シンポジウム 1 Symposium 1 3/18(Wed)Symposia S1D-1 3/18 (Wed) Room D 9:00 ∼ 10:30 ヒスタミンをめぐる新たな病態と治療への応用 New finding of histamine-related pathological phenomenon and its therapeuticapplication 大津 浩(東北大学大学院工学研究科 量子エネルギー工学専攻 応用量子医工学講座) Hiroshi Ohtsu(Grad. Sch. Engineering., Tohoku Univ.) 平澤 典保(東北大学大学院薬学研究科 生活習慣病治療薬学分野) Noriyasu Hirasawa(Grad. Sch. Pharmaceu. Sci., Tohoku Univ.) S1D-1-1 遺伝子改変マウスを用いたアレルギー反応におよぼすヒスタミン作用の解明 Genetically engineered mice used as tools in the pathophysiological clarification of the role of histamine in allergic reactions 3/19 (Thu)Mini Symposium ○大津 浩 1、○平澤 典保 2 1 東北大・工・応用量子医工学、2 東北大・薬・生活習慣病治療薬学 ○Hiroshi Ohtsu1, ○Noriyasu Hirasawa2 1 Grad. Sch. Engineering., Tohoku Univ., 2Grad. Sch. Pharmaceu. Sci., Tohoku Univ. S1D-1-2 The histamine H4 receptor: Translation of preclinical pharmacology to clinical efficacy ○Robin L. Thurmond Janssen Pharmaceutical Research & Development, LLC S1D-1-3 Protective effect of histamine H3 receptor antagonist on cerebral ischemic injury Wei-wei Hu1, Xiang-nan Zhang1, Hai-jing Yan1, Hiroshi Ohtsu2, Feng Han1, ○Zhong Chen1 3/19 (Wed)Joint Symposium 1 Dept. Pharmacol, Key Lab. of Med. Neurobiol. of the Ministry of Health of China, Coll. Pharmaceu. Sci., Zhejiang Univ., 2Dept. Engineering, Sch. Med., Tohoku Univ. Outline of Symposium Although histamine was discovered more than 100 years ago and histamine agonist and antagonist have been used for 70 years, new pathological functions have been identified over time. This is partly because new receptors (H3 and H4) have been cloned lately. Therefore, we can regard histamine as one of the “newly-old” bioactive substances. Its action was believed to be limited to triggering the production of gastric juice, allergic reaction but was extended to immunological reaction, inflammation, and signal transmission in central nervous system (CNS), thereby increasing their importance as a bioactive substance. The purpose of this symposium is to discuss the important aspects of the new elucidated role of histamine, directions for future research regarding its function, which can lead to identification of the unexplored important theme of research. 84 シンポジウム 2 Symposium 2 3/18 (Wed) Room E 9:00 ∼ 10:30 新たな血管作動性物質と受容体に着目した血管研究の新展開 New frontier in vascular biology: Focus on novel vasoactive substances and receptors 山脇 英之(北里大学 獣医学部・獣医薬理学) Hideyuki Yamawaki(Lab. Vet. Pharmacol., Sch. Vet. Med., Kitasato Univ.) 松本 貴之(星薬科大学 機能形態学研究室) Takayuki Matsumoto(Dept. Physiol. and Morphol., Inst. Med. Chem., Hoshi Univ.) S1E-2-1 序文:新たな血管作動性物質と受容体に着目した血管研究の新展開 Introduction: New frontier in vascular biology 3/18(Wed)Symposia S1E-2 ○山脇 英之 Lab. Vet. Pharmacol., Sch. Vet. Med., Kitasato Univ. S1E-2-2 オメンチンの心血管病における役割 A fat-derived factor omentin and cardiovascular disease ○柴田 玲 1、大内 乗有 2、室原 豊明 1 1 名古屋大・循環器内科、2 名古屋大・分子心血管病学 ○Rei Shibata1, Noriyuki Ouchi2, Toyoaki Murohara1 1 Dept. Cardiol., Nagoya Univ. Grad. Sch. Med., 2Molecular Cardiovascular Med., Nagoya Univ. Grad. Sch. Med. S1E-2-3 ○松本 貴之、田口 久美子、小林 恒雄 星薬大・医薬研・機能形態学 ○Takayuki Matsumoto, Kumiko Taguchi, Tsuneo Kobayashi Dept. Physiol. and Morphol., Inst. Med. Chem., Hoshi Univ. S1E-2-4 プロテアーゼ活性化型受容体 2 (PAR2) とメタボリックシンドローム Protease-activated receptor 2 in metabolic syndrome ○籠田 智美 1、丸山 加菜 1、John. J. McGuire2 1 武庫川女子大・薬・薬理 II、2 メモリアル大 ○Satomi Kagota1, Kana Maruyama1, John J. McGuire2 1 Dept. Pharmacol. II, Sch. Pharmaceu. Sci., Mukogawa Women's Univ., 2Cardiovasc. Res. Group, Div. BioMedic. Sci., Memorial Univ. 3/19 (Wed)JPS Symposium 血管内皮由来収縮因子 (EDCF) と血管病−特に新規 EDCF uridineadenosine tetraphosphate を中心に Endothelium-derived contracting factor (EDCF) and vascular diseases: Focused on a novel EDCF uridine adenosine tetraphosphate 3/19 (Thu)Mini Symposium 北里大・獣医・獣医薬理 ○Hideyuki Yamawaki Outline of Symposium Ischemic cardiovascular disease is still one of the leading causes for mortality in Japan. While inhibitors of reninangiotensin-aldosterone system, Ca2+ antagonists, and statins have contributed to the treatment of vascular disorders including hypertension and atherosclerosis, novel pharmaco-therapeutic targets are urgently demanded. In order to explore them, we focus on adipose-tissue-derived cytokines (adipocytokine) and endothelium-derived contracting factor (EDCF) as well as their receptors including protease-activated receptor (PAR), and introduce recently discovered mechanisms of their actions on the pathogenesis of metabolic cardiovascular diseases. 85 シンポジウム 3 Symposium 3 3/18(Wed)Symposia S1F-3 3/18 (Wed) Room F 9:00 ∼ 10:30 漢方薬の新たな薬理学的メカニズム探究 Research for the new pharmacological mechanisms of Kampo herbs 佐藤 廣康(四天王寺大学 保健教育) Hiroyasu Satoh(Health Life Sci., Shitennoji Univ.) 土田 勝晴(同志社女子大学 薬学部 創薬理論科学) Katsuharu Tsuchida(Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts) S1F-3-1 補腎剤の加齢的変化と薬効の病態依存 Age- and pathophysiological-dependent responses to Hojinzai ○佐藤 廣康 1、西田 清一郎 2、土田 勝晴 3 1 3/19 (Thu)Mini Symposium 四天王寺大・保健教育、2 郡山青藍病院、3 同志社女子大・薬・創薬理論科学 ○Hiroyasu Satoh1, Seiichiro Nishida2, Katsuharu Tsuchida3 1 Health Life Sci., Shitennoji Univ., 2Seiran Hosp., 3Dept. of Rational Med. Sci. Pharmaceut. Sci., Doshisha Women's College S1F-3-2 抗アレルギー天然物医薬有効成分の分子薬理機構 Molecular mechanism of active substances from anti-allergic natural medicines ○福井 裕行 1、水口 博之 2、柏田 良樹 3、根本 尚夫 4、武田 憲昭 5 1 徳島大・院・分子難治性疾患学、2 徳島大・院・ヘルスバイオサイエンス研究部分子情報薬理学、3 徳島大・院・ ヘルスバイオサイエンス研究部生薬学、4 徳島大・院・ヘルスバイオサイエンス研究部機能分子合成薬学、5 徳島大・ 院・ヘルスバイオサイエンス研究部耳鼻咽喉科学 ○Hiroyuki Fukui1, Hiroyuki Mizuguchi2, Yoshiki Kashiwada3, Hisao Nemoto4, Noriaki Takeda5 1 3/19 (Wed)Joint Symposium Dept. Mol. Stud. Incurable Dis., Inst. Health Biosci., Tokushima Univ. Grad. Sch., 2Dept. Mol. Pharmacol., Inst. Health Biosci., Tokushima Univ. Grad. Sch., 3Dept. Pharmacog., Inst. Health Biosci., Tokushima Univ. Grad. Sch., 4Dept. Bioorg. Syn. Chem., Inst. Health Biosci., Tokushima Univ. Grad. Sch., 5Dept. Otolaryngol. Commun. Neurosci., Inst. Health Biosci., Tokushima Univ. Grad. Sch. S1F-3-3 朝鮮人参の植物性サポニンは性ホルモン受容体の特異的非ゲノム経路 リガンドとして心血管保護作用を示す Phytosterol saponin of ginseng (ginsenoside) provides cardiovascular protection as a specific non-genomic ligand of sex hormone receptors ○古川 哲史、黒川 洵子、白 長喜 東京医歯大・難治研・生体情報薬理 ○Tetsushi Furukawa, Junko Kurokawa, Chang-Xi Bai Dept. Bio-Inform. Pharmacol., MRI, TMDU S1F-3-4 釣藤散の脳機能障害改善作用 Improving effects of chotosan on the brain malfunction in rodent’s disease models ○岡 淳一郎 1、松本 欣三 2、濱田 幸恵 1 1 東京理科大・薬・薬理、2 富山大・和漢研・複合薬物薬理 ○Jun-Ichiro Oka1, Kinzo Matsumoto2, Sachie Sasaki-Hamada1 1 Lab. Pharmacol., Fac. Pharm. Sci., Tokyo Univ. Sci., 2Div. Med. Pharmacol., Inst. Natural Med., Univ. Toyama Outline of Symposium Kampo formulations consist of several to many crude drugs and lots of the ingredients (phytochemicals). The pharmacological actions are produced by the complex interactions with all the ingredients mediated through the various receptors and channels on cell membrane, and by the intracellular signal transductions. As a result, the formulations cause the multiple actions on whole body. Many recent investigations for Kampo formulations have been newly demonstrated more profitable and effective pharmacological evidences day by day using the developed technical methods. So, we would like to indicate more effectiveness, and discuss more extensive Kampo medicine. 86 シンポジウム 4 Symposium 4 3/18 (Wed) Room D 10:30 ∼ 12:00 新たな視点からの腎発生と病態修飾分子 Kidney development and pathogenesis 甲斐 広文(熊本大学大学院 生命科学研究部 遺伝子機能応用学分野) Hirofumi Kai(Dept. Mol. Med., Kumamoto Univ.) 西中村 隆一(熊本大学発生医学研究所 腎臓発生分野) Ryuichi Nishinakamura(Inst. Mol. Embryol. Genet., Kumamoto Univ.) S1D-4-1 iPS 細胞からの腎臓組織の誘導 Creating the kidney in vitro 3/18(Wed)Symposia S1D-4 ○西中村 隆一 Inst. Mol. Embryol. Genet., Kumamoto Univ. S1D-4-2 プロテオミクスによる腎臓の生理・病態解析 Proteomics of kidney physiology and pathology ○山本 格 1,2 1 新潟大・医歯学・腎研・構造病理、2 新潟大・産学地域連携推進・生体液バイオマーカー ○Tadashi Yamamoto1,2 1 Dept. Struct. Patholo., Inst. Nephrol., Grad. Sch. Med. Dent. Sci., Niigata Univ, 2BB-C, SBCCL, Niigata Univ. S1D-4-3 遺伝性腎疾患の発症機構に関わる新たな分子標的 A new therapeutic target for a genetic chronic kidney disease 3/19 (Thu)Mini Symposium 熊本大・発生研・腎臓発生 ○Ryuichi Nishinakamura ○Mary Ann Suico、福田 亮介、首藤 剛、甲斐 広文 Dept. Mol. Med., Kumamoto Univ. S1D-4-4 メタゲノムとメタボローム解析による腎不全時の腸内環境変化の検討 Alteration of the intestinal environment is associated with amelioration of CKD ○阿部 高明 東北大・院・医工学研究科・医学系研究科 ○Takaaki Abe Div. Med. Sci., Tohoku Univ. Grad. Sch. Biomed. Engineering 3/19 (Wed)JPS Symposium 熊本大・院薬・遺伝子機能応用 ○Mary Ann Suico, Ryosuke Fukuda, Tsuyoshi Shuto, Hirofumi Kai Outline of Symposium There is no cure for chronic kidney disease (CKD), although treatment can slow or halt the progression of the disease and can prevent other serious conditions developing. In this symposium, we would like to introduce new information for CKD, such as kidney regeneration, new target molecules for CKD, proteomic and metabolomics analysis of CKD. 87 シンポジウム 5 Symposium 5 3/18(Wed)Symposia S1E-5 3/18 (Wed) Room E 10:30 ∼ 12:00 慢性心不全の克服に向けた新たな治療標的の提案 Novel therapeutic targets for chronic heart failure 藤尾 慈(大阪大学大学院薬学研究科 臨床薬効解析学) Yasushi Fujio(Laboratory of Clinical Science and Biomedicine, Osaka Univ.) 泉 康雄(大阪市立大学大学院医学研究科 分子病態薬理学) Yasukatsu Izumi(Dept. Pharmacol., Osaka City Univ. Med. Sch.) S1E-5-1 エクソソームを介した心血管疾患制御 Opposite functions of exosomes on cardiovascular diseases ○泉 康雄 1、山口 雄大 2、岡 真優子 3、塩田 正之 1、田中 昌子 4、三浦 克之 4、岩尾 洋 5 1 3/19 (Thu)Mini Symposium 大阪市大院・医・分子病態薬理、2 大阪市大院・医・循環器内科、3 京都府立大院・生命環境、4 大阪市大院・医・ 薬効安全性、5 四天王寺大・教育 ○Yasukatsu Izumi1, Takehiro Yamaguchi2, Mayuko Oka3, Masayuki Shiota1, Masako Tanaka4, Katsuyuki Miura4, Hiroshi Iwao5 1 Dept. Pharmacol., Osaka City Univ. Med. Sch., 2Dept. Cadiovasc. Med., Osaka City Univ. Med. Sch., 3Grad. Sch. Life Enviro. Sci., Kyoto Pref. Univ., 4Appl. Pharmacol. Ther., Osaka City Univ. Med. Sch., 5Dept. Edu., Shitennoji Univ. S1E-5-2 心不全における核内情報伝達経路の役割 Roles of Nuclear Transcriptional Pathway on Heart Failure ○森本 達也 1,2 1 静岡県大・薬・分子病態、2 静岡県総合病院 臨床研究セ ○Tatsuya Morimoto 1,2 1 Div. of Mol. Med., Sch. Pharm. Sci., Univ. Shizuoka, 2Shizuoka General Hosp. Clin. Resarc. Centr. 3/19 (Wed)Joint Symposium S1E-5-3 心病態における非アポトーシス性細胞死の制御 Non-apoptotic cell death in cardiac pathogenesis ○中山 博之、藤尾 慈 大阪大・薬・薬効 ○Hiroyuki Nakayama, Yasushi Fujio Lab. Clin. Sci. Biomed., Grad. Sch. Pharma. Sci. Osaka. Univ. S1E-5-4 新規分泌因子オメンチンによる心血管系制御機構 Role of a novel secreted factor omentin in cardiovascular disease ○大内 乗有 1、大橋 浩二 1、柴田 玲 2、室原 豊明 2 1 名古屋大・医・ 分子心血管病、2 名古屋大・医・ 循環器内科 ○Noriyuki Ouchi1, Koji Ohashi1, Rei Shibata2, Toyoaki Murohara2 1 Mol. Cardiovas. Med., Nagoya Univ. Grad. Sch. Med., 2Dept. Cardiol., Nagoya Univ. Grad. Sch. Med. Outline of Symposium Heart failure is increasing in prevalence worldwide. Established pharmacotherapies, including ACEIs, ARBs, and β-blockers, have improved the vital prognosis of the patients; however, heart failure is becoming a medical, social and economic issue because there are still many refractory cases to these standard therapies. To break through the serious problems of heart failure pandemic, it is necessary to elucidate the pathological condition of heart failure from new perspectives. In this symposium, recent progresses regarding the novel and potentially therapeutical targets for heart failure will be introduced. 88 シンポジウム 6 Symposium 6 3/18 (Wed) Room F 10:30 ∼ 12:00 ゼブラフィッシュ創薬の新しい展開 New horizon in zebrafish-driven drug discovery 田中 利男(三重大学大学院医学系研究科 薬理ゲノミクス) Toshio Tanaka(Dept. Pharmacogenomics, Mie Univ. Grad. Sch. Med.) 