Italian-French Symposium REASONED CANCER SURGERY 3rd Edition UPDATE ON PANCREATIC CANCER Rome, May 7-8 2015 Congress site: Accademia Lancisiana and Hotel Columbus President: Giuseppe Maria Ettorre Scientific coordinators: R.L. Meniconi, M. Colasanti Dear friends and colleagues, It is a great pleasure and honour for me to invite you again in Rome to participate in the third edition of the Italian-French Symposium, to be held from the 7th to the 8th of May, 2015. This year the theme will focus on pancreas cancer. In the last century, surgery was the only therapeutic modality to treat pancreatic cancer, with poor outcomes and survival rates. However, during the last decades, the treatment of pancreatic cancer has radically changed, due to the advances of surgical techniques, novel agents and drugs, in addition to a better knowledge of its biology. During my experience in Paris, I have been able to appreciate the modern multidisciplinary approach to treat this disease, involving surgeons, oncologists, gastroenterologists, radiologists and endoscopists. In the same way, the Italian surgical community refined the multidisciplinary approach as standard of care for the treatment of pancreatic cancer, particularly in the socalled high-volume centers. It would be a pleasure to host in our city distinguished specialists from France and Italy to debate on different panels about the evolution of therapies of pancreatic adenocarcinoma, cystic neoplasms and neuroendocrine tumors. Furthermore, I hope that you will have the opportunity to witness the beauty of Rome in Spring. Best regards, Giuseppe Maria Ettorre 2 May 7, 2015 ACCADEMIA LANCISIANA - Sessione Infermieristica 08:30 MESSAGGIO DI BENVENUTO S. Galletti - Responsabile Gestione Risorse U.O.C. D.I.T.R.O., A.O. S. Camillo-Forlanini L. Fabriani - Dir. didattico C.L.M in Scienze Infermieristiche ed Ostetriche, A.O. S. Camillo-Forlanini M. Bianchini - Docente C.L.M. in Scienze Infermieristiche ed Ostetriche, A.O. S. Camillo-Forlanini 09:00 - 10:00 IL RUOLO DELL’INFERMIERE DI SALA OPERATORIA Presidente: G. Vennarecci - Moderatori: V. Finucci, E. Cirullo • La chirurgia “open” • La chirurgia laparoscopica • La chirurgia robotica P. Cirillo G. Salvatore F. Casale 10:00 - 11:00 IL RUOLO DELL’INFERMIERE DI REPARTO Presidente: P. Lepiane - Moderatori: G. Carpagnano, C. Viggiani • L’assistenza post-operatoria • Controllo delle complicanze G. Marchetti A. Galletti 11:00 - 11:30 COFFEE BREAK 11:30 - 12:30 IL TRAPIANTO RENE-PANCREAS Presidenti: M. Antonini, M. Iappelli - Moderatori: M. Pisanelli • Il prelievo multi-organo • Il supporto anestesiologico intraoperatorio • Il supporto anestesiologico in rianimazione F. Renaud G. Fedeli A. Mercuri Lettura: “Prevenzione delle infezioni nosocomiali in un centro ad alta specializzazione” A. Silvestri 3 May 7, 2015 ACCADEMIA LANCISIANA 17:00 Presidents: E. Santoro, P. Valleur WELCOME MESSAGE A. D’Urso V. F. Alberti L. Gasbarrone Direttore Generale A.O. San Camillo-Forlanini Commissario straordinario INMI “Lazzaro Spallanzani” Presidente Accademia Lancisiana INTRODUCTION G.M. Ettorre • Evolution of pancreatic