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" " ] ) " " " " 1392 . 4 1 ... . . ... :1390 ) ... .(213-211 . . . . " " . ( ) ( ) . 1. problematization : . - - " " . . . . ( ) . ) .(175 :1388 [ ] " . [ ] .(22-24 :1384 ) . " 1392 4 .(160 :1389 - " " ) " " . . . .(50-46 :1389 .) " " " " . " " " . " " " " . : " " " " " " " . ». .(65 :1386 )« " - " . . . / " " ( " / ) . . " . -1 -1-1 1392 " 4 " . " : " - - . . " " . : » ... " ... " » .(104 103 :1386 )« ... .(106 : )« »: " " .(200 : )« »: .(211 : )« »: « .(293 : ) : » . . " " . 1392 4 ... " " .(292 : " )« " " " " . " " « " » " . " " " " " ( 1284 " " " " ". ) . . " " " .(117 :1389 " ) " . 1285 . 1287 . 1288 " " . 1285 " / " " " " " . " 1290 . " - " " " " " - " . " . - " " " " " 1392 4 " " " (111 :1389 .(280 :1382 " " " " " ) . .) -2-1 : 1907 1293 ( ) ( ) - . " - " . . 1295 " " " 1296 " .(142 :1289 ) " 1 : " . » . . : . .(700 :1384 )« : . . 1 1392 4 » ... . ... . . ... .(286 :1387 ( )« ) " " " . " " 450 ." : . .(141 :1389 ) 1299 " " . . . . 1299 .(720-690 :1384 . .) " " . 1290 " " " . - " ". 1299 " . 1 -3-1 : 1919 . . - 1 1392 4 . " 1299 " . 29 " " . » : » .« - « . »: »: » -144 :1389 .« .« )« .(145 : - " " .1» . . .2 .3 . .4 .(96 : " 1383 " )« " " . 14 . 1299 . .(92-96 : . " . . ) " 1392 4 . . . . " . " " " . . -2 -1-2 . . : 1299 1300 - " - " " " " " . . " " : » . . . . .(71 : 1383 )« : 99 .(155 :1389 )« » 1392 4 ... »: . ... « . .(375 :1387 ) » : .(154 :1389 ( ) )« - » : . -( .(156 : ) ( ) ( ) ( ) )« " " . . " . " 1303 . . . . . .(34-69 :1387 . .) . . . 1299 " " . " " " . . " 1392 4 -2-2 " : " - ) .( " - " " " - " " / " . " " " . " ( " ) . . » ... ... ... -43 :1361 )« .(39 1303 . " " . . ) .(183 175 :1387 .(218 .(166 :1389 206 : ) ) 1392 4 . ) ( ) .(206 :1387 .(192 :1387 ) . . .(198 197 : .(276 :1387 ) ) 1304 1304 1305 " . " 1320 " " . " . " " " ". " 1299 . . " " " " . . " " . . 1305 . 1285 " " " " . . " " " " : - . 1392 . 4 1290 1285 . 1299 . - 1291 . . - - . . 1300 . - . 1300 . . . 1305 . . - . . : . . 1320 1392 4 (1389) . . : (1387) : : (1384) . . : (1386) . . (1387) : : : . . (1389) : (1386) (1387) : . . : (1390) (1388) : : « » (1389) . . . . . : : (1382) : (1384) ( : : 1383) ( 1383) . (1361) : . . : : (1382) : (1387) : (1387) . : Journal of Iranian Social Studies, Vol. 7, No. 4, Winter 2013 The Genealogy of Intellectualism in Constitutional History of Iran From 1906 to 1926 Farjad Nateghi1, Ibrahim Towfigh2 Abstract In this article, in order to present a historical analysis of "Intellectualism" in the Constitutional Era, from 1906 to 1926, the intellectuals' endeavor in founding the first modern state in Iran has been analyzed sociologically. To do this, the possibility conditions of emergence of intellectuals' political discourses on power relations have been analyzed using the foucauldian method of genealogy. The outcome of the investigations shows that the different knowledge formed in each discourse and the related discourse practices in power relations, have paved the way for the discursive turn from "Intellectualistic'' into ''bureaucratic'' and shifts in political system in a historical discontinuity. Keywords: Intellectualistic Discourse; Bureaucratic Discourse; Strategy of Forces; Political Approaches; Episteme; Historical Break; Intellectuals’ Role 1 1 M.A. in sociology, Islamic Azad University of North Tehran farjad.nateghi@ymail.com 2 Visiting Professor of Sociology, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, ebrahim_towfigh@yahoo.com 187 Journal of Iranian Social Studies, Vol. 7, No. 4, Winter 2013 Identity Construction through Public Music Consumption among the Youth A Sociological Case Analysis of Kurdistan University Ahmad Mohammadpur1, Abubakr Shariaatpanah2, Ahmad Gholami3 Abstract The aim of this study is to explore the way in which the identity is constructed through music consumption among the youth of Kurdistan University. Since the music has come to have a critical impact on social conducts and practices of the youth, evaluating and exploring its various dimensions