出口 二郎(大日本住友製薬株式会社 前臨床研究所) Jiro Deguchi(Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma Co., Ltd.) S1F-6-1 次世代ゼブラフィッシュ創薬の新展開 Next generation zebrafish-based drug discovery 3/18(Wed)Symposia S1F-6 ○田中 利男 1,2,3,4,5、西村 有平 1,2,3,4,5、島田 康人 1,2,3,4,5 ○Toshio Tanaka1,2,3,4,5, Yuhei Nishimura1,2,3,4,5, Yasuhito Shimada1,2,3,4,5 1 Dept. Pharmacogenomics, Mie Univ. Grad. Sch. Med., 2Dept. Systems Pharmacol. Mie Univ. Grad. Sch. Med., 3Mie Univ., Medical Zebrafish Research C., 4Dept., Bioinfo., Mie Univ. Life Science Research C., 5 Dept., Omics Med. Mie Univ. Ind. Tech. Innov. Inst. S1F-6-2 CRISPR による効率的なゲノム改変 Efficient genome modification using CRISPR ○川原 敦雄 山梨大・医・発生生物 ○Atsuo Kawahara Yamanashi Univ. 3/19 (Thu)Mini Symposium 1 三重大・院・医・薬理ゲノミクス、2 三重大・院・医・システムズ薬理学、3 三重大・メディカルゼブラフィッシュ 研究センター、4 三重大・生命科学研セ・バイオインフォ、5 三重大・新産業創成研究拠点 S1F-6-3 ○辻 直城 第一三共・先端研 ○Naoki Tsuji Frontier Research Lab., Daiichi-Sankyo Co., Ltd. S1F-6-4 ゼブラフィッシュ:創薬開発における毒性評価としてのモデル動物 Zebrafish: As a model animal for toxicity evaluation in drug discovery ○山下 晃人 大日本住友製薬株式会社・前臨床研究所・安全性第 2 グループ ○Akihito Yamashita Preclinical Research Laboratories, Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma Co., Ltd. 3/19 (Wed)JPS Symposium ゼブラフィッシュを用いた薬効スクリーニングの展開 Whole-organism drug screening in zebrafish: Progress and future challenges Outline of Symposium The first chemical screen using living zebrafish in a multi-well plate was reported in 2000 and zebrafish becomes the important model animal in innovative drug discovery beyond rat since 2008. We propose the strategy of zebrafish-based quantitative and systems pharmacology, which synergistically combine the desirable features of systems pharmacology and emerging technology of zebrafish-based phenotype screening system for drug discovery. The unique attributes of zebrafish are being increasingly leveraged to create human disease models, facilitate drug discovery and provide for personalized medicine. 89 シンポジウム 7 Symposium 7 3/18(Wed)Symposia S1B-7 3/18 (Wed) Room B 14:40 ∼ 16:10 幹細胞研究と臨床利用の進歩 Advances in stem cell research toward the clinical applications 櫻井 英俊(京都大学 iPS 細胞研究所) Hidetoshi Sakurai(Dept. Clin. Application., CiRA, Kyoto Univ.) 今村 武史(滋賀医科大学医学部 薬理学講座) Takeshi Imamura(Dept. Med., Shiga Univ. Med. Sci.) S1B-7-1 糖尿病病態下における幹細胞障害因子の探索 Screening of the diabetic factors affecting stem cell functions in vivo ○今村 武史 3/19 (Thu)Mini Symposium 滋賀医大・医・薬理 ○Takeshi Imamura Dept. Med., Shiga Univ. Med. Sci. S1B-7-2 重症心不全に対する細胞シートを用いた再生医療の現状と展望 Translational research of iPS cell sheet-based myocardial regeneration therapy ○宮川 繁 1、澤 芳樹 2 1 大阪大・院・医・心臓血管外科・免疫再生制御学講座、2 大阪大・院・医・心臓血管外科 ○Shigeru Miyagawa1, Yoshiki Sawa2 1 Dept. Cardiovascular Surgery, Osaka Univ., 2Dept. Cardiovascular Surgery, Osaka Univ. S1B-7-3 パーキンソン病に対する細胞移植治療 Cell therapy for Parkinson’s disease with induced pluripotent stem cells ○森実 飛鳥、高橋 淳 3/19 (Wed)Joint Symposium 京都大・iPS・臨床応用 ○Asuka Morizane, Jun Takahashi Dept. Clinic App., CiRA, Kyoto Univ. S1B-7-4 患者由来 iPS 細胞を用いた筋疾患病態モデル Modeling muscular diseases using patient-derived iPS cells ○櫻井 英俊 京大・iPS 研・臨床応用 ○Hidetoshi Sakurai Dept. Clin. Application., CiRA, Kyoto Univ. Outline of Symposium Clinical use of the stem cell-derived tissues / cells has started already, which is now expected to apply widely accompanied with the establishment of reliable safeness and effectiveness. Number of stem cell studies are continued to establish and develop the optimal protocols for transplantation medicine, new treatments, and drug discovery with the iPS cells derived from patients. In this symposium, we show the recent progress of stem cell research approaching the clinical applications to type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, severe heart failure, and muscular diseases. 90 シンポジウム 8 Symposium 8 3/18 (Wed) Room D 14:40 ∼ 16:10 新しいグリア細胞機能:新規可視化・操作法によりわかったグリアの新機能 Glial new functions; unmasked by new techniques for visualization and manipulation of glia 小泉 修一(山梨大学大学院 総合研究部 医学域 薬理学講座) Shuichi Koizumi(Dept. Neuropharmacol., Interdisciplinary Grad. Sch. Med., Univ. Yamanashi) S1D-8-1 脳虚血時におけるグリア活動暴走の光遺伝学的制御 Optogenetic control of glial activity can suppress ischemic brain damage ○松井 広 3/18(Wed)Symposia S1D-8 東北大・医・脳コア・新医学領域創生 ○Ko Matsui Div. Interdisciplinary Med. Sci., Ctr. for Neurosci., Tohoku Univ. Grad. Sch. Med. 新規トランスジェニックマウスシステムで明らかになったアストロサイト内 カルシウムイオン濃度変動の役割 A new transgenic mouse model revealed a role of astrocytic calcium in vivo ○田中 三佳 1、シ ペイユ 1、五味 浩司 2、吉田 崇将 1、中井 淳一 3、安藤 れい子 1、古市 貞一 4、 御子柴 克彦 1、セミアノフ アレクセイ 1、糸原 重美 1 1 理研・脳科学総合研究センター、2 日大・生物資源科学、3 埼玉大・脳センター、4 東京理科大・理工 ○Mika Tanaka1, Pei-Yu Shih1, Hiroshi Gomi2, Takamasa Yoshida1, Junichi Nakai3, Reiko Ando1, Teiichi Furuichi4, Katsuhiko Mikoshiba1, Alexey Semyanov1, Shigeyoshi Itohara1 1 RIKEN BSI, 2College of Biores. Sci. Nihon Univ., 3Saitama Univ. BSI, 4Faculty of Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science 3/19 (Thu)Mini Symposium S1D-8-2 S1D-8-3 ○繁冨 英治 1、小泉 修一 1,2 1 山梨大・医・薬理、2 科学技術振興機構, CREST ○Eiji Shigetomi1, Shuichi Koizumi1,2 1 Dept. Neuropharmacol., Interdiscipl. Grad. Sch. Med., Univ. Yamanashi, 2CREST, JST S1D-8-4 簡便ステレオロジーイメージングによる生後初期脳神経新生促進型 ミクログリアの発見 Accumulation of neurogenic microglia in the early postnatal SVZ clarified by a simple stereological imaging method ○佐藤 薫 3/19 (Wed)JPS Symposium アストロサイト機能の可視化と内在 GPCR を用いた操作 Visualization and manipulation of Ca2+ excitability of astrocytes at interface of synapses 国立衛研・薬理 ○Kaoru Sato Div. Pharmacol., NIHS Outline of Symposium It has become apparent that glia has indispensable roles in regulation of brain functions. Since the existing methods for neurons are not necessarily appropriate for analysis of glial functions, a development of new methods, specialized for glial analysis is required. Here, we focus on new methods and techniques that allow us to visualize and manipulate glial new functions. Thanks to these, glial unknown functions have been unmasked. We will also discuss future techniques that should be developed for understanding real physiology and pathophysiology of glial cells. 91 シンポジウム 9 Symposium 9 3/18(Wed)Symposia S1E-9 3/18 (Wed) Room E 14:40 ∼ 16:10 特定細胞ネットワーク活性制御システムの脳機能/脳疾患解析への応用:脳細胞 のシングルセルアナリシスへの挑戦 Application of a “specific cell network ” control system to the analysis of brain function / brain disease: Challenge to single brain cell analysis 成田 年(星薬科大学 薬理学教室) Minoru Narita(Dept. Pharmacol., Hoshi Univ. Sch. Pharm. Pharmaceut. Sci.) 山中 章弘(名古屋大学 環境医学研究所 神経系分野Ⅱ) Akihiro Yamanaka(Dept. Neurosci. II, Res. Inst. Env. Med., Nagoya Univ.) S1E-9-1 3/19 (Thu)Mini Symposium 特定神経活動操作による神経回路機能の解明 Manipulation of specific type of neurons to reveal its physiological role ○山中 章弘、犬束 歩、山下 哲 名古屋大・環医研・神経 II ○Akihiro Yamanaka, Ayumu Inutsuka, Akira Yamashita 1 Dept. Neurosci. II, Res. Inst. Env. Med., Nagoya Univ. S1E-9-2 難治性疼痛発現機序探索のための“痛みネットワーク”解析に連動した複合型 オミクス解析:ケミカルジェネティクスシステムやゲノムワイド解析の応用 Multi-Omics analysis associated with characterization of a "pain-induced network" for identification of the mechanism of refractory pain: Application of chemical genetics and a genome-wide study ○成田 年 1,2 1 星薬大・薬理、2 先端生命科学研究センター (L-StaR) ○Minoru Narita1,2 3/19 (Wed)Joint Symposium 1 Dept. Pharmacol., Hoshi Univ. Sch. Pharm. Pharmaceut. Sci., 2Life Science Tokyo Advanced Recerch Center (L-StaR) S1E-9-3 大脳皮質シナプスと個体レベル行動との関連解析ー新規光感受性シナプス プローブを用いた Synaptic optogenetics 法の開発ー Visualization of learning-related memory trace and its erasure by “Synaptic optogenetics” ○林(高木)朗子、河西 春郎 東大・院・医・構造生理部門 ○Akiko Hayashi-Takagi, Haruo Kasai Lab. for Structural Physiology, Univ. of Tokyo S1E-9-4 昆虫脳の分析と統合:遺伝子,神経回路から行動,ロボットへ Analysis and synthesis of insect brain: From genes, neural networks, and behavior to robots ○神崎 亮平 東大・先端研 ○Ryohei Kanzaki RCAST, The Univ. of Tokyo Outline of Symposium A central principle of neuroscience is the idea of a “specific cell network”, which refers to diverse types of neurons and supporting cells communicating with each other mainly through synaptic connections. In this symposium, we will introduce the current research at the forefront of the single-cell analysis of the brain neural network and the visualization of a neurogenic niche using new techniques. We will address a new concept based on an analysis of the “specific cell network” from which emerges a circuit-level framework for understanding the neurogenic niche. 92 シンポジウム 10 Symposium 10 3/18 (Wed) Room F 14:40 ∼ 16:10 HMGB1 を標的とする治療の新規展開 Frontiers in drug development targeting HMGB1 西堀 正洋(岡山大学大学院 医歯薬学総合研究科) Masahiro Nishibori(Okayama Univ. Grad. Sch. Med., Dentistry and Pharmaceut. Sci.) 仲田 義啓(広島大学大学院 医歯薬保健学研究科) Yoshihiro Nakata(Grad. Sch. Biomedhical & Health Sci., Hiroshima Univ.) S1F-10-1 抗 HMGB1 抗体による脳内出血とクモ膜下出血後の脳血管攣縮治療 Anti-HMGB1 therapy for intracerebral hemorrhage and vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage 岡山大・医・薬理 ○Dengli Wang, Katsuyaku Ryu, Masahiro Nishibori Dept. Pharmacol., Okayama Univ. Sch. Med. S1F-10-2 神経幹細胞移植による脊髄損傷治療 Treatment of spinal cord injury by neural stem cell transplantation ○中島 欽一 九大・医・応用幹細胞医科学 ○Kinichi Nakashima Dept. Stem Cell Biol. Med., Grad. Sch. Med. Sci., Kyushu Univ. S1F-10-3 神経障害性疼痛におけるHMGB1の役割と抗HMGB1抗体の疼痛緩和効果 Role of HMGB1 in neuropathic pain and anti-HMGB1 therapy for neuropathic pain 広島大院・医歯薬保・薬効解析 ○Norimitsu Morioka, Yoki Nakamura, Yoshihiro Nakata Dept. Pharmacol., Hiroshima Univ. Grad. Sch. Biomed. Health Sci. S1F-10-4 HMGB1 を標的とする内臓痛治療 Anti-HMGB1 therapy for visceral pain ○坪田 真帆、川畑 篤史 近畿大・薬・病態薬理 ○Maho Tsubota, Atsufumi Kawabata Div. Pharmacol. Pathophysiol. Kinki Univ. Sch. Pharm. 3/19 (Wed)JPS Symposium ○森岡 徳光、中村 庸輝、仲田 義啓 3/19 (Thu)Mini Symposium ○王 登莉、劉 克約、西堀 正洋 3/18(Wed)Symposia S1F-10 Outline of Symposium High mobility group box-1 (HMGB1) is a representative damage-associated molecular pattern and has been suggested to be involved in many inflammatory diseases. Among the inhibitors of HMGB1, anti-HMGB1 monoclonal antibody (mAb) might have the strongest neutralizing activity against HMGB1. In the present symposium, we will present the therapeutic effects of anti-HMGB1 mAb on cerebral blood vessel diseases including intracerebral bleeding and vasospasm, spinal cord injury, neuropathic pain and chemotherapy-induced pain. The functional role of HMGB1 and the action mechanism of anti-HMGB1 mAb therapy will be discussed to better understand the inflammation in CNS and PNS. 93 シンポジウム 11 Symposium 11 3/18(Wed)Symposia S1B-11 3/18 (Wed) Room B 16:10 ∼ 17:40 次世代型 ES/iPS 細胞研究の提案:「定義」から「転換・応用」へ New approach for next-generation research on ES / iPS cells: Prospect for new applications 山下 潤(京都大学 iPS 細胞研究所増殖分化機構研究部門) Jun Yamashita(Inst. for iPS Cell Res & Appl., Kyoto Univ.) 葛巻 直子(星薬科大学 薬理学教室) Naoko Kuzumaki(Dept. Pharmacol., Hoshi Univ. Sch. Pharm. Pharmaceut. Sci.) S1B-11-1 ヒト新型 iPS 細胞株を用いた再プログラム化機構の解明と応用 Reprogramming of human intermediately reprogrammed stem cells into iPS cells ○多田 高 3/19 (Thu)Mini Symposium 京都大・再生研・幹細胞加工 ○Takashi Tada Dept. Stem Cell Engineering, IFMS, Kyoto Univ. S1B-11-2 ヒト疾患特異的 iPS 細胞技術を用いたドパミン神経依存性難治疾患におけ る細胞内応答の多角的解析 Multiple analysis of intracellular responses in intractable diseases related to dopaminergic neuron vulnerability with the use of human disease-specific iPS cell technique ○葛巻 直子 1、岡野 栄之 2,4、服部 信孝 3、成田 年 1,4 1 星薬大・薬理、2 慶應大・医・生理、3 順天堂大・医・脳神経内科、4 先端生命科学研究センター (L-StaR) ○Naoko Kuzumaki1, Hideyuki Okano2,4, Nobutaka Hattori3, Minoru Narita1,4 1 Dept. Pharmacol., Hoshi Univ. Sch. Pharm. Pharmaceut. Sci., 2Dept. Physiol., Keio Univ. Sch. Med., 3Dept. Neurol., Juntendo Univ. Grad. Sch. Med., 4Life Science Tokyo Advanced Recerch Center (L-StaR) 3/19 (Wed)Joint Symposium S1B-11-3 再生医療を目指した神経幹細胞の直接誘導とその応用 Direct induction of neural stem cells from somatic cells ○赤松 和土 順天堂大・医・ゲノム再生医療センター ○Wado Akamatsu Center for Genomics and Regenerative Medicine, Juntendo Univ. Sch. Med. S1B-11-4 ES/iPS 細胞からの心血管分化誘導機構解明と再生医療への展開 Pluripotent stem cell research for cardiovacular cell differentiation and regeneration ○山下 潤 京都大・iPS 研 ○Jun Yamashita Inst. for iPS Cell Res. & Appl., Kyoto Univ. Outline of Symposium Reprogramming technology leading to the discovery of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) is a rich field next-generation research. The application of iPS cells to regenerative medicine and the molecular analysis of disease are potential areas of their practical use. However, based on the available technology and information that has been obtained so far, there are some obvious problems and issues. In this symposium, we will outline a new approach for research on ES/iPS cells. 