.15 Mass (with school) Wednesday 9.15 Mass Thurs 9.15 Communion Service Friday 9.00 Communion Service St Ambrose’s Tuesday and Wednesday Communion Service at 10.00am Morning Mass, Thursday to Saturday at 10.00am OLHC SCHOOL MASS To celebrate the opening of the 2015 School year, there will be a whole school Mass at Our Lady’s this Tuesday morning at 9.15am. All are welcome to come to the Mass and celebrate with the staff and students! WE ARE ONE PARISH! At our Masses last Sunday we symbolised the official amalgamation of St Ambrose’s and Our Lady’s with the lighting of a candle. We are now The Catholic Parish of Brunswick and Brunswick East. We will continue to light this candle at our parish Masses over the next two Sundays, before Lent begins, as a symbol of the strengths we have gained through this union, the gifts and abilities of parishioners that we share and the greater capacity that it now gives us in our ministry and mission. WORLD DAY OF PRAYER AGAINST HUMAN TRAFFICKING The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (ACBC) and the Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans (ACRATH) support Pope Francis in declaring this Sunday, 8 February, the Feast of St Josephine Bakhita, as the inaugural World Day of prayer, reflection and action against human trafficking. Josephine Bakhita was born in Southern Sudan in 1869. During her life she experienced kidnapping and slavery. Following her delivery to freedom Josephine dedicated her life to supporting the poor and suffering. She eventually became a Canossian Sister. She was canonised in 2000. ROSTER SIGN-UP SHEETS There are roster sign-up sheets in the Gathering Space for: • Lectors / Commentators • Special Ministers of the Eucharist • Welcomers before 10.30 Mass • First Sunday ‘cuppa’ after10.30 Mass • Children’s Liturgy of the Word leaders at the 10.30 Mass We encourage as many as possible to sign up! If you are already on the rosters, there is no need to sign again, but please indicate if you wish to come off the roster. The new rosters for 2015 will be available before the end of February. CHILDREN’S LITURGY ROSTER Children’s Liturgy of the Word gives our parish children the opportunity to hear and understand the Gospel at their own level. If you wish to volunteer as a leader of Children’s Liturgy, please sign the roster in the Gathering Space. Thanks to all volunteers! BOOK GROUP THIS WEEK The next gathering for the Spiritual Reading Book Group will be this Wednesday 11 February from 7.00pm to 8.15pm in St Ambrose’s Spirituality Room. We will be looking at chapters 4 and 5 of ‘Ask the Beasts – Darwin and the God of Love’. RCIA MEETS THIS WEEK The candidates, sponsors and catechists for the RCIA program will have their first meeting for the year this Thursday evening at 7.30pm in the Spirituality Room of St Ambrose’s Community Centre. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process that assists the faith journey of those who are looking to become Catholic. CONVERSATIONS BETWEEN CHRISTIANS AND MUSLIMS A Muslim Imam, Afroz Ali, will introduce a conversation on issues of interest to Christians and Muslims. Come along for conversation and a cuppa at St Ambrose’s Parish Centre on Saturday 21 February from 2.00 – 4.00pm. All welcome! distribute in the form of food vouchers, pharmacy bills, utility bill supplements, rent assistance, to needy households in Brunswick in a normal quarter. The SVDP Store in Sydney Road has proven to be a good source of funds. But 170 households visited in six months means that the need is ongoing. Our seven members thank past donors for their generosity. We always need new members. (Phone Brian 0413 416 766.) CUPPA IN PARISH HOUSE As you know, on