could reveal the hidden and underlying mechanisms of building identity. As in the modern world, the identity construction among youth is a multifaceted and complicated issue; it has become a subject of semiotic inquiry. Thus, the music consumption is assumed as a semiotic conduct. Semiotic conduct, based on Saussure's theory, refers to any social action represented in signified and signifier form which reflects special meaning hiding at the heart of things and social practices. In this study, based on theoretical sampling, 30 samples were interviewed through in-depth and semi – structured interview to reach theoretical saturation. The thematic analysis was used to analyze the information. The results show that the music consumption is utilized by youth to reflect and represent their concerns and ambitions. In this sense, the music has served as an instrument through which the youth life-world became meaningful and the self-identity is constructed. The youth, through music made by modern instruments and technologies, emphasizes their localism along with their global point of view. In addition, there are a variety of multiple and often contradictory discourses among the youth in terms of reading and interpreting music genres. Key Words: Music Consumption; Identity; Localism; Identity Construction; Thematic Analysis 1 Assistant Research Professor ah.mohammadpur@gmail.com of Anthropology, Vanderbilt University, 2 M. A. in Sociology, Kurdistan University, ashariatpana@yahoo.com 3 M. A. in Sociology, Kurdistan University, agholami17548@yahoo.com 188 Journal of Iranian Social Studies, Vol. 7, No. 4, Winter 2013 Effects of Material & Status Rivalry on Rural Consumerism Mousa Anbari 1, Seyyed Ahmad Firouzabadi 2, Sima Soroush3 Abstract It seems that changing attitudes towards consumption in the rural community of Iran has increased the tendency toward consumption among rural people as their focus on essential needs has shifted to false ones, particularly on conspicuous consumption. The main problem of this study is to identify some of the factors involved in causing and exacerbating the rural consumerism. To do so, the problem has been addressed considering the theories of Veblen, Bourdieu and Dosenbury. Quantitative research method and the questionnaire technique have been employed. The Sample is 300 individuals, over 15 years, who have been chosen among three villages involving: KooshkHezar (Fars), Noqondar (Raavi Khorasan) and Tangsorkh (Kohkelouye and Boyerahmad). The findings indicate that the level of consumerism among the villagers is average and that women are more consumerist than men. The following variables of income, education, tendency to materialism, life satisfaction, status competition, self-expression and commuting to city have a positive and significant relationship with the dependant variable (consumerism). Also, Age has had a negative and significant relationship with the dependant variable (consumerism). On the other hand, marital status, place of birth, different villages and commuting of households have not had any significant relationship with the dependant variable (consumerism). Keywords: Consumerism; Materialism; Self Expression; Status Competition and Village 1 Associate Professor, Social Science Dept., University of Tehran, anbari52@yahoo.com 2 Associate Professor, Social Science Dept., University of Tehran 3 M.A. in Rural Development, University of Tehran 189 Journal of Iranian Social Studies, Vol. 7, No. 4, Winter 2013 Vandalism from Anomie/Strain Theories Perspective An Explanation Based on Studying Students of Mazandaran University Akbar Aliverdina1, Mahmoud Sharepour2, Sahar Rahmani 3 Abstract The purpose of this study is to explain vandalism among university students and to empirically test Agnew’s general strain, Merton’s structural strain and Cohen’s status frustration theories. The data has been collected via selfadministered questionnaire, and subjects of the study have been selected by means of a two-stage stratified