94 シンポジウム 12 Symposium 12 3/18 (Wed) Room C 16:10 ∼ 17:40 神経伝達物質トランスポーターの局在と生理機能 Neurotransmitter transporters, in the right place at the right time 林 真理子(慶應義塾大学医学部 薬理学教室) Mariko Hayashi(Dept. Pharmacol. Keio. Univ. Sch. Med.) 日浅 未来(岡山大学大学院 医歯薬学総合研究科(薬)生体膜生化学研究室) Miki Hiasa(Dept. Memb. Biochem., Okayama Univ. Grad. Sch. Med. Dent. Pharm. Sci.) S1C-12-1 グルタミン酸トランスポーターの局在決定機構と構造的役割 The transporter domain of glutamate transporters is a process tip localizer and stabilizer 3/18(Wed)Symposia S1C-12 ○林 真理子、安井 正人 慶應大・医・薬理 Dept. Pharmacol., Keio. Univ. Sch. Med. S1C-12-2 シナプスを包囲するグリア膜直下の CDC42EP4/septin 複合体はグルタ ミン酸クリアランスの足場となる CDC42EP4/septin-based perisynaptic glial scaffold that facilitates glutamate clearance ○木下 専 1、山崎 真弥 2、今野 幸太郎 3、中山 寿子 4、阿部 学 2、橋本 謙二 5、西岡 朋生 6、 貝淵 弘三 6、宮川 剛 7、橋本 浩一 4、渡辺 雅彦 3、崎村 建司 2、上田(石原)奈津実 1 1 名古屋大・理・生命、2 新潟大・脳研・細胞生物、3 北大・医・解剖、4 広大・医歯薬・神経生理、5 千葉大・社 会精神保健教育研究センター、6 名大・医・神経情報薬理、7 藤田保健衛生大・総合医科学研究所 ○Makoto Kinoshita1, Maya Yamazaki2, Kohtarou Konno3, Hisako Nakayama4, Manabu Abe2, Kenji Hashimoto5, Tomoki Nishioka6, Kozo Kaibuchi6, Tsuyoshi Miyakawa7, Kouichi Hashimoto4, Masahiko Watanabe3, Kenji Sakimura2, Natsumi Ageta-Ishihara1 1 S1C-12-3 小胞型ヌクレオチドトランスポーターと ATP 分泌、その生理作用 Role of vesicular nucleotide transporter (VNUT) in the purinergic chemical transmission ○日浅 未来 岡山大院・医歯薬・生体膜生化学 ○Miki Hiasa Dept. Memb. Biochem., Okayama Univ. Grad. School of Med. Dent. Pharm. Sci. S1C-12-4 小胞神経伝達物質トランスポーターのエンドサイトーシス・局在の分子機構 Molecular mechanism of endocytosis/localization of vesicular neurotransmitter transporters 3/19 (Wed)JPS Symposium Dept. Mol. Biol., Nagoya Univ. Grad. Sch. Sci., 2Dept. Cell. Neurobiol, Niigata Univ. Grad. Sch. Med., 3Dept. Anat., Hokkaido Univ. Grad. Sch. Med., 4Dept. Neurophysiol., Hiroshima Univ. Grad. Sch. Med., 5Dept. Clin. Neurosci., Chiba Univ. Grad. Sch. Med., 6Dept. Cell Pharmacol., Nagoya Univ. Grad. Sch. Med., 7Dept. Syst. Med. Sci., Fujita Health Univ. 3/19 (Thu)Mini Symposium ○Mariko Hayashi, Masato Yasui ○奥田 隆志 慶應大・薬・薬理 ○Takashi Okuda Dept. Pharmacol., Fac. Pharm., Keio Univ. Outline of Symposium Neurotransmitter transporters are responsible for transporting neurotransmitter from one side of a lipid bilayer to the other. Neurotransmitter transporters at plasma membrane are responsible for recovery of neurotransmitters released to extracellular spaces, and they turn off the transmitter signal. On the other hand, vesicular transporters are responsible for loading these vesicles with the transmitter. These transporters are differentially regulated, depending on their subtypes. Here we are going to discuss about spatiotemporal regulation of neurotransmitter transporters. 95 シンポジウム 13 Symposium 13 3/18(Wed)Symposia S1D-13 3/18 (Wed) Room D 16:10 ∼ 17:40 グリア−神経相関による精神疾患の発症と病態 Neuron-Glia interactions in the pathogenesis and pathology of psychiatric diseases 野田 幸裕(名城大学大学院薬学研究科 病態解析学Ⅰ) Yukihiro Noda(Div. Clin. Sci. and Neuropsychopharm., Grad. Sch. Pharm., Meijo Univ.) 古屋敷 智之(神戸大学大学院医学研究科・医学部 薬理学分野) Tomoyuki Furuyashiki(Div. Pharmacol., Kobe Univer. Grad. Sch. Med.) S1D-13-1 Deep sequencing and association analysis of schizophrenia candidate genes: Focus on glial assembly 3/19 (Thu)Mini Symposium ○Branko Aleksic, Hiroki Kimura, Jingrui Xing, Chenyao Wang, Yuto Takasaki, Kanako Ishizuka, Daisuke Mori, Itaru Kushima, Tomoko Oya-Ito, Yukako Nakamura, Akira Yoshimi, Norio Ozaki Dept. Psychiatry, Nagoya Univ. Grad. Sch. Med. S1D-13-2 精神疾患におけるミクログリアサブタイプの関与 Involvement of microglial subtypes in the pathogenesis of neuropsychiatric diseases ○澤田 誠 名古屋大・環境医研・脳機能 ○Makoto Sawada Dept. Brain Function, RIEM, Nagoya Univ. S1D-13-3 統合失調症モデル動物におけるグリアを介した神経発達・伝達の調節機構 Involvement of glial dysregulation of glutamatergic neurotransmission in development of behavioral abnormalities 3/19 (Wed)Joint Symposium ○毛利 彰宏、肥田 裕丈、野田 幸裕 名城大・薬・病態解析学 I ○Akihiro Mouri, Hirotake Hida, Yukihiro Noda Div. Clin. Sci. and Neuropsychopharm., Grad. Sch. Pharm., Meijo Univ. S1D-13-4 反復社会挫折ストレスによる情動変容における自然免疫関連分子の役割 The role of innate immune molecules in behavioral changes induced by repeated social defeat stress in mice ○北岡 志保 1、聶 翔 2、田中 昂平 2、小川 惇史 2、井本 有基 3、瀬木−西田 恵里 4 1 神戸大・医・薬理、2 京大・医・メディカルイノベーションセンター、3 京大・薬・生体情報制御、4 京大・薬・ システム創薬科学 ○Shiho Kitaoka1, Xiang Nie2, Kohei Tanaka2, Atsubumi Ogawa2, Yuki Imoto3, Eri Segi-Nishida4 1 Div. Pharmacol., Kobe Univ. Grad. Sch. Med., 2Medical Innovation Center, Kyoto Univ. Grad. Sch. Med., Dept. Physiological Chemistry, Kyoto Univ. Grad. Sch. Pharmaceut. Sci., 4Dept. Systems Biosci. for Drug Discovery, Kyoto Univ. Grad. Sch. Pharmaceut. Sci. 3 Outline of Symposium Glial cells were previously regarded as passive support cells for neurons. Recent findings have shown roles of glial cells in development and high-order functions of the brain, and have led to postulate involvement of glial cells in the onset and pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders. In this symposium, we highlight recent basic and clinical researches regarding alterations and functions of glial cells in psychiatric disorders and their cellular and animal models, and discuss implications of these findings for pharmaceutical development in psychiatric disorders. 96 シンポジウム 14 Symposium 14 3/18 (Wed) Room E 16:10 ∼ 17:40 ライフサイクルストレスイベントに基づいた神経精神薬理学の新展開 New neuropsychopharmacology focused on stressful life events 吾郷 由希夫(大阪大学大学院薬学研究科 薬物治療学分野) Yukio Ago(Lab. Med. Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Osaka Univ.) 宮川 和也(国際医療福祉大学 薬学部 薬理学分野) Kazuya Miyagawa(Dept. Pharmacol., Sch. Pharm., Int. Univ. Health and Welfare) S1E-14-1 ○宮川 和也、辻 稔、武田 弘志 国際医療福祉大・薬・薬理 ○Kazuya Miyagawa, Minoru Tsuji, Hiroshi Takeda Dept. Pharmacol., Sch. Pharm., Int. Univ. Health and Welfare S1E-14-2 幼若期隔離飼育による異常行動と背側縫線核 GABAB 受容体のエピジェネ ティクス制御 Epigenetic regulation of the GABAB receptor in the dorsal raphe nucleus associates with post-weaning social isolation-induced abnormal behaviors ○荒木 良太、矢部 武士 摂南大・薬・複合薬物解析 ○Ryota Araki, Takeshi Yabe 3/19 (Thu)Mini Symposium 胎生期ストレス刺激が惹起するストレス脆弱性と脳内セロトニン神経機能 異常 Prenatal stress induces vulnerability to stress together with the disruption of central serotonin neurons in mice 3/18(Wed)Symposia S1E-14 Lab. of Funct. Biomol. Chem. Pharmacol., Fac. of Pharmaceut. Sci., Setsunan Univ. 痛みストレスによるエピジェネティクス異常応答 Epigenetic abnormal response caused by chronic pain stress ○池上 大悟 1、成田 年 1,2 1 星薬大・薬理、2 先端生命科学研究センター (L-StaR) ○Daigo Ikegami1, Minoru Narita1,2 1 Dept. of Pharmacol., Hoshi Univ. Sch. of Pharm., 2Life Science Tokyo Advanced Research Center (L-StaR) S1E-14-4 雌選択性試験:マウス間相互作用を基盤とした新規意欲評価系 Female preference test: A novel behavioral assessment of motivation in mice ○吾郷 由希夫 1、長谷部 茂 1、西山 早紀 1、岡 智史 1、尾中 勇祐 1、田熊 一敞 1,2、松田 敏夫 1,3 1 大阪大院・薬・薬物治療、2 大阪大院・歯・薬理、3 大阪大院・5 大学連合小児発達 ○Yukio Ago1, Shigeru Hasebe1, Saki Nishiyama1, Satoshi Oka1, Yusuke Onaka1, Kazuhiro Takuma1,2, Toshio Matsuda1,3 3/19 (Wed)JPS Symposium S1E-14-3 1 Lab. Med. Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Osaka Univ., 2Dept. Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. Dent., Osaka Univ., 3United Grad. Sch. Child Dev., Osaka Univ. Kanazawa Univ. Hamamatsu Univ. Sch. Med. Chiba Univ. & Univ. Fukui Outline of Symposium Stress and environmental factors play a crucial role in the neuropsychological development, coping and adaptation to stress as well as the etiology of psychiatric disorders. This symposium aims to discuss how stress exposure at different life stages can impact upon mental health and risk for developing psychiatric illness. There will be a special focus on how reprogramming of the stress response as a result of prenatal factors during pregnancy, life experiences and aging impacts susceptibility to psychiatric disorders. All our young scientists will give original ideas and novel behavioral assessment of mouse models. 97 シンポジウム 15 Symposium 15 3/18(Wed)Symposia S1F-15 3/18 (Wed) Room F 16:10 ∼ 17:40 敗血症性多臓器不全に対する創薬基盤形成 Drug discovery against septic multiple organ failure 松田 直之(名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科 救急・集中治療医学分野) Naoyuki Matsuda(Dept. Emergency & Crit. Care., Nagoya Univ. Sch. Med.) 服部 裕一(富山大学大学院医学薬学研究部 分子医科薬理学講座) Yuichi Hattori(Dept. Molecular and Medical Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. Med. and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Univ. of Toyama) S1F-15-1 敗血症性多臓器不全の病態と創薬に向けて New drug discovery for surviving sepsis from multiple organ failure ○松田 直之 3/19 (Thu)Mini Symposium 名古屋大・医・救急・集中治療 ○Naoyuki Matsuda Dept. Emergency & Crit. Care., Nagoya Univ. Sch. Med. S1F-15-2 ATP /アデノシンバランスからみた敗血症 Plasma ATP and adenosine balance regulates immune response in sepsis ○角 由佳、末吉 孝一郎、井上 貴昭、岡本 健、田中 裕 順天堂大学附属浦安病院 救急診療科 ○Yuka Sumi, Koichirou Sueyoshi, Yoshiaki Inoue, Ken Okamoto, Hiroshi Tanaka Dept. Emergency and Critical Care Med., Juntendo Univ. Urayasu Hosp. S1F-15-3 ペア型受容体 LMIR/CD300 による敗血症の制御機構 The molecular mechanisms by which LMIR3/CD300 finhibits bacterial sepsis ○北浦 次郎 1,2、北村 俊雄 2、奥村 康 1、伊沢 久未 1,2 3/19 (Wed)Joint Symposium 1 順天堂大・医・アトピー疾患、2 東大医科研・細胞療法 ○Jiro Kitaura1,2, Toshio Kitamura2, Ko Okumura1, Kumi Izawa1,2 1 Atopy Research Center, Juntendo Univ. Sch. Med., 2Dept. Cellular Therapy, Inst. Med. Sci., Tokyo Univ. S1F-15-4 ヒト抗菌(生体防御)ペプチド LL-37 によるマクロファージピロトーシ スと敗血症の制御 Potential effects of human antimicrobial peptide LL-37 on macrophage pyroptosis and sepsis ○長岡 功 1、胡 忠双 1、鈴木 香 1、田村 弘志 2 1 順天堂大・医・生化学・生体防御学、2LPS コンサルティング事務所 ○Isao Nagaoka1, Zhongshuang Hu1, Kaori Suzuki1, Hiroshi Tamura2 1 Host Defense & Biochem. Res., Juntendo Univ. Sch. Med., 2LPS Consulting Office Outline of Symposium Sepsis is a complex disorder arising from the dysregulation of a systemic inflammatory response to infecting microorganisms such as bacteria. Its progression leads to septic shock and sequential multiple organ failure, which correlate with poor outcome. Despite advances in supportive care, sepsis is still the leading cause of mortality in critically ill patients. A major contributing factor to the high morbidity and mortality of septic shock and multiple organ failure is the lack of the pharmacologic treatment which has been proven to be effective. Here we will provide novel experimental approaches to therapeutics of this life-threatening syndrome based on drug discovery and explore possible practical use of these therapeutic strategies from a clinical point of view. 98 S2A-16 3/19 (Thu) Room A 9:00 ∼ 11:00 GPCR の構造と機能 Structure and function of GPCR 黒瀬 等(九州大学大学院薬学研究院 薬効安全性学) Hitoshi Kurose(Dept. Pharmacol. and Toxicol., Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Kyushu Univ.) Brian K. Kobilka(Dept. Mole. & Cell. Physiol, Stanford Univ.) S2A-16-1 Structural insights into the dynamic process of G protein coupled receptor signaling ○Brian K. Kobilka 3/19(Wed)JPS Symposia シンポジウム 16 Symposium 16 Dept. Mole. & Cell. Physiol, Stanford Univ. S2A-16-2 ○Sébastien Granier INSERM S2A-16-3 脂肪酸受容体 GPR120/FFAR4 のバイアスドシグナルと生理機能 Biased signaling and physiological role of free fatty acid receptor GPR120/FFAR4 ○平澤 明 1,2、原 貴史 1、飯田 桂子 1 1 京大・院・薬・薬理ゲノミクス・ゲノム創薬、2 東京女子医科大・統合医療科学研究所 ○Akira Hirasawa1,2, Takafumi Hara1, Keiko Iida1 1 Dept. Genomic Drug Discovery Science, Grad. Sch. Pharmaceu. Sci, Kyoto Univ., 2Insti. for Integrated Med. Sci., Tokyo Women's Medical Univ. 3/19 (Thu)Symposia Towards a mechanistic understanding of opioid receptors activation by liquid-state NMR spectroscopy S2A-16-4 ○黒瀬 等 九大・院・薬効安全性 ○Hitoshi Kurose Dept. Pharmacol. and Toxicol., Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Kyushu Univ. 3/19(Wed)JPS Symposium βアレスチンを介したバイアス型シグナリング β-arrestin-mediated biased signaling Outline of Symposium The crystal structures of various G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) such as β2-adrenergic receptor have been resolved by several groups. Then, structures of complex with G protein as well as agonist-bound state using β2-adrenergic receptor were also determined. Structural analysis clearly showed that GPCRs can form various states/structures. In addition to structural analysis, a new signaling pathway of GPCR through β-arrestins has been appreciated. In this symposium, we will introduce recent progress of structures of GPCRs and β-arrestin-mediated signaling. 