the first Sunday of the month, after the 10.30am Mass, there is always a cuppa in St Ambrose’s Community Centre. On other Sundays, the coffee pot is on the stove in St Ambrose’s Parish House, and anyone is welcome to come over and share in a cup coffee or tea. It’s also a good chance for people to get to know one another a little better. ACCOMMODATION NEEDED Parishioners Laval and Nathalie and their two daughters have moved to Seymour for work. However, their daughter is continuing Year 6 at Our Lady’s School. So Nathalie and the two daughters are looking for Monday to Friday accommodation for six months. If you can help, please ring Nathalie 0424 650 751. JUDITH DUPRÉ TO VISIT BRUNSWICK Art historian and author Judith Dupré (New York) will be visiting the Archdiocese of Melbourne from 5–14 March to deliver workshops and talks on the theme of Mary's Journey and 'Yes', as depicted in art and everyday life. Judith is the first in a series of international speakers to visit the Archdiocese in 2015. While in Australia she will visit our parish on Thursday 5 March to lead a reflection on Mary, the Annunciation and Saying 'Yes'. St Ambrose’s Community Centre 7.30 – 9.00pm. Mark the date in your diary! ‘OPEN TABLE’ MEAL Open Table uses surplus food to create wholesome community feasts every month. Come along to share a free and ’fair’ meal at Temple Park, 24 Gray Street Brunswick today, from 12.30 to 3.00pm. All are welcome! Open Table will continue to be held in Temple Park in 2015 on the second Sunday of each month. S V DE P APPEAL The parish conference of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society is conducting a fund-raising drive at Masses on 15 and 16 February. This is our belated Christmas appeal. We disbursed 25 hampers and $1000 or so of supplementary aid over Christmas. It ran us short for the $5000 or so that we ON THE NOTICEBOARD • Updates from the Archdiocese • Catholic Social Teaching, 3 March PARISH PRAYER FOCUS FOR FEBRUARY We pray with gratitude and humility for your gift of the sun. May we enjoy and use with respect its solar rays. PARISH COLLECTIONS Church: $1113.32 Presbytery: $519.86 READINGS NEXT WEEK: Leviticus 13:1–2. 44–46; 1 Cor 10:31 – 11:1; Mark 1:40–45 PAGINA IN ITALIANO VACANZE DI FR VINH: Lunedì di questa settimana, Fr Vinh ritorna in Vietnam per tre settimane di vacanze annuale. Per trascorrere del tempo con la sua famiglia e festeggiare il capodanno vietnamita con loro. Noi gli auguriamo una vacanza riposante e piacevole. MESSE FERIALE / SERVIZIO DI COMUNIONE Durante l'assenza di Fr Vinh nelle prossime tre settimane i orari delle Messe e Servizio di Comunione saranno: Santa Maria − Martedì ore 9.15 Messa (con la scuola) − Mercoledì ore 9.15 Messa − Giovedì ore 9.15 Servizio di Comunione − Venerdì ore 9.00 Servizio di Comunione Sant’Ambrogio − Martedì e Mercoledì servizio di Comunione ore 10 − Messa di Giovedì a Sabato alle ore10.00 MESSA PER LA SCUOLA DI SANTA MARIA Per festeggiare l'apertura dell'anno scolastico 2015, ci sarà una Messa a Santa Maria questo Martedì mattina alle ore 9.15 per tutta la scuola. Tutti sono invitati a venire a Messa e celebrare con il personale e gli studenti! SIAMO UNA PARROCCHIA! Nelle nostre Messe Domenica scorsa abbiamo simboleggiata la fusione ufficiale di Sant’Ambrogio e Santa Maria con l'accendere una candela. Ora siamo La Parrocchia Cattolica di Brunswick e Brunswick East. Continueremo ad accendere questa candela durante le Messe presso la nostra parrocchia nelle prossime due Domeniche, prima dell'inizio di Quaresima, come simbolo della forza che abbiamo acquisito attraverso questa Unione, i doni e le capacità di parrocchiani che condividiamo e la maggiore capacità che ci dà ora