surgery over the last century. • Management of pancreatic cancer: a multidisciplinary approach. A. Sauvanet F. Mosca Invited speakers: S. Agnes, D. Antonellis, G. Baiano, P. Berloco, B. Bordone, A. Brescia, M. Buononato, F. Calise, F. Campanile, M. Carlini, L. Casciola, M. Catarci, F. Cognetti, R. Coppola, A. Crucitti, P. Addario Chieco, R. De Angelis, G. De Toma, A. Di Castro, G. D’Offizi, G.B. Doglietto, D. D’Ugo, C. Fabrizi, S. Ferranti, A. Gaspari, F. Giuliante, G.B. Grassi, G.L. Grazi, E. Lezoche, R. Macarone Palmieri, R. Mazzarella Farao, E. Nanni, A. Parisi, M. Rossi, M. Sacchi, R. Tersigni, G. Tisone, R. Verzaro, C.E. Vitelli, G. Zampa, V. Ziparo. 4 May 8, 2015 HOTEL COLUMBUS 8:30 REGISTRATION 08:45 INTRODUCTION G. Belli President of the Italian Chapter of the IHPBA 9:00 - 10:30 SESSION I President: D. D’Amico Moderators: G.B. Grassi, N. Bassi PANCREATIC DUCTAL ADENOCARCINOMA • Imaging findings: which way to avoid biopsy? Comments: V. Miele, P. Ialongo G. Gualdi • Multidisciplinary management of PDAC, “when and how”: - Endoscopy: from diagnosis to palliation. Comments: P. Trentino, C. Giannelli - Surgical treatment: the standard of care. Comments: V. Ziparo, R. Coppola - Neoadjuvant and adjuvant therapy Comments: E. Cortesi, C. Sternberg Lecture: Ampullary tumors: when and how to treat. 10:30 - 11:00 COFFEE BREAK 5 M. Mutignani P. Pederzoli J. Taieb A. Sauvanet May 8, 2015 11:00 - 13:00 SESSION II President: G. De Toma Moderators: F. Calise, E. Jovine CYSTIC TUMORS • Classification and diagnosis: - The imaging: CT or MRI? Comments: A. Laghi, E. Busi Rizzi - The EUS Comments: T. Federici, G. Zirizotti V. Vilgrain F. Di Matteo • When to resect and how much Comments: P. Di Sebastiano, R. Salvia M. Falconi NEUROENDOCRINE TUMORS • Medical treatment: new perspectives Comments: F. Calabrò, C. Garufi • Surgical treatment of NETs: from resection to liver transplantation Comments: M. Milella, G.L. Grazi • Radioembolization Y90 for liver metastases: there is a place? Comments: G. Pizzi, R. Sciuto 13:00 - 14:00 LUNCH 6 P. Hammel R. Kianmanesh R. Cianni May 8, 2015 14:00 - 16:00 SESSION III President: V. Ziparo Moderators: R. Coppola, M. Carlini HOW I DO IT • Pancreaticoduodenectomy: - Laparoscopic pancreaticoduodenectomy Comments: A. Coratti - Standard vs extended lymphadenectomy Comments: D. Goéré - Vascular resections Comments: G. Ramacciato D. Fuks G. Ercolani U. Boggi • Left pancreatectomy: - Open vs laparoscopic: which best approach? Comments: EM. Santoro A. Sa Cunha • Central pancreatectomy: - Indications and operative technique Comments: C.E. Vitelli S. Dokmak • Face-to-face on pancreatic anastomosis: - Pancreatico-jejunostomy - Pancreatico-gastrostomy - No anastomosis - Evidence based medicine review and considerations 16:00 - 16:30 COFFEE BREAK 7 F. Giuliante G.M. Ettorre F. Calise R. Salvia May 8, 2015 16:30 - 18:00 SESSION IV President: A. Redler Moderators: P. Chirletti, M. Sacchi MORTALITY & MORBIDITY: FROM THEORY TO CLINICAL PRACTICE Lecture: Postoperative complications in pancreatic surgery D. Azoulay • The “safety net” in pancreatic surgery R. Santoro