99 3/19(Wed)Special Symposium シンポジウム 17 Symposium 17 S2B-17 3/19 (Thu) Room B 9:00 ∼ 10:30 時間薬理学 ∼その現状と未来∼ Chronopharmacology - Present and Future 柴田 重信(早稲田大学 先進理工学部 電気・情報生命工学科 薬理学研究室) Shigenobu Shibata(Lab. Physiol. Pharmacol. Sch. Sci. Eng. Waseda Univ.) S2B-17-1 個体レベルのシステム生物学の実現に向けて Towards organisms-level systems and synthetic biology ○上田 泰己 1,2 1 東大・院・医・システムズ薬理、2 理化学研究所・生命システム研究センター・合成生物学研究グループ ○Hiroki R. Ueda1,2 1 Dept. Systems Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. Med., The Univ. of Tokyo, 2RIKEN QBiC 3/19 (Thu)Symposia S2B-17-2 時間薬理学と癌治療 Chronopharmacology of antitumor drugs focused on biological clock ○大戸 茂弘 九州大・院・薬・薬剤 ○Shigehiro Ohdo Dept. Pharmaceutics, Grad. of Pharm. Sci., Kyushu Univ. S2B-17-3 時間薬理学と代謝疾患 Chrono-pharmacology and chrono-nutrition on metabolic syndrome ○柴田 重信 早稲田大・理工・生理・薬理 ○Shigenobu Shibata 3/19 (Wed)Joint Symposium Lab. Physiol. Pharmacol. Sch. Sci. Eng., Waseda Univ. Outline of Symposium After discovery of many clock genes such as Clock and Per1, genetic and molecular approaches have been applied for understanding of clock systems such as oscillation, entrainment and outputs, and now chronobiology becomes one of important science in the health sciences fields. As for application study of chronobiology, new idea study so-called chronopharmacology (interaction between clock system and pharmacology) is used in medication of clinical field. In this symposium, we asked the molecular bases of chronopharmacology, the approach of chronopharmacology to cancer, and chrono-pharmacology and chrono-nutrition to metabolic disease. 100 S2D-18 3/19 (Thu) Room D 9:00 ∼ 10:30 RNA とエピジェネティクス研究の最前線と疾患治療・創薬の可能性 Innovative developments in RNA and epigenetics research towards disease treatment and drug discovery 杉浦 麗子(近畿大学薬学部 分子医療・ゲノム創薬学研究室) Reiko Sugiura(Lab. Mol. Pharmacogenom. Sc. Pharmaceutical Sci.) Dieter Wolf(Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute) S2D-18-1 細胞増殖シグナル制御拠点としての RNA 顆粒の役割 RNA granules: A signaling hub and a possible therapeutic target 3/19(Wed)JPS Symposia シンポジウム 18 Symposium 18 ○杉浦 麗子 近畿大・院・薬・分子医療・ゲノム創薬学 ○Reiko Sugiura S2D-18-2 神経特異的 RNA 結合タンパク質 HuD による翻訳ネットワーク制御機構 Neural specific RNA-binding protein HuD grasps the translation regulatory networks ○藤原 俊伸 名古屋市大・院薬・衛生 ○Toshinobu Fujiwara Grad. Sch. Pharmaceut. Sci., Nagoya City Univ. S2D-18-3 mRNA 分解による免疫制御 mRNA degradation in the control of immunity 3/19 (Thu)Symposia Lab. Mol. Pharmacogenom. Sc. Pharmaceutical Sci. ○竹内 理 1,2 1 1 Inst. Virus Res., Kyoto Univ., 2CREST, JST S2D-18-4 エピゲノム可塑性を標的としたがん治療 Targeting epigenetic plasticity as novel strategy for cancer treatment ○近藤 豊 名古屋市大・医・遺伝子制御 ○Yutaka Kondo Dept. Epigenomics, Nagoya City Univ. 3/19(Wed)JPS Symposium 京大・ウイルス研・感染防御、2CREST, 科学技術振興機構 ○Osamu Takeuchi1,2 Outline of Symposium RNA and epigenetics have attracted intense research interest because of their critical involvement in the pathogenesis of various devastating diseases, such as malignant tumors, neurodegenerative disorders and inflammation. This symposium will gather scientists and clinicians for a review and discussion of the latest research findings and evolving ideas regarding the molecular regulatory mechanisms of RNA and epigenetics in relation to various diseases, and their potential applications to novel therapeutic strategies for disease treatment and drug discovery. 101 3/19(Wed)Special Symposium シンポジウム 19 Symposium 19 S2E-19 3/19 (Thu) Room E 9:00 ∼ 10:30 ケミカルバイオロジーによる難病治療薬開発の最前線 Forefront of new drug development for incurable diseases by chemical biology 萩原 正敏(京都大学大学院医学研究科 生体構造医学講座 形態形成機構学教室) Masatoshi Hagiwara(Anatomy and Developmental Biology, Kyoto Univ. Grad. Sch. Med.) 栗原 崇(鹿児島大学大学院 医歯学総合研究科 生体情報薬理学分野) Takashi Kurihara(Dept. Pharmacol., Kagoshima University Grad. Sch. Med. and Dental Sciences) S2E-19-1 創薬オープンイノベーションネットワークとアカデミア創薬 Open innovation network for drug development and drug discovery in academia ○一條 秀憲 東大院薬・細胞情報 ○Hidenori Ichijo 3/19 (Thu)Symposia Lab. Cell Signaling, Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Univ. of Tokyo S2E-19-2 極めて強力な抗 HIV-1 活性を有し、耐性発現に抵抗する新規の逆転写酵素 阻害剤 4 -Ethynyl-2-fluoro-2 -deoxyadenosine (EFdA) の開発 4’-Ethynyl-2-fluoro-2’-deoxyadenosine (EFdA), a translocation defective nucleoside Reverse transcriptase inhibitor, has high genetic barrier, persistently exerting potent activity against HIV-1 isolates including EFdA-selected HIV-1 variants ○満屋 裕明 1,2 1 熊本大・医・血液内科・膠原病内科・感染免疫診療部、2(独)国立国際医療研究センター、臨床研究センター ○Hiroaki Mitsuya1,2 1 Depts. Hematol., Rheumatol. Clin. Immunol., & Infect. Dis., 2Natl. Center for Global Health & Med., Center for Clin. Sci. 3/19 (Wed)Joint Symposium S2E-19-3 卓越した基礎研究から迅速な臨床試験まで:京都大学におけるワンストッ プ創薬の試み Drug discovery and development in academia – How to maximize the serendipity ○萩原 正敏 京都大・院・医・形態形成機構学 ○Masatoshi Hagiwara Dept. Anatomy and Develop. Biol., Grad. Sch. Med., Kyoto Univ. Outline of Symposium Although new therapeutics with macro molecules such as antibodies have been spotlighted recently, drug development with small molecules is still important, and rather realistic approach to deliver new medicines to patients suffering from intractable diseases at affordable prices. The drug discovery research is now one of the most competitive research fields involving industry-government-academia research groups in the world. In Japan, supporting system for drug development in academic organizations has been reorganized. The current status and future directions to facilitate drug development in academic organizations will be discussed in the present symposium. 102 S2F-20 3/19 (Thu) Room F 9:00 ∼ 10:30 性機能障害および下部尿路機能症状の治療における今後の展望 Future of PDE-5 inhibitor as therapy for sexual dysfunction and lower urinary tract symptoms 木村 和哲(名古屋市立大学大学院医学研究科 臨床薬剤学分野) Kazunori Kimura(Grad. Schl. Pharm. Sci., Nagoya City Univ.) S2F-20-1 虚血に伴う勃起障害に対する新規アプローチ A novel approach for ischemia-induced erectile dysfunction ○堀田 祐志 1、木村 和哲 1,2,3 1 3/19(Wed)JPS Symposia シンポジウム 20 Symposium 20 名古屋市大・院薬・病院薬剤、2 名古屋市大・院医・臨床薬剤、3 名古屋市大病院・薬剤部 ○Yuji Hotta1, Kazunori Kimura1,2,3 S2F-20-2 PDE5 阻害薬の乏精子症・無精子症患者に対する効果 The effect of PDE5 inhibitors on testicular dysfunction in oligoasthenospermic and azoospermic men ○齊藤 源顕 1、ディミトリアディス フォティオス 2、ニコラオス ソフィキティス 3 1 高知大・医・薬理、2 アリストロ大・医・泌尿器、3 イオアニア大・医・泌尿器 ○Motoaki Saito1, Fotios Dimitriadis2, Sofikitis Nikolaos3 1 Dept. Pharmacol. Kochi Medical Sch. Kochi Univ., 2B Urologic Depart. Papageorgiou General Hospital, Aristotle Univ. Sch. Med., 3Dept. Urology, Sch. Med. Univ. Ioannina 3/19 (Thu)Symposia 1 Dept. Hosp. Pharm., Grad. Schl. Pharm. Sci., Nagoya City Univ., 2Dept. Clin. Pharm. & Ther., Grad. Schl. Medical Sciences., Nagoya City Univ., 3Dept. Pharm., Nagoya City Univ. Hosp. S2F-20-3 ○松本 成史、柿崎 秀宏 旭川医科大・医・腎泌尿器外科 ○Seiji Matsumoto, Hidehiro Kakizaki Dept. Renal and Urologic Surgery, Asahikawa Med. Univ. S2F-20-4 性機能障害、下部尿路機能障害における PDE-5i の今後の展望 The future of Men’s health with PDE5-inhibitors ○久末 伸一 順天堂大・医・泌尿 ○Shin-ichi Hisasue Dept. Urol., Juntendo Univ. 3/19(Wed)JPS Symposium 前立腺肥大症 / 下部尿路機能障害に対する PDE5 阻害剤の効果 Effect of phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors on lower urinary tract symptoms in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia Outline of Symposium Phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5) inhibitors prevent degradation of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) and enhance nitric oxide (NO)/cGMP signaling. PDE-5 inhibitors have been used for erectile dysfunction and pulmonary hypertension. In addition, tadalafil, a PDE-5 inhibitor, was recently used for lower urinary tract symptoms in benign prostatic hyperplasia. In this symposium, we would like to discuss the various effects of PDE-5 inhibitors on sexual dysfunction and lower urinary tract symptoms, along with basic and clinical study findings. 103 3/19(Wed)Special Symposium シンポジウム 21 Symposium 21 S2B-21 3/19 (Thu) Room B 10:30 ∼ 12:00 精神 ・ 神経行動を司るエピジェネティクスの新潮流 A new era of epigenetics in psychiatric and neurological behaviors 植田 弘師(長崎大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科 創薬薬理学研究室) Hiroshi Ueda(Dept. Pharmacol. Ther. Innov., Nagasaki Univ. Grad. Sch. of Biomed. Sci.) S2B-21-1 慢性疼痛とエピジェネティクス Neuroepigenetics in chronic pain ○内田 仁司、植田 弘師 長崎大院・医歯薬学・創薬薬理学 ○Hitoshi Uchida, Hiroshi Ueda Dept. Pharmacol. Ther. Innov., Nagasaki Univ. Grad. Sch. of Biomed. Sci. 3/19 (Thu)Symposia S2B-21-2 自閉症とエピジェネティクス Autism and epigenetics ○内匠 透 理研・BSI ○Toru Takumi RIKEN BSI S2B-21-3 環境要因によるエピジェネティク調節を介した精神疾患表現型におよぼす 影響 Influences of environmental factors on phenotypes of psychiatric diseases through epigenetic modulation ○鍋島 俊隆 1,2 3/19 (Wed)Joint Symposium 1 名城大・薬・地域医療、2NPO 法人 医薬品適正使用推進機構 ○Toshitaka Nabeshima1,2 1 Dept. Regional. Pharmac. Care Sci., Fac. Pharm., Meijo Univ., 2Jap. Drug Org. Approp. Use Res. S2B-21-4 摂食行動とエピジェネティクス Dnmt3a in Sim1 neurons is necessary for normal energy homeostasis ○河野 大輔 群馬大・先端ユニット ○Daisuke Kohno ASRLD Unit, Gunma Univ. Outline of Symposium Epigenetic gene regulation via DNA methylation and histone modifications plays a pivotal role in the determination of cellular fates during development. Importantly, emerging evidence has shown that diverse internal and external stimuli affect epigenetic modifications not only to alter behavioral phenotypes but also to generate and/ or maintain a wide variety of diseases. In this symposium, the recent findings regarding the involvement of epigenetic mechanisms in the psychiatric and neurological disorders will be presented. 104 S2D-22 3/19 (Thu) Room D 10:30 ∼ 12:00 生体機能の多階層的理解と創薬研究への応用 Multi-level systems biology and its application to drug development 倉智 嘉久(大阪大学大学院医学系研究科 分子細胞薬理学) Yoshihisa Kurachi(Div. Mol. and Cellular Pharmacol., Dept. Pharmacol, Grad. Sch. Med., Osaka Univ.) 山下 富義(京都大学大学院薬学研究科 薬品動態制御学) Fumiyoshi Yamashita(Dept. Drug Delivery Res., Kyoto Univ. Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci.) S2D-22-1 蛍光相互相関分光法を用いた生細胞内解離定数の定量 Live-cell measurements of dissociation constants of signaling molecule complexes by fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy 3/19(Wed)JPS Symposia シンポジウム 22 Symposium 22 ○青木 一洋 京大・医・生命動態 Grad. Sch. Med., Kyoto Univ. S2D-22-2 内耳の多階層イオン輸送モデルによる耳毒性の発症機序の統合的理解 Theoretical prediction of ototoxic mechanism in spiral ligament by multi-level simulation with ion transports in the cochlea ○任 書晃 1、吉田 崇正 3、村上 慎吾 2、緒方 元気 1、倉智 嘉久 2、日比野 浩 1 1 新潟大・医・分子生理、2 大阪大・院・医・分子・細胞薬理学、3 九大・院・医・耳鼻咽喉科学 ○Fumiaki Nin1, Takamasa Yoshida3, Shingo Murakami2, Genki Ogata1, Yoshihisa Kurachi2, Hiroshi Hibino1 1 Dept. Mol. Physiol., Niigata Univ. Sch. Med., 2Div. Mol. Cell Pharmacol., Dept. Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. Med., Osaka Univ., 3Dept. Otolaryngol., Grad. Sch. Med., Kyushu Univ. 3/19 (Thu)Symposia ○Kazuhiro Aoki S2D-22-3 無機リン酸イオン調節の多階層的制御機序解析 Regulation of Inorganic phosphate homeosutasis; analysis of crosstalk between kidney and other organs 徳島大院・HBS 研究部・分子栄養学分野 ○Sawako Tatsumi, Ken-ichi Miyamoto Dept. Molecular Nutrition., Inst. of Health Biosci., The Univ. of Tokushima Grad. Sch. S2D-22-4 細胞内シグナルネットワークを考慮したシステム薬理学的心毒性予測 Systems pharmacological prediction of cardiotoxicity based on intracellular signaling network ○苅谷 嘉顕 1、本間 雅 2、鈴木 洋史 1 1 東大・病院・薬剤、2 東大・病院・薬理動態 ○Yoshiaki Kariya1, Masashi Honma2, Hiroshi Suzuki1 1 Dept. of Pharm., Univ. of Tokyo Hosp., 2Pharcol. and Pharmacokinet., Univ. of Tokyo Hosp. S2D-22-5 薬物動態学的相互作用の予測を目指した多階層生体モデリング Multi-layer hierarchical physiology-based modeling for the prediction of pharmacokinetic drug-drug interactions 3/19(Wed)JPS Symposium ○辰巳 佐和子、宮本 賢一 ○山下 富義 京大・薬・薬品動態制御学 ○Fumiyoshi Yamashita Dept. Drug Delivery Res., Kyoto Univ. Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci. Outline of Symposium The scientific research on innovative area “HD physiology” has been promoting the creation of a new discipline that aims to understand how the biological functions emerge from the hierarchical structure of life. This symposium will give talks on the analysis of molecular behaviors at the cell-level and individual level by members representing wet researchers in HD physiology, in addition to the system pharmacological studies toward the drug discovery. 105 3/19(Wed)Special Symposium シンポジウム 23 Symposium 23 S2F-23 3/19 (Thu) Room F 10:30 ∼ 12:00 ケラチノサイトを標的としたアトピー性皮膚炎に対する新たな治療戦略 Novel therapeutic strategies for atopic dermatitis by targeting keratinocytes 稲垣 直樹(岐阜薬科大学 機能分子学大講座 薬理学研究室) Naoki Inagaki(Dept. Pharmacol., Gifu Pharm. Univ.) 藤井 正徳(京都薬科大学病態薬科学系 薬理学分野) Masanori Fujii(Dept. Pharmacol., Kyoto Pharm. Univ.) S2F-23-1 表皮ケラチノサイトと痒み関連脂質メディエーター Epidermal keratinocytes and itch-related lipid mediator ○安東 嗣修 富山大院・医薬・応用薬理 ○Tsugunobu Andoh 3/19 (Thu)Symposia Dept. Applied Pharmacol., Sch. Med. Pharm. Sci., Univ. Toyama S2F-23-2 ヘアレスマウスを用いたアトピー性皮膚炎モデルの開発とその病態メカニ ズムの解析 Development of mouse model for atopic dermatitis using hairless mice and analysis of pathogenic mechanisms ○藤井 正徳 京都薬大・薬理 ○Masanori Fujii Dept. Pharmacol., Kyoto Pharm. Univ. S2F-23-3 3/19 (Wed)Joint Symposium 新規 JAK 阻害薬によるバリア機能回復作用を介したアトピー性皮膚炎の 治療戦略 Novel therapeutic strategy to control atopic dermatitis using a newly generated JAK inhibitor JTE-052 via promoting skin barrier functions ○椛島 健治 京都大・医・皮膚 ○Kenji Kabashima Dept. Dermatol., Kyoto Univ. Grad. Sch. Med. S2F-23-4 マトリセルラータンパク質ペリオスチンを標的としたアトピー性皮膚炎の 治療戦略 A therapeutic strategy for atopic dermatitis targeting a matricellular protein, periostin ○出原 賢治 1、有馬 和彦 1、太田 昭一郎 2、小川 雅弘 1 1 佐賀大・医・分子生命科学・分子医化学、2 佐賀大・医・臨床検査医学 ○Kenji Izuhara1, Kazuhiko Arima1, Shoichiro Ohta2, Masahiro Ogawa1 1 Div. Med. Biochemi., Dept. Biomolecular Sci., Saga Med. Sch., 2Dept. Lab. Med., Saga Med. Sch. Outline of Symposium Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a multifactorial chronic skin disease characterized by skin barrier defect, immune abnormalities and itch. Current treatments for AD are limited to symptomatic therapies. Epidermal keratinocytes (KCs) play a critical role in skin homeostasis. Recent studies have revealed that a reduction of filaggrin (epidermis-specific protein), KC-derived cytokines and lipid mediators, and interplay between KCs and inflammatory cells, contribute to initiation and progression of AD. In this symposium, novel therapeutic strategies for AD especially by targeting KCs will be discussed. 106 S2D-24 3/19 (Thu) Room D 16:40 ∼ 18:10 ROS/Gasotransmitter を介するシグナリングと病態 ROS/Gasotransmitter-mediated signaling and disease 矢部 千尋(京都府立医科大学大学院医学研究科 病態分子薬理学) Chihiro Yabe(Dept. Pharmacol., Kyoto Pref. Univ. Med.) 加藤 伸一(京都薬科大学病態薬科学系 薬物治療学分野) Shinichi Kato(Div. Pathol. Sci., Dept. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., Kyoto Pharm. Univ.) S2D-24-1 心血管系疾患における NOX1/NADPH オキシダーゼの役割 Differential roles of NOX1/NADPH oxidase-derived ROS in cardiovascular disease 3/19(Wed)JPS Symposia シンポジウム 24 Symposium 24 ○岩田 和実、松野 邦晴、矢部 千尋 京都府医大院・医・病態分子薬理 ○Kazumi Iwata, Kuniharu Matsuno, Chihiro Yabe-Nishimura S2D-24-2 炎症性腸疾患の病態における NADPH oxdase 1 (NOX1) の役割 NADPH oxidase 1 (NOX1)-derived reactive oxygen species mediates colonic inflammation ○加藤 伸一 1、横田 遥 1、今井 梓嵯 1、續木 彩香 1、島田 裕規 1、天ヶ瀬 紀久子 1、岩田 和実 2、 矢部 千尋 2 1 京都薬大・病態薬科・薬物治療、2 京都府医大院・医・病態分子薬理 ○Shinichi Kato1, Haruka Yokota1, Azusa Imai1, Ayaka Tsuzuki1, Yuki Shimada1, Kikuko Amagase1, Kazumi Iwata2, Chihiro Yabe2 3/19 (Thu)Symposia Dept. Pharmacol., Kyoto Pref. Univ. Med. 1 Div. Pathol. Sci., Dept. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., Kyoto Pharm. Univ., 2Dept. Pharmacol., Kyoto Pref. Univ. Med. 硫化水素とポリサルファイドの生理機能 Physiological roles of hydrogen sulfide and polysulfides ○木村 英雄 (独)国立精神・神経医療研究センター・神経研究所・神経薬理 ○Hideo Kimura Dept. Mol. Pharmacol. Natl. Inst. Neurosci. NCNP S2D-24-4 ミクログリアの細胞機能における活性酸素シグナリング Reactive oxygen species signaling in the regulation of microglial function ○白川 久志 1、中川 貴之 1,2、金子 周司 1 1 京都大院・薬・生体機能解析、2 京大病院・薬剤部 ○Hisashi Shirakawa1, Takayuki Nakagawa1,2, Shuji Kaneko1 1 Dept. Mol. Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Kyoto Univ., 2Dept. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther., Kyoto Univ. Hosp. 3/19(Wed)JPS Symposium S2D-24-3 Outline of Symposium Reactive oxygen species(ROS)and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) have been recognized as toxic by-products of metabolism that perturb cellular homeostasis. Recent studies, however, demonstrated that they are also essential second messengers in a wide range of cellular processes. In this symposium, novel findings on ROS and a gasotransmitter H2S in distinct pathophysiological settings are presented. Identification of the source and molecular targets of ROS/H2S may aid in the development of new treatment strategy for innate and acquired disorders. 107 3/19(Wed)Special Symposium シンポジウム 25 Symposium 25 S2F-25 3/19 (Thu) Room F 16:40 ∼ 18:10 閉塞性動脈硬化症の治療に関する最近の進歩 Recent development of treatment for peripheral artery disease 伊藤 猛雄(名古屋市立大学大学院医学研究科 薬理学分野) Takeo Itoh(Dept. Pharmacol., Nagoya City Univ. Grad. Sch. Med. Sci.) 古森 公浩(名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科 血管外科) Kimihiro Komori(Div. Vascular Surgery, Dept. Surgery, Nagoya Univ. Grad. Sch. Med.) S2F-25-1 末梢動脈閉塞症に対する治療の現状 Current status of the treatment in the patients with peripheral arterial disease ○古森 公浩 名古屋大・院医・血管外科 ○Kimihiro Komori 3/19 (Thu)Symposia Div. Vascular Surgery, Dept. Surgery, Nagoya Univ. Grad. Sch. Med. S2F-25-2 静脈グラフトと内皮機能 Vein graft and endothelium function ○伊藤 猛雄 1、梶栗 潤子 1、古森 公浩 2 1 名古屋市大・院医・薬理、2 名古屋大・院医・血管外科 ○Takeo Itoh1, Junko Kajikuri1, Kimihiro Komori2 1 Dept. Pharmacol., Nagoya City Univ. Grad. Sch. Med. Sci., 2Dept. Vasc. Surg., Nagoya Univ Grad. Sch. Med. S2F-25-3 血管再生療法のトランスレーショナル・リサーチ Translational research in cardiovascular medicine: Vascular regeneration therapy ○室原 豊明 3/19 (Wed)Joint Symposium 名古屋大・院医・循環器内科 ○Toyoaki Murohara Dept. Cardiol., Nagoya Univ. Grad. Sch. Med. S2F-25-4 虚血肢治療用 RNA 遺伝子治療製剤 DVC1-0101 の開発 R&D of DVC1-0101 as a new class of RNA gene medicine to treat peripheral arterial disease ○米満 吉和 1、松本 拓也 2、前原 喜彦 2 1 九大・薬・バイオ、2 九大・医・消化器総合外科 ○Yoshikazu Yonemitsu1, Takuya Matsumoto2, Yoshihiko Maehara2 1 R&D Lab. Innov. Biothera., Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Kyushu Univ., 2Dep. Surg. Sci., Grad. Sch. Med. Sci., Kyushu Univ. Outline of Symposium Surgical revascularization using autologous vein is the most commonly used option for treatment of peripheral arterial disease. Such venous implants are lead to intimal hyperplasia and subsequently accelerate atherogenesis, being responsible for vein graft failure. Various treatments have been so far examined to reduce neointimal hyperplasia; however, a standard clinical treatment has not yet been established. Here, we discuss the recent development of the ways to inhibit neointimal hyperplasia in treatment for peripheral artery disease. 108 S3B-26 3/20 (Fri) Room B 9:00 ∼ 10:30 細胞内シグナル情報伝達から読み解く高次脳機能の原理と破綻 Principle and breakdown of higher brain function by decoding intracellular signaling 貝淵 弘三(名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科 神経情報薬理) Kozo Kaibuchi(Dept. Cell Pharmacol., Nagoya Univ. Grad. Sch. Med.) 齋藤 尚亮(神戸大学 バイオシグナル研究センター 分子薬理分野) Naoaki Saito(Lab. Mol. Phamacol., Biosignal Res. Ctr., Kobe Univ.) S3B-26-1 細胞内生化学反応イメージングと光操作で探るシナプス可塑性機構 Imaging and controlling the biochemical reactions in synapses 3/19(Wed)JPS Symposia シンポジウム 26 Symposium 26 ○村越 秀治 1,2 1 生理学研究所、2JST さきがけ 1 NIPS, 2JST PREST S3B-26-2 リン酸化プロテオミクスによるモノアミンシグナルの解明 Comprehensive analysis of phospho-signaling pathways downstream of monoamine neurotransmitters ○天野 睦紀、西岡 朋生、中牟田 信一、ショハグ ハサヌッザマン、貝淵 弘三 名古屋大・医・神経情報薬理 ○Mutsuki Amano, Tomoki Nishioka, Shinichi Nakamuta, Md. Hasanuzzaman Shohag, Kozo Kaibuchi Dept. Cell Pharmacol., Nagoya Univ. Sch. Med. 3/20 (Fri)Mini Symposium ○Hideji Murakoshi1,2 S3B-26-3 脳内報酬系を制御する細胞内シグナル伝達 Intracellular signal transduction in the brain reward system ○永井 拓 Dept. Neuropsychopharmacol. Hosp. Pharm., Nagoya Univ. Grad. Sch. Med. S3B-26-4 リン酸化プロテオーム解析による PKCγ基質タンパク質の解析とそのパー キンソン病との関連 Phosphoproteomic analysis of PKCγ substrates in the striatum and their involvement in Parkinsonian syndrome ○齋藤 尚亮 1、白藤 俊彦 2 1 3/20 (Fri)Symposia 名古屋大院・医・医療薬学・附属病院薬剤部 ○Taku Nagai 神戸大・バイオシグナル研・分子薬理、2 広島大院・医歯薬保健・神経薬理 ○Naoaki Saito1, Toshihiko Shirafuji2 1 Lab. Mol. Phamacol., Biosignal Res. Ctr., Kobe Univ., 2Dept. Mol., Phamacol. Neurosci., Grad. Sch. Biomed. Sci., Hiroshima Univ. Outline of Symposium Higher brain functions such as expressions and memories of emotions are controlled by neural circuits, which are regulated by neurotransmitters including glutamate, GABA and monoamines. Although the roles of some intracellular signals of the neurotransmitters are becoming clear, many questions about the intracellular signals that are relevant to the higher brain functions remain largely unknown. In this symposium, we aim to discuss the information that will allow us to understand the mechanisms that control the higher brain functions, thereby clarifying the machineries that regulate the operating principles of the neural circuits and their disorders. 109 3/19(Wed)Special Symposium シンポジウム 27 Symposium 27 S3C-27 3/20 (Fri) Room C 9:00 ∼ 10:30 膜輸送体を標的とした次世代創薬研究に向けて Toward the next transport protein-targeted drug discovery 永森 收志(大阪大学大学院医学系研究科 生体システム薬理学) Shushi Nagamori(Bio-system Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. of Med., Osaka Univ.) 日比野 浩(新潟大学大学院医歯学総合研究科 分子生理学分野) Hiroshi Hibino(Dept. Mol. Physiol., Niigata Univ. Sch. Med.) S3C-27-1 がん特異的アミノ酸トランスポーター LAT1 の網羅的解析により明らかに なった LAT1 の多様な生理機能とその阻害薬による抗腫瘍効果の作用機序 Comprehensive evaluation of cancer specific amino acid transporter LAT1 reveals multiple physiological functions of LAT1 and mechanism of anti-tumor activity by LAT1 inhibitors 3/19(Thu)Mini Symposium ○永森 收志、金井 好克 大阪大院・医・生体システム薬理 ○Shushi Nagamori, Yoshikatsu Kanai Bio-system Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. of Med., Osaka Univ. S3C-27-2 ダイヤモンド電極の展開と生体計測への応用 Development on boron-doped diamond electrodes and the application for in vivo electrochemical analysis ○栄長 泰明 1,2 1 慶大・理工、2JST-CREST ○Yasuaki Einaga1,2 1 Dept. Chemistry, Keio Univ., 2JST-CREST S3C-27-3 3/20(Fri)Symposia 最先端電気化学測定技術を駆使した内耳膜輸送体の in vivo 機能解析 Pharmacological and physiological analysis of membrane transport of the inner ear by advanced electrochemical techniques ○緒方 元気 1,2、任 書晃 1,2、石井 雄也 3、浅井 開 3、吉田 崇正 1,4、栄長 泰明 3、日比野 浩 1,2 1 新潟大・医・分子生理、2 新潟大・超域学術院、3 慶応大・理工・化学科、4 九州大・医・耳鼻咽喉科 ○Genki Ogata1,2, Fumiaki Nin1,2, Yuya Ishii3, Kai Asai3, Takamasa Yoshida1,4, Yasuaki Einaga3, Hiroshi Hibino1,2 1 Dept. Mol. Physiol., Niigata Univ. Sch. Med., 2Ctr. for Transdisciplinary Res., Niigata Univ., 3Dept. Chem., Fac. Sci. and Tech., Keio Univ., 4Dept. Otolaryngol., Grad. Sch. Med., Kyushu Univ. S3C-27-4 膜輸送体を標的とした iPS 細胞由来心筋の創薬応用 An application of human iPS-derived cardiomyocytes in cardiac safety screening assay ○黒川 洵子 1、芦原 貴司 2、古川 哲史 1、諫田 泰成 3 1 東京医歯大・難治研・生体情報薬理、2 滋賀医科大・医・循環器、3 国立衛研・薬理 ○Junko Kurokawa1, Takashi Ashihara2, Tetsushi Furukawa1, Yasunari Kanda3 1 Dept. Bio-info. Pharmacol., Mde. Res. Inst., Med. & Dent. Univ., 2Dept. Cardiovasc. Med., Shiga Univ. Med. Sci., 3Div. Pharmacol., Natio. Inst. Health Sci. Outline of Symposium Membrane transport proteins such as transporters or channels selectively permeate small molecules across plasma membranes and generate chemical gradients underlying various physiological phenomena in majority of cells. Thus, these proteins are involved in activity of life and diseases. Reagents targeting particular channels or transporters are effective for depression, arrhythmia, and diabetes, but their types are still limited. In this symposium, we will introduce state-of-the-art technologies and materials to develop new drugs and discuss next generation of drug discovery focusing membrane transport system. 