nel nostro ministero e missione. GIORNATA MONDIALE DI PREGHIERA La conferenza dei Vescovi Cattolici Australiani e Religiosi Cattolici Australiani contro traffico in esseri umani dano il supporto al Papa Francesco nel dichiarare questa Domenica, 8 Febbraio, la festa di St Josephine Bakhita, come l'inaugurale giornata mondiale di preghiera, di riflessione e di azione contro il traffico di esseri umani. Josephine Bakhita nacque nel Sudan meridionale, nel 1869. Durante la sua vita ha sperimentato rapimento e schiavitù. Dopo la sua consegna alla libertà Josephine ha dedicato la sua vita a sostenere i poveri e sofferente. Successivamente divenne una Suora Canossiana. Lei è stata canonizzata nel 2000. CONVERSAZIONI TRA CRISTIANI E MUSULMANI Un Imam musulmano, Afroz Ali, introdurrà una conversazione su tematiche di interesse per i Cristiani e i Musulmani. Vieni per la conversazione e una tazza di tè presso il Centro Parrocchiale di Sant'Ambrogio Sabato 21 Febbraio dalle 2.00-4.00 pm. Tutti Benvenuti! JUDITH DUPRÉ PER VISITARE BRUNSWICK Storico dell'arte e autore Judith Dupré (New York) sarà in visita l'Arcidiocesi di Melbourne da 5 – 14 Marzo per fare un workshop e conferenze sul tema del tragitto di Maria e il 'Sì', come nell'arte e la vita quotidiana. Judith è la prima di una serie di relatori internazionali per visitare l'Arcidiocesi nel 2015. Mentre in Australia lei visiterà la nostra parrocchia il Giovedì 5 Marzo 7.30pm per condurre una riflessione su Maria, l'Annunciazione e il 'Sì'. Nel Centro Comunitario di Sant'Ambrogio. Segnare la data sul tuo diario! L’APPELLO S V DE P: La conferenza della parrocchia della Società Saint Vincent de Paul sta conducendo una raccolta di fondi nelle Masse il 15 e 16 Febbraio. Questo è il nostro appello tardivo di Natale. Abbiamo sborsato 25 cesti e $1000 di supplementi di aiuto nel Natale. Ci mancava $5000 dollari nella distribuizione in forma di buoni alimentari, bollette di farmacia,bill di utilità integratori, assistenza affitto, alle famiglie bisognose in Brunswick in un quartiere normale. Il negozio SVDP in Sydney Rd ha dimostrato di essere una buona fonte di fondi. Ma 214 famiglie visitate in sei mesi significa che la necessità è in corso.I nostri sette membri ringraziano i donatori del passato per la loro generosità. Abbiamo sempre bisogno di nuovi membri. (Telefona a Brian 0413 416 766). TAZZA NELLA CASA PARROCCHIALE La maggior parte delle Domeniche, dopo la Messa delle ore 10.30, la caffettiera è sul fornello nella casa parrocchiale di Sant'Ambrogio, e chiunque è benvenuto a venire per una tazza di caffè o tè. È anche una buona occasione per le persone arrivare a conoscersi un po' meglio. BISOGNO DI ALLOGGIO: Parrocchiani Laval e Nathalie e le loro due figlie sono spostati a Seymour per lavoro. Tuttavia, la loro figlia continua l’anno 6 alla scuola di Santa Maria. Così Nathalie e le due figlie sono alla ricerca di sistemazione da Lunedì a Venerdì per sei mesi da Febbraio. Se potete aiutarli, si prega di telefonare a Nathalie 0424 650 751. FOGLI DI ISCRIZIONE PER IL ROSTER: Ci sono fogli di iscrizione per il roster nello spazio del raduno per: • Lettore / Commentatore • Ministri Speciale dell'Eucaristia • • 'Tazza' della prima Domenica dopo la Messa delle 10.30 Incoraggiamo piu persone possibile iscriversi! Se sei già sul roster, non è necessario firmare nuovamente, ma si prega di indicare se si desidera finire di fare parte del roster. Il nuovo roster per il 2015 sarà disponibile entro la fine di Febbraio. PREGHIERA PARROCCHIALE PER FEBBRAIO Preghiamo con gratitudine e umiltà per il dono del sole. Che noi possiamo godere e utilizzare con rispetto i suoi raggi solari.
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