proportional sampling method. The results show that the level of vandalism among university students is low. Therefore, the regression analysis shows that vandalism constitutes a positive function of negative emotions and is the removal of positive stimulus. The strongest predictor of vandalism is the removal of positive stimulus among the eight independent variables. While, Merton's structural strain theory has not been able to explain vandalism as a kind of non utilitarian crimes, the results of Variables Perception of Limited Opportunity of Cohen’s theory of status frustration approved the dimensions of inner university vandalism. Keywords: Removal of Positively Valued Stimuli; Structural Strain; General Strain; Status Frustration; Vandalism 1 Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Mazandaran University aliverdinia@umz.ac.ir 2 Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Mazandaran University sharepour@yahoo.com 3 M.A in Youth Studies, Mazandaran University 190 Journal of Iranian Social Studies, Vol. 7, No. 4, Winter 2013 Meanings of Women’s Different Veiling Patterns in Tehran Shiva Alinaqian1 , Mahmoud Shahabi 2, Fatemeh Javaheri3 Abstract It is believed that one basic symbol of Islamic revolution of Iran appeared in women’s veiling. The post-revolutionary legal way of veiling is associated with the meaning of modesty, purity and anonymity and making female body invisible. This is confirmed by some women, yet alternative clothing has become popular among young women. Currently such alternative has come to challenge the legal veiling pattern in size, color and design because while it makes female body visible and attractive under the guise of still being considered legal. This contradictory alternative dress code, under a dominant rule of veiling, leads us to distinguish several veiling patterns in Tehran urban areas instead of one legal pattern. This study aims to find implications of practicing different veiling patterns through Grounded Theory method and in-depth interview with 35 women in Tehran. The data analysis shows that there exist various types of veiling forms, based on negotiation logic through female bargaining with social space. In other words, women change their dress codes in a changed environment in order to create desirable meanings and to face appropriate responds based on their changed veiling codes. Simultaneously a woman can have different social attendance based on practicing different (and sometimes paradoxical) dress codes. This alternation is caused by living in a paradoxical life world which makes women neither be objects of male dominance as they are in traditional clichés, nor be subjects who are capable to deconstruct gender patterns. Rather, they have degrees of subjectivity and objectivity simultaneously that empower them to ignore some degrees of male dominance or negotiate with certain 'others', because there exit some possibilities in their local culture; i.e., standing in a subaltern situation provides possibility to overcome another objective position. Keywords: Grounded Theory; Veiling; Negotiation; Female Subjectivity and Objectivity 1 M.A. in Cultural Studies, Allameh Tabatabaii University, sh_alinaghian@yahoo.com 2 Associate professor of Allameh Tabatabaii University 3 Associate professor of University of Kharazmi, javaherm@yahoo.com 191 Journal of Iranian Social Studies, Vol. 7, No. 4, Winter 2013 Sociologists Locating the Paradigmatic Status of Sociology An Inconsequential Attempt Mohammad Reza Taleban1 Abstract Thomas Kuhn's book titled The Structure of Scientific Revolutions generated a wave of writings by sociologists who attempted to apply Kuhn's model and concept of paradigm for analysis of the structure of sociology in the 1970s. But the results of these attempts have been far from satisfactory, so far as in the next decades paradigmatic analysis of sociology was to be entirely overruled. This paper attempts to review this literature critically (focusing in particular on the