110 S3D-28 脳における細胞内 Ca 3/20 (Fri) Room D 9:00 ∼ 10:30 2+ ストアの制御機構と脳疾患の新たな治療戦略 Regulation of calcium store as novel therapeutic targets for brain disorders 柿澤 昌(京都大学大学院薬学研究科 生体分子認識学分野) Sho Kakizawa(Dept. Biol. Chem., Grad. Sch. Pharmaceu. Sci., Kyoto Univ.) 森口 茂樹(東北大学大学院薬学研究科 薬理学分野) Shigeki Moriguchi(Dept. Pharmacol., Tohoku Univ., Grad. Sch. Pharmaceut. Sci.) S3D-28-1 IP3 誘導カルシウム放出による GABA 作動性シナプス構造の安定化 Stabilization of GABAAR synaptic structure by IP3-induced calcium release 3/19(Wed)JPS Symposia シンポジウム 28 Symposium 28 ○坂内 博子 1,2、丹羽 史尋 2、Antoine Triller3、御子柴 克彦 2 1 名古屋大・院理・生命理学、2 理研・BSI、3 パリ高等師範学校 1 Div. Biol. Sci., Grad. Sch. Sci., Nagoya Univ., 2RIKEN BSI, 3IBENS S3D-28-2 生体内アストロサイトの微細なカルシウム活動を捉える新規イメージング 技術 New calcium imaging method for the visualization of subtle and local activity of astrocytes in intact brain ○金丸 和典 東京大・医・細胞分子薬理 ○Kazunori Kanemaru Dept. Pharmacol., Sch. Med., Tokyo Univ. 3/20 (Fri)Mini Symposium ○Hiroko Bannai1,2, Fumihiro Niwa2, Antoine Triller3, Katsuhiko Mikoshiba2 S3D-28-3 中枢神経における一酸化窒素によるカルシウム放出 Nitric oxide-induced calcium release in central neurons ○山澤 徳志子 Dept. Mol. Physiol., Jikei Univ. Sch. Med. S3D-28-4 Sigma-1 受容体賦活化によるミトコンドリア機能制御とうつ病治療法の 確立 Sigma-1 receptor stimulation improves depressive-like behaviors through regulation of mitochondrial function ○森口 茂樹、福永 浩司 3/20 (Fri)Symposia 慈恵医大・分子生理 ○Toshiko Yamazawa 東北大・院薬・薬理 ○Shigeki Moriguchi, Kohji Fukunaga Dept. Pharmacol., Tohoku Univ., Grad. Sch. Pharmaceut. Sci. Outline of Symposium Intracellular Ca2+ store system is indicated to be involved in a wide range of biological phenomena. However, regulatory mechanism and functional significance of the system have not been fully understood. In this symposium, 4 “front-runner” scientists will present their current topics on Ca2+ store system in excitable/unexcitable cells, excitatory/inhibitory synapses, and physiological/pathophysiological states in central nervous systems. Significance and diversity of the Ca2+ store in brain as well as novel therapeutic targets for brain disorder is expected to be discussed. 111 3/19(Wed)Special Symposium シンポジウム 29 Symposium 29 S3E-29 3/20 (Fri) Room E 9:00 ∼ 10:30 歯周病・糖尿病・アルツハイマー病の負のスパイラルから見えてきた新たな アルツハイマー病の治療戦略 Lessons from a downward spiral of the periodontitis and diabetes into Alzheimer’s disease (AD): Emerging roles of the senescent-type microglia in the link between low-grade systemic inflammation and AD 中西 博(九州大学大学院歯学研究院 口腔機能分子科学分野) Hiroshi Nakanishi(Dept. Aging Sci. & Pharmacol., Kyushu Univ. Faculty. Dent.) S3E-29-1 3/19(Thu)Mini Symposium 種間比較遺伝子発現プロファイリングから明らかになったミトコンドリア 機能不全を伴うアルツハイマー病脳のインスリン産生低下とインスリン シグナリング不全:久山町研究 Interspecies comparative gene expression profiling revealed impaired insulin production and insulin signaling accompanied by mitochondrial dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease brains: The Hisayama study ○中別府 雄作 1、岡 素雅子 1、レオン フリオ 1、アボルハッサニ ノナ 1、外間 政朗 1、 岩城 徹 2、清原 裕 3、康 東天 4 1 九大・生医研・脳機能制御、2 九大・院医・神経病理、3 九大・院医・環境医学、4 九大・院医・臨床検査 ○Yusaku Nakabeppu1, Sugako Oka1, Julio Leon1, Nona Abolhassani1, Masaaki Hokama1, Toru Iwaki2, Yutaka Kiyohara3, Dongchon Kang4 1 Div. Neurofunc. Genomics, Med. Inst. Bioreg., Kyushu Univ., 2Dept. Neuropathol., Grad. Sch. Med. Sci., Kyushu Univ., 3Dept. Environ. Med., Grad. Sch. Med. Sci., Kyushu Univ., 4Dept. Clin. Chem. & Lab. Med., Grad. Sch. Med. Sci., Kyushu Univ. S3E-29-2 Altered CNS microenvironment in response to low grade systemic inflammation: A role for microglia? ○J. L. Teeling, U. Püntener, S. G. Booth, V. H. Perry CNS Inflammation Group, Centre for Biological Sciences, Univ. of Southampton S3E-29-3 3/20(Fri)Symposia の感染による歯周炎は、トランスジェニック マウスモデルにおいてアルツハイマー病の病態を増悪する Periodontitis induced by Porphyromonas gingivalis infection exacerbates features of Alzheimer’s disease in transgenic mice ○松下 健二 長寿センター・口腔疾患 ○Kenji Matsushita Dept. Oral Dis. Res., NCGG S3E-29-4 歯周病菌によるアルツハイマー様脳病態の促進メカニズム Systemic porphyromonas gingivalis LPS Induces cathepsin B-dependent microglial activation and amyloid accumulation in the hippocampus ○武 洲、中西 博 九大・歯・口腔機能分子 ○Zhou Wu, Hiroshi Nakanishi Dept. Aging Sci. & Pharmacol., Kyushu Univ. Faculty. Dent. Outline of Symposium There is growing evidence that the periodontitis and diabetes are risk factors for exacerbation of AD. Low-grade systemic inflammatory signals associated with these diseases may transduce to the senescent-type microglia, which in turn provoke neuroinflammation. Furthermore, the periodontitis and diabetes are related to each other, and this relationship may lead to a vicious circle leading to progression of AD. In this symposium, current evidences supporting their possible link will be summarized and promising new treatment strategies for AD will be discussed. 112 S3F-30 3/20 (Fri) Room F 9:00 ∼ 10:30 G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) の多方面からのアッセイ法による新たな 作用機構の解明−今なお魅力的な創薬ターゲット、GPCR の新たな役割を探る− Elucidation of novel mechanism of G protein-coupled receptor action using diverse innovative methods 酒井 規雄(広島大学大学院医歯薬保健学研究院 神経薬理学) Norio Sakai(Dept. Mol. & Pharmacol. Neurosci., Hiroshima Univ. Inst. Biomed. & Health Sci.) 上園 保仁(国立がん研究センター研究所 がん患者病態生理研究分野) Yasuhito Uezono(Div. Cancer Pathophysiol., NCCRI.) S3F-30-1 神経細胞における恒常的 Gs 活性化受容体 GPR3 の機能 The multimodal functions of constitutively active Gs-coupled receptor GPR3 in neurons 3/19(Wed)JPS Symposia シンポジウム 30 Symposium 30 ○田中 茂 1、佐伯 嘉修 2、E. Antionio Chiocca3、酒井 規雄 1 1 1 Dept. Mol. & Pharmacol. Neurosci., Hiroshima Univ. Inst. Biomed. & Health Sci., 2Saeki Hosp., 3Dept. Neurosurg., Dana-Farber Cancer Inst. S3F-30-2 Cellular dielectric spectroscopy を用いた新たな G タンパク質共役型受容体活性評価 A novel assay for detecting the activation of G protein-coupled receptors using cellular dielectric spectroscopy ○宮野 加奈子 1、須藤 結香 2、横山 明信 1,2、西村 瞳 1,2、川合田 恵美 1,3、佐藤 汐莉 1,3、根本 悦子 1,3、 中島 一恵 4、竹林 実 5,6、森岡 徳光 4、白石 成二 1、樋上 賀一 2、藤井 秀明 3、仲田 義啓 4、上園 保仁 1 1 国立がん研究センター研・がん患者病態生理、2 東京理科大院・薬・分子病理代謝、3 北里大・薬・生命薬化学、4 広島大院・ 医歯薬保・薬効解析科学、5 中国がんセンター・臨床研究部・精神神経科学、6 国立病院機構呉医療センター・精神科 ○Kanako Miyano1, Yuka Sudo2, Akinobu Yokoyama1,2, Hitomi Nishimura1,2, Megumi Kawaida1,3, Shiori Sato1,3, Etsuko Nemoto1,3, Kazue Nakashima4, Minoru Takebayashi5,6, Norimitsu Morioka4, Seiji Shiraishi1, Yoshikazu Higami2, Hideaki Fujii3, Yoshihiro Nakata4, Yasuhito Uezono1 3/20 (Fri)Mini Symposium 広島大院・医歯薬保・神経薬理、2 佐伯病院、3 ダナ・ファーバー癌研 脳外 ○Shigeru Tanaka1, Yoshinaga Saeki2, Chiocca E. Antionio3, Norio Sakai1 1 Div. Cancer Pathophysiol., NCCRI., 2Dept. Mol. Pathol. Metab. Dis., Faculty of Pharmaceut. Sci., Tokyo Univ. Sci., 3Dept. Med. Chem., Sch. Pharm., Kitasato Univ., 4Dept. Pharmacol., Hiroshima Univ. Grad. Sch. Biomed. Health. Sci., 5Inst. Clin. Res., Natl. Hosp. Org. Kure Med. Ctr., 6Dept. Psychiatry, Natl. Hosp. Org. Kure Med. Ctr. 種々の GPCR 可視化テクノロジーを用いた GPCR 細胞内動態アッセイ A visual intracellular GPCR localization assay with novel fluorescent-based technology ○須藤 結香 1、横山 明信 1,2、宮野 加奈子 2、長瀬 隆弘 3、西村 瞳 1,2、白石 成二 2、上園 保仁 2、 樋上 賀一 1 1 東京理科大・薬・生命創薬・分子病理代謝、2 国立がん研究センター研・がん患者病態生理、3 かずさ DNA 研・ 産業基盤開発・遺伝子応用 ○Yuka Sudo1, Akinobu Yokoyama1,2, Kanako Miyano2, Takahiro Nagase3, Hitomi Nishimura1,2, Seiji Shiraishi2, Yasuhito Uezono2, Yoshikazu Higami1 1 Dept. Mol. Pathol. Metab. Dis., Faculty of Pharmaceut. Sci,, Tokyo Univ. Sci., 2Div. Cancer Pathophysiol., NCCRI, 3Dept. Biotechnology Res., Kazusa DNA Res Inst. 3/20 (Fri)Symposia S3F-30-3 S3F-30-4 中枢性摂食関連受容体 MCHR1 の分子解剖とその fine-tuning 機構 Signaling specificity on the melanin-concentrating hormone receptor 1 ○斎藤 祐見子 広島大・院総科・生命 ○Yumiko Saito Grad. Sch. Int Arts & Sci. Outline of Symposium G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCR), including orphan receptors, have been targets for novel therapeutic drugs. Recent discoveries in novel GPCR-mediated signal transduction and improvements in technology for analyzing GPCR functions can be applied for screening novel GPCR ligands. In addition, elucidations of constitutivelyactivated GPCR functions can open new avenue for exploiting therapeutic strategies of GPCR-related diseases. In this symposium, we plan to introduce recent and prospective development for GPCR research, including novel and useful methods for analyzing GPCR functions. 113 3/19(Wed)Special Symposium シンポジウム 31 Symposium 31 S3B-31 3/20 (Fri) Room B 10:30 ∼ 12:00 行動制御にかかわる前頭皮質機能の理解とその障害 Role of frontal cortex in behavioral control and its dysfunction 山田 清文(名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科 医療薬学) Kiyofumi Yamada(Dept Hosp. Pharm., Nagoya Univ. Grad. Sch. Med.) S3B-31-1 発達障害と前頭皮質機能異常 Developmental disorders and prefrontal cortical pathology ○田熊 一敞 1,2、吾郷 由希夫 2、尾中 勇祐 2、松田 敏夫 2,3 1 大阪大院・歯・薬理、2 大阪大院・薬・薬物治療、3 大阪大院・5大学連合小児発達 ○Kazuhiro Takuma1,2, Yukio Ago2, Yusuke Onaka2, Toshio Matsuda2,3 3/19(Thu)Mini Symposium 1 Dept. Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. Dent., Osaka Univ., 2Lab. Med. Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Osaka Univ., 3United Grad. Sch. Child Dev., Osaka Univ. Kanazawa Univ. Hamamatsu Univ. Sch. Med. Chiba Univ. & Univ. Fukui S3B-31-2 発達精神障害を引き起こす発達期の様々な要因の標的となる前頭前野の マウスモデルを使った解析 Prefrontal cortex as targets of developmental insults associated with developmental psychiatric disorders - mouse model analyses ○櫻井 武 1、上田 修平 1、丹羽 美苗 2、澤 明 2 1 京大院・医・メディカルイノベーションセ、2 ジョンスホプキンス大・医・精神科 ○Takeshi Sakurai1, Shuhei Ueda1, Minae Niwa2, Akira Sawa2 1 Med. Innova. Cr., Kyoto Univ. Grad. Med., 2Dept. Psych., John Hopkins Univ. Med. S3B-31-3 島皮質の活動は薬物依存症モデルラットの意思決定に関与する The insular neural system controls decision-making in healthy and drug-dependent rats 3/20(Fri)Symposia ○溝口 博之 1、山田 清文 2 1 名古屋大・環医研・近未来環境シミュレーションセンター、2 名古屋大院・医・医療薬学 ○Hiroyuki Mizoguchi1, Kiyofumi Yamada2 1 Fut. Environmental Sim. Center, Res. Inst. Environmental Med., Nagoya Univ., 2Dep. Neuropsychopharmacol. Hosp. Pharm., Nagoya Univ. Grad. Sch. Med. Outline of Symposium Executive function is a set of cognitive process responsible for organizing appropriate goal-directed action in an ever-changing environment, which is subserved by the prefrontal cortex. Patients with neuropsychiatric disorders have some impairments of executive function. Accordingly, systematic research on executive function will provide insights into the pathophysiology/etiology and treatment for neuropsychiatric disorders. In the symposium, 3 speakers will introduce their recent findings and discuss the mechanism and neural circuits underlying executive control of behaviors. 114 S3C-32 3/20 (Fri) Room C 10:30 ∼ 12:00 肺循環薬理学研究の最前線 Cutting-edge research in pharmacology of pulmonary circulation 平野 勝也(香川大学医学部 自律機能生理学) Katsuya Hirano(Dept. Cardiovascular Physiol., Kagawa Univ.) 