Comments: M. Antonini, M. Bezzi, P. Riu, M. Morucci, A. Capone • Uncommon clinical reports: G.L. Grazi, R. Verzaro, P. Mezzatesta, E. Felli 18:00 BEST POSTER PRESENTATION AWARDS President: R. Tersigni Scientific Committee: A. Parisi, A. Patriti, E. Colangelo, F. Izzo 18:30 CLOSING REMARKS G.M. Ettorre 8 FACULTY Addario Chieco P. Agnes S. Alberti V.F. Antonellis D. Antonini M. Azoulay D. Baiano G. Bassi N. Belli G. Berloco P. Bezzi M. Bianchini M. Boggi U. Bordone B. Brescia A. Buononato M. Busi Rizzi E. Calabrò F. Calise F. Campanile F. Capone A. Carlini M. Carpagnano G. Casale F. Casciola L. Catarci M. Chirletti P. Cianni R. Cirillo P. Cirullo E. Cognetti F. Colangelo E. Coppola R. Coratti A. Cortesi E. Crucitti A. D’Amico D. D’Offizi G. D’Ugo D. D’Urso A. De Angelis R. Di Castro A. Di Matteo F. Di Sebastiano P. Doglietto G.B. Dokmak S. Ercolani G. Ettorre G.M. Fabriani L. Fabrizi C. Falconi M. Fedeli G. Federici T. Felli E. Ferranti S. Finucci V. Fuks D. Galletti A. Galletti S. Garufi C. Gasbarrone L. Gaspari A. Giannelli C. Giuliante F. Goéré D. Grassi G.B. Grazi G.L. Gualdi G. Hammel P. Ialongo P. Iappelli M. Izzo F. Jovine E. Kianmanesh R. Laghi A. Lepiane P. Lezoche E. Macarone Palmieri R. Marchetti G. Mazzarella Farao R. Mercuri A. 9 Mezzatesta P. Miele V. Milella M. Morucci M. Mosca F. Mutignani M. Nanni E. Parisi A. Patriti A. Pederzoli P. Pisanelli M. Pizzi G. Ramacciato G. Redler A. Renaud F. Riu P. Rossi M. Sa Cunha A. Sacchi M. Salvatore G. Salvia R. Santoro E. Santoro EM. Santoro R. Sauvanet A. Sciuto R. Silvestri A. Sternberg C. Taieb J. Tersigni R. Tisone G. Trentino P. Valleur P. Vennarecci G. Verzaro R. Viggiani C. Vilgrain V. Vitelli C.E. Zampa G. Ziparo V. Zirizotti G. INFO Divisione di Chirurgia Generale e Trapianti Direttore Dr. Giuseppe Maria Ettorre Polo Ospedaliero Interaziendale e Trapianti Az. Osp. S. Camillo-Forlanini / INMI L. Spallanzani OFFICIAL LANGUAGES The official languages of the symposium are English, French and Italian. REGISTRATION Attendance is free. The registration form should be sent to the Organizing Secretariat by fax to the number +39 06 6551406 or by e-mail to the address Subscriptions will be accepted in chronological order of receipt up to a maximum of 150 participants. SUPPORT REQUESTED Accademia Lancisiana, AISF, CNT, Associazione Trapiantati Prometeo TRE, Azienda Ospedaliera S. Camillo Forlanini, IT-HPBA, Fondazione S. Camillo Forlanini, INMI L. Spallanzani. SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE M. Burocchi, A. Campanelli, L. Colace, A. Di Castro, E. Felli, N. Guglielmo, P. Lepiane, R. Santoro, A. Scotti, G. Vennarecci CME/ECM ACCREDITATION The Symposium will be accredited by the Italian Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for 150 people (surgeons and nurses). 10 VENUE May 7, 2015 Accademia Lancisiana - Borgo S. Spirito, 3 - Roma VENUE May 8, 2015 Hotel Columbus - Via della Conciliazione, 33 - Roma 11 May 7, 2015 SPONSOR: ORGANIZING SECRETARIAT: Via Sergio Forti, 37 - 00144 Roma Tel. 06.60210638 - 06.65192185 - Fax 06.6551406 e-mail: - 12
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