work of Friedrichs and that of Ritzer). It also shows that such analyses and positions of sociologists, that is, to trace the structure of sociology have not linked with Kuhn's model organically, and their analytical reliance on Kuhn is ill-founded. Indeed, those sociologists who took interest in Kuhn's model found paradigms scattered across sociology only by redefining the concept of paradigm and corrupting Kuhn's model of science. Moreover, first, if paradigms exist in the discipline of sociology, they must not be discipline-wide, but must be found within substantive areas of sociological research. Secondly, sociologists must have communities of practitioners or researchers who coalesce around them. Thirdly, paradigm must be used to generate and solve puzzles both. Another point of this paper is that the history of sociology indicates that sociology will never be built on a unique dominant paradigm that which is necessity for normal science in the Kuhnian sense. Thus, making use of Kuhnian model in sociology may be essentially impossible. In addition, note the fact that sociology lacks a clearcut puzzle-solving tradition, and it tends to use these mainly from disciplinewide approaches and perspectives. As a result, efforts to include sociology in the frame of a Kuhnian model were possibly totally misled. Keywords: Thomas Kuhn; Paradigm; Disciplinary Matrix; Exemplar; Normal Science; Sociology; George Ritzer 1 Faculty Member, Sociology of Revolution Department, Imam Khomeini & the Islamic Revolution Research Institute, qtaleban@yahoo.com 192 Journal of Iranian Social Studies, Vol. 7, No. 4, Winter 2013 Some Analytical and Methodological Points on Discourse Analysis Focusing on the Iranian Cases Soheila Sadeghi Fasaei 1, Mohammad Roozkhosh2 Abstract Discourse analysis is one of the most important approaches in contemporary social sciences and it is the current approach in Iran too. Using Torfing's theory on three generation of discourse analysis, this article evaluates the field of discourse analysis in Iran. The first generation includes some approaches such as discursive psychology and conversation analysis. Iranian researchers have not considered the first generation. Foucault's theory of discourse has affected both the second and third generations, but Foucauldian discourse analysis is highly variable. Critical discourse analysis is the most important approach in the second generation. Applying critical discourse analysis is very common in Iran's social science, but some aspects of the approach have been neglected. There are many examples of poststructuralist or political discourse theory (third generation) in Iran that are analyzed in this article. Keywords: Discourse; Discourse Analysis; Critical Discourse Analysis; Foucauldian Discourse Analysis; Political Discourse Theory 1 Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Tehran, ssadeghi@ut.ac.ir PhD Student of Sociology, University of Tehran, m_roozkhosh@yahoo.com 2 193 Content Some Analytical and Methodological Points on Discourse Analysis Focusing on the Iranian Cases Soheila Sadeghi Fasaei, Mohammad Roozkhosh 4-29 Sociologists Locating the Paradigmatic Status of Sociology An Inconsequential Attempt Mohammad Reza Taleban 30-54 Meanings of Women’s Different Veiling Patterns in Tehran Shiva Alinaqian, Mahmoud Shahabi, Fatemeh Javaheri 55-82 Vandalism from Anomie/Strain Theories Perspective An Explanation Based on Studying Students of Mazandaran University Akbar Aliverdina, Mahmoud Sharepour, Sahar Rahmani 83-109 Effects of Material & Status Rivalry on Rural Consumerism Mousa Anbari, Seyyed Ahmad Firouzabadi, Sima Soroush 110-136 Identity Construction through Public Music Consumption among the Youth A Sociological Case Analysis of Kurdistan University Ahmad Mohammadpur, Abubakr Shariaatpanah, Ahmad Gholami 137-159 The Genealogy of Intellectualism in Constitutional History of Iran From 1906 to 1926 Farjad Nateghi, Ibrahim Towfigh 160-186
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