山村 彩(金城学院大学 薬学部) Aya Yamamura(Kinjo Gakuin Univ. Col. Pharm.) S3C-32-1 肺動脈性肺高血圧症 Pulmonary arterial hypertension 3/19(Wed)JPS Symposia シンポジウム 32 Symposium 32 ○山村 彩 金城学院大・薬 Kinjo Gakuin Univ. Col. Pharm. S3C-32-2 Targeting PTEN/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway in pulmonary arterial hypertension Haiyang Tang1, Jiwang Chen3, Dustin R. Fraidenburg3, Joe G. N. Garcia1, Roberto F. Machado3, Ayako Makino2, ○Jason X. -J. Yuan1,3 1 Dept. Medicine, Univ. of Arizona, 2Dept. Physiol., Univ. of Arizona, 3Dept. Med., Univ. of Illinois at Chicago S3C-32-3 “Pulmonary hypertension”in diabetes? ○Ayako Makino Dept. Physiol., Univ. of Arizona 3/20 (Fri)Mini Symposium ○Aya Yamamura S3C-32-4 ○堀之内 孝広、寺田 晃士、東 恒仁、星 暁壮、サリタ カルキ、三輪 聡一 北大院・医・細胞薬理 ○Takahiro Horinouchi, Koji Terada, Tsunehito Higashi, Akimasa Hoshi, Karki Sarita, Soichi Miwa Dept. Cell. Pharmacol., Hokkaido Univ. Grad. Sch. Med. S3C-32-5 肺高血圧症の成因に関する最新知見 New insight in the pathobiology of pulmonary hypertension ○瀧原 圭子 1,2 1 大阪大・保健センター、2 大阪大・医・循環器内科学 3/20 (Fri)Symposia 肺高血圧症治療薬の最近の進歩:エンドセリンシステムからみた作用機序 Current progress in therapeutic agents for pulmonary arterial hypertension: New insights into their mechanisms of action from endothelin system ○Keiko Yamauchi-Takihara1,2 1 Health Care Center, Osaka University, 2Dept. Cardiovasc. Med., Osaka Univ. Graduate Sch. Med. Outline of Symposium Recent development of targeted drug treatment for pulmonary hypertension successfully improved the prognosis of patients with this disease. Further improvement requires more profound understanding of the core of pathogenesis and pathophysiology of pulmonary hypertension as well as pharmacology specifically relevant to pulmonary circulation. In this symposium, 5 experts, including two speakers from USA, will share their recent achievements in research on pharmacology of pulmonary circulation and discuss future perspectives of therapeutic strategies for the treatment of pulmonary hypertension. 115 3/19(Wed)Special Symposium シンポジウム 33 Symposium 33 S3D-33 3/20 (Fri) Room D 10:30 ∼ 12:00 ニコチン性アセチルコリン受容体 (nAChRs) の創薬標的としての新たな展開 New strategy as drug discovery of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) 堀 正敏(東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科 獣医薬理学研究室) Masatoshi Hori(Dept. of Vet. Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. of Agri. & Life Sci., The Univ. of Tokyo) 三澤 日出巳(慶応義塾大学薬学部・大学院薬学研究科 薬理学講座) Hidemi Misawa(Dept. Pharmacol., Fac. Pharm, Keio Univ.) S3D-33-1 神経変性疾患に対するα7nAChR を介する新たな治療法の創成 α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR)-mediated neuroprotection against the progress of neurodegenerative disorders 3/19(Thu)Mini Symposium ○下濱 俊 札幌医大・医・神経内科 ○Shun Shimohama Dept. Neurol., Sapporo Med. Univ. Sch. Med. S3D-33-2 T 細胞の分化および機能に及ぼすα7型ニコチン性アセチルコリン受容体 の役割 Roles of α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor in development and function of T cells ○藤井 健志 1、川島 紘一郎 2 1 同女大・薬・薬理、2 北里大・薬・分子薬理 ○Takeshi Fujii1, Koichiro Kawashima2 1 Dept. Pharmacol., Fac. Pharm. Sci., Doshisha Women's Coll., 2Dept. Mol. Pharmacol., Kitasato Univ. Sch. Pharm. Sci. S3D-33-3 消化管におけるα7nACh 受容体活性化を介した抗炎症作用 Antiinflammatory signaling via activation of α7nACh receptors in small intestine 3/20(Fri)Symposia ○堀 正敏 1、猪村 優貴 1、木村 仁美 1、村田 幸久 2、尾崎 博 1 1 東大・院・農学生命科学・獣医薬理、2 東大・院・農学生命科学・放射線動物科学 ○Masatoshi Hori1, Yuuki Imura1, Hitomi Kimura1, Takahisa Murata2, Hiroshi Ozaki1 1 Dept. of Vet. Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. of Agri. & Life Sci., The Univ. of Tokyo, 2Dept. of Animal Radiology, Grad. Sch. of Agri. & Life Sci., The Univ. of Tokyo Outline of Symposium Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) belong to a superfamily of pentameric ligand gated ion-channels. Alpha7nAChR (α7nAChR) is mainly expressed in the central and peripheral nervous system, and is known to be a therapeutic target for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. In addition, recent works revealed that α7nAChR is also expressed in immunocompetent cells such as T cells and macrophages, indicating that α7nAChR plays an important role to regulate many immunological and inflammatory diseases. This symposium introduces new insights into pathophysiological functions of α7nAChR and its allosteric ligand, SLURP1. 116 S3F-34 3/20 (Fri) Room F 10:30 ∼ 12:00 眼疾患治療薬開発戦略の創薬パラダイムシフト Paradigm shift in strategy for ophthalmic drug discovery 嶋澤 雅光(岐阜薬科大学 生体機能解析学大講座 薬効解析研究室) Masamitsu Shimazawa(Mol. Pharmacol., Dept. Biofunct. Eval., Gifu Pharmaceut. Univ.) 西村 有平(三重大学大学院医学系研究科 薬理ゲノミクス) Yuhei Nishimura(Dept. Pharmacogenomics, Mie Univ. Grad. Sch. Med.) S3F-34-1 システムズ薬理学を用いた網膜疾患の病態解析 Systems pharmacology for retinal diseases 3/19(Wed)JPS Symposia シンポジウム 34 Symposium 34 ○西村 有平 1,2,3,4,5、川瀬 玲子 1、田中 利男 1,2,3,4,5 ○Yuhei Nishimura1,2,3,4,5, Reiko Kawase1, Toshio Tanaka1,2,3,4,5 1 Dept. Pharmacogenomics, Mie Univ. Grad. Sch. Med., 2Dept. Systems Pharmacol., Mie Univ. Grad. Sch. Med., 3Mie Univ. Medical Zebrafish Research C., 4Dept. Bioinfo., Mie Univ. Life Science Research C., 5Dept. Omics Med., Mie Univ. Ind. Tech. Innov. Inst. S3F-34-2 加齢黄斑変性症治療の新戦略―病態解明および新規治療ターゲットの探索― New therapeutic strategies for age-related macular degeneration -Identification of the pathological mechanisms and discovery of new therapeutic targets○嶋澤 雅光、原 英彰 岐阜薬大・薬効解析 ○Masamitsu Shimazawa, Hideaki Hara Mol. Pharmacol., Dept. Biofunct. Eval., Gifu Pharmaceut. Univ. 3/20 (Fri)Mini Symposium 1 三重大・院・医・薬理ゲノミクス、2 三重大・院・医・システムズ薬理学、3 三重大・メディカルゼブラフィッシュ 研究センター、4 三重大・生命科学研セ・バイオインフォ、5 三重大・新産業創成研究拠点 S3F-34-3 プロスタグランジン受容体の研究と新規緑内障治療薬の開発 Research of prostaglandin receptors and glaucoma drug discovery 小野薬品工業(株)・創薬研究部 ○Shinsaku Yamane Dept. Biol. & Pharmacol., ONO Pharm. Co., Ltd. S3F-34-4 緑内障における新規 Rho キナーゼ阻害薬リパスジル点眼液の開発 Ripasudil hydrochloride hydrate, a novel Rho-kinase inhibitor, development for glaucoma therapeutic ophthalmic solution ○金児 佳生 3/20 (Fri)Symposia ○山根 晋作 興和株式会社・東京創薬研究所 ○Yoshio Kaneko Tokyo New Drug Research Laboratories, Kowa Company, LTD. Outline of Symposium It has been estimated that over 60 million people lose their vision due to various ophthalmic diseases, including age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma and retinitis pigmentosa. However, the paradigm shift in strategy for drug discovery has made it possible to develop novel drugs to treat these devastating ophthalmic diseases. In this symposium, we introduce the translational research from academic and pharmaceutical standpoints, including zebrafish-based systems pharmacology, identification new causative factors for age-related macular degeneration, and identification of novel drugs for glaucoma targeting prostaglandin receptors and Rho-kinase. 117 3/19(Wed)Special Symposium シンポジウム 35 Symposium 35 S3C-35 3/20 (Fri) Room C 14:30 ∼ 16:00 活性イオウ含有分子による代謝シグナル制御 Thiol biology, reactive polysulfide and thiol modification 渡邊 泰男(昭和薬科大学 薬理学研究室) Yasuo Watanabe(Dept. Pharmacol., Showa Pharmaceut. Univ.) 上原 孝(岡山大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科 薬効解析学) Takashi Uehara(Dept. Med. Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. Med., Dent. and Pharmaceut Sci., Okayama Univ.) S3C-35-1 活性イオウ含有分子の再発見とその生物活性 Discovery of re-emerging reactive sulfur-containing compounds and their unique biological functions 3/19(Thu)Mini Symposium ○井田 智章、赤池 孝章 東北大・医学系・環境保健医学 ○Tomoaki Ida, Takaaki Akaike Dept. Environ. Health Sci. Mol. Toxicol., Tohoku Univ. Grad. Sch. Med. S3C-35-2 活性イオウ含有分子の分子標的 Biological molecular target of reactive sulfur species ○渡邊 泰男 昭和薬科大・薬・薬理 ○Yasuo Watanabe Dept. Pharmacol., Showa Pharmaceut. Univ. S3C-35-3 有機水銀の新規毒性発現機構:活性イオウ分子による NO/ROS レドクス シグナル制御の破綻 Novel mechanism of methylmercury-induced neurotoxicity: Disruption of reactive sulfur species-regulated NO/ROS redox signaling 3/20(Fri)Symposia ○居原 秀 大府大院・理・生物 ○Hideshi Ihara Dept. Biol. Sci., Sch. Sci., Osaka Pref. Univ. S3C-35-4 活性イオウ含有分子研究に資する機能性ドナーの開発 Functional chemical donors for investigation of reactive polysulfides ○中川 秀彦 名古屋市大・院薬・薬化学 ○Hidehiko Nakagawa Dept. Org. & Med. Chem., Grad. Sch. Pharmaceutical Sci. Nagoya City Univ. Outline of Symposium Cysteine hydropersulfide and its derivatives are synthesized from cystine by cystathionine β-synthase and cystathionine γ-lyase. Cysteine hydropersulfide derivatives posses significant nucleophilic and reducing characters and thereby may provide a potent antioxidant defense in cells. Furthermore, persulfide formation in peptides/proteins are endogenously produced and maintained in the plasma, cells, and tissues of mammals. This session will provide participants with discussions on the most up-to-date research on thiol biology. Areas of focus include new advances in persulfide chemistry, post-translational protein modifications, neuronal cells responses, and chemical biology. 118 S3D-36 3/20 (Fri) Room D 14:30 ∼ 16:00 オピオイドδ受容体をターゲットとした新規治療薬創薬の最前線 Development of novel DOP ligands as therapeutic agents 亀井 淳三(星薬科大学 薬物治療学教室) Junzo Kamei(Dept. Pathophysiol. Ther., Hoshi Univ. Sch. Pharm. Pharmaceut. Sci.) 山田 光彦(国立精神・神経医療研究センター 精神保健研究所 精神薬理研究部) Mitsuhiko Yamada(Dept. Neuropsychopharm. NIMH, NCNP.) S3D-36-1 オピオイドδ受容体をターゲットとした治療薬創薬の可能性 Possibility for the development of delta opioid receptor-based therapeutic agents 3/19(Wed)JPS Symposia シンポジウム 36 Symposium 36 ○亀井 淳三 星薬科大・薬物治療 Dept. Pathophysiol. Ther., Hoshi Univ. Sch. Pharm. Pharmaceut. Sci. S3D-36-2 δ作動薬の設計・合成 Design and synthesis of delta agonists ○長瀬 博 筑波大・WPI-IIIS ○Hiroshi Nagase WPI-IIIS, Univ. Tsukuba S3D-36-3 オピオイドδ受容体作動薬の抗うつ様/抗不安様作用 The antidepressant-like and anxiolytic-like effects of δ opioid receptor agonists 3/20 (Fri)Mini Symposium ○Junzo Kamei ○斎藤 顕宜、山田 光彦 (独)国立精神・神経医療研究センター・精神保健研・精神薬理 ○Akiyoshi Saitoh, Mitsuhiko Yamada S3D-36-4 痙攣誘発作用の分離を目指した新規δオピオイド受容体作動薬の創製 Discovery of novel delta opioid receptor agonists without convulsive effects ○中田 恵理子 1、酒井 潤一 1、渡邉 義一 1,2、齊藤 大祐 1、高橋 俊弘 1、岩井 孝志 2、平山 重人 2、 藤井 秀明 2、山川 富雄 1、長瀬 博 2,3 1 日本ケミファ・創薬研、2 北里大・薬・生命薬化学、3 筑波大・WPI-IIIS・創薬化学 ○Eriko Nakata1, Junichi Sakai1, Yoshikazu Watanabe1,2, Daisuke Saito1, Toshihiro Takahashi1, Takashi Iwai2, Shigeto Hirayama2, Hideaki Fujii2, Tomio Yamakawa1, Hiroshi Nagase2,3 3/20 (Fri)Symposia Dept. Neuropsychopharm. NIMH, NCNP. 1 Disc. Res. Labs., Nippon Chemiphar, 2Sch. Pharm., Kitasato Univ., 3WPI-IIIS, Univ. Tsukuba Outline of Symposium Therapeutic potentials of delta opioid receptor (DOP) agonists have been proposed for various medical indications (i.e. cough, chronic pain, anxiety and depression). However, some prototype DOP agonists have convulsive effects, thereby limiting their clinical development. Recently, researchers succeeded in synthesizing some non-peptidic DOP agonists that lack the convulsive effects. These compounds would be considered as candidate agents for the clinical development of DOP-based drugs. In this symposium, we will share our current data and knowledge regarding development of novel DOP ligands as therapeutic agents. 119 3/19(Wed)Special Symposium シンポジウム 37 Symposium 37 S3E-37 3/20 (Fri) Room E 14:30 ∼ 16:00 中枢−末梢臓器間連関機構を介する生体機能の制御と破綻 Regulation and breakdown of biological function through communication between the brain and peripheral tissues 徳山 尚吾(神戸学院大学薬学部 臨床薬学研究室) Shogo Tokuyama(Dept. Clinic. Pharm., Sch. Pharmaceu. Sci., Kobe Gakuin Univ.) 南 雅文(北海道大学大学院薬学研究院 薬理学分野) Masanobu Minami(Dept. Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Hokkaido Univ.) S3E-37-1 エネルギー代謝調節における臓器関神経ネットワーク機構の役割 Inter-organ neural network mediate the regulation of systemic energy metabolism 3/19(Thu)Mini Symposium ○山田 哲也、片桐 秀樹 東北大・医・糖尿病代謝内科 ○Tetsuya Yamada, Hideki Katagiri Dept. Metabolism and Diabetes, Tohoku Univ. Grad. Sch. Med. S3E-37-2 自律神経系によるガラニン様ペプチド GALP の肝臓の脂質代謝調節機構 Autonomic nervous system-mediated effects of GALP on energy metabolism in liver ○塩田 清二 1、平子 哲史 1、和田 亘弘 1、竹ノ谷 文子 2 1 昭和大・医・顕微解剖、2 星薬科大 ○Seiji Shioda1, Satoshi Hirako1, Nobuhiro Wada1, Fumiko Takenoya2 1 Dept. Anat., Showa Univ. Sci. Med., 2Hoshi Uni. Sch. Pharmacy Pharmaceut. Sci. S3E-37-3 脳梗塞に伴う糖代謝異常と中枢 - 末梢臓器間連関機序の関与 Involvement of communication system between brain and peripheral tissues on the development of post-ischemic glucose intolerance induced by cerebral neuronal damage 3/20(Fri)Symposia ○原田 慎一、徳山 尚吾 神戸学院大・薬・臨床薬学 ○Shinichi Harada, Shogo Tokuyama Dept. Clinic. Pharm., Sch. Pharmaceu. Sci., Kobe Gakuin Univ. S3E-37-4 脳腸相関における分界条床核の役割 Roles of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in brain-gut interactions ○井手 聡一郎、南 雅文 北大・薬・薬理 ○Soichiro Ide, Masabumi Minami Dept. Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Hokkaido Univ. Outline of Symposium Damage of brain and spinal cord with inflammation and injury might spreads to the abnormal function of peripheral organs, in addition to the functional disorders of the central nervous tissues, and vice versa. That is, the maintenance of function and homeostasis in the body is closely related to the communication between the brain and peripheral tissues involving various humoral factors and nervous system. Therefore, the development of molecular targeted treatment leading to the recovery of systemic symptoms is expected by the elucidation of the mechanism of communication between the brain and peripheral tissues. In this symposium, we would like to share the latest concept in this field and exchange opinions. 120 S3F-38 3/20 (Fri) Room F 14:30 ∼ 16:00 ジアシルグリセロールキナーゼ (DGK) の創薬ターゲットとしての可能性 DG kinase as possible therapeutic targets for various diseases 白井 康仁(神戸大学大学院農学研究科 生命機能科学専攻 応用生命科学コース) Yasuhito Shirai(Dept. Applied Chem. in Biosci., Grad. Sch. Agricul. Sci., Kobe Univ.) 石川 智久(静岡県立大学薬学部 薬理学分野) Tomohisa Ishikawa(Dept. Pharmacol., Sch. Pharmaceut. Sci., Univ. Shizuoka) S3F-38-1 記憶障害及び躁病のターゲットとしての DGKβ Diacylglycerol kinase β as a possible therapeutic target for memory loss and mania 3/19(Wed)JPS Symposia シンポジウム 38 Symposium 38 ○白井 康仁 神戸大・院・農・生命機能・応用生命化学 Dept. Applied Chem. in Biosci., Grad. Sch. Agricul. Sci., Kobe Univ. S3F-38-2 インスリン分泌調節におけるタイプ I ジアシルグリセロールキナーゼの役割 Role of type I diacylglyserol kinases in the regulation of insulin secretion from pancreqatic β-cells ○石川 智久、金子 雪子 静岡県大・薬・薬理 ○Tomohisa Ishikawa, Yukiko Kaneko Dept. Pharmacol., Sch. Pharmaceut. Sci., Univ. Shizuoka S3F-38-3 Regulation of cholesterol metabolism by diacylglycerol kinase θ 3/20 (Fri)Mini Symposium ○Yasuhito Shirai ○Marion B. Sewer, Kai Cai Skaggs Sch. Pharm. and Pharmacol. Sci., Univ. of California San Diego 難治性癌の理想的治療標的としてのジアシルグリセロールキナーゼα Diacylglycerol kinase α as an ideal therapeutic target for refractory cancer ○坂根 郁夫 千葉大・院・理・化 ○Fumio Sakane Dept. Chem., Chiba Univ. Grad. Sch. Sci. 3/20 (Fri)Symposia S3F-38-4 Outline of Symposium Diacylglycerol kinase (DGK) is a lipid kinase converting diacylglycerol to phosphatidic acid (PA). DG regulates functions of several enzymes including protein kinase C. PA is also an important lipid second messenger regulating several enzymes including mTOR. DGK is thus considered as a key enzyme regulating numerous cellular responses. Indeed, recent studies using DGK KO mice have clearly demonstrated important roles of DGK in immune system and diabetes. In this symposium, recent knowledge about functions of DGK in tumor progression, insulin secretion, lipid metabolism and higher brain function is introduced, and the possibility of DGKs as therapeutic targets for various diseases is discussed. 121 3/19(Wed)Special Symposium シンポジウム 39 Symposium 39 S3C-39 3/20 (Fri) Room C 16:00 ∼ 17:30 細胞内カルシウム制御と疾患 Intracellular calcium regulation and disease 山崎 大樹(国立医薬品食品衛生研究所 薬理部) Daiju Yamazaki(Div. Pharmacol., NIHS) 喜多 紗斗美(福岡大学医学部 薬理学) Satomi Kita(Dept. Pharmacol., Fac. Med, Fukuoka Univ.) S3C-39-1 クローン病線維化狭窄における筋線維芽細胞 TRPC6 の役割 Intestinal myofibroblast TRPC6 channel may contribute to stenotic fibrosis in Crohn's disease 3/19(Thu)Mini Symposium ○倉原 琳 1、住吉 美保 1、青柳 邦彦 2、平石 敬三 1、井上 隆司 1 1 福岡大・医・生理、2 福岡大・医・消化器内科 ○Lin Kurahara1, Miho Sumiyoshi1, Kunihiko Aoyagi2, Keizo Hiraishi1, Ryuji Inoue1 1 Dept. Physiol., Fukuoka Univ. Sch. Med., 2Dept. Gastroenterol., Fukuoka Univ. Sch. Med. S3C-39-2 小胞体カウンターイオンチャネルによる細胞内カルシウム制御 Intracellular Ca2+ regulation by SR/ER counter-ion channels ○山崎 大樹 1,2、竹島 浩 2,3 1 国立衛研・薬理、2 京大・学際融合・生理科学ユニット、3 京大院・薬・生体分子認識 ○Daiju Yamazaki1,2, Hiroshi Takeshima2,3 1 Div. Pharmacol., NIHS, 2Res. Unit for Physiol. Chem., the Center for the Prom. of Interdiscipl. Edu. and Res., Kyoto Univ., 3Dept. of Biol. Chem., Grad. Sch. of Pharmaceut. Sci., Kyoto Univ. S3C-39-3 3/20(Fri)Symposia イノシトール三リン酸受容体を介したカルシウムオシレーション依存的 および非依存的破骨細胞分化制御メカニズム IP3 receptor-mediated calcium oscillation-dependent and -independent osteoclastogenesis ○黒田 有希子 1、久恒 智博 2、水谷 顕洋 3、御子柴 克彦 2、松尾 光一 1 1 慶應義塾大・医・細胞組織学、2 理研脳センター・発生神経生物、3 昭和薬科大・薬物治療学 ○Yukiko Kuroda1, Chihiro Hisatsune2, Akihiro Mizutani3, Katsuhiko Mikoshiba2, Koichi Matsuo1 1 Lab. Cell and Tissue Biology, Keio Univ. School of Med., 2Lab. Dev. Neurobiol., RIKEN BSI, Dept. Pharmacotherapeutics, Showa Pharmaceutical Univ. 3 S3C-39-4 不整脈患者由来の iPS 細胞を用いた心筋細胞内カルシウム制御の解析と 新規薬剤の探索 Using human iPS cell models of cardiac arrhythmia to study cardiac calcium handling and to identify new drugs ○矢澤 真幸 コロンビア大・医・幹細胞 ○Masayuki Yazawa Dept. Rehab. & Regenerative Med. Columbia Univ. Outline of Symposium Intracellular Ca2+ is maintained at low concentration under resting condition. Ca2+ elevation due to both Ca2+ influx and Ca2+ release is regulated by various stimulations. Ca2+ acts as the second messenger and plays an important role in numerous cellular processes. A lot of molecules are involved in cytosolic Ca2+ regulation, and its dysregulation causes functional disorder in extensive tissues and cells. In this symposium, we will provide recent findings on Ca2+ regulatory protein and its dysfunction-induced diseases by four young researchers, and discuss about perspectives on future drug development. 122 S3D-40 3/20 (Fri) Room D 16:00 ∼ 17:30 神経障害性疼痛緩和の標的分子の探索と治療薬への応用 Nobel moleculer targets for the development of new drugs for neuropathic pain 田辺 光男(北里大学薬学部 薬理学教室) Mitsuo Tanabe(Lab. Pharmacol., Kitasato Univ. Sch. Pharm.) 大澤 匡弘(名古屋市立大学大学院 薬学研究科 神経薬理学分野) Masahiro Ohsawa(Dept. Neuropharmacol., Grad. Sch. Pharmaceut. Sci. Nagoya City Univ.) S3D-40-1 疼痛に関与する糖脂質 The involvement of glycolipids in nociception 3/19(Wed)JPS Symposia シンポジウム 40 Symposium 40 ○渡辺 俊、田辺 光男 北里大・薬・薬理 Lab. Pharmacol., Sch. Pharm., Kitasato Univ. S3D-40-2 末梢免疫細胞を標的とした神経障害性疼痛病態の解明 A novel therapeutic strategy for neuropathic pain through regulating peripheral immune cells ○小林 悠佳 1、木口 倫一 1、深澤 洋滋 1、雑賀 史浩 1、前田 武彦 2、岸岡 史郎 1 1 和歌山県立医大・医・薬理、2 新潟薬大・薬・薬効薬理 ○Yuka Kobayashi1, Norikazu Kiguchi1, Yohji Fukazawa1, Fumihiro Saika1, Takehiko Maeda2, Shiroh Kishioka1 1 Dept. Pharmacol., Wakayama Med. Univ., 2Dept. Pharmacol., Niigata Univ. Pharm. Applied. Life Sci. 3/20 (Fri)Mini Symposium ○Shun Watanabe, Mitsuo Tanabe S3D-40-3 HMG-CoA 還元酵素阻害薬の神経障害性疼痛改善の可能性 HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors as a new candidate for the treatment of neuropathic pain ○大澤 匡弘、粂 和彦 Dept. Neuropharmacol., Grad. Sch. Pharmaceut. Sci. Nagoya City Univ. S3D-40-4 選択的スプライシングによる TRPA1 活性制御の神経障害性疼痛への関与 Alternative splicing of TRPA1 under neuropathic pain condition in mice ○鈴木 喜郎 1,2、周 一鳴 1、内田 邦敏 1,2、富永 真琴 1,2 1 岡崎統合バイオ(生理研)・細胞生理、2 総研大・生理科学 ○Yoshiro Suzuki1,2, Yiming Zhou1, Kunitoshi Uchida1,2, Makoto Tominaga1,2 3/20 (Fri)Symposia 名古屋市大・院薬・神経薬理 ○Masahiro Ohsawa, Kazuhiko Kume 1 Div. Cell Signal., Okazaki Inst. Integ. Biosci. (NIPS), 2Dept. Physiol. Sci., Grad. Univ. Adv. Studies Outline of Symposium Several diseases including diabetes, cancer and herpes zoster are accompanied by neuropathic pain that is difficult to be relieved. This pain syndrome is generally resistant to opioid analgesics, and need to be treated with analgesic adjuvants, such as anti-depressant, anti-convulsant and anti-arrhythmia drugs. Although intensive basic and clinical researches have been made to reveal its pathophysiology, therapeutic agents are not sufficient. In this symposium, four young and senior investigators are invited to present their recent studies on endogenous molecules supposed to participate in the induction and/or maintenance of neuropathic pain. We will also discuss their contribution to possible therapeutic agents in the future. 123 3/19(Wed)Special Symposium シンポジウム 41 Symposium 41 S3E-41 3/20 (Fri) Room E 16:00 ∼ 17:30 脳疾患治療戦略の確立を目指した中枢神経回路網の理解への挑戦 New approaches toward understanding neural networks to develop therapeutic strategies for brain diseases 久米 利明(京都大学大学院薬学研究科 薬品作用解析分野) Toshiaki Kume(Dept. Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. Pharmaceut. Sci., Kyoto Univ.) 金田 勝幸(北海道大学大学院薬学研究院 薬理学研究室) Katsuyuki Kaneda(Dept. Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Hokkaido Univ.) S3E-41-1 ショウジョウバエを用いた聴覚神経回路の理解 The organization of auditory neural circuits in the fruit-fly brain 3/19(Thu)Mini Symposium ○上川内 あづさ 名古屋大・理・生命 ○Azusa Kamikouchi Grad. Sch. Sci., Nagoya Univ. S3E-41-2 狂犬病ウイルスを用いた神経回路マップ作成 Rabies virus tools for understanding structure and function of neural circuits ○小坂田 文隆 1,2,3 1 名古屋大・創薬・細胞薬効解析、2 ソーク研究所・システムズニューロバイオロジー、3 科学技術振興機構・さ きがけ ○Fumitaka Osakada1,2,3 1 Dept. Cell. Pharmacol., Nagoya Univ., 2Systems Neurobiol. Lab., Salk Inst., 3PRESTO, JST S3E-41-3 薬物依存に関わる脳幹を含む神経回路の可塑的変化 Plasticity in the brainstem neural circuit associated with drug addiction ○金田 勝幸 3/20(Fri)Symposia 北大院・薬・薬理 ○Katsuyuki Kaneda Dept. Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Hokkaido Univ. S3E-41-4 ドパミンニューロンによる線条体神経支配におけるインテグリンの関与: 神経投射再生の可能性 Involvement of integrin in dopaminergic innervation of striatal neruons: potential for regeneration of the nigrostriatal projection ○泉 安彦 1、神原 知里 1、脇田 誓子 1、中井 利恵 1、赤池 昭紀 1,2、久米 利明 1 1 京都大院・薬・薬品作用解析、2 名古屋大院・創薬・細胞薬効解析 ○Yasuhiko Izumi1, Chisato Kanbara1, Seiko Wakita1, Toshie Nakai1, Akinori Akaike1,2, Toshiaki Kume1 1 Dept. Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Kyoto Univ., 2Dept. Cell Phamacol., Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Nagoya Univ. Outline of Symposium Suppression of neurodegeneration is the primary therapeutic goal in brain diseases. However, detection of neural network dysfunction which precedes neuronal damage is critical for early diagnosis and therapy. Additionally, appropriate integration of regenerated neurons into neural networks is important for the realization of regenerative therapy. To advance these therapeutic strategies, in this symposium, we would like to introduce cutting-edge researches focusing on neural networks, which aim to clarify how neural networks change in brain diseases and what molecular mechanisms underlie neural network regeneration. 124 S3F-42 3/20 (Fri) Room F 16:00 ∼ 17:30 リゾリン脂質の薬理作用と新たな治療戦略 Pharmacology of lysosphingolipid and its clinical application 石井 優(大阪大学大学院医学系研究科 免疫細胞生物学教室) Masaru Ishii(Dept. Immunol. Cell Biol., Osaka Univ. Grad. Sch. Med.) 諫田 泰成(国立医薬品食品衛生研究所 薬理部) Yasunari Kanda(Div. Pharmacol., NIHS) S3F-42-1 スフィンゴシン1リン酸による癌幹細胞の新たな増殖制御機構 Growth regulation of cancer stem cells by sphingosine-1-phosphate 3/19(Wed)JPS Symposia シンポジウム 42 Symposium 42 ○諫田 泰成 国立衛研・薬理 Div. Pharmacol., NIHS S3F-42-2 脂質を介した腸管免疫の制御とアレルギー炎症性疾患 Lipid-mediated immune network in the development of intestinal allergy ○國澤 純 1,2 1 (独)医薬基盤研・ワクチンマテリアル、2 東大医科研 ○Jun Kunisawa1,2 1 Lab. Vaccine Materials, NIBIO, 2Inst. of Med. Sci., Univ. Tokyo S3F-42-3 スフィンゴシン1リン酸による骨・免疫系細胞の動態・機能の制御 The role of S1P for controlling migration and function of bone and immune cells 3/20 (Fri)Mini Symposium ○Yasunari Kanda ○石井 優 1,2、菊田 順一 1,2 1 大阪大・医・免疫細胞生物学、2 科学技術振興機構・戦略的創造研究推進事業 CREST ○Masaru Ishii1,2, Junichi Kikuta1,2 Dept. Immunol. Cell. Biol., Osaka Univ. Grad. Sch. Med., 2JST, CREST S3F-42-4 生理活性脂質リゾホソファチジン酸の新たな生理−病態機能 A novel path-physiological role of bioactive lysophospholipid, lysophosphatidic acid ○青木 淳賢 1,2 1 東北大院・薬・分子細胞生化学、2 クレスト、JST ○Junken Aoki1,2 1 Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Tohoku Univ., 2CREST, JST 3/20 (Fri)Symposia 1 Outline of Symposium Lysosphingolipids are lipid mediators that exert many biological responses. Recent evidence suggests that lysophospholipids and their receptors play a role in cell growth, differentiation, inflammation, immunomodulation and development in various tissues via their G-protein-coupled receptors. Based on this current situation, we hosted this symposium to discuss new pathophysiological function of lysophospholipids. We hope that this symposium will provide insight into drug development targeting lysophospholipids and many researchers have